The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, March 24, 1915, Image 1

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Report. •
'T\[St" BO VOL. 77—NO. 94.
Calls on House
Favor Continua
tion of the Sproul
Bsfierson County Lawmaker Asks House
■ to Commit Itself to Definite Policy
I Which Is Said Not to Conform to
I the Administration's Wishes
I The House of Representatives will
to on record for or against a definite
rroad policy when a resolution request
ing that the State Highway Depart
ment proceed with the repairs of the
present system of State roads and the
carrying out of the present depart
anental plans introduced this morning
by Henry 1. of Jefferson, cornea
up for actio®.
The resolution was laid over for
printing. Its sponsor said he is not
eager to have immediate action, mere
ly desiring the House to go on record
iii a matter of a definite road policy.
The resolution endorces the bproul
road bill of 1911 and asks that the
Highway Department proceed with the
i repair of the roads.
This is understood to be against the
policy of the administration in re>g»rd
to State roads. Governor Brumbaugh
has said the Sproul bill is a mistake
and that some of the roads should be i
turned back to the townships for main- |
Mr. Wilson later introduced a bill ap- j
propriating $5,000,000 to th«» Highway |
Department for the improvement anil 1
repairing of State roads.
So far during this session of the
General Assembly no administration i
legislation on State roads has lujen j
edvanced. The Wilson resolution is*the !
first effort of any kind in this session
to get definite action on State high- |
ways, a subject that was one of the i
most discusfed in the session of 1913 '
when the $50,000,000 road loan was i
passed for the second time, only to be i
killed at the general election in 1913. j
It was explained in connection with
the Wilson resolutiou that approxi- !
nuftely #,so<) miles of Htrite highways I
were provided for as the beginning !
of the State highway system and that
plans for approximately 1,500 miles
were added subsequently and that the ;
failure of the people to pass the con
stitutional amcudmcnt whereby $50,-
o*olo,ooo was to be made available to ,
complete this program left the State
Highway Department without sufficient
funds for the work. Much money al
ready spent will have been wasted and j
aigricultural and other interests of the
State retarded, the resolution says, if
something ie not done.
Text of the Wilson Resolution
There is now available for the use
of tihe Highway Department SBOO,OOO
for the purposes of repair, tthe resolu-
Continued on Seventh I'nicc.
House Rejects Wlldman Amendment
Which Would Have Included Har
risburg in Provision Now Applying
Only to Second Class Cities .
Municipal employes in third class
cities in Pennsylvania will have to do
without pensions. Successful opposi
tion to an amendment which made the
pension provisions of a second class
city bill apply to cities of the third !
class, such as Harrisburg, made it nec- j
essary to have the bill postponed when
it came up for final action. The pur
pose of the postponement was to strike
out the amendment.
Representative Wildman, of Harris
burg, who was responsible for the j
amendment, tried to have the bill
passed with its proviso for third class
cities but the sponsor, Representative
Geary, of Allegheny, fearing the whole
bill would be killed, had it postponed
by a vote of 97 to 37. When the bill
is next called up it will, apply only to
second class cities. The bill excludes
police aud firemen and requires that
the city and the employes affected
.jointly pay the cost of the operation of
the pension fund.
A second pension bill, backed by
the Pennsylvania State Association of
Chiefs of Police, provides that ten per
cent, of the State's money received
from liquor licenses be turned over to'
police pension funds throughout the
Commonwealth. It was defeated by a
f ontlnucd on Klevcnth I'agr.
That Is Asked of the State in Bill In
troduced by Wildman
Representative Wildman introduced
in the House last night an appropri
ation hill carrying $6,500, or so much
thereof as is necessary, for. the fire
companies in Harrisburg. This is the
usual measure to aid the Capital City
firemen, and is sent into the House in
a special bill because of objection made
last session to its being made a part of
the general appropriation bill.
Each fire company in the city usual
ly gets S2OO for two years, it requir
ing but $5,600 to pay them this
amount. Nine hundred dollars will be
lopped off the bill by the committee, it
is said.
