16 Other Easter Store News on Page 6 Ipv 1 IfYourFootwearlsCarefullySelectedYou ' 7 j» Will Not Want for Confidence in Your Step (i \ This Easter showing of footwear for men and women reflects skill in the v^N £/T V choosing. As much thought has been given to the pricing as to the matter of *s^ * S s P ec^a l pride that we ask you to view these Spring lines: \A ] \ j *< -"3HU Men's dark tan Russia calf oxfords, made black kid skin blucher oxfords, made I V ' j j e <] ou English toe last with tan rubber soles and on a new straight last; light weight Goodyear Tm IJ ft ®' ® heels, $4.00 welted soles, with broad heels, $4.00 Jr||l* v J " T JBRttTI Men ' B 8» n m <* ] calf and tan Russia calf , *fen'a «un m^. cca l f E^ H «h lace shoes: MAW ]P V jmm\\ ll' oxfords, on the English last, with Goodyear f" 11 ™ lf r to P* Wlth blmd eyelets, neat stitched Zfl/j U | \V II I I welted soles and low English heels, $4.00 Good y ear welted 80, <* with lowbroad ///V/| J J|\\ \ \\\ Men's gun metal calf English lace shoes, Men's patent coit English lace shoes; dull |l\V/Ul 111 with sand color cloth tops, narrow leather box calf tops and blind eyelets, new English gj'/JJfl /ifll if [J|/ lace stay and blind eyelets, low pegged heels, last with Goodyear welted soles with low ll'l 111 ■ I lip of* Ngw Spring Shoes snd Colonial Pumps for Women v-rl UdlUOl V V-JA Patent colt and gun metal calf shoes Patent colt, laco shoes with sand color C / CA ■ y -wt W •-f-% • ■ | j' 1 button and lace styles, with black and cloth tops, patent leather lace stay long A/ « I—4 |\ /I <I I 4 -fA 7* l-H -w grey cloth tops; new plain toe last with fore part plain toe last and high French wJ E/asrer lvinimery L/V6r • • **■<»> * c/ Patent colt button shoes, with grey or Gun metal calf Golomal pumps, inlaid # # Of # f T *1 black cloth to P B ' on the sth Ave * P lain with black aml white cloth back and dull w J J bhown in Harrisburg . weHe \^ a .£s> opnng ouits and Coats Hundreds of New Trimmed Hats The New Pinehurst and Imperial Waists * " Altogether the Most Complete From $1.95 to $12.00 Are Lovely Conceits of Handkerchief Linen Style Gathering That Has Here S practically a brand new stock of' trimmed and The new Pinehurst waist of handkerchief linen is one Of the best looking models that we D O untnmmed hats tor this great outfitting occasion—the have seen in a long time; the colors are rich shades of green, orchid, light blue, pink, navy Doori Oeen Saturday before Easter. Thousands of dollars' worth and grey and the style is embellished with white collar and cuffs $5.00 i u • l £ mm n of new millinery has come in this week to enable US to , The Imperial Waist is of voile or batiste, embroidery frills and embroidery collar. 1/1 tIBftISDUtQ TOT Iv/Stiy 3 U3y be amply prepared for the demands of the little girls .. , a • ... ... . , .. ~, , ?3; 50 to $5.00 as well -is their older sister* nnd •units ind mnthpf« , Dot ted Swiss waists, hemstitched organdie collar and black ribbon tie; long 1 lie modes are characteristically American, and in as \\en as tneir oictei sisters and aunts and motheis. . B i eeveß trimmed with hemstitching and turn-back cuffs $3.95 their simplicity of design thev represent the inost And these new stocks are an important factor, for many tr Dives, Pomerov & Stewart, Second Floor—^Three Elevators •, , Vi V XI r , ■ , . e most new ideas have developed since the formal Spring * : y* at, becond rioor Three Elevator,. sensible style lines that have been shown m many opMlmgs. and our Easter assemblage embraces all Every Woman Will Want to Wear New Hosiery that s new and correct. For instance — c * i • xt a • i n i- Ihe new suits for both women and nusses are full of a The larger shapes vJn t/flSter INeW Arrivals Ol Quality style chicness that is irresistible, and the new Belgian The vogue of wings "Something old—something new"—goes the old saying. And it is said that if you put blue, putty and grey shades as well as those in navy The new white hats - vour eet d.