Do you know, friend reader, that there is K a doctor named Moroney? He pre- B scribed for a patient and the latter B went to the druggist to have the B prescription refilled. The E apothecary looked up in sur- B prise and said: "Why bless B you, we could never refill Moroney and get away with it" The drug- B gist knew, for J he drank J Moroney's Army and B Navy J Whiskey himself. £ Moroney'* Amy and Navy Whiskey ia on sale at all first-elan bars aid cafes I HANLFN BROTHERS DISTRIBUTORS FOR ' NEWS OF THE SPORTING WORLD STEELTON HICH FALLS TO CENTRAL IN HARD CAME Locals Miss Basket in First Period bu Come Back Strong and Win bj Score of 31 to —Blue and Graj Scrubs Are Victors Central High played a sensatioua come-back in its second game witl fcteelton Hagli in the Chestnut street auditorium last evening, winning aitei forty minutes of 'hard basketball by th< score of 31 to 26. The locals had t three-point, lead to overcome at th< start of the second period. Rote's floor generalship was in s degree responsible for Central's victory. Winn was outplayed at centei lby Crump, the Steelton pivot man, and it was up to the forwards on the local team to get the ball awav. Rote proved himself equal to the task. W'hile his mate, Ford, made more field goals than Rote, still the latter made the oppor tunities. Ford made a splendid showing from the fifteen-foot line, caging sixteen t>f tweifyv-three fouls, making eight out it nine in t'lie last period when points were badly needed. For St eel to n, Dayhoff and Crump did ars 14 7 .667 T'S" 8 , 13 S .619 Leopards 12 9 .511 a io ;«23 ! Elephants 7 14 .333 olve s 6 15 .285 SMOKERS' LEAGUE W. U Pet. kyeu Steven 10 2 .833 i King Oscars 8 4 .667 Taros 3 9 -250 'Counsellors 3 9 .250 CASINO INDEPENDENTS v , . W< U Pct - Nobles 22 14 .611 j Cardinals 22 14 .611 j Ideals 17 19 [473 Orioles 17 19 .472 Alpines 16 20 .444 Superiors 14 22 .389 BASKETBALL TO NIGHT Lancaster Will Meet Independents In Chestnut Street Hall One of the best games of the season is looked for this evening when the jHarrishurg Independents and t'he Lan -1 caster fives meet in the Chestnut street auditorium. Both teams have been beating the same clubs all season, but i the visitors have a slight margin in | that they defeated the Harrisrburg team j early in the season. T'he teams of the Central High school will be the guests t'his evening of "Ike'' McCord, forward on fhe Harris burg team, who lias been the coach of the High school teams all season. The Independents will likely finish tlhe sea son next week. The linc-t^p: Lancaster. Harrisburg. Evans F Han.k P McCord Diehl C OMSOI o» G ?ord SOiau'b O McOonnell (Nightingale) Hollenback Gets Job HOLLENBACK GETS JOB State Coach WiU Train P. M. C. Foot ball Eleven Chester. Pa., March 27—"Big Bill"' Hollenback, former University of Pennsylvania football star, and who for several se,asons has been head coach at State College, signe5 — 515 Walters ... 152 136 187— 475 Totals .. 345 303 342 990 VICTORY CLOSES SEASON j Hassett Club Not Pressed Hard To j Win From Altoona Y. M. C. A. The Hassett club closed its basket -1 ball season with a victory over the Al toona Y. M. C. A. five in Cathedral ball last evening b ythe score of 47 to 26. The local five excelled in shooting and passing and had a safe lead soon after the start of the game. The victory closes the most suc cessful season in the Hassett club's history. Only two of their games played have been lost and each of ! these by narrow margins. MeCurdy, Ed. Sourbier and Hinnenkamp were individual stars in last night's Kame, although all of the men did good work. For the visitors Logue and Keller played best. The line-up: Hassett Club. Altooua. MeCurdy F Logue L. Sourbier F. Keller Ed. Sourbier C Fiirrer Witzel G . Epplo ■ Hinnenkamp. ... G Schlegel | Substitutions, Hassett Club, ,T. gTtz ! for Hinnenkamp. Field goals, Ed. : 1 Sourbier, 7; MeCurdy, 4; L. Sourbier, j 1 2; Hinnenkamp, 2; Witzel, Logue, 2; ! 