The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, March 25, 1915, Page 12, Image 12
12 Friday Specials-Interesting to Read Because They Are Profitable to Buy No Friday Specials Lace Veils I of of Trimmed In the Carpet Section Basement Specials Men's Furnishings Bwt P fl n nr Mail nr Pattern laec veils in white, OJJCOId.I I—AJ yp c ij no leum, short Floral lace shelf paper, reg- Men's 25c lisle web elastic Bent O. U. U., or man or large range of patterns; for- TJ + 1h r of lengths. Special Friday only, ular price 5 yards for sc. suspenders. Special Friday 'Phone Orders Filled merly were $1.50 to $2.50. JtlcllS I rlQciy dl v7OC- square yard 59* Special Friday only, 10 yards only, 18? Special Friday only, ...49* A shipment of new hats with some hairbraid C0(, . 0a nmts ' Sp^ a i for t * V "I"; Men's blue chambray shirts ______^———— Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart . . p . .. Friday only, 49* K\. Japanese white tissue —collar attached—yoke and _ . . Street Floor. sluipos tmnilied with tlowers tor 11 S. J Lie list 40c rubber door mats. Spe- toilet paper. Special Friday double seams. Special Friday bilk bpecials includes satin, straw braid and silk turbans and cial Friday only, 23* only, 4 rolls for 23? only, 25* SW black messaline silks, sailors trimmed with pompons. Special Friday . :>ot> Wilton rugs, 18x27 &)C laundry size fine crimp 10c pad garters. Special •>t> inches wide. Special I'n- Furniture Specials i qq> inches. Special Friday only, "Old Reliable" wash boards. Friday only 4? day only, yard 69c f , ° • * Special Friday only, . . .17* .35,. WHt ,, h fobs Snp .. ial 59c stripe inessaline in s!nt,-inl K.'i, I«v'nnlv'lo.9s *' Div ° B ' Pomerov 4 Stewart. Fourth street Aisle. .roc cork linoleum. Special 83c glass shelf for bath Friday only .....10* brown, grev and Copenhagen ' , "• ———————— ~~~~————Friday only, square yard, room, 24 inches long. Special m i r with white stripes. Special \\illow chairs, cushiona 1,1- 39C Friday only 69* 19c heavy police suspend triday only, yard 35* 1 luti. . |>< ua ' Boys' Shoes Men's $12.50 Suits, 75c Brussels carpet. Spe- Three 10c cans Climax wall ' '' ' °'-|gv* II $1.25 washable chiffon voile ~ , *• „ . Mllll . „ p„ 0 ,: u „ JK7 SO . cial Friday only, yard, 47* paper cleaner. Special Fri with maise floral designs. sl<.oo golden oak din,ng Hoys $2.00 tan Russian *1 * blue rairian rum 30x day only, .....25* Boys 10c elastic suspend- Special Friday 0n1y,.... 79* l ' hairs - Special Friday only. calf button shoes; sizes 1 and Men - S browu diagonal 60 Snecial Friday only 97* 15c steak nounders Sue erß, Spei ' ial * nday only * L-n p' * , $15.95 I'-. Special Friday only, worsted suits, 3-button model, bu. Special r nday only, trr* loc steak pounders. Spe- Pomeroy & Stewart. *!®.oo walnut ta.. s,„- W-» sizes i»and only. Keg- <M Mm raglan n«, 36 eial Friday only. .. 10* s J oel street floor, Front. cial Fridav onlv. .. .$49.00 Boys'sl.s9 "black kid skin ular $12.50 value. Special x - Special Friday only, &>c hand-forged scissors. 1 Dives,"pomerov * Stewart. shoes, sizes BVi to 13H. Friday only, $7.50 s l - 9 * Special Friday only, 19c • _ .. Third Floor—Three Elevators. Special Friday only, Sl.lo »Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Pomeroy ft Stewart oe tack lifters. Special Art Nflfdlework Ribbon Specials JWDives, Pomeroy & Stewart Second Floor. Kear—3 Elevators. Floor—Three Elevators. Friday only 3? Art INeeaieWOrK Printed warp, satin taffeta street Floor, Rear. ! $1.25 decorated china lem- 25c to 39c IS to 27-inch Men's Night Shirts ZZZZ=Z: „ f , St SLtfflW Inrge range ot mnriin ni B h, shim, V Children . s and M,ta,o#k DIaWW » SC * rfs ""f f"""" Ijn y 89<H onlv, jj I to 25c. Special Friday onlv, neck, trimmed with blue, red wmiuieu s <" IU Nainsook drawers, lace or 29c scarfs and shams; hem- $9.98 KMKpiece dinner set; 10c art canvas collar stamp vard .15* °r white braid; sizes 15 to 18. Shoes embroidery trimmed. Regu- stitched with beading inser- floral decoration. Special ed ready to embroider. Spe .. .. . .. , ~ . . Special Friday only, .. .39* . lar price 50c. Special Friday tion; size 17x50 and 30x30 Friday only, $8.75 cial Friday only, 5* 11 H j i!"ii "??