The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, March 27, 1915, Page 11, Image 11

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    i - !■■ —• ■■■■ ■■ I——l I
The Star-Independent Gives Away
2 Orpheum Ti
The name of the person to whom they will be awarded to-day is somewhere
among the Classified Ads on this page.
Perhaps you are the lucky person. Look until you find out. If you get the
tickets please call for them before 8 o'clock to-morrow evening or they will be
forfeited. (These names are drawn from the Directory by a blindfolded girl.)
»!■ ■ i.mi i. ■ M ■■■ ■ ,« ,i i■ i xjnm —
PAINTER WANTED—Address E. 3733,
tare Star-Independent.
WANTKD—Four first class painters.
Apply at Ensminger Lumber Co., Of
fice 26th and Derry St.
MKN WANTKD for dotectlve work; also
taught by former IT. S. Govt, detect
ive. Write J. Ganor, 11309 Calumet,
WANTED—Men wishing to earn three
to live dollars per day. Write for
terms immediately. First National
, Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y.
WANTKD—At once; young men for au
tomobile business. Big pay. We make
you expert in ten weeks by mail. Pay
us after we secure you position. Cen
tury Automobile Institute, Los Angeles,
SBO MONTHLY and expenses to travel.
distribute samples and take orders,
appoint agents; permanent. Jap-Amer
ican Co., Chicago.
THE manufacturer of a fast selling
changeable sign desires general agent
for this city. No canvassing. Selling
experience unnecessary. Good Income
assured. Liberal credit to responsible
man. Carnell Mfg. Co., 23 Duane St.,
New York.
S3O WEEKLY, evenings at home. Kv
er.vthlng furnished, 110 experience, no
canvassing. Don't worry about capital,
lto.vd H. Brown, Otaiaha, Nebr.
WONDER OlL—<Juart equals forty gal
lons gasoline; new product, recom
mended by oldest automobile manufac
turers. Trial can 50c. Competent men
wanted everywhere; exclusive territory
given. Desmond-llemenger Mfg. Co.,
Detroit, Midi.
WANTED: Ablebodled ' unmarried
men between age of 18 and 35; citizens
of United States, of good character and
temperate habits, who can speak, read
and write the English language. For
Information apply to Rocruitlng Officer,
Bergner Building, 3d & Market sts-
Hairisburg, 4.\ N Queen St., Lancaster,
353 Pine St.. Willlamsport, 37 W. Mar
ket St, York, or 113 Independence St.
i-hamokin, I'a.
WANTED—First class special tool mak
ers, for turrett and engine lathe. Ap
ply Harrisburg Piipc and Pipe Bending
Co., main office.
YOUNG MEN to prepare for government
examinations. Thorough private coach
ing for all branches of Civil Service.
Have a few open dates. Address P. O.
Box 431, Harrisburg, Pa.
WANTED—To sell wall paper from
sample books. We are the largest
wholesale wall paper house in Central
Pennsylvania and carry the largest lino
of cheap and medium priced papers on
tile market. We attribute our suc
cess to our low prices, prompt ship
ments and fair dealings. Let us send
you our 1915 line jof samples on ap
proval, Write to-day to Monarch Wall
Paper Co.. 420 Market St., Harrisburg,
Pa. • ■ ■ - - -
THOUSANDS of chauffeurs will be
needed within three or four months,
in the city of Harrisburg, for public
laxicab service. Prepare yourself at
once. Make application for training to |
Auto 1 ransporiatlon and Machine Shop, '
ii and 7 North Cameron St., Harrisburg, i
Pa. Full, unlimited course. $35. Both i
WANTED—Men prepare as firemen,
brakernen, niotormen, colored porters.
Pennsylvania railroads. Experience not
necessary. SSU to SIOO month. Write
Inter Railway Dept. 101, Indianapolis,
EXPERIENCED Salesman, covering
central states, can diplomatically set
tle business entanglements and close
special sales propositions or secure con
fidential information for you. Ounbar,
1?-13'Monadnock Block, Chicago.
WANTED Experienced man wants
work of any kind around bouses, sucli
as digging gardens, flower beds, white
washing, cleaning, etc, C. M.. 122#
Cowdeti street.
WANTED —Work; either all or part of
the time, by a young man who is
working his way through a business
college in tiiis city; experienced in crat
ing und shipping. Address 3728, care
having years of experience, will be
open for position April Ist. First class
reference. PET EH EILISR, 1008 Cam
eron St.
YOUNG married man, colored- wishes
position as cliaufTeur; willing and
useful around the house; reference;
moderate wages. Apply 61ti Forster St.
YOUNG MAN, 24 years of age, wishes a
position as chauffeur; private family
desired; can furnish best of reference.
Address W. P. OiIMEHT, Williamson,
AN experienced truck and commercial
car operator desires employment at
onye. Address WILLIAM SHEARER.
