These Are Busy Days Preparing Folks For April 4th /9/v/MfT/r Trim Footwear _ combination Tha Coot Stors of MmrJftGMM For Milady-s Dainty Toilet Otter, SI.OO TJ . , Call 1991—Any Phone Founded 1871 Feet J Including a bottle of toilet I / Fashion having decreed shorter water, value SI.OO, and a jar of * f l*JkJ Cf # Saturday hours 9A.M. to 9 P.M. . h 'Z "ui vafnt SST^lb.. ??<•«• »«•»«» the exact words, but it's a pleasure to hear ——— 1 tary effects are much in favor, in special at 91.00. Toilet water it said day after day—wily, almost customer after customer. . both higli and low shoes. comes in \ iolet Simplicity, Oar- And it s UO little pride we possess ill this long 80lll*llt title. of Allah and Siren Lilac. rm, a +' o „+ 4-i,„4- u • j. -j. ■ AIT the smartest styles are here, Main Floor—BOWM WS living up to it IS provable ill the as for instance: ' sortuieut that we've prepared for Saturday. Women's Genuine French Bronze Note that we exert every effort to abandon duplicates, so Military Laced Boots, with cloth tops j V/IlllUlcll S LaSlci far as possible, showing only one or two of a kind. B1 to luateh ' at S 6OO - Shoes Are Re&dy °° vert Coats > ? 7 - 50 to 925.00. 4 Women's Cloth Top Military Laced ! . 1 Khaki Coats, SIO.OO to $25.00. and J Hu ! to " Bo ? t8 * in g iti V vi. ttWU ' 111 Check Coats. $6.50 to 535.00. jtimlh \ sand and putty shades, at 83.50 and OJA „„ * \ $4.00. rrotusion Tweed Coats, SIO.OO to $20.00. \ Women's "Peso* Mv Heart" ! The fawn top overgaiter boots for Coata, $5.98 to $20.00. \ * \ Pumps, of gun metal and patent colt, 1 little girls have just arrived, and it'll Faille and Poplm Coats, $25.00 A^y\ \ at $3.50. fickle the youngsters all over to have t0 «p®v.UU. I X Ti.irH rn„„. nnwMAVB shoes like " ma.'! Prices are $2.25 White Chinchilla Coats—pure wool, Jfaf f f \ m M W m Floor-—BOW MAN k and $2.50. $12.50, $15.00 and $20.00. M * I \ M M V _ , Third —BOWMAN'S. Black and navy poplin coats —unlin- Ii *° \ A Mm Mm. Four PODUiar ©©llll2 ed . hal f lined and lined throughout, \ * \|/\ J - Oil AS j opeciaily -. Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. | ~ Quality In ~ tyle Clothes Forms Suit Stvles dl cliusod all the manufartiirur had of each Adjustable at neck, waist, k/l/I lllJi k/Ull ul T IvJ 1 T« J weave. bust, hips, shoulders, skirt, etc. . _ , nH §3/1 is uur watchword VMst." »*** % * ; Are Growing in % I\l To the average hustle and hustle, alwa.vs-on : the-jump : The'-Kompao," form, with ® s t,\ nian, who can appropriate only a meager portion ot his value »2.00 : —40.ini-hes wide; in Russian ; ioTn ' uomes at rHVOf ImSBSSSmt busy-ness each season to buvine clothes, there is satis- f!" 00 "- B ; u,loshi i' ,>' rp . v . wistaria, nav.v, i $3.50. nrt „.