The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, March 25, 1915, Image 1

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DetalM Rr|«rt Fac* •
VOL. 77—NO. 95.
nrr. «. i«?«
Frail Youngster, of 12,
Again Passes Like a
Spirit Through 200-
Pound Iron Grate
Can't Figure How Colored Youth, Un
der Surveillance of Whole Force of
Bluecoats, Manages So Easily to
Get Out of Detention Cell
AH Harrisburg's policemen began
to believe in spooks ami spirits that
can pass right through thick iron bars
or solid masonry, when they learned
that early this morning Clarence Rose,
12 years old, for the second time in
three days had escaped from the de
tention quarters in the basement of
police station. Just as he did last
Monday, Clarence, a frail colored chap,
in the dead of night moved for a few
inches a 200-pound grating which
stood between him and liberty, and
made a get-away while policemen all
the time were on dutv nearbv.
Clarence has proved more than a
matoh for the police who were confi
dent, after the lad V first escape and
recapture, that he would not give them
the slip again before his ease was to
come up in juvenile court to-morrow.
The mere fact that Clarence made his
second getaway in the same way as the
first is what is making the big coppers
feel foolish.
The boy was arrested last- weA,
charged with stealing a bicycle. As
there is no detention house or other
place where juveniles can be kept, the
only place to loiige them was in the
basement of police headquarters, and
there Clarence was placed. Sometime
early Monday morning he got his lib
erty by removing a 20>0-pound grate
from one of the basement windows. On
Tuesday afternoon he was recaptured,
but only after he had caused Patrol
man "Pat" Hylan, night chauffeur of
the police ambulance, a good deal of
trouble. Hylan in going after the lad,
shed his coat and cap and threw them
into the automobile of Bernard
Schmidt, whioh stood in front of the
Harrisburg bakery on South Cameron
street. Schmidt, in the meantime, name
out and drove away leaving '"Pat"'
shivering in the cold for more than an
hour and a half.
After Hylan captured Clarence, the
bov again was locked in the basement
at heudquarters and a closer watch
was placed on him. In fact all the po
licemen, as they enter the station,
would go to the basement to see that
the young erstwhile fugitive was still
It also was thought that probably
the grate was not securely over the
basement window in the 'first place,
for how could a 12-year-old bov re
move two hundred pounds of weight!
The grata was put back firmly in
place but that didn't matter to 6lar
once. K ther he is possessed of remark
able strength or spooklike qualities,
for be removed the grate and made his
second escape early to-day.
"The boy certainly is a wizard.
But we 11 get him to-day and watch
him until his hearing to-morrow. - ' said
Police Chief Joseph B. Hutchison this
Setators Finally Approve Plan to Is
sue Second Edition of 12,000
The bill providnig for the printing of
a second edition of the report of the
Pennsylvania Commission on the Fif
tieth Anniversary of the Battle of Get
tysburg. which originated in the Senate
and passed the House finally to-day by
137 yeas to 1 nay. originally provided
for the printing of 25,000 copies of
the book, to meet the great demand for
it from all parts of the country.
After the bill got into the* Senate
committee Governor Brumbaugh was
coiisulted a? to his views on the issuing
of the new edition and announced that
25,000 was too large an edition, and
suggested that it be cut down to 12,-
000, which was done.
Those in Contact With Theodore Mur
ray Placed on Parole
Alderman and Mrs. C. K. Murray,
113 South Thir<i street, along with a
dozen or more persons who came in con
tact with their son. Theodore, who
was found to be suffering with small
pox yesterday, were vaccinated last
night. Those vaccinated will be placed
on health parole for a week or ten days.
Dr. J. M. J. Ran nick. city health
officer, said this morning that he did not
fear a furtner outbreak of the disease,
which he said was imported to this city.
The condition of young Murray, who
was taken to the sanitary hospital, is
reported to be good.
