The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, March 24, 1915, Page 13, Image 13
The Star independent Gives Away 2 Orpheum Tickets Daily The Name of the Person to Whom They Will Be Awarded To-day Is Somewhere Among the Classified Ads On This Page Perhaps you are the lucky person. Look until you find o'tt If yn ret th; please call for them before 8 o'clock to-morrow evening or they will be forfeited. (These names are drawn from the Directory by a blindfolded girl.) i m 1 ■ 1 ■ ' == . . , = ■ __ A Rml Estate h—— J REAL. ESTATE FOB BENT A TWO-STORY brick house. with all improvements, ;i!j Mark Ave. Ap ply C. S. KOOII. 3110 N. Seventh St. APARTMENT 3 ISJP Derry. Srd floor .....135.00 131« Derry. :nd floor, M 5.00 ; 1315 Market. (34.00 I :*9 S. ISth. ...130.00. SS£.SO and JSi.OO III* Market. IS J. 50 :3C.3SS 8. I»h—HOUSES. *SS.OO ' 1314-1447 Berryhlll »:^SO 1213 Market $15.50 i 133 S. Fourteenth 5t..,. I.'O.otV i3O S. 19*». all Improvements... .$15.00 I 1547 Darry, 4 Urge rooms, imp....51i.00 1440 Vernon. 111.00 13;t) N. Front. for colored 111.00 1830 B*rryhlU St.. 3 rooms. SB.OO HARVEY T. SMITH. 504 & 13th. Bell ' :um FOR RF.NT— A three-story brick. all fmpro\ cments. 1713 N. Third street Apply 1100 N. Front. FOR RENT—An S-room house, 317 t Hamilton street. Apply to 1101 N. j Front street. FOR RENT—COS State St.: three-story brick houee; modern Improvements. Steam beat. Electric light. Inquire 1501 N. Second St. Hell phone '.'.•S4R. TOR RENT —Two reserved tickets were ' awarded to-day to William E. Dixon, 109 S. Second street. Steelton. Rood for the evening performance at the Or pheum. March '.'6. Call .for tickets at Star-Independent office before S p. m„ March ;5. or they will bo forfeited. Boon FOR RENT. 11H Market street. 9 rooms, bath and steam h#at; newly papered. Inquire 1113 Market St. rot: RENT—No. 1011 N. Third St.— House and store room; all conven iences: stefe-n heat. No. 111S N. Fourteenth St.; corner of I Cumberland street: all Improvements; 1 back and front stairs; largo front porvh: a flne location. C. H. ORCL'TT, i.'t>7 Cumberland St. FOK RENT—Frivate rooms for house hold goods. in new fireproof building. ! Clean and safe. Inspection invited. 437- 415 S. Second St. HARRISBURG SI OR- I AGE COMPANY. j FOR RENT—House* with all improve- ' ments. at moderate rentals, J. E. GIFPUE. 1351 Market St. APARTMENTS FOR RENT REDUCED RENTS—Three modern, im proved 7-room apartments for rent to adults. All conveniences. Location 239 ' S. Thirteenth St Apply on premises or ! WANTED TO SENT WANT E D-—A large store room near' Market street, west of railroad, for. Immediate possession o *" possession Mfcy ' Ist. Address, full particulars. M. R. r BOOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT—Secor.d floor front room; electric light and use of bath, cen trally located, on South street near HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENT Bay window front oil Ijocust street; tiled entrance, tiled bath: looker, hall phones, fully equipped kitchen. Apply Peniia. Realty and Improvement Co., 13C locust street. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTJSD —To buy farm, any siie and location. Also road house and hotel. Write complete details. Brionne, -3 I'uane St.. New York. UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOK RENT—Two or three unfurnished rooms, suitable for light housekeep ing; steam heat, electric light, gas and use of bath. 61$ Camp St REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OB RENT HOUSES FOR RENT and JVi-atory dwelling houses for sale. Elder Real Estate Co.. 24th and Perry Sta ROOMS WANTED ROOM W ANTED—Rerined voung lady desires room; Hill location, state terms. Address 37:5. care Star-Inde FURNISHED ROOMS FOR KENT. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, on second floor, corner room, well lighted and heated; all improvements. 