10 SALE EXTRAORDINARY Bagias Saturday Warning at 9 O'claak WdiamonT rings SPECIAL mmCEI . C 9 75 Each This is a ft»t of very pretty l» Alallvll small sized Diamond Rings for » Ladies, that we had the good for low the cost of manufacture* as Regularly Sold for $6.00 to $9.00 a special treat to our friends » ' we are going to share our good «c TYiffprflTlt "nflqitrTlH fortune with our patrons by sell- ■ Umerem / ing them for less than half the j? ii x j 1 *ll* x t\" prices they would sell for under Pure white, tjul cut and very brilliant uia ordinary circumstances. monds set in solid Gold Ladies' Rings, Tiffany Grow a Diamond—Buy one of an( | O f] lor fashionable HlOlintingS. these beautiful diamonds and ex- • " change it any time in the future This is your opportunity to get an at full price on a larger one. Extraordinary Bargain Later on trade that one in at Call early and get a choice selection, full price on still a larger one— . and so on until vou have one that Every ring is backed by the Claster guarantee. Make your selec is all you desire in size and '' on —take it home—and show it to your friends. If it is not mmlitv pleasing in every way bring it back and your money will be cheer . ' fully refunded. These Rings Will Make Very Beautiful, Yel Inexpensive Commencement Presents H. C. CLASTER- -Gems, Jewels, Silverware 302 MARKET STREET 810 SUM FOR HUSBAND'S DEATH Widow Given SIO,OOO for Death of Conductor PottaviUe, Pa., March 26. —Mrs. An nie Conway, Palo Alto, v as yesterday awarded a verdict of SIO,OOO in court from the Pottsville Union Traction Com pany for the death of her husband, a railroad conductor, Who fell through a fcridge being repaired "by the traction company. This is the largest verdict given in local courts for years. The traction fougkt the case fcard, as Mrs. Conway, soon aft«r the accident to her husband, accepted sl,- 000 from the 8. W. ißowes Company, the contractors, who were doing the work, and it was claimed she could not (demand a second compensation. Farquhar to Renovate Club Grounds York, Pa., March 26.—A country Hub grounds, located south of this city, j/L quarters, made on new toes. Priced um usual, ™ le J 1 ** 1 *- . .«** A j i \/ smart lastß. Spe Af An ■ ? metal. Specially \ j| | cially priced at $1»98 $1,98 » £ j | ft/ \h * \ $ Ladies' Fine Vici Kid Juliets, with or Ladies' Fine Vici Kid Dress Shoes ; I 5 without tips. Rubber heels. Spe- QO $1.25 value n0 \ f » V cially priced at i/OC at ifOC U I if ! I Ladies' Newest Millinery VERY SPECIAL I j Boots Unusuallv clever T *. ~.n n _ * , ~ , Ladies' Cushion Comfort 5 5 I | military lace boots of Lad,es $4 00 Patent oo,t , m „ f | patent coltskin and gun Button Boots, hand-turned Shoes for Tender Feet— § J |l/ M!!* 1 ay ' brO T D 0f 80l6S: black Cloth to ' ,s ; Fine vici kid in lace or but » blacK cloth tops, made on plain toes; celluloid Louis I 5 5 stagy short vamps or the . , . . ~ ton. Rubber heels I 5 i long slender effects. hecls : narrow DDPr neels | * £ Bpecially priced A« qq widths. Special- A* qq Priced as Q1 QQ | at «£> 1 ~70 ly priced at .. o***7o usual,' ViiJO 5 x f% "11 J R Little Boys' Gun Metal Calf Button and Blucher Shoes QO I I specially priced at 27 OC "*f f II ! i Men's Black Men's Qun M en's Tan CH I) I $ I and Tan Scout Metal Blucher Russian Calf \;B I | I i • Shoes Good Rnt tn n inH Q £ | A Shoes—Priced value at $2.00. Blucher shoeg V§ I as usual, Specially priced _ s3 value at g \ ; | jj | $1.98 $1.49 j $1.98 / j j If, Factory Outlet Shoe Co. I a I! I I / 16 NORTH FOURTH ST. I I k# —^ gp - "<,1%, . HARRTBBTTFO STAR-INDEPENDENT. FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH COTTON UP DOLLAR A BALE New High Level for Season Beached at New Orleans New Qfrleans, March 26.—Cotton ad vanced more than a dollar a bale yes terday and reached new high levels for the season. Early in the afternoon active months were up from 21 to 23 points, and the December option crossed the 10-cent maik. The close was 20 to 22 points up. It was reported on the exchange that powerful interests were behind the rise. Even at the comparatively high level, spot offering from the interior did not show any appreciable increase. Spot interests were accredited with leading the buying. Spot cotton was 13 points up Watch for our big Baking Powder Special. Grand Union Tea Co., 208 N. Second St. Lebanon Alumni of F. and M. Elects Letbanon, Pa., March 26.—'Dr. E. P. Kremer, of this city, was elected presi dent of the Lebanon County Alumni As-, sociation of Franklin and .Marshall Col-, lege at its annual meeting and banquet here, at which there were 100 guests. Postmaster William E. Shaak was elect ed vice president, Dr. 6. P. Heilman sec retary and Attorney C. H. Killinger treasurer. DIES FBOM BLOOD POISONING Agricultural Leader of Mifflin County Is Dead Lewistown, Pa., March 26.—Morris Mitchell Haginev, 62 years old, died, at the German hospital, Philadelphia, from blood poisoning, following an operation for kidney troubl? He was a retired farmer, president of Mifflin County Horticultural Society, member of the executive board of the State Agricultural Department and re ceived his appointment as postmaster of Milrov on his arrival at the hospital is the time to j L j choose that new outfit j a M t i | j ;$H NORTH SECOND bxKßiiX, CORNER WALNUT mt C HARRISBURO, PA. (ite ; l N. J y ~ \k f \ Y pas 5 < bj-xi;-- \ QDebreczin •••• AUSTR»ANS m RUSSIANS 4 '2O 4O eo~ $0 100 120 MILEs ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ M M < M M M M M M M ♦ M« M M M < ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦-♦♦■»♦♦ * ♦ ♦ MM<<(<> Failure to Collect Demurrage Causes Conviction in U. S. Court Detroit, March 26. —The Michigan Central Railroad was fined $24,000 in Federal Court yesterday for failing to collect demurrage charges from the National Fireprooflng Company. The case was hard fought, and con viction on the indictment against the railroad carried a maximum penalty of $240,000. Eighteen counts in the in dictment were quashed, however. Fails, With #7527,170 Liabilities Boston, Alarch 26. —Fremont B. Chesbrough, a lumber merchant, filed a petition in bankruptcy yesterday, his schedule showing liabilities of $727,- 176 and assets of $720,125. Posse Seeks New York Murderer Wellsboro, Pa., March 26.— An armed fosse has been scouring the >voods of Charleston and 'Middlebury township yesterday for John Penny, alias Back Cramer, who is wanted in Klmira, N. Y., for the murder of two policemen last Tuesday. A reward of $2,000 is on his head..