Inmates of Industrial School at Mor
ganza Take Poison Together
By Astoeiatcd Prrts,
Washington, Pa.. Maroh 25.—Odory
Coyle, aged 19, of Bentlevville, ami
(Margaret Berge.r, aged 20, of Mc-Kees
port, inmates of the Western Pennsyl
vania Industrial School at Morganza,
committed suicide together during last
TOe girls, who were trusties, secure*
the jioison from the matron's looker
and were dying when found. Superin
tendent W. F. P>nn could give no rea
son for their action.
ffll)£ Star- 3nt>cpcni)cnt
Sheriff Reports They Hay* No Prop
erty to Levy Upon for $18,750
Judgment Note. Mid Judge Kunkel
Seta April 5 as Date for an Inquiry
Sheriff Wells' report that he found
no property on which to make a levy
uu*»>r an execution issued on au $lB,-
750 judgment note entered by former
Judge E. W. Biddle. of Carlisle, against
A. Grant Riohwine, Charles A. Disbrow
and J. X. Deeter, of this city, was giv
en this morning as cause for Judge
Kunkel making an order directing the
defendants, Riohwine, Detter and Dis
brow, to appear in court on April 5
and submit to examination under oath
on the question of their reality hold
When the Sheriff made a levy on
■Disbrow's household effects, he said
this morning, he was informed that Mrs.
Disbrow hmd a share in all of it.
The Sheriff also said that C. Howard
Lloyd, a son-in-law of Disbrow, tiled a
property claim. The Sheriff made this
"I am unable to find sufficient prop
erty to satisfy the writ of execution
and judgment upon which the same
was issued. '*
A plot of ground at Front and Dela
ware streets, which the Sheriff said
formerly belonged to Richwine, recently
was sold by tbe Sheriff to Henry
Schuddemage. The land, however, was
sold as the property of Howard M.
The beautiful Disbrow home, at
ISIS North Front street, appears in
the name of Disbrow on the books of
the City Assessors but Assistant City-
Clerk Seamon this morning said that
instructions bad been recaived at his
office to change the name of the own
er to Stephen D. Affleck.
In the office of the Recorder of Deeds
the records show that Disbrow and his
wife made seven real estate transfers
during 1914.
Five parcels, all large tract, were
transferred to Stephen Affleck on July
20, last. These include properties on
Bombaugh avenue, Pennsylvania ave
nue, Cameron street and Derry street,
this city, ami in Swatara township.
On the same date Stephen Affleck
took over the Disbrow properties at
state and Eighteenth streets and on
North Second street.
William Pavord got North Cameron
street property on July 10, and on
April 11, last. E. R. Heisev took over
the five Disbrow houses at 1725-33
North Seventh street.
John M. Ensminger and Meyer Gross
also bought Disbrow properties last
year, the records show. In all cases
the consideration was "nominal"—sl.
She and Herman P. Miller Present City
With Land for Connecting Links
in Cameron Parkway
The continuation of the Cameron
parkway from the present terminus at
the Almshouse to Reservoir Park, now
is assured, it having been announced
to-day that Mrs. Helen Boyd Dull,
widow of Andrew P. Ll Dull, of 211
North Front street, and Herman P.
Miller, of 2117 North Third street,
have agreed to give free to the city
about twenty acres of ground,—the
tracts that are considered necessary
for the connecting links. Deeds to con
vey this- ground to tlie City have been
prepared and will be signed within a
dav or two.
Ordinances now are pending before
the City Commissioners providing for
the purchase of additional ground for
the continuation of the parkway, one
tract from Amos Enders, for $1,850,
and the other from the Paxtang Ceme
tery Association, for $2,250. Negoti
ations also are about to be closed for
the purchase by the City of a plot of
ground belonging to the Rutherford es
tate, this also to be used in connecting
of the parkway.
The Cameron parkway is to extend
cast for a distance from the Alms
house and then take a winding course
in a northwesterly direction.
The Dull ground constitutes about
twelve acres and the Miller property is
not quite so large Park Commissi jner
Taylor, who announced the gifts to
the city this afternoon, said that as
soon as all of the deeds have been trans
ferred he will advertise for bids for
building the new parkway sections.
This is to be a dirt road ar>d later is to
be covered with cinder. He expects to
have it completed during the coming
Vetoes It For State Flower Because,
He Says, Leaves Are Poisonous
Difficulties in deciding upon a State
flower for Pennsylvania were not end
ed when the Legiskiture passed favor
ably on the mountain laurel, for the
bill establishing tbe laurel as the of
ficial floral emblem of the Common
wealth was to-day vetoed by the Gov
The Governor had his reasons for
objecting to the mountain laurel. He
cites them as follows:
First, there is no sentiment for the
proposed State flower.
