(r f ; 1 •. 1 ; y 1 The Star-Independent Gives Away 2 Orpheum Tickets Daily The Name of the Person to Whom They Will Be Awarded To=day is , Somewhere Among the Classified Ads On This Page Perhaps you are the lucky person. Look until you find out. If you cret ths tickets please call for them before 8 o'clock to-morrow evening or they will be forfeited. (Thesetfiames are drawn from the Directory by a blindfolded girl.) i < . J ' I Salt and Exchange j FOB BALE FOR S.VL.E—One old grandfather's I clock; 155 years old. In Rood condi tion; an exceptional bargain. Apply " MKS. J. >l. nouti. 1136 Christian St..! Harrisburg. Pa. \ ——— ! POK SAl..K—Will sacrifice mahogany SS-note player-piano like new. includ- I lng mueic cnbinet, bench, scarf, and 40 rolls of music, for $3:3. Address M.. i care Star-Independent. | C. W. H. I.A>GI.KT*. I.unb»p—We «r» I overstocked with all kinds and grades of lumber and we can oiler you big bargains. It will pay you to see us. Oiace Cameron and Mulberry Sts. ATI'I'BLIO SALE. at i\>OV KU'S. north I end of Oillsburg. on Wednesday, .it 12.30 p. in., nine he.ul of welt brtHl horses and marcs. Also 75 head of tine bred hogs and brood sows. Also cows and heifers. j HAVING received new Lester piano on: a business deal, will sell same to re liable party at a bargu.n on monthly payment. Address M. C 8., 3723, care J Star-Independent. I'OR SAUK—White enamel bed. .prints and mattress, in good condition. Nine dollars. Apply 1315 Howard St. FOR SAL.K—New baby gr.iml piano, for •alance on loah: highest >;radc make; lnentn!* payments accepted. Address J. I'.. 3123. cars Star-Independent. I'OR SAI.::- I.o. : yring nouse, full or! roomeis. within two blocks of Market Square. $Mu ish. A bargain to Quick buyer. reasons for selling. Ap pli JAMi.'S STINK:;. Agent, St. Jauies l»ot1 y S. l-'ront s:.. sood for the even iii': ;>e. foi ni.rtu • ..t the Orpheuin, March i 5. IS>l*. Call ti. Ucts at Star-Inde- I'enaent urfW »elore » p. m. March "H, j913, or they will be forfeited. FOR SAUK—ldeal china kiln. Standard sewing machine. Will be sacrificed if sold beloi • April \ls:. 234 L*xust St., sieelton. Fa. FOR SAUK—A four-passenger FORD TOURING CAK. at second cost to | j on. A bargain scidoin offered. Apply , ST.'l, care Star-Independent. FOR SAL.E—'Match team road horses, rubber tired Jenny Uiiui, rubber tired surrey, both good as new; market wag- | on and six sets harness, i.14 Lincoln street, Steelton. Fa. Bell phone < Lost and Found - FOUND. FOUND—The way to end your cleaning and dyeing worries by calling either phone for E-rgert's Steam Dyeing sfad French Cleaning Works. 1245 Market St. We call and deliver. FOUND—A decided improvement in my appearance since having my clothing cleaned and pressed at Parisian Dye Works, 1403 N. Third. Branch, Hoffman- Kerns, 337 Chestnut. Bell phone. Call ing and delivering. - - ? 1 LOST I/XST—White and brindle bull dog: ; male; small round spot in center of i head. Reward if returned to 1551 j tara St. —I ? Legal * Proposal for School Supplies nod Printing Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals for the furnishing of school supplies consisting of stationery, Jan itors - implements, etc.. drawing sup plies for the grade schools and for j printing blanks and blank books for! the public schools of the City of Harrls luirg, will be received by tiio Board of School Directors of the School District ! of the City of Harrisburg. Pa., until Friday, April 2. 1913. at 12 o'clock, noon. Copies of schedules will be furnished i On application to the undersigned. D. D. HAMMEDBAUGH. Secretary. No. 121-123 Cheetnut street. Harrisburg, Pa. NOTlCE—Uetters of administration tes- ! tanientary on the estate of William J Mehring. late of the city of Harris buri. Dauphin county, u*., deceased, having be«in granted to I residing in City of Harrisburg, all per- I sons indebted to said estate are re- | quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present! them for settlement. . WIUHELM J. MEHRING. JR.. Administrator, 1901-1903 N. Sixth St I JAMES A. STRANAHAN, Attorney. t I r ll 1 - - -i. ; For Rent Warehouse and j Storage Space Two floods (44,000 sq. ft.) or | parts thereof, in the new Emerson- j \ Brant ingliam Implement <"o. build ing at Tenth and Market Sts. j Elevator service P. R. R. siding in the building. j Apply to [ MILLER BROTHERS & CO. HARRISBURG, PA. L V I Real Estata REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ! I'OR SALK—S 1 SOO will buy a frame i house, 8 rooms, hot water h»at. lot 31 i xl»T«, good location. Also other proper* , ties on easy payment. BKLL RK.VLTTf I CO.. Bergner Building. $2200 will buy a 65-acre farm along , P. R. R„ 3 miles from Millerstown. 1 All details regarding this farm, picture of buildings, etc.. are available at BKIJJ ! REALTY CO.. Bergner Building. i I'X)R SALE—-3 houses on Jefferson St.. ; at reduced price*; part brick con i struction, 6 rooms and bath, finished third floor, also 1 new brick home with | all improvements, near the central part of the city; also building lots near Pen j brook. 30x150; reduced In order to close j them out: also building lots at River side and Paxtang. For terms and prices apply to S. 11AUDKMAN & CO.. Carpen ters and Builders, 3222 N. Sixth St.. i Harrisburg, Pa. Also job carpenter ' work promptly and neatly attended to ; by calling Bell phone 362';J3. 68-AORiE FARM, 3 miles from Golds j boro, for sale, together with stock I and implements: house, barn and other i buildings in good condition: variety of fruit; good water. Possession at once. HKUK REALTY CO.. Bergner Building. I'XIR SALK—No. 91H S. 204 St.; frame house: ;i roonfs. bath. gas. porches, fruit: lot stable; chicken house. Particulars .it BELL REALTY CO.. Bergner Building. FOR SALE —Some new brick: 7-roons j and bath: gas and electric light; steam heat: hardwood finish, for s27*o. Can be bough: for SIOO and easy month ly payments. H. G. PEDLOW, 110 S. j Thirteenth St. I ONLY THREE of those new brick houses left, that can be bought for SSO cash and balance on payments of MS.9O per month. H. G. PEDLOW, 110 S. Thirteenth St. FOR SALE—77 acres, 7 miles from Har risburg. one-fourth mile from Carlisle pike, on Silver Spring road. 2 miles from Mechanlcsburg; level limestone soil; brick and franc dwelling: frame bank barn; tenant house and stable; 6 lime kilns ill running order; running water. BR INTON-PACKER CO.. Second and j Walnut Sts. I ; I FOR SALE —Fine new homes at River -1 side; all Conveniences, large porches; also No. Jcl Green street; tine large I home, side alley; steam heat. E. MOES LEIN. 4.*4 State St.; U M. NKIFFKR, I 222 Market St. iCASSEUU H44 Regina, ofTers ISJ3, 1713, 1525. 1430 Regina; 173-240 N. Fif teenth; 1607 Market; 1350-1402 North; farm 156 acres, $2,600. Also Penbrook properties. TOR SALE—At once, double frame | house, east end Highspire; cellar heat, bath, hoi and cold water, electric light, ! lots 25x120; half square from trolley; ; country luxuries with city conveniences. ; Will sell singly. If looking for g-ood paying. safe investment or pleasant home, investigate this Sure to increase .in value. A bargain for someone. Rea ; son for selling, leaving this section of state. See owner, on premises, R. J. SIMINGTON, Eshelman St.. near Frank . lin. | FOR SALE— -21Q31Q31Q3 N. Third St. —northeast corner Third and Maclay streets; 3-story brick; I IS rooms, 2 baths, lot 115x210. - 4 4 S N. Sixth St.—2 4 - story frame cot tage; 6 rooms, bath and furnace; single property: lot 10x150. BRINTON-PACKER CO., Second and Walnut Streets. FOR SALE—Bargains if bought while vacant: 3-story brick. State St. 3-story brick, IJOO block, Walnut. 3-story brick, N. Eighteenth. 3-story brick. Evergreen. New 3-story brick. Maclay, 3-story brick, Muench. 2-story brick, Fourth. 3-story brick, Curtin. Two suburban store properties. KOUGH, BRIGHTBILL KLINE. Sixth and Reily. 1 MY PROPERTY. No. 153 North Cath ! erlne street, Middletown, Pa. Harrls- I burg electric cars pass every twenty i minutes. Apply to J. W. FORTNEY, j 171 S. Front St., Steelton. Pa. j FOR SAUE—City and suburban homes and home sites; first class business propositions. KOUGH, BRIGHTBILL & KLINE, Sixth and Reily Sts Both phones. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT—Second floor front room; electric light and use of bath; cen trally located, on South street near Third. 233 South St. FARMS FOR RENT U\ND TO LEASE for trucking; rich soil, near city; rare opportunity. Farmers, know-hows, get busy; pull toe stuff, attend maiTset, make money. EU MER ZIMMERMAN, 1435 Walnut, Har risburg. REAL ESTATE WANTED I WANTED—To buy farm, any size and location. Also road house and hotel. Write complete details. Brionne, 23 , UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT ' TOR RENTs—Two or three unfurnished rooms, suitable for light housekeep j ing: steam heat; electric light, gas and | use of bath. 61S Camp St. ! REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT j HOUSES FOR RENT and Hi-story ! dwelling houses for sale. Elder Real ! E3tate Co.. 24th and Perry Sts ~ ROOMS WANTED (ROOM WANTED—'Refined youngf lady ' desires room; Hill location; state I terms. Address 3725, care Star-Inde . pendent WANTED—To rent two or three-room apartment, unfurnished, with private 1 bath; man and wife; no children. Ad ! dress 3722, care Star-Independent. | - _ FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. ! NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, on second i floor, corner room, well lighted and i heated: all improvements. 114 Wasli i ington St. ] FOR RENT—New furnished front rooms , fsclng Capitol Park; stationary wash I stands hot and cold running water; . electric light In each room; also use of | phone and large bath. Apply 41A North | street. HABRISBTTftQ STAR-INDEPENDENT, TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 23, 1915. Real Estata ■ * REAL ESTATE FOR RENT APARTMENTS 1330 Derry. 3rd floor $35.00 1317 Derry, 2nd floor $35.00 IS 15 Market. $30.00 2-'<9 S. 13th. ...$30.00, $32.50 and $35.00 1216 Market. $21.50 226-2iR S. 19th—HOFSKS $25.00 1214-1447 Berryhill $22.50 1202 Market $22.50 IS3 S. Fourteenth St $20.0t) SSO S. lsti, alt improvements $15.00 1847 Derry, 4 large rooms, imp... .$ll.OO 1440 Vernon $ll.OO 1320 N. Front, for colored. $ll.OO IS3O Berryhill St.. 3 rooms. SS.OO HARVEY T. SMITH. 20« S. ISth. Bell 248 M. FOR RENT—K three-story brick, all improvements. 1713 N. Third street. Apply 1100 N. Fr®nt. FOR RENT—An 8-room house. 31" Hamilton street. Apply to 1101 N. Front street. FOR RENT—2OS State St.; three-story brick house: modern Improvements. Steam heat. Electric light. Imjuire 1904 N. Second St, Bell phone 228411. FOR REXT—A $40.00 HOUSE FOR $35.00. For business reasons 1 must leave the city at oiu-e; will sublet I!H4 Mar ket street, for one year at per month. It is a modern, I new, 9-room house, all conven iences, newly decorated, lived in only two months. Possession April 1. Inquire at once. J. A. Andrews, Bell phone 2553. j HOUSE FOR RENT, 1115 Market street. , 9 rooms, bath and steam heat; newly papered. Inq'ilre 111S Market St. FOR RENT—No. 1011 N. Third St.— House and store room; all conven iences; steam heat. No. 1118 N. Fourteenth St.; corner of Cumberland street; all improvements; back and front stairs: large front porch; a fine location. C. H. ORCUTT, 267 Cumberland St. FOR RENT—Private rooms for house hold goods, in new fireproof building. Clean and safe. Inspection invited. 437- 445 S. Second St. HARRISBURG S7IOR AGE COMPANY. FOR RENT—I9II Market street; mod ern three-story brick dwelling, all Im provements; hard wood floors; furnish ed throughout with window shades and screens. Apply 1909 Market street. Bell phone 2803 R. FOR RENJ: —Houses with all improve ments, Ut moderate rentals. -J. E. OIPPLE. 1251 Market St. APARTMENTS FOR RENT REDUCED RENTS—Three modern, im proved 7-roem apartments for rent to adults. All conveniences. Location 239 S. Thirteenth St Apply on premises or phone 2283U WANTED TO RENT WANTED—A large store room near Market street, west of railroad, for immCilia:, possession n- possession M » Ist. Address, full particulars, M. It. C.. 3724, care Star-Independent. Death and Obituary DIED. MOYER—On Saturday, March 20. 