„ lXT , O 2- i «, • * ... , ... black and ivory. Verv special. Main Floor —BOWMAN'S. ~. „ ~ faction ill placing confidence lU this "quality hl-st' Panne Crepes and Cr,pe de Chines, St o» Since fashions are fully established • store a Men's Store in complete isolation from other y<*-—values $i.26 and « : —« »" oppertadty t, *Mi ail aiinensions, J show you the newest and smartest, and CO Of) C/OC/l C/ C C If? d/l " : efficient salespeople will assure the most (A V* y • j%p I t) lujv 'Oj qv, becoming. Popular are: —and upward. ® ee demonstration Of Serge. Poplin and Gabardine Suits, at $15.00, $17.50 and $20.00 CfYfHnO* T\vn PAflfc T» O in Poplin, Imported Gabardine and Npvelty Suits, at $25.00 to $35.00 °P im s * U P vodtb— LLlareage 1 wo-opool Rotary Sewing su[!s , Tt t s25 ilk s-0 1l^ ,p S i^ Poplin Tweeds and homespuns, 111 tan and grey, with velvet collar; form ** ® oii\ts, at «poU, «p«io, 9 SJ«),SO and up to SSO. tittiug; silk yoke and sleeve linings, at $15.00. flyf • Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. The new Covert Cloth Top Coat, in both full back and form-fitting QC/2/D6S ' mvdels: silk shoulder and sleeve linings, at SIB.OO. m T3 f r\ . For conservative dressers, it's the Chesterfield model in black. AO-morrow only, by an expert. LJOVS HiQSter &UttS oxford and grey; either cloth or silk faced, at SIO.OO, $12.50, & $15.00, $17.50 and $20.00. Every housewife and modiste should see /I onrti\ Third FIoor—BOWMAX'B. S re »test improvement in sewing ma- *~XI (2 AvkZCKJI^ JaJ'W chine construction, as it marks without ~ „ ,. A , T.t T» Ti/r \T 9 o I. " doubt the most notable advancement in More than twenty-five different patterns and models in Norfolks, It S 1 tme. Men. You re Stocking Etl ' sewing machine perfection. st $2.50, $2.98, $3.98 and up to $12.50. TT Tir. f *7 , . ° X;V ' patterns. I jfi < I This dollar entitles you to membership in i \ v Main Floor BOWMAX'B. the Eldredge Club, and 110 other amount is \ ' ———^| required on deposit. Then /you pay it off VckK pi _ i in weekly payments of SI.OO. lyfSh. V Llean-up 1/OtS From, the ' ai^'tioll to the Eldredge, you may secure a Paveway, at $12.98- r^/'^X C-.1 £TT r . . . I B Xo "i' at ? 19 - 50: Vin dex, at $25.0°, or the Eldredg t '-Rotary, o Ale 01 nouseturnisnings lOyfirs— an save agents' commission. All machines guaranteed for I j i r> . i ' Kifth FIoor—BOWMAN'JS. T'/ U Lowered In Price <1 H Tu 1, -JZSETSi T£k 91 £? a,/ Dainty and Charming Are she It and towel bar combination v n s nn,l »i i i ' B,E " American Thermos Bottle, 83r Aluminum Berlin Kettle, 89e iV v % Spring Things for Children —regularly $1.50; corrugated regularly $1.49; with aluminum fjj nickel case, pint size. ! cover - K 1-lr Youth and springtime go hand in liand, and bright, pretty clothes is Sewing Trays, sl.23—regu- Aluminum Dinner Pail, 89'nibol - .>I.J>S; mahogany finished; regularly $1.69; oval shape. JJ^ '|T 1 It will be a great satisfaction for mothers to select their children's and oval or oblong; with glass center. | Basement BOWMAN'S i infants'apparel from this large assettblage—so extensive arc the stocks— Onptl A/»1r TlinvtA f ML ChUdren's White Dresses fine Children's Coats —in shepherd checks, OlUvli dinner- I r \ ' xtr«.A A <4> TT If %>v'M W dai «ty "ace and insertion; long waist h !