The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, March 24, 1915, Page 11, Image 11

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Geneva, vVo Paris, March - 4.—The
government now considers
with Italy .mire than (irobable. so
to disputehes received here
im Vienna. A lairge number of troops
>ve arrived in the Tyrol and Triest j
lere the det'tzisive works are beiivg |
Geneva "Tribune'' professes ,
B, have received advices from Austria
the effect thuf the dual monarchy
■ ght consider She signing of A sepa- I
■|:e peace with Russia without consult
■ ; Germauy, offering as a concession
cede to Russia large |>ortions of Oal
■ a.
via Paris. March 24.—Com- !
favoraidy upon the adjourn 1
of the (.'hjunber of Deputies, the '
iourmil P'lfcalU" says every deputy j
v is convincrd of the necessity for ;
KJy to act energetically facing any j
rifice. even a supreme struggle, to '
the full liberty of action
Br. anted by the govern-
Kment now is Cree to choose the way,
Hite means an«l the hour of using the
A/e&pons at its disposal with the nrui ;
ess and prudence necessary to insure I
B uceess while the country, calm and '
disciplined, is. ready for everything."
W Why Germans Seised Steamers
K Amsterdam. March 24, Via Uondon,
■ .10 P. M.—ißeferring to the seizure
■> German sobmarines of two Xether-
H nd steamers, the "Batavier V Rnd the
V tanstroom. iu the English Channel.
Be Hamburger Nachrichten says the
V'incipal rea.-«oai thi* cause was the
■ esc nee on board the vessels of a nuin-
Joer of Belgian soldiers 4ho had es
caped from ocmcentrations camps in
Mfolland and who intends! to join the
■ .gian army by way of England.
Target for German Aeroplane
March 24, 4.25 P. M. —Kor
15 an hour yesterday, according to
master of the British cargo steamer
which arrived in the Thames to
his craft was the target of a Ger
aeroplane while off the coast of
Netherlands. The aircraft uot onlv
bomhs and steel arrows, but
ed fire with a small machine gun.
i the exception of a hole in her
H » made by an arrow, the Teal suf
rf no daiuage.
B reece Wants Company If She Wars
xndon, March 24.—Aceordiug to
newspapers of Athens, Greece will
range herself on the side of the ]
Entente powers by herself, the j
Tt of the Exchange Telegraph Com
v savs in a dispatch from the Gre- j
capital. She will take an active !
in the war only conjointly with !
,"aria. Isolated intervention "on the ,
t of either Greece or Bulgaria, the j
respondent continues, would be re- I
ded in Athens as ineffective.
I lects to Jury's Verdict Ordering Him
Ia o Return Part of Purchase Price
™ He Received for Firm
. VUington KKnger. defendant in a
t brought by Alfred Bechtwl, which
ry decided in favor of the plaintiff,
v taker, an appeal to the Superior
m urt. Klinger's farm in the upper end
he county was sold at public sale to
itel for $5,000. After IBeehtel had
ten per cent, of the purchase price
F claimed that tie auctioneer, who
locked" down the farm, personally
W and boosted the price. A jury de
that Bechtel was not bound to
e over t"he farm and directed Kling-
return the ten per cent, of the
• ce to Bechtel.
«Tiage Licenses
fW alter S. Bby, Lemoyne, and "Nellie
Thompson. Steelton.'
Bayard M. Taylor and Naomi R.
jownfelter. New Cumberland. •
Melvin Komiverger and Christina C.
IHcr, Elizaibethville.
mut for Twelve Houses
s Building operations got another boost
s morning, when a permit was taken
t new houses costing 9.200.
h. Brough obtained the permit. He
opposes to buiid twelve two-storv
icks at 1934-56 Bellevue road.
ment Company Dissolved
A formal "rder dissolving the Clin
• , Cement Company, a concern which
» * not been doing business for sev
.l years, was made this mornini: bv
Ige McCarrell.
iminal Court Cost
March criminal :ourt. which closed
. turdav. ,ost Dauphin countv
, was made up as foi
fS: Grand jurors. $363.48; petit!
ors. $ 1.0 S<">.32; witnesses. $1,181;
staves, SIS 9.
