The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, April 01, 1915, Page 14, Image 14

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A List of Seasonable Items Way Under Price for Friday
No Friday Specials Colored Dress Goods Men's Shirts Men's Suspenders
Sent C. 0. D., or Mail or . half wool challifc 27" Men's $1.50 shirts with Men's lisle elastic suspend
' inches wide. Friday only, n W'V\\A silk bosom and cuffs, sizes 14 t , rs __ i c/v, »
'Phone Orders Filled. 12V# WW
™inches wide. Friday only," S» \ \ Men's $1.50 white mush-
"Raspmpnt Snerials ' 35< \\ \~J X\ room bosom dress shirts. Spe- Men's Handkerchiefs
Basement bpecials 50c navy serge, 36 inches ' \ ' \\ cial Friday only, ...... 95?
98c heavy galvanized wash w idc. Friday only, . .37V 2 ? \ \ <%\ /Vw Men's Pajamas hemstitched handL^S,*
tuba. Friday only 650 59c Shepherd checks, 42 £ \I /A- >V Men's *1.50 mercerized pa.' s^mL'™!lM
$1.50 nickel casseroles, inches wide. Friday only, \ [IL ((vM] \ jamas, white, blue, helio, grey O r> 4 f or 25?.
with guernsey lining. Friday 48? \v 'V ——v "fit/ and tan; sizes 15 to 18. Spe
only; 98 < $1.25 all wool serge, 54 • cia ,l F ? d^r^, y ' y.95? Indian Suits
$1.25 nickel casseroles, with inches wide. Friday only, S~\ T ' , T 7" • f T—l . Men s $1.50 flannelette pa
lining. Friday only, .. ! M Indian and cowboy
» brooms; sewed four W . 50 navy silk crepe. 40 Will V anoTy Ol CaSTCf »»'«■ S P« W «*** SVoS/ "S*
times. Friday only, 23c inches wide. Friday only, ** ' . " 1
35c brass wash boards. Fri- 89? J T a Oj 1 Ol Men's and Boys' Jerseys Work Gloves
day only, 230 $1.50 silk and wool scin- I I iNI f*'WT I h OAX/fl Men's and boys' jer- Solid calf skin work eloves
or Dives, Pomerov & Stewart, tella, 42 inches wide. Friday
only 95*> •? navy. Special Friday onl* '!!'. .IS*
$1.26 Canton crepe. 50 Most women try to have a new hat for Easter and we are pleased to announce . _ . ' . a ..
inches wide. Friday 01ll >'- the most diversified showing of new millinerv at this important time that we V™ld r en s Pajamas Neckwear Specials
Men's Hosiery and 49? have ever had. " Children s $1.20 Kewpie Men's and boys'neckwear,
ITndprwpnr silk P°P lin > remnant flannelette pajamas, sizes 2 lK y styles of 18c and 25c
lengths. Friday only,. .75? Hundreds of new trimmed and untrimmed hats have arrived during the past to 10 years. Special Friday grades. Special Friday only,
Black hose with white feet; Dives, Pomerov & stcwart two days which reveal for the first time the latest style tendencies of the season. °''i'' 9?
seconds of 2oC quality. Fri- Street Floor. . ' Men's Flannel Shirts t®"Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
day only, 11? The new trimmed hats at $4.95 and $5.95 are wonderfully original and Men's $1.50 grey French Men's store, street Floor.
50<* taL cotton ribbed shirts ————— cleverly trimmed, interpreting scores of ideas which are smart and new. I I flannel shirts with two raili- I
and drawers • none exchaiiff- m . ... , tary pockets, sizes 14- to 1/.
ed. Friday only, ......25? Black Dress Weaves The new trimmed hats at $6.50 are veritable gems of the master milliners Special Friday 0n1y,... .95?
