4 IRUII LAXATIVE FOR SICK CHILD GIVE "CMIFOIM SYRUP OF FIGS" lUeanses Tender Little Stomach, Liver, Bowels Without Injury Every mother realises that this is the lildren's ideal laxative and physic, be inse they love its pleasant taste and never fails to effect a thorough "in de cleansing" without griping. When your eliikl i« cross, irritable, liverish. or breath is bail, stomach sour, ok at the tongue, mother! If coated, ive a teaspoouful of "California Syrup, CABP FOB PHILIPPINES Yy From China to R©stock Depleted Streams Washington, April 1. —By arrange lent of the bureau of science at \lv ] ila. a Chinese carp fanner, with Fili- j ino assistants, seut to Hong-Kong for ! lie purpose, has left for ] ke Philippines with a supply of carp ry from the Pearl river carp pouds : »r introducing this fish into Philip- i iae watew. and especially in the «ters of Miudanao and Sulu, where > lere has been a rapid depletion of resh water fish for some reason or ther in recent years. The first shipment of fish has been rewarded and further supplies will be CartM r " - •ÜBg by CiMmo 'I hundred and twenty four Caruso records brings you not only his art, but his personality. When you hear Caruso on the-Victrola in your own home, you hear him just as truly as if you were listen ing to him in the Metropolitan Opera House. The proof is in the hearing. Come in and we will gladly play for you Victor Records by Caruso or any other of the world's greatest artists. I There are Victors and Victrolas in great variety of IS wyles from $lO to $250, and we'll arrange terms to suit ' II your fi N I.H.Troup Music House ■ (Troup Building) 15 S. Market Square ONLY 2 DAYS REMAIN EASTER FLOWERS! v The Largest Stock in the City • Magnificent specimens of Azaleas, Rhododendrons, Hydrangeas, 1 Spireas, Hoses of every nature and variety. y A multitude of smaller plants. J Every plant in bloom, every plant guaranteed to be free from disease / and In an absolutely thrifty ccnditipn. We court the closest possible examination, the securing of prices from i other houses, because we know you will come back to us, owing to the | . superiority, the wider range of selection and the further fact, that the I J Holmes policy of reasonable pricing will continue to be observed. Ijm The master floriculturalists of this country have so carefully timed the maturing of each of these specimen plants, that Easter will find them at the very acme of their perfection and the very zenith of their beauty. We have departed from the prosaic seed industry for this Easter L. period to give Harrisburv the opportunity, as is ueual with us, to see the 1 1 very best productions in their very highest state of perfection. The dis . V \ f play mUBt be disposed of by Saturday night and every plant must be fl \V\ \ ) * BO do not come expecting at the last moment, to make selections as | '•> i choice as is possible to-day or to-morrow. Eemember, these plants will J' J J continue to be a source of joy and pleasure to the recipients for a i»ng W . yM i time after the Easter season has passed. We are oped every evening this week. We invite you most cordially to call and inspect the display and we know that you will be gratified by the effort. / HOLMES SEED CO., 106=108 S. 2nd St, Harrisburg, Pa. ' of Fig*." and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, sour bile and ; undigested food passes out of the bowels : and you have a well, playful cltild • again. When its little system is full of | cold, throat sore, has stomach ache, diarrhoea, indigestion, colic —remember a good liver and bowel cleaning should always l>e the first treatment given. Millions of mothers keep "California Syrup of Figs" handy; they know a teaspoouful today saves a sick child to-morrow. Directions for bnbies. chil dren of all ages and grown-ups sire plainly on each bottle. Ask your druggist for a 50-/i>nt bottle of "California Syrup of Kips." Beware of counterfeits sold here. Get the genuine, made by "California Fig Syrup Company." Refuse any other fig i syrup with contempt.—Adv. 1 sent a* arrangements are made. The 1 carp farms of the Pearl river delta form one of the principal sources of the food supply of the Chinese people in the delta. Former Legislator Dies Williamsport, Pa., April 1. —Henry | S. Hower, a well-known merchant and j former member of the Pennsylvania i Legislature, died at his home in New berry yesterday. He was 4S years old. He was elected to the Legislature ou , the Democratic ticket in 1903. Mr. Hower also served several terms as county auditor and for a number of years was prominent in county poli tics. FT.VRPTSmmo STAR 7 TNT)EPENDEyT, THURSDAY FVFVTYn. APPTL 1. 