Second, the leaves of the mountain
buret are poisonous.
Third, a variety of laurel ia the
State flower of Connecticut
15,000 Assyrian
Christians Take Ref
uge Under Protection
of Presbyterians
Advices From Urumiah, in Northwest- 1
era Persia, Describe the Situation
There as Desperate—Kurds Raid j
Many Villages
Bji Associated Press.
Tiflis, Wednesday, March 24, 1 P. \
M., Via Petrograd. March 25, 10 A. M.,
and London. 12.10 P. M.—Telegrams
and letters reaching here from Urumiah,
in Northwestern Persia, describe the
situation of the American Presbyterian
mission stationed there as desperate.
Turkish regular troops and Kurds are
persecuting and massacring Assyrian
Harry F. Packard, the doctor of the
missionary station at Urumiah of the
Board of Foreign Missions of the Pres
byterian Church, risked his life iu a
successful effort to prevent a frightful
massacre at Geoglapa. where 3,000 As
syrians made their last staud. Thsy
had fought for three days and all their
ammunition was gone. At this juncture
Dr. Packard unfurled an American flag
and advanced between the lines. His
act resulted in the saving of all but
200 of the Assyrians who had been
burned in a church.
Orthodox Clergymen Hanged
Fifteen thousand Assyrian Christians
have taken refuge under the protection
of the American mission station, while
2,000 are at the French mission. A dis
patch received at Tiflis from Urumiah
declared that 70 Turkish regular
trcops had entered the mission, hanged
the Orthodox bishop, Mar Elia, and
four Orthodox clergymen, and beat and
insulted a missionary named Allen.
Shortly befoie the t»0 refugees had
been dragged from the French mission
and executed in spite of the tearful
pleas of the nuns.
At Gulpashan, the Kurds were par
ticularly cruel. This was the last of a
total of 103 Assyrian villages to hold
out and it was occupied a month ago.
CoatiiMl ob Sfvralh I'age.
Mr. and Mrs. Fleming. However, Be
lieve Their Missionary Daughter
Is Safe in Persia
Although no word has been received
since January by Mr. snd Mrs. Samuel
W. Fleming, 104 South street, from
their daughter, Mrs. Labaree, who, with
her husband, is in Northwestern Persia
where Turkish troops are reported to be
massacring Christians. Mr. Fleming
said to-day he has no reason to fear for
Mrs. Labaree's safety.
Although IMts. Labaxee. who is a
missionary, had been living for many
yemrs in Urumiah, where the situation
to-day is said to be most desperate,
she is now at a point more than a hun
dred miles from tha* place, where the
territory is supposed to be protected
'bv Russian troops.
Mr. t teming said this afternoon thai
he believes his '.aughter is in no imme
diate danger.
They Turn Up Same Day for Same In
juries at Same Hospital
Not brothers, or even cousins, but
with practically the same name, Wil
liam M. Thomas and William A. Thomas,
both colored, were treated- in the Har
risbtirg hospital to-day for similar seri
ous injuries.
William ill., who said he resides at
£25 Jessuy street. Philadelphia, was
taken to the hospital last night suffer
ing from a badly sprained ankle. It
was twisted when he tried to board a
freight train in the loai yards of the
Pennsylvania railroad.
WilHam A., of 16 Oowden street, this
city, was admitted yesterday afternoon
suffering from bruises and probable
fracture of the left leg. He was hurt
in a fall when helping to erect an ele
vator in the new Emerson-ißrantingham
building being put up at Tenth and
Market streets.
Low Water Impedes Coal Shipping
By Associated Press.
Pittsburgh, Pa., 'March 2>s.—Owing
to the unusually dry weather Che past
six weeks, local rivers are the lowest
in years for the month of ; March, which
is generally regarded as a high water
month. Two million bushels of coal
loaded on barges, waits a sufficient rise
in the Ohio river to be taken south.
The last shipment of coal by boat was
made from here on March 4.
Capitol Olty Baking Co. Chartered
The Capitol City Baking Company,
of Harrisburg, obtained a charter at
the State Department to-day to do
business in this city. Th e capital is
$5,000, and the incorporators are Ber
nard Schmidt, A. O. Kden and' John fi.
I Fox, all of Harrisburg.