Oberlin, Pa.
WILL PAY reliable man or woman
$250 for distributing 2000 Free pkgs.
Perfumed Soap Powder with, soaps, etc.
No money required. Ward & Co., 730 N.
Franklin, Chicago.
Houses For Sale
2447 Oeel St.
2 1 ,5-story brick house, with 8
rooms—'bath and furnace—cemented
cellar front bay window front
porch. Lot 15x100 ft. Price, for
quick sale only 92M50
3214 IV, Second St.
2',4-story brick house (single)—ll
rooms, bath—hot water heat—front
and side bay windows—porches '0
ft. rear alley. Lot 52x150 ft.
Price, - t 95800
H74 Schuylkill St.
Two-story frame house with 6
roijfrns, bath and hot water heat
Cemented cellar with hot and cold
water—side bay window—porches.
Lot 17 2-3x75 ft. Prompt possession.
Price 92200
l 1810 Smfara St.
3-stWy frame house with 10
rooms—bath and furnace—front
bay window—porches—l 2 ft. side
and rear alleys. Lot 21x125 ft.;
shade and fruit trees. Price. 93700
Have us Mall You a Copy of Facts
and Figures
mm I—i iwmm n— 4 . ■ 1
( Wants
AGENTS—Home-thing: new; fastest gell
ers and quickest repeaters on earth.
Permanent, profitable business; pood for
SSO to $75 a week. Address American
Products Co., 1684 Third "SL, Cincinnati
AGRNTS—-Make money selling the ad
vertlsed Baldwin Double Service
House Dresses and Aprons. Clean, lu
crative occupation for ambitious ladies
Repeat orders. Write to-day for par
ticulars. Baldwin Garment Co., Holy
oke, Mass.
AGENTS—If I had your name I e'ould
show you how to earn $25 to SSO
7im e nnn' ?J®« ate , st ® el l er in years. Over
<OO,OOO sold in last six months. Every
housewife will buy on Postal
brings liberal proposition and free sam
ple. Address Manufacturer, 1 Union
Square. New York,
next week. You can. Others do. Ross
made $13.00 first morning. Electric.
Hashing changeable sign. Outselling
everything at SIO.OO. Gives SIOO.OO Adv.
Service. Terms 30 days. Freo sample.
!■ lashtrlc Sign Works, Chicago.
SALESMEN—-Three hustlers wanted for
til?!?. • oUtß ' ( 'e of Harrisburg;
Slow to J2oo monthly; pay every Thurs
day. No samples, no selling or collect
ing; such complete instructions given
that a live wire Is bound to make big
money Write now to get territory.
W U Brc vr ne ' Secretary, 538 Schwind
_____ MALE
like wildfire. We need more inen
and women to help distribute. Full
time or spare time. Wholesale Supply
House. 26 North Third St.. top floor.
LADIES lmmediately. Home-work
evenings. Filling—labeling boxes.
Cam earn $6.00 to $15.00 weekly. No
experience. No canvassing. Steady.
Enclose stamp. Erina Specialty Co.,
Toronto, Ont.
WANTED Lady traveler. Experi
ence unnecessary. Salary, commission
e *l )e » se allowance to right lady.
Mcßrady A 2 Co., Chicago.
LADIES— To address envelopes; $2 00
per 300; no canvassing; light, agree
able work; a permanent business; can
commence work immediately. Instruc
tions and copy material, 12c. Money
refunded If not satisfied. The National
l'orm Co., Box 828, Chicago.
DO you want another $2 daily? No
experience; constant spare lime work
knitting hosiery; machines furnished
on contract; we take product. Gleason
Wheeler Co. (Inc.), 337 Madison, Chi
LADIES—Make shields at home; SIO.OO
per 100. No canvassing required,
bend stamped-addressed envelope for
iV? 1 . Particulars. Eureka Co., Dept.
11-D, Kalamazoo, Mich.
INTELLIGENT Person may earn $S to
S2O weekly, spare time at home, writ
ing for newspapers. Send for particu
!?r rs, u! National Press Syndicate, 1249
Washington, D. C.
WANTED—-Two lady canvassers of
good address to advertise articles of
outward wearing apparel. A clean and
agreeable position for capable persons
Give recommendation. Address No. 3723
care Star-Independent.
\\ ANTED Girls over 16
years of age to learn cigar
making. Paid while learn-
Apply at Harrisburg
Cigar Company, 500 Race
COLORED woman wants day's work
Oberlin, Pa.
WANTED—Seamstress would like plain
sewing by the day or week, at home
or out. Reasonable rates. Inquire 446
Boyd Ave.
WANTED—Position as housekeeper;
can give reference: would like to have
her two children with her. Address or
call third door from the church at
PLAIN SEWING to do at home. Apply
1120 Montgomery St.
WANTED - Middle-aged lady wishes
maternity nursing. Apply 1120 Mont
gomery street.