°wn on new hosiery on Easter morning you'll have good luck the whole year and black possess a charm that is very catching. The popularity of leghorn gjm oot ] lose . gennilesg; high spliced heels; ia Fine quality silk ho.se; fashioned feet and double Important in tile Sprillg showing tO-mOrrOW: lhe new ostrich fancies black and white 25c soles; ill black aud colors SI.OO n„ „ „„„i- i . , ri . The new flnwer<s Black lisle hose: with fashioned feet and high ' Fine iilk hose- fashioned feet- liiirh snlice.l heels /-.l lm' P°P , SCI ge suits 111 jaunty Prince 1 e new liowers spliced heels; double soles, 25c and double soles ' ' '•til oo tn st on Chap and Tuxedo styles, and in straight line modes The new blues and browns ao ,e" r le ho9e: With fa ; ith P atch P° ckets and hM ' iu the best shades Of T fimmed H ate at *£4- Q Silk boc ' t hose; faßl "ioned feet; in black and col- and wh,te > • »i.OO and *1.50 the se a s°n, . •••••••• .$16.50 to $25.00 1 rimmea nalS 8t ors 50c Kayser's Italian silk hose in black and white. Belgian blue, navy, black and sand suits in many m -0 1 i„ nJ „ _ » j. .. .. . . , Fine quality silk hose; fashioned feet; high *1.50 dividual styles with button trimming and fancy collar several nunarecl mocieis OI distinctive Style ana spliced heels; double soles; black only 70c tff Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. effects, $22.50, $25.00 and $30.00 superb workmanship. . \xr • c I • _ T Shepherd check and black and white check suits in Trimmed Hats at $5.95 and $6.50 The Most Charming Waists of Crepe de Chine fa. Lace «, «m. -uk A wealth of smart, chic modes to select-every one a Will Be Presented I O-morrOW at Attractive Prices s^rtwltoinblue^imwlf^v^withdrg. drpqsv mndei nf rpfined o+vlo onrl rloairrninrr We have nevcr before seen 8 mori ' attractive assemblage of Crepe de Chine and lace waists than we Jril • , ! P^ a ' wv t0 UlCaoy 111UUC1 ui milimu t>tyie ana aesigning. have gathered for the Easter Season. The qualities of materials and the style design indicate garments of Silk poplin suits 111 navy, Belgian, grey and black, rp • j it j j <PIO AA the very highest type and the range of colors is more interesting than any we have ever seen under one group. with linings of rich floral silks, $30.00 to $39.50 1 rimmed ll£ltS Up to W At A new style is a fine quality imported lace over flesh chif . r \ f ?n and flesh ribbons. The ribbons extend from the waist ( natc in Mnnv Magnificent qualities of hemp, leghorn and black a- BHL line in the back up over the shoulder and end below the b«Bt ill Ol^lCo lisere straw gorgeously trimmed with ostrich fancies, % 2".SSM*.".:{SSS And Rich Color Tones plumes, velvet nbbon and imported flowers or smart fha Nf v «. Lovely qualities of Crepe de Chine in flesh, battleship grev fcflilnrpd affpptQ in tbp fncliinviQWo oa4l/n. J 5 and white are strikingly finished with a row of nine white Black and white check coats in ripple and belted JK? l fashionable sailor and shep- M^AWA < .-arl buttons which fasten on loops s*.»« back styles, with little touches of contrasting colors on neraess eifects with novelty stickups and Simple but VX I Qfe Another very rich Crepe de Chine style is in flesh, white. Hn .i ( . o iij, r ..n effective treatments that only the skilled artists'hands Vff > M 1\ tn'Clind'ta^icaH h button 3 ming , ia of . four , roWß . of "S $15.00, $1<8.50, $18.50 and $20.00 can produce. W : J J[P One of the prettiest Styles of the season is a rich grade of Navy and black poplin coats in plain styles and in Come and see a display of new Easter Millinery that SttS;";? b "!'," d -"fe. • ••• ••••.