©jc Star- Stikpewktti
Law and Order Committee Selects That
Date for Open Hearing on Option
Bill—Reported Plan to Kill Meas
ure on Second Beading
Tuesday, April 6, will witness a
gathering of the cold water cohorts in
Harrisburg, that beiug the date agreed
upon this morning Dy the Law and Or
der Committee of the House on which
to hold the public hearing on the lo
cal option bill.
The hearing will take place in the
hall of the House, and beside* the mem
bers of the committee is expected
there will be present many prominent
advocates of local option from !•-- parts
of the State.
Governor Brumbaugh has signified
his intention of being present, and it is
probable that he will take occasion to
make an address and reiterate his in
tention to make the passage of the 'bill
"a fight to the finish."
The committee took np other action
on local option and will not report the )
bill out until the Governor gives the
word. This may be next week, so that
the bill will be before the House when
the 'big meeting is held, but it is more
likely to be deferred until after the
cold water conclave.
Philadelphia will send a special train
for the open hearing and more than a
thousand Philadelphiaus are expected to
be present to impress the members of
the House from that city. Allegheny
county also will send a big delegation,
and from other parts of the State will
come friends of the local option meas
ure, all to impress the legislators.
The anti-local option people will be
represented by speakers, but it is not
known yet who t'hey will be. The State
Liquor league and" the State Brewers'
Association which has had representa
tives here for some time i .ay ask to 'be
heard and will keep watch on the bill
during its successive readings in the
It is said that an attempt will be
made to kill the bill in the House on
second reading in order to get it ont of
the way of other legislation, and this
can easily be done if the opponents of
local option can muster the 140 votes
they claim.
.Meanwhile Governor Brumbaugh is
continuing his local option crusade
among those members of fcne House re
ported to be opposing the bill.
It Materially Modifies the Present Cen
sorship Measure
A second bill tor the regulation of
the State Board o* Moving Picture Cen
sors, destined to become a substitute
tor the repealer, was introduced in'thu
House this morning bv Representative
1.-tidore Stern, of Philadelphia'.
It is an amendment to the act which
created the Board of Censors and re
duces the charge for censorship to 50
cents a picture, irrespective of the num
ber of films or reels. The law now in
force allows the censors to charge
$2.50 for each reel, no ma' er how
many reels are used to carry the same
The Stern bill will likely have the
preference in the committee, as the Ad
ministration is against the repealer
which was introduced in the State-wide
campaign on the part of the movie ex
hibitors against the censors.
The Stein equal rights bill, which
was negatived in committee, was
placed on the calendar of the House
by a decisive vote this morning. It
prohibits, under severe penalty, the ex
clusion of persons from places of ac
commodating and amusement for rea
sons of race, creed or color.
Martin Introduces Bill in Senate for
$175,000 Structure at Dalm&tia
Senator Martin, of Cumberland
county, introduced in the Senate to-day
a bill authorizing and regulating the
construction of a bridge over the Sus
quehanna river between Dalmatia,
Northumberland county, and McKees
Half Kalis, Snyder county, and McKees
priating $175,000 to pay for the struc
The bill provides that the bridge
shall connect with State highways on
both sides of the river. The State
Highway Department is to construct
the bridge and all contracts shall be
subject to such conditions as shall be
imposed by the Auditor General." No
part of the appropriation shall be avail
able until it be shown to the satisfac
tion of the Auditor General that sites
for piers, abutments and approaches to
said bridge have been provided without
expense to the State.
The bill was sent to the Committee
on Appropriations.
Witness To-dsty Collects Prom the Coun
ty Money He Earned in 1897
Eighteen years ago yesterday J. H.
Smith, of \Vayne Junction, Philadel
phia, testified in the Dauphin county
courts in a suit brought against Dr.
Silas C. Swallow, but only this morning
did Smith obtain his witness fees and
mileage allowance, totaling $11.60,
from the county treasury. j
Smith mentioned no reason for not
having collected the money before this,
but he did say he thought the amount
should have been larger. He was allow
ed five days' witness fees, or $5 —$1
a day only was paid at that time—
and three cents a mile for 220 miles.
