The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, April 01, 1915, Page 7, Image 7
Ej 35 33 ' u> u u &• AJ w. cJ» CM vm The Bowman Easter Hair Style Exhibit 1 An event of more than ordinary interest is this Hair Style Exhibit which begins to-morrow, FRIDAY, APRIL 2ND, in our Hair Goods Shop-Second Floor—we will show you - the very latest styles in hair dressing—the very newest ideas displayed in New York. To properly set off your new Easter hat and your gown, your hair should be, not only becomingly arranged, but in tne vogue of the day. You are cordially invited to attend this Hair Style f Exhibit. Let our expert advise you how to more effectively arrange your coiffure. Special" Values The who buys one of these sop- in Wavy Switches _ arate st(>m switches can use it in mauy dis- «Lr - B*t» switches 24 ^ f °™ atl ?«* * ~ tinct and becoming arrangements of the i? EE £| St *kZ p 26 inches long, at J>.™ ° f at.. •«.« fcfSSf ®3 hair. The three strands can be separated » \Z* t\ ,S It iKSS ESS ill £3 » 30 inches lonff, at M' Grey shades at *».» ffSS&SiIBB *M. « A 1,1 11 ! IKm 1o.!r I Jwn L'X inohe. lon* at *XH!> 28-inch extra fine quality riain shades at. ■ IffMiUMffl 1 tliiM SO that VOU really liave tliree small 24 inches long at 30 Inches lontf at *I.M» switches, at W.4® Grey shades at. . . W.SI. 359 •. 1 ' . 4 , „ - ————————— —————————— ——— R39 switches, wearing one, two or three ot Hononrinhlp Hair Goods Wb W atatime, acco'dingtothesizeof vnn tlwt nnr fliir your new hat. Our special price is $2.45. The most interesting feature of our hair goods shop is » ITOSK£& T1 *>- WOrth the chann of ~,„ WIT No. -vi,, ,v i,U * LTOOQh cmup ujj.t-1. Lii t c „'; t . irv seeks merely to sell merchandise, but service which is Our lower than is usually asked for !"> s "' d »t«>» Rivtog satistaetiun. The attendant in elmrge .] hair goods of equal quality. Our representatives 111 SW J&9 Jl 18 + NU)man ot expei lence. Slit appiiuatos the 1111- New York a?e hi a position*to obtain the highest grade portance you attach to her advice-she enters, syinpa- j human hair goods at the very lowest cost-hence our thetically into solving the hair style questions you put % ability to save you money. Call 1991—Any Phone Founded 1871 to " u "*T~r 1 i - T ▼▼▼▼▼▼"▼ -T--T--T- V » » '» V ■»■ T W W ¥ WW* jazz™* JSjOUffllGMtZi Men and square shapes; -regularly lOe. Pr #f rPr f r with cover, at lc and white Sauce CaU 1991-Any Phone Founded 1871 *«! *lf™, at'?7.oo',*?"S 2# each. regnlailj size. \. i. quality oil opaque shades, young men; one and two plain and crossbar handler- Imported Cream Pitchers Stair Carpet and Hall Run- $1.45- dark stripes and Plain and colored edge hand ' at s<—Blue hand and three ant { fibre combination, 22 measures. kerchiefs, with colored embroid- black line decoration. Kegu- ___— Tirt«J4.«. r A AJ n inches wide, at yd. k from —————— ered corners; special, a for 25c. larly 10c. VVIIIX6 VjOOCIS ;We. 27 inches wide, at 33£ .