Irst Tax Settlement
«A. S. Aker. collector of county taxes
-the Fourti ward, city, is the first
»arrisburg tax collector to make set
ement with the -ounty. He paid
•untv Treasurer Bailey $77.04 to-day.
ee« Association Heads Testify Before
, the Senate Committee
Washington. March 24.—The Senate
ip [ttrehase bill lobfov committee to-,
f examined Earl H. Mavo, president
1 the Service Company of New
>rk. anil Courtland Smith, president
, the American Press Association.
Both witnesses said their organiza- I
ons supplied news and other matter
r newspapers throughout the country,!
't both declare) emphatically they i
d not handled any matter relative to
• Aip purchase bill and that they
d not been employed by any one to
'tribute any such matter. Mr. Smith
d his association made it a rule to [
'adle no materia! at the instance of
one interested in legislation before
The committee to-morrow will ex- |
W a representative of the Western
w»pa[ier Union.
Parent-Teachers to Meet
The monthly meeting of the Parent- .
Wchers' Association of the Forney
•00l building will be heid to-morrow
rning at 7.30 o'clock. A good pro
km has been pranged, including a!
nber of selections by the scholars.'
- I j| t
Above is shown a scene in Frzeniysl, the great Ausiriau stronghold which fell to the Russians after a siege lasting more than six months. The end
ing of the long siege is considered of great importance. It gives to Russia control of virtually all of Eastern Gallcia and releases the Russian army which
has been besieging the city for service elsewhere. Przeinysl fell with honor, the British press concedes, for it withstood the onslaught longr than any place
during the war. the investment haviug begun about September H», something more than six months ago. The duration of the siege, compared with the
length of time it took the Germans to capture such strongholds at Liege. Namur and Antwerp, was due to two causes, one being the desire of the ttusoians
to keep the loss of life among the besieging army at a minimum, the other to the lack of great guus, which the Germaus had in Belgium.
DINE wm scon
CMtlnurd From Drat Pact.
! through a Navajo interpreter. It was
j in the evening and 1 just asked them
, how they were. I tola them I did not
I feel very well and did not want to
talk to them until the next day. They
helped us kill a beef. and we gave them
a good ineal. the first they had had for
weeks. They were poorly cia i and we
gave them some blankets. \ Posey and
his men did not have any weapons but
1 have reason to suspect' that they had
hidden them in the rocks near by.
"The next day Polk and Hatch and
about 25 others came in to see me. 1
asked them to tell me their troubles.
They said the cowboys had come in the
day light on horseback and surroun led
them, shot their children and wounded
a squaw. They said they didn't like
the cowboys. It seemed they ha 1 pre
viously had troubles with the cowboys.
' 'Then I told them some of mv
troubles. I told them I didn't think
they would like to have their children
chased by soldiers and cowboys all over
the mountains and killed. I" told them
that I wouldn't like to have my chil
dren treated that way and that I would
be glad' to do anything I could to stop
it. I didn't try to push matters with
them. I told the agents to see that they
had provisions and blankets for the
rest of their people and for their
squaws and children. 1 told them that
after they had thought matters over I
wanted them to tell me what they
wanted to do about it. They talked to
gether and then said thev wanted to do
just what I wanted them to do.
"Then we sat down in a circle and
I said: 'The marshal wants you and
you and you,' indicating Posey, Polk.
Hatch and Posey's boy. 'to go with
him to Salt Lake. The rest of you can
go back to your people and go* to the
reservation with the agents. Is that all
right?' They said it was and further
they said that if I said so thev woulii
all come to Salt Lake.
"Perfectly Harmless Now"
'' Then we broke camp anil all rode
ponies back into Bluff. We rode ahead
and let the Indians "follow us. They
have never been ironed or shackle I.
never even led to believe they are pris
oners. They never tried fo'get away.
Why, I don't believe we could get rid
of them if we tried. At night they
have slept together and nobody has
stood guard over them.
"They are perfectly harmless now.
All the Indians are" satisfied. The
whites are over their scare and there
will be no more trouble from this band
of Indians. These Indians are just
easy to alarm and sometimes
hard to appease. They had worked
themselves up to a pitch where they
were getting very dangerous. They
were attempting to get a large band of
Navajos to join them in an outbreak.