114 Wash ington St. FOR RENT—New furnished front rooms facing Capitol Park; stationary wash stands, hot and cold running water; electric light in each room; also use of phone and large bath. Apply uo North street. Awarded Improvement Bonds Messrs. X. W. Halsey & Co. have been awarded $16,000 Princeton, Illi nois. 5 per cent, water improvement toonds. , LAWYERS' PAPEB BOOKS Printed at this office in best style, at lowest prices and on short notice. - <« For Rent Warehouse and Storage Space Two' floors (-14,000 sq. ft.) or parts thereof, in the new Emerson- Brantingliam Implement <V build ing at Tenth and Market Sts. Klfvator service—P. R. R. siding in the building. Apply to MILLER BROTHERS & CO. HABRI3BURG, PA. t v Rial Estate i —— J j REAL ESTATE FOB SALE KV>R SALE—I-coem bungalow. with 11U linprovi'nwnts. large lot. 35x110. side ami rear entrance. gardeu nntl fruit : trees; good property, price reasonable. i ■ lVal with owner. 2419 Reel St. FOR VM.K I The Hoard of Commissioners of Pub lie Grounds ntid Buildings will offer at public sale, in front of State Capitol ' Bullilinit. at entrance. Fourth and State i streets. Harrisburg. Penna., at 10 o'clock ja. nv, April l>th. IS1 5: the following (building* and structures upon the prem ' ises within the boundaries of the pro- ; i posed extension to Capitol Park. In • Eighth ward. Citv of Harrisburg: Cowden street—lls. 117. 119, 121. 123. 40<. Jl» SH. Filbert street —10$. 110. North street 4 25, SOT. 509. 311. 7IT. Short street —1.". tS9. 143. South street—so". 510. 51S. sot (rear of No. 121 Cowden street'. *o*. 70;:. ■State street—4l3. 413-rear. 415. 417, 419. 421. 423. Walnut street —4IS. 510. <OO. tio2. The purchasers shall pay to the Com- | monwealth of Pennsylvania, through the ofßce of the Superintendent of Pub- ! lie Grounds and Buildings. Harrisburg, ; Pennsylvania, by certified check or United States currency, the amount at which the said building or buildings and . structures are awarded to them, as fol- ! i iows: A cash payment of 25 per cent. ' shall be made on day of sale and the balance before entering upon the prop- , erty to remove the material purchased. In all cases where the premises are unoccupied, possession will be given ;lie purchaser immediately. Where the premises are tenanted, possession will be given immediately after the premises are vacated. The Commonwealth will , not be responsible for any damage to property after possession is given. Pur chaser shall state at time of their offer the time required to remove the buildings and material after being given ' possession by the Commonwealth, which in no c.twse shall be longer than 60 days. All building refuse shall be carted away from the premises bv the pur chaser. All foundation walls must be taken down and removed at least three feel below level of street. The Board of Commissioners of Pub lic Grounds and Buildings reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. The work of removal shall be perform ed under the direction of and to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings. The sidewalks and street pavements are not to be removed by purchaser of buildings or structures under this schedule. By order of the Board. SAMUEL R KAMBO. Superintendent. C. P. RODGBRS. JR . Secretary. —BDGEWOODS— (PouItry Business) running (Spring " ater) Tine meadow, all kinds choice fruit ti>io) bushel apples (1914*. Home. Barn, outbuildings, land xnosttv level to> acres good (woodland). Only (half mile) to Trolley and Railroad Depot at Arg - Market Jblning Susquehanna river. (-'.' young horses (1) fresh cow t2) hogs (55) chickens, ducks, guineas and geese. All hay, straw, corn and oats, farming Machinery. (42) acres only ($1900); w ; yi everything above i.52400). —MOR NINGSUN Cify Market land) State Hospital, Trolley and Railroad Depot and Beau tiful River within (4* squares to Dandy 100 l acre farm, land level facing South, mostly New Buildings, water on porch. Choice Fruit (7) acres good woodland and great chance for Early Vegetables, Remember (match team! horses, (2) fresh cows *.5) hogs v«o> poultry (30) bushel oa:s (50) bushel corn (3) ton hay and straw. Farm alone (12000): everything above ($2700). P!ione (7 to St Evenings. —ORCH.VRDEE— Only (mile* to Court House and City Market, i.