i INitmer, Bair & Witmer BH —— t ■r The Weather Man says:—"Prospects for Fair j Weather for Easter Sunday." t ■jsHave You Selected Your Sprin|; Suit? • MANY EXTRA COAT AND SKIRT OPERATORS have been added B ' v nr , our regular staff in the workroom —to take rare of all demands for ; ; ■ t , out your suit f'or Easter day wear bought as late as Saturday noon; j ' H I ,Jt we stroiiclv advise that you come to-dav or to-morrow. New arrivals |i ■I. o. SUITS. COATS. SILK AND WHITE DRESSES, WAISTS, PETTI COATS, ETC., every day—guarantees you the last word of Fashiou. Suits. SIO.OO to 935.00. Popular prices in the majority. < B Witmer, Bair & Witmer 202 WALNUT STREET I J—m, y-m. - . . -rr . .. CORRESPONDENTS Hi DINE RETIRING PRESIDENT MENU CARICATURE OF GEO. J. RRENNAN ' The legislative correspondents last | night dined their veteran colleague and the retiring president of their associa tion. George J. Brennau, of the Phila delphia '"lnquirer." The banquet was held in an espe- ■ - cially fitted up Japanese tea garden 8t tlie Hotel Columbus, and was attend t> ed By most of the correspondents who » srejnow actively engaged in chronicling L ibf legislative events of this session. ■ t Tke guest of honor was seated at the W onlvght hand of his successor m the office Th-.' president of the Pennsylvania Leg ent lative Correspondents' Association, prtWwrence R. Goshorn, of the Pittsburgh H to- C A GREAT SHOWINa 1 of new things for the home. It embraces an endless selection of high-class furni ture and floor coverings, but without high-class prices. Every piece is of silcb de- I sign and construction that it will add to the appearance of your home for many I, years to come. six-piece see BED ROOM SUIT 0(9 I This suit consists of dull finished genuine mahogany veneered dresser and m your choice of either chiffonier or princess dresser to match, a continuous post brass ; ] I l>ed and a chair, rocker and table to match the larger pieces. The dresser and I chiffonier are designed on neat and plain lines, and the whole suit makes a very or- i ■ namental bedroom. It's a selection that we take special pride in at this price. I Payments SI.OO Weekly F 1 ' LAMPS Zgk f Reduced prices on ma- H , W Srjf hogany standing and read- 5 i| } B 3 ' 'amps with the new silk H ■ This is a gool time to think about the •£ "pil J \jjk I Kitchen floor covering and renew it with a B [ A I new Linoleum. We have a large assortment, embracing a large selection of patterns in the if. . SPECIAL—Extra Valne. Linoleum, 50c to 65c SQ. yd. a $1.25 aiding Ladder „ A _ _ Stool —folds and can £Z j 11 laid Linoleum, 90c to $2 sq. yd. rSdJ? 532"!. i " t ? ***** ■ BURNS & COMPANY 28-30-32 South Second Street | I "Dispatch. " At Mr. Brenaan's rijiit , sat Franklin L. Knight, of the Phiiadcl ; phia "Evening Bulletin," who was the toastmaster. ; The souvenir of the dinner consisted ■ of a collection of cartoons in character done by artists who have been associ ated with Mr. Brennan on the Philadel phia "Inquirer," including Rolan I MUrdock, now of the Pittsburgh "Ga "ettt-Times;" Harry Godin. ot' the Pittsburgh "Dispatch;" Walter Hoban, >t" the New York "American," and < harles E. Bell, a't manager of the Philadelphia " Inquirer.'' All of these | caricaturists had given in their car- ST A R-TNDE PENDENT. THURSDAY EVENING, APRTI, 1, 1915. toons proper vromtvMie to the übiquit ous umbrella of the s«mect of their art. Speeches were made Marly