Where they were camped in the wild,
broken country near the grand can
yon they would have been mighty hard
to dislodge. It would have taken a
large force of cavalry, two regiments
probably, to subdue them, and it would
have cost the government $25,000 just
to get the soldiers in here."
None of the four Indians talks Eng
lish. Through an interpreter Tse-Ne-
Gat, or Hatch, said he was not guilty
of any crime. When asked about the
Mexican he is accnsed of killing, he
said: "The Mexican was my friend.
We camped together. I did'not. kill
him. Why should I kill my friend?"
Machine Collides With Pole and Then
Goes Over Embankment
While attempting to pass another au
tomobile on the Market street bridge,
John Gallagher, 1511' North Sixth
street, and George Colemafa, 631 Boas
street, were seriously injured when the
machine collided with a telegraph pole
at Island Park last night. The auto
mobile is owned by lialiagher, who, it
is said, lost control of it.
Both the young men were picked
up in an unconscious condition by a
passing autoist and taken to the Har
risburg hospital. Gallagher is suffering
from a fractured jaw. a deep gash
above the right eye and bruises about
the body. Coleman's injuries consist
of a broken nose, deep lacerations of
the forehead and bruises about the
body. He was later sent to his home.
Continued Front First Puff.
vote of 69 for and 111 against. Repre
sentative Williams, of Tioga, attacked
the measure on the ground that it was
not constitutional. The bill would ap
ply only to Phila Ivlphia and Pitts
burgh, no other cities in Pennsylvania
having pension fun,is at this time.
An argument on a bill regulating
civil cases in the courts of Common
Pleas in Pennsylvania occupied most
of the tim«> of the House this morning.
The bill, introduced by \Y. H. Wilson,
of Philadelphia, was passed finally by
a vote of 109 to t>3.
The debate was confined to Phila
delphia members, Representative Bey
er asking that th ( > bill he postponed
in lieu of a substitute measure which
embodied practically the same provis
ions. The substitute was propose !• by
the Legislative committee of the State
Bar Association. Kepresentative Wil
son has been endeavoring to have his
; bill pass for two sessions, tin* bill Wing
| forgotten in the last rush of legisla
tion in the session of 1913.
Bills Passed Finally
Among the bills passed finally
! were:
Authorizing the Department of For
estry to raise anil distribute young
forest trees; providing for true tables
on paint containers; prohibiting muni
: cipalities from collecting tax on in
surance brokers who are licensed to
• transact iusines< by the Insurance
J Commissioner; giving to juveniles the
■ right of rehear ;igs on petition of
; their parents or guardians.
Among the bills introduced were:
-Mr. Alexander. Erie—Making it a
misdemeanor to distrov ginseng or
j other plant cultivated for medical pur
, poses.
Mr. Williams, Tioga—Authorizing
| the Commissioner of Health to accept
a donation tor the building of a union
chap I at State Sanitoriuni No. 3, in
Mr. Hesci, Lancaster—Appropriating
$160,000 to the Pennsylvania State
J College for the extension of the work
in summer schools for teachers.
Mr. Wildmtn, Dauphin—Appropri
ating $2,0 00 to the State Librarian
for the advancement of historical re
search and providing ai l and assisting
; the Pennsylvania Federation of Hk
, tori-al Societies in the collection of
J material for a complete bibliography
of the Commonwealth.
Tetile Factories in Mexico Must Give
Laborers Per Cent. Jump
Washington, March 2 4.—General
Carranza has decreed that "tetxile fac
tories in .Mexico must pay laborers a
35 per cent, increase. Advices to the
St»te Department to-day say the de
i ree was !>sued March 22. to become ef
fective April 1. Most of the textile
mills are near Mexico City.
; That Villa forces probably already
haVe begun operations against Mata
moraa was indicated in dispatches to
day to the Carranza agency here.
Taken Into Custody for Alleged Tam
pering With Witnesses
Indianapolis, March 24. —Mayor
j-Doiui M. Roberts, in addition to the
'three men sent to jail last night be-
I cause of alleged tampering with wit
nesses, in the Terre Haute election
case, was-ordered into the custody of
the United 'States marshal tOrday.
He was ordered to give ad iitional
bond of $5,000 for his appearance to
■answer the charge of corrupting gov
i ernment witnesses.