« h aist models with fine white I r\. \ WArG At UTIP rialT wk lIM A*' W /j . ... . ~ ... ." , , pique, lace and hand embroidered col- KnS )TjPvBP \ VUC -".all \v I [l® cL fJ//jd>* / efffiots Wlth double sk,rts - w,th haml lars; trimmed with ribbon, velvet and II y' I C Y \ 1 T?A to SO.OO. in serge, cashmere and crepella, with \ \l J pray decoration. 1I || 'TI P|*\T HI IYIIACf Children's Dresses gingham, per- fancy silk collar and cuffs, and hand dot doz- eups .Id saucers, at *1.35 lTlllllllCry UI IllgllCSl iVlCril «le and chambray dresses, in a large ,0 Kar3 ' ti on i , . . m - belted effects; flat collars of white , I » f#nts ; C ° Bts Capes - long Correct Easter «:» »: "«» m tteauty and Correct- rr 2 ••» i'Mf A-ffcfcWUVX * „ P ' l 7. at Joz - " years. Prices are 98c to $5.98. ery. Prices range from $1.50 to *IO.OO. f\ •* m »i.ot> co%ered dish, at 75c. * M Coiffures ness of Style 1"°" -Bora A' " - Hair Goods Moderately 50c meat platters, at 25c. I I Tl»»oa T\, i \\T > 1_ Priced 0f meat patters, at isc. That is what fives Bowman Millinery a certain dis- AMcC l/ia-Pcxy WOHI6II S rr6llCll Ihe new goods are here—partic- s<4l " e ls l* e8 ' at tinction so hard to tiiid in the Millinerv masses. Dent Specials for VAr* 1 tf"-l PA nlarly wavy switches and trans- sauc» dishes, at aoc. w _ . , '' 1/Cpt. OpCCldlb lOr Kid iIIOVeS. $1.50 formations—the kind so necessary English Porcelain—neat border tllOUgllt Ot being; the hl'St to show new styles, is Sflt.llT"flflV to a smart headdress. Your sliade decoration. constantly 111 tile minds of 0111' chiefs who it a point _ and. $2 25 Pfl.ll* is here—and as to prices, these spe- 13.00 doz. cups and saucers, at to kee P OUl' department I'igllt beside the leading New $2.50 to $-4.75 Lace Curtains— ▼ * %.« ~v ~, ™ «»«• Style supremacy. Tt Tl Wavy hair switches, 20 inches »2.'20 dol' »t »H ft do ! Mntd Tri'mmnsJ V A J laces ; hemmed; 2i/ 2 and 3 yards and wlute with black embroidery; long, grey hair switches, 20 inches >2.60 doz. plates! at $1.30 doz." *-CLtS 1 TtlTlfTieCl tO A OUT KjTCIeT long, 2to 5 pair of a kind. Prices 2-clasp. long, all around WHVV transforiria- sl.lO doz. fruit saucers, at 55c doz We're showinc »t nrpupnt ai m nf i ,\;♦ u« • j • . • , ftrp 82.00 to 53.50 pair. m • i 4 «, l,ons. ami all a pound grcv , ™ o l II TT" h«t», ...d sh.pesin 1 Trie v»„ "'U-Inmmcd £ to 39c o£«yn Material Rem- , 01ove.-l„„ g and formations, all special a, $1.45 Jg S2 iSSS 5Sf all the way from M# >„ Pnee, range nants-scrims, marquisettes and .hort, a, BO*, Tsf, »1.00 M d ea^. h - 40< - n,eat platters, at 20c! \mone the most recant an• » - faue y voiles; in lengths from 2to pair. Combings We'll make them 70<: ' loz - individual butters, at 35e nink ti«l nnfep« iitTffiJ # • g , • 1 1 ,n ' ,lediatR taTOr - are 71/2 yards. Yard, 14* into a switch or transformation doz ift , ShoSiiiH 1 for 51.25. * JS® 9auoe at ' 2t}e - black leghorns and a host of others. in red, brown, green and rose; to in plain and contrasting emhroid s , ... 3ftc sauce dishes, at 15c. Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S 2 * ? ards lon K! values up to 65c; tao AA *>eiond Hoor—BOWMAN 8. Basement—BOWMAN'S. yd., !J3c. ery, 50* tO $2.00 pair. * V ■v . f X v V <• . • . • y • ■ hank.n »• ViaiyAY MAHttH *i iairi ~ 5