The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, March 24, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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Why Kelly-Springfield Tires
cost more to buy but less to own
The stamp of quality is as obvious on Kelly-Spring
field Tires as it is on any other hand-made article
of genuine worth. It is as inimitable, as unmistak
able as the impress of good breeding on a man
or woman. But
Tires are not made so carefully merely to give them
an air of distinction; it is mileage that is built into
them so slowly and painstakingly by hand. And
judged by the acid test of road mileage, Kelly-
Springfield Tires are as good as they look. They
are built up to a standard —not down to a price-list.
©Hereafter the basis
of adjustment will be:
In Ford sizes, plain tread, 6,000 miles; Kant Slip
7,500 miles. All other sizes, plain tread. 5.000 miles;
Kant Slip tread 6,000 miles. The word "adjust" is »
merely figurative, because in 1914 the total adjust
ment in Kelly-Springfield Tires for* the whole
United States was less than 1%. You get this
unequalled service in uninterrupted mileage not
Mad* l« Make Good / "
Before buying some other tire at a lower price
analyze the basis of adjustment offered by the other
maker —see what you really do get for less money.
314, 316, 318 Market Street
t : '-V " % ♦
After years of experimental woritj
with gliders and small power aero
planes. Charles-It. Witteiuann. of New
Bi'lgbtou, S. 1., one of the pioiieer
aeronautic constructors of America, has
designed a new type of beavier-than
slr flying machine of larger size than
any now in use. It is modelled on a
oew system of balancing with following
; surfaces or wings behind one another,
resembling those of Bamuel Pierpout
The balancing devices were
Jeweler Confessing Pawning Them and
«10,000 Worth Is Recovered
New York, March 24. —Detectives
from the iHstriet Attorney's oltice here
•yesterday recovered $16,000 worth ol'
jewelry from pawnshops, which, they
say, Arthur Wchloetter, a Fifth avenue
, joweler, confessed was part of sllO,-
000 worth he obtained from wealthy
Karlier in (lie day Schloetter was in
dicted for grand larceny on complaint
of one of the alleged women victims.
According to tiie authorities, Schloet
ter's method was to obtain the jewels
for appraisal, pawn them and keep the
Dynamite in Coal Bin
Wilkes-Barre, March 2i4.—Three
sticks of dynamite were found in the
coal bin of the town hall in Forty Fort
t'esterday and officials believe that the
intention was to wreck the building
by haying the dynamite shoveled into
the furnace. The discovery was made
by Frank Clark, borough electrician,
who also- looks after the fires.
Kite Leads to Fatal Chasm
Ha/.leton. March 24. Watching his
kite as it flew over his head, 8-year
old John licilley, of llazleton, plunged
head first into the ifo-foot chasm of
No. 6 stripping* of the Lehigh Valley Company, ami is dying at the
State hospital.
Get a 2r>-eent bottle of Dunderine at
any drug store, pour a little into your
Hand and rub well int- " ifralp with
the linger tips. B\ ing mrfst, jf
not. at I, of this awl -<u .curf will have
disappeared. Two or ihree applications
will every bit, of dandruff; stop
scalp itching and falling hair.—Adv.
designed by Mr Wittemann to give in-1
herent or natural stability to the craft'
Aged Widower Writes: "Am In Great
Pottstown, March 24.—Tightly clos
i ing all doors and windows, so as to
mako ileath sure, and then turning on
I all the valves of a range, William
; E. Reift', a wealthy retired coal dealer,
committed suicide yesterday. His body
was found by neighbors in an upright
! [Hjsition on a chair.
Since the death of his wife he has
been living alone at his handsome
r-4ionie here, and loneliness and recent
illness doubtless caused him to take
his life.
I Ou a piece of paper he had scrib
j bled: "Am in great distress-—my only
j relief," and also directions to George
j N. Malsberger, president of the Secur
| it.v Trust Company, to take charge of
; his belongings. He was 77 years old.
Whenever y»u feel a cold coming on,
think of the full name. LAXATIVE
BIiOMO QUININE. Look for signature
IS. W. GROVE on box. 25c.
Note For Costs Forged
Pottsville, March 2 4.—That the
name of William Tushinsky, of Nor
wegian township, was forced to a bond
; to insure payment of costs of the Nor
wegian township school contest,
i decided by a jury in court yesterday.'