Municipal Band to Give Concert
\ The annual spring concert of the
• Municipal band, of Harris<burg, will be
, held to-morrow evening in the Arena
] theatre, Third and Delaware streets,
j The program follows:
"Stars and Stripes Forever," John
| Philip Sousa; overture, "Hungarian
Comedy," Keler Bola; quartet from
" Rigolette," S. Verdi; "Serenade," S.
■Mantia; march, "Federal," John Phil
ip Sousa; selection. "Bohemian Girl."
Halfas opera; "Spanish Dances," M.
Mos/.kowsky; sextet from "Lucia,"
Continued From Flrat rage.
ing delivered there a cargo of cotton.
, She was buitt in 1901 at Wilmington,
Do!., was 317 feet long and of 4,549
gross tonnage. I'ntil recently she silli
ed between this port and Galveston
and last spring she was utilized as a
government transport to take troops
| trom Galveston to Vera Cruz.
Later the apparent conflict in mes
! sages was cleared up with the an
( nouncement by the Mallory line that I
\ Captain Avery of the Denver was
I aboard the Megantic, from which his
message was sent, and that the Megan
tic was the vessel due here Saturday, j
i The Manhattan is expected to reach
j here Monday.
I The Megantic was one of ten vessels ;
1 which hurried to the stricken steamer |
j when she first sent out her wireless call. 1
The first to reach her was the Manhat
tan. The St. Louis was next, sighting
! th r Denver after a search of 21 hours.
Apparently 24 hours or more elapsed '
i from the sending of the first call for,
help and the rescue of the Denver's j
Edwin Bowers. Proininent in Wagon
Business for Thirty Years, Suc
cumbs to Uraemic Poisoning
Edwin Bowers, a prominent retired
carriage builder, died this morning at
5.30 o 'eloo-k at his home. 318 Cumber
land street, after a five days' illness
j from uraeiuio poisoning.
Mr. Bowers was born in tilummels
town October 15, 1841. He was edu j
cated in the town schools there and at
an early age learned the 'blacksmith
'trade, working in that capacity until \
20 years of age, wiien he came to this |
city. He was employed by the Penn- ,
sylvania Railroad Com f any for one i
! year, after which he went to Washing
; ton. D. C., where he was employed toy
i the government. In 1565 ho wont we.>t
with supply trains distributing supplies i
! to the various military posts until 1867
hen he again worked at his trade in j
I lowa. !u the same year he returned to '
his native town where he remained until!
1871 when ho came to Harrisburg and j
entered the carriage business. He start j
ed business at 1207 Capital street,;
where he continued until 1901, since I
which time had lived a retired life.
During his many years of active life he
I met with a large circle of people and i
( acquired many friends.
Mr. Bowers was married to Mrs. j
I Phoebe Hess DeSilvey in 1879. Be-j
, sides his wife he is survived by three
■ daughters, Misses Jessie C., Helen M. I
and Edna ./'Bowers; one sister, Miss!
A lalino Bowers, of this city, and one j
brother. Michael IN. Bowers, of New \
: Cumberland. Ho was a member of j
Ridge Avenue Methodist Episcopal]
! church and Capital City Lodge. Inrto;!
I pendent Order of Odd Fellows. In |>oli- I
j ties Mr. Bowers was a Prohibitionist,
j Funeral services will be held at his j
home Saturday afternoon at 2 o'eloek
' and will be in charge of the Rev. John j
] Henry Daugherty, pastor of Ridge j
j Avenue M. E. church.
Wife of O. H. Beck, Well-known Piano i
Mover. Succumbed Yesterday
•Mrs. Ellen Brenneman Beck, aged 53
j years, wife of O. H. Book, died vester [
; day at her home, 320 Strawberry
street, following a four months' illness i
!of cancer. She was a member of the !
Fourth Street Church of God. Surviv
; ing her are her husband, one son, John '
| Hamilton, and the following stepchil
' dren: Harry O. Beck, John R. Beck,
Paul Beck, Mrs. Ellie Wilan, Mrs."May
Quiger and Mrs. Emma Tagg, and the
following brothers and sisters: Christo
pher Brenneman, Middietown; Martin
Bfennemai%Philadelphia; John Brenne
man, Illinois, anil Miss Elizabeth Bren
neman, of this city.
