The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, March 22, 1915, Page 11, Image 11

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    f— ——. =====—
The Star-Independent Gives Away 2 Orpheiim Tickets Daily
The Name of the Person to Whom They Will Be Awarded To-day Is Somewhere Among the Classified Ads On This Page
Perhaps you are the lucky person. Look until you find oat. If you sjet ths tickets please call for them before 8 o'clock to-morrow evening "
or they will be forfeited. (These names are fewn from the Directory by a blindfolded girl.)
* =~ '
Sale and Exchange
' '
FOR SALE— Private sale; parlor suit,
bookcase, hall and stair carpet; gks
stove, library table, e<tc. Apply 510
Curtln street.
end of Dillsburg, on Wednesday, at
12.30 p. nine head of welT bred
horses ana mares. Also 75 head of fine
bred hogs and brood sows. Also cows
and heifers.
HAVING received new Lester piano on
a business deal, will sell same to re
liable party at a bargain on monthly
payment. Address M. C. B„ 3723, care
FOR SALE—White enamel bed, springs
and mattress, in good condition. Nine
dollars. Apply 1315 Howard St.
FOR SALE—New baby grand piano, for
balance on loan: highest grade make;
monthly payments accepted. Address
J. U„ 3723, cari Star-Independent.
BIG BARGAINS In unredeemed Dia
monds, Watches, Jewelry, Firearms,
Musical Instruments, etc. Cash paid for
old gold and silver. Repairing a spe
cialty. CITY, LOAN OFFICE, 411 Mar
ket street.
FOR SALE—Lodging house, full or
roomers, within two blocks of Market
Square. S3OO cash. A bargain to quick
buyer. Good reasons for selling. Ap
ply JAMIES STINER, Agent, 'St. James
Hotel, 405 Market St.
FOR SALE —Ideal china kiln, Standard
sewing machine. Will toe sacrificed if
sold before April Ist. 234 Locust St.,
Steelton, Pa.
FOR SALE—A four-passenger FORD
TOURING CAR, at second cost to
you. A bargain seldom offered. Apply
3721, care Star-Independent.
THROUGH purchasing auto have for
sale all around work horse, brown,
1100, 7 years old; Market wagon; trap;
two sets harness. 310 Llncoln-St., Steel
ton, Pa
ONE Chickering upright'piano, rose
wood case, almost new, cost SSOO, now
$249. Terms SIO.OO down, SI.OO per week.
WINTER PIANO CO.. 23 N. Fourth St.
ONE Story & Clark Piano, walnut case,
good as new; perfect condition; cost
$450, now $l9B. Terms $7.00 down, SI.OO
per week. WINTER PLYNO CO., 23 N.
Fourth St.
ONE Bradbury upright piano, ebonized
case; just overhauled; cost $375; now
sll9. Terms $5.00 down, SI.OO per week.
WINTER PIANO CO.. 23 N. Fourth St.
FOR SALE—'Match team road horses,
rubber tired Jenny Lind, rubber tired
surrey, both good as new; market wag
on and six sets harness, 214 Lincoln
street, Steelton, Pa. Bell phone 6X or
6 Y.
ONE Arion upright piano, mahogany
case; good condition; cost $275; now
$119.50, Terms $5.00 down, SI.OO per
week. WINTER PIANO CO., 23 N.
Fourth St.
ONE Wessell upright piano, mahogany
case; good condition; cost $300; now
$139.50. Terms $5.00 down, SI.OO per
week. WINTER PIANO CO., 23 N.
Fourth St.
FOR SALE—Toledo scales; computing,
30 pounds capacity, drum shape
(blue); selling price 5 to 65 cents. Used
but a short time. Cost SITO. Will sac
rifice. Inquire J. M. SHATZER, 529 S.
Sixteenth St. Bell 2293 J.
FOR SALE—AT GABLE'S, 113, 115 and
117 South Second street, 5,000 gallons
New Era Ready Mixed Paint, Acme
quality. All the full line of the Acme
FOR SALE—At GABLE'S, 111-117 South
Second St., 5,000 sets new Sash. Bxlo
Xl 2 L., primed and glazed, at $1.15 per
set Also other sizes.
Lost and Found
FOUND—The way to end your cleaning
and dyeing worries by calling either
phone for Eggert's Steam Dyeing and
French Cleaning Works. 1245 Market
St. We call and deliver.
FOUND—A decided improvement in my
appearance since having my clothing
cleaned and pressed at Parisian Dye
Works, 1409 N. Third. Branch, Hoffman-
Kerns, 337 Chestnut. Bell phone. Call
ing and delivering.
