4 28, 30 and 32 North Third Street ' % \ \ A Dress Event Unsurpassed Dancing Frocks—Evening Gowns—Dinner Gowns Afternqon Dresses—Street ♦Dresses 850 dresses in this two days sale Working with 5 high-class dressmakers, we are able to offer at this opportune tune, gowns and dresses of the very latest styles—in fact they are advance ideas —these garments will be offered at less than the aetual wholesale prices, had they been bought by us in the regular way—our large regular business with these firms, makes it advantageous to the makers, the consumers and ourselves to have these special offerings— Sale starts to-morrow—Plenty to last two days- No C. O. D.'s —No approvals—No returns—Alterations extra \ 200 Party and Dancing Frocks 65 Dresses of crepe de chine 40 Serge Dresses —navy, black of taffeta, laces and crepe de j and taffeta —for .afternoon and sand values $18.50 chine in newest shades— I and street wear—values up $22.50. Q*O QA sd7.oU, Special, 75 Crepe de Chine and Crepe Tim ~ 7 T 7 ... , 7 7-7 Meteor and Pussv Willow oO Serge Dresses-for street 100 Misses frocks of white Brilliant—for afternoon and wear, navy and putty. lingerie, taffeta and crepes— dinner uses —values up to dalvalu . e .. . $3.95 Mpto $11.90 $15.00 ✓ / 16 elegant Afternoon Gowys—all original models—one of a kind —values up to $65.U0. Special '. The entire balance of this lot is on sale and not men tioned in this ad So as not to interfere with our regular business, this sale will be held in a section adjoining the waist department VIATORS. 9,000 FEET UP BOMBARD BRITISH LINES London, March 24.—LRecent activi :s of the British army at the front j described in one of the semi-weekly mmunications from the headquarters Field Marshal Sir John/ French, giv-. out last night bv the Official Infor iition Bureau. The report, dated ircih 22, is as follows: "Since the last communication the emv's artillery has been a-ctive occn nallv on individual sectors of our es, without affecting the situation or Licting any damage at all com usurate with the amount of animuni n expended. "On the 20th and 21st the enemy's craft displayed unwonted activity, atlrer conditions being particularly 'oraible Bombs wiu-e dropped on Lil s, St. Onier and Kstaires. The ma ial result was slight, the only bnild ;s damaged being private property feher occupied by soldiers nor used military purposes. 'Che total damage the personnel was t'hree women anil r civilians killed and about six ilians wounded. 'These bombs were dropped from a at height, in" one case from 9,000 t. This prevented the airman from ing deliberate aim at any military - {ESS WARM AND KEEP FEET DRY Is Rheumatism Sufferers to Take Salts and Get Rid of Uric Acid {beiimans!!!* is no respecter of age, , color or rank. If not the most gerous of human afflictions it is one :he most painful. Those subject to imatism should eat less meat, dress varmly as possible, avoid any undue osure and, above all, drink lots of B water. theumatism is caused by uric acid ch is generated in the bowels and jrbed into the blood, ft is the fune of the kidneys to filter this acid i the blood and east it out in the e; the pores of the skin are also leans of freciiij# the blood of this urity. In damp and chilly, cold ther the skin pores are closed thus ing the kidneys to do double work, ' become weak and sluggish and fail liminate this uric, acid which keeps miniating and circulating through system, eventually settling in tne ts and 1 " muscles causing stiffness ness and pain called rheumatism, .t the first twinge of rheumatism get i any pharmacy about four ounces Fad Salts; put a tablespoonful in a s of water and drink before break each morning for a week. This lid to eliminate uric acid by gtimu ig the kidneys to normal action, ridding the blood of these impur wl Salts is inexpensive, harmless is made from the acid of grapes and >n juice, combined with lithia and sed with excellent results by tliou s of folks who arc subject to rheu sm. Here you have a pleasant, ef eseent lithia-water drink which comes uric acid