•••:•. '«• f 2 ?f° surpasses any showing of the kind seen in this city Chine covered buttons, ki.no Covut cloth coats, in plain and box plaited styles, hpfnrpt Ont style in mustard, white, flesh and battleship grev is with button trimming and touches ol silk of green or lna(le with a lonK flowin {i collar of file silk and fastened Belgian blue, $20.00 to $22.50 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor—Three Elevators. with clusters of ]>earl buttons. This garment has been sue- . ~ „ ... . ... |c& <S J cially reduced from $4.95 to 58.05 Dives, 1 omeroy & Stewart, Second Moor—three Elevators. * __L 1 *■*>' Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor —Three Elevators. A Dainty Neck Piece Girls' Coats, 6t014 ' jgjT "j| A Special Easter Showing ililn Will Improve Your Years, and Coats j J Women's, misses' and children's sweaters I I j _,_ x _ _ \ y from regular stock have been gathered into ft ouit for Children >\ rice groups for the be,ietit Among the newest of the new neckwear erea- The styles are very charming and the trim- M (\ 0 ? ve f the litt,e tots ho f sizes range from h lions, just unpacked, are the flarini;. rollintr „ , . . ~ .. )V 1 \ Jto 4 years are promised attractive values. I oriental lace affairs that look so well on every ~.. Ac ! ® armeut 18 80 distinctive that \ There are many SI.OO garments for in Sg|\'/ I woman. Some are made with plaited backs. every llt,le girl s ,leart Wlll y earn for a new //\ > this list. TW / / The best colors are ecru and white, and the Easter Coat the minute she sees this broad V VwSL J <^irl!, ' *'- 50 sweaters, in white with red or blue price range is from 25< to SI.OO. showing. There are many color combinations ( / aid misses'' $2.'98 sweaters,'si?9B c « s Embroidered organdie collars in flaring and solid shades to choose from and the ma- *- * ' 4 sweat( ' rs $».«« rolling backs; in white, to SI.OO terials are all of the finest quality. <-p $7.50 Shaker knit sweaters', sa.so * i , tj if r x Maline ruffs with neck hands, in black and In sizes 2to 6 the prices range from $2.9S TeiOUSSe OIOVeS <«• Mezzanine Floor, Men's Store. JVlen S liall llOSe white > so<tosi.oo to $5.00. , Of Finest Quality M r? ' tvt i r r? . \\r Vestees of net trimmed with buttons; some ! In sizas Gto 14 vears, the prices are interest- Master glove makers of INeW CaSter l>leCKWear lOr Wear have flaring collars; in white and ecru, ' France have sent these lovely fr\r ar\A \r < i -n i • t * 25< to $3.00 g y grades to us-nowhere can you lOr Men and DOyS New fibre silk hosiery of an extra quality Imported lace collars in embroidered light Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. find gloves of finer quality. ' A wealth of new neckwear fashions graces Wlll )e ."pi 1" m . en H hosiery section to color E in ,he s " ,io " Men ' B "" d JtfZSi Another Shipment of " the >doct '"" ot MW ,ies \aiUC. special tomorrow, loy Trefousse Sans Pareil two-clasp T he new broader and De Joinville ties in Roman tail, navy, slate and wlllte 25^ ttr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. T"7 . T I 71 •. real kid gloves, in black with wide stripes, black and white effects and soft rich tones, 50c Black silk lisle half lIOSC seamless and spliced PfiflfYV VV hirP l whito 811,1 Paria Poin t embroidery Bright cross stripe De Joinville ties 2»c . , , ' 2^ A t/ * * Ullv? and w hite sewing; for the woman of Boys' 50c Mogadore silk French four-in-hand ties, neels and lots, rzr— __ ultra fashionable inclinations. Pair, 25c Black silk lisle half hose; fashioned feet and P I I KllQn#a| RQr» m Boys-plaid, stripeand plain color French andre- high spliced heels. Bair, 37'/-<, 3 pair for $1 I 1 Llldl UCO, UUollt/1. VjC/t/ Two-clasp real kid gloves in black, versible four-in-hand ties, . . 