AS"Dives. Pomerov & Stewart $ l5O si,l{ crepe, 40 inches are matchless values. Men's Negligee Shirts Women s Suits
Slff " • W modd. of the finest imported materials in leghorns, fine »,?K 2. H ' ™ »
inches wide. Friday only, inilaJlS, lisere Straw, hemp, horsehair and other shapes nchly trimmed with sizes 14 to 17. Special Fri- Friday only, ....$5.00
WnrrWc TTndprv ' Ostrich, dainty flowers, fancies and wings. day only, 95? One $25.00 black velvet
SI.OO all wool Panama, 54 ——— —— Dives, Pomerov & Stewart, suit, size 16. Friday only,
h„f%ri^iSr xt ™2s« Friday Large Black Straw Shapes with a Style Individuality all w. • *5 «o
ribbed $1.50 chiffon their own-New Shepherdess, Sailor. Capeline and Turban
union suits. Friday only, inches wide,. Friday only, CiiCCtS $4.95 tO SIO.OO. Colored Dress Weaves alu ' Friday only,
'SO? 91.19 50c cr de (hin<> $5.00
fcfl"Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart t-iT Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second' Floor, Front—Three Elevators. inches wide ■ so'lid sh'ldcs and Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart.
Street Floor. Street neat figures! Special Friday Secoud Floor - Thr « Elevators.
■ | —^—— only, yard 19? 1
ITT , CJ, + I Women's Neckwear ' White Dress Weaves Table Damask j 75c ratine; 42 inches wide. I I |
Art Scarfs Muslin and Sheets I Plauen lace collars in white loc Plisse crepe, for under- 50c mercerized bleached Special Friday only, yard Women's Handker
-25c to 75c table and bureau .' 2 C Reached muslin, 36 and ecru, \alues to nOc. Spe- wear; 30 inches wide. Spe- table damask, 64 inches wide. 49? chiefs
scarfs; stamped for embroid- inches wide. Friday only, cial Friday only, cial Friday only, yard,.. .9? Special Friday only, yard, 20c madras shirting, 30
ering. Friday only, 61 /4? Oriental lace collars, pleat- i ™ whUn .h .hi l • qs ' 33? inches wide. Special Friday Hemstitched initial hand
-9? to 29<* 42c bleached sheets- limit ed flare backs in white and • . ' - u "'i i-> nn mi i i only, yard 12>,2? kerchiefs, six styles. Special
v * , . : „_
25c to 75c pillow tops. a customer. Friday ecru, &c value. Special only, yard, ... spreads. Special Fridav 17c apron gingham in neat nday only, 2o?
staged. "bitched piilow » Ellg „ ? „ , (m? c,„,„ ,0 • tv'.T
P.meroy s st.»,rl hemstitched end embroider- a '"" H °"' wide; chaloTtoish "a.e- SuTtftor. 20e dress gingham,, 30 lie. Speci.l Friday only
Third I-loor Three Elevators. onlV, . . X !!.. cial Friday only, piece, 95? inches wide. Special Fnday 3 for 10?
«Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Ribbon Specials 25c plain white voile, 40 ~ ! " only, yard, .......... 2V one corner embroidered
White Curtains street Warp print and taffeta rib- wide. Special Friday Bungalow, Aprons on.V^'
—' £- WiT ' 4
- A jards long. l'ridayonl>, day only, yard, 15? Street Floor. ham, 50c value. Special Fri- 12 / 2 c giii^liain.s, 30 ini lu.s erDivei, Pomeroy & Stewart
pair 39c Children's Dresses , , dav onlv 29C wide; ill solid shades. Spe- Street Floor.
t-TDives, Pomeroy & Stewart c , -.J 58 . , a ribbons, Ito ________________________ • * cial Friday only, yard, 6Vj?
Third Floor Thrro Fipvntnrq oerge and corduroy dresses IV2 inches wide; /c and 10c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, n
' in sizes 4, 10 and 14; regular values. Special Friday only, Women's Dresses I Second Floor—Three Elevators. I I ' V,' ' I<wa t ' I
===== JWB to *0.95 dres«, Frt yard, 5c »15.00 combination poplin Silk Attractions
Bath Towels a M , * a Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart and satin dresses, with braid- _ . . —B9c satin stripe tub silks,
Serge, corduroy and velvet street Floor. Ed cuffs and girdle; sizes 18, Specials in Veils 36 inches wide Fridav only
fancy Turkish bath dresses; sizes Bto 112 years; 34 and 38. Friday only, Tinnerarv «nd n»tte,n v„H» Petticoat Specials vani 59^
towels. Special r nday only, regular $4.9, ito H?9.:jo dresses. —————————— <B4. fi"; „-n 11 i- 1 1 ~ ,• , . , . , , ~ „ .
yard 15? Friday only, $2.98 Couch Covers no-n m- , with nbbou or fancy border, Mesoalme and Jersey pet- !)oc black messaline, 36
, .. nr vUULii $12.i)0 and slo.oo navv blue white, black, brown, navy, ticoats, messaline tlonuce, inches wide. Friday only,
12 V2C red border huck tow- Uuldren s $4.J6 to $7.50 $1.50 Roman stripe and fig- and black Peter Thompson sand and black and white, wHstaria, Russian green, black 69?