W ? n^4 N " wants ironing to do at home.
WO3 Sarah Ave., City.
WANTED—Mrs. Mary A. Bostdorf, Penn
near Boas, to whom two reserved
tickets were awarded to-day, good for
»?° Performance at Orpheum,
March 30, 19In. Call for them at Staj--
Independent office before 8 p. m., March
29, 1910, or they will .be forfeited.-
WANTED—Position as housekeeper, by
young 1 woman of experience. Ad
dress 3726, care Star-Independent.
A YOUNG LADY would like general
housework or day work. Call or ad
dress 1005 N. Third St.
WANTED—Young lady wishes position
in office, can give reference. Call or
write 1249 Market s-treet.
WANTED—'Young 1 lady wants work by
the day or week, in private family
Apply 1005 N. Third. y ' ,
| Basinass Opportunities
BUY OIL STOCK in 861,000,000 com
pany, just organized; ground floor
proposition; 100 per cent, dividends 90
days possible; 20 wells at once; quick
action on your money; limited number
shares at 2c Bhare; 810 buys 500 par
value stock; big advance in stock soon;
selling fast; remit now; write for free
Information; dividends declared soon.
Amalgamated Oil Co., 1180 Oolcord
Bldg., Oklahoma. Okla.
OPPORTUNITY of a lifetime. Co-oper
ate with us on a -big money-making
proposition; particulars free. Manufac-
\/y-■ ■ T.T . ? :: : - ... ,-V v
Sixth street, flnt class packer of fur
nlture, china and brlc*bi&c. Hell phou*
t»»W. !
w. J. WENRICH, 339 Hamilton street—
Furniture, chin* and piano packing,
shipments looked after at both end*
kinds of hauling. Bell pboufc
LADIES—When delayed or Irregular,
use Triumph Pills; always uepchd
able. "Relief" and particulars free.
Write National Medical institute, Mil
waukee, Wis.
WANTED—A tenant for Locust Grove
Farm; with or without stock and im
plements; farm is three miles from
Marysville. Address or telephone C. K.
.VllLtLElt, Marysvllle.
OLD COINS WANTED—»SO paid for dol
lar, 1873, S mint; $2 for 1904 dollar,
proof; |7 for 1853 quarter, no arrows.
Many valuable coins circulating;. Send
4c foa large coin circular. It may mean
large prolits to you. Send to Nuims
inaiilc Dank, Dept. 30. Ft. Worth. Tex.
STORAGE in 2-story brick building,
I rear 408 Market St. Household goous
In clean, private rooms. Reasonable
rates. Apply to P. G. DINNER, Jeweler,
tug Market SU
FIRE-PROOF STORAGE warehouse, di
vided into private rooms tor storage
of household goods. New building. Low
insurance. Inspection lnviteu. 437-445
South Second street ILUUUSBUKG
FREIGHT DRAYAGE, storage, shippers
and distributors of merchandise of all
kinds; prompt and eflicidtu service.
Warehouses 011 P. R. R. and P. Jc it
tracks. MONTGOMERY & CO.,
Line, Tenth below Market Su
ALL KINDS of razor blades resharpen
ed; made better than new; safety, Hie
per dozen; Star, 15c; old style, Jdc; e
orders Henry Gilbert Ac Sous' Hardware,
219 Market street.
Watches, Jewelry, Firearms. Musical
instruments. Hignest cash prices for
old gold and silver. Repairing a spe
cialty. CITY LOAN OFFICE, ill Mar
ket street
AMOUNTS Payments to' fcuit
borrower. Small loans a specialty.
Positively lowest rales in the city.
Up-to-date methods. Licensed,
bonded and incorporated. .
182 Walnut Street
for honest working people keeping
house. Kates less than legal Pay
ments weekly or monthly. >Jo noti
lication of employer or friends.
204 Chestnut St.
Authorized Capital. (100,000
ANY person needing money In amounts
from $5 to SOO holding a salaried po
sition, would be benefited by calling
on us. Employes' Discount Co., 36 North
Third wmmmmmmm~. M
ALL kinds of hauling; large two-ton
truck; furniture, pianos, freight, in
the city and suburbs. Prices reason
able. Picnic and pleasure trips, day or
evening. WM. H. DARE, 1453 Vernon
St Bell phane 3617 J.
Sale and Exchange
FOR SALE—The best let of business
wagons ever offered for sale in the
city of Harrisburg. Wagons to suit ev
erybody. GROCE'S WAGON SHOP, 1541
Walnut St.
OVERLAND touring car, fully equip
ped; new tires; for sale cheap. Will
demonstrate. Apply 306 Relly St.
motorcycle, overhauled, first class
condition; also full set automobile fend
ers. W. L. DOWHOWER, 21 N. Fifth St.,
or 1811 Zarker. Bell phones.