1 Furrer, 2; Keller. Foul goals, Keller, j ' 1.6 of 25.; MeCurdy, 15 of 26. Ref- ' ' eree, White; scorer, MeCaulley; timer, j ' Kettel. Time, 20-minute halves. ' ' Hamilton. SO; Forney, 10 Hamilton grammar won from the Forney grammar fiv ß on the Tech floor last uight, score 30 to 10. The line up: Hamilton. FornevT Mutzabaugh F Fellows kbert F Yentzer 3*aKch C Molt/ Fetrow G Beck Frail k 6 Hoi war Substitutions, Book for Frank. Fiold goals, Fellows, 3; Beck, Holwer, Kbert, C; Mutzabaugh, 3; Fetrow, Frank, Book. Foul goals, Frank, 3; Mutza baugh, 3. Tech-Central Game at Chestnut Street The game between the Central and Tech basketball fives next Monday night will be played in the Chestnut itreet auditorium because of the added seating capacity. The intercollegiate* rules used by Tech will be in force in this game. Reading Champs Play in Steelton The Evans Grammar school five, of Heading met tho Central Grammar school livo, of Steelton, this afternoon at 2.30 o'clock in Felton Hall, Steel ton. This team is the champions of the Reading Grammar school league. Lgß MAY HAVE 15 PLAYERS Central Pennsylvania League Makes New Baling at Meeting The players' limit in the Central Pennsylvania League will be fifteen players by June 1, it was-decided at a meeting of the league representatives in Steelton last evening. Twenty-one players can ! be signed for the start of the season, the reduction being made ! later. j The season will open May 1 and run I for twenty-five games with double (head ers being scheduled for Memorial Day j and July 4. Games will alternate on j holidays. A schedule will be frameid 1 and submitted to the managers. Clubs are given until April 15 to file bonJs to complete the season. Grammar School Girls Play Two teams of girls on the Central Grammar school, of Steelton, played yesterday afternoon team No. 1 win ning by the score of 11 to 7. The game was played in Felton Hall. The lineup: Varsity. Scrubs. Heck F Martzon Stehman F McCoy Dnvhoff C Carlson Kirby G Couffer Hager G Marks Field goals. Heck, 2; Stehman, ,I>ay hoff, Hager, McCoy, 2; Marks. Foul goals, Heck, 1 out of 6; Carlson, 1 out of 8. Referee, Crump. Methodist Club* Finishes To-day The 'Methodist club finished its sea son this afternoon with a game with the Technical High school scrulbs. The j ga'ine was played on the QahhedraJ hall J floor. Ten Years' Misery Ended J. T. Chambers, merchant, Joneslboro, Ark., writes: "Kole present ed supporting Miss Crosman and the layout actually looks remarka'ble. Adv.* At the Colonial The Colonial's very clever show with the Six Musical Gorman and three otfher excellent Keith attractions will play their last performances at the Busy Corner to-day. For next week the man agement is announcing Arthur Lavine anil company, presenting "From Conev Island to t'he North Pole," by all odds tlie highest salaried production that was ever exhibited at the Colonial. This is a big spectacular musical comedv, com prising songs, dances and frolic," girlies aplenty, gorgeous scenic divestment and is a capita] headiiner for "'big time" theaibres, Where it most always appears. The Colonial is indeed fortunate in be ing able to secure this mamimofch mu sical comedy for their playhouse and the raro opportunity of its engagement there will undoubtedly be taken ad vantage of toy Harrisburg's arm/ sf amusement seekers.—Adv.* At the Regent i "Tiliie's Punctured Romance" is | still at the Regent and absolutely con j tented, Marie wishes to say that 'she is very sorry that she is compeiietd to say good-bye this evening as she rather enjoyed the last two days while in the Capital of this State. 'As for Charlie and Mabel they seem to feel the same way, Charlie said he rather enjoyed it and as for Mabel she was tickled to death and hope to come back to the Re gent at a later date. Tiliie's romance has surely proven a great success at this theatre and judging from the re ports of patrons it has met with their approval in every respect. Tillie said she would of rather been at the Regent first, but she got on the right train, but Mr. Huffman put up his hand and stopped her, the decision given on Thursday she felt slighted I that she was not here first. On (Monday and Tuesday another great production by Jesse L. Lasicv, •'The Ghost Breaker," with John Em ! erson featured as the lead. It, has to begin with, the solid substance which makes the feature stand out above the rank and file of films; it has the right qualities of form; the dramatic con struction is bold, but clear and con sistent. It has an admirable plot com bined with excellent acting and su perior direction; and again it has the country-wide reputation that the play created for itself. The story is a nov el and refreshing something filled with rich red blood and far from the monot onous routine of every day modern business existence.