The contest was a light over the elec
tion of school directors, and cost sev
eral thousand dollars.
Killed Going to Brother's Belief
Bethlehem, March 24.—Borrowing
a dollar from a friend with which to
pay his car fare to Rittersville to
visit a '.brother in the insane lux+pitaJ
there, Joseph Tilian, aged 34, was in
stantly killed on the railroad here on
his return home. Identification was
made through a letter on the body, ad
dressed to his wife and three children
in Europe.
and to Increase its steudlness find effi
ciency iu the nir. The inherent stability
of the craft :s such, Mr. Wlttematin
declares, that there will be no need of
hand control for balaneiug as practised
in the older types of aeroplanes. The
only movable surfaces on the large
craft will lie a vertical rudder for steer
ing to light and left and a horizontal
rudder to conirol ascent and descent
It will be as the Aquair-Plane
and is a flying yacnt. 100 feet lons
with 150 font wines
Lancaster Countians Will Notably De
crease Their Acreage
Lancaster, Pa., March 2 4.—There
will be a largely-decreased acreage of
Lancaster .county tobacco this year,
compared with 1914. The reason is
that farmers did not receive the prices
they expected last year, although they
paid more attention to the cultivation
than in a score of years.
Much of the crop went bad in the
curing, and that was the cause of low
Funeral of Noted Historian Held in
Church of Presidents
Quincy, Mass., March 24.—The fu
neral of Charles Francis Adams, who
died at Washington last Saturday, was
held yesterday in the Chinch of the
Presidents, HO called because the bodies
of Mr. Adams' grandfather, John
Quincy Adams, and his great-grandfa
ther, John Adnms, are. buried beneath
The services were attended by rep
resentatives of Harvard College, the
Massachusetts Historical Society, Or
der of the Loyal Legion, American In
stitute of Arts and Letters and ot'her
organizations. The Rev. Albert L.
Hudson, minister of the church, ofli
ciated. Interment was at Mount Wal
laston cemetery.
Saved Building From Burning
Marietta, M'irch 24.—8y prompt
action of a number of men at the Rail
road house, the Marietta freight sta
tion was saved from being burned at a
late hour Aloudav night. When discov
ered the fire was burning very briskly
on the side towa>ds the river. Waste
saturated with coal oil had been ignit
ed, and incendiarism is suspected.
Five Executed, Bight Imprisoned, and
Only 11 Now at Large
London, March 24.—The British
Colonial Office last evening out a
statement dealing with the situation at
.Singapore, where recently there was a
mutiny among the Indian troops. The
statement reads:
"All messages from Singapore since
the last show a restoration
of normal conditions, Of those who
took part in the recent riot all except
11 have now surrendered,, have been
captured or have lost their lives.
"Five rioters have been shot, after
•trial 'by a summary general court
martial. One has been sentenced to 15
years imprisonment and seven to one
year imprisonment each.
"During the rioting 17 German pris
oners escaped. Of these six have been
recaptured. The conduct of the re
mainder of the German prisoners was
Englishman Accused of Obtaining $14,-
000 From Estate of Two Wives
Ijondon, March 24. —Charged with
killing three women, George Joseph
•Smith, in the Bow street court yester
day heard Public Prosecutor Bodkin
declare he had made away with three
of his wives shortly after he had mar
ried them. Each of these women was
found dead in her bath; consequently
tho case became known as the '.'brides
in baths" case.
Verdicts of accidental death by
drowning were returned 'by Coroner's
juries, but the bodies have been ex
humed, with 'the result that charges of
murder hare been' preferred.
The prosecutor gave the names of
the three women and the dates of the
alleged murders as Beatrice Mundy,
July ,1912; Alice Burnham, December,
1913, and Margaret Lofty, December,
/Smith, according to the police, was
born in-London, son of an insurance
agent, and is 45 years old. Prosecutor
Bodkin said the accused had been mar
ried live times.
"The case is remarkable," the
Prosecutor said, "for the greed for
wealth which was the motive in the
taking of these three lives. We shall
show that at the death of two of them
2,800 pounds ($14,000) was obtained*
and that the prisoner, when arrested,
was in a fair way to obtain 700 pounds
(|3,500) more."