C. W. u. LANGLETZ, Lumber—We are
overstocked with all kinds and
grades of lumber and we can offer you
big bargains. It will pay you to see
us. Office Cameron and Mulberry Sts.
DON'T PAY $2.00 and J3.00 f<ir hats
when you can buy H. C. Dodge hats
for 50 cents. Come and look them over.
Open evenings. S. MELTZER, 513 Wal
nut street.
FIXTURES FOR SALE—2 wall cases,
12 feet each; one partition, one coun
ter, 11 feet long, one cash register; all
solid mahogany; five office chairs. Very
cheap to quick buyer. Call Bell phone
2020H, or Independent 515.
PRIVATiE oollection Victrola records,
one-third t« one-half off listed price;
sold slngly-or any number; mostly Red
Seal records; 230 State St. Bell phone
686 R. Some choice bargains.
FOR SALE—One road horse, nubber
tired Jenny Llnd, rubber tired surrey,
both good as new; market wagon and
six sets harness, 214 Lincoln street,
Steelton, Pa. Bell phone 6X or 6Y.
FOR SALE—AT GABLED, 118, 115 and
117 South Second street 5,000 gallons
New Era Ready Mixed Paint, Acme
quality. All the full line of the Acme
FOR SALE—At GABLE'S, 111-117 SoutlT
Second St.. 6,000 sets new Sash, Bxlo
xl 2 L., primed and glazed, at 11.15 per
sec Also other slses.
Printed at this office in best style, at
lowest prices and on short notice.
Rail Estata
n~i —run ■ i
(Poultry Business) running* (Spring
Water) fine meadow, all kinds choice
fruit ($00) bushel apples (1914). Home,
Barn, outbuildings, land mostly level (H)
acres good (woodland). Only (half
mile) to Trolley and Railroad Depot at
large Market joining Susquehanna river.
(J) young horses (1) fresh cow (8) hogs
(S3) chickens, ducks, guineas and
geese. All hay. straw, corn and oats.
Farming Machinery. (42) acres only
(11906); w*th everything Above (s£4oo).
City Market (and) State Hospital.
Trolley and Railroad Depot and Beau
tiful River wltliln (4) squares to Dandy
(50) acre farm, land level facing South,
mostly New Buildings, water on porch.
Choice Fruit (7) acres good woodland
and great chance for Early Vegetables.
Remember (match team) horses, (2)
fresh cows (5) hogs (60) poultry (30)
bushel oats (50) bushel corn (3) ton
hay and straw. Farm alone ($2000);
everything above ($2700). Phone (7 to
8) Evenings.
Only (mile) to Court House and City
Market. (3) fruit orchards (meadow)
running spring water, loam soil mostly
level (13) acres good woodland. Handy
to (3) Railroads and (2) Trolley Lines.
(4) valuable horses (3) fresh cows (7)
hogs (115) poultry, all hfty, straw, oats
and corn. Farming Machinery. (92)
acre farm with (2) set of buildings
only ($3800); with Stock (machinery)
crops low price ($4900). Handy to Sha
mokin, Sunbury, Danville and Blooms
burg markets.
Danville Telephones Sunbury
Mornings (7 to 8) Evenings
The Board of Commissioners of Pub
lic Grounds and Buildings will offer at
public sale, In front of State Capitol
Building, at entrance. Fourth and State
streets, Harrisburg, Penna., at 10 o'clock
a. m., April 10th, 1915, the following
buildings and structures upon the prem
ises within the boundaries of the pro
posed extension to Capitol Park, in
Rlighth Ward, City of Harrisburg:
Cowden street—lls, 117. 119, 121, 123,
406. 512. 514. m
Filbert street —108, 110.
North street—42s, 507, 509, 611, 717.
Short street—l 23, 139, 143.
South street—so 3, 510, 618, 601 (rear of
No. 121 Cowden street), 606, 703.
State street—4l3, 413-rear, 416, 417, 419,
421. 423.
Walnut streftt—4lß, 510, 600, 602.
The purchasers shall nay to the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania, through
the office of the Superintendent of Pub
lic Grounds and Buildings, Harrisburg,
Pennsylvania, by certified check or
United States currency, the amount at
which the said building or buildings and
structures are awarded to them, as fol
lows: A cash payment of 25 per cent,
shall be made on day of sale and the
balance before entering upon the prop
erty to remove the material purchased.
In all cases where the premises are
unoccupied, possession will be given
the purchaser immediately. Where the
premises are tenanted, possession will
be given Immediately after the premises
are vacated. The Commonwealth will
not be responsible for any damage to
property after possession Is given. Pur
chaser shall state at time of their
ofTer the time required to remove the
buildings and material after being given
possession by the Commonwealth, which
In no shall be longer than 60 days.