«™~l pl * tter> ' s< " r '' ? " | Laces and Embroideries and Linen s Pads __ t . ull , Boys' Clothing DraDerieS , Plates ' 5c ~ regu - Vote Flouncing, 29<? yd. regularly 50c; 45 inches Pajama Check 8c ydt _ regu . standard y K -inch thickness. I B °y s ' All W ° ol Norfolk * ' lar '. v wide. l ar iy 12He; —36 inches wide; yj ze (sxlß inches, at 10<S Suits at $3.00 —formerly Curtain Lace at 7* and Frosted Sherbet Glasses, All Linen, Torchon and Oluny Insertions, at yd.— fine checks. from 12^c; size 7xlß inches, j $5.00; greys browns tans 10<* yd.—regularly 12Vi>c 69c doz.—regularly SI.OO. formerly 10c to 25c yd. ; also a few edges—all odd pieces Bowman Special Longcloth, r."c at 12W, from 15c; size I «n«1 mixtnm- «ir m n'tn ii and 18c; ecru only: 12 and Japanese China Tea Set, that we are closing out. wfhs. '' ~ 9xlß inches, at IGc, from I 18 inches wide; with finished SI. 98—consisting of tea pot, Embroidery Galloons, at 5c yd.—regularly 10c and 15c. Crepe Plisse, yd.—refm- 18c. , • ' s cdfe". .„ J covered sugar, creamer and V al. Insertions and Edges, 39< bolt—w»"larly 50c; larly 12 V6c; —28 inches wide; Rubber Stair Pads —in B °y s ' Norfolk Suits, at Curtam Ends at W Strip six cups and saucers. Regu- match sets. re^ f 8 n «\"» in ', fancy moulded patterns. Size $l.B5 —sizes 6to 17 years. —value to $3.00 pair; larlv $2.%. „ ~ . „ _ , , „ , ~ , , , White Ratine, 2!»c yd.—regu- „ 1U * . . *' t „ .. M*od 3 yards long. B„„„,-BOWMAN'S. », XO< yi-v.lue, too ,o oOc; bl«ck and colors; £"i s f S 'S,!™ Boy.'Pel, Ha, S at 59<-C |/,»JW V 2 1 Val. Point de Paris and Torchon Insertions, a, yd.— Mercerized T.We PMteni., from ISc; size 9alß formerly *1.(10; m grey, blu? to $2.50 pair—aalues s*-.-o . H _ , _ fnnnerlv 5o and 10c 2 for * l - 28 regularly inches, at from 20c. and brown; for boys Bto 16 to $2.98; 2V-vards long, with A SfllP nf lOrmerlj ot an<l llu eaph .— roun( j patterns; hemmed, 2-incil hemstitched hem- l'n riUay wale (Jl Main FIoor—BOWMAN S. ready for use; 70x70 inches. Fourth Hoor —BOUM.VNS. vtais. ■ i i„„„ t-v* a a t< j ' Limit, 2 to a purchaser. ———— Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S. inch antique l«ue . -irnh . YITSt Oliallty English Breakfast Cloths. *1.19 __ . hems, insertion and lace. I Y J TT-i-f rVla-ntTrai-cc TiVirl air —regularly s2.49;—mock hem- NotlOllS White Swiss Curtains, 69C Primn FtIATTIpIpH JkIXCIISIIWareS rriaay stitch: in mustard, green and old ; Aiuwv/uo J. _ pair—value 95c; 2V» yards iiUttlllC CU Aluminum Sauce _ . b,up; 72x72 inches. i 10c piece Colored Embroidered /-v 4« /1/ //l ♦-* long; stripe and colonial de- W 1 Pans SOr Clc ~f heavy ; ECOIIOIIUeS 111 * Of IVIBTI signs: 2-mch hems. " diC metal outside, polished ex- I _ , and 20c;-small lot to close out. loe box Dressmaker Pins, 10c White Net Curtains at Made from the best Amer- tenor, round handles; sizes WOmeil S Huck Towels, 3 for asc-reg- 10«- heavy Sew-on Hose Sup- ° ' e^" $2.50 pair—values M.25 i( ,JXe™,etah eSra c„a,. H... 2 and 3 Begnlarly I ularly oOc; percales, ,n good and $4.75; 2V 2 yards long, e d with ingredients of abso- $1.60 a set. Annarol sise; 19x41 inches. iOc and 2<»c Elastic Shirt patterns; coat style, with at witli 3-inch hem and wide ea witn lngreaiems Apparel Huck Towels, a for 35c—regu- Waist Belts r,c tiched ™ff, Clunv lace • also some with purity. Punch Polish Mop, 95c- | rr larly 18c;-red borders. 