In 1897 he tried to collect $25, but
his claim was rejected as being for
more than he earned.
Ex-President Will Be Entertained at
Executive Mansion April 15
Kx-President William Howard Taft
when he comes to this city April I's to
deliver hie lecture at the Technical
High school auditorium will be the
guest, of Governor Brumbaugh at the
executive mansion, it was learned to
If the Governor's official duties do
not interfere, he will introduce Pro
fessor Taft to the audience.
Crew of Mallory Line
Denver Taken Off
and Ship Abandoned
In Midocean
Ten Vessels Hurried to Scene of Dis
aster and 24 Hours Elapsed After
First Call for Assistance Before
Rescue Was Accomplished
" i
By Associated Press.
New York, March 24.—The Mallory
Line, owners of the American steamer
Denver, received information to-day of
the wireless message sent last night
from the steamer St. Louis announcing
that the Denver's crew had been taken
off and the Denver had been abandoned
1,300 miles cast of New York.
This information came in a wireless
message from Captain Avery of the
Denver. The message said that the
Denver had been abandoned in a sink
ing condition and Captain Avery and
his crew were aboard the » Atlantic
transport liner Manhattan and would
reach this port next Saturday.
Conflicting Wireless Message
A somewhat conflicting message
which stated that the Denver's captain
and his wife were aboard the steamer
Megantic was received by wireless to
day from G. E. Metcalf, the Megan
tic's captain, by the White Star Line.
The message read as follows:
"This afternoon rescued captain and
wife and 13 members of crew of steam
ship Denver, also Captain Smith, of
American steamer Aviland; M. I attan
has remainder, fifty-six."
There is no mention in maritime
records available here of the steamer
Aviland. White Star Line officials be
lieved that the Megantic's captain re
ferred to. Captain Smith, of the Amer
ican steamer Kvelyn, which was sunk
by a mine in the North Sea. They be
lieved that Captain Smith was return
ing home on the Denver, although the
Denver usually carried no passengers.
The total number of person* rescued,
according to the njessagu from the Me
gantic's comuinnJer, is 71.
The Denver sailed for New tYork
| from Breinerhaven on March 16, hav-
Cuntimieil on Kltvfath I'aire.
Unemployed Men Who Have Received
Help From the Directors of Poor
Will Be Asked to Assist
The Directors of the Poor this morn
ing pledged to the City Bureau of
Health their support in trying to make
the annual spring cleanup, which will
probably be held during the week be
ginning May 3, the most successful in
the history of the city. To that end
the Poor Board, which has aided more
than 700 families during the winter,
wil! ask the male heitds of those fami
lies, who aie out of employment, to
devote at least one day to cleaning up
back yards vacant lots and dumping
Dr. John M. J. Raunick, the city
health officer, said this morning he will
go before the Health Board at its meet
j ing to-night and have the week of May
3 fixed as the time for the cleanup. The
PeLnsylvauia Reduction .Company, con
tractors for collecting garbage and
ashes, will have an extra force of men
! on the job.
The work that the unemployed will
j do is intended as a means of recipro
cating for what the county and city
I have done for tnem. The county offi
| eials will feel disused to grant fur
| ther relief to those who join in the
cleanutp campaign, provided it be nec
Pennsylvanians Honored by Goethals
Include a Lancaster Man
(Special to the Star-Independent.)
New York, March 29. —In an official
order just promulgated in his monthly
report, Colonel George W. Goethals
names the .following Pennsylvanians as
having been among the one hundred
employes entitled to the Panama canal
service medals of honor awarded by
act of Congress for two, years' honor
able, faithful and continuous work on
the Panama canal or Panama railway:
Harris €. Smith, Philadelphia;
Charles W. Stine, Au'burn; Harry Bub
lev, Washington Boro, Lancaster coun
ty; Clifton Deforce, Lincoln Place;
Amos W. Fox, Corsica; Prank L Reese,
Dubois; Thomas, W. Histon, William P.
Rankin, Pittsburgh, and Waildo A.
Reiszner, Philadelphia.