All building refuse shall be carted
away from the premises by the pur
chaser. All foundation walls must be
taken down and removed at least three
feet below level of street.
The Board of Commissioners of Pub
lic Grounds and Buildings reserves the
right to accept or reject any or all bids.
The work of removal shall be perform
ed under the direction of and to the
satisfaction of the Superintendent of
Public Grounds smil Buildings.
The sidewalks and street pavements
are not to be removed by purchaser of
buildings or structures under tills
By order of the Board,
CO ACRES—Located In Adams Co., 2
miles southeast of York Springs;
stone dwelling; frame barn; spring and
running water; will exchange for city
property. BRINTON-PACKER CO., Sec
ond and Walnut streets.
A HOME for those wanting outside of
city; Dauphin, 8 rooms, house on n
main street; lot 95x123. Price $1,200.
H. G. PEDLOW, 110 S. Thirteenth St.
FOR SALE—S2IOO will buy an Improved
frame house, lot 95x105, corner prop
erty, considerable fruit, chicken house.
Inspect this property and other cheap
property. BELL REALTY CO . Berirner
3H ACRES, with 4-room house; excel
lent placo for chickens, fruit and
flowers. Address 3734, care Star-Inde
FOR SALE—3 houses on Jefferson St,
at reduced prices; part brick con
struction, 6 rooms and bath, finished
third floor, also 1 new brick home with
all improvements, near the central part
of the city; also building lots near Pen
brook, 30x150; reduced In order to close
them out;- also building lots at River
side and Paxtang. l-'or terms and prices
apply *o S. HALDEMAN & iK>., Carpen
ters and Builders, 3222 N. Sixth St.,
Harrisburg, Pa. Also Job carpenter
work promptly and neatly attended to
by calling Bell phone 3622J3.
CORNER PROPERTY—Steam heat; gas,
electric light; porch front; enclosed
concrete rear porch; lot 20x120; brick
house; only $3,200. Inspect It. BELL
REALTY CO., Bergner Building.
-2036 Boaa St., 2H-story frame dwell
ing, 6 rooms, porches, drive alley on
rear; Btable; lot 22x110. Price, $1,650.
559 Camp St, 3-story frame, 8 looms
and bath: cemented cellar; front porch;
corner propelty; lot 15\130. Price right.
1335 Coivden St.: 2V4-story frame;
rental income $12.00. Price 11,350.
1621 Fulton St.; new 2-story brick; 6
rooms and bath; gus; furnace. Price,
BKIN TON - PACK EE CO., Second and
Walni* Sts.
FRONT ST., Wormleysburg—2 houses;
one 6 rooms and pantry, other 8 rooms.
Each has bath, gas, electric light, ce
ment cellar and walks: side ami front
porch. Lots 25x150. Price $2400 and
S2BOO. .Address N. C„ P. O. box 147,
Wormleysburg, Pa.
SIOO WILL GIVE YOU possession to any
_ one of three houses; balance on easy
monthly payments; prices $1,400, SI,BOO,
$2,400. Why pay rent? BELL. REALTY
CO., Bergner Building.
FOR SALE—I3I Royal Terrace; 2-»tory
brick; 1933 Derry St., all conven
iences, 3-story frame; 1927-1929, two
lots. 20x125. Bell phone. J. O. MAT
TER, 1933 Perry.
FOR SALE at a reduced priae; corner
plot, 50x100; with two houses thereon;
located at 325-327 S. Front street, .Hteel
ton; drive alley on rear. BEL* REAL
TY CO., Bergner Building.
FOR SAL.E—PIot of ground, 105x50 ft.;
southeast corner Sixteenth and Brlggs
streets. For informatltfn, write to MRS,
ANNA HBNING, 217 A O-k St., Wee
hawken, N. J.
FOR SALE—Look at 1345 North street,
offered for sale at an attractive price;
eight rooms, bath, gas, furnace, porches,
both streets paved. BELL REALTY
CO.. Bergner Building.
FOR SALE—Grocery sto»e, furniture, 3
counters, shelving with rocker bins.
Apply 2019 Green St.
FOR SALE—Two 2-story frame dwell
ings, with all modern improvements;
located on Linden street, near Walnut
street. Will net 9 per ceftt. J. E. OIP
PLE, 1261 Market St.
FOR SALE—Five good paying proper
ties; at a very low figure; good loca
tion; will not be sold separately. Ad
dress No. 3489, care Star-Independent.