•„. ° tJ 'Dives. Pomerov & Stewart ~ " 11 ' 1 '" '' — 0 an on j v inches. Special Friday only, SI.OO Welsbach Chic gas Children's rompers in lin -1 i' inches wide good range , • lugli cut button shoes, sizes •. 1 , ~® . , 1 1 • 1 t of colors. 7c to 10c values. Men s Store. ft to 8. Special Friday only, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, 17 ? lamps, complete. Special Fri- en colors chaml ray size Ito Special Friday ouly, yard, * 75V Second Floor —Three Elevators. 59c to 60c scarfs and day only, - 4 years. Special r ndayMly, tr Dives Pomerov & Stewart ————————— , .... ... ~ . ———i———. — shams, imitation Cluny lace MDives, Pomeroy & Stewart 121/ of Street Fioor. ' ' Children's Pajamas lac^shoef IP to " trimmed; size 18x54 inches Basement. wDives, Pomeroy & Stewart ... „ e siuies, sizes 11, > -. anf j 3Q x 2O inches. Special i Third Floor—Three Elevators. ——————— Children's ioc one-piece Special I*nday only, ...75* Nainsook Corset Covers Friday only 39* ~~~———— ___ cambric and madras pajamas. ty Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Nainsook corset covers fcrniv** Pnmpmv & Stewart _ . __ Women's Handker- Special Fridav onlv, .. .50* _ t v , • Na | lorsct covers, lomeroy 4 Stewart Linen Specials wuiueuo xxctiiuiitsi > ■ • > v Street Hoor, Hear. lace insertion and lace edge street Floor tjpwxwxa Uoffavn Plftflic, „!,• r. K Dives. Pomerov & Stewart, , • i o i -n otreei rioor. "atuem IslOtilS cnieis M —— trimmed. Regular price 50c. 25c bleached cotton table i! i , ,■ , ens tore. Special Fridav onlv. damask. 58 inches wide; neat 98c mercerized pattern ta ,.h S a . nJ" , "L, .5f" d ST fcr Dives, Pomerov '& Stewart. designs. Special Friday only. ble cloths, good size and i SrfoVL full H U rS int , -■■■ Nainsook Gowns Second Elevators. White Goods yard 19* quality. Specal Friday only, I tials, i... dozen in fancy box. Men S bilk bhirtS Nainsook gowns, empire r»c white nlisse crene 30 10c brown part linen towel -35c value. Special Friday Men s $2.98 all silk shirts, style, bell shaped sleeves; inches wide• fine quality for ing, lti inches, blue border. orDives, Pomeroy & Stewart only, box 25* sizes 15 to 17 only. Special trimmed with embroidery in- -Rrawtkm underwear ' and children's Special t nday only, yard street Hoor, Rear. Colored rolled edge hand- Friday only ...$1.95 sertion and edge. Regular cidbbieies rompers; needs no ironing. b kerchiefs in pink, light blue, «"Dives, Pomeroy 4 Stewart price sl.oo. Special Frulay Brassieres, lace or embroid- Special Fridav only, vard, 9* Bed Spreads lavender, white and black: Men's store. only, $1.0« cry trimmed. Regular price 1 * . u us . Hosiery Specials 5c values. Special Friday crDives, Pomeroy & Stewart SI.OO to $3.00. Special Fri- inc he S wide • %-inch check $2.50 summer weight satin Women's 25c navy blue 3 for 10* Second Floor-Three Elevators. da > 011 95< mehe^ wide cnecK bed spreads, good patterns Hs]e hose> seamlees . Special Hemstitched linen hand- Sweater Specials Pomeroy 4 Stewart be used for curtains,*dresses ,mlv qUH ' , P " ia si 39 Friday only 12y 2 t kerchiefs. Special Friday , .*,-«■ Second Hoor—Three Elevators. a nd anrons Special Friday "1:" Me n ' S white feet black only, 6 for 25c Mpl ! 8 and bo > 8 ,ier " - Qft 2v yard . _ ... 10* " D ™' V t °™ r ° y t lislp hosp - of 25c ! , ir , XT , seys in maroon grey and Cotton Dress Goods i street Hoor, Bear. quality. Special Friday only, Women's Neckwear navy, special 1-Yiday only; 50c crepe cords, 34 inches q nepial « loc hne scalloped damask He Imported lace collars in wide; half silk; in nine choice 'trnnri and mial —— Women's 25c Burson cot white, eeru and some with a Infants' SI.OO fancy weave shades. Special Friday only, Voile waists, trimming otter, good jar ferns ami i - Lace Corner Samples I toi hose, tan only. Special 111 I touch of color- values up to coat sweaters, with belts, red yard 29* hand embroidery, bunch ".v. special rnaay oniy.