'( ! The Star lndependent Gives Away 2 Orpheum Tickets Daily The Name of to Whom They Will Be Awarded To-day is Somewhere Among the Classified Ads On This Page Perhaps you are the lucky person. Look until you fini out. If yon ret th* tickets please call for them before 8 o'clock to-morrow evening or they will be forieited. (These names are drawn from the Directory by a blindfolded girl.) v:. ■ i 111 1 i . 1 .i , 11 1 , ' ' v | Miscellaneous FUBNITUBE PAOKINO PACKING—A. H. SHRENK. 1906 North Sixth street, first class packer of fur niture, china and bricabrac. Bell phone »»»W. W. J. W T ENRICH. 339 Hamilton street- Furniture, china and piano packing. Shipments looked alter at both ends. Also all kinds of hauling. Bell phoue STORAGE. STORAGE In story brick building. rear 408 Market St. Household goods In clean, private rooms.' Reasonable rates. Apply to P. G. DIENER, Jeweler, 408 Market SU AUTO and motorcycle storage at reas onable rates, in Keystone Garage, 919 Myrtle avenue. Inquire 814 N, Third St. FIRE-PROOF STORAGE warehouse, di vided into private rooms for storage of household goods. New building. Low Insurance. Inspection invited. 437-445 South Second street. HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. FREIGHT DRAYAGE, storage, shippers and distributors of merchandise of all kinds; prompt and efficient service. Warehouses on P. R. R. and P. & R. tracks. MONTGOMERY & CO., Peipher Line, Tenth below Market St. BAZOB BLADES ALL KINDS of razor blades resharpen ed; made better than new; safety, 25c per dozen; Star, 15c; old style, 25c; leave orders Henry Gilbert Sons' Hardware, £l9 Market street. MONEY TO LOAN WE LEND MONEY IN ANY AMOUNTS Payments to suit borrower. Small loans a specialty. Positively lowest rates in the city. Up-to-date methods. Licensed, bonded and incorporated. PENNA. INVESTMENT CO. 132 Walnut Street MOST MONEY LOANED—On Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Firearms, Musical Instruments. Highest cash prices for old gold and silver. Repairing a spe cialty. CITY. LOAN OFFICE, 411 Mar ket street. LOANS—SS to S2OO for honest working people keeping house. Kates less than legal. Pay ments weekly or monthly. No noti lication of employer or friends. 00-OPERATIVE L. & I. CO. 204 Chestnut St. Authorized Capital, SIOO,OOO ANY person needing money In amounts from $5 to SSO holding a salaried po sition. would be benefited by calling on us. Employes' Discount Co., 36 North Third St. —— u ALL KINDS OF HAULING ALL kinds of hauling; large two-ton truck; furniture, pianos, freight. In the city and suburbs. Prices reason able. Picnic and pleasure trips, day or evening. WM. H. DARE, 1453 Vernon St. Bell phone 3517 J. : * Real Estate . FURNIBHED BOOMS FOB BENT. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, on second floor, corner room, well lighted and heated; all Improvements. 114 Wash ington St. FOR RENT—New rurnlshed front rooms facing Capitol Park; stationary wash stands, hot and cold running water; electric light in each room; also use of phone and large bath. Apply 410 North street HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENT Bay window front on I>ocust street; tiled entrance, tiled bath; locker; hall phones; fully equipped kitchen. Ap-ply Penna. Realty and Improvement Co., 132 Locust street. BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE OB BENT HOUSES FOR RENT and 2 -story dwelling houses for sale. Elder Real Estate Co., 24th and Perry Sts. BOOMS WANTED ROOM "WANTED—'Refined young lady desires room; Hill location; state terms. Address 3725, care Star-Inde pendent; BOARDING WANTED CHRISTIAN young man desires board ing five days weekly, south of Mar ket strc-et. Address 3730, care Star-In dependent BOOMS FOB BENT FOR RENT—Second floor front room; electric light and use of bath; cen trally located, on South street near Third 233 South St. * "" '" " " ' ' ■ < ■ For Rent Warehouse and Storage Space Two floors (44,000 sq. ft.) or parts thereof, in the new Emcrson- Brantingham Implement" Co. builtf ing at Tenth and Market Sts. Elevator service—P. R. B. siding