Work On Structure For Use of Men
and Boys to Begin in Few Weeks
Thomas T. Wier'man, chairman of
the John Y. Boyd memorial building
committee of Pine Street Presbyterian
church, announced to-day that work
on the building on South street, ad
joining the church will be started in
several weeks.
The structure was provided for in
the will of John Y. Boyd. The sum of
fifty thousand dollars was given for
the purpose. The building will be
equipped with a library, reading room,
gymnusium and bowling alleys, for the
use of men and boys.
Says State Cannot Now Afford to Build
the Proponed Two Wings—Thinks
Consolidation of Four Departments
Will Save Needed Space
The project to obtain an appropria
tion from the present Legislature for
an enlargement of the Capitol by
'building two rear wings for office pur
poses and thus make room for the of
fices that at { sent are scattered
throughout the city,>has 'been abandoned,
it was learned to-day, chiefly for the
reason that in the last meeiting of the
Board of Public Buildings and Grounds
the proposal was not favorably received
by the Governor. 'He is afraid the State
finances will not admit of constructing
the addition at present. The Governor
thinks, also, that by a consolidation of
four departments, as is proposed in the
plan to establish a I>epartment of Con
servation, mor room will 'be obtained.
Under this plan the Game, "Pish, For
estry and Water Departments would
'be thrown into one department.
It has not bean explained how four
! departments can be thrown into one,
! with the same number of employes to
! do the work, and room made for offices
' that are now on the outside.
However, the plan to enlarge the
I Capitol has been abandoned for the
| present, and it may not be heard of
j again until the next legislative session.
Heart of Business Section Is Menaced
When Flames Destroy Old
Woomer Property
i (Special to the Star-Independent.)
Lebanon, Pa., March 24.—Lebanon
! barely escaped a disastrous fire this
afternoon, when an old barn filled with
grain and other stuff at the rear of the
! property formerly owned by the late
' Congressman E. M. Wooiner, at Straw
berry avenue and Seventh street, in the
i main business section of the city, was
' found to be ou fire. Most of the frame
' building was destroyed, causing loss of
more than $ 1,000.
Fortunately the fire occurred in day
time instead of night. Otherwise much
of the city's most valued real estate
would have been in fireat danger of de
ist ruction.
The fire occurred in this city's oldest
I Section, near the new Federal build
j ing. The volunteer firemen did fine
work and saved thousands of dollars
j worth of property.
Others of Ebersole Family Are Burned
When Flames Attack Farm
House Near Lebanon
(Special to the Star-Independent.)
Lebanon, Pa., March 24.—Fire at
| noon to-day destroyed the farm house
of Tobias Bomberger on the old
; Horse Show Turnpike, near Fontaua,
j this county, and one of the little chil
: dren of Henry Ebersole, tenant, was
I burned to death.
Several others of the family of Mr.
j Ebersole were either bodiy burned or
S had close calls from death. At the
j time of the fire the father of the child
' that perished was in this city attend
;ing to business. The fire is said to have
been caused 1 by the children playing
! with kerosene. It was the second
| blaze within a few months on the Bom
berger farm.
Cold Water Forces Cannot Go Into
Court to Oppose the Perry
County Appeal
The appeal of Howard A. Keim, pro
prietor of a New Germantowu Perry
county, hotel, who in a test case taken
to the State Superior Court attacks the
I ruling of Judge W. N. .Seibert in which
I the court refused to grant the Perry
county liquor licenses, involves a case
1 which, Harrisburg attorneys said to
i day, is a proceeding that cannot be
opposed when argued befpre the ap
pellate court, which will probably be
during the week of April 19, next.
This unusual situation arises out of
the fact that the Keim license was one
of two that had not been opposed by
remonstrants in the Perry county li
cense court. Consequently bhere now
is no attorney on record to oppose it
when taken before the higher court.
Further, it was learned in the office of
William Pearson, Superior Court Pro
thonotary, the nine other Perry county
hotel men who are directly interested
in the Keim appeal—even though t'he
Keim case be decided favorably to the
hotel man —cannot benefit by the de
cision unless they, too, take appeals.