+ x- Friday onlv 12K>* SI.OO. Special' Friday only, "»d "avy, 2to 4 years size. 50c silk poplin in solid tlu ' ks - lacp insertion hem- r Agents samples lace cur- Children's silk lisle tine 25* Special Friday only, . .39* shades, half silk. Special Fri- pitching and pearl buttons $1.39 English longcloth 10 F ndav JnW ribbed hose, seconds of 25c Shadow lace guimpes in Women's SI.OO knit vests day only, yard 39* Regular pnee *I.OO. Special yards to a piece; % inches an. hpedal Unlay only Special Friday only, white and ecru, 25c values. and cardigans, navy, grev; 59c crepe de chine; 36 F^- V onl - V 69 < wide; fine chamois hnish. St " P ' "' D I" 7 11* Snecial Friday only, .. 15r small sizes 34 and 36 only! inches wide; solid shades and Pomeroy fc Stewart Special Friday only, piece erDn-es Pomeroy & Stewart orDlvc.Poß.oroy & Stewart Dives, Pomeroy i: Stewart Special Friday only, ...39* j neat figures. Special Friday | 3ecc ' d Floor "~ Three Elevators - | | street Floor ' | | street Floor. | street Floor. t. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. only, yard 25* 29c stripe crepe, 32 inches ■ Men's Store. 5c challie* for comfortable —————■ wide, four good patterns for ——————— nnverinoM Spppial Frirlnv Bungalow Aprons | Lace and Embroidery onl>, yaui,,.......... .3 2 * Bungalow aprons, blue * ' ..1" 50c correspondence cards. ' :fse ha lf wool challis, fig- Valenciennes lace edges Boys' Wash Suits 10c percales 36 inches . .de check gingham or light or P l wide ftoe Special Fnday only, box „red; shades navy and pink, and insertions, on. in.-h wide; Boys'white piqne »„d .in. ' S°pS ? pk T'"'' jL £> •££*»£ i I » Special PHd., only, yard " good range of patterns; val- ene Russian wash suits, mil- Fridav onlv \ard . oil* fecial t nday only. .. .29* dav o n,y, yard, ..... 12V,* n papcr " Special Fmky 12'4* lies to 10c. Special t rida y itarv stvle* 4 5 6 and 7 *' *• \ v cs, Pomeroy & Stewart, < ioe striped voile, silk mix only, yard 5o vears sizes - $l5O to 50 ■ gmghams, ol Second Floor —Three Elevators. °. n ! eroy ' ' tcwart * ta- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, cd. Special b riday only, Swiss embroidery floun- Friday tnW. SUCet Street Picon Kear. yard ; .39* cing, 27 inches wide; beauti- 69* cial day only, yard, 50c serge, 3b inches wide; Jo' e - velet and a t: Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart vacation cloth for bovs* Muslin and Sheets B'>tM 8 ' >tM W ' 371/^ Embroidered voile floun ' only, yard 12V,* lin. Special Friday only, Men's sl.oo heavy Egypt- oOe black serge, 36 inches wide; striped or plain. Spe cin- 45 inches wide - cood o ,«,• mx • „. x 18c crepe, neat styles, fig- yard, 614* ian cotton ribbed union wide. Special Friday only cial Friday only, yard, 48* range of patterns. Specif Boys' Oliver Twist Suits ures and plain shades. Spe- 10c 39-inch unbleached Special Friday only,. , 9 1.00 yard, a' ridav onlv. vard 49d Boys' Oliver Twist wash cial Friday only, yard, 10* rauß ij n Special Fridav only Men's $2.50 heavy natural hoc black Canton crepe, all inches wide, tour styles. Spe ta-Divea, Pomeroy 4 Stewart suits. 4-year size, regular 50c or Dives. Pomerov & Stewart. vard,..' 7* wohl union suits " wool. Special Friday only, cial I'nday only, yard, 4»* Street Floor. value. Special Friday only, Street Floor. fi( 7 , )qn . . . J Friday only, yard, 59<) $1.25 navy serge; o4 inches ' 25* . b9e ,2x90-inch and « 6x90- Children's white cotton SI.OO Panama, 54 inches wide; all wool Special *n- — » Dives, Pomeroy k Stewart y e onfy yard' peelal ' Scintu'la,' 'siik and Drapery Remnants " K " ;tr - Turkish Towels "' D '™;Z7Z7 tluality - fecial Friday only; $1.20 black serge iTd' P 9s* _' >e to 29c remnants of 29c heavy bleached Turk- ' wide. Special Friday only, and wool crepf drapery material in deniin, w nme r.» e ish bath towels, pink and blue Women's 12% white cotton yard 98? »'■-r "; u '' V L ' etamine and other materials Women S Slippers border, large size. Special ribbed vests; sleeveless. Spe- $1.50 black fancy Santoy; and li'pec.daf FrUlay Ito •> yard lengths, bpecial Women's $2 patent leather Friday only 19* Fillow Cases eial Friday only, 9* s ;ik and wool. Special Fri- ()U | V " an | 69* trulay only, yard. ..... .9* slippers with two and three 19c hemmed bleached Turk- 33c 45x36 bleached pillow Women's 37i/ 2 c and 50c day only, yard, ...95? ' SV.SO faille, silk and wool, hem, ivory and white scrim straps, hand turned soles ish towels, large size and cases, embroidered and hem- ribbed drawers; ankle length $1.50 black Tussah royal, 40 inches wide, color Amer curtains, _ 4 yards hing. Spe- with high heels. Special 1-■ri- quality. Special Friday only, stitched. Special Friday only, —none exchanged. Special 44 inches wide. Special Fri- ican Beauty. Special Friday cial Friday only, pair, 49c day only .SI.OO each 25* Friday only, 12%? day only, yard, .... .