in the building. Apply to i MILLER BROTHERS & CO. HABBISBUBG, PA. , ■> Rial Estate SEAL ESTATE FOB SALE FOR SALE—Front street business prop erty and dwelling, good location; all modern improvements; hot water heat; lirst class condition. Large modern stable in rear. Address 3731, care Star- Independent. FOR SATJE—I3I Royal Terrace; 2-story brick; 1933 Derry St.. all conven iences, 3-storv frame; 1927-1929, two lots. Bell phone. J. O. MAT TER. 1933 Derry. FOR SALE—Five good paying proper ties; at a very Ijw llgure; good loca tion; will not be sold separately. Ad dress No. .1489, care Star-Independent. FRONT ST.. Wormleysburg—2 houses; one 6 rooms and pantry, other 8 rooms. Each has bath, gas, electric light, ce ment cellar and walks; side and front porch. Lots 25x150. Price $2400 and 12800. Address N. C., P. O. box 147, Wormleysburg. Pa. FOR SALE—B-room bungalow, with all improvements; large lot, 35x110; side and rear entrance; garden and fruit trees; good property; price reasonable. Deal with owner. 2419 Reel St. FOR SALE—IIBOO will buy a frame house, S rooms, hot water heat, lot 21 xlos, good location. Also other proper ties on easy payment. BELL REALTY CO., Bergner Building. $2200 will buy a 55-acre farm along P. R. R., 3 miles from Mtllerstown. All details regarding this farm, picture of buildings, etc., are available at BELL REALTY CO., Bergner Building. FOR SALE:—3 houses on Jefferson St at reduced prices; part brick con struction. 6 rooms and bath, finished third floor, also 1 new brick home with all improvements, near the central part of the city; also building lots near Pen brook, 30x150; reducod In order to close them out; also building lots at River side and Paxtang. For terms and prices apply to S. HALDEMAN & CO., Carpen ters and Builders. 3222 N. Sixth St.. Harrisburg, Pa. Also job carpenter work promptly and neatly attended to by calling Bell phone 3622J3. 68-ACRE FARM, 3 miles from Golds boro, for sale, together with stock and implements; house, barn and other buildings in good condition; variety of fruit; good water. Possession at once. BELL REALTY CO.. Bergner Building. FOR SALE—No. 919 S. 20ft St.: frame house; 9 rooms, bath, gas, porches, fruit; lot 40x15; stable; chicken house. Particulars at BELL REALTY CO., Bergner Building. FOR SALE—Fine new homes at River side; all conveniences, large porches; also No. 922 Green street; fine large home, side alley; steam heat. E. MOES LEIN, 424 Sta>te St.; L M. NEIFFER, 222 Market St. FOR SALE—City'and suburban homes and home sites; first class business propositions. KOUGH, BRIGHTBILL & KLINE, Sixth and Relly Sts. Both phones. REAL ESTATE FOB BENT APARTMENTS 1330 Derry. 3rd floor $35,00 1317 Derry, 2nd floor $35.00 1315 Market, $30.00 239 S. 13th. ...$30.00. $32.50 and $35.00 1216 Market $22.50 226-228 S. 19th—HOUSES $25.00 424 S. Thirteenth $25.00 1214-1447 Berryhill $22.50 1202 Market $22.50 133 S. Fourteenth-St $20.00 450 Crescent St., SIB.OO 530 S. la 1 ,4, all improvements,.. .$15.00 1847 Derry, 4 large rooms, imp.,. .$12.00 1440 Vernon $ll.OO 1320 N. Front, for colored $ll.OO 1830 Berryhill St., 3 rooms, SB.OO HARVEY T. SMITH, 204 S. 13th. Bell 248 M A TWO-STORY brick house, with all improvements. 2119 Moltke Ave. Ap ply C. F. KOCH, 2110 N. Seventh St. 1425 Walnut St., 3 s. b„ 8 r., ~..525.00 23 N. 18th St., 3 s. b $28.00 1103 N. 2nd St., 2% s. f.. 6 r $28.00 Derry St. (Paxtang) $30.00 612 N. 16th St., 3 s. b., f $30.00 2202 N. sth St., 3 s. b„ 7 r $32.00 2220 N. 3rd St.. 3 s. b $32.50 li 2 Chestnut St., 3 s. b„ 9 r., ...$45.00 2230 N. 2nd St. 3 s. b., 10 $45.00 21st & Chestnut (Bellevue park), $55.00 1838 N. 2nd St. & garage $60.00 FOR RENT—A three-stoO' brick, all Improvements. 1713 N. Third street. Apply 1100 N. Front. FOR RENT—An 8-room house, 317 Hamilton street. Apply to 1101 N. | Front street FOR RENT—2OS State St.; three-story brick house; modern Improvements. Steam heat. Electric light. Inquire 1904 N. Second St Bell phone 2284 R. HOUSE FOR RENT, 1115 Market street, 9 rooms, bath and steam heat; newly papered. Inquire 1113 Market St FOR RENT—No. 1011 N. Third St.