- » fruit orchards (meadow) running spring water, loam soil mostly level (13i acres good woodland. Handv to (o) Railroads and (2) Trolley Lines. (4* valuable horsea fresh cows (7) hogs (lie) poultry, all hay. straw, oats and corn. Farming: Machinery. i 92) acre farm with t2) set of buildings only iS3SOO); with Stock (machinery) crops low price i 54900). Handv to Sh'a niokm. Sunbury. Danville and" Blooms burg markets. GEORGE B. OSTRANDER Danville Telephones Sunbury Mornings i? to Si Evenings EOR SALE—IISOO will buy a frame house, s rooms, hot water heat, lot 21 xlos, good location. Also other proper tie* on easy payment. BELL REALTY CO.. Bergner Building. $-200„ W 'I} buy a 55-acre farm along . .f- J*- 3 from Millerstowii All details regarding this farm, picture SL~H U i?i n S s - e, °- are available at BELL Rr~ALT\ CO.. Bergner Building. t\JR SALE—3 houses on Jefferson St., at reduced prices; part brick eon structlon. « rooms and bath, finished * ii • also 1 new brick home with all improvements, near the central part or the city: also building: lots near Pen brook. 30x150; reduced in order to close them out; also building lots at River side and Paxtang. For terms and prices apply to S. HALDEMAN & CO.. Carpen ters and Builders. 3222 N. Sixth St Harrisburg. Pa. Also job carpenter work promptly and neatly attended to by calling Bell phone 3i>2:j3. 68-ACRE FARM. 3 miles from Golds boro. for sale, together with stock and implements; house, barn and oth*r buildings in good condition: variety of fruit: good water. Possession at once. BELL REALTY 00.. Bergner Building. FOR SALE—No. 919 S. 20*4 St.; frame house; 9 rooms, bath. gas. porches, ■ ruit: lot 40x15; stable; chicken house. Particulars at BELL REALTY CO. Bergner Building. FOR SALE—Some new brick; 7-rooirs and bath: gas and electric liaut; steam heat: hardwood finish, for s2">o. Can be bought for SIOO and easv month ly payments. H. G. PEDLOIV. 4 io S. Thirteenth St. ONL\ THREE of those new brick houses left, that can be bougiii for SSO cash and balance on pavments of $15.00 per month. H. G. PEDLOW, 110 S. Thirteenth St, , FOR SALE—Fine new homes at River side: all conveniences, large porches; also No. 92:. Green street; fine large home, side alley: steam heat. E. MOES LEIN. 424 State St.; L M. /(EIFKER, 222 Market St. MY PROPERTY. No. 153 North Cath erine street, Middletown. Pa. Harris burg electric cars pass every twenty minutes. Apply to J. W. FORTNEY 171 S. Front St.. Steelton. Pa. FOR SALE—City and suburban homes and home sites, first class business propositions. KOUGH. BRIGHTBILL ft ixLINE, Sixth and Reily Sis. Both phones. Harrisburg Hospital The Harrisburg Hospital is open daily except Kunday, between 1 ami Jo clock p. m. for dispensing medical advice and prescriptions to those unable to pay for them. WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 24, 1915. V Sale eod Exchange I FOB SALE j FOR SALlC—Rlryvlee. |S. slo.* fit each. Investigate. Try Keystone Re i pairs. Aive money. Quirk service, . Keystone Cycle Co., Sl4 N. Third St. 1 j FOR SAlJ2—Cheap. Roll-top desk. .-ash' register. phonograph and lot record*. I lounge, mis r«u>'. leather rocker, <i\*x S'* Seneca View Camera: two smaller. evtrn backs and Hash light outtlt; anas- ! tic mat lens, at onee, u a. m. to 11 p. w- OWL. STriWO. :0« Market. SAUK -One road horse, rubber- ' tired Jenny Li ml, rubber tired surrey. ' bo<h pood as new: market wagon and ' sl\ sets harness. Lincoln street, ! i Steelton. Pa. Bell plume tfX or IY. FOR SAUK—Motorcycle bargains: 1913 1 Indian machine, one new tir.\ in run ulna: order. IS5.0O; Prestollte tank with, fixtures. Iti.n); motorcycle tandems, $3. 15: vacuum cups, red inner tubes, , I-.50 each. Ap;il> Keystone Cycle Co., 1 | SI 4 X. Third St. BARGAIN—Large new wooden yarn j I cases for sale. New Cumberland Knit- ! i ting Co k 810 BARGAINS In unredeemed Dla- 1 mends. Watches. Jewelry, Firearms, 1 Musical Instruments, etc. Cash paid for ' old gold and silver. Repairing a spe cialty. CITY LOAN OFFICE. 