FOR SALE—City and suburban homes
and home sites; flrst class business
propositions. KOUOH, BRIOHTBILL &
KLINE. Sixth andßeily Sts. Both
Raal Estata
1830 Derry, 3rd floor UE.OO
1317 Derry, 2nd floor, $36.00
1315 Market $30.00
239 B. 13th. ...$30.00, $32.50 and 136,00
1216 Market. $22.50
218 8.. 19th—HOUSES $25.00
424 S. Thirteenth,. $25.00
425 S. Thirteenth,* $25.00
134 Sylvan Terrace $25.00
310 Crescent St $23.00
1214-1447 Berryhill $22.50
1202 Market $22.50
1218 Swatara St $20.00
630 S. 1# H, all Improvements,.. .$15.00
184*7 Derry, 4 large rooms. Imp.,. .$12.00
Rutherford Heights $ll.OO
1440 Vernon, Sll.OO
1320 N. Front, for colored. $ll.OO
1830 Berryhill St., 3 rooms, SB.OO
HARVEY T. SMITH. 204 S. 13th. Bell
248 M.
FOR RENT—B-rooim brick house, all
Improvements, No. 2122 A Moore St.,
$16.00. Possession April 15. S. C.
SWALLOW, Canvp Hill. Bell 3048 M.
No. 1413 Market St $26.50
No. 1110 Walnut St $20.00
No. 2016 Kensington St $10.50
No. 1019 S. 21 ft St SIO.OO
FOR RENT—April 1, 927 North Second
street, 10-room house, with all Im
plements. Inquire next door, 929 N.
Second street. WILLIAM URICH.
WHY RENT? when $25 will give you
possession to a new brick house never
occupied, and payments of sl7 per
month. H. G. PEDLOW. UP B. 13th St.
HOUSE FOR RIENT—No. 1512 Reglna St.
Large yard; side entrance;. with or
without automobile garage. Phone L
MI.MTER, No. 1187 Market. St. Both
FOR RENT—622 Emerald, .porch, front
yard, $19.00; 225 Boss, 9 rooms, $28.00;
13 S. 18th, steam heat, porch, $22.50;
2006 Penn; $12.00; 550 Race, $15.00. Ap
ply 815 Green.
FOR RENT'—Eight-room houses, 38-40
Linden street, with all Improvements;
rent $15.00 per month. Apply GEO. W.
ORTH. 423 Walnut St. Newly remod
eled. Will be ready April Ist.
FOR RENT—I44S-1447 Berryhill
street; 9 rooms and bath, $22.50;
1409 Green St., $14.00; possession
of all immediately. JOHN H. MA
LONEY, Real Estate and General
Insurance, 1619 Green St.
FOR RENT—Cozy home, 2227 N, Fourth,
eight rooms and bath, all conven
iences, front porch, grass pioto; rent
$23.00. Inquire W. H. MOODY, Room
207, 8 N. Market Sq.
1425 Walnut St., 3 s. b„ 8 r„ ....$25.00
23 N. 18th St, 3 s. b $28.00
1103 N. 2nd St., 2% »• f- 6 r„ ...$28.00
Derry St (Paxtang) $30.00
612 N. 16th St., 3 s. b., f $30.00
2202 N. sth St., 3 s. b„ 7 r $32.00
2220 N. 3rd St., 3 s. b $32.50
IS2 Chestnut St, 3 s. b., 9 r $45.00
2230 N. ,2nd St., 3 s. b.. 10 r $15.00
21st & Chestnut (Bellevue park), $55.00
1838 N. 2nd St. & garage, $60.00
FOR RENT—2OS State St.; three-story
brick house; modern improvements.
Steam heat. Electric light. Inquire
1904 N. Second 8t Bell phone 228i11.
FOR RENT—No. 1011 N. Third St.—
House and store room; all conven
-1 iences: steam heat.
No. 1118 N. Fourteenth St.; corner of
Cumberland street; all improvements;
back and front stairs; large front
porch; a tine location. C. H. ORCUTT,
267 Cumberland St.
FOR RENT—Private rooms for house
hold goods, In new fireproof building.
Clean and safe. Inspection invited. 437-
FOR RENT—Houses with all improve
ments, at moderate rentals. J. &
'-.IPPI-H:. 1251 Market St
FOR RENT—New furnished front rooms
facing Capitol Park; stationary wash
stands, hot and cold running water;
eiectrlo light In each room; also use of
phone and large bath. Apply 410 North
FOR RENT—Two 5-room corner apart
ments, modern improvements, front
and rear porches. Apply 2019 Green St.
six large rooms, four bav windows,
all facing street and Capitol, tiled bath,
pantry; city steam and electric lights.
Inquire 400 North street.
FOR RENT—Apartment of flvo rooms,
bath and laundry room, second floor,
corner property, plenty of light; must
be seen to be appreciated. GEORGE
W. MYERS, 225 Hummel St.
REDUCED RENTS—Three modern, im
proved 7-room apartments for rent to
adults. All conveniences. Location 239
S. Thirteenth St Apply on premises or
phone 2283 L*.