and is beneficial to kidneys as well. —Adv. (Tbjective. This procedure is a great tribute to the respect in which our royal flying corps is held by the enemy, as the airman increases his chances of escaping pursuit by taking advantage of the time required for our aircraft to get the necessary height from which to engage him." FIVE OF DESTROYED. BERLIN HEARS Berlin, March 2 4. —The Overseas Osevvs Agency yesterday gave out tho following: "According to a detailed description of the Franco-'BritisJi losses at the Dar danelles, as given by an Athens news paper, 2,000 men were killed and five warships were sunk. 'Four other war ships were damaged 'badly. The com mander of the British battle cruiser In flexible was killed and the members of the crew were drowned by t'he inrush of water. The French battleship Suf fern was damaged seriously." Tihe British Admiralty's account of the fighting at the Dardanelles on March 18 said that the Inflexible was hit by a heavy shell on the control position and required repairs. Special records 'have given only three warships of the allied fleet as having been destroyed. They were the French battleship Bouvet and the British bat tleships Ocean and Irresisti'ble. 200,000 Persons Leave East Prussia Berlin, March 24. —Governor von Batocki, of East Prussia, estimates, after careful investigation, that be tween 2010,000 and 300,000 erf the pop ulation of that province have left/dur ing the last six months. Most of them are believed now to be living in other purts of Germany, In a recent article von Batocki makes an appeal for the return of these refugees. East Prussia, he declares, cannot spare this portion of its population, and is apt to suffer from (lie loss of even a small propor tion of its inhabitants. American Guns For Russia Seattle, Wash., March 24.—Eigh teen long range guns of American make, consigned to the Russian army by way of Vladivostok, are at Van couver awaiting shipment, according to ndvices received here yesterday. At Seattle, Tacoma and Vancouver, 384 traction automobiles, also for the Rus sian army, are awaiting ships. The guns are similar to others of Americau make shipped several months ago, which are supposed to have been used in the siagc of Przemvsl. Polish Town Falls After Memel Victory Berlin, March 24.—The Russian town of Krettingen, about 12 miles north of Memel, has beeu captured by German troops pursuing the Russians, who were forced to retreat after oc cupying Memel, according to yester day's official report from the German general staff. It states that when Kret tingen was occupied the Germans set free more than 3,C00 civilians who had been taken into captivity by the Rus sians when they abandoned Memel. German War Prisoners Drowned Belle-lle-en j Mer, Fr.ince, March 24. —Seven German prisoners of war were drowned here yesterday. A severe storm was raging on the coast and they went down to the beach to watch the breakers, taking up a position on a large oscillating rock. The biig waves started the stone swaying and the rien were thrown into the se.i and drowjid. HARRISBURG STA WEDNESDAY EVENIJSG, MARCH 24, 1915. 17 YOUNG BELGIANS SHOT AT DAYBREAK AS SPIES London, March 2 4.—An Exchange telegraph dispatch says: "Seventeen Belgians, most of whom were young pea-sauts, were shot at daybreak yesterday in the Ghent bar racks, after having been found guilty by a German court martial of espion age in the interest of the allies. "All those found guilty—lS in number—were offered their lives under certain conditions, but with the excep tion of one, all refused." Two New Zeppelin" Completed Geneva, March 24.—The newest Zeppelin to be completed at the Zep pelin works oil Lake Constance left Friedrichshafeii Monday. Another new air craft, the Zeppelin X, will be lvady in a few days. ( hief Engineer Durr, of the Zeppelin works, has been awarded the iron cross. Kaiser Cancels Bismarck Jubilee March 24.—Emperor Wil liam has decided to cancel the celebra tions planned for April 1 to com memorate the centenary of Bismarck's 'birth, on the ground that present con ditions make such a eelebrution unsuit able. Aged Woman Die 3 at New Holland New Holland, March 24.