"His Love Story," by Marie Van
Vorst, will begin in the Star-Inde
pendent to-morrow. It is a tale of
love and adventure, centering around
a young captain in the French army
and an American girl; he, of course,
courageous and she beautiful. The
part played in the story by a little
Irish terror with almost human in
telligence adds to the thrilling in
terest of the unfolding tale.
pun lis
DUE i scon
U. S. Brigadier General
Tells How He Induc
ed Bad Red Men to
General Scott Hm Indians Tell Him
Their Troubles and He in Turn Ex
plains Him Their "Good
White Father"
B/j Associated Press,
Thoniiwons, Utah, March 24.—Seated
at the head of the table, Brigadier Gen
eral Hug»h L. Scott, chief of staff of
the United States army, at the little
hotel at Thompsons, served foor docile
and apparently happy Indians at dinner
last night. The Indians, who had been
pursued by a posse headed by U. S.
Marshal Nebeker for two weeks, sur
rendered to General Scott near Bluff
last week. The Indians were Old Polk,
chief of one of the divisions of the
renegade Piutes; Tse-Ne-Gat, son of Old
Polk, who is charged with murder; Old
Posev, chief of the other division of
renegades, ,and a sou of Posey. All of
the Indians referred to General Scott
in their Piute tongue as their Good
White Father.
Story of the Pacification
General Scott's story of the pacifica
tion of the Indians follows: "We left
Washington on March 3 to come here to
attempt to settlo a misunderstanding.
With me were Lieutenant Colonel Rob
ert E. L. Michie, mv aid-de-camp, and
Trooper P. R. Randolph of the Fifth
cavalry, my orderly. We reached
Thompsons on March 8, and went to i
Bluff, going by automobile, wagon,
sleigh, horseback and on foot. At Bluff
we learned tliat Polk and Posey and
their Indians had gone to the Navajo
mountains, some 125 miles west of
Bluff. We staved a day in Bluff and
then went to Mexican Hat on tho San
Juan river, twenty-eight miles west of
"We sent a friendly Piute, called
Jim's Boy, out to tell the Piutes that
I wanted to see Rome of them j
camo in near where we were camped,
but it was not until the third day any
dared to come to the camp.
"Posey and jfour other Indians then
came into camp. We talked' a little
Continued on Klrvnth Pave.
Theodore Murray, Who Lives With
Grandmother, Is Sent to Sani
tary Hospital
Theodore Murray, 23 years old, a
son of Alderman and Mrs. C. E. Mur
ray, 113 South Third street, but who
lives with his grandmother at 251 1-2
Hummel street, this morning was dis
covered to be suffering from smallpox
and he wus taken to the sanitary hos
pital, near the almshouse. The home
of Mtb. Elizaifeth Leakwav, the grand
mother, with whom young Murray
lived during the last nine years, at
once was put under quarantine.
A number of First ward residents
with whom Murray came in contact
are being kept under surveilance and
in all cases the necessary precautions
are beinig taken with respect to vac
cination and home fumigation. Health
authorities this afternoon were of tho
opinion that they will have several
additional smallpox aases to deal with.
Whether tho disease was imported or
had its origin in this city, had not
been determined this afternoon by the
authorities who are investigating.
The patient has not been in contact
with hi« parents since last week. How
ever, Alderman Murray said he will
gladly submit to be vaccinated if
thought necessary, by the health au
thorities. The condition of young Mur
ray is not alarming.
Bichloride of Mercury Victim May Die,
Say Physicians
Suffering from the effects of bich
loride of mercury poison, which she
claims she took in mistake for medi
cine, Effie Dinsmore, 664 Calder street,
was admitted to the Harrisburg Hos
pital in a serious condition early this
morning. Late this afternoon she ap
peared to be in good condition but phy
sicians, fear that later on the poison
may prove fatal.
It is believed by physicians that
she took the poison with suicidal intent
as this is the second time she has re
cently been admitted. On the former
occasion she drank iodine.