1915. LOCAL ornoNisrs ARE GAINING, SAYS GOVERNOR Dr. Brumbangh Declares Inroads An Being Made on the Opposition Both in Senate and House—Special Trains to Bring Crowds Tuesday Among tbosv who are taking au ac tive part iu Governor Brumbaugh's campaign for local option is .1. Denny O'Neill, Commissioner of Allegheny county, who is given to making temper ance speeches ou the slightest provo cation. With T. Larry Eyre, of Ches ter, the two will make a team that knows the political and legislative game clear through. Governor Brumbaugh last night gave this review of the local optiou situ ation: '•We are winning all the time. Wo are gaining groan.l every minute. With iu the last week a great change has come about in the situation right here in llarrisburg. Inroads have been made both iu the House auil Senate. "This change is due to the fact that ! legislators are getting the right point .if view. Tliev are realising that it is not a thing to be settled on the basis of either wet or dry. They are appre ciating the fact that it is a funda mental right that the people should settled their own affairs. It is the right of the" people to rule. •'•They are realizing that there are two distinct questions involved in lo cal option. One, as I have stated, is the Tight of the people in local communi ties to pass upon the liquor question. The other is thnt it should 110 longer be a burden upon the shoulders of the judiciary. It is a crime to lay it at the door of the Judges. It has been in cumbeut ou the judiciary. ''The great controlling principles that govern the question are begiuning to operate. We are beginning to see that as a fundamental right the issue should be lifted out of partisan poli tics. It never should have been in par tisan politics. It is a shame that it has not been tukeu out of politics long ago. These are hard-headed facts.'' In Philadelphia special arrangements are being made th send a large delega tion of local option friends to Harris burg next Tuesday. Many of the large industrial establishments will shut down for the day to enable their em ployes to come to Harrisburg, and some of the establishments will pay the ex penses of the men. Special trains will leave Philadelphia on Tuesday— morn ing at 8.30 o'clock on the Pennsylva nia and Reading roads, returning at midnight, after the night meeting iu the Chestnut street hall. Pittsburgh and other cities also will send largo delegations. E. Z. Wallower. of this city, who is a member of tin? Brumbaugh state wide committee to further the passage of the local option bill, is busily engaged in arranging for the mass meetings at Chestnut street hall, assisted by the following: George I* Reed, E. Z. Gross, Frank T. Smith, A. Carson Stainm, the Rev. Pr. Lewis S. Mudge. Dr. C. M. Arnold, the Rev. Pr. John P. Fox. E. F. Weaver. F. R. Ayster. W. G. Stary, S. P. Ehy, O. K. Kines, Ray Shoemaker. \Terviu Ster ringer. Louis J. Houscal. Robert P. Webster and O. P. Berkley. Plans For Local Option Meetings The following was issued to-day by the local option committee of Penn sylvania from its headquarters in the I THE character of your hat will make or mar your Easter cos tume. If it's a Poulton hat you'll know it's cor rect in every detail. $2 to $5. pOULTOTVJ A SN. THIRD ST. I ~ Where the Styles Originate. Union Trnst building, regarding the preparations for the big meetings in the Chestnut street hall next Tuesday to urge the passage of the local option bill now before the House of Repre sentatives: "Virtually every one of the 6,000 men invited bv Governor Brumbaugh to attend the local option conferences to be held in Harrisburg next Tues day has accepted. Letters of accept ance are pouring into the Governor's office in every mail. Somo men who have written "that it would be impos sible for them to attend, have told the j Governor that their friends or neigh bors would come in their place. Let ters of regret have been received from only a very small number. "Every section of the State will be well represented. Special trains or spe cial cars will carry many of their dele gations. From " C lea rifle Id. Jefferson and Indiana counties will come a nu merous delegation in a special train. Lackawanna and Luzerne counties will come to Harrisburg in force in one or more trains. Lancaster and York coun ties will send large delegations. Erie will be wall represented. From Mont gomery there will bo a crowd, while from Chester and Delaware counties will come one of the strongest repre sentations. From Beaver county there will be a special car attached to one of the special trains from Pittsburgh. There will be special cars from Hunt ingdon and Snyder counties, while from Philadelphia there will be 1,000 men or more. Dauphin