10c and 12%e Dr . tached Cuffs. hmn'nTi«l Rnrtenhiirf trim- Choice at25C each—49c With the new any-angle han- One Hundred Pure Wool All Linen German Hand Made Combs 5c Men "s Silk Half Hose, 39C mings rice boilers, 49c water pails die, including 1-qt can of Skirts, §1,98 --in the latest - regularly SOe; black Fourth Floor—Bo-TMAN'S. _____ quart (lisn pans, 4.* 1-- House Brcom, 23C—made The exact materials that are Turkish Face Cloths, 2c each— . -D-, , f art P rese rving kettles; 89c of good Hty broom corn used in skirts at $5.00. regularly 4c and sc. j "7- KIDDOHS 8-quart straight cooking 4. seW ed, handles well wived. Shepherd Check Skirts, Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. WOUieil S GIOVCS Men s Suspenders, pr. Satin Ribbons at 5C yard P °!, S , • . „ rVI ir One to a customer. Regu- 9S<—new models for spring. .. _ regularly 50c; lisle webbing, *•* w +/-k 1 *>i « 1+ rv Cnoice &t 35c c&cn 16- larlv 39c m . „ n _ , Kid Gloves 3>t 75^ —valuq lonthpr onds —jtonnerl.' uc to • 'oc; qt. preserve Kettle; chamber Twenty-five Spnng Suits at TlniTlAQfirQ $1.00; 2-clasp; in white, grey . . ' 2 inches wide; odd shades. pail, enamel covered, 10-qt. IrOning Board, 69*—fold- 83.98—n0t m the latest l>OllieSilCS and a few tans. ' Mam Hoor—BOWMAN'S. Taffeta Ribbons, at 18C Berlin kettles; 12-qt. water ing stand, made of clear lum- models. A small clearing out Pillow Cases at 12U.C— v . ' yd.—regularly 25c; 5 inches pa U ; 10-qt. straight cook ket- ber. well finished. Regularly lot. that were originally regularly 17c; hemstitched; f -- rt. wide; good line of shades to tie 98c. and $20.00. inehes Gloves, 50* pr.—value <oc; SllOeS select from ' t\ t <» a. m 4-\sb in .. 16-button length; in plain BMem.nt BOWMAN'S. Folding Tub Benei, 980- D« S«» Women Mlow TnWng .t 14* yd and eontr. S tlng embroider,. Women's Shoe, at 81.29 Holds wringer and two tubs. ! • 84.98- wirah stjle. -regul.riy ate; eut from full Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. pr.-values «2.30 to ViO; _ Regularly $1.20. , maae ol wool serges and otn- pieces; 4o niches wide. f,„ u „„,. •' , ... , ' Wash Wall Papers, • N «» im »>»>». ««• i «'•"«' for r rly unS Wbite w ° ol at dttoW, SrbSuSTS Dress Goods at4»cßeU I &:iir^r i,hß,om Sllks . SSK ,um,olesiall Lawns at 5C yd value Suitable for bed rooms, ately if desired. Regularly | wide. Satin Messalines at Boys' Shoes button and 121,4 c; 40 inches wide ; black 'parlors, dining rooms, 69c. Petticoate 8 7 S Dress Ginghams at 4% < yd.—regularly 39c; plain col- bluchcr styles; solid through figures in white. kitchens and halls; 9 and Baaement BOWMAN S. nf o !f a m ol H £d the yd.-regularly 8c; m plaids ors. out, and their good wear Silk Finish PopUns at G 18-inch borders to match world stvle as and stripes. Cut Piece Silks at 49C yd. fully guaranteed. Sizes 10 to vrt value l«ie-ill white (some have eut out bor " T n V , , • a Unbleached Sheeting at —values SI.OO to $1.39; 40- 131/. a t 81.15 pr.; sizes I I s white, tan derg) Regularly 10c and Leather GOOQS sortment. All colors. yd _ 9() inches wide; inch foulards, crepe de to '1 at $1.25 pr.; sizes 2 1 /* ' Percales at 7UC yd.