— House and store room; all conven iences; steam heat. No. 1118 N. Fourteenth St; corner of Cumberland street; all Improvements; back and front stairs; large front porch; a fine location. C. H. ORCUTT, 261 Cumberland St FOR RENT—Private rooms for house hold goods, in new fireproof building. Clean and safe. Inspection invited. 437- 445 S. Second St. HARRISBURG SIOR AGE COMPANY. FOR RENT—Houses with all improve ments, at moderate rentals. J. & ( r.IPPLK, 1251 Market St APARTMENTS FOR RENT APARTMENT FOR RENT—Second floor, six large rooms, four bay windows, all facing street and Capitol, tiled bath, pantry; city steam and electric lights. Inquire 400 North street. FOR RE\T—Apartment of five rooms, bath and laundry room, second floor, corner property, plenty of light; must lie seen t-o be appreciated. GEORGE W. MYERS, 225 Hummel St. REDUCED RENTS—Three modern, Im proved 7-room apartments for rent to adults. All conveniences. Docation 239 S. Thirteenth St Apply on premises or phone 2283 D. WANTED TO RENT~ ~ WANTED—A large store room near Market street, west of railroad, for immediate possession u" possession May Ist. Address, full particulars, M. R. C., £24^are^3tar^ndependen^^^^^^^^^ 1 Why They Settle Wife—'Who can douibt .the power of woman's lovo! Think of the thousands of wild youths who have settled down into staid and respectable citizens as soon as they married. Htisbaud—They couldn't afford to be anything else after they got married.— New York Weekly. ' HABRTSttTTRO STAR-INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 25, 1915. Wants | HELP WANTED—MALE ARMY OF UNITED STATES. MEN WANTED: Ablebodied unmarried men between age ot 18 and 35; citizen* of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, Bergner Building, 3d & Market Its, ta r:Kburir. N Queen St., Lancaster, 338 Pine St.. WUliamsuort, 37 W. Mar ket St., York, or 113 independence St. rni.ii.oKiti, Pa. *>_ YOUNG MEN to prepare for government, examinations. Thorough private coach ing for all branches of Civil Service. Have a few open dates. Address P. O. Box <3l. Harrlsburg. PAINTERS AND PAPER-HANGERS WANTED—To sell wall paper from sample books. We are the largest wholesale wall paper house in Central Pennsylvania and carry the largest line of cheap and medium priced papers on the market. We attribute our suc cess to our low prices, prompt ship ments and fair dealings. Let us send you our 1915 line of samples on ap proval. Write to-day to Monarch Wall Paper Co.. 420 Market St., Harrlsburg, Pa. THOUSANDS of chauffeurs will be needed within three or four months, in the city of Harrlsburg, for public taxicab service. Prepare yourself at once. Make application for training to Auto Ti auspurtation and Machine .Shop, 5 and 7 North Cameron St., Harrisburg, Pa. Full, unlimited course, $35. Both ph-jnea. WANTED—Men prepare as firemen, brakeinen, motormen, colored porters. Pennsylvania railroads. Experience not necessary. Jso to SIOO month. Write Inter Railway Dept. 101, Indianapolis, Ind. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. WANTED Experienced man wants work of any kind around houses, such as digging gardens, flower beds, wllite | washing, cleaning, etc, C. M.. 1229 I Cowaen street. WANTED—Work; either all or part of the time, by a young man who Is working his way through a business college in this city; experienced In crat ing and shipping. Address 3728, care Star-Independent. PROFESSIONAL GARDNER. German, having years of experience, will be open for position April Ist. First class t reference. PETER EIDER, 1008 Cam i eron St. YOUNG married man, colored, wishes position as chaurteur; willing and useful around the house; reference; moderate wages. Apply SIS Foriter St. YOUNG MAN, 24 years of ago, wishes a position as chauffeur; private family desired; can furnish best of reference. Address W. P. OMMERT. Williamson, Pa. AN experienced truck and commercial car operator desires employment at once. Address WILLIAM SrIEAREIi. Oberlin, Pa, FIRST-CLASS COOK wants position in hotel or