county will turn out in force for the demonstration. Brumbaugh to Make Speech "The commanding figure of next Tuesday's meeting and the man around whom the whole interest of the State will revolve, will be the Gov ernor. He has stood unwaveringly for local option ever since he became a candidate for the great office he now hold*. It is upon his invitation that the great crowd will come here next Tuesday to help hint redeem a sacred campaign pledge, and it is Governor Brumbaugh who will be one of the speakers'at the night meeting in the vast Chestnut street auditorium. "The plans for the day as now ar ranged, call for a mass meeting in the Chestnut street auditorium at 10.30 a. in., a hearing in the hall of the House of Representatives before the House l«aw and Order committee, which has the bill in charge and the great mass meeting to be addressed by the Governor and others, in the even ing. Every section of the State will be represented in the list of speakers, as well as in the throng which will re spond to the Governor's invitation. "Plans are being made in every county in the State for great numbers of the constituents of the members to call upon them personally and demand that they vote for the Governor's local option bill." KKD MKN Tit I BE ELECT CHIEFS Warrior Eagle Held Annual Mooting Last Night At a meeting of Warrior Eagle Trrbe. Improved Or ;er of Red Men, in Schutzenbach hail, Broad and Fulton streets, last night, chiefs were elected for the following year. Those elected were: D. A. Rush, prophet; F. T. Fleck, Jr., sachem; William Winner, senior sagamores-William L. Frick, .jun ior sagamore; I>. 11. EUinger, chief of records; C. A. Frick, keeper of wam pum; S. G. Frowert, pianist; 11. E. San derson. degree captain; J. C. Kost. trus tee; George Mauk. representative to Great Council; J. Edgar Kodenhaver, alternate. GEORGIA OPPOSES MRS. STORY : D. A. R. Delegation Will Vote For ; Mrs. Guernsey for President Atlanta, Ga., April 1. —The Georgia Daughters of the American Revolu tion have decided to oppose Mrs. Wil liam C. Story, of New York, president general of the order, who is a candi date for re-election at the Washington meeting April 19, aud will support | Mrs. George T. Guernsey, of Kansas. ; Mr*. Guernsey .fttended the Georgia D. A. R. convention recently and it is | said reeei*ed pledges of support, I against Mrs. Story. The Georgia delegates will favor a ; single term for all national offices anil | the creation of a non-partisan commit -1 tee ou appeals. They will also opi>ose ! the abolition of the historian-general. FUNERAL OF JOHN POOLEY Seivicee Held at Millerstown and Inter ment at Pealo, Pa. Millerstown, April 1. —JolVn Pooley ; died at the home of his sister, Mrs. Wil : Ham Rounslev. in this place Monday I night of general debility. He resided 1 at Peale, I'a.. but had been with his | sister, Mra. Rouns'.cy, since last Au j gust. • Short funeral services were held at Mrs. Rounslev's home yesterday morn j ieg by the Rev. C. F. Hiroes, pastor of the Methodist church, after which the body was taken to Peale. accompanied bv Mr. and Mrs. Rounslev, for inter ment. Mr. Pooley was 67 years old, • and is survived by one daughter and ! two sons. Makes <>l Feel Like 16 "I suffered with kidney ailment for ! i two years," writes Mrs. M. A. Bridges, Robinson, Mass., "and commenced tak j ing Foley Kidney Pills about ten : months ago. I am now able to do all 'my work without fati.sue. I am now ; 61 years of ag° and feel like a 16-year old girl." Foley Kidney Pills strengthen i and invigorate weak, tired and deranged ! kidneys; relieve backache, weak back, rheumatism and bladder trouble. They are tonic in action. Geo. A. Gorgas, 16 ' North Third street.—Adv. Pneumonia Claims Young Victim Marietta, April 1. —The family of i William Gotteehall, who removed from i Perry county to the Tressler farm only ! a short time ago, lost by death Tuesday ' night a son, aged 3 years, and a daugh- , ter, 14 months old, is suffering with the | same disease, pneumonia. The son will j j be buried at 'B'ain. HARRISBURG PEOPLE PRAISE SIMPLE MIXTURE Many in Harrisborg praise the simple ; mixture of buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., known as Adler-i-ka. This remedy is the most THOROUGH bowel cleanser ever sold, being even used successfully in appendicitis. ONE SPOONFUL re lieves almost ANY CASE of constipa .tion, sour or gassy stomach. ONE MIN UTE after you take it the gasses rumble and pass out. Adler-i-ka cannot gripe and the INSTANT action is surprising. G. A. Gorgas, druggist, 16 North Third street and Pennsylvania Railroad Sta tion.