At Own Bequest Quits National Guard
With Bank of Captain
Lieutenant 'Charles P. Meek, adjutant
of tho Second ijquadroii of Fiftih Regi
ment of Calvary, has been retired from
active service in the National Guard
with the rank of captain at hiis own
■ request, according to an announcement
from the Adjutant General's office
made this morning.
Captain Mock has served in either
the calvary or infantry branches of
tho guard for the last thirty-two years.
IHe served in the Governor's Troop as
first lieutenant for fifteen years and
is retired as captain because be was
commissioned in What, grade as com
mander of the Second Governor's Troop
in 1898.
The expected landed attack on the
Dardanelles fortifications in conjunc
tion with the operations of the allied
fleet, probabably will be inaugurated
soon. It is reported from Athens that
troops conveyed to the Dardanelles on
transports were landed yesterday on
the Oallipoll peninsula and that the
general attack by land and sea will be
made on the arrival of the French and
warships now on the way to reinforce
the fleet. Bombardment of the Turkish
forts la said to have been resumed yes
It Is announced ofllclally at Petro
grad that the Germans in Northern
Poland have virtually abandoned their
attempt to capture Oesowetz, the fort
ress on which the invaders centered
their efforts to break through the Rus
sian chain of defenses. It is said that
all but four heavy German batteries
have been withdrawn from Ossowetz
after having failed in their efforts to
reduce the Russian forts.
Dispatches from Austrian sources
state that war with Italy is now re
garded by Austria-Hungary as prob
able. According to these advices large
numbers of Austrian troops are being
sent to the Italian border, where elabo
rate preparations for defensive opera
tions are under way.
A Rome newspaper says that every
member of the Chamber of Deputies is
convinced Italy must act energetically
even to the point of facing " a su
preme struggle" to realize the nation's
What is described in Berlin as one
of the greates tbattles of the eastern
campaign has developed in the Carpa
thians. For months the opposing armies
have been contending for the moun
tain passes, definite possession of which
by the Russians would expose Hungary
to the danger of invasion. The Berlin
reports say the present battle has not
yet reached a stage where success for
either side is indicated.
The French war office announced
that the Belgian army has made gains
along the Yser. Aside from this move
ment the only change of note was in
the Vosges, where the French claim to
have obtained a considerable section
of the German front.
The British admiralty announced !
that Ave aeroplanes had made a sue
cessful raid on the German submarine
plant at Hoboken, near Antwerp. Two
submarines in course of construction
as well as the works, are believed to
have been damaged considerably.
Berlin, March 24, Wireless to
Sayville—Reports from tlio Carpathian
mountains indicates that one of the
greatest and most sanguinary battles
of the campaign is now ragirog. A spe
cial correspondent of the "Lokal
Anzeiger" telegraphs:
"The great Woody battle is now in
full swing in t'he Carpathians. It has
not yet. reached a point where a definite
judgment can be passed on the events
at any point. The conflict is likely to
be waged some days yet with equal
fierceness by both sides. The next
few days probubly will see the released
Przemysl investment army engaged in
this struggle.
"Conditions to the north of the Vis
tula river and along the Bug and Narew
line appear to have changed not at all
Washington, March 24.—American
Consul F. W. Smith stationed at
Batum, Russia, and who now is at Tif
lis, informed the State Department to
day that American missionaries and
refugees were in danger at Urumiah,
Persia, where the Turkish consul, Rag
hib Bey, at the head of 700 Askaris,
was recently reported to have led an
uprising against the American mission.
Washington, March 24.—Acting on
advices from The Hague that the
steamer Klfland, flying the flag of the
Beligian relief commission, had beeu
endangered by a bomb from a German
aeroplane off the Dutch coast, Secre
tary Bryan said to-day the State De
partment was considering making rep
resentations to Berlin.
Man Arrested in . Worinleysburg and
Woman HeTe For Queer Actions
Burgess J. Fred Hummel, of Worin
leysburg, this morning took into cus
tody, Richard Lawson, of Harrisburg,
whose peculiar actions fri'ghtened per
sons on the street. iHe was seeking a
"little bit," and was asking every
body he met for it. The burgess came
to the conclusion that he was suffering
from lack of 'some dope he had been
accustomed to and brought him to
Harris'burg. He was committed to jail
for safe keeping.