cafe. In or out of town. Call or write 638 Briggs street. MAN wants trimming and pruning. Ad dress 1012 N. Nineteenth St. YOUNG MAN, 18 years of age, wants work of any kind; not afraid of hard work. Address 2017 Wallace St. YOUNG .MAN, 21 years old, wishes to learn barber trade, or to work in store. DALLAS MOWREV, P. O. Box 263, Newvllle, Pa. WOULD like position as Janitor or ele vatorman; well experienced; can tur- I nisli best ot leierence. Call or address | 907 Sarah St., City. HELP WANTED—MALE AND FE MALE BILLY SUNDAY'S MESSAGE—SeIIing like wildtlre. We need more men and women to help distribute. Full time or spare time. Wholesale Supply House, 2a Mortl} Third St.. top floor. HELr WANTED—FEMALE. WANTED —Two lady canvassers 'of good address to advertise articles of outward wearing apparel. A clean and agreeable position for capable persons. Give recommendation. Address No. 3729, care Star-Independent. WANTED—Young lady bookkeeper with a knowledge of stenography; one with experience preferred. Aduress 3727, care Star-Independent. WANTED —For Easter rush, at once, jacket and skirt operator and skirt presser. Apply WITMEII, BAIR & WIT MER. " WANTED Girls over 16 years of age to learu cigar making. Paid while learn ing. Apply at Harrisburg Cigar Company, 500 Race street. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE. WANTED—Position as housekeeper; by young woman of experience. Ad dress 3726, care Star-Independent. A YOUNG LADY would like general housework or day work. Call or ad dress 1005 N. Third St. WANTED—Young lady wishes position In office, can give reference. Call or write 1249 Market street. WANTED—'Young lady wants work by the day or week, in private family. Apply 1005 N. Third. COLORED WOMAN wants days work or washing and ironing; will do office cleaning; can furnish reference. Ad dress 1417 Marlon St. WANTED —Washing and Ironing to do at home. Call or write to 547 Wood bine street. WANTED—Young lady wishes a posi tion as assistant matron or as attend ant in an Institution; experienced. Apply 2026 Green street. v MIDDLE-AGED colored woman would like to have day's work or cooking. Apply at 28 Linden street. Artistic Printing at Star-Independent. Salo and Exchange FOR SALE FIXTURES FOR SADE—2 wall cases. 12 feet each; one partition, one coun ter, 11 feet long, one cash register; all solid mahogany; Ave office chairs. Very cheap to quick buyer. Call Bell phone 2020R, or Independent 515. PRIVATtE collection Victrola records, one-third to one-half off listed price; sold singly or any number; mostly Red Seal records; 230 &tute St. Bell phone 686 R. Some choice bargains. C. W. H. LANOLETZ, Lumber—We are overstocked with all kinds and grades of lumber and we can offer you big bargains. It will pay you to sea us. Oflice Cameron and Mulberry Sta. FOR SADE—Bicycles, $5, SB, $lO. ill each; investigate. Try Keystone Re pairs. Save money. Quick service. Keystone Cycle Co.. 814 N. Third St. FOR SADE—Cheap. Roll-top desk, cash register, phonograph and lot records, lounge, gas range, leather rocker, d',4* BV4 heneca View Camera; two smaller extra backs and flash light outfit; anas tlgmat lens. Call at once, 11 a. m. to 11 p. m- OWD STUDIO. 206 Market. j FOR SADE—One road horsei rubber | tired Jenny Dlnd, rubber tired surrey, ! berth good as new; market wagon and six sets harness. 214 Dinooln street, SteeUon, Pa. Bell phone 6X or BY. FOR SADE—WiII sacrifice mahogany ( 88-note player-piano like new, includ ing music cabinet, bench, scarf, and 40 rolls of music, for $325. Address M., care Star-Independent. FOR SADE—AI GABDE'S. 113, 115 and i 117 South Second street. 