$1.19 only, yard, 69* Pomeroy & Stewart Dives, Pomeruy & Stewart, tjr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, t* Dives, Pomeroy i Stewart tar Dives, Pomerov & Stewart ir Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. M'Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart Third Hoor—Three Elevator*. Street Floor, Rear. Street Floor —Bear. Street Floor, Rear. Street Floor. Street Floor. Street Fioor. 'I AMUSEMENTS Maude Adams Maude Adams' revival of "Quality fitreot'' seems to have beeu very op portune tor the carlv comedy of Bar rio's seems to be more popular with the admirers of the actress than it was when first made known. Probably Miss Adams ha t an intuitive feeling that the time had eonie for the revival of the play and if it was not that then it must be ascribed to good business judg ment. Those to whom the play is new have found it a welcome change from tue style of svork with which the stage lias been crowded for some seasons past, someone wrote a crook play and it was a success. The result was the rapid production of a number of plays dealing with people of the under world. Then came plays that dealt with business and with morals. Sjome authors went so far as to see the lengths they could go to in shocking the public, exposing scenes of life that are best aired in the police courts, (.'an one imagine, the sentimental, woman reverencing Barrie writing such a playf Jn "Quality Street," in which Maude Adams is to be seen at the Majestic to morrow evening he deals with men and women who are lovable. He shows the home of two maiden sisters, one of! whom is very Puritanical. Quaintly, | whimsically and wittily he lets you into; the secrets of their life and in the, love affair of one of them. And when that fine young fellow that has won j her heart rushes off to the wars without ever giving her hope that some day he will return and claim her you look at her with dim eyes. There is the odor of lavender about the play, which is one of the moit charming that Barrie has written. To many people Phoebe Throssell will always remain one of Miss Adams' best roles. —Adv. * "Within the Law" Smokeless powder, noiseless firearms and a Maxim silencer, such as the Mc- Namara dynamiters arc alleged to have employed against their enemies, are adopted for the first time on the stage in "Within the Law," Bayard Veil ler's thrilling new American play of modern metropolitan life, which Selwyn and Company is to present at the Ma jestic next Wednesday matinee and night. These ingenious devices of mod ern warfare, which make possible the killing of .1 person, with a minimum danger of detection, are adroitly intro duced by the playwright to inject an element of baffling mystery into the I murder that forms one of the exciting scenes of "Within the Law." Al I HARRISFURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 25, 1915. though the audience sees a pistol drawn and the character at whom it is aimed , drop seemingly lifeless, there is not the slightest report from the discharge' of the bullet nor the faintest trace of smoke. Tt is the use of these weapons that makes so puzzling the solution of the crime ru the play. In New York and Chicago where "Within the I/aw"! is the current dramatic, hit, the play ' was designated "the drama of the min ute."