411 Maf ket street. FOR SAUK—WiII sacrifice mahogany SS-note player-piano like new. includ ing music cabinet, bench. scarOvuid 40 rolls of music, for |33S> Addreks M.. I care Star-Independent. HAVING received new lister piano on ! a business deal, will sell same to re- I liable party at .i bargain on monthly payment. Address M. C. 8., 3733 ( cat* : i Star-Independent. FOR S A UK—White enamel bed. springs, and mattress, in good condition. Nine | I dollars. Apply 131 a Howard St. , 1 FOR SALE—New baby grand piano, for j balance on loan: highest grade make; | month!* payments accepted. Address J. V.. SI2S, carj Star-Independent. FOR SALE—AT GABLE'S, 113, 115 and 117 South Second strtet. 5,000 gallons New Era Ready Mixed Paint, Acme quality. All the full Hue of the Acme , make. FOR SALE—At GABLE S. 111-117 South Second St., MOO sets new Sasltt SxlO lit L, primed and glased. at ILIS per fret. Also other sisea 1 -S Miscellaneous ■- FURNITURE PACKING PACKING—A. H. SHRENK. 1»0£ North Sixth street, first class packer of fur niture, china aad brlcabrac. Bell phone UIW. J• WENRICH. 339 Hamilton street— *urniture, china and piano packing shipments loosed alter at both enda *'2"'w kinds of haululg. Bell phone STORAGE. At TO and motorcycle storage at reas onable rates, in Keystone Garage, ;*l9 Myrtle avenue. Inquire N. Tturd St. IRE-PROOF STORAGE warehouse. di vided into private rooms for storage of household goods. New building. Low insurance. Inspection invited. 437-415 South Second slieet. HAURISHIIKU STORAGE CO. tRLIUHT DIiAYAGE, storage, shippers' and distributors of merchandise of all kinds, prompt and effluent service. \\ arehouses on F. K. H, auu P. i* R. tracks. MON I'vioMLit V oc CO., Peiplier Line, I'entn below Market St. RAZOR BLADES ALL KINDS oi razor blades resharpen ed; made better than new; safety, .:3c per doien; Star, 15c; old style. .jc;"leav« orders Henry uilbert & Soils Hardware, :19 Market street. MONEY TO LOAN LOANS—So to S2OO for honest working people keeping house. Kates less tliau legal. Pay ments weekly or monthly. No noti rioation of employer or friends. CO-OPERATIVE L. i 1. CO 204 Chestnut St. Authorised Capital. tIuO.OOO ANT person needing money in amounts from |5 to |SO holding a salaried po sition. would be benefited by calling on us. Employes' Discount Co. 3o North Third St. n—__ ALL KINDS OF HAULING ALL kinds of hauling; Urge two-ton truck; furniture, pianos, freight In the city and suburbs. Prices reason able. Picnic and pleasure trips, day or evening. Wli. H. DARE. 1461 Vernon St. Bell phone 3&17 J. FINANCIAL MONET TO IX)AN upon real estate se curities in any anraounte and upon any terms to suit the borrower. Ad dress P. O. box 174. Lest and Found FOUND. POUND—The way to end your cleaning and dyeing worries by calling either phone for Eggert's Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning Worlts 1245 Market St. We call and deliver. FOUND—A decided Improvement in my appearance since having my clothing cleaned and pressed at Parisian Dye Works. 140S N. Third. Branch, Hoffman- Kerns. 337 Chestnut. Bell phone. Call ing and delivering. LOST tOST—White and brlndle bull dog; male; small round spot In center of head. Reward If returned to 1851 Swa lara i'U Wants HELP WANTED—MALB i YOUNG MKN to prepare for government examinations. Thorough private coach ling for all . branches of Civil Service. H«vf a few open dates. Address P. O. Bo* 4>l. Harrisburg, Pa. PAINTBRB AND PAPRRHANGERS WANTED—To sell wall paper from ! sample hooks. We are tne largest wholesale wall paper house In Central Pennsylvania anil carry the largest line of cheap and medium priced papers on the market. We attribute our suc cess to our low price*, prompt ship ments and fair dealings, us send you our ISIR line of samples on ap proval. Write to-day to Monarch Wall Paper Co.. 420 Market St., Harrisburg, | Pa. To Join t>ur Pressing Club—Your Suits steamed and pressed and Kept In shape for one dollar a month W>>ur suits a ; month). This Special Price Is for sts months only. See us now and save money. Drop us a card and we will i call. The 20th Century Cleaning and I Dyeing Works. 