all of the participants, those of w> commit tee in charge of the affair, P. L. Knight, J. Universities Will Spend Spring i Eecess at Their Homes In This \ City Miss Alineda Wallower Herman, • student at the Lowe-Hay ward school, Stamford, Conn., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin 8. Her man, Front ami Maelay streets. Miss Helen Zimmermau, of Eber- ! ly's Mills, is home from Brvn Mawr j ' College, Bryn Mawr, for the Easter holidays. Arthur King Kunkel, a student at ; Franklin ami Marshal College, Lan caster, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Kunkel, 161>7 North Second street. Harvey Haven Frank, Green street, is homo from Princeton University, ! Princeton, X. .!., for the spring re | ees*. Miss Elir'.abeth KJSS. 219 Pine i | street, will return today from the ! Lnglesidc bVhoo!, Xew Milford, Conn., | for the Kaster vacation. Mi Bel " ... . .. . .J . . !I' S ® blue, Battleship Krnv, sand, eluding sand, putty and Belgian sj|k Hningg . (< ; BBteh blue, usually sold at SIS.9S, them elsewhere, nnder $25; here here ' 514.0H SIB.OB \ * /% r A Attractive Spring Coats Shepherd Check Suits A new arrival is a lot of beau- W(1 arp , howi „ wil ,„ varioty tiful ,u> w model abepherd check of , Jo , g shc , )h , r(l , Upt . k coat,, with large checks of black, . slß>h as , ro ,| e!sc . brown and white, all wool mate- wh m SIB . OB to $27.50, here • rial, nicely made, worth sl2, $7.98 $14.98, $16.98, $18.98 f Another now arrival is a lot of ___ covert clotli coats —a fabric that _______ is being much demanded these ' _ . , _ . . "* ' days. The models are very X riClay Special stylish, the values are $lO, but j you may choose here to-morrow SI.OO Silk Hose, I $6.98 Silk boot liose, extra fine qual- Halmacaans in a variety of .. ... . . .. ~~ nn mixtures and shades, shepherd »ty. white and colors, full SI.OO ' checks and bedford cord cloth quality. Friday only, pair, 49«H| coats, ordinarily sold at $7.00, i here Qg (Limit —2 pairs to a customer.) Peplin Coats with silk collar, _______ " back belt and patch pockets, ' _ . . ! usually sold at $7.00, here Friday Special other models up to $12.98 $2.50 Silk Vests, 98^ White coats, plain and barred One lot of embroidered all silk in black and blue, made up in vests, broken sizes, white "ntyt i basket weaves and corded fabric, !U "' $-- ;)( | values. Special Vri worth $7 to $lO, here n -' on 'y» c '' oice 98^ 54.98 to $7.98 I (Limit —1 to a customer.) | I '> > ' I Don't Forget MgKf- Ifl I9C AJh Sf Don't For* 1 the Number lU-lfc #■ ■fill #!■ the Numb DR. JOHN F. OULP LADIES' HAIR GOODS Made to Order has moved his offices to the from your own hai» combings i _ , . i at reasonable prices. Park Apartments MISS H M SUNDAY 410 North Third Street 203 chestnut street v -»1 *■ Flowers for Easter I Will Convey Your Greetings Most Appropriately II Plants in Beautiful Baskets H Latest Arrangements in Corsage Bouquets || 311 WALNUT STREET Bell Phone 912-R. Opposite Capitol Park II 1 TTnTTTF I7VO 321 Walnut St. I U 1 ILE I O Floral Artist The House of Flowers frill be during Easter I the Palace of Flowers. ; Largest showing of cut and blooming Plants in H the world. ■j| The latest note in Easter corsage. See these ■ i| modes — j| The Tokio—Spring—The Seasons— -1 Sunset—The Promenade. S * See Oor Spring* Display of Easter MS 10eery at the BONNET SHOP f Ready Trimmed Hats from $1.98 up /I LOUISE McBVOR X/ 7 M| 1727 N. Sixth St. 3