A Strength, Flesh and Body Builder For Spring Hun DOUR, 1 nrierwelKht People l*ut ©■ Ten to Twenty Poundn of Henlthy Flenfti Must people show a tendency to lose weight in winter. The fat making ma terial In the foods they eat, which at other seasons keep flesh and weight at normal Is partially diverted In cold weather and instead is used to furnish heat for the body. Then most of us ac quire coughs, colds or the grippe which tear down tlesh. lower vitality, cause a considerable-loss ill weight and leave us in a rundown condition in the spring. Any material loss of weight should be regarded with alarm and prompt meas ures taken to regain the lost tlesh. A splendid body builder and tlesh producer is found in a preparation known as Sar gol, which can be found at druggists everywhere and which seldom falls to give a weight Increase of from ten to twenty pounds within a few weeks. Sargol does not of itself make liesli. it is a small tablet which readily dissolves in the stomach and. mixing with the fats, sugars and starches of the food you eat, prepares these flesh making materials into a form where the blood can easily absorb and distrib ute them throughout the body. It is really amazing how quickly and easily lost flesh and weight return when Sar gol is used with your meals. With re turning normal weight comes too a corresponding return of health.-spirits, ambition and vitality and you soon feel your old self again. Geo. A. Gorgas and leading druggists everywhere sell and recommend Sargol and every pack age contains a guarantee of weigiit increase or money back. ( Millions —While Sargol is also widely used for overcoming nervous dyspepsia and general stomach troubles its action in increasing weight is so practically certain that its use is not recommended to those who are not willing to put on ten or more pounds of flesh.—Adv. See Our Display of EASTER FLOWERS For which we are noted J. E. MILLER FLORIST Two Stores 44 N. Third St. Hill Store, 1 -'.X Walnut St. ; 5,300 FRESH ROSES j All COLORS | 5Gc fo SI.OO a Hozsn | 2 Carnations, Violets, Sweet Peas in Abundance H I GRSAC STREET MARKET HOUSE I Saturday Morning and High* Near Third Street Entrance H. S. Miller, Bella Vista 1 CATTLEYAS (Orchids) 35c cacli. 3 for SI.OO FOR EASTER Other flowers and plants just as reasonable. SCHMIDT FLORIST 313 Market Street if TITTI 1 g ul ILL I 5 Floral Artist g The House of Flowers will be during Easter f p: the Palace of Flowers. Largest showing of cut and blooming Plants in ® j ~ the world. § Ihe latest note in Easter corsage. See these s modes— £gj j | The Tokio—Spring—The Seasons- Sunset —The Promenade. gjj l^Brwreragimag| [ M 1 See Our Spring Display of Easter MSI 11 leery at the BONNET SHOP /z-ißeady T rimmed Hats from $1.98 UD , P 1 : ~ % 1 LOUISE MciVOR T '7 $/* ' 1727 N. Sixth St. v _ X- -M • i ' - : > - ;• \ • HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY EVENING, APRTL 2, 1915. LADY MACCABEES MEET Delegates to State Convention In Phila delphia Elected and Large Class Initiated The eighth annual convention of Pennsylvania district. Lady Maccabees, was helii yesterday at Frantz hall. Third and Hamilton streets. Important business was transacted and delegates to the State convention at Philadelphia. April -i and 22, were elected. Reports from committees were re ceived and the following delegates to the convention elected: Alfrwla Olson, Frances M. Helms, Fannie B. Hambleton, Matilda Beasor and Minnie Evans; alternates are: Eva A. Wanner, Elva Massey. Jennie Steel man. Ellen Challenger and Mary £. Harper. A class of fiftv candidates was initi ated by a Grand Lodge team at tjie meeting last evening. Miss Charlotte Sprucebank. directing the guard team. Visiting delegates attending the meet ing were Eva A. Warner, Reading; Mary s. Henton. Altoona; Alfrida Olson, Philadelphia; Frances S. Helms, Phila delphia; Jennie Steehnan. Philadelphia; Fannie R. Hamilton, Philadelphia: Elva Marfsey. Lancaster: Ellie Vance, Phila delphia: Fannie Fouche, Carlisle; Anne Duckworth. Philadelphia; Mrs. A. Havens, Philadelphia; Miunie