5,000 gallons New Era Ready Mixed Paint, Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme make. FOR SADE—At GABDE'S, 111-117 South Second St., 6,000 seta new Sash, Bxlo xl 2 D>. primed und glased, at $1.15 par set Also other sises- Death and Obituary DIED. j BOWERS—On Maruh 24, 1915, Edwin Bowers, 318 Cumberland street, aged 73 years, 5 months and 9 days. Fnneral services in charge of Rev. John H. Daugherty. of Ridge Avenue M. E. church, will be held Saturday after noon at 2 o'clock, from his late resi dence. JUDIUS—On Sunday morning. March 21, 1915, Daniel Julius, aged 89 years, 1 month and 9 days. Funeral service Tuesday evening at 7.30 o'clock, at the residence of his son, George H. Julius, No. 106 Hoerner street. | Relatives and friends are invited to at tend without further notice. Further service and burial at Elliottsburg, Perry county, Pa., Wednesday, leaving P. It. iR. station at 7,55 a. m. Perry county j papers please copy. \ Business Opporfunifias BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. i TWO reserved tickets were awarded to- I day to Edwin H. ,Engle, 1836 Park St., I good for the evening performance at the I Orpheum, March 29. Call for tickets i at Star-lndepenelent office before 8 p. m„ March 26, or they will be forfeited. Legal EXECITOH'S NOTICE Estate of \V. K. Fntrikeu, l.nte of the City of tlnrrlNhurg, Pn„ Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that letters testamentary upon the estate of said decedent have been granted to the un dersigned, residing at No. 1 644 North Third street, in said city. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or elemanels against the same will make them known without delay to SARAH E. ENTRIKEN, Executrix. EXECUTORS' NOTICE Detters testamentary have been granted upon the estate of Margaret Duncun, late of Oberlin, Swatara town ship, Dauphin county, Pennsylvania, de ceased. to Ed. C. Duncan and Harry C. Duncan, to whom all persons whd are Indebted to said estate are requested to make payment and all persons hav ing legal claim against or demand upon i saiel estate shall make the same known without delay. ED. C. DUNCAN, 131 Old Crescent St., Harrlsburg, Pa. HARRY C. DUNCAN, Middletown, R. P. D. 3, Penna. Executors. X. B. SWARTZ, Attorney, 108 N. Second St.. Harrlsburg, Pa. NOTICE Harrlsburg, Pa., March 24, 1915. To depositors of Bonds of Cumberland Valley Telephone Company, Under Bondholders' Agreement, Dated Au gust 11. 1911: You are hereby notified that the Bond holders' Committee of Cumberland Val ley Telephone Company have prepared and adopted a plan of reorganization for said telephone company and have filed the same with Commonwealth Trust Company, at its office. No. 222 Market street, Harrlsburg. Pa., being the trustees under the mortgage, where said plan may be Inspected by any one Interested on any business day between the hours of 9 a. m. and 3 p. m., except Saturday, and on that day between the hours of 9 a. m. and 12 m. You are further notified that said plan will be come effeetlve thirty days after the first fiubllcatlon of this notice, unless dissent n writing shall bo tiled by depositors holding certiacates of deposit repre senting in the aggregate more than one third in amount of the bonds deposited under said bondholders' agreement; a copy of said plan having been mailed to each depositing bondholder. A. E. PENDERGAST, Secretary, 3 N. Market Square, Harrisburg, Pa. LAWYERS' PAPER BOOKS Printed at this office in best style, at lowest prices and on short notice. FOE RENT HILL CREST | LARGE COUNTRY HOME —Adjoining New Cumberland, and along Yellow Breeches Creek. Private, yet within two minutes' walk to tho trolley. Entirely remodeled, 14 rooms, electric light, gas. steam heat, hardwood floors, porte cochere* tennis court: all improvements and la-ge grounds, with beautiful shade tfees, new garage with granolithic floor and driveway; brick house for men servants; stable, carriage house, etc. Will be rented furnished or unfurnished. BARON BESTECKI BEU.A VISTA—NEW CI MRRRLA\D P. 0., PA.—BUI,I. PHONE Miami Copper i 1 (TRADE CONDITIONS o < METAL SITUATION I( NET EARNINGS Send For Our Special Letter "562" RENSKORF, LYON & CO. ( New .York Stock Exchange. Members ' New York Cotton Exchange. ) New York Coffee Exchange. ( Chicago Board of Trade. 