3.> c ® 1 ' '-/[ 1 v 3 white and colors. Pair »1.75 Tlnvq' <?hirt«s and Wnidts bllk half hose: st ' anll( ' ss s ,u K'i spliced heels Patrons of our Grocery Department who re- Two-clasp kid gloveß in black, 1 ■ , r , , . . . and double soles; in black, tan, navy, slate, I J «"« 1C whito una Poi, at "ui Plain white pleated and negligee shirts in stripes , . , ' ' ' •" sponded to our sale of potatoes a week ago Washable chamoisette gloves in Hl "' (, ? lors - .- 50c to $2.00 taupe and champagne, 50^ wi!l be ,aJ t0 take this second opportunity. 16-button length; white, pongee and n ,^ a j.® t . B r ,^ ith ftttac,h, ' d collar - P lain Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. 41.,, natural Pair tn ttl <mi oroti stnprs, .«>lic W Another shipment ot 100 bushels gpes on sale Washable chamoisette gloves'in Bo >' 8 ' Windsor ties i»sc Tl-I 1 t., - r CI • .0, 1 to-morrow at, AO> two-clasp style; white, natural and Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store, St. Floor. A C "T> 1 Ihe Variety of Shirt Styles Br'er Rabbit Will Be Busv A Carriage for Baby To '""ancy Messina lemons, l.imbu'rger cheese; 1 lb. an <* 9 ' lk twp«'asp gloves, in white X The 11CW Pullman carriages are 80 good look lb Wlllllllliea br^: Ib " h i: e - ? C " dsoc N To-morrow m and so sturdy that you will want to own one A more comprehensive collection of worthy fr &ed shirt styles is not to be found anywhere else 'extra large tins; special. Banquet roftee 'in one- ' 2 for s*, each 5* and 10*. Round or flat reed —and twenty-six styles in Pennsylvania and the price groups range Fancy suoe Peg corn; vouni parchment lined from as little as you want to pay to the best regularly ioc; special, He ba s« 3o c f 1 * J- Early June peas, tender Purity coffee, our flne-st . # v ailCl oUf. French grey IS a £00(1 Color for these delight ■ ;■ , .>o.OO s P^ c r ial - ■ -j* gr^®; 'ib , Children's fine ribbed silk lisle Cocoanut cream chocolate coated eggs; dozen, ful new arrivals; many are shown in brown. I here are silks and mercerized weaves, sat- beans, special s«- 45c hose; seamless; spliced heels and 10*, also 2 for s*, 3 for 10*, 5* and 10* Sls OO to (Ml in th,> Rnspmpnt ines and madras, in such well known makes as tie pScntw very ag fl n^?' packed"' cln' toes; in black, tan, white, pink, blue each. ' ' ' Kagle, Emery, Whitney, Paris Dress and Wa- . Swift's sugar cured isci doz.,' #1.70 and cardinal, 25* Whipped cream eggs, coated with chocolate &. JSnar&rriTJl IW. umJS Taffeta Petticoats- $3 95 White stiff bosom and mushroom style shirts, stH^ ar weigtung 3 ba to°"i Flag smai? 0 *eet; in black only; light and me- Sweet chocolate eggs; dozen 10*, 2 for 5* . * " io tilie grades of materials ami a cmuplete range ""j? ; m,d up to JX 50 each ; of sizes, SI.OO to 92*08 smoked; lb 19c Dozen, $3410 . ribbed cotton hose; seamless; -Sweet chocolate animals; each inelu«lc Kocky Mountain blue, Oregon green, putty White plaited and negligee shirts with French . ' m m black tan and white, ... 12i/ 2 * 15* to 50*. and black, or attached cuffs SI OO H nd nnwnrrl extra fanc y quality; lb., and amall green lima InrantS nne ribbed Seamless Silk Jelly eggs; lb., 10*. Better grades of silk at $5.00 to 910.00 «• MvJ iwl;T,n ■ Lr. «, W 1 p T"'Tl D.ves, Pomeroy & Stowart. Men s Store. D.vcs, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. «r Diveß> Pomeroy k Btewart> Btreet ploor « Divee , Pomeroy & Btowart> Basement. Three Klevators. ?r- ;< - r r< r ~• • v - ■ -"■■ * - , - * r *fv -•• v . • - ■ ■• HARRISTORG STAR-INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 2, 1915. -
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