—Adv. * At the Orpheum Music is the charm of the Orpheum "s bill this week. It is served up chiefly by Ralph Dunbar's "Eight Royal Dra- i goons," vaudeville's celebrated singing | band, who make a striking appearance , in white military uniforms against a background of black plush, and who are musicians and vocalists. of marked ability. There efforts on a variety of brass and reed instruments are expert and their singing is effective and har monious. While the act is staged on a most refined order, the act does not adhere to high class selections, but in- I dudes just enough of the popular to make it appeal to all classes. It in j eludes a nice mixture of classic, patri- I otic and popular. Another vocal turn lon the bill is that of Claire Rochester, i the fascinating Southern girl, who pos- I sesses a wonderful double voice, sing ing baritone just as beautifully and with as much volume as she sings so prano. Her voice is excellent either as bari tone or soprano, but the presence of both is .indeed unusual. Another inter esting songstress is Miss Stanley, ■ of the duo Mulier and Stanley, who is a clever comedienne as well. Miss Stan ley can thrill audiences with her splen did voice just as easily as she can stir their risibles. Another singing comedy duo is Hines and Fox. a neat appearing couple, who might be compared to Van and Schenck, and they are walking away with a big bit a* each perform ance. In short the whole Orpheum bill is elcver and out of the ordinary.— Adv. * At the Colonial A Keith attraction of sterling worth is that known as the Six Musical Gor mans, heading the Keith bill at the Co lonial for the last half of the week. Their offering is a refined vocal and instrumental act and is alone worth the price of admission in vogue at the "Busy Comer." A corking comedy hit of this bill is that of the German lan guage twisters, Gordon and Marx, who scored a laughting hit at the Orpheum several seasons ago. They are good for one long, loud laugh every minute they are 011 view. Two other clever Keith hits of variety and merit will complete the roster. Interesting fea tures on timely moving pictures are also included with the vaudeville pro gram during the last half. —Adv. * Photoplay To-day A melodrama of power and appeal has been worked up in "On the Stroke of Twelve." An analysis of this ex cellent three-part feature play will dis close elements of pathos, gaiety, love, intrigue, perfidy rud revenge. In the will of her father Irene Bromley is al lowed so much annually by the trus tee, Sidney Villon, a lawyer of loose morals, but who enjoys a place on the list in society. Arthur Colby, a whole some, straightforward young man, is in love with her, but. she treats him in differently. Many interesting scenes make up these three reels of drama. Adv.* At the Regent "The Bargain," a paramount fea ture produced by Thomas H. Ince, which was so well received at this the atre yesterday, will be the strong at traction again to-day. To-morrow, Friday and Saturday, "Tillie's Punctured Romance," in which Marie Dressier is the leading character, will be one of the bitggest drawing features that has ever appear- Ed in film pictures in this city. This ! theatre advertised to show "Tillie'si Punctured Roma.-nce,"' on March 13, but was prevented from doing so by an ! injunction brought against us by a rival house. The injunction has been . dissolved 'by the court and the picture will bo shown to-morrow and Saturday, which sustains the management in its . effort to give the public the best and most pleasing pietures produced by tho ; greatest film coni(>anics in the world. Adv.* j Ten Years' Misery Ended «T. T. Chambers, merchant, Jonesboro. Ark., writes: "Foley Kidney Pills cured me of a ten-year standing ease of rheumatism. I suffered miserably. A friend told me of being cured;, so I used them, and they cured me, too." Most middle-aged men and women are glad to learn that Foley Kidney Pills afford a way to escape sleep disturbing bladder weakness, backache, rheuma tism, puffiness under eyes, stiff and swollen joints, and other ills attributed to kidney troubles. Geo. A. Qorgas, 16 North Third street. —Adv. Aged Woman Dies Near Lancaster Marietta, March 25. —"Mrs. Harah Van Dyke, 87 years old, died yester day in the Long Home, near Lancaster, from infirmities of age. She is the last of her family. r MAJESTIC To morrow evening, Maude Adams in "Quality Street.'' Wednesday, March 31, matinee nnd evening, "Within the Law." 014PH15UM Every ufternoiin and ovouing, hlgk elasM vaudeville. u COLONIAL Kverv afternoon ami evuiiing, vaiulu villi) and pictures. VICTORIA Motion Pictures. PHOTOPLAY Motion Pictures. EEGENT Motion Pictures. I IT PAYS TO USE STAB INDEPENDENT WANT ADS.