—Adv. * PHOTOPLAY TO-DAY ' Charles Chaplin comes to the Photo play to-day in a new Essanay release "In the Park." He's the funniest ma.n in the "movies'' and ho holds to hug record in this lang'haible single reel comedy. iMiary Puller, of Edison fanne, appears in a three-reel drama, "The Master Mummer," from the pen of Philip Opcenheirti, the great novelist, and the program is complete with a three-reel Es»anay comedy, "IMr. But tles." Coming Monday, March 29, Anita Stewart and Earl Williams, the HENRIETTA CROSMAN WORLD PEACE AT TUB ORPHEUM Henrietta C'rosman will proneut. at the Orplieum next week a reuiurkulile little play entitled, "Tliou Shalt -Not Kill." The scene is laid in Europe but the plav takes 110 sides in the present con flict, being absolutely neutral. It does not show, however, that, the men who «o to war are not the bravest and that, the greatest sorrows fall to the lot of those who are left behind. Thou Shalt Not Kill" was written by Maurice Campbell, best known as a manager and producer and the man AMUSEMENTS | AMUSEMENTS I MAJESTIC Wednesday, Matinee & Evening, March 31 Seats Monday ciELWYN & CO. Present the Greatest Melodrama of the Age ■WITHIN THE LAW H . By Bayard Veiller 1 WITH I - CLARA JOE I MARY TURNER < ffi] Eltinge Theatre, New York, Co. and Production nj PRlCES—Matinee, 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00; Evening, 25c, 50c, [| 75c, SI.OO and $1.50. ORPHEUM COLONIAL 8 Royal Dragoons 6 Musical Gormans Claire Rochester A . , , , in- t, I, .__ __. x A wonderxul Instrumental Five Other Excellent Keith Hits „ . , . t» t» v t nr o Musical Act Do You Believe In War? A . „ A ., „ And 3 Other Features See „ Henrietta Crosman 48 W< L. as Next Week , Movl!1 * Plo " lr ■ i ii ...... J t * TO-IIAY, 10 A. M. TILL 11.30 P. M. Marie Dressier Supported ty Charles Chaplin and Mabel Normand Tillie's Punctured Romance A I AIIGH U HEELS V SCREAM Feature alionni 10.30, 12.13, 2.00, 4.13, 6.00, 7.80, 0.00. 10.30. *l»niln>- and Tuemla > —II. M. Warner, In THE (1 HOST HItEAKEIt, Jcmmi- (.. I.unity Production. ADMISSION, 10c. t'HII.DKKX, 3c < J most popular movie stars who appear together featured in a Broadway Star Viitagraph production, "From Hoaa' quarters." An all-star east whoso in tense dramatic wt>rk in this feature is wonderful.—'Adv.* Jewsharp Artist*. Ability in performing on the jews- ; harp (which, by the way, has nothing to do with the Hebrews) was once the medium of bringing luck to a German ' soldier. One of Frederick the Great's ! warriors so charmed the king with his I performance on two jewsharps that he gave him his discharge and a large money present and enabled him to amass a fortune playing at concerts. The greatest performer on the Jews harp was a German, Charles Eulen- Bteln, whose exhibitions In London In 1828 were very popular, but also, un- - fortunately, fatal to bis teeth.—London Mail. I ager and husband of Miss f'roaniati. Before Mr. (Campbell became a producer some fourteen years aj;o, lie was a well | known newspaper man mid magazine j writer working most of his time on the New ork dailies. His last, assignment jin newspaper work was as war cor respondent during the Spanish-Amdi lean war for the New York "Herald." IMr. i ampbell was sent South with the | late Stephen Crane to search for the I Spanish fleet, reported the campaign 'and returned with the victorious troops from Santiago to Montauk Point.— I Adv.* Phitepliy To-day CHARLES CHAPLIN featured in An KMnaimy Comedy "IN THE PARK" He'* the runil lent mnn In the movie* ; "THE MASTER MUMMER" 3-reel Edition KcnturluK: MARY FULLER "MR. BUTTLES" 3-reel S. & A. comedy Coming MONDAY, March 29th ANITA STEWART EARL WILLIAMS, in PROM HEADQUARTERS 1 M 9