—Adv, NO STOMACH PAIN, GAS. INDIGESTION IN FIVEJNUIES 'Tape's Diapepsin" Is the Only Real Stom ach Regulator Known "Really does" put had stomachs in order —"really does" overcome indiges tion, dyspepsia, gas. heartburn and sourness in five minutes —that—just that makes Tape's Diapepsin the largest selling stomach regulator in the world. If what you eat ferments into stubborn lumps, you belch gas and eructate sour, undigested food and acid; head is dizzy and aches; breath foul; tongue coated; your iusides tilled with bile and indigestible waste, remember the moment "Pape's Diapepsin" comes in cohtaet with the stomach all such distress vanishes. It's truly astonish ing—almost marvelous, and the joy is its barmlessness. A large fifty-cent case of Tape's Dia pepsin will give you a hundred dollars' worth of satisfaction or your druggist hands you your money back. ' It's worth its weight in gold to men and women who can't get their stom achs regulated. It belongs in your honii—should always bo kept handy in case of n sick, sour, upset stomach dur ing the day or at night. It's the quickest, surest and most harmless stomach regulator iti the world.—Adv. Fire Destroys Farm Property 'Marietta. April I.—.Fire yesterday destroyed the summer kitchen and an nex, adjacent to the home on the] George K-hoads farm, tenanted by Os car Martin, together with a brooder and over one hundred chicks, flow the fire started is a mystery. By the promptness of the neighbors the flames were kept from spreading to the barn and other buildings. Establish Schedule Freight Line A direct fast freight line running on schedule time has been established to Scranton, on what is known as the Wilkes-Barre line of the Delaware and Hudson railroad. Th? first train, known as BC-16, left Harfiaburg Monday night and arrived at Sunbury at 1.40 a. m. Trains are also run between .Northumberland and Pottsville. AWNINGS Place your order for Awnings with us now, before the rush starts. Estimates Gladly Given General upholstery, slip covers and fatpet work done. Jos. Coplinky Successor to H. A. Vollmer 1208*4 North Third Street Harrisburg, Pa. ANTWERP UNDER DOMINA TION OF ITS GERM A N CAPTORS £_ f ** SflK y f 3 This picture shows some of the German garrison In Antwerp attending a serrlce at the Cathedral. It will noticed that the soldiers carefully carry their rifles into the building with them In order, apparently, to be prepared for any eventuality. It Is also learned that the forts of Antwerp destroyed by the Germans in their attack on e 'ty ** T e been reconstructed against the time when th» aormans in their turn might have to defend the city agaim^^^H To End Catarrhal Deafness and Head Noises Persons suffering from catarrhal deaf ness and head uftises will be glad to know that this distressing affliction enn I be successfully treated at home by an internal remedy that in many instances has brought complete relict' after all else has failed. Sufferers who could scarcely hear a watch tick tell how they liuvo hail their hearing restored to such an extent that the tick of n watch was plainly audible seven or eight inches awav from either ear. Therefore, if you know someone who is troubled with head noises or catarrh, or catarrhal deafness, cut out this formula and hand to them, and you will have been the means of savins* some poor sufferer perhaps from total deaf ness. The prescription can be prepared at home, and is made as follows: Secure from your druggist 1 oz. Pnr- W'iut (double Strength), about 75c worth. Take this home, and add to it V» pint of hot water and 4 or., of granu lated sugar: stir until dissolved. Take one tablespoonfnl four times a day. The first dose should begin to relieve the distressing head noises, headache, dullness, Cloudy thinking, etc., while the hearing rapidly returns as the system is invigorated by the tonic action of the treatment. Loss of smell and mucus dropping in the back of tho throat, nre other symptoms that show the presence of catarrhal poison, and which nre often entirely overcome by this efficacious' treatment. Xearly ninety per cent, of i all enr troubles are said to be directly caused by catarrh, therefore, there must be many people whose hearing can be restored by this simple home treatment. Every person who is troubled with head noises, catarrhal deafness or ca tarrh in any form, should give this pre scription a trial. There is nothing bet ter.—Adv. HOW 700 CENTS EARNED $175 Demonstration of Parable of Talents By Indiana Sunday School Frankfort, Ind., April I.