—Mrs. Katharine K. Reig-art, B>3 years old, dielt yesterday from the infirmities of age. She was a member of the Luther an church and taught school .i num'ber of years. Two daughters and two sis ters survive. Trolley Crew Rescued From Mob Chicago, March 24.—Policemen with drawn clubs fought with a mob of more than 1,000 men and women and barely rescued the crew of a Four teenth street car which had killed a 6-year-old boy. The conductor and motorman were arrested. I DON'T TAKE CALOMEL *~*l Instead of dangerous, salivating Cal omel to liven your liver when bilious, headachy or constipated get a 10-cent box of Casearets. They start the liver and bowels and straighten you up better than nasty Calomel, without griping or you sick.—Adv. T il>' lltr r> .i. Ktulroud Stations, points of Interest. In the Center of Everything | Re-modeled He-decorated —Re- s furnished. European plan. Every S convenience. s Roflmi. without bath 11.3t X Room., with bath 12.M 8 XJ • Hot and cold running ! water in all rooms. We are especially equipped for is S Convention*. Write for full details. | WALTON HOTEL CO. | Uaia Lakes, PntUeat-Maaaaar o j The Daily Fashion Hint. jtef Putty colored faille afternoon suit trimmed with braid to match. Lapels and collar are faced with n matching satin. The coat has the fashionable •"hire, and the set-In sleeves button to the elbow. The hat Is one of the new sailor shapes of fine black straw, with the outspread wings that are the mode of the moment. NO EEST FOR COHEN New York, March 24.—Back again to Brazil goes Nathan Cohen, the un willing sea traveler, who has lived aboard the Lamport and Holt liner Vasari since last May, with admittance denied him both here and in Brazil be-- cause of his mental condition. He will sail on his fourth round trip on March 27 and, unless all signs he will be back in New York harbor again in six weejes. Then his friends ashore will make a real attempt to have him landed. On the way to Brazil Cohen will be assigned light duties. During the 10 months he lias been on the sea he has traveled more than 33,000 miles. Injured by Falling Timbers Quarryville, March 24.—Gilbert Rineer, while assisting to erect a shed was badly injured yesterday when some of the timbers fell u|>on him, mashing his left foot aud injuring him otherwise. * FULL CREW FOES AID IB VIEWS Interests Favoring the Repeal of the Present Law Say It is a Need less Burden CALL IT A DRAIN / ON RAILROADS Several Speakers Declare That Extra Men Now Required by the Statute for the Operation of Trains Do Not Add to Safety The hearing in the Senate chamber late yesterday afternoon on tfhe meas ure introduced in the House to repeal the full crew bill did not ke for the repeal from the railroad operators' tide, while C. J. Tyso|), of Adams county, spoke for horticultural, dairy, agricultural and other interests, objecting to increased expenditures for unnecessary men because of the burden falling on shippers. Calls It Drain on Roads c'oleman Sellers, a Philadelphia man ufacturer, said railroads could be de pneded upon adequately to man trains because accidents are expensive. George E. Bartol, president of the Philadelphia'.Bourse, declared .it was up to the opponents of the repeal to sihow a reduction of accidents through opera tion of the aet ami t'hat greater safety is due to the extra man. Thomas H. Greer, Butler, a Pennsyl vania railroad solicitor and former rail road employe, told what a brakeman used to do years ago and what he does to-day, together with statements as to pay. 