Evans, Philadelphia; Mary E. Harper. In Philadelphia; Clara Lang, Philadelphia; ly 1 Ellen Challenger and Matilda Beasor, of fhis citv. i PARTY FOR miSS EICKQLTZ Friends Arrange a Birthday Surprise and Handkerchief Shower on Her Birthday Anniversary Miss Florence K. Kieiioltz was given a birthday surprise (arty ami handker chief shower at her home, J2SB North S'xth street, last evening, by a number of friends. The guests spent a pleasant evening with game®, music and contests, afteb which a birthday luncheon was served. Those present were: Misses Mabel Kline, Phoebe Shoe man. Kdit-h Siiooman. Kutli Eichelberg er, Florence Eicholtr.. Sarah Fnger. of Linglestown; Ruth shires, of Steeiton; Messrs. Benjamin Bowman. John San soin, George Swovelin, Charles Eicholtz, Harry Swovelin, Albert Treher. of Steeiton; Mr. and Mrs. Vernon l).-Spau sfler and sons, Orlo and Leroy. V S OCIAL and AN AFTERNOON PARTY FOR MRS. THOMAS ALLAN r AYAR9 Mrs. John H. Campbell Invites Friends of Her Daughter to Spend Pleas ant Afternoon at Her Home—Buf fet Supper Served Mrs. .lolin H. Campbell gave a lit tle sewing party at her home, 254 Cumberland street, .yesterday after noon. complimentary to her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Allan" Bayard, of Craik, Canada. The guests spent a delightful after noon sewing and chatting after which a course supper was served. The table appointments were in yellow with a batiket of fragrant daffodils as a cen ter piece. The favors were old-fashion ed bouquets. Miss Edna Williams Mohler presided over the cofree serv ice. The guests included: Mrs. Ralph llamlin, of Denver. Col.; Mrs. Albert Willgoos, Philadelphia; Mrs. Samuel Fackler, Mrs. Aubrey Baldwin, Mrs. Charles Jack Hunt, Mrs. Ira Meyers, of Steelton; Mrs. Charles Ensininger, Miss Grace En sminger, Miss Miriam Galbraith, Miss Marjorie Adams, Miss Edna Williams Mohler, Miss Snyder, Miss Helen Mc- Farland, Mrs, Thomas Allan Bayard and Mrs. John H. Campbell. Dance for Miss Claster's Quests Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Claster gave a dance in Winterdale hall last even ing in eompliment to their daughter, Miss Clarissa Claster, and her house i guests, the Misses Edith and Phyllis j Bookman, of Natchez, Miss. The Updegrove orchestra played for the dancing and a buffet supper was served at intermission to the following guests: Mr. and Mrs Joseph Claster, Mr. I and Mrs. Benjamin Strouse, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nacliman, Mr. and Mrs. | Simon Hirsh, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ad- I lor, Mr. and Mrs. William Schleisner, ! Mr. and Mrs. Morris Jacobsou, Mr. and : Mrs. George Koseuthal. Mr. and Mrs. ' Otto Buxbaum, Mr. and Mrs. William Stiouse. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Seligman. Mr and Mrs. Edgar Marks, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Gutman, Mr. and Mrs. Al ber Siiiims, Mr. and Mrs. Edward I Minims, Mr. and Mrs. David Kaufman. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Tausig, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tausig. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Kapner. Mr. and Mrs. Charles j Krauss. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gold- I smith, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hishler, Mrs. | Rose strouse Mr. and Mrs. William I Friedman. Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Wild man, Sr.. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kades, Mr. and Mrs. J. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Goldsmith. Dr. and Mrs. H. Weiner, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bu* ! gene Shapiro, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kam- J sky, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Astrich, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mayers. Mr. and Mrs. Har jry Von Hoff, Dr and Mrs. Charles Freund. Dr. and Mrs B. Chodos, Lan caster: Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Ruhn. Mrs. I Levy, Mrs Mayers. Mrs. J. Tausig, Miss .Teanotte Claster. Miss Clarabelle | " Yoiler, of Philadelphia, are the guests of their parents, Mr. artd Mrs. C. W. Miss Pay Hope, of the State Health Department, is spending a few days in Philadelphia and Atlantic City. Arrangements for the appearance of Mrs William Kellar, Miss Char- U;lvi( , Warfield in this , itv havc been lotte Kellar and Herman Kellar, 171J . . , _ f . Susquehanna street, are visiting in eomj.leted and Manager Hopkins, ot the Newberrytown. Mr. Kellar will join Majestic, announces that the great actor his family there tomorrow. will appear at that theatre on Thurs- Miss Katherine Smith, of Philadel- day evening, April 15, in his elaborate I phia, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. , revival of «. The auctioneer," the ct.m- Charles JI. Smith, 131 a North Second ; , . . . .. | . . ' edy that so charmingly mingles smiles s ree ' and tears. lit was in this plav thirteen Miss C. Wynne Cassel. of the State i years ago at the Bijou theatre, New- Health Department, has gone to Co- ; York, that Mr. Warfield sur, rised the lumbus, 0., and Roanoke, \a. | metropolitan critics aud even his Miss Mary Hope, 1641 Market j friends by his delicate art, and ful street, is the guest of friends at Ko- ■ filled to the highest degree the predic anoke, Va. I Hons that David Belasco had made roi Miss Mary L. Leib, 713 North Sec- him. ond street, is spending the week-end When the piece was laid aside eleven with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Edgar, at years ago, iMr. Belasco promised a net Dorranceton. j ter and greater auctioneer some day. Miss Julia Swiler, 1331 Derry 1 alul tllis season his promise is being fill street, is spending several days in i filled. Mr. Warfield ranks as the most Williamsport. 1 popular aetor of t.he day with the Amor ■ Mrs. James Keliv, Ninth and Hem-! ican l >l,b ' U '' «»d ffon. "all accounts his lock streets, has returned from Pitts- 1,re!,e,,.,l ,re!,e,, . , tom ; "Inch only tne biirah " u,re " n i >oltl,nt cities ot the country, _ . , ... , is challenging in |>oint of receipts and Albert Drake of Altoona, is spend- artisti ,, sIu . ( . OSB , hi ' g Bensat ional tours In ing Easter with his paren s Mr and .. The Musi( . Master" and "The Return Mrs. Benjamin Drake, 1422 btate of p eter All of t , ilc |ivi ,. g see members of the crigiital cast are prom Miss Anna Moore, 221 Briggs Mail orders accompanied by renut street, is visiting in Philadelphia. tance and self-addressed siamjied en- The Bev. S. Winfield Herman and velope, will he received now.—Adv.* family have removed from 107 Lo- cust street, to 220 North street, where Drop Bombs on the Germans they will remain until the new par- j London, April 2, 6.50 A. M.—An sonage. 212 Pine street, is completed. ! Amsterdam dispatch to Renter's Tele- Miss Adalene Emerick, 35 Ever- j K ra m Company says a message from green street, left this morning for Car- ! Hor'in states that a hostile air craft lisle, where she will be the guest of j appeared above Mullheim, Baden, at Miss Olga Meloy. | 5-30 o'clock yesterday afternoon and Mrs. John x". Quiglev, 263 Boas j dro PP* d a bomb - whi ' , » '' aused ( -°F 3 i id ' street, left to-dav for Yonngstown, 0., o , rablo , dania^e " , Another aviator where she will "be the guest of her tlnoc bombs on Nenenburg, son, Fred Quigtev. al8 " ,n B aden > at ,! o dock, but the ' , %f r » i • n damage done was slight. Miss Margaret Riegle, ot New Cum- Restrictions in Bread Making Removed berland who has been the guest ot Londo „. April 2. 5.10 A. M.—Some Miss Florence Baker and Miss Amelia i o f f| le restrictions against t:he use of Wiener, ot Carlisle, returned home w |,eat and flour in Germany for making yesterday. bread and pastry have been removed, Miss Anne McCormick, 301 North | says a Reuter dispatch from Amster- Front street, is in New York City. | dam. This step has been taken because Mrs. Garrison, of Madison, Wis., is | of the increased consumption of rye visiting her sister, Mrs. Carl Brandes 1 brend, which resulted in an undue pro- Elv, 307 North Front street. portion of that grain being used rather Mrs. William E. Wright, 204 State | than wheat, street, has gone to New York City for a few days. / \ DR. JOHN F. CULP Dr. C. C. Cocklin, the eve will be absent from his office until fur-*; has moved his offices to the ther notice. ! Park Apartments Fry-Fetten Wedding * Lancaster Junction, April 2.