Hs 18x3b inches. Special '•«•« 1 1,111 sizes _,and K \-_ri- ured couch covers. Fridav dresses; sizes 14 to 18. Fri- r>oc vahie. Special Friday and two-tone effects. Special SI.OO shantung, 33 inches
b riday only 4 tor 25? day-only, $2.00 ou]y ?1 3 £ day only, $4.95 only, 25? Friday only, $1.95 wide. Friday only, ...49?
fcTDives, Pomeroy & Stewart W Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. W Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. L« Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart tr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, «Dives, Pomeroy & Stcwart ta Dives, Poineroy & Stewart
Street Floor. Second Floor—Three Elevators. Third Floor—Three Elevators. Seec. d Floor—Three Elevators. Street Floor. Second Floor, Rear—3 Elevators. Street Floor.
* I
One of Greatest Woman Violinists in
the World Will Be
Heard Here
Maud Powell, one of the really great
violinists, comes to Harrisburg Thurs
day evening, April 8, and will appear
in joint recital with Evan Williams, the
eminent Welsh tenor, in the Chestnut
' • Am I
pt-v.-r i ~ '
street auditorium. The musical critic
of the Brooklyn " Standard-I'tfioa"
says of her: "Without any doubt the
greatest woman violinist in> the world
and the peer of many famous men play
ers. There are very few corners of the
musical world that Madam Powell has
not visited, and She has always won
* ker spurs because ahe has always been
-...v. ... . ........ ' . • -f'.
w * 4 v
;a magnificent artist and a sterling wom
an. Years only mellow her work."
It is a known fact that fewer women
j rise to a place of distinction among
violinists than in any other musical in
strument, whkih gws to show how high
ly esteemed is Maud Powell in the
opinions of the leading critics and mu
sicians, and Walter. Anflhony remarks:
"To say that she plays as well as a
man would be to flatter all the men in
I the world."
The sale of seats for this most at
tractive concert will open to-morrow
morning at the .T. H. Troup Music
House, and the prices are popular and
within tile reach of all.
Former Lieutenant of Police and Ickes
burg Girl Quietly Married
in New York
Miss Nellie Hamilton Wjlson, of
Ickesburg,_Perry county, and J. Kdward
Wetzel, 1512 North Fift'h street, for
mer lieutenant of police and deputy
sheriff, were quietly married yesterday
afternoon at 4 o'clock in the Hotel
Martinque, New York City. The cere
mony was performed by the Rev. Harry
Nelson Bassler, pastor of the Second
Reformed dhurc'h of this city. The cou
ple were unatt tided and the announce
ment. of their wedding came as a big
surprise to their many frieptis,
Mr. and Mrs. Wetzel will spend sev
eral weeks in New York City and on
their return will reside in this city.
Members of Ridge Avenue Church Ten
der Gifts to Bev. Mr. Daugherty
At the conclusion of the mid-week
prayer service of Ridge Avenue M. E.
church last night, an informal farewell
reception was given to the pastor, the
Rev. John Henry Daugherty, and fam
Practically the entire congregation
was present and numerous gifts were
presented to the pastor and tho mem
bers of his family. The Bible class
taught by the Rev. Daugherty present-
Ed him with a beautiful traveling bag,
umbrella was given to Mr. ami Mrs.
Daughertv, a cut glass pitcher and
glasses to Mrs. Daugherty and other
rememberances to each of the children.
The Rev. William W. Hartman, who
will take charge of the Ridge Avenue
services Easter day, arrived here this
afternoon with his wife, son and daugh
ter from Tyrone. Dr. Hartman's old(;r
daughter, who will be graduated from
the Tyrone High school in June, will
remain there until that time.
Were Entertained by Men of Draught
ing Room of P. B. R.
This afternoon the P. R I!. Mainte
nance of Way bowling tearii of the Al
toona Cricket Club came to this city
to be the guests ~f the bowling team
representing the draughting room of the
division engineers' office. A dinner will
be served at the Colonial Country Club
at 6 o'clock and later in the evening
a bowling match will be rolled between
the two teams.