33 New St. ( ) New York t ■ For Rent Desirable offices in the Union Trust Building. Apply Union Trust Co. BAKERY 1 FOR SALE Well Established Bakery Stand Boas and Cowdon Streets Two-story bake house, 21x44 feot, with two good ovens. Dwelling, 9 rooms and bath, and store room. All in good condition. Easy terms. Immediate possession. T. B. Rockafellar 202 NORTH STREET SPRAYING a Specialty J. E. SNAVELY Prop. Dauphin Co. Nursery Fruit and Ornamental Trees for Sale. Landscape Gardening. 125 Liberty St., Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE Look here! Do yon want to buy a new home? Go to 626 to 620 Geary St. I am just finishing four three story brick, mansard roof houses, with wide front and back porches and balcony. Bay windows, grano lithic pavement and steps; cemented cellar, hot and cold wu-ter in cellar. Parlor and dining room, large kitch en, five bed rooms and bath, six large closets, vestibule and open stairways. Gas and electric lights. Parlor and dining room finished floors. No houses in the city for the price ask ed. Buy now and you can select paper to suit. Go to see them at once, before too late. The price will surprise you. F. H. Hantzman Office 680 Brings St. Lost and Found FOUND. FOUND—The way to end your cleaning and dyeing worries by calling either phone tor Eggert's Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning Works, 1245 Market St. We call and deliver. FOUND —A decided improvement In my appearance since having my clothing cleaned and pressed at Parisian Dye Works, 1409 N. Third. Branch, Hoßinan- Kems, 337 Chestnut Bell phone. Call inganddeliverlngj^^^^^^^^^^^ LOST __ DOST —Pocketbook containing $53.00 In cash and postoffice money order for SIO.OO. Finder will receive liberal re ward if returned to W. M. BATES, at Bates & Co.. 110 Market or 268 Brlggs. DOST—A gold watch clvarm locket con taining two small pictures of chil dren. Return to Hershey Creamery and get reward. Key to the Dutch Seas In the fifteenth aud sixteenth centu ries the fame if MiiUlMburg ami Mush ing, in Holland, extended all over Eu ro]*. The latter especially was so im portant that it was called '' tho key to the Dutch seas." The Oharles V. visited the city and spent some days in the small adjoining town of Zuytburg. It was there that in Sep tember, 1556, he dated his act of ab dictiou before sailing from Flushing to Spain ami retiring bo the monastery of St. Juste. FINANCE READING ONLY IMPORTANT ISSUE TO LOSE AT OPENING All the Other Prominent Stocks, as Well as Numerous Inactive Ones, Record Gains—Bearish Activity Renewed, According to Report By Associated Press. Now York, March 25.—Wa1l Street. —Reading was the only issue of im portance to show a loss at the opening of to-day's market, all the other promi nent stocks, as well as numerous inac tive ones, recording gains. These ranged from mere fractions to a point or more, Baltimore and Ohio and Ijouis ville and Nashville as well as Third Avenue, making greatest advances. General Motors rose two points, but specialties were less conspicuous than heretofore. Prices were inclined to ease by the end of the first half ex cept Bethlehem Steel, which roso a "j-point. | Trading fell away during tho morn j ing, dealings in the first hour being j little more .than half of yesterday's ! total of 200,000 shares. Such irregu : larity as tho course of prices denoted I was ascribed mainly to recurrent for eign selling of Union PaciUc and Unit ed States Steel. In the main, how ever, the list was distinctly firm, some jof the international group, notably i Union Pacific, Southern Pacific and i Baltimore and Ohio, selling above yes- II terday's high quotations. According 1 to report the professional element had I renewed its bearish activity, assuming I this position on tho theory that the market, was entitled to a reason on technical grounds. Bonds were firm. LIVE STOCK PRICES Philadelphia, March 25.