—-How 700 Lincoln pennies grew into sl7o in a year was related at the Methodist bunda_v school here. The school wishes a new chapel and the superintendent | decided to test the practicabilitv of the parable of the talents. He d'istri- j butcd 700 pennies among the 700 ! pupils, who were told to increase the j amount as much as possible during the | year. As the classes and pupils were call- I ed on to make their report, the Y. W. ! B. 0. class, composed of sixty-seven young women, reported having made ; $31.37 from sixty-seven pennies. The : Oxford class was next,- turning in \ The home department class I was a close third, with $25. lteports from some of the little chil- ! dren were interesting. Georgia Dorner i bought an egg with her penny, hatch- I ed a chicken, raised the chicken and sold it for sl. Kussell Eubank bought i a penny's worth of white corn; his I mother made it into hominy, which he I sold, realizing 40 cents. Esther Stew- : art bought pop-corn with her penny and realized $1 from the sale of the ' popped corn. The plan worked so well that it will be tried another year. Enforcing Marietta's Curfew Law Marietta. April I.—The eurfew law j went into effect last night anil the silk \ mill whistle sounded the alarm. All! children 16 years ami under are affect ed. Borough Council, assisted by sev-; eral hundred citizens, pushed the move-1 nient to its enforcement. ACADEMY HONOR LIST HIGH 4 Students Show Exceptionally Good (fl Standard Last Month at Harris- ■ burg Educational Institution < i| Announcement of the honor list p El the llarrieburg Academy by Heno I j muster Brown, yesterday, shows th T last moiitli was an exceptionally go, one. In the upper class nine studei ,£W took first honors and twenty-four M lam t ond honors. In the lower school sir;o If i took first honors mid six succeeds,i '/ I second honors. m M The honors in the upper school. _.M I'irst Honors—William Burge fl Broad hurst, Carroll I'. Craig, UharL '■ J. Dunklc, William C. Fisher, Ki V sell A. Hoke, George P. S. Jeffri, M •lames Fry Merserenu, Robert W. .Sci Mercer B. Tate, Jr. '* Second Honors—William Abbrf I ranees K. Ambler, Arthur l>nniel con, Kdwin H. Brown, William H. uethuiu, Onofre ('. i'ustells, .lose Duron, Kdwin Hdmunds, Thomas Hardest, Franklin 1,. Hoke, Arthur 1 Holler. Ross S. Jennings, Jay, Wilbur Morse, Jr., William Met 'aleb, Paxil William Orth, Dooaldn Oenslnger, Donald K. Royal, Charles I. ' Ucbuck, Milton M. Strouse, tester 1. A Sheaffer, Robert 0. Stewart. Donald M. 1 Wielaud, Walter W. White. M Honors in the lower school: First Honors—lra Uomberger, John Baimick, Henry B. Bent, Russ Glan- H coy, Robert Ryder, Philip Brown, ■ riiomas A. Porter, 11. Geiger Omwake, JBI IX Bailey Brandt, John Reinoehl, Thomas Wiekersham, Franke Neumann, Henry K. Hamilton, John Mofiitt, ! James Bowman, William Orville Hickok. i Second Honors—Disbrow liloyd, Hailton Schwartz, Oeorge Roily. John Muguire, Richard Johnston, Cameron Cox. Postpone Parent-Teachers' Meeting The meeting of the Parent-Teachers' Association of the ('alder school build in t r scheduled for last night has been postponed on account of illness of tho chairman. I > || Restorative i |; Treatment for \ |: Nervous Men |: ] ! Coming: from a source of un ;| Questioned authority on the nil- !> '[ incuts of men it is presumed to ], be infallible, while the profession <[ i j generally endorse the ingredients !» ; ; and prescribe them in many ilif- i| i i ferent forms of various diseases. j| <| The following formula is highly J, efficient in quickly restoring in i nervous exhaustion, melancholia. $ ]! anxiety, timidity in venturing, \ ,i dizziness. heart palpitation, S <| trembling limbs, insomnia, thin- i» II ness. cold extremities, tried-all-in <[ i» feeling: and general inability to do |» ], those natural and rational arts <[ i > upon which depends a man's sue- j> 'I cess ami happiness in social and <» J * every-day life. <[ i» The instructions for mixing at |> home secretly so that no embar- <> , > rossment nvvy be felt, are as fol- ], j J lows: First three ounces of <> ]» syrup sarsaparilla compound and ' [ <J one ounce compound fluid balip- \ i ]; wort; mix and let stand two <• (» hours. Then add one ounce com- | ( J | pound essence cardiol and one <> 11 ounce tincture cadomene com4 ( [ „ i| pound (not cardamom), and mix J> ], all together. The directions are i\ ,• to take one teaspoonful after ]! ] | each meal and one when retiring. i» ]i until bounding: health and full 1 \ 11 strength are restored. Even a i i ], few weeks will witness most [ <» wonderful results. <[ Astonishing nervous force and <» \) equilibrium follow the - treatment, < | (» no matter how serious the case. ]> J; Tills contains no opiates what- < [ i» ever and may also be used by !i women who suffer with their i' Ji nerves with absolute certainty of ' | 11 prompt and lasting benefits. !>
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers