The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, March 30, 1915, Page 11, Image 11
fr The Star-Independent Civ " Aw 'y 2 Orpheum Tickets Daily The Name of the Person to Whom They Will Be Awarded To day Is Somewhere Among the Classified Ads On This Page. Perhaps you are the lucky person. Look until you find out. If you draw the tickets please call for them before 8 o'clock to-morrow evening or they will be forfeited ( These natives are drawn from Boyds Directory by a blindfolded girl.) i J f 1 Miscellaneous J FURNITURE PACKING __ PACKING—A. H. SHRENK. 1906 North I Sixth street, llrst class packer of fur niture, china and oricabrac. Bell phone »»9W. W. J. WEN RICH. 339 Hamilton street- Furniture. china and piano packing. Shipments looked alter at both enda \ Also all kinds of hauling. Bell phone 5227 W. STORAGE. STORAGE In 3-story brick building, rear 40S Market St. Household gooas In clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to P. G. DIENER, Jeweler, 408 Market St. FIRE-PROOF STORAGE warehouse, di vided into private rooms for storage of household goods. New building. Low insurance. Inspection invited, 437-445 : ijoutli Second street. HARR.ISBURG , STORAGE CO. j FREIGHT DRAYAGE, storage, shippers 1 and distributors of merchandise of all j kinds; prompt and efficient service. | Warehouses on P. R. R. aud P. i it tracks. MONTGOMERY & CO., Peipher Lane. Tenth below Market WANTED WANTED—Susan Good, 916 N. Third St., j lo whom two reserved tickets were' awarded to-day. good for the evening performance at tile OrpUeuui, April 1, ii'li. Call for them at Star-lnuepcnd ent office, before s p. m„ March 31, 1015,,0r they will be forfeited. RAZOB BLADES ALL of razor blades resharpen ed; made better than new; safety. 25c per dozen; Star, 15c, old style, 25c; leave oiders Henry Gilbert ic Sons' Hardware, 1 -19 Market street. MONEY TO LOAN MOST MONEY LOANED—On Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Firearms, Musical i Instruments. Highest cash prices for j old gold and silver. Repairing a spe- ! cialty. CITY LOA-N OFFICE, 411 Mar- j «vei street. WE LEND MONEY IN ANY AMOUNTS Payments to suit borrower. Small loans a specialty, j Positively lowest rates in the city. Up-to-date methods. Licensed, I bonded and incorporated. PENNA. INVESTMENT CO. 132 Walnut Street LOANS—SS to S2OO for honest working people keeping house. Rates less than legal. Pay ments weekly or monthly. No noti lication of employer or friends. CO-OPERATIVE L. &1. CO. | 204 Chestnut St. Authorized Capital. SIOO,OOO ANY person needing money in amounts from $5 to SSO holding a salaried po- i altion, would be benehted by calling on us. Employes' Discount Co.. 36 North Thud SL ALL KINDS OF HAULING j ALL kinds of hauling; large two-ton | truck; furniture, pianos, freight, in i the city and suburbs. Prices reason- [ able. Picnic and pleasure trips, day or I evening. WXI. H. DARE. 1453 Vernon ! St. Bell phone 3SI7J. Bombs Dropped on British Warship Constantinople, via London, March ; 30. 10.25 A. M.—An official state- j ment issued to-day by the war office j says; "One of our seaplanes has drop ped bomb- on a British warship cruis- i ing outside the Dardanelles." Must Keep the Curtains Up Printed at this office in best style, at lowest prices and on short notice. ' FOR SALE 1 SUBURBAN PROPERTY CAMP HILL. At Dale HeiKhtx—Lot 50x300 ft.; ] improved with a 2'j-story frame ' house—seven rooms — >.-uh and fur- j nace—large garden—two chicken , houses —fruit trees —well of ex- ; cellent water. Price #3or>o CAMI* HIM. I.onu Mrret Two-story frame bunealow—five minutes from trolley —si\ rooms —bath—porches—sha!te , 1 and fruit trees —lawn and garden, i ; Lot 76X450 ft. Price «2MM> ELK WOOD Twelfth Mreet —l 1 ?-story frame 1 bungalow—s rooms—Siath—furnace. Lot 50x150. Price goldsboro 3 Acre* of Ground, improved with j a two-story frame bungalow—ll rooms—bath and furnace large ! I porches—flvo minutes' walk from lliver and Station. An ideal loca tion for a club house or large coun try house. HAIM.YX A well-built 3-story frame house i with IS rooms—3 baths and vapor heat—modern in every particular ideally located. Lot 100x125 ft. Par ticulars and price upon application. PAXTAJTG Hutherford St., uenr Kelso —Lot 60 xl2o ft.. —chicken house—shade and fruit tree* —A 2H-story brick house i with 7 rooms—bath and steam heat. . A delightful location, near trolley and on a 5c fare. Price 842<M« PAXTAKG Kelso nnd Apple St* Lot 35x96 i ft. —Improved with a stuc- I co bungalow with 7 rooms, bath and j furna-e —porches hay windows— ! gas and electricity—lawn and gar den. Price s4ooo' Ml MMERDALK *rcoud f*t. —-near V alley St. —Plot 60x114 ft. —3 squat' s from trolley— l! two-story frame house with C rooms I —bath and furnace—front porch— garden. Price, *ISOO ! St MMEHUALG First Street —A delightful 2-story frame bungalow with nine rooms— i large porches well and spring water—garage. In every way an at- I tractive summer home. Price, *2300 1 FILLER BROTHERS & CO. SEAL ESTATE Fir* Insurance Surety Bonds I Locust and Court Streets j ■N Real Estate L J I REAL ESTATE FOB SALE ; l'\>R SALE—Six-acre farm, two miles from city, ten minutes from street ' car. A. W. SWENOEL 219 S. Thirteenth ! street. VACANT HOUSES for sale at Washing ! ton Heights on easy payments; S rooms; bath. gas. electric light; furnace, .porch; lot 58x140. Particulars at UELL REALTY" CO., Bergner Building. FOR SALE—Look at 1345 North street; offered for sale at an attractive price; eight rooms, bath, gas. furnace, porches; I both streets paved. BELL REALTY CO., Bergner Building. 60 ACRES—Located in Adams Co., 2 miles southeast of York Springs; stone dwelling; frame barn; spring and running water; will exchange for city ; propertv. BRINTON-PACKER CO.. Sec | ond and Walnut streets. j A HOME for those wanting outside of city; Dauphin, n rooms, house on a main street; lot 95x123. Price $1,200. 1 H. G. PEDLOW. 110 S. Thirteenth St. | 3*4 ACRES, with 4-room house; excel lent place for chickens, fruit and flowers. Address 3734, care Star-Inde pendent. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE— -2036 Boas St., 2H-story frame dwell ing. 6 rooms, porches, drive alley on j rear; stable; lot 22x110. Price, $1,650. ' 559 Camp St., 3-story frame, S rooms and bath; cemented cellar; front porch; corner property; lot 15x130. Price right. 1335 Cowden St.; 2H-story frame; rental income $12.00. Price $1,350. 1621 Fulton St.; new 2-story brick; 6 rooms and bath; gas; furnace. Price, $2,100. BRINTON-PACKER CO., Second and Walnut Sts. FOR SALE—PIot of ground, 105x50 ft.; southeast corner Sixteenth and Briggs ! streets. For information, write to MRS. ANNA HENINU, 217 A St., Wee hawken, N. J. FOR SALE—Grocery store, furniture, 3 counters, shelving with rocker bins. Apply 2019 Green St. j I'X)R SALE—Two 2% -story frame dwell- I ings, with all modern improvements; located on Linden street, near Walnut | street. Will net 9 per cent J. E. CJIP : PLE, 1251 Market St. I FOR SALE—Five good paying proper ties: at a very low figure; good loca i tlon; will not be sold separately. Ad dress No. 3459. Star-Independent. ! FOR SALE—City and suburban hemes 1 and home sites; first class business j propositions. ROUGH, BRIGHTBILL & KLINE, Sixth and Reily Sts. Both | phones. BEAL ESTATE FOB RENT FOR RENT—2223-25 Atlas Ave., 2U story bricks. Rent, $15.00. 23 South Third St.. store room. H. M. BIRD, Union Trust Building. j FOR RENT—No. 225 Crescent St; 7 j rooms and bath; all improvements ex ; cept furnace; good condition; rent rea ! sonable. Apply 122 S. Fourteenth St. ! FOR RENT—No. 2229 N. Fourth St.. $22.00 per month; all conveniences; | front porch, tiled vestibule; stationary hall rack; buffet; laundry, mirror door | clothes closets, an ideal home. Apply at PLASTER'S. 30:. Market street. | FOR RENT Several very desirable North Second | Street houses. Reasonable • rentals. Miller Brothers & ! Co., Bell Phone 1595. ; FOR RENT—A new brick house, near Fifteenth and Boas streets, with all improvements; good location; front | porch; desirable; rent sl4. Apply E. O. SHAFFNER, 107 Boas street i APARTMENTS ~330 Derry. 3rd floor $35.00 1317 Derrv, 2nd floor $35.00 1315 Market, $30.u0 239 S. 13th. ...$30.00, $32.50 and $35.00 1216 Market $22.50 22S S. 19til—.HOUSES $25.00 424 S. Thirteenth $25.00 134 Sylvan Terrace $25.00 310 Crescent St S23.'JO ' 1202 Market $22.50 1 1218 Swatara St $20.00 I 530 S. all improvements,... $15.00 1847 Derry. 4 large rooms, imp.,..512.00 Rutherford Heights, $ll.OO 1320 N. Front for colored $ll.OO ! 1830 Berryhill St.. 3 rooms, SB.OO . HARVEY T. SMITH, 204 S. 13th. Bell I 248 M. 1 FOR RENT—April 1, 927 North Second I street. 10-rooin house, with all im j prvements. Inquire next door, 929 N'. Second street. WILLIAM URICH. 1 WHY RENT? when $23 will give you i possession to a new brick house never i occupied, and pavments of sl7 per ; month. H. G. PEDLOW, 110 S. 13th St. | HOUSE FOR RENT—No. 1512 Regina St Large yard: side entrance; with or without automobile garage. Phone U MINTER, No. 1167 Market 3t Both phones. 1425 Walnut St., 3 s. b„ 8 r. $25.00 23 N. 18th St., 3 s. b $28.00 ; 1103 N. 2nd St.. 2H s. f„ 6 r $25.00 Derry St. (Paxtang) $30.00 612 N. 16th St., 3 s. b., f $30.00 ; 2202 N. sth St.. 3 s. b., 7 r $32.00 2220 N. 3rd St.. 3 s. b $32.50 112 Chestnut St., 3 s. b., 9 r $45.00 2230 N. 2nd St., 3 s. b., 10 r $45.00 21st & Chestnut (Bellevue park), $55.00 i 1838 N. 2nd St. & garage, $60.00 MILLER BROS. & CO. FOR RENT—2OS State St.; three-story brick house; modern improvements. Steam heat Electric light. Inquire | 1904 N. Second St. Bell phone 2284 R. FOR RENT—No. 1011 N. Third St.— House and store room; all conven , iences; steam heat. ! No. 1118 N. Fourteenth St: corner of Cumberland street; all improvements; back and front stairs; large front porch; a tine location. C. H. ORCUTT. i 267 Cumberland St. FOR RENT—Private rooms for house ! hold goods, in new fireproof building. Clean and safe. Inspection invited. 437- 445 S. Second St HARRISBURG SIOR . AGE COMPANY. ■ I-'OR RENT—Houses with all improve ments. at moderate rentals. J. EL I 'tIPPLE. 1251 Marker SL I REAL ESTATE FOB SALE OB BENT j HOUSES FOR RENT and 2 H-story dwelling houses for sale. Elder Real Estate Co.. 24 th and Perry Sts. FUBNT.SHED BOOMS FOB KENT. FOR RENT—New furnished front room* facing Capitol Park; stationary wash I stands, hot and cold running water; electric light in each room; also use of phone and large bath. Apply 410 North street. 1 HARRISBPRG STAR-INDEPENDENT, TUESDAY EVENING. MARCH 30, 1915. v ——l Real Estate *— | APARTMENTS FOB KENT FOR RENT—Two ii - room corner apart- ' nienta, modern improvements, front . and rear porches. Apply 2019 Urecn St. j FOR RENT —Apartment of five rooms, bath and laundry room, second t'.oor, corner property, plenty of light; must be seen to be appreciated. QISORGE W. MYERS, 225 Hummel St. REDVCEn RENTS—Three modern. Im proved 7-room apartments for rent to adults. All conveniences. Location 239 | S. Thirteenth St Apply on premises or phone 2253 L. Wants / HELP WANTED—MALE WANTED—A stenographer and type writer; Rive references. State salary expected. Address "United," care of Star-Independent. WANTED—First-class pattern makers; those familiar with tractor work pre- ! ferred. Apply Motor Truck and Tractor Co.. Nineteenth and Manada Sts. ARMY OF UNITED STATES. MEN WANTED: Ablebodied unmarried men between ase of IS and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and i temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the ICnglish language. For information apply to Recruiting Officer, Bergner Building, 3d ii Market sts* lair.soure. 4S N Queen St.. Lancaster, 353 Pine St., Williamsport, 37 W. Mar ket St.. York, or 113 Independence St. ■ hamuKin, t'a. THREE paperhangers wanted; all piece and steady work. Apply 1505 N. Sixth street. ABLE-RODIED MEN; good eye-sight, for firemen and brakemen; $120.00 ! monthly, Experience unnecessary. Railway, care Star-Independent. WANTED—Four first class painters, j Apply at Ensminger Lumber Co., Of- I :lce -oth and Perry St. WANTED—Men prepare as firemen, ! brakemen, motornun, colored porters. Pennsylvania railroads. Experience not necessary. JSO to 5100 month. Write Inter Railway Dept. 101. Indianapolis, Ind. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. WANTED Experienced man wants work of any kind around houses, such as digging gardens, flower beds, white washing, cleaning, etc. C. M., 1229 Cowden street. WANTED—Work; either all or part of , the time, by a young man who is working his way through a business ; college in this city; experienced in oral- ; ing and shipping. Address 3T2S. care j Star-Independent. PROFESSIONAL GARDNER. German, having years of experience, will be open for position April Ist. First class j reference. PETER EILER, 100S Cam- ! eron St. YOUNG married man, colored, wishes : t position as chauileur; willing and l useful around the house; reference; i moderate wages. Apply «>lt> Forster St. i HELP WANTED—MALE AND FE- MALE BILLY SUNDAY'S MESSAGE—SeIIing ! like wildfire. We need more men i and women to help distribute. Full I time or spare time. Wholesale Supply j House, 25 North Third St.. lop floor. HELP WANTED. WANTED— Several canvassers; no sell- j ing; good opportunity for right partv. I Applj between 0 and S p. m„ 2'J S. Third street. HELr WANTED—FEMALE. WANTED—A good plain cook, white j woman. Apply Maple Grove Hotel, ! Sixth and Maclay streets. $2.50 PER DAY paid one lady in each town to distribute free circulars for ! A>ncentrated liavoring in tubes. Per- ! manent position. F. E. BARR CO., Chi- | cago. WANTED—Dining room girl with ex- perience. Apply Hershey House. WANTED—Fitter and alteration hands, 1 at once, for women's coals and suits. Apply to BOWMAN & CO. WANTED—A girl for dining room work. ; Apply Hoffman House. 441 Market St.! WANTED Gipls over 16 j years of age to learn cigar making. Paid while learn-! ing. Apply at Harrisburg; Cigar Company, 500 Race! street. —— I SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE j WANTED—Work by the day by color- ! ed woman. Can give reference. Ap ply 1215 N. Seventh St. I A WELL experienced cook desires em ployment. in hotel or boarding house. Call 1211 Wallace St. A YOUNG WOMAN desires employment as housekeeper in a small family. Address B. 133 Linden street. WANTED—Position as cook. $5.00 per week. Apply 2026 Green St. COIjORED woman wants dav's work. Address MRS. FLORENCE MAJETT, Oberlin, Pa. WANTED—Seamstress would like plain I sewing by the day or week, at home or out. Reasonable rates. Inquire 44$ Boyd Ave. WANTED—Position as housekeeper; /Can give reference; would like to have her two children with her. Address or call third door from the church, at Progress. PLAIN SEWING to do at home. Apply 1120 Montgomery St. WANTED Middle-aged lady wishes maternity nursing. Apply 1120 Mont gomery street. WOMAN wants ironing to do at home. 903 Sarah Ave., City. !| i Sale and Exchange i 1 FOB SALE C. W. H. IiAKGI.ETZ. I.umber—We art i overstocked with all kinds and I grades of lumber and we can ofTer you big bargains. It will pay you to see j ] us. Office Cameron and Mulberry Sts. FOR SALE—The best lot of business wagons ever offered for sale in the city of Harrisburg. Wagons to suit ev erybody. GROCE'S WAGON SHOP. 1541 Walnut St. OVERLAND touring car. fully equip ped: new tires; for sale cheap. Will demonstrate. Apply 306 Rally St. DON'T PAY $2.00 and $3.00 for hats when you can buy H. C. Dodge hats for 50 cents. Come and look them over. I Open evenings. S. MELTZER, 513 Wal- I nut street. PRIVATE collection Vlctrola records, | one-third to one-half oft listed price; j sold singly or any number; mostly Red I Seal records; 230 State St. Bell phone 686 R. Some choice bargains. FOR SALE—One road horse, rubber | tired Jenny Lind, rubber tired surrey, I both good as new; market wagon and ' six sets harness, 214 Lincoln street, 1 Steelton, Pa. Bell phone 6X or 6Y. FOR SALE—At GABLE'S. 113, 115 and j 117 South Second street, 5,000 gallons New Era Ready Mixed Paint, Acme quality. All the full line of the Aetna ' make. ; FOR SALE—At GABLE S. 111-117 South j Second St.. 5,000 sets new Sash. Bxlo , Xl 2 L. primed and glazed, at $1.15 per j set. Also other sises. f > Legal Mnlie! K. Wuenarhlnnkl v*. Christian Wuenirhlnftkl. —ln the Court of Com- I snon Pleas of Dauphin County.—No. sie, January Term, 1914—'In Divorce. I To Christian Wuenschinski: ! Sir—You are hereby notified that the I hearing in the above stated case on the ! part of the libellant, will be held at the Court House, in the City of Harris • burs, on Mondav. the nineteenth day of i April. A. D. 191 o, at 10 o'clock a. m., at i which time and place you may attend if j you see proper so to do. Verv respectfully. MICHAEL E. STROUP, Attorney for Libellant. j Harrisburg, Pa., March 30, 1915. NOTICE —letters of administration on the estate of John Egenrleder, late of the city of Harrisburg. Dauphin county, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in Harris burs, Pennil.. all persons indebted to : saiii estate are requested to make im mediate payment, and those having ; claims will present them for settle iinent. THOMAS EGENRIEDER, Administrator. | 324 Reily St., Harrisburg. Pa. Proposal for School Supplies and I Printing Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals for the furnishing of school supplies consisting of stationery, jan itors' implements, etc., drawing sup | plies for the grade schools and for printing blanks and blank books for ( ! the public schools of the City of Harris -1 burg, will be received by the Board of I School Directors of the School District I of the City of Harrisburg, Pa., until I Friday, April 2, 1315, at 12 o'clock, noon, i Copies of schedules will be furnished I on application to the undersigned. D. D. HAMMELBAUGH, Secretary. I No. 121-123 Chestnut street, j Harrisburg, Pa. ' NOTICE —Letters of administration tes j tamentary on the estate of William t J Mehring, late of the city of Harris i burg. Dauphin county. Pa., deceased, 'having been granted to the undersigned, j residing in City of Harrisburg, all per | sons indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment, ' and those having claims will present I them for settlement. WILHELM J. MEHRING. JR., Administrator. 1901-1903 N. Sixth St. j JAMES A. STRANAHAN, Attorney. NOTICE. Harrisburg, Pa., March 24, 1915. To depositors of Bonds of Cumberland Valley Telephone Company, Under Bondholders Agreement. Dated Au ! gust 11. 1911: You are hereby notified that the Bond ] holders' Committee of Cumberland Val ! ley Telephone Company have prepared ! and adopted a plan of reorganization • for said telephone company and have ■ filed the same with Commonwealth | Trust Company, at its office. No. 2i2 Market street. Harrisburg. Pa., being the trustees under the mortgage, where said plan may be inspected by any one interested on any business day between ) the hours of 9 a. m. and 3 p. m., except ! Saturday, and on that day between trie hours of 9 a. m. and 12 m. You are further notified that said plan will be- I come effective thirty days after the first j publication of this notice, unless dissent in writing shall be filed by depositors ! holding certificates of deposit repre ! sentlng in the aggregate more than one j third in amount of the bonds deposited j under said bondholders' agreement; a icopy of said plan having been mailed to each depositing bondholder. A. B. PENDERGAST, Secretary, | 3N. Market Square, Harrisburg, Pa. r Death and Obituary - DIED. TANN—On March 28, 1915, Mrs. Mary A. Tann. aged 48 years, 4 months and 24 days. Funeral on Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from Briggs Street A. M. E. j church. Relatives and friends are in , vited to attend without further notice. WHITMOYER—On Sunday evening, March 28, 1915, at 7.30 o'clock, Mrs. Sarah Whitmoyer, aged "2 years. Funeral on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, from her late residence, 2215 N. Second street. Relatives and friends are invited to attend without further no tice. Interment in Harrisburg cemetery. SWARTZ—Mrs. Rebecca Swartz, wife of Samuel Swartis, died Sunday at 1 a. m., aged 76 years, 1 month and 8 days, «t her home, Lower Paxton township. Funeral Wednesday, 1.30 p. m. ; serv ices and burial at Shoop's Church. Rel atives and friends are Invited to attend without further notice. EARNINGS 80% 1914 DIVIDENDS 62y 2 % A LISTED STOCK SURE MONEY MAKER 'We deal in all securities CLARENCE CONE & CO., 43 Broadway, Jifw York \ One Apartment For Rent in the REYNARD 208 N. Third Street Suite of two rooms and bath, steam heat con stant hot and cold water. Ideal bachelor apart ment. Apply to Commonwealth Trust Co., 222 Market Street FOR SALE I>ook here! Do yon want to buy a new homo? Go to to 630 Geary St. I am just finishing four three story brick, mansard roof houses, with wide front and back porches and balcony. Bay windows, grano lithic pavement and steps: cemented cellar, hot and cold water in cellar. Parlor and dining room, largo kitch en, live bed rooms and bath, six large ilosets, vestibule and open stairways. Gas and electric lights. Parlor and dining room finished floors. No houses in the city for the price ask ed. Buy now and you can select paper to suit. Go to see them at once, before too late. The price will surprise you. F. H. Hantzman Office 600 Ilrlggn St. OFFER OF STANDARD SUPPLY COM PANY —We are advised that certain persons, with a view to injuring our business, have intimated that our busi ness is a lottery, and that we have no establishment at 519-521 Lacka wanna Avenue, in the City of Scranton. We will pay .'50.00 to anyone who may be able to disprove that fact, or show that there is any l-ottery or chance in our contracts. Our warerooms embrace five floors at the place slated. —STAND- ARD SUPPLY COMPANY. Lost and Found FOUND. FOUND—The way to end your cleaning and dyeing worries by calling either phone for Eggert's Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning Works, 124 a Market St. We call and deliver. FOUND—A decided improvement In my appearance since having my clothing cleaned and pressed at Parisian Dye Works. 1409 X. Third. Branch, Hoffman- Kerns, 337 Chestnut. Bell phone. Call ing and delivering. Business Opportunities I «• J BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. CONFECTIONERY BUSINESS for sale —well equipped: good location; rent reasonable. Alsn good grocery store for sale at inventory. Full information at our BELL REALTY CO., Bergner Building. LOSS OF LIFE IN AULA SMC PLACED AT NINE London, March 30, 3.50 P. M.—The missing boat from the British steamer Aguila sunk by a German submarine off the Pembrokeshire coast, containing 15 members of the steamer's crew and two passengers, has reached safety. This is the fourth boat that put off from Aguila after the submarine at tack. It was believed up to the pres ent time to have foundered. The num ber of men now supposed to have lost their live* with the sinking of the Aguila is nine. The Oldest Warfare. Tbey were talking of the great ware fought in tbe days wbeu this old worid was considerably younger. "But. you know," said Pant "it al ways seeipa to me tbat those old war riors were very much like our modem financiers." "What on earth do you uieau?" ask ed Muni. "Well, they were always investing ■one one capital, weren't tbey?" —London Mail. Nice Outlook. "When we are married." she cooed, "1 shall keep you in love with me al ways. I know the way." "And what is y«Air recipe, dear?" be asked, drawing ber closer. "I shall spend heaps and heaps o( money on nice dresses and always look as Dretty aa I can."—Cleveland Leader. PHILADELPHIA OPTIONISTS TO PARADE HERE TUESDAY, Will Bring Bands and March Through Streets of Harrlsburg—City Treas- ! urer McCoash, "Trail Hitter," Is Coming—Oliver Cannot Preside Governor Brumbaugh is very active I in making arrangements for the by I local option meetings to be held here on Tuesday next, to which he person ally has invited prominent men from all parts of the State, it was annouue- j ed this morning that City Treasurer : William McCoach, of Philadelphia, j will appear before tho legislative com mittee at the hearing on the bill on Tuesday afternoon aud make an ad- j dress. > Mr. McCoach was one of the "trail hitters" at the "Silly" Sunday meetings in Philadelphia. A large dele gation of Philadelp'niaiis will come h(*re 011 special trains, on both the Pennsylvania and Reading roads, and will parado the streets of llarrisburg on the way to the capitol with bands of music. They will sing cold water songs. GVjvernor Brum'baugh recently in vited United Senator (teorye T. Oliver, ot' Pittsburgh, to preside at tho meet ing in Chestnut street hall next Tues day evening, but Senator Oliver sent a letter declining, but expressing him self in favor of local option. The letter arrived today. In it Senator Oliver said: My Dear Governor Brumbaugh—l feel highly complimented by the re quest von make but I have made all my arrangements to go Soutji for a three weeks' vacation. I will "fncreforu nofe'be back until some time after the middle of April. Under ordinary cir cumstances 1 would travel a long dis tance to comply with such a request as yours, but just now I feel that 1 •owe it to myself to take a rest. 1 have been continuously at work for almost two years and have been particularly busy since the adjournment of Con gress. "As you know, I am strongly in favor of local option and would be de lighted to see your bill enacted." DOUBTS GUILT OF BONADIO. BUT JUDGE SENTENCES Hlill Man Who Figured In Dauphin County Courts for Marrying a Married Woman Gets Six Months at Lebanon 011 Bobbery Charge (Special to the Star-Independent.) ijfbanoti, March SO. —Notwithstand- ing t)he fact that Judge Charles V. Henry last evening said he doubted the guilt of John P. Bonadio, sou of a wealthy Watertown, N. Y., shoe manu facturer, who was convicted by a jury of rottbing a local cobbler of S3OO, he declared from the bench that he is con strained to let the law take its course and sent the defendant to jail for six months. Bonadio was convicted on tlie high way robbery charge by a criminal court jury here last summer, although up un til ye-'terday he had been under bond awaiting the Court 's decision on a mo tion for a new trial aud an arrest of judgment. W. L. Loeser, of llarrisburg, was Bonadio's counsel. "Phe defendant is the man who eloped with the wife of a Washington, D. C., man, married her in Harrisburg, and then, with the woman's five children, beat a hasty retreat to Missouri. There he opened a shoe store and two weeks ' later found himself in the toils, the ; victim of an alleged trumped up charge preferred by tihe wife. By the time he regained his freedom he was a deserted man. Subsequently a Dauphin county jury acquitted him on a charge of unlawfully marrying a married person. The Grand Jury in Dauphin county ignored ah indictment against the woman, which charged her with bigamy. Calvin Klop; s, a farmer of Mvers town, this county, was convicted ot stealing cattle feed and was sentenced last evening by Judge Ilenrv to a sixty day jail term. A similar sentence was imposed upon John Brehm, of Palmyra, convicted of stealing harness. HOfflE RELIEFJORK ENDING Garments Are Presented to Women Who Sewed for Committee During Winter Thirty large cartons of tobacco piled in one corner of the H«d Cross division of the iHonie and War Relief committee headquarters, 7 South Front street, form an interesting exhilbit. Tiiey are for the soldiers fightiug in the evil-smelling trenches in Europe. Thev came as a present from one of the local tobacco merchants and will itoubtles. prove valuable fids to the French, to whom they are to be sent this week. Along with S3OO in . asii as wages, the ladies of the Home Belief and Sup plies divisions presented nearly a thou, sand garments yesterday to women who have been sewing during the winter. Each woman received a garment or t<vo, while the children were likewise well rememberod. To-morrow garments will be given to each one of the women who have not yet received any. All are urged to bring "back tho work taken out, no matter whether it is finished or not. Only the Red Cross division will re main open after to-morrow. It will closb Saturday, 'but 'Miss An n c'Mc Co rmi<-k and 'Miss Mary Robinson will continue to forward contributions that may be sent to their respective homes, 301 North Front street and 111 State street. 11 FINANCE LEADERS REACT WHILE THE SPECIALTIES FORGE AHEAD Bethlehem Steel Hushed Up to 01 1-2, an Over Night Gain of Four and ft Half Points and a New High Record DII Associated Press, New York, March 30.—Wall Street. Conflicting conditions wore reflected in to-day's early market, the leaders re acting while specialties continued to forge ahead. Bethlehem Steel rushed up to 91 1-2, an over night gain of 4 1-2 points and a new high record. Rock island, which displayed sudden anima tion and strength in yesterday's late dealings, opened with a sale of a block of live thousand shares at 28 1-2 to 29 1-2, a gain of 3 1-2 points. Motor shares rose from 2 to 5 points. Ca ! nadian Pacific and its allied property, j"soo" were the o,nly other railway is -1 sues to gain more than fractions." Na tional Ijend advanced 4 points but U. 5. Steel was lower despite its highest price for the current movement in IjOu don. I Dealings in the first hour were the j largest for that period of any session J since last July, but diminished toward j midday. The highly speculative char acter of the market was indicated, how