MSt—'White and brindle bull dog;
male; small round spat In center of
head. Reward if returned to ISSI Swa
tara St.
" . . ■ i.
Sargains in Raal Estate
Jf. Front St. Lot*
100x170 ft., between Woodbine and , ;
bmerald streets.
, 52%x125 ft, northeast corner
1* ront and Hamilton streets.
250(1 AKMte St.
Two-story brick with five rooms—
bath and furnace—front and back !
porches. Lot liftxSl. Price SMBOi
and on easy terms.
1041 Fulton St.
14x100 ft., improved, with a 3-
story frame house—B rooms—fur
nace—front and back porches. A
very special price until April Ist.
1044 N. Third St.
Three-story brick—nine rooms
bath and steam heat. Ix>t 18x96.
This would make a Rood business i
i or professional location.
1003 S. Tuenty-Mrrond St. I
40x115 ft. (corner) improved with
a 2-story frame house—-6 rooms—
, electric light— granolithic walks
, Special at 92,000.
Park Avenue—Plot 10x150 ft. im
proved with a double 2>/&-stor.v brick
and frame house—each side lias
seven rooms bath furnace ce
mented cellar—front and back
porches—bay windows on second
This property is rented at $15.00 a
month, a side. At the price, $4,200
you will realize a safe i; per cent'
on your money. i |
Fire Inaurance Surety Ei,nd»
Locoat and Court Street.
Real Estate
FOR SALtS—Some new brick; 7-rooms
and bath; gas and electric light;
steam heat; hardwood finish, for J2T.11).
Can bo bought for JIOO and easy month
ly payments. H. Q. PEDLOW. 110 S.
Thirteenth St.
ONLY THHBU of those new brick
houses left, that can be bought for
SSO cash and balance on payments of
SIB.OO per month. 11. G. PEDLOW, 110
S. Thirteenth St.
FO-K SALE—77 acres, 7 miles from llar
risburg, one-fourth mile from Carlisle
pike, on Silver Spring road, 2 miles from
Mechanicsburg; level lirnestome soil;
brick and frame dwelling; frame bank
barn; tenant house and stable; 6 lime
kilns in running order; running water.
Walnut Sts.
FOR SALE—Fine new homes at River
side; all conveniences, large porches;
also No. 922 Green street; fine large
home, side alley; steam heat. E. MOES
LEIN, 424 State St.; U M. NEIFFER,
222 Market St.
CASSELL, 1444 Regina, offers 1833, 1713,
1525, 14.30 Regina; 173-240 N. Fif
teenth; 1607 Market; 1350-1402 North;
farm 156 acres, J2.600. Also Penbrook
properties. .
FOR SALE —At once, double frame
house, east end llighspire; cellar heat,
bath, hot and cold water, electric light,
lots 25x120; half square from trolley;
country luxuries with city conveniences.
Will sell singly. If looking for good
paying, safe investment or pleasant
home, investigate this. Sure to increase
in value. A bargain for someone. Rea
son for selling, leaving this section of
state. See owner, on premises, R. J.
SIMINGTON, Eshelman St., near. Frank
-2103 N. Third St.—northeast corner
Third and Ma-clay streets; 3-story brick;
18 rooms, 2 baths, lot 115x210.
2448 N. Sixth St. —214-story frame cot
tage; 6 rooms, bath and furnace; single
property; lot 20x150.
Walnut Streets.
VACANT house at Washington Heights
for sale; corner property; 8 rooms;
bath; gas, electric light; furnace; largo
porch; lot 58x140. Little cash needed.
BELL REALTY CO., Bergner Building.
FOR SALE—Several properties at an at
tractive price, with little cash needed.
Now is the time to buy. Consider it and
get particulars. BELL REALTY CO..
Bergner Building.
FOR SALE—Bargains if bought while
3-story brick, State St.
3-story brick, 1800 block, Walnut.
3-story brick, N. Eighteenth.
3-story brick, Evergreen.
New 3-story brick, Maclay,
3-story brick, Muench.
2-story brick. Front.
3-story brick. Curtin.
Two suburban store properties.
Sixth and Reily.
FOR SALE—'Look at 1345 North St., of
fered for sale at an attractive price,
8 rooms, bath, g-as, furnace, porches,
both streets paved. *BELL REALTY
CO., Bergner Building.
low price; lot 50x110, corner prop
erty; drive alley on rear. Inspect these
houses. Nos. 325-327 S, Front street.'
BELL REALTY CO., Bergner Building.
MY PROPERTY. No. 153 North Cath
erine street, Middletown, Pa. Harris
burg electric cars pass every twenty
minutes. Apply to J. W. FORTNEY,
171 S. Front St., Steelton, Pa.
FOR SALE—City and suburban homes
and home sites; first class business
propositions. KOUGH, BRIGHTBILL &
KLINE, Sixth and Reily Sts. Both
phones. '
FOR RENT—Second floor front room;
electric light and use of bath; cen
trally located, on South street near
Third 233 South St.
LAND TO LEASE for trucking; rich
soil, near city; rare opportunity.
Farmers, know-hows, get bus*-; pull the
stuff, attend market, make rrioney. EL
MER ZIMMERMAN, 1435 Walnut, Har
four rooms, bath and kitchenette, bay
window front, city steam heat, $30.00
per month. No. 18 N. Third St. Apply
Commonwealth Trust Co., 2i2 Market
WANTED—To buy farm, any size and
location. Also road house and hotel.
Write complete details. Brlonne, 23
Duane St.. New York.
FOR RENT—Two or three unfurnished
rooms, suitable for light housekeep
ing;' steam heat; electric light, gas and
use uf bath. ,018 Camp St.
HOUSES FOR RENT and 2H-story
dwelling houses for sale. Elder Real
Estate Co., 24th and Perry St*
WANTEI>—To rent two or three-room
apartment, unfurnished, with private
bath; man and wife; no children. Ad
dress 3722, care Star-Independent.
FOR RENT—New furnished front rooms
facing Capitol Park; stationary wash
stands, hot and cold running water:
electric light in each room; also use of
phone and large bath. Apply 410 North
Prominent Speakers to Address State
College Association
The Pennsylvania State College As
sociation of Central Pennsylvania will
hold a banquet in the o 1 ut> rooms of
the Pennsylvania Engineers' Society,
Front ami Chestnut streets, Friday
evening at 7 o'elock.
Speakers for the evening will be»Dr.
E. R. Bparks, Dr. Nathan C. Siiaeffer,
Dr. Becht, secretary of the State Board
' . 1
Real Estate
. j
FOR RENT—Seven-room house, newly
papered, large yard, JIO.OO month. No.
1997 N. Seventh St. Apply J. H. WAG
NER, Third and Hamilton.
rooms, three living rooms, a well of
water on the porch at the kitchen door,
also cistern water on the porch; Amer
ican people with small family, rent JlO.
Uell 312R2.
No. 1413 Market St J26.50
No. 1110 Walnut St J20.00
No. 2016 Kensington St., $10.50
No; 1019 S. 21 St SIO.OO
1251 Market Street.
FOR RENT—No. 1011 N. Third St.—
House and store room; all conven
iences; steam heat.
No. 111S N". Fourteenth St.; corner of
Cumberland street; all Improvements;
back and front stairs; /large front
porch; a fine location. C. H. ORCUTT,
267 Cumberland St.
TOR RENT—To young couple, small
brick house, near Fifteenth and Boas,
with improvements; low rent; good lo
cation; pleasant surroundings. Imme
diate possession. Apply 107 Boas St.
Bell phone 779 M.
FOR RENT—A three-story brick dwell
ing; 8 rooms and bath; all improve
ments. Apply at 2153 Jefferson St.
FOR RENT—Private rooms for house
hold goods, in new fireproof building.
Clean and safe. Inspection invited. 437-
1330 Perry, 3rd floor J35.00
131 V Derry, 2nd floor $35.00
1315 Market $30.00
239 S. 13th. ...J30.00, J32.50 and J35.00
1216 Marltet $22.50
226-228 S. 19th—new J25.00
1214-1447 Berryhill $22.50
1202 Market $22.50
133 S. Fourteenth St., J20.00
2116 Derry, SIB.OO
450 Crescent St SIB.OO
1417 Swatara $17.00
■530 S. 19all improvements,. ..$15.00
118 Crooked St., all Imp $14.00
2015 Kensington, improvements,. .$13.50
1847 Perry, 4 large rooms, imp.,. .$12.00
1410 Vernon $ll.OO
1320 N. Front, for colored, $ll.OO
1830 Berryhill St., 3 rooms SB.OO
HARVEY T. SMITH, 204 S. 13th. Bell
FOR KENT—I9II Market street; mod
ern three-story brick dwelling, all Im
provements; hard wood floors; furnish
ed throughout with window shades and
screens. Apply 190!) Market street. Bell
phone 2803 R.
COUHT STS.—AII outside rooms;
city steam heat; elevator and janitor
service; reasonable rentals. MILLER
BROS, & CO., Opp. Postoftice.
FOR RENT—Store room, 130 Market
St., with small house in rear; apart
ment in Belvidere apartments, Second
and Walnut streets; one large room, 33
x 23 feet, second iioor, 420 Market St.
JACOB T A USUI'S SONS. 120 Market St.
Several very desirable seven and eight
room brick houses with furnace, bath,
front porch and lawn, sl4, sls and sl6.
FOR RENT—Houses with all improve
ments, at moderate rentals. J. K.
OIPPLK. 1251 Market St
mrnmm<m ~
PACKING—A. H. SHRENK. 1906 North
Sixth street, lirst class packer of fur-
S99w' e ' china and bricabrac. Bell phone
J. WENRICH, 339 Hamilton street—
furniture, china and piano packing.
Shipments looked after at both ends.
3227wT kinds u ' hauling Bell phone
IXJAN WANTED—S3,OOO on first raort
gage at <i per cent.; good investment.
Address 3713, care Star-Independent.
FIRE-PROOF STORAGE warehouse, di
vided into private rooma tor storage
of household goous. New building. Low
insurance. Inspection Invited. 437-415
South Se<;9nd street. HARRISBURG
I'REIGHT DRAVAGE, storage, shippers
ana uistributors of mercnandtse of all
kinus; prompt and etticient service.
Warenouses on p. R. R, ana 11,I 1 , i li,
tracks. AIoNTUO.MLitY & CO., I'eipher
Line, Tenth boiow Market St.
MONEY TO LOAN upon real estate se
curities in any unmounts and upon
any terms to suit tue borrower. Ad
dress p. u. bux 174.
ALL KINDS of razor blades resharpen
ed; made better tlian new; safely, 25c
per dozen; Star, 15c; old style, 26c; leave
orders Henry Gilbert & Sous' Hardware.
319 Market street.
for honest working people keeping
house. Kates less than legal. Pay
ments weekly or monthly. No noti
fication of employer or friends.
204 Chestnut St.
Authorized Capital, SIOO,OOO
ANY person needing mon»y In amounts
from to to SSU holding a salaried po
sition, would be benelited by calling
on us. Employes' Discount Co., 3$ North
Third BU
of Education, and H. Walter Mitchell
and H. B. White, trustees of the col
lege. Music for the evening will 'be fur
nished by the Updegrov'e orchestra.
Florin's Oldest Woman Dies
Marietta, March 22. Anna
Hummer, 80 years old, the oldest wom
an in Florin, died to-day from the in
firmities of age. She is survived by a
daughter, a son and a sister, residing
at Steelton. She was a member of th>e
Church of God.
ABLE-BODIED MEN; good eye-sight,
for firemen and brakemen; $120.00
monthly. Experience unnecessary.
Hallway, care Star-Independent.
Tb Join our Pressing Club—Your Suits
steamed and pressed and kept In shape
for one dollar a month (four suits a
month). This Special Price is for six
months only. See us now and savo
money. Drop us a card, and we will
call. The "oth Century Cleaning and
Dyeing Works, 225 Market atreet, above
Palace Confectionery, SAM ADEL
STEIN, Manager.
THOUSANDS of chauffeurs will be
needed within three or four month®
in the city of Harrlsburg, for public
taxicab service. Prepare yourself at
once. Make application for training to
Auto Transportation and Machine Shop,
5 and 7 North Cameron St., Harrlsburg,
Pa. Full, unlimited course, $35. Both
phones. »
WANTED—Men prepare as firemen,
brakemen, motormen, colored porters.
Pennsylvania railroads. Experience not
necessary. SBO to SIOO month. Write
Inter Hallway Dept. 101, Indianapolis,
FIRST-CLASS COOK wants position in
hotel or cafe, In or out of town. Call
or write 638 Briggs street.
MAN wants trimming and pruning. Ad
dress 1012 N. Nineteenth St.
YOUNG MAN, 18 years of age, wants
work of any kind; not afraid t>f hard
work. Address 2017 Wallace St.
YOUNG MAN, 21 years old, wishes to
learn barber trade, or to work in
store. DALLAS MOWREY, P. O. Box
263, Newville, Pa.
WOULD like position as janitor or ele
vatorman; well experienced; can fur
nish best of reference. Call or address
907 Sarah St., City.
MACHINIST and draughtsman wants
situation; if not in own line, willing
to take anything; can furnish best of
reference. Address 3716, care Star-In
MAN wishes work of any kind in store
or restaurant; good education and
steady. Can give good reference. Ad
dress "N," 1825 Briggs St., City. Phone
2956 