1915, at his Sate residence, 325 Hummel street, William S. Mover, aged 67 years. 10 months and 15 days. Funeral on Tuesday evening at 7.30 o'clock, from liis late residence, 325 Hummel street. Relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. Interment at Pinegrove, Pa. Body will be taken to Pinegrove, where further services will be held Wednes day morning. JULIUS —On Sunday morning. March 21, 1915, Daniel Julius, aged 89 years, 1 month and 9 days. ~ Funeral service Tuesday evening at 7.30 o'clock, at ihe residence of his son, tieorge 11. Julius, No. 106-Hoemer street. Relatives and friends are invited to at tend without further notice. Further service and burial at Elliottsburg. Perry county. Pa.. Wednesday, leaving P. H. R. station at 7.55 a. m. Perry county papers please copy. IN MEMORIAM. IN SAD BI T LOVING REMEMBRANCE at our dear mother, Mrs. Kltha May Hut man. and daughter of Mrs. Caro line and late Daniel Etter, who de parted this life one year ago to-day. Our dearest friend thou hast left us, And thy loss we deeply feel; But it is God that hath bereft us, He can all our sorrows heal. —Her Mother and Children. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. George Bennett and fam ily, 2313 Jefferson street, desire to ex press their grateful appreciation to their friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted them in their recent be- Vicissitudes of Warsaw No city in Europe has known so many changes of masters as Warsaw. Founded about the year 850, it was capital of the independent dukr.iom of Mazovia until the fifteenth century, when it was annexed by Poland. In the seventeenth century its possession was contended for by Sweden, Rus sia, Austria and Brandenburg, until, in 1764 Russia practically annexed it. Ia 17,95 the >-'ity was handed over to Prussia, but Napoleon occupied it in 1806, and at the peace of Tilsit War saw was proclaimed an independent duchy. In 1809 the Austrians seized the city, but lost it again, and after another brief spell of independence the city passed finally to Russia in 1813.—London Chronicle. LAWYERS' PAPER BOOKS Printed at this office in best style, at lowest prices and on short notice. Waits HELP WANTED—MALB YOUNG MKN to prepare for government examinations. Thorough private coach ing for all branches of Civil Service. Have a few open dates. Address P. O. Box 4SI, llarrlsburg, Pa. PAINTERS AND PAPERiHANOERS WANTED—To sell wall paper from sample hooks. We are the largest wholesale wall paper house In Central Pennsylvania and carry the largest line of cheap and medium priced papers on the market. We attribute our suc cess to our low prices, prompt slilp- I ments and fair dealings. Let us send I you our 1915 line of samples on ap proval. Write to-day to Monarch Wall Paper Co.. 420 Market St., llarrlsburg, : Pa. ARMY OF UNITED STATES. MEN WANTED: Ablebodled unmarried men between age of 18 and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For information apply to Recruiting Officer, Bergner Building, 3d & Market »ts., rlairiHbiirg. (s N Queen St. Lancaster. 353 Pine St., Willlamsport. 37 W. Mar ket St.. York, or 113 Independence SU shamoKin, Pa. v ABLE-BODIED MEN: good eye-sight, 1 for firemen and brakemen; $120.00 j monthly. Experience _ unnecessary, i Railway, care Star-Independent. I To join our Pressing Club —Your Suits ! steamed and pressed ami kept In shape | for one dollar a month (four suits a month). This Special Price is for six months only. See us now and save money. Drop us a card and we will i call. The 20th Century Cleaning and i Dyeing Works. 225 Market street, above I Palace Confectionery, • SAM ADEL j STEIN, Manager. THOUSANDS of chauffeurs will be ' needed within three or four months, in the city of llarrlsburg, for public j taxicab service. Prepare yourself at ! once. Make application for training to jAuto Transportation and Machine Shop, I 5 and 7 North Cameron St., HarrisburM Pa. Full, unlimited course, $35. Both phones. WANTED—Men prepare as firemen, brakemen. motormen, colored porters. Pennsylvania railroads. Experience not ! necessary. |su to sloO month. Write • Inter Railway Dept. 101, Indianapolis, Ind. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. YOUNG MAN. 21 years of age, wishes a | position as chauffeur; private family ! desired; can furnish best ot reference. ' Address W. P. OMMERT, Williamson, ; l'a. j AN experienced truck and commercial car operator desires employment at ! once. Address WILLIAM SHEARER, 1 Oberlin, PU. | FIRST-CLASS COOK wants position in , hotel or cafe, in or out of town. Call lor write <>3B Briggs street. 1 MAN wants trimming and pruning. Ad dress 1012 N. Nineteenth St. YOUNG MAN. IS years of ase, wants work of any kind; not afraid of hard • work. Address 2017 Wallace St. I YOUNG MAN, 21 years old, wishes to learn baroer trade, or to work in ' store. DALLAS MOWREY, P. O. Box i 262. Newville, Pa. i WOULD like position as janitor or ele vatorman; well experienced; can fur nish best of reference. Call or address j 007 Sarah St., City. | MACHINIST and draughtsman wants situation; if not in own line, willing to lake anything; can furnish best of ! reference. Address 3716. care Star-In j dependent. ! MAN wishes work of any kind in store or restaurant; good education and steady. Can give good reference. Ad dress "N," 182 a Briggs St.. City. Phone 2955 W. j A 2 HELP WANTED—MALE AND FE MALE BILLY SUNDAY'S MESSAGE—SeIIing like wildfire. We need more men and women to help distribute. Full \ time or spare time. Wholesale Supply House. 25 North Third St.. top floor. HELr WANTED— FEMALE. DINING ROOM waitress and female help wanted at once. Apply at HERSHEV HOUSE, 327 Market street. WANTED—For Easter rush, at once. jacket and skirt operator and Skirt pressei. Apply WITMER, BAIR & WIT MEH. WANTED Girls over 16 years of age to learn cigar making. Paid while learn ing. Apply at Harrisburg Cigar Company, 500 Race street. - SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE. A YOUNG LADY would like general housework or day work. Call or ad dress 1005 N. Third St. WANTED —Young lady wishes position in office, can give reference. Call or write 1249 Market street. j WANTED —'Young lady wants work by the day or week, in private family. Apply 1005 X. Third. COLORED WOMAN wants'days work or washing and ironing; will do office cleaning; can furnish reference. Ad dress 1417 Marion St. WANTED—Washing and ironing to do at home. Call or write to 647 Wood bine street. WANTED—Young lady wishes a posi tion as assistant matron or as attend ant in an institution; experienced. Apply 2026 Green street. I MIDDLE-AGED colored woman would like to have day's work or cooking. Apply at 28 Linden street. WANTED —A young woman would like general housework or day'B work. Call or address BEttSIE BROWN, 1005 N. Third St- WHITE GIRL would like position to do general housework, 319 Briggs. Can furnish city reference. Harrisburg Hospital Tllo Hhrrisburg Hospital is open daily except Sunday, between 1 and 2 o'clock p. m. for dispensing medical advice and prescriptions to those unable to pay for them. RMscillninis " rOBNITOBE PACKING PACKING —"A. H. SHRUNK. 190« North Sixth street, first class packer of fur niture, china and brlcabrac. Bell phone imv. W. J. WENRICH. 339 Hamilton street- Furniture, china and piano packing Shipments looked after at both end* Also all kinds of hauling. Bell phone 3327 W. STORAGE. STORAGE in 1-story brick building, rear 408 Market St. Household goods In clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. 'Apply to P. U. DIENER. Jeweler, tos Market St. FIRE-PROOF STORAGE warehouse, di vided Into private rooms for storage of household goods. New building. Low insurance. Inspection invited. 437-145 South Second street. HAitIUSBUKU STORAGE CO. FREIGHT DRAYAGE. storage, shippers and distributors of merchandise of all kinds; prompt and efficient service. Warehouses on P. it R. and p. is K. tracks. MONTGOMERY <£ CO., Pelpher Line, Tenth below Market St. RAZOR BLADES ALL KINDS of razor blades rosharpen ed; made better tlmii new; safety, 200 per uoxen; Star, lie; old style, 25c; leave orders Henry Gilbert & Soils' Hardware, 219 Market street. . 1 " MONEY TO LOAN WE LEND MONEY IN ANY AMOUNTS Payments to suit borrower. Small loans a specialty. Positively lowest rates in the city. Up-to-date methods. Licensed, bonded and incorporated. PENNA. INVESTMENT CO. 133 Walnut Street MOST MONEY LOANED—On Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Firearms, Musical Instruments. Highest cash prices for old gold and sliver. Repairing a spe cialty. CITY LOAN OFFICE. 411 Mar ket street. LOANS—SS to S2OO for honest working people keeping house. Kates less than legal. Pay ments weekly or monthly. No noti fication of employer or friends. 00-OPERATIVE L. & 1. CO. 204 Chestnut St. Authorised Capital, SIOO,OOO ANY person needing money in amounts from $5 to SSO holding a salaried po sition. would be benelited by calling on us. Employes' Discouut.Co., 36 North Third St. ALL KINDS OF HAULINO ALL kinds of hauling; !arge two-ton truck; furniture, pianos, freight, in the city and suburbs. Prices reason able. Picnic aad pleasure trips, day or evening. WM. H. DARE, 1453 Vernon St. Bell phone 3517 J. WANTED WANTED—Guinea pigs, rabbits and white rats bought at highest prices.' Write for lists and let me know what you have? CLARENCE GREEN, 1242 Perry street. FINANCE Philadelphia Produce Market Philadelphia, Pa., March 23.—Wheat steady; No. 2 red spot, export. 153&0 161; No. 1 northern, Dululh ex-port, 162 0 167. Corn steady; No. 2 spot, export, 77© 78; No. 2 yellow, local, 80Va®8Ha. Oats steady; No. 2 white, 6a® 1 6514. Bran firm; winter, per ton, $26,500 29.00; spring, per ton, $26.00 26.50. Refined sugars firm; powdered, 6.00; fine granulated, 5.90; confectioners' A, 5.80. Butter firmer; western creamery, ex tra. 29; nearby prints, fancy, 32. Eggs firm; nearby firsts, free case, $6.1?; current receipts, free case. $6.00; western extra tlrsts, free case, $6.15; firsts, tree case, $6.00. Live poultry steady; fowls. 16©17; old roosters. 11H012; chickens, 14@17; turkeys, 15017; ducks, 15@16; geese, 12 @l6. Dressed poultry firm; fowls, fancy, 19020; do., average, 16@18; unattract ive, 14015: old roosters. 14; frozen fowls. 16® IS: frozen turkeys, fancy, 21 @22; do., fair to good, 18020: broiling chickens, 22@27; frozen ducks, 12018; frozen geese. 12© 16. Potatoes weak; Pennsylvania, per jushel. 50055; Maine, 45050; New York, 35® 40. Flour weak; winter straight, 6.90© 7.10; spring straight, 7 0007.25; do., patent, 7.5008,25. Hay weak; timothy. No. 1 large bales, 18.00; No. 1 medium bales, 17.50#18.00; No. 2 da. 15.50© 16.50; No. 3 do.. 14.00© 15.00. Clover mixed light. 17.00@17.50; N'o. 1 do., 16.00016.50; No. 2, do.. 14.50 ©15.50. Chicago Live Stock Market Chicago. March 23.—Hogg—-Receipts, 20,000; weak to five cents under yes terday's average. Bulk, 6.70® 6.85; light, 6.60©6.85: mixed. 6.60@6.87%; heavy, 6.3506.82V4; rough, 6.35©6.50; pigs, 5.25 @6.50. Cattle—Receipts, .1.000; steady. Na tive. 5.8008.75; western steers. 5.35© 7.40; cows and heifers, 3.0007.75; calves, 7.00@10.50. Sheep—Receipts, 14,000; slow. Sheep, 7.1008.15; yeai lings, 7.85@9 15; lambs, 7.60© 9.90. COAL LANDS BEING OPENED UP Low Cost of Power a Factor in Estab lishing of New Mines The impetus given to any section by a large steam driven central power sta tion is shtfwn by the situation in West Virginia, which is the second largest coal producing State in the country, i Thousands of acres of coal lands are being opened up, and a great many new mines will be in operatiou during l the next six months because of the low cost of power made possible by the Vir ginia Power Company, which operates a large steam power station in the Kanawha-New River district. LAWYERS' PAPER BOOKS Printed at this office in best style, at lowest prices and on short notice. JOHN A. WALLACE, 73, DIES Was Joint Owner of Chester "Times" and "Republican" With Senator Sproul and 0. R. Long By Associated Press. Chester, Pa., iMarch 23.—John A. Wallace, who, with Senator William C. Sproul «4i