At 1.45 o'clock Emma Houser, hat
less and coatless, got off a Third street
car in Market square, in a iliazed con
dition demanding to be hurried to the
hospital. Policeman Shoemaker, on
duty in the square, took her to the po
lice station, where it was learned that
she had taken dope and was crazed by
it, the police say. She wus cpmmitted
to jail for safe keeping. The police are
at a loss to account for the fact that
she apparently had taken do|>e of some
kind, unless she had access to a supply
laid in before the anti-drug law went
into effect.
Troops Landed Prom
Transports in the
Gulf of Saros, Says
Athens Dispatch
Bombardment of the Turkish Fortifica
tions in the Dardanelles Renewed
Yesterday Morning at 10 O'clofck—
Mine Sweepers Accompany Warships
Loudon, Mari'li 24, 3.20 A. M.—A
force of allied troops was landed oil
the peninsula of yesterday
from transports in the Gulf of iiaros,
according to a dispatch from Athens to
the '' Daily Express.''
| A general attack upon the fortifiea
! tioi's of tbe Dardanelles is to be under
i taken immediately on the arrival of fur
j ther French and British warships now
jon their way to join the attacking
| squadron.
The last concerted effort against the
! Dardanelles positions occurred six days
i ago on Mar oh IS. This day's action re
sulted in the loss of three battleships.
Reviewing the situation, military ex
perts in liondon and elsewhere have ex
pressed freely their belief that to open
the straits the marine f'j*"er must bo
well supported on land. It has been ~aid
lately that a strong detachment of
: French troops was on its way to tho
■ Dardanelles.
The Oallipoli peninsula is life north
ern or European side of the Dardanelles.
At its head it is not more than three or
four miles wide. If this neck of land
were effectively held by the allies,
Turkish communication with the strong
positions on the peninsula would be im
A dispatch from Athens received by
way of Paris says an all-ed fleet resumed
the bombardment of the Dardanelles
yesterday morning.
Paris, .Vfafch 24, 5 A. M.—Bombard
ment of the Turkish fortifications in
the Dardanelles was resumed at 10
o'clock yesterday morning by an allied
fleet, according to an Athens dispatch
to the Havas Agency. Tbe warships
were accompanied in the straits by a
number of mine sweepers.
Berlin, March 24, Bv Wireless to
Sayville.—At army headquarters the
following statement was given out:
"In Champagne there were only ar
tillery duels. In the forest of Lepre
tre, northwest of Pont-a-Mousson, the
enemy attempted to win back ground
gained by the Germans, but were re
pulsed. Fightiing is in progress at
Hart manns-Weilerkopf.
"German troops are pursuing the
retrewting Russians northward of Me
mel, East Prussia. They captured near
Po lan ge;i 500 Russians and took thro*
gunn and three rapid-tirers. (Quantities
of cattle, horses and goods were stolen
by the Russians. Near Daugzargen,
southwest of Tauroggen and northeast
of Muriampol, Kussian attacks were re
pulsed. Fighting is in progress at
Northwest of Ostrolenka several Rus
sian attacks failed. Here we captured
20 officers, more than 2,300 men and
! five machine guns. Eastward of Plock
several charges of the enemy failed.
"The German army expresseti cor
dial thanks to the gallant garrison at
Przemysl which, after four mouths of
defense full of sacrifices, could be ov«r
powered only by hunger."
British Ban Supplies From Neutral*
Washington, March 24. —All Brit
ish cruisers, not only in American
waters, but in the Caribbean, Pacific,
and South Atlantic, have been ordered
to refrain from taking supplies from
neutral countries in order to avoid
breaches of neutrality.
By Associated Press,
New York, March 24.—Profit tak
ing and renewal of short selling caused
some substantial recessions in the late
trading. closing wag steady.
Stocks to-day rose to their best average
prices since last December on a contin
uance of active and broad operations