Funeral services will be held at the
Fourth Street Church of God Friday
afternoon at 2 -o'clock, in charge of
the Rev. Dr. William N. Yates. Inter
ment will be in the Paxtang cemetery.
Furnished by H W. Suavely, Broker.
Arcade Building. Walnut aud Court
Now York, March 24.
Open. Close.
Alaska Gold Minos ... 34% 34% j
: Amal Copper 61 61% I
Aoner Beet Sugar .... 44', 43%:
American Can 29% 29 ft [
do pt'ii 94% 95
'Am Car and Foundry Co 46 4 6
Am Cotton Oil 46% 47
Am Ice Securities .... 29 iß'/a
Amor' Loco 24 V 4 26'/*
Amor Smeltiug 67 67%. I
I American Sugai 103% 103% I
! Amor Tol and Tel .... 121 % 121%
i Anaconda 28% 2S' s ]
I Atchison 97% i) 8 1... j
Baltimore and Ohio ... 68% 69%. Steel 69% 68 1 I
Brooklyn B T 87% 88% j
, California Petroleum .. 17 1 4 16'. 4 i
Canadian I'acific 162 161 %
Central Leather 36% 35% |
, Chesapeake and Ohio .. 43% 43'j j
I Chi Mil and St Paul . . SB% 8914 !
Ciiino Con Copper .... 37% 37
Col Fuel and Iron .... 27% 28 ]
! Consol Gas 117% 117 j
Corn Products ...... 11% 11% j
Erie 23% 23%
'Brie, Ist ;fd 3S 3x%
Goodrich (B F 38% 37%
I Great Nor pfd 117% 117% j
; Great Nor Ore subs ... 34 33% !
Illinois Ventral .v.... 107 107
Interlxiro Met 13% 12%'
lnterboro Met pfd ... 61% 61%!
Lehigh Valley 138% 138% i
Mex Petroleum 71% 71
'Missouri Pacific 11% I'%
National Lead »8% 38% \
New York ('en 85 85% |
N V, N II and H 55 54% !
Norfolk an t Western .. 102% 102%
Northern Pacific 104% 105%
Penna R. K . . 100% 106%
People's Gas and Coke . 122 122%
Pittsburgh Coal 20% 20%
do pfd 91% 91%
Press Steel Car 30 30
Ray Con. Copper 18% 18%
Reading 146% 146%
Repub. Iron and Steel . 21 21%
do pfd 78 78
Southern Pacific 85% 85%
| Southern Ry 16% 16%
I do pfd 51% 51
! Tennessee Copper .... 30% 30
| Texas Company 134 134%
| I'nion Pacific 122% 124%
U. S. Rubber 62% 63
j U. S. Steel 48 45%
do pfd .., 105% 105%
| Ptah Copper 56 55%
. VirX'arolina Chem ... 20% 20%
Western Maryland .... 23 23%
|W. U. Telegraph 64% 64%
j Westinghouse Mfg .... 72% 72%
Chicago Board of Trade Closing
Chicago, March 24. —Close:
Wheat—May, 154%; July, 122%.
Corn —»May, 73ft; July, 75%.
Oats—tMav, 59'/ s ; July, 54%.
Pork—'May, 17.40; July, 17.82.
l^ard —May, 10.17; July, 10.42.
Ribs—(May, 9.96; July, 10.30.
1 !
Urges Chile to Demand Satisfaction
Santiago, Chile, March 2'4.—Al
though the Chilean government has
made no official announcement con
j corning the statement that the German
cruiser Dresden was in Chilean waters
when destroyed off Juan Fernandez Is
land by British warships on March 15,
1 it is-accepted universally here as true.
The press insists unanimously that
Chile demand satisfaction from Great
Britain, pointing out that this govern- !
.inent hae maintained strict neutrality. j
To Purchase Argentine Warrants
By Associated Press.
New York, March 24.—The Nation
al City bank, together with financial
institutions in Boston, Philadelphia,
Pittsburgh and Chiengo, have agTeed
to purehane $15,0K)-0,0<(0 treasury
warrants of the Argentine govern
Readjusting of Back Haul Rates
By Associated Press.