-val- 12% C r ° U " Leather Hand Bag?, at ."50c- ; Second Floor-BOWMAN'S. wiU bleach easily. chines and charmeuse. to 5% at 81-40;' sizes for tip 10e- "id inehwTwide- liffht 1 value sl.oo;—satin lined: fitted ■ Hemstitched Sheets at Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. men at 81*65. ervlors ' ' Wlth rurßC and mirror - . _ regularly $1.00; 81x90 ————— Girls' Shoes natent eolt Percales, at yd.—val- Furniture j. ""• Art Department I ta*2""' ' v | Bedwear or gun metal calf, with kit. uelOe; 36 inches wide; dark j B ms' Beds at 85.00- y : Stamped Guest Towels at & m 4 \Ane Crochet Spreads at pr? {« li. at §X.39 Cream Storm Ser«re 2 lf ' !" egl ! lai l y . two onl> ' Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. 1 regularly 12/ 2 c. check and fancies. regularly 75c and 79c; Mar- pr.; sizes 1-1% to 2, at $1.69 vd v"u. s ™ am] >'o( in the 3 ft. 6 in. s!ze. Natural Linen Scarfs at Cretonnes at 6%< yd.- seilles patterns; hemmed; full pr. inches wide; black stripe. ST^!) 611 Mliclill WMr ® 9 ,J.~ for ™ er . l J f: 7 ° . regularly 10c; 27 inches bed size; soiled from display. Third Floor-BOWMAN'S. Main FIoor—BOWMAN S. In MUSlinWear $2.00; embroidered in pink wide; cut from full pieces; Comfortables at 98^-retr three n the lot Women's Muslin Drawers and green; inches. 10 different patterns to select ularly $1.39; full bed size; I7TI 1 ~~——— ao STk r° g 1 at 12^—regularly 19c; with Linen Crash Cushions, from. dark colors; fine for camping. Children's T 83.25 tormerly $7.00; two hemstitched hem and tucks; 12^—regularly 25c; tops Unbleached Muslin at 7y 2 < Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. . - _ JL/lt LIC only. open and closed. and back; top stamped for yd.—regularly 10c; 36 inches _______ * DrftSSeS «** j Spanish Leather Fireside Corset Covers at 18£ embroidery.. wide. . * Wonder Uocker, 815.00 formerly regularly '9c ; made of nain- I Second Floor —BOWMAN'S. I Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. loys at 65c j T% , J ~. . , T ., „ , sook, with yokes of embroid- Mechanical and Friction Toys, ~ , f . . , Turkish Leather Rocker, e rv and lace; embroiderj-, —Be—formerly 19c and 25c. Made of gingham, cham ° 810.00 formerly $19.75; l ace and beading trimmed; ' Easter EggS, Up. jointed, Character and Kid bray and percale, in plaids, 'P/\ IWAfl'ATff upholstered in black mule- all sizes. (Including any inscription.) Body Dolls, at 49c—formerly * checks and stripes; also .I.U~IIiU.L£UW skill leather. Women's Gowns at2s£ TP + *r if -tj. 75c. 98c and $1.25. some plain colors; plaited 4r White Enamel Kitchen regularly 35c and 39c; made I taster Novelties, U P . Stuffed Animals, at SOc—val- or . tier skir K prettily I lOr ZDC Cabinet, 815.00—formerly of cambric and nainsook; lace Easter Booklets. ues 75c, 98c and $1.25. trimmed; sizes 4 to 14 s2<?.o0 —slightly marked from and embroidery trimmed; _ , _ , _ Tandem Irish Mail, $4.98 — years; formerly SI.OO to Now selling at 9c each. being used as a sample. low rteck and short sleeves. Easter CaraS, dOZ. formerly $6.98. $1.25. ——^———— Fifth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Second Floor —BOWMAN'S. 11111 Third Floor —BOWMAN'S. "■ HARIttSBTTTm STAR-INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY EVENING, APKTL 1. 1915. 7