President Even Telegraphs Orders for
His Eelease
Washington, D. C., March 24. —
Touched bv word that George Savage,
a prisoner in the Minnesota penitenti-
I arv, was dying, President Wilson last
night signed a pardon, and orders were
immediately telegraphed to the warden
to release the man.
Savage was serving a sentence of
| five years, imposed by the Federal
Court at St. Paul, for violation of the
Mann "White Slave" law. His sen
tence began in April, 1914. Attorney
General Gregory recommended that the
pardon be granted recently, on receipt
of reports from the prison physician
that the prisoner's condition was seri
ous. The District Attorney and his as
sistants had endorsed tho petition.
Last night Gregory telephoned Secre
tary Tumulty that Ssn'age was dying,
.•Miii Tumulty took tho case up with tho
Temperance Parade in Hollidaysburg,
Where Court Is in Session
Hollidaysburg, Pa., March 24. —A
remonstrance with 9,877 signatures
was filed in the Jilair County License
Court yesterday/ asking Judge Thomas
J. Baldrige ta follow the example of
the Judges in nine dry counties of
Pennsylvania and to refuse all licenses
in this county.
"This remonstrance ought to be filed
with the Local Option Committee at
liarrisburg," argued Thomas H. Gree
vy, attorney for the tavern keepers.
Mr. Grecvy also quoted: figures to show
there were 125 speakeasies in this
ceunty during tho time of the local op
tion law of 1873.
The church people of a dozen towns
crowded the court room yesterday and
school children joined in a temperance
parade outside. H. A. Davis, attorney
for the temperance forces, charged that
several hotel proprietors padded their
registry of guests. Juilge HaKlrige will
file his decisions in a few days.
Whip Pulls Him Under Cars
Mahauov City, March 24.—Wield
ing a whip, George Schiski, a driver,
was drawn under train of cars pt
Maple ftill colliery yesterday, when
the whip eutangled in one of
the car wheels. iHe is likely to die.
Thieves Get Number of Prize Chickens
Marietta, March 24. —Thieves forc
ed an entrance into the hennery of the
Fletcher farm, near town, and stole a
number of prize black Minorcae. Sev
eral years ago thieves were caught at
the same place by the ringing of a cow
bell attached to a wire.
Avoid Coyghs
and Colds
Grip and Pneumonia Usually Follow if
The chief danger of "grip" and
"colds' lies not in their own direct ef
fects, but in the fart that they weaken
the body and open the way for the en
trance of the organisms of other dis
eases. It is'therefore advisable to take
the proper precautions with a cold at
the start when it can be conquered with
comparatively little trouble. The ounce
of prevention - is worth many pounds of
CUM in the case of colds and the best
prevention is to keep the body in good
[ihvsical condition.
"Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey helps
keep the body in good general health
because it is a predigested liquid food
which requires no labor of the digestive
organs, and is ready to enter the blood
wheta it enters the stomach, enriching
and increasing the circulation. It-
the appetite, aids digestion of
the ordinary foods, helps repair wasted
tissues of the body, quiets and strength
ens the nerveß of the body and brain,
makes eatfug a pleasure and adds to
your power of endurance. People who
"Get Duffy's and keep well" are sel
dotn troubled with colds— it is a medi
cine for all mankind.
Carlisle Police Officers Already Have
Issued Warning to Parents
Carlisle, March 24. —Police officers
are preparing to have the provisions of
tihe curfew law, which is now effective,
carried out. Probably about the first
of next week the signal will be sounded
at *4 o'clock and arrests will be made.
Officers are warning children now and
telling parents of habitual offenders,
and a marked improvement is already,
it is said, being manifested.
To Oppose Borough Extension
Waynesboro, March 24. —During the
court in Chambersburg
yesterday it developed that there will
be opposition to the extension of
Waynesboro's limits as adopted by
Council at a recent meeting. O. C. Bow
ers will represent the protestants and
an injunction will be sought to pre
vent the carrying into effect of the
Mrs. Mary A. Nevin
Waynesboro, March 24. —Mrs. Mary
A; Nevin, widow of former t'ounty
Treasurer Thaddeus JS. Nevin, died at
her. home on North Church street at
2.45 o'clock yesterday morning, aged
years. Death was due to bronchial
pneumonia, with which sho had been ill
a week. Mrs. Nevin was born in Phila
delphia, but spent much of her eaily
life in Baltimore.
Williams Is Commencement Speaker
Gettysburg, March 24. —Dr. Taleott
Williams, dean of the Pulitzer School
of Journalism of Columbia University,
and Dr. John Henry McCracken, the
nAwly-elected president of Lafavetto
College, Easton, will be the principal
speakers at Gettysburg College on com
mencement day, June 9.
Flan to Sell Metal Plant
March 24.—The re
ceivers of the Metal and Foundry Com
pany, of Waynesboro, yesterday asked
Judge Giilan for an order to sell the
plant as a whole.
Largest Evangelistic Meeting Took
Place at Marysville Last Night
Marysville, March 24.—One of the
greatest scenes ever witnessed in re
vival work took place here last night,
when 45 persons "hit the trail," in re
sponse to a call by Evangelist Hillis.
The huge tabernacic wgs filled to the
last seat with many standing in the
The Rev. Mr. Hillis had for his sub
ject, "What Must I Do to Be Saved?"
after which he plead'ed with the people
for more than an hour. The meeting
lasted until after 11 o'clock, it being
almost impossible to make the people
go home.
When Evangelist Hillis began giv
ing the invitation his collar looked
like a rag. This he jerked from his
neck, kicking it aside. Among those
who came forward were husbands and
wives and many young men and women.
Results of the Recent Examinations
Held Here Are Made
At the examinations eondiicted by
the State Pharmaceutical Examining
Boajd in the Technical High school on
(March 6, last, thirty-two persons ap
plied for registration as pharmacists
and 14 were successful. Seventy ap
plied as qualified assistants, of whom
31 obtained certificates. The next ex
aminations will be held in Pittsburgh
and Philadelphia on June 8 and 9.
Among the applicants who passed
the examination were the following:
Qualified assistant pharmacists, Leslie
S. Welbster, of Kuola; Raymond C.
Wagner, Hanover, and Harry E.
Brenner, of Shippensi'ourg.
Woman Walk:. Oil Wall Into Creek
•Mahauoy City, Pa., March 24. —Re-
turning home from a visit, Mrs. Cath
arine Haughney, whose eyesight is bad-'
ly impaired, walked over the retaining
wall into Mahonoy creek. She may
die of injuries.
Richland to Get Y M. C. A. Home
Kichland, Pa.," March-24. —This bor
ough is to have a Young Men's Chris
tian Association building as the result
of a movement with that object in
view. It is planned to spend $6,000
in the equipment of the building.
Parmer Drops Dead After Meal
Hagerstown, Md., March 24.—Walk
ing through the house after eating a
hearty meal, Isaac R Shank, a retired
farmer, of near Smithsburg, fell to
the floor and died suddenly of acute
York County Democrat Dies
York, Pa., March 24.—Andrew An
stine, of Stewartstown, for many years
si Democratic, politician, and former
County Commissioner, died Monday.
He was 82 years old.
Killed by Explosion of Gas
Mahanoy City, Pa., March 24.
Caught by ft premature explosion of
gas, George Treglea, 43 years obi, was
hurled many feet and killed at Gilbert
on colliery yesterday.
Athletic Association Wants Charter
Lebanon, March 2'4. —Members of
the Lebanon Athletic Association have
made application for a charter. Tho
incorporated name of the organization
will be the Lebanon Athletic and
Playground Association.
To Take Advantage of Special Offer
Made by H. C. Kennedy
H. C Kennedy, the enterprising drug
gist, is advertising to-day for fifty men
and women to take advantage of the
special half-price offer he is making on
Dr. Howard's celebrated remedy for
constipation and dyspepsia, and get a
fifty-cent package at half price, 25
This is an unusual opportunity to
obtain 60 doses \>f tho best medicine
ever made for half its regular price,
with the personal guarantee of a well
known business man to refund the
money if it does not give satisfaction.
If you cannot call at 11. O. Kennedy's
store to-day, send him 25 cents by mail
and he will send you a package prompt
ly, charges paid.
H. C. Kennedy haw been able to se
cure only a limited supply of the rem
edy, so great is the demand, and you
should not delay taking advantage of
this liberal offer he is making this week.
ff~rk Suff ererfl
Me Release You Forever
Cruel Bondage of Steel
■WII%IK\. tic Bands, and Leg Strap
■ I Show You How YO^H
V t/mS&jl-ock Your #?fip
Get My Illustrated Book
Take the trouble to send me your
name and address and get this hook.
Be curious enough to find ou«t what the
LOCK is like, h'lnd out how and why
It IOCKH the bowel In the alulomeii
where it belongs and then stand* guard
over the ruptured opening day and
nluht and prevents the rupture coming
down. Find out how 'this ingenious
HI."PTI'HJK IjOCK does this so easily and
comfortably that the wearer soon for-
KtttH he Ims on a support. Find out how
and why It is that once this lock is fit
ted to the needs of the wearer, it does
not slip out of place, no matter .how
much lie may pull, tug. twist, squirm,
lift, run, Jump, cough, sneeze or strain.
Find out how this Lock helps nature to
heal ruptures and about the scores of
people who say It has completely cured
them of Rupture. Find out how you
can obtain one of these L,ocks and
Test it Yourself
Without R i 8 Ic
ing a Penny.
•send ine your name
and address to-day—
right'now, right off, and
let me send you this
Free Hook, names of
people who have tried
THE SClir 11.1 NO, RUP
TURE LOCK and partic
ulars of our Trial OlTer.
Murphy RiillillllK. llllllliiisipoliH, Iml.
Please* hpiul me I**HKK, tn plain wrapper, yoi
book on Rupture, and full particulars of your i'rli
Offer Plan.
City :......
Start e
U. S. Commission Will Hold Examiua- i
tions Here in April
The United States Civil Service Com- j
mission announcer the following exami
nations to be held in this city. Persona
who meet the requirements and desire
any of the examinations should apply to
the secretary, Third Civil Service dis
trict, Philadelphia, or the local secre
Scientific assistant, $1,4 40 per an
num, April 14-15; blacksmith, male,
S7O per month, April 20; junior bac
teriologist, male, $ 1,020-$1,200, April
28; information editor, male, $2,000,
April 28; hull draftsman, male, SI,BOO,
April 28-29.
The following examinations arc also
scheduled to be held April 5: Clerk, j
departmental; eleetrotyper, molder; ele- j
vator conductor; guard; press feeder;
pressman; stenographer; stenographer
aud typewriter stenographic clerk;
stereotyper; sub-clerical; typewriter.
Wilmington Jury Quickly Convicts Him
. of Killing Bluecoat
Wilmington, Del., March 24, —Peter
Melba, alias Kiokus, yesterday was
found guilty of murder in the tirst dc- !
gree. Melba shot and killed Police- j
man Francis X. Tiernev on March 6 :
while trying to avoid arrest. It took
the jury two hours to find a verdict.
Melba's counsel, ex-State Senator Da
vid J. Bernhardt, asked for an arrest of
judgment to give him opportunity to
tile reasons for a new trial. The court
fixed Friday morning as the time' for
The defeuse offered but one witness :
yesterday morning and t'hat was Chief
of Police George Black, who was
called to testify that the policeman who
attempted to arrest Melba had no war
rant for him.
Friends Assign Cause for Banker Kill
ing Wife and Himself
New York, March 24. —Henry J.
Cochran, vice president of the Astor
Trust Company, of which Howard Boo
coek, who killed himself and his wife
Monday night, was treasurer, yesterday
issued a statement in which he said
that an inspection of Mr. Boocock's
books and accounts had showed them to
be in order.
Mr. Cochran said it was the belief of
Mr. Boocock's business associates that
worry caused by illness prompted him
to take his wife's life and ihis own.
'Mr. Boocock had recently undergone an
Husband and Wife Under Knife
Danville, Pa., March 24. —Mr. and
Mrs. Edward SjHjtts, of Danville, under
went operations for appendicitis at the
Bloomsburg hospital yestertlay morn
ing. They had simultaneous attacks of
appendicitis several weeks ago and,
fearing a return of the disease, they
went together to the hospital and had
all .the appendices in the family re
moved at once.
Assistant Mine Foreman Killed
Mount Carmel, Pa., March 24.
James O'Neil, of this place, assistant
inside foreman at the Reliance colliery,
was killed between mine cars at that
operation yesterday. The accident oc
curred on a self-acting plane. Discov
ering that the cars had suddenly
stopped when about midway on the
plane, John Connerton, employed as
bottom man on the plate, commenced
an investigation, leading to the finding
of O'Neil's body.
Left-Handed Crash Costs $lO2
Pottsville, March 24.—1n the case
of William Singleton, of Wilburtoii,
who sued Edward Furman, of Shenan
dtwh, for damages to an
caused by a left-handed collision with
an automobile owned by Furman at
Lost Creeks in 1913, a jury yesterday
rendered a verdict for $162 for Single
War Veteran Dies at Soldiers' Home
Lebanon, March 24. —The body of
the late Joseph Me Daniels, who died
at the Soldiers' Home at Erie, was
'brought to Lebanon yesterday. Burial
will take place in Mt. Lebanon ceme
tery to-morrow. He served in the Civil
war under the name of Brown as a
private in Company 11, Fourteenth
regiment, New Hampshire cavalry.
Proposed Shriners' Club For Lebanon
Lebanon, March 24. —A number of
members of Rajah Temple, Nobles of
the Mystic. Shrine, of Reading, and
various other Templars who are resi
dents of this city, are considering the
project of organising a Sbriner's
Club in this city which will meet
monthly and arrange various entertain
ments in order to promote socialability.
Wliy bo the over-burdened
an ill-tittlng ever-slipping,
1 'ft me *ho« you, prove to
you ran he free from the
noyance and misery your old -
truss and appliance is causing
me tell you, Nliutv you, prove
The Wonderful
Schuiling Rupture
has done and is doing for
tried for ,venr» and rould And
that would give them comfortab
auvreasful support.
Doubtless some of your
friends are at this moment
lienetlts. 1 ask no man to
word. I want you to In ventltiutr
judg-c for yourself.
Wend ine your name and
plainly written on the coupofi
write me a letter or post card. Let
send you absolutely free, my iliustra
liook and trial offer. Do this
light now while you have the addiH
before you and are thinking of it.
Charles Spahr Instantly Killed When
Head Strikes Rail
While riding on a box car in
Philadelphia and Reading railroad
yards yestenday, Charles Spahr, aged
33 years, was thrown from the car audi
instantly killed when it was derailed.!
The crew on which Spahr was employed!
■was doing some shifting work in thJ
Rutherford yards, when the car ral
into an open switch. 1
Spahr was thrown off and his headl
struck a track, causing a fractured!
skull. An investigation tfas made by'
Corouer Eckinger, who said an inquest
was not necessary.
Inventor's Daughter-in-Law Also Pro
tects Her Home From Flames
Burlington, N. J., March 24.
J* jptmes that destroyed .the burns, green
house and outbuildings on the farm of
VVymer B. Carhart, at Stevens, near
Burlington, late yesterday afternoon,
endangered several nearby properties,
including the country home of Thomas
A. Edison, Jr. Young Edison led the
fire-fighters. •
j In t'he meantime Mrs. Edison had
! successfully organized protection for
her own home and the farm buildings.
Carhart's loss is $5,000. The prop
erty is owned by former Judge John G.
New York Readopts Its Dutch Flag
New York, March 24.—The Board
of Aldermen yesterday adopted a llag
I for the city of New York—three per
pendicular bars of blue, white and
orange, which were the colors of the
Dutch flag used when New York was
New Netherlands.
Menger Elected Class Orator
Cornelius Menger was elected class
orator of the Senior class of the Tech
nical High school at a class meeting
held yesterday afternoon. Menger will
be the principal speaker at the class
day exercises. The class ilay, invitation
and flower committees will make reports
next week.
Fairy Dreams
of Appetite
One Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet Will
Enable One to Digest Any
Meal, Any Time
Make up your mind to go to your
next meal with the desire to eat what
you will and do it.
« "Every Meal Smiles at Me Now Since
I've Been Taking Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets."
After that meal take a Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablet and fear no evil effects
from the food you have eaten for it
will be digested easily, quickly.
Then gradually fairy dreams of ap
petite wi.ll come back to you and in
a short time the old romping appetite
will return to you. /
All druggists carry and recommend
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, 50c a box.
Trial free by sending coupon below.
Free Trial Coupon
F. A. Stuart Co., 150 Stuart Bldg.,
Marshall, Mich., send me at once by
return mail, a free trial package of
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.
7 City State....'...