—Conditions for three days, ending Wednesday even ing, March 24: Beef Cattle—While trading was by no means active, there was a slight im , provement in top market values. Penn j sylvania and Western cattle were on sale for prompt slaughtering. Cows and calves were In light request, at former rates Quotations: Steers—Extras higher: average best $8.30®8.40; choice, J8.10ii8.20; good, $7.90®8.00; medium. $7.50#7.75: com mon, |7.00(?5)7.25; bulls, $5.0j©»6.50; fat cows, $4.75@6.25; tliin cows, $3.25j# I 4.50; milch cows, common to choice, $46 @75; extra, 185; veal calves, excep tional lots, $10.00(g)10.50; good to choice, $9.50(g) 10.00; medium, $8.l)0@8.50; com mon, $fi.00(0)7.00; southerns and barn yards, $5.00® 7.00. Sheep and D&mbs—Sheep closed low er, and tho choicest lambs showed a downward revision. Demand was lack ing, with the market devoid of snap. Quotations: Sheep— Wethers, extra, $8.25@5.50 Choice $8.00f1)8.25 ! Medium $7.00® 7.50 Common $5.00 ®K. 00 Ewes, heavy, fat,' $7.50®7.75 Dainbs— Extra, $10.75®11.00 Good to choice. $10.25®10.50 Medium $9.00® 10.00 Common \ $7.00® 8,00 Hogs—The market, in sympathy with the outside situation, ruled a trifle ; stronger. Quotations: $10@10.25. j City Dressed Stock—Meats of description that were in the choice and prime class were steadily held, but in ! quiry was light: Quotations: I Steers, 10®13; heifers, cows, 8@12; veal calves, 15@16; extra calves, 17; southern and barnyards, 10® 12; country dressed 13®14; extra, 15; sheep, 13®14; extra wethers, 15; lambs, 16® 17; extra lambs, 18c; hogs, 10>£. Philadelphia Produce Market Philadelphia. Pa., March 25.—Wheat lower; No. 2 red spot, export, 154® 10114; : No. 1 northern, Duluth export, 162 '/i® 16714. Corn lower; No. 2 spot, export, 76% @ 77Ms; No. 2 yellow, looal, 80&81. Oats lower; No. 2 white, 64®64V4. Bran firm; winter, per ton. $26.50® 29.00; spring, per ton, $26.00#26.50. Refined sugars firm; powdered, 6.00; fine granulated. 5.90; confectioners' A, 5.80. Butter firmer; western creamery, ex tra, 29; nearby prints, fancy, 32. Eggs tlrm; nearby firsts, free case, s6.lc; current receipts, free case, $6.00; western extra firsts, free case, $6.15; firsts, Iree case, $6.00. Dive poultry steady; fowls. 16@17; old roosters chickens, 14#17; turkeys, 15®17; ducks, 15®>1G; geese, 12 @ 16. Dressed poultry firm; fowls, fancy, 19©20: do., average, 16®18; unattract ive. 14® 15; old roosters, 14; frozen , fowls, 16® 18; frozen turkeys, fancy, 21 ®22; do., fair to good, 18#20; broiling chickens, 22®27; frozen ducks. 12®18; frozen geese, 12® 16. Potatoes weak; Pennsylvania, per i bushel, 48@53; Maine, 45i&50; New York, 35® 40. Flour weak; winter straight, 6.90® 7.10; spring straight, 7 00®7.25; do., patent, 7.50®8.25. Hay weak; timothy, No. 1 large balt«, ' 18.00; No. 1 medium bales, 17.50® 18.00; No. 2 do., 15.50® 16.50; No. 3 do., 14.00® 15.00. Clover mixed light, 17.00®17.50; No. 1 do., 16.00® 16.50; No. 2. do., 14.50 @15.50. Chicago Llva Stock Market Chicago, March 25.—'Hogs—Receipts, 23,000; dull; shade under yesterday's average. Bulk, 6.55®6.65; light, 6.45® 6.70; mixed. 6.45@6.72V4; heavy, 6.20® 6.70; rough, 6.20®6.35' pigs, 5.2u®6.20. Cattle—Receipts, 3,000; firm. Native steers, 5.85® 8.80; western, 5.35 @7.40; cows and heifers, 3.00®7.75; calves, 6.50 @IO.OO. Sheep—'Receipts, 10,000; slow. Sheep, 7.10®8.15; yearlings, 7.85@9.15; lambs, 7.60@9.85. Harrlsburg Hospital The Harrisburg Hospital is open daily except Sunday, between 1 and 2 o'clock p. m. for dispensing medical advice and prescriptions to those unable to pay fox them. 11 spoors Additional Sports on Page 8 ADAMS INJURES ARM Youth Who Helped Harrisburg Win Pennant Home From South Williamstowii, March 25.—Mark Adams, » former twirler for the Har risburg Tri-Stato team, who waa draft ed by the Pittsburgh Nationals at the close of last season, returned to hiis home here from Hot Springs, Ark., where he has been in training. While there ho was a candidate for the pitching staff and threw out his arm, which may probably ruin his base ball career. No doubt he would have played with, Pittsburgh this year as ex perts of the game forecasted a groat season for him. In a few days he will leave for Youngstown, Ohio, where ha will be treated by Bonesottor Keese. Adams, who is 19 years of age, has played ono year with Raleigh, N. C., and last season with Harrisburg, whore he was a big factor in the wiuning of the pennant. ERJXMAN SELLS PLAYERS Almost Entire Allentown Tri-St&te Team Disposed Of Allentown, Pa., March 25.