The following from Altoona are the
guests of the local team: C. W. Hall,
C. R. McMillrn, A. H. Moorshead, R. A.
Stcughton, E. R Parke, R. L. Kelt, G.
N. Walton, H S. Miller an<l G. B.
Miss Ivy Jones Hostess
Miss Ivy L. Jones entertained in
formally a few friends at her home,
239 Crescent stieet, Tuesday evening,
her guests being Miss Rheda Bird, Miss
Clara Books, Miss Faith A. Mell, Miss
Margaret A. Pollock, Mr. Thompson, of
Philadelphia; J. Donald Carpenter,
Carroll Dennv and Martindale Ward.
Meade W. 0. T. U. Meeting
A meeting of the Meade W. C. T. U.
will be held to-morrow evening at 7.30
o'clock at the home of Miss Hannah
Weiser, 200 Nectarine street. The
topic for the evening's discussion will
be , "Almhousc and Fire Company
Work" anil the leader will be Mrs.
Lebo. A full attendance is desired.
Lesher-Stork Wedding .
Pleasant Hill. April I.—Miss Carrie
Stork, of this place, and Solomon L.
l.csher, of Adamstown, were married at
the home of the tyride, the Rev. B. G.
Weirler officiating. A reception fol
lowed the ceremony, which was attend
ed by many from a distance.
Returned to Pittsburgh
Dr. and Mrs. M. Del mar Ritchie and'
son, William, have returned to their
home in Pittsburgh after a visit with
the former's parents, Dr. and Mrs. M.
K. Kitchie, Thirteenth and Chestnut
Oet $:t,000 Worth of Booty and Escape
in Automobile
Philadelphia, April 1. —Two robbers
to-day entered the manufacturing jew
elry establishment pi W. Dershtein, in
the center of the city, covered the pro-1
prietor and his brother with revolvers
and took more than $3,000 worth of
jewelry. They made their escape in
an automobile.
When the robbers entered the place
the brothers weie examining jewelry.
'Don't move," the intruders. / "or
you will get shot." All the jewelry in
sight was stuffed into the pockets of
the robbers
Reception for Marietta Pa-rtor
Marietta, April 1. —Litis! evening the
congregation of t'he First Methodist
E iscopal church tenderel to their new
jastor, the Rev. 11. H. Poticher, a re
ception in the Sunday school room. Re
freshments were served. A purse of
gold was given to the new pastor, w'hic'h
he a-ccepted witih a few words of grati
Injured When Squeezed Between Cars
While coupling cars in the local yards
of the Philadelphia and Reading rail
road, William Ririads, 1627 Hunter
street, was seriously injured when
squeezed between two ears last night.
He was admitted f o the Harrisburg hos
Beachey Left $50,000 Estate
San Francisco, April I.—The estate
left by Lincoln Beachev, the aviator
who recently lost his life in a flight
from the exposition grounds, is valued
at $50,000.
Printed at this office in best style, at
lowest prices and on short notice.
: . -• 4 • ' , ••
These pins were captured from the French during recent fighting in Northern France. The picture shows
the guns on view in the market place in IxHpzig, Germany.
Middletown Startled When Teutons
Play British Marching Song
(Special to the Star-Independent.)
Middletown, April 14. —Spring is ;
liere and so is the German hand, not
withstanding the European war.. One
of these musical organizations stopped ,
in 'Middletown last evening and the i
leader approached W. W. Conkljn, a ho- |
tel man, to get permisgioii to giv« a
serenade in front of his hostelry.
Conklin was willing, so the leader!
gave the signal to his musicians anil
in an instant the bandsmen struck up!
"It's a Long, Long Way to Tipper
ary," the British marching song.
Conklin couldn't believe bis ears or
his eves, but he was obliged to when
j the members of the band began con
versing among themselves in the Ger-
Iman language.
I ' j
Artistic Printing at Star-Independent.
Dr. Roller Wins Wrestling Bout
' | By Associated Press,
I Montreal, Apfil I.—l)r. Boiler, of
>1 Seattle, heavyweight wrestler, defeated
•j Jimmy Ksson, the Scotchman, who
holds the championship of Great Bri
■j tain in a bout here last night, two out
i of three falls. Esson obtained the (irsfc
fall with a body hold in 25 minutes.
Roller got the second in ten 'minutes
on a foul and the third with a toe hokl,
jin nine minutes. The wrestling was
at catch as catch can.