Dissolves Injunction Which Prevented
Showing of "Tillies Romance"—
Now Regent Theatre Proprietor
Threatens a Damage Suit
Having successfully punctured Peter
Magaro's plans to exhibit "Tillie's
Punctured Koiuance," a moving picture
film, at the Regent, a Market street
on the date originally set, Ath
ens an I James George, proprietors of
Ihe Victoria, another Market street
movie house, this morning went into
court before Judge Kuukcl and said
that since the Georges have shown the
picture thev now are not disposed to
have made permanent the injunction by
which Magaro was prevented from
showing the picture a fortnight ago.
Counsel for the Georges, however,
asked the court to postpone indefinitely
the injunction hearing, which was set
for to day Judge Kunkel promptly
overruled the motion and dissolved the
injunction. This practically closes the
proceedings, the only issue yet not de
cided being the question of who shall
pay the costs.
Magaro had extensively advertised
his plans to show "Tillie's Punctured
Romance," in which Marie Dressier is
the "star," in his theatre on Saturday,
March 13, bul was prevented from do
ing so by the court injunction obtained
by the Georges on the representation
that they had obtained the exclusive
right to exhibit the picture in this city.
Magaro announced today that lie
will show Hie picture to-morrow and
Saturday. Besides, he said, he is seri
ously considering bringing a damage
suit against the Victoria proprietors for
losses sustained 'll being prevented
from showing the picture heretofore.
The picture was exhibited by the
Georges on March 23 and 24.
Authorities Decide Also Not to Amend
Food Laws to Require Oysters
to Be Washed
Those sections of the proposed
.amendments to the city's food regula
tions which relate to the washing of
Oysters before they are opened and also
to the sale of milk and cream in bot
! ties only, were ripped out at a meeting
of the Health Board last evening. The
J remaining amendments, which deal
principally with milk standards, will
be sent to the City Commissioners for
approval at their mooting next Tues
| day.
These Vhanges were decided upon
after a conference between the Health
| Bureau, a representative body of city
j dairymen and City Commissioner Bow-
I inan. It was conceded that the pro
: visions objected to would tend to in
crease the cost of milk and cream and
also the cost of oysters.
The Health Board last night again
went on record as favoring a municipal
! hospital and will be represented next
; Tuesday when the City Commissioners
i and a delegation of tbe members of the
! Dauphin County Medical Society dis
[ cuss the question.
City Commissioner Bowman to-day
! denied a rumor that the office of City
Boiler Inspector soon will be created
here and a man named for the place.
!Xo money is available for such an of
! flcial, he said, and there is no disposi
. tion to create that office this year.
Insurance Exchange Chartered
The Pennsylvania Insurance Ex
| change, of Harrisburg, was chartered
j to-day at the State Department with a
(capital of $5,500. The company will
conduct an agency business for the
placing of all kinds of insurance, the
collection of rents and the transaction
of general insurance, real estate and
collection agency business. The in
corporators are William C. Wanbaugh
j and William Howard Eby, Jr., of Har
! risburg, and Charles T. Maclay, of
I Chambersburg.
Rich Farmer, Who Hanged Himself on
March 7, Prepared Document Ten
Days Before Disposing of His Prop
erty to His Family
That Abram Geyer, the rich London
! derry township farmer who committed
I suicide on Mardh 7, last, had for some
weeks prior to fcl" t date been consider
ing taking bis life, is indicated by his
will probated by Register Danner this
morning, which was drawn up on Feb
ruary 25 last.
Geyer, on March 7, slipped around
i his neck the noose of a rope that he had
fastened to a barn rafter and jumped
from a ox. A nw-it before that he
| had written a note advising hU family
• against announcing his death by toiling
i the church bell.
One public bequest is contained in
the will. It provides that SIOO be given
to the Hillsdale cemetery. This is in
return for improvements made by in
-1 dividuals to the Hillsdale campmeeting
ground, which is a part of Geyer's es
This reference is made to the bequest:
"I cannot pay these people because
they are not living and most of them
would take nothing, but 1 desire to
make this right with the community
and 1, therefore, direct my executors
to pay SIOO into the sinking fund of
the Hillsdale cemetery."