—President! Max S. Brdman, of the Allentewn team, has sold a number of his players. Danny- McGeeban, second 'baseman, will go to Manchester, N. iH., managed by Tom Keady, tihe Tie'high University coach. Keady is also anxious to get "Rip" Camr.ell, tiho hard-hitting Allen'town outfielder. 'Murray has been sold to Grand Rap ids, and it is likely that Wtutz, of Phila delphia, shortstop, will go with Jimmy Jackson, formerly the Wilmington man ager, to Topeka. Izzy Hoffman, former ly the Reading manager, has bought) iftoyle, tiho fast first basoman; Monroe, the catcher, and Kunkel, a first-claes backstop. Johnny Castle, who managed Allen town last seiason, had contracted witih (Springfield, 111., to manage its team in the Three-T League, but soon afterward Springfield w<as ousted from that organ ization. READING SWAMP CAMDEN Eastern League Championship Still in the Air Reading, Pa., March 25.—The sec ond battle of the post-season series for the championship of the Kastern League was staged between Reading and Camden here last night and result ed in a victory for Reading after a grueling 40 minutes of play, score 52 to 29. The battle was hard fought from the very first tap of the bell. Reading played the close-guarding game which has been characteristic of the Bears in their uphill fight for the pennant, while Camden showed more of the smooth machine work and spectacular shooting. The series is now tied up. Hassett Five to Close Season The Hassett Boys' Club will close their basketball season to-morrow evening, when they meet the Altoonn five. Two or three games yet remain on the schedule of the girls' division. The Hassetts have had one of the best seesons in the club's history, having lost but two of their big games, one by 11 points to the Lancaster team and another by 6 points to the York C'oU legians. The Altoona five comes with a record that lays claim to middle west amateur championship, and the locals expect the 'hardest game of the season. On their lineup aje Loague, a former member of SJouthside five, and Keller, forwards; Turner, center; Schlegel and Epple, guards. Came called at 8.45. TEAM IN M. P. LEAGUE Local Railroaders In Fast Circuit—To Hold Benefit Show Harrisburg will have ft team in the Motive Power League of the Pennsyl vania Railroad this season, made up of fast players from that department in Harrisburg. A vaudeville show will bo held by the local men in the Tech audi torium, March 26, to raise funds for the team. Local gam en will be played on diamond No. 2, on Island Park. The teams in the league will bo Now York, Jersey City, Trenton, Wilming ton, Pottsvi'lle, Philadelphia and Har risburg. Kozel Leading Casino Independents Kozel, with an average of 175 pins for 33 games, is leading the Casino Independent Bowling League. Martin, with 174 pins for 27 games, is second. Bob White Club Organizes The Bob White Club has organized a baseball team for the coming sea son and would like to arrange games with strong teams. Address Willis E. Low, manager, 626 Camp street. Bellevue A. C. Wants Games The Bellevue A. C. would like to arrange games with teams whoee play ers average between seventeen and eighteen years of age. Address Paul Qeiger, manager, 1825 Rudy street. ATTACKS LYKENS WATER CO. Alfred F. Hanna Puts £harges in Hands of the Attorney General /Alfred F. Hanna, of Lykeus, yester day preferred charges before Attorney General Brown against the Lykens Wa ter Company, of Lykens, with a view to having its charter taken away. Mr. Hanna alleges that an issrue of stock was irregular and illegal and that mis representation was used to extend the company's lines. He also contends that the water company is a mere subsidi ary of the Lykens Coal Company; that the officers of both are the same, and that Lykens water consumers are sup plied with only what water is left aft er the coal company takes what it wants. A hearing was set for next Tuesday morning.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers