THE WEATHER I FAIR TO-NIGHT AND TO-MORROW Detailed Report, Pace I ■Sr A ?""" KD 77—NO. 93. iwo msns f CITY WELL LEAVE The Rev. B. H. Hart and the Rev. J. H. Daugherty Transfer red to Other Charges FIFTH STREET MEN PROTEST Bishop Burt Removes Their Pastor De spite Petitions For Reappointment —Trustees to Take Action To night According to announcement made to-day- at the Central Pennsylvania Methodist conference at Shamokin, the Kev. B. H. Hart, pastor of the Fifth Street Methodist church, will be WHffr <-^tk THE REV. B. H. HART At Fifth Street Fourteen Years transferror! to the Pine Street church, Williamsport, and the Rev. John H. Daugherty, pastor of the Ridge Ave nue church, goes to St. John's church, Sun-bury. The new pastor of Fifth Street will he the Rev. Edwin A. Pyles, 1 of Pine Street church, Williamsport, and the Rev. ,\lr. Daugherty's succes sor at Ridge Avenue, will be the Rev. William W. Hart man. The Rev. Mr. Hart and the Rev. Mr. Daugherty have been in this city longer than any of the other Methodist ministers, the former fourteen years and the latter six. A committee of seven members of the Fifth Street Methodist church, which yesterday went to Shamokin to petition Bishop Hurt for the return of the Rev. B. 11. Hart, as pastor of the congregation, wax told by the bishop tli it the Row Mr. Hart would not be reappointed to his charge in this city. A special meeting of the trustees of the Fifth Street church ha.s been call ed for to-night, when it is believed the bishop's decision will 'be protested. THE REV. JOHN H. DAUGHERTY Who Leaves Ridge Avenue Bishop Burt gave no reason for taking the Rev. Mr. Hart from Hai* ridburg, except that he considered the latter's fourteen years of service at Fifth (Street church long enough. It is on this point, according to E. F. Bates, a trustee of the church, that the local churchmen desiring Mr. Hart's return may tfike issue with the bishop, since i there are no 'limitations to the length of a pant orate, and no rules would be broken by the return of Mr. Hart. If the Rev. Mr. Hart is transferred, despite the protests from members of his congregation, the transfer will be an exchange of pulpits with the Rev. Mr. Pyles. The latter is well known in this city. For some years he had charge of churches at Mechanicsburg anil West Fairview. Shamokin, Pa., March 23.—The Central-Pennsylvania Conference of the M. E. church adjourned at noon to day after the announcement 0111 the ap- Coutlnued on Ulfkth l'lft. V ®l)e Star- Mh Jnkpenknt. APPOINTMENTS MADE AT NORRISTOWN CONFERENCE Resolution Endorsing Woman Suffrage and Urging Pastors to Support Bill Is Passed at Closing Session—ln troduced by the Rev. Charles Roads By Associated Prcst. Norristowu, Pa., March 23.—The closing session of the 128 th annual Philadelphia Methodist Kpiscopal con ference was held to day. A resolution endorsing woman suffrage and urging pastors to support the suffrage bill now pending in Harrisburg was passed. It was introduced by the Kev. Charles Koads, of Shenandoah. Bishop Theodore S. Henderson, of Tennessee, who presided while Bishop McDowell was completing thie list of appointments, delivered an address in which he urged the ministers to make the coming year the greatest evangel istic period irt the history of the church in America. Dr. G. H. Bickley, spoke in behalf of the board of sustentation. He said the amounts collected last year were $6,588, an increase of $172 over the preceding year. Dr. Bickley said the conference wants to limit a minister's minimum salary to SBOO per year, and he appealed to the conference to do better work for the sustentation fund. The annual report of the statistician showed that 8,996 Sunday school schol ars were admitted to church member ship during the year. The total num ber of church members in the confer ence is 88,001, an increase of 3,431 over that of last year. There are 403 churches in the conference, and J474, 999 was the total expenditure for ministerial support. The appointments in part follow: West District E. C. Griffiths, superintendent. Ardmore, William Downey. Bainbridge and Falmouth, Russeli Kern. Oharlestown, A. C. F. Ottey. Coateeville, T. W. McKinney. Columbia, Cookman, W..S. Nichols. Coventryville, W. F. Humphrey. Grove, W. H. Zewizi'g. Lancaster, Broad street and Salun ga, E. B. Baker. Leola and New Holland, G. W. To vey. Washington borough, to be supplied. Northwest District George W. Izer, superintendent. Berrysburg, to be supplied by pastors of Lykens and Wiconisco. Cornwall, William E. Myers. Coxestown, Alfred Harries. Halifax, A. T. Collom. Hunimestown, Percy Bo ugh ey, supply. Lebanon, Centenary, W. E. Yeager. Llewellyn, J. T. Hunt. Manada and Paxton, R. D. Louden, supply. Plioenixville, C. P. Futcher. Riverside, R. D. Louden, supply. Steelton, W. C. Sanderson. Tower City, C. B. Felton. WALTER PRODDEDBYLYNCH Street Repairs Contractor Is Directed to Speed Up in His Work—Says Weather Has Interfered Highway Commissioner last evening sent an ultimatum to Charles P. Walter, who has the contract to re pair the cdty's asphalt streets, direct ing Walter to make better progress with the work or accept the alternative of surrendering the job and consequently his claim to the $3,750 quarterly allow ance yet due on his five-year contract, which expires on April 1. Walter received the Lynch letter late last nig'ht and this morning told the Commissioher that only weather con- ditions will prevent him from going ahead with the work. The response, l Lynch said, was satisfactory and, he I added, that he "now will await re | suits." The Highway Commissioner com plained that Walter was not doing the work as speedily as he had promised ! and this led Lynch to believe that the contractor was not using his best ef- I forts to complete the job. Walter has ! promised, Lynch said, to go on with the | work by to-morrow morning. MARKET ST. GRADING BIDS Stucker Brothers' Construction Com pany Submitted the Low Proposal Stucker Brothers' Construction Com pany was the low bidder when pro posals were opened by Highway Com missioner Lynch at noon to-day for the grading of Market street from Twenty first street to the eastern cit> line. The contract was not awarded. The bids were as follows: Central Construction & Supply (Jo., $5,355; David C. Ott & Son, Camp Hill, $5,350; Stuckers Brothers' Con struction Company, $3,554; William H. Murphy & Son, Chambersburg, $4,- 864.12 1-2; Howard O. Firor, Balti more, Mil., $6,069; 8. W. Shoemaker & Son, $6,143.50. ' _______ • ESCAPE FROM ALMSHOUSE Three Fugitives Break Hole In l;»-inch Brick Wall Notice was received at police head quarters this morning to be on the look out for three fugitives who escaped from the workhouse at the Dauphin county almshouse during last night. Two s of the men, Joseph Belford, who is serving thirfy days, and Levi tjuigg, sixty days, were sentenced about two weeks ago, while Joseph Carroll, who was given ninety days, was only taken out a week ago. The escape of the prisoners was not noticed until 8 o'clock this morning. Upon investigation it was found they made their exit bv making a hole through a brick wall thirteen inches thick. All three men are well known by police, will be on a constant lookout for them. HARRISBTJRG, PA., TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 23, 1915—12 PAGES. WOULD BUY PLAY PLOT MI.OI Taylor Asks City to Purchase* SiteatFifth and Emerald for That Price HIS COLLEAGUES , SHOW SURPRISE Lynch and Bowman Say Ordinance Will Never Go Through in Its Present Form—Fire Apparatus Purchase Delayed A few minutes before M. Harvey Taylor, Park and Fire Commissioner, 'had planned formally to announce this afternoon that he recommended award ing contract for furnishing the cltv with three motor tractors for fire ap paratus to an out-of-town concern in preference to Hie Morton Truck and Tractor Company, of this city, the low 'bidder, the lorton Company sent a let ter to the City Commissioners asking i<» withdraw its 'bids. The request covered the com;any's j proposals on the three tractors and also I on two combination chemical wagons \ which the city proposes to buy. Taylor i then said to his colleagues that the tie- I lay in making the fire apparatus awards | was due to t'he local firm's request to examine its machines. He remarked: "As I had included the Morton pany in t'he recommendations I had pro posed to make to the Commission :o day, I am obliged to announce that I am not now 'prepared to make a recom mendation of an award." Tajjlor Talks of Retaliating Taylor said it would be possible to | make the Morton Company suffer fi j nancially through its action in wtth | drawing, adding that he could, "If 1 wanted to 'be as unfair as they have j been to me." award the contract for J furnishing the two combination wagons | to them, and if they did not accept it, , then the S2OO certified check deposited by the company as an evidence of good fiith to furnish the apparatus could De retained by the city. When a»tted if he planned to do this, Taylor sakl: ''l do not care to discuss the matter furtlher. 1 ' Taylor later threw a scare into his Republican colleagues by introducing l/a measures under which iie proposes to i pay $27,000 to John C. Orr for a play t ground .site at Fifth and Emerald j streets, in the Tenth ward. The ground I fronts 403 feet on Fifth street. 300 on Emerald and 405 on Fourth street. Lynch an I Bowman, Republicans, candidly admitted that they were amazed by the Taylor ordinance. ''That ordinance will ne\\r pass in that crude shape," said one of them. Another of Taylor's measures, intro j ihioed to-dav, provides for the purchase i of almost fifteen acres of ground in ! Hwatara and Susquehanna townships for $4,090. This land he proposes to use to continue the Cameron parkway. | Amos E. Enders is to be paid $1,850 jfor 2.33 acres and the Paxtang Ccme j tery Association is to get $2,240 for j 12.3 acres. Would Buy More Fire Hose The third ordinance offered by Tay | lor carries an appropriation of $ 1,850 | for fire hose. 11 is believed thnt 2,500 j feet of new hose can be obtained far that money. His last measure provides | lor repairs to the Friendship fire en i gine, the cost of which shall not ex ceed SSOO. Agreeing to give the city dairymen an opportunity to be heard "on the sev eral matters in question, Commissioner Bowman this afternoon withdrew the measure amending the Health Bureau's j food rules. The amendments chiefly an j ply to the dairymen, who will meet with the members of the Health Hoard and | Commissioner Bowman to-morrow even ing \. I William 1). Block was reappointed li cense tax officer for the year 1915, at ' t lie salary lie now receives, $1,200 a 1 voa'. Bowman made the nonvnation. Ordinances | as.sed finally include , these: Opening Carlisle street, Holl" ito Derry; regulating the department of the City Forester, and authorizing the purchase of three city scales. ' REDUCE FA HE* FOR iMtMINiS Transportation Companies Authorized to Cut Bates for Clergymen Railroads and street railway com panies are authorized to issue transpor tation at special reduced rates to min isters of religion under the terms of a bill passed finally in the House this morning. The vote was 142 to 22. The present public service law was | construed to mean that lower rates could not be granted to ministers. I PULLS TRIGGER WITH TOE Adams County Farmer's Debts Worry Him Into Suicide By Associated Press, York, Pa., March 23. Worried by ' obligations facing him on April 1, the: annual "settlement day" in this lo cality, William Shultz, fifty years old, an Adams county farmer, blew out-his brains this morning. He tied his shotgun to the bed post and pulled the trigger with his toe. New Jersey Defeats Local Optioj By Associated Picas. Trenton, X. J., March 23.—The mu nicipal local option bill was defeated in the lower nouse of the New Jersey Legislature early t.-day by a Vote of 43 to 13. The measure which was known as the Gaunt bill passed Hie Senate about a month ago. FULL CREW LAW FIGHT ON IN SENATE CHAMBER Hundreds of Railroad Hen Attend Hearing Before Joint Committee of the Legislature, Starting Late This Afternoon The first hearing on the bill to re peal the full crew law passed by the Legislnture of 19tlack letters and a steel background, tliits afternoon was adopt ed by the City Commissioners as the logical index board to be used in Har risburg. Consequently the contract for 1,4(M) of that type of signs was award ed to E. B. Hoffman, of this city, at his bid of 50 cent* each. Upwards of 500 of these signs are now in use in the city and City Com missioner Lynch, who recommended this particular sign, suggested that ali can be preserved by repainting. Bids on enamel signs run from 24 to 32 cents each; tilg, $1.25 each; copper, $ 1.82; 'castiron, 48 to 55 cents. An appropriation of $2,500 has been made to cover the cost of these street signs although it is believed th-at less than that amount will be needed, since the cost of erecting the signs will not be extremely heavy. CHIPPEWA INDIAN, 105, DIES Woman Was Last Known of Native Ohio Redskins of Pull Blood By Amociatcd Press, Toledo, X)., March 23.—Mrs. Vic toria Cadaract, aged 105, died last night in Ottawa county infirmary, near Oak Harbor. Mrs. (Cadaract was a Chippewa Indian and was the last known of the native Ohio Indians of the full blood. Until ten days ago she lived alone in a cabin near Curtice. She was found there unconscious with a hip dislocated. t i 11 i i i i POSTSCRIPT PRICE, ONE CENT. FINAL SCENE IN PRZEMYSL SURRENDER Aus t rianTroops Fought Desperately in Last Battle Before Giving Up Fortress 100,000 MEN IN THE GARRISON Russians Now Preparing for Violent Offensive in Carpathians, and With Force of 750,000 Men Will Attempt to Break Austrian Line London, March 23, 2.55 A. M.—Ac cording to the Petrograd correspondent of the "(Morning Post" the Przemysl garrison oponed negotiations for sur render on Saturday, but nothing came of this. Then during bhe course of the night, of March 20-21 a sortie was at tempted. This was the last straw. Throughout Sunday negotiations for terms proceeded and the surrender was effected Monday morning. The garrison consisted of 100,000 men, tfhis eorre spondent says. A Petrograd dispatch to the "Daily Telegraph" says that- simultaneously with the capture of Memel, the Germans were expelled from Tauroggen and flung back to their frontier. Gigantic Battle Expected Soon Information from an Austrian source to the "National Tidende" of Copen hagen says the Russians are preparing for a violent offensive in . the Car pathians. They have assembled 750,- 000 mr>n for this purpose and will make an att * ',r• *h f l itrian line. A gigantic Uii_,.e is expecud, as Aus tria is bringing up all possible relu forcements to meet t'he attack. The "Daily Mail's" Petrograd cor respondent says: "The end ca.nie quickly after a fight, on Friday fpr'jos .session of a hill 40(J feet high, over looking the fortress of Prx.emysi. The Austrian troops foug'ht desperately un til 2 o'clock in the afternoon. They were then hurled back, leaving 4,000 prisoners in the ha nils of the Russian! as well as hundreds of dead." Description of Last Battle Petrograd, via London, March 23, 8.21 A. M.—Events which preceded the final desperate sorlie of the tie leagured garrison in the Austrian for tress of Przemysl, designed to break through the encircling ring of Russian troops, are described in an official com munication issued here last night. The statement savs: "During the last days before the final sortie the garrison received in creased rations. Kach soldier was given biscuits to last five days, warm, new clothing and new boots. Officers were instructed to explain to the troops bliat if they returned to the fortress an in gloriius fate awaited them and conse- Coßtlnurd on Seventh Pale PART OF WOUNDED SOLDIER'S BRAIN REMOVED; HE LIVES Paris, March 23, 4.50 A. M.— An operation performed by Dr. Guipen by whidh a part of a wounded soldier's brain removed without the patient suffering serious consequence was de scribed before the Academy of Sciences last night by Dr. l«avarain. The soldier, Dr. Lavarain said, was taken to a military hospital with a penetrating wound in the occipital re gion of his cranium. Splinters of bone caused abscesses to form in the left cerebral hemisphere. These were re moved but fresh ones formed and Dr. Guipen was obliged on two occasions to remove portions of the brain winch protruded from the wound. Thus the patient lost at least a third of the left cerebral hemisphere, but shows no particular signs, either of mental or [»iy«ical trouble. v CONTRABAND AMMUNITION IS FOUND ON BOARD THE FINLAND . Naples, via Paris, March 23, 7.35 A. M.—Contraband ammunition was found on board the steamer Finland Dy officials here, according to dispatches printed in Naples newspapers. It is said that six customs guards arc accom panying the steamer to Genoa for a thorough search there, as it is believed the cargo contains more contraband tilian was found here. The Finland is a steamer of 9,572 tons, which sailed from New York Feb ruary 27 for Gibraltar, where she ar rived March 9 ami then cleared for Naples and Genoa. WALL STREET CLOSINQ By Ansin ialed Prcnt. New York, March , £l.—Buoyancy characterized the final dealings, Read ing, Steel and Amalgamated extending previous gains. The closing was strong. Very active trading at the highest av erage level of the year attended to day's market operations. Standard shares were most prominent, with sub stantial advances. *