Geyer's widow is to hold the bulk
of the estate intact during her lifetime
and at her death all is to be sold and
converted into ca«h. Thereafter tbe
(laughter, Kaiy, is to receive the in
terest on a $2,000 investment and sfhe
is to share with tfhe other children in
the equal distribution of the estate.
The widow, Mrs. Elizabeth Geyer,
and the sons, Abram and Samuel, are
made executors of the estate.
pm // ■■■■
CWMHM v X / '
Simi «w
A little mite of a bnby girl, horn to Mrs. Henry Clark Coe. Jr., Is expected
to accomplish that which neither the wealth and influence of the Standard
Oil Company nor the cleverness of the craftiest detectives could bring about—
the return of Henry Clark Coe. Jr., to his home, in Boston, Mass., from which
be so mysteriously vanished on January 30. The baby which is expected to
bring her father back to the family fireside is healthy and doing well, as is
her mother. The latter keenly feels her misfortune, but appreciates the fact
that her position might be much worse, but in her heart she feels that the
little girl will bring her father to her.
Kill IK
Survivor of Carib Says
German Cruiser
Struck on Reef and
W as Sent to Bottom
Second Officer of U. S. Steamer, Sunk
in North Sea by Mine, Arrive 3 in
.lew York With News of German
Cruiser's Fate
New York, March 25.—German naval
officers at Bremerhaven are quoted a»
authorities for the statement that the
cruiser K;.rlsruhe lies at the bottom of
the sea in the West Indies, by Jesse
Boyd, second officer of the American
steamer Carib that was sunk by a mine
in tbe North Sea, who reached here to
day from Rotterdam aboard the steam
ship Rotterdam.
Mr. Boyd said he spent five days at
Bremerhaven and through an old-time
friend, now an officer in the German
navy, obtained positive confirmation of
the "rumor that the Karlsruhe was no
longer afloat.
Went Down As Band Flayed
She went down with the German flag
flying from every mast, at her stern and
bow, and as she sank the ship's band
played martial music, (Mr. Boyd quotes
his friend as saying. A German bomb
sent her to tlh» bottom after she had
struck on a reef. As the last flag dipped
beueaoh the water German rifles fired a
full salute in her honor—a salute that
is fired in the burial at sea of naval
Continued on Ninth Pmr.
Advices from Petrograd and Berlin
to-day indicate that the struggle in
Northern Poland is drawing toward a
decisive stage. The Germans, who have
been attempting to pierce the Russian
line at Ossowetz. are endeavoring to
prevent the Russians from advancing
to the north and south of the fortress
and interposing troops between it and
the Prussian border. The official com
munication from Berlin to-day states
that Russians attacks in this region
were repulsed. Petrograd asserts that
considerable progress has been made re
cently and that the Russian troops at
places are within a few miles of the
Another lull has come along the
western battle frcnt. There was spirit
ed artillery fighting yesterday but only
small ihovements of Infantry were at
Dispatches from English sources,
based on stories of refugees from the
Ceatlaaed on Math Page.
Berlin, March .25, By Wireless to
Sayville.— The Hanover "Courier" is
quotud by the Overseas News Agency
jas saying that the losses sustained by
j the allied fleet in the attack of the
Dardanelles of March 18 are estimated
at 1,200 men killed, among them fifty
on board the British battle cruiser
Inflexible. This paper also says the al
lies lost 134 guns.
London, March 2'5, 1.0*5 P. M. —
Reuter's correspondent at Tenedos Is
land forwarded the following to-day:
"According to reliable information
obtained from refugees from the Dar
danelles, the Turks suffered enormous
losses in the attack on the allied fleet
on March 18. The greater part of the
fortresses and powder magaziues was
"The Turkish submarine defenses
are declared to have lost their military
| value, owing to the mines breaking
adrift. Two British destroyers on
Wednesday penetrated the straits to
a considerable distance.''
London, March 25, 1i2.0'6 P. M. —
Mine sweepers 'alone maintain naval
activity in the Dardanelles but as the
equinoctial storms in those waters sel
dom last longer than seven duys, a re
sumption of the bombardment is ex
pected at any time and may possibly
take place to-day. It has been just one
| week since the last engagement.