Washington, March 24.— The Inter
state Commerce Commission to-day get
April 12 fpr hearing on plans for re
adjustment of hack ihaul rates -by traus
con'' .ental carriers.
M W. Jacobs, Jr.. Tells Natural His
tory Section Circumstance of Dis
covery of Heavenly Body Which Is
Now N earing the Earth
The circumstances of the discovery
of Mellish 'b comet, now being watched
by astronomers with their telescopes in
the early morning hours, were related
last night by M. W. Jacobs, Jr., at the
monthly meeting of the astronomical
section of the Natural History Society
in the Willard school building. He said
in part: f
".Mr. Meliich, who started as a poor
farmer boy in Wisconsin and educated
himself in optics and telesco(>e making,
was observing the skies about 3 a. m.
on the morning of February 9, with a
16-iucb reflecting telescope made by
himself, when he noticed a faint, mis
ty-looking object in a region of the
heavens where no nui"h object appeared
on his star chart#. SSuspectiisg it might
be a watideriug. visitor he ousorved it
till dawn and uTlt being certain it had
changed its position, as a comet should
do, he observed it again the next
morning. Finding then it lnid moved,
he telegraphed his discovery at on.'f
to the Harvard College observatory,
and from there the was flashed to
astronomers in all parts of the world.
"The comet'is uot visible without
a telescope, being roughly 100 million
miles distant to-night, and probably
will not become bright enough to be
«een with the naked eye, as was De
iavun's comet last fall. Approximate
calculation shows that the comet will
be nearest the earth the latter part of
June, when it will 'be about SO milHou
miles distant. At that time however, it
will be observable only in more south
erly latitudes than ours."
The study of the utars and eoustol
iitions was begun last n%ht with a
preliminary talk on an easy way to lo
cate the principal stars and star
Whereabouts of Macedonia in Doubt
London. March 24. —There still
seems to be some dotfbt as to tho
whereabouts of the Hamburg-American
line steamer, Macedonia, which in
terned at Palmas, Ctanary Islands,
in November. It wat* reported on
March 16, that the steamer had escap
ed from Las Palnvas and three days
later she was said to have beeu cup
tured by a British cruiser.
To-day the "Daily Mail's." Madrid
correspondent asserts that the Mace
donia has not yet been recaptured,
while a dispatch to the "Times" from
Madrid says the vessel is aife in port
at Las Palmas.
Rubber Found in Tobacco Packs
London, March 54, 3.59 A. M.—A
Renter dispatch Jroin Rotterdam says
20,000 pounds of rubber has been
found in tobacco packs, which it was in
tended to export to Germany.
Selected by J. Howard Wert
One of the most vivid portraitures of the horrors of battle is given by the
great German writer and scholar Schiller. The best English translation of it,
undoubtedly, is that made by Lord Bulwer, a portion of which is here presented.
But, able as Bulwer's translation, it partially fails, as, indeed, all translations
of sublime thoughts must fail, to give the full grandeur of the German poet's
thoughts and imagery.
Heavy and solemn,
A cloudy column.
Through the green plain they marching come
Measureless spread, like a table dread,
For the wild grim dice of the iron game.
I.ooks are bent on the shaking" ground.
Hearts beat low with a knelling sound:
Swift by the breast that must bear the brunt.
Gallops the Major along the front
And fettered they stand at the stark command.
And the warriors, silent, halt. •»
I'roud in the blush of morning glowing,
What on the hill-tup shines in flowingt
"See you the foeman's banners waving?
"We see the foeman's banners waving!"
"God be with your children and wife!"
Hark to the music—the drum and tife—
How they ring through the ranks, which they rouse to the strife!
Thrilling they sound, with their glorious tone,
'Thrilling they go through the marrow and bone!
Brothers, God grant, when thi* life is o'er.
In the life to come that we meet once more!
See the smoke, how the lightning is cleaving asunder!
Hark! the guns, peal on peal, how they boom in their thunder,
From host to host with kindling sound,
The shouting signal circles round;
Freer already breathes the breath!
The war is waging, slaughter raging,
And heavy through the reeking pall
The iron death-dice fall!
Nearer they close —foes upon foes—
"Ready!"—from square to square it goes.