123 Market street, above , Palace Confectionery, SAII ADEL i STEIN. Manager. THOUSANDS of chauffeurs will be needed within three or four months, ' In the city of Harrlsburg, for public : taxicab service. Prepare yourself at once. Make aj»pllcatlou for training to ! Auto Transportation and Machine Shop. : o and 7 North Cameron St.. Harrisburg. Pa. Full, unlimited course. »35. Both phones. • WANTED—Men prepare as firemen. brakemen, inotormen. colored porters. Pennsylvania railroads. Experience not necessary. SSO to 1100 month. Write Inter Hallway Dept. 101. Indianapolis, Ind. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. YOUNG married man. colored, wishes position as chauffeur; willing and useful around the house; reference, moderate wages. Apply 616 Forstot St. YOUNG MAN, 24 years of age. wishes a position as chauffeur; private famity desired; can furnish best of reference. Address W. P. OMMBRT, Williamson. Pa. AN experienced truck and commercial car operator desires employment at once. Address WILLIAM SIiEAKER, Oberlin, Pa. FIRST-CLASS COOK wants position in hotel or cafe, in or out of town. Call or write «3s Brlggs street. MAN wants trimming and pruning. Ad dress 1012 N. Nineteenth St. YOUNG MAN, IS years of age, wants work of any kind, not afraid of hard work. Address 2017 Wallace St. YOUNG MAN, !1 years old. wishes to learn barber trade, or to work In store. DALLAS MOW HEY, P. O. Box 263. Newville, Pa. WOULD like position as Janitor or ele vatorman; well cxperlenct-d; can fur nish best of reference. Call or address DOT Sarah St.. City. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS make money selling the adver tised Baldwin Double Service House Dresses and Aprons. Clean—lucrative occupation for ambitious ladies. Repeat orders. Write to-day for particulars. Baldwin Garment Co., Holyoke. Mass. HELP WANTED—MALE AND EE MALE I BILLY SUNDAY'S MESSAGE—SeIIing like wildfire. We need more men and women to help distribute. Full time or spare time. Wholesale Supply House, 23 North Third St.. top floor. KF.T.r WANTED—FEMALB. WANTED —Young lady bookkeeper with a knowledge of stenography; one with experience preferred. Address 3727, care Star-Independ;nt. 1150.00 SALARY for «»lt days work paid' lady in ea.h town to distribute free circulars and take orders for White Ribbon Concentrated Flavoring. J. S. Ziegler Co.. Chicago. A GOOD position open for a lirst class millinery saleslady. Apply ASTRIOH'S, Fourth and Market. WAKIED—For Easter rush, at once, jacket and skirt operator and skirt presser. Apply WITMER, BAIR & WIT- M E R. WANTED Girls over 16 years of age to learn cigar making. Paid while learn ing. Apply at Karrisburg Cigar Company, 500 Race street. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE. WANTED—Housekeeping for widower and good home, by a young widow with no children; small family; can Hive reference. MRS. ELLA CLARK. General Delivery, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED— Position as housekeeper, by young woman of experience. Ad dress 3726, care Star-Independent. A YOUNG LADY would like general housework or day work. Call or ad dress 1005 N. Third St. WANTED—Young lady wishes position li. office, can give reference. Call or write 12451 Market street WANTED—Young lady wants work by the day or week, in private family. Apply 1005 N. Third. ' COUiI'KD WOMAN wants days work or washing and ironing; will do office cleaning; can furnish reference. Ad dress 1417 Marlon St. WANTED —Washing and Ironing to do at home. Call of write to 647 Wood bine street. WANTED —Young lady wishes a posi tion as assistant matron or as attend ant in an instltutlpn; experienced. ADDIV 2026 Green street. MIDDLE-AGED colored woman would like to have day's work or cooking. Apply at 28 Linden street. LAWYEBS' PAPER BOOKS Printed at this office in best style, at lowest prices and on short notice. FINANCE NEW HIGH PRICES RECORDED 111 TO-DAY'S STOCK MARKET Speculation Broadens to a Marked De gree in the Morning Session, Trad ing in the First Hour Aggregating About 200,000 Shares New York, March 24.