'Mr. Greer said that the extra man wiho must now 'be employed iu Penn sylvania is dro-pped when t'he Wain en ters Ohio, and yet in his opinion travel in Ohio is not less safe. He considered the fuiM crew law an unjust drain on the railroads. • John 8. Fisher, of Indiana, former 'Senator and now solicitor t'or the New York Central, said that the whole man - HEAD AND NOSE ~ STOPPED FROM A COLDMRY THIS! "Pape's'' Cold Com pound" Ends Severe Colds or Grippe in a Few Hours Your cold will break and all grippe misery end after taking a dose of "Pape's Cold Compound" every two hours until three doses are taken. It promptly opens clogged-up nos trils and air passages in the head, stops nasty discharge or nose running, relieves sick headache, dullness, fever ishness, sore throat, sneezing, soreness and stiffness. Don't stay ntuffed-up! Quit blowing and snuffling! Ease your throbbing head—nothing else in the world gives such prompt relief as "Pape's Cold Compound,' which costs only 25 cents at any drug store. It acts without assistance, tastes nice, and causes no Inconvenience. Accept no substitute. —Adv. This Mark Means Juicy, Sweet, Spicy g Florida Oranges and Grapefruit 9 Oranges and grapefruit are good because of the juice—the pulp B has little food value. When you eat an orange or grapefruit, I how good it is depends upon the amount of juice it contains. r The juice increases in quantity each day which the fruit is ripen ing on the trees —and becomes sweeter as the citric acid turns to sugar. The flavor also improves and the fruit becomes spicier. Your Protection Against Unripe, Inferior Fruit Because they believe io advancing their own interests by protecting the interests of the consumers, the members of the Florida Citrus Exchange put into the market only tree-ripened juicy fruit. It is sweet, spicy and delicious. The Exchange mark in red on boxes and wrappers is the buyer's safeguard. (VjMlta irrari Bookie t otf citrui SM Inrit fIMM for kin lor ulo Florida conl. in ilimii. Cikaa Eachatifo ■— B Jt ■ Florida Citrna Ei frail. Towdoalor ■ k|/|TIJ|I<« K*■ duaft.ttSCitixwi. »IB carry it >•« ■ ™ ■ Bank Boildini Tampa. Florid. ner of operating and equipping trains has changed in a dozen years. Since the enactment of the full crew law the Public Service Commission has come into being nnd is competent tc deal with the whole question. Mr. Fisher argued that the question of-sat'ety was one of the prime matters for the commission's supervision and transference of manning of trains to the State Board would work no hard ship on any one. George A. Post, of New York, presi dent of the Railway Business Men's As sociation, closed tie discussion, refer ring to thfc criticism of the present pub licity campaign as out of place, be cause of tfoe attacks made on the legis lative methods of railroads in years gone by and to the recommendations of the Interstate Comnieri'e Commission to decrease expenses and increase effici ency. Hearing on Compensation Plan Attorney General Brown appeared before the .Judiciary General commit tee of the House and the Corporations Committee of the Senate in .joint hear ing in the House yesterday, upholding the Brum'haugh workmen's compensa tion measures. There were arguments by a score or more of persons objecting to the bills. The measures will likely 'be reported from the House commit tee without amendment. Swartz Puts in Engineers' Bill Assemblyman Swartz, of Harrisburg, introduced a bjM in the House last evening, by request, repealing the act of 1905 requiring stationary engineers in second and third class cities to un dergo examinations. Dr. Rothrock Speaks in House Dr. J. T. Rothrock, first Commission er of Forestry of Pennsylvania, gave an illustrated lecture in the House of Representatives last evening on Hie need of conservation of trees in the country. Would Abolish Death Penalty A bill to abolish capital punishment and substitute life imprisonment was introduced in the House last night by Mr. Geiser, of Northampton. The bill ameuds the act of March .11, 18G0. Caught Between Trains: He Escapes Lancaster, Pa., March 24. E. James Trimble, a Lancaster traveling man, had a narrow escape from death yes-, terday. In crossing the Pennsylvania I railroad at Walnut street he was caught between passenger trains passing in op posite directions and knocked down by the engine of one, but did not fall un der the wheels. He was badly injured about the head and bikly. I Lancaster County Retired Farmer Dies Denver, March 2 4.