— Miss I 410 North Third Street | Elsie M. Fetten and H. I. Fry, of near i ________ Mount Joy, were married yesterday , by the Rev. Dr. Haupt, pastor of the i Grace Lutheran church. Lancaster, | with the eeremony. They were un attended, and a reception followed at ■ tj n n-ciTi-arxixr Ett the home of the bride. H Dr. Jj. S. BtHNEY, Hf | ■ DENTIST, |1 Week-End in. Atlantic City ■ has moved to §sf George M. Harry, Third and Wal- ! ■ 330 N. SECOND STREET H nut streets, is spending the Easter j holidays in Atlantic City. \ LADIES' BAZAAR Women's Stylish Easier Apparel At Noteworthy Prices Select a new suit to-morrow. The chances are yon will find something desir able that will need no alteration other than perhaps the adjustment of the skirt length—a matter of but a few minutes' work at home. Stylish Suits Sensibly Priced * Attractive Spring' At $9.98 At $16.98 and $18.98 Coats Neat Serge suits in , Bome unusually pretty models I I . . I i i . , _ j in poplins, serges, gabardines and nevv ih a lot of beau lia\ \ , I Hack, sand and i novelty cloths, ill the boautiful tiful new nioilel shepherd check Conenhairen satin lined slin, l rs for ®» nrin «" silk li " e,l: * aT with inrge checks or black, aiuiiiinui, | monts vou d exiieet to be priced u , , . ~ worth $12.98. here j « »»' ZTt,?* At sl4 98 • At $18.98 $798 u V Silk Poplin Suits—some of the Another new arrival is a lot of Poplins, gabardines, serges, daintiest models you would want covert cloth coats—a fabric that etc., in all the new shades, in- se ''- Shades are green, Bel- being much demanded these eludini? nnnd mittv .m,l Hn10,..» P ian blue - Battleship gray, sand, T lie modelß * ro ver .V ki i» u ■*'••• silk Unings; trv to match "tyltoh. the values are $lO, but blue, usually sola at $18.98, them elsewhere under $25; here v,m raa y ehoose here to morrow here SU.»H $18.98 at $6.98 / \ f Balmacaans in salt and pepper Saturday Special Saturday Special $i x oThere ordinarily ®o oq $2 Silk Petticoats, «7ocan r» d.< ™ $3.98 Limited quantity of brocaded DreSSeS, -'I.Ji Poplin Coats with silk collar, silk messalinc petticoats, just 16 Xew sprinir models in ..ilk V aek I,clt a,u * pockets, in the lot, all shades, $2.00 value. . 1 ' J * usually sold at $7.00, hero Special Saturday while thev P°P ,,n dro!,st,s - «" f"" Qe last ggA « $7.98 value. Special for Satur- jpo.ffo (Limit —1 to a customer.) d " l,x on, - v - d,oice $4.98 | Other models up to $12.98 | . mJ V ■ SiSST BW 10-12 S. Fourth Street"*! I Dr. B. S. BEHNEY, 1 DENTIST, gl has moved to Ijfl 230 N. SECOND STREET ■ Newest Styles lor Spring Obtainable onlv in McCall Patterns gfa THE MOST ADVANCED fi SPRING FASHIONS fill McCall | \ |y : ft Patterns J | I DRESS A Smart Combinrtion Newest Stylt s,»? rnnnc p.,.,™ «»«. &U» 'JSJ March d«l e ».: (j UU UO ]>'» fST &£& March dcbigns. I lie latest styles are easily made at home l\v Me( all Patterns, always stylish, perfect fitting aiid eas\- to use. Get the New Spring Book of Fashions To-day If It's Stylish It's McCall—lf It's McCall It's Stylish E. M. SIBLE, 1300 Market Street A. H. FRAIM, 2032 Sixth Street HARRISBURG, PA. THE GLOBE Fetching Styles Of Ladies' Easter Goods "At last I've struek the store that sells those beautiful coats I see worn on the street," remarked a ladv the Pother day. She bought two— Ladies who know, say \vc show as fine a selection as can be seen any- We don't duplicate styles. Every day brings new models and new fabrics. j Coverts, Plaid Velours ' Army Cloths, Scotch Tweeds Gabardines, English Plaids Dress Coats—Street ( oats—Motor j Coats—all in a grajul assemblage of decidedly ultra styles. Not expensive— slQ to $25 THE GLOBE 3