HOUSES FOR RENT and 2V4-story
dwelling houses for sale. Elder Real
Egta^e_Co^_24th_and^De r ry St«.
CHRISTIAN young man desires board
ing south of Market ittreet. Address
3730, care Star-Independent.
FOR RENT—Second floor front room;
electric light and use of bath; cen
trally located, on South street near
Third 233 South St
Death and Obituary
BOWMAN—John Bowman, aged 63
years, died Friday, March 26, 1915.
Brief funeral services Tuesday after
noon at 1.30 o'clock, at his late resi
dence at Green Hill. Further services
at 2.45 o'clock, at Shoop's Church. Rela
tives and friends are invited without
further ceremony. Interment in Shoop's
Church cemetery.
HARRIS—Daisy F. Harris died March
25, 1915, In her 41»t year.
Funeral service! Monday afternoon at
3 o'clock from the residence of her
parents, Mr. an/1 Mrs. W. H. Rudy.
1212% N. Seventh St. Relatives arid
friends are invited to attend without
■further notice. Interment in Harris
burg cemetery.
RHINE—On March 26, 1918, Mrs. Mar
garet Rhine, widow of Frank Rhine.
Funeral on Tuesday morning at 9
o'clock, from her son's residence, 324
S. Fifteenth street.
NEWCOMER—On Friday, March 26,
1915, William I* Newcomer. 1718 N.
Fifth street, aged 57 years.
Funeral on Monday afternoon at 2
o'clock, from Ills late residence, 1718
N. Fifth street. Relatives and friends
are invited to attend without further
notice. Interment In East Harrisburg
HODGE—'Mrs. Lillian Hodge, widow of
the late Archibald Hodge, Jr., 1532 V 4
N. Fourth street, died March 25, aged
,58 years.
Funeral services Monday ait 2 o*lock
from her late residence. Friends and
relatives invited to attend without fur
ther notice.
/ 1
For Sale On Terms to Suit
Located on Derry street, between 21st and 22nd streets, built for comfort
and convenience; wide paved *tree>t, excellent car service. Home buyers
should not purchase before taking a look at this well located property.
It would take a whole page to describe the reason why YOU should investi
gate this proposition. All the information will be cheerfully given to you,
when you come to inspect this extraordinary opportunity.
Open for Inspection at all tlinen. Including Sunday. CAI.I, AT P. VAN
DKRI.OO, llulldrr, 2110 DKHRV STHBET, or Third and State streets, Masonic
Temple Bulldlnic.
J'ABGE COUNTRY HOME— Adjoining New Cumberland, and along:
Yellow Breeches Creek. Private, yet within two minutes' walk to the
trolley. Entirely remodeled, 14 rooms, electric light, gas, steam heat,
hardwood floors, porte cochore, tennis court; all Improvements and large
grounds, with beautiful shade trees, new garage with granolithic floor
and driveway; brick house for men servants; stable, carriage house, etc.
Will bo rented furnished or unfurnished,
Lost and Found
L s ,
FOUND—The way to end your cleaning
and dyeing worries by calling either
phone for Egger/'s Steam Dyeing and
French Cleaning Works, 1245 Market
St We call and deliver.
FOUND—A decided Improvement In my
appearance since having my clothing
cleaned and pressed at Parisian Dye
Works. 1409 N. Third. Branch, Hoftman-
Kerns, 337 Chestnut Bell phone. Call-
Ing and delivering.
A PAIR of Shur-on glasses, In case,
with Cocklin's name—Green street,
between Harris and Relly; Second, be
tween Reily and State. Return to 1518
Green street. /
L/>ST—A gold watch charm locket con
taining two small pictures of chil
dren. Return to Hershey Creamery and
get reward.
Brad street's Figures for Last Week in
Harrisburg and Other Cities
Bank clearings in the United States
for the week ending 'March 25, as re
ported to Bradstreet's Journal, New
York, aggregate $2,892,223,000,
against $3,090,662,000 last week and
$3,167,451,000 in this week last year.
Canadian clearings aggregate $ 122,-
209,000, as against $121,709,000 last
week and $137,782,000 in this week
last year. Following are the returns for
this week, with percentages of change
from this week last year:
New York $1,612,558,000 D 11.7
Chicago 283,088,000 D 8.7
Philadelphia 136,797,000 D 4.3
Boston 137,797,000 D 5.3
.St. IX)UIs 69,758,000 D 9.0
Kansas City 63,719,000 T 24.0
Pittsburgh 43,697,000 D 17.9
San Francisco 45,414,000 I 4.9
Baltimore 31,035,000 D 8.6
Scranton 2,961,000 D 13.5
Reading *1,775,000
Wilkes-Barre 1,415,000 I 1.2
Lancaster 1,508,000 D 7.3
Tlarrisburg 1,642,000 I 24.0
Erie *920,000
York 828,000 I 3.2
Chester, 557,000 D 6.8
"Last week's.