Petrograd reports the first strategic
fruits of the capture of the Galician
fortress of Przemysl in increased vio
lence of Russian offensive movement
against the where larjc
captures of prisoners are claimed. The
only other item of interest this morn
ing from the eastern front is the Rus
sian claim to have pushed back the
Germans on the Pilica river at a point
where .Field Majebal Von Hindenburg,
the German commander, is expected to
make his new thrust against Warsaw.
Diseases Among Austrian Soldiers
New York, March 2o.—Typhoid,
smullpox and other contagious diseases
are epidemic among the Austrian sol
diers, according to Dr. Charles McDon
ald, of Washington, head of the Ameri
can War Relief hospital, established in
Budapest, who reached this port to
day aboard tie steamer America from
Italian ports. "When the war weath
er comes, typhoid will sweep through
the army like a prairie fire," Dr. Mc-
Donald said.
Wilson Works on Note to Britain
Washingtou, March 25.—President
Wilson continued work to-day on the
draft of the note to Great Britain on
the order in council. It is expected to
go forward to London probably to
Third Battalion Put to
Flight in Attack on
Russians to Regain
Six Generals, 2,,"»00 Officers aud 70,000
Men Involved in Surrender to
Czar's Forces—Enormous Booty
Also Included in the Capture
London, March -5, 4.24 A. M.—The
IVtrognd correspondent of Router'#
Telegram Company says the following
semi-official statement has been issued
in the Hussion capital:
"During one of seven unsuccessful
I German counter attacks made on Tues
day near Karaska (North Russian Po
land, eight miles southeast of Myszny
niec) on the left bank of the river
Omulew, in an effort to regain captur
ed trenches, wc completely cut up two
| German battalions and put a third to
; disorderly flight.
"Throughout Tuesday a German
squadron of seven battleships and 28
torpedo boats cruised along the Polan
gen coast (Russia, on the Baltic) firing
on the coast villages. The squadron dis
appeared at 6 o'clock in the evening.
"The too-;.: ,i .ooty takon at
Przemvsl includes 500 wagons, four
locomotives and five thousand ton* of
Gemcvia, via Paris, March 2S, 10.3®
A. M. —The Austrian government al
mits according to dispatches reemved
here from Vienna that its losses in the
surrender of Przemysl were six gener
als, aibout 2,500 officers and officials
and 70,000 mem. The Austrians con
tend, however, that most of the guns
of the fortress were rendered useless
and that all the ammunition was de
It is estimated here that the fall of
Przemysl will permit a Russian arm/
of 180,000 men to take part in other
French Army Division Chief Silled
Parish, March 25, 5.25 A. M.—
General Rene Joseph De Larue, chief
of a division of the JVench army, was
killed when he wae struck in the head
by a bullet while inspecting a trencK
at the front, it was announced last
Former City Editor Dies in Battle
London, March 2's.—Joseph La-
Lere, who resigned as city editor of
"LWbielle," a French daily news
paper here, to enlist in the French
army, is dead from wounds received
near Craonne, according to calble ad
vices received by. his father here.
Reported Zeppelin Raid on Paris;
Paris, March 25, 1.20 A. M.—lndefi
nite reports of another impending Zep
pelin raid on this city were again re
ceived to-nigh*, but a genoral warning
was not given to extinguish lights as
there was no reliable information on
which to base an alarm. Aeroplanes re
connoitered for two hours the territory
in the vicinity rf aris, but found no
trace of a German aerial squadron.
Swedish Steamer a British Prize
Sunderland, England, March 25, 1.35
P. 'M. —The Swedish steamer Goose
bridge, with a cargo of iron ore, was
brought into Sunderland to-day by the
British prize crew. The Gooßebridge
sailed from Cantander, Spain, and her
eareo is presumed to have been des
tined for Germany.
Germany Blocked Turk Surrender?
London, (March 25, 4.45 P. M.—The
"Evening Chronicle" publis'hc a dis
patch from Bucharest, Rumania, saying
t'he Turkish government recently de
cided to surrender Constantinople and
the Dardanelles to the attacking fleet.
The surrender was all 'but arranged,
tfhe "Chronicle'' says, when at the last
moment it was 'blocked 'by Germany.
By Associated Press,
New York, March 25.—Much of
the early advance was lost In the final
dealings, Reading, Steel and Amalga
mated showing Increasing pressure.
The closing was firm. Representatives
stocks moved to higher levels to-day
bat fell back later under the weight
of profit taking and short selling*