—Wa1l Street —The upward swing of the stock mar ket was resumed at the beginning of to-day s business, many loading isgu<w and a of less prominent qnes making new- 'high prices for the current iihivoinont. Among: thfcra woro U. s. Steel, I nion Pacifie, tkuitheru Paoufio, American Smelting, Baltimore and Ohio, American Can ami svune of the equipment >fn>ui». notalbly American Lo , emotive and American Oar and Foun dry, in which the rise extended (between 1 and 2 points. Bethlehem **te»-l added another (mint to yesterday'« decision. Trading was again very active with further short covering. Speculation broadened to a marked decree during the balance of the morning session, trading in the first hour ajfjfregatin<{ about 300.000 shares, with soane diminution of activity to ward a.:.!,lav. Prices oontiuued to rise, however, the feature being Union Pa cific, which was the most prominent stock at an advance at 2-% points. Tak ing the morning's best prices as a basis, the level of quoted values was highest of any time since the exchange resumed operations. Bonds were active and firm. Philadelphia Prodnee Market Philadelphia, Pa., March 24.—Wheal steady; No. 2 red spot, export, 15SfT lt>24: Xo. 1 Northern. Duluth export. 1«:<H if ltitity. ..Con. steady; No. 2 spot, export. 77# 18; No. - yellow, local. SO'u #Bl Oats steady; No. 2 white. tis®s;~ii. "r m; winter, per ton. »2«.j0« i 9.00. spring. per ton. *26.00W26.50. Refined sugars Arm; powdered. 8.00; 80 5.90; confectioners' A, Butter firmer: western creamery, ex tra. nearby prints, fancy. 32. Eggs firm; nearby ilrsts, free case, $8.15; current receipts, free case, $6 00'" western extra firsts, free case, $6.15 firsts, tree case, 16.00. Uve poultry steadv; fowls, liiih 17- old roosters. 114@12: chickens, H»J7; turkey s, 1j •! I<, ducks, 1 o161 sees© l" G 16. Dressed poultry firm; fowls, fancy 19U -0; do., average. IS® 18; unattract ive, 146 15; old reosfers. 14; frozen fowls, 1 69t IS; frozen turkeys, fancy l I'd'J2; do., fair to good, IS If '2O; broiling chickens. 22027; frozen ducks. 12®1S; frozen geese. 12® 16. Potatoes weak; Pennsylvania, per jushel, jO®ss; Maine, 45@50; New York 331f 40. * _ Hour weak; winter straight. 6.90® | ..10; spring straight, 7 00® 7.25: do patent, 7.50®>8.85. Hay Weak; timothy. No, 1 large baits 18.00; No. 1_ medium bales. 17.50<J 18.00- No. « do., 15.50(Jt? 16.30; No. J do., 14.001i> 15.00. Clover mixed light, 17.00® 17.50; No. 1 do.. 16.00®16.50; No. 2. do., U 50 ©10.50. Chicago Live Stock Market , M««vh 24.—Hogs—Receipts, £»*"?•» weak at yesterday's average \?<?.®. 6,75: "f'U- 6 »0_®6.75; mixed. b.«>ofo.SO, heavy, b.2«»(|i)6,15; rouxh 6 ®'M5: pigs. 5.25®6.30 Cattle—Receipts. 10.000; firm. Native steers, 5,55®8.75; western, 5.35@7 40- cows and heifers, 3.00® 7.75; calves, 7 U0 @10.25. Sheep—Receipts, 12.000; steady. Sheep. 7 50®9 80* yearllnKS ' '-8569.15; lambs, BELGIAN ARMY CAE ON RIGHT BANK OF THE YSER Paris. March 24, via IjodiK>u, 3.38 P- M.—The following account of yes terday 's events at the front was given out this afternoon at the War Office; "A division of the Belgian army has mad eprogress on t<he right- hank of the Another has captured a Ger man trench on the left bank. "At Hart man ns-Weilerkopf we cap j tured th<» first line of trencihes referred ,to in the preceding communication; I lik/wise a second line. On this sevtiou of the front our troops J reorganizing ; themselves, on the further sule of this | second line. Within a short distance j from the summit we captured some pris | oners, including officers." GERMAN SUBMARINES AND WORKS DAMAGED 111 AIRRAID London, March 24, 4.28 P. M.— The British admiralty this afternoon issued a statement saying that a Brit ish air raid had been successfully car ried out to-day on German submarines at Uoboken, three miJes outside'of Aji twerp. The text of the admiralty statement was as follows: "The following has been received from Wing Commander Longmore: 'I have to report that a successful air at tack was carried out this morning by five machines of the Dunkirk squad ron on the German submarines being constructed at Uoboken, near Antwerp. Two of the pilots had to return owing to thick weather but Squadron Com mander Courtney and Flight liieuten- BAKERY 1 FOR SALE Well Established Bakery Stand Boas and Oowden Streets Two-story bake house, 21x44 feet, 1 with two good ovens. Dwelling, 9 rooms and bath, and store room. All in good condition. Easy terms. Immediate possession. T. B. Rockafellar 302 NOBTH STREET to Meet You Vil J '"'lf way on any business proposition. I " ttßf. " you want to borrow money on good "ecurit.v or open 1111 account with ua we treat our visitors with courtesy and i ' FTF J ' \\ n \ I ' OTIOr WlloU with tl>o v S\\\® First National Bank J? aw MARKET ST. IFor Rent Desirable offices in the Union Trust Building. ; Apply Union Trust Co. l —i___— ' / > IF YOU NEED MONEY j and hold a salaried posi tion, we can supply in 1 amounts from $5 to SSO Will take your plain note. All transactions confidential. EMPLOYEES DISCOUNT CO. 36 N. Third St. Licensed Room 2 Bonded I /' Frank R & Son Real Estate and Insurance Office No. 18 N. Third St., Harrisburg, Pa., FOR SALE Elegant Suburban Home on West Third St., New Cumberland. Detached l dwelling 011 lot 50x140; has all improvements. Owner moving to Phila delphia and will sell at a reasonable price. No. 1()28 X. Fifth St.— 3-story frame dwelling, 10 rooms, bath and gas. Lot 20x105. Price right to quick buyer. ant Rosher, reached their objective and after planing down to 1,000 feet dropped four bombs euch on the sub marines. "It is believed that considerable damage has been done to both the works and two submarines. The works were observed to be on fire. In all, five submarines were observed 011 the Slip. Flight Lieutenant B. Crossley-Meates was obliged by engine trouble to de scend in Holland. Owing to the mist the 1 two pilots experienced considerable difficulty in findiug their way and they were subjected to a heavy gun fire whilst delivering their attacks." f Death and Obituary DIED. j BOWTERS—On March 24, 1915, Edwin . Bowers, 318 Cumberland street, aged 11 73 years, .1 months and 9 days. Kuneral services In charge of Rev. 'John H. Daugherty, of Ridge Avenue M E. church, will be held Saturday after noon at 2 o'clock, from his late resl | dence. JULIUS—On Sunday morning, March 21, 1915. Daniel Julius, aged 89 years, 1 month and 9 days. Funeral service Tuesday evening at 7.30 o'clock, at the residence of his son, George H. Julius, So. 106 Hoerner street Relatives and friends are Invited to at tend without further notice. Further service and burial at Elliottsburg, Perry county. Pa.. Wednesday, leaving P. R. R. station at 7.55 a. in. Perry county papers please copy. 13 | ~ Legal ■ ; NOTICE Harrisburg. Pn.. March 24, 1915. To depositors of Bonds of Cumberland | Valley Telephone Company, Under 1 Bondholders' Agreement, Daited Au gust 11. 1911: You are hereby notified that the Bond holders' Committee of Cumberland Val j loy Telephone Company have prepared and adopted a plan of reorganization I for said telephone company and have tiled the same with Commonwealth I Trust Company, at Its office. No. 212 Market street. Harrisburg. Pa., being I the trustees under the mortgage, where said plan may be inspected by any on«> l interested on any business day between the hours of 9 a. m. and :t p. m., except | Saturday, and on that day between the : hours of !> a. m. and 12 m. You are : further not I tied that said plan will he- I come effective thirty days after the tlrst ; publication of this notice, unless dissent in writing shall be filed by depositors I holding certificates of deposit repre senting In the aggregate more than one third In amount of the bonds deposited under said bondholders' agreement; a copy of said plan having been malted to each depositing bondholder. A. 10. PKNDERGAST, Secretary, 3 N. Market Square, Harrishurg, Pa. ; Carrie D. Derr vs. Hurry H. I»err—ln the Court of Common Pies, of Dau phin County, No. 132. January Term, ! UM-t. To Harry E. Derr— You are hereby notified that a he-ar- I ing will be had in the above stated j case, before the Honorable, the Judges j of the Court of Common Pleas of Dau phin County, on Monday, April 19, 1915, at the Court House, Market street, Har rishurg. Penna.. at 10 o'clock a, m„ at which time and place you may appear ; and be heard in your defense i£ you I think proper so to do. ROBERT STUCKER, I Attorney for Llbellant. PI RI.IC SAI.K OP nEA 1, ESTATE la . the Asalitned Mutate of C. A. Kekard. I Pursuant to an order u£ the Court of j Common Pleas of Dauphin County, on ! March Bth, 1915, the undersigned, as l signee for the benetit of creditors of C. ! A. Kekard, will offer at public sale at the Court House, at Harrisburg, Penna., |at L o'clock Wednesday afternoon, March 31st, 1915, the following real estate: All that certain lot or piece of land situate In the Eighth ward of the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Penn sylvania, hounded and described as fol lows. to wit: ' Beginning at a point thirty-six feet southwardly from the southeastern cor ner of Sixteenth and Juniper streets; thence southwardly along the eastern line of Sixteenth street seventeen feet, : more or less, to the northern line of a , ten feet wide alley; thence east wardly j along the northern line of said alley ; eighty-three feet, more or less, to a point five feet west of the western lino of another ten feel wido alley; thence northeastwardly six feet, more or less, 1 to a point on the Western"TThe of the last mentioned alley five feet north of the northern line of the first mentioned alley; thence northwardly along the western line of the said last mentioned alley twelve feet, more or less, to the line of property of No. 523 North Six teenth street; thence westwardly along said line through the center of the par tition wall between said property and the property herein described, eiglily one feet, more or less, to the place of beginning. Thereon erected a three story brick dwelling house, No. 521 North Sixteenth street, Harrisburg, Penna. Said property will be sold subject to a mortgage of Ellen C. Sidle of twenty five hundred dollars ($2500.00), with interest from January 11, 1911. Ten per cent, of the purchase money shall be payable on the day of sale, and the balance on the confirmation of the sale by the Court, April 12, 1915. OSCAR G. U'ICKERSHAM, Assignee for the Benefit of Credit ors of C. A. Kekard. WM. H. EARNEST, Attorney. NOTlCE—Letters of administration on the estate of Daniel B. Oottahall, late of the village of Oberlin, Swatara town ship. Dauphin county, Pennsylvania, de ceased, having been granted to the un dersigned, residing in Harrisburg, all persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement to HARVEY C. GOTTSIIALL, Administrator, 1317 Green St., Harrisburg, Pa. Or to H. L DRESS, Attorney, Steelton Trust Co., Building, Steelton, Pa. EXECI'TOR'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given that letter* testamentary on the estate of Kather ine Craig, late of the City of Harris burg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to the un dersigned. All persons indebted to said estate arc requested to make pay ments, and those having claims or de mands will make known the same with out delay to _ CI,ARK E. DIEHL, Executor, 225 Briggs St., Harrisburg, Pa. Or JAJIES G. HATZ, Attorney. Steelton, Pa., Feb. 15, 1915. NOTICE —Letters of administration on the estate of George H. Donnelly, late of the Borough of Steelton, Dau phin county, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing In Newberrytown, York county. Pa., all | persons Indebted to said estate are re ; quested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement to GEORGE R. DONNELLY, Administrator, Or to H. L DRESS, Attorney, Steelton Trust Co. Bldg., Steelton. NOTlCE—Letters of administration te»- tamentary on the estate of Samuel S. Brown, late of Lower Paxton township. Dauphin county, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, resid ing in Harrisburg, 1711 Regina St., all persons Indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement. C. S. BROWN, MONROE BROWN, Administrators.