They kneel as one man from flank to flank.
And the fire conies sharp from the foremost rank.
Many a soldier to earth is sent,
, Many a gap by ball is rent;
Over the corpse before springs the hindmost men,
That the line may not fail to the fearless van.
To the right, and the left, and around and around,
Death whirls in its dance on the bloody grounds
God's sunlight is quenched in the fiery fight.
Over the hosts falls a brooding night!
Brothers, God grant, when this life is over,
In the life to come we may meet once more.
Thd dead men lie bathed in the weltering blood;
And the living are blent in the slippery flood,
And the feet, as they reeling and sliding go,
• Stumble still on the corpses that sleep below.
"What! Francis!" —"Give Charlotte my last farewell."
As the dying man murmurs, the thunders swell:
"I'll give—O God! are their guns so nearf
Ho! comrades!—yon volley!— Look sharp to the rear!
I'll give thy Charlotte thy last farewell;
Sleep soft! where death thickest descendeth in rain.
The friend thou forsakest thy side may regain!"
Hitherward, thitherward reels the fight;
Dark and more darkly day glooms into night. ,
Brothers, God grant, when this life is o'er,
In the life to come that we meet once more!
Hark to the hoofs that galloping go!
The adjutants flying—
The horsemen press hard on the panting foe,
Their thunder booms, in dying— r
Terror has seized on the dastards all,
And their colors fall! •
Closed is the brunt of the glorious fight!
And the day, like a conqueror, bursts on the night.
Trumpet and fife swelling choral along,
The triumph already sweeps marching'in song.
Farewell, fallen brothers; though this life be o'er,
There's another, in which we shall meet you once more!
The Rev. B. H. Hart Will Laave Fifth
Street Church Second Week
In April «
The Hev. R. H Hart, pastor of the
Fifth Street Methodist church, who is
to exchange charges with the Rev. Ed
win A. PyJes, of the Fine Street Metho
dist church, Williamsport, said to-day
that it is unlikely that he will leave
this city until the second week in April.
Roth he and the Rev. Mr. I'yles, he „
said, desire to oceupy their old pulpits
on Faster Sunday. They will not
change places, therefore, until April 11.
Members of the Fifth Street congre
gation, although they had proposed
taking uir the matter of the appoint
ment with Bishop Hurt in an effort to
retain the Rev. Mr. Hart as their pas
tor for the fifteenth year, could not
get' in touch with the bishop to-day
and have taken no action. Several hnve
expressed satisfaction that, if a change
must be made, the selection should have
fallen on the Rev. Mr. I'yles, a well
known and well-liked minister.
The Rev. John Henry Daugherty will
probably pi each his farewell sermon at
Ridge Avenue church this coming Hun
dav, and his successor, the Kev. Wil
liam W. Hartman, of Tyrone, wiH then
oceupy the pulpit on Easter Sunday.
West End Domocratic Club Will Enter
tain Friends at Suppor
Among the speakers at the pig ioa*t
and sauerkraut supper to lie given b.v
the \Ve,-t End Democratic Association
to night will be Charles S. Pri/.er, Mnl
dletown; Howard I). Jones, Edward
MmV.ein and John 11. Maloney. The
members will have a number of guests.
Chapman Held for U. S. Court
At a hearing bel'ore United States
Commissioner Leroy J. Wolfe, in the
Federal court riuin yesterday after
noon, J. H. 'Chapman, who is charged
with receiving letters through the mails
in furtherance of fraud was held under
SDOO bnil for his appearance at the
! next session of United States District
Court to 'be held in May.
Munich Unlvorsity Profossor Dies
Hp vlssocinlcd Pre**.
Munich, via London, March 21,
10.35 A. 'M.— Or. Karl Theodor Von
Ueigel, one of the widely known mem
bers of the faculty of the University
of Munich, died last night at the. age of
73 years.
George's Reward
Mrs. Borem Wright—Grace, why
isn't your brother George at our party
too? Graeie—George's been a good
boV all week, and mamma said ho
needn't come.—Philadelphia Bulletin.
Poor Return
"Did you get any return from your
investment J''
•'Yes; the bank returned the com
pany's cheek marked no funds."—Buf
falo Express.