—Samuel Bru baker, 76 years old, one of the most prominent men in this section of Lan caster county, died yesterday from a complication of diseases. He was a re tired farmer and Gardner, and a mem ber of the Lutheran church. Three chil dren, three grandchildren, a sister and I a brother survive. Fined For Killing Man With Auto Media, March 24.—Reuben Btinn, | chauffeur for George H. McFadden, j of Bryn Mawr, who was convicted of | involuntary manslaughter for the kill - ing of Samuel Ostrow, yesterday was j sentenced by .Judge -Johnson to pay a tine of S4O and the costs. The costs \ amounted to |i260.20. The money was i paid at once and Bunn freed. Tigers Open Season To-day Princeton ,March 24.—Four regu lars will be on the Prineetop nine J which will pry the lid oft' the coljego ! baseball season against Gettysburg . | here this afternoon. Last year's fresh . ! man team swings into prominence by i | claiming four of the other places, while ; Douglas, who was ineligible last year, i is the other player. HARRISBVRG LIGHT I &F>OWER.FFL | Is Your House Wired For Electric Light? v If not, better, talk it over this mouth and decide. The time to have your home wired for electric service— The time to put in the base plug recep tacles you wish for — j The time to begin erijoying all the home comforts— Is now. Why linger longer? Talk to us about it. We will do the work at moderate cost. Electric light pure, clean and safe. NO HOUSE IS > TOO OLD TO BE j WIRED FOR ELECTRICITY. t» PERSONS BURN TO DEATH Four More Missing After Destruction of Muiicie, Ind., Infirmary Muneie, Ind., March 24. bodies had been recovered last from the ruins of the county near Muneie, which burned Four men who are missing are to have perished. The loss is put at $75,000. cause of the lire is unknown. Herzog Stirs Up Trouble New Orleans, March 24. — tion by Manager Herzog, of the nati Nationals, of a game his team to have played at Covington, La., terdjy with the New Orleans Association team, met with from President Heinemann, of the cal club, and Harry K. Stephens, a einnati club director, who signed contract for the game, which will laid before the National commissiolH Herzog took his team to C-ovingtoH yesterday and said he found Ihe afl commodations and grounds unfit playing. Andrews Defeat Triangles The Arrows of lla>setl Club defeated the Triangle live evening in Cathedral hall by the of 26 to 6. The lineup: Arrows. Trianglei^^l E. Cahill F . Malonev F Sin^^^H Ed. Cahill C Gaffney G Leedy G Goals, Cahill, 5; Malonev, 2; 2; Biersou, 2. Kouls, Cahill, 8 Bierson, 2 oi 6. Referee, Scorer, Smith. Time, 20-minute lin^^H Covenant Girls Win, to 1 The Covenant girls' basketball defeated Lincoln grammar girls on Covenant floor last night, 5 to 1. lineup: V Covenant Lincoln. Voider.. F Yea;^H Kinzer F Knufn 1 A. Smith C Hopi Bortell G Mill( M. Smith G Co Field goals, Miss Velder, 2. F' goals, Miss A. Smith, 1; Miss Yeager, Cdmden Wins First Game Philadelphia, March 24, By m; ing a brilliant rally in the last ,f minutes of play, Camden won the fi game of the series of three to deci the basketball championship of Eastern League. The game was pla on Camden's floor last night befo crowd that jammed the hall, and score ended 45 to 35 in favor of. Jerseymcn. The teams play the seco ■game, at Reading to-niight. Central Penna. League! Meeting The schedule meeting of the € tral Pennsylvania Baseball League , be held in the Paxtang Hook and ' der House, Steelton, Friday night 8 o'clock. Plans for the opening the second season of the league wil made. Harrisburg and Hershey, t; newcomers in the league, will both represented. Bresnahan in Utility Role Tampa, Fla., March 24.—'Rogr Bresnahan, manager of the Cubs, has assigned to himself a job as utility man. He admitted yesterday when questioned about his recent practice in the infield. "We are allowed to carry only 21 inon, and so every resource must 'be made to count," said Bresna han. "93"HairTonlc stops tbi bair from falling out / George A. Gorgas 4