lever, by its extreme feverishness. Beth j lehem Steel declined over five point) from its top figure, but soon recovored | much of its loss. Rock Island, concern ing which there were rumors of a con ! lest for control at the annual meeting, | reacted three points and the special ' ties as a whole were inclined to ease j off. All the standard stocks went ma terially lower, but hardened later ; when trading became more orderly, j Bonds were stead' - . Philadelphia Produce Market Philadelphia, Pa.. March HO. —Wheat firmer; No. 2 red, c:tr lots, export, 152 (a 154. Corn firm: No. 2 spot, export, 76@ 76; No. - yellow, locul, 79V_-(f"80Vi. Oats flrni; No. 2 white, 63064, Bran steady; winter, per ton, $28.50; spring, per ton, $25.50#26,00, Refined sugars tirin; powdered, 6.00; line granulated, S.UU; confectioners' A, 5.80. | Butter tlrm: western creamery, ex tra. 31; nearby prints, fancy, 34. Eggs firm; nearby firsts, free case, $6.1"; current receipts, free case, $6.00; j western e.\tra firsts, free case, $8.15; , firsts, tree case, $6.00. L.lve poultry steady; fowls, 16017; i old roosters, UH® 12; chickens, 14@17; turkeys, 15017; ducks, 15016; geese. 12 @l6. Pressed poultry firm; fresh killed fowls, fancy, 1110 20; average, 16® IS; unattractive, 14015; old roosters, 14; frozen fowls, 16018; roasting ehlck«yis, 17020; broiling chickens, 22027; tur keys, 18022; ducks, 12018; geese, 12 0 16. Potatoes weak; Pennsylvania, per bushel, 48050; Maine, do., 45050; New | York, do., 38043. j Flour steady; winter straight, 6.600 6.85; spring straight, 6.7507.00; do., pat ! ent, 7.00 0 8.00. j Hay Weak; timothy. No. 1 large bale% i 18.00; No. 1 medium bales, 17.50018.00; No. 2 do., 15.50016.50; No. 3 do., 14.000 15.00. Clover mixed light, 17.00017.50; j No. 1 do., 16.00016.50; No. 2, do.. 14.5# Chicago Live Stock Market Chicago, March 30. —'Hogs—Receipts, ! 13,000; slow. Shade above yesterday's average. Bulk, 6.7506.85; light, 6.65@ I 6.92}t.; mixed, 6.65 06.02 ; heavy, 6.450 6.U0; rough. 6.4506.60; pigs. 5.6006.60. Cattle —Receipts, 2.000; steady. Na tive steers, 5,9008.70; western, 5.500 7.40; cows and heifers, 3.0007,75; calves, 6.75 Cy 10.25. Sheep—Receipts, 8,000: firm. Sheep, 7.1508.35; yearlings, 8.0009.35; lambs, j 7.65 010.00. LATE WAR NEWS SUMMARY Continued l'rom First I'ofb plane dropped bombs on a British war ship cruising outside the Dardanelles. No information is given whether se -1 rious damage was inflicted. The allied fleet has made no further general at j tack on the Turkish fortifications, al though they were bombarded inter mittently yesterday. Field Marshal Von Der Goltz, German military com mander at Constantinople, who Is oa | his way to Berlin, is quoted as saying j it is now apparent that the Dardan elles forts will be able to resist any assault which may be directed against them from the sea. The Turkish government has taken measures to prevent the landing of the J allied troops conveyed to Smyrna on transports. Large bodies of Turkish troops are being assembled at this point. A concentration of Italian troops ' along the Austrian frontier is said in ' Geneva to have been begun. Accord- I ing to this information Italian regi ments which have been stationed along i the Swiss border have been sent to the Tyroleso frontier, where Austrian troops have been assembled during til* last fortnight. The Russian government announce* that the German offensive in Northern Poland has failed, having been stopped at all points along the line west of the Niemen river. The German bombard ment of Osaowetz which has resisted a siege of several weeks, is said by the Russian war office to have been virtu | ally abandoned. Receiver for Oscar • Hammerstein By Associated Press, New York, March 30.—A receiver for Oscar ilammerstein, the impresario, ! was appointed by the United States District Court here to-day. The action resulted from an equity suit brought by the American Seating Company, de scribed as creditor. Mr. Ilammerstein i was said to-day to be seriously ill in 1 his home here. The impresario has been'sufferiii},' with an intestinal dis order and a carbuncle on his foot. LAWYERS' PAPER BOOKS Printed at this office in best style, At lowest prices and on short notice.