Philadelphia Closing Prices
Philadelphia, March 27.—Stocks clos
ed steady:
Cambria Steel, 42
General Asphalt, 24%
do., preferred 64%
Lake Superior Corp 6
Lehigh Navigation, 73%
Valley 68%
P. R. R 53 5-16
Philadelphia Electric 24
Philadelphia Company 31%
do., preferred 33
P. R T. 10%
Reading, 73%
Storage Battery 48Vt
Union Traction 3554
LT. G. T 84 'i
U. S. Steel, 48%
Philadelphia Produce Market
Philadelphit, Pn., March 27.—Wheat
lower; No. 2 red spot, ejeport, 151®
158V4; No. 1 northern, Duhith ex.port,
Corn lower; No. 2 spot, export, 75®
76; No. 2 yellow, local, 79@80.
Oats lower; No. 2 white, 62V5@63%.
Bran steady; winter, per ton, $28.50;
spring, per ton, $25.50@26.00.
Refined sugars firm; powdered, 6.00;
fine granulated, 5.90; confectioners' A.
Butter higher; western creamery, ex
tra, 30; nearby prints, fancy, 33.
Eggs firm; nearby firsts, free case,
$0.1.'; current receipts, free case, $6.00;
western extra lirsts, free case, $6.15;
firsts, tree case, $6.00.
Live poultry steady; fowls, 16@17;
old roosters, UW@l2; chickens, 14@17;
turkeys, 15@17; ducks, 15@16; geese, 12
@ 16.
Dressed poultry firm; fowls, fancy,
19@20; do., average 16@18; unattract
ive, 14@15; old roosters, 14; frozen
fowls. 16@18; frozen turkeys, fancy, £1
@22; do., fair to good, 18 @2O; broiling
chickens, 22@27; frozen ducks, 12@18;
frozen geese, 12® 16.
Potatoes weak; Pennsylvania, per
Flour nominal; winter straight, 6.60@
6.85; spring straight, 6.75@7.00; do., pat
ent, 7.00@8.00.
Hay weak; timothy No. f large bales,
18.00; No. 1 medium bales, 17.50@18.00;
No. 2 do., 15. 50® 16.50; No. 3 do., 14.000
15.00. Clover mixed light, 17.00® 17.50;
No. 1 do., 16.00@1«.50; No. 2, do.. 14.50
Building An Income
like constructing a building,
should be accomplished with
different elements on a sound
foundation. You need vol
ume of income in addition to
dependability. Then too you
should provide for emergen
cies, with availability of at
least a portion of your princi
pal. Our large variety of
carefully selected Municipal,
Railroad and Public Utility
Bondsyieldingfrom 456 to 6%
enables us to provide efficient
use of investment funds for
experienced investors. Cor
respondence solicited.
General circular 0-43 tent an rifaui
N. W. Halsey & Co.
1421 Chestnut St., Philadelphia
New York Chicago Ban Frmnelx*
(loaton Baltimore St. lonti
1914 DIVIDENDS 62%%
| W» deal in all securities
45 Ilroadnay, New York
Look here! Do yon want to buy a
new home? Oo to 626 to 630 Geary
St. I am Just finishing four three
story brick, mansard roof houses,
with wide front and back porches
and balcony. Bay windows, grano
lithic pavement and steps; cemented
cellar, hot and cold wa-ter In cellar.
Parlor and dining room, large kitch
en, Ave bed rooms and bath, six large
ilosets, vestibule and open stairways.
Gas and electric lights. Parlor and
dining room finished floors. No
houses in the city for the price ask
ed. Buy now and you can selact
paper to suit. Go to see them at
once, before too late. The prloe will
surprise you.
F. H. Hantzman
Office o<lo lIrIKBS St.
For Rent
Desirable offices in the
Union Trust Building.
Union Trust Co.
Well Established Bakery Stand
Boas and Oowden Streets
Two-story bake house, 21x44 feet,
with two good ovens.
Dwelling, 9 rooms and bath, and
store room.
All in good condition. Easy terms.
Immediate possession.
T. B. Rockafellar
V. mJ
Chicago Live Stock Market
Chicago, March 27.—Hogs—Receipts,
8,000; strong; 5c above yesterday's av
erage. Bulk, 6.65(g>6.75; light. 6.55®
6.774; mixed, G. 50 5/ 6.80; heavy, 6.30#
6.75; rough, 6.30®#.45; pigs, 5.40@8.45.
Cattle—Receipts, 100; steady. Native
steers, 6.00@8.80; western, 5.50@7.50:
cows and heifers, 3.00@ 7.85; calves, 6.75
@ 10.25.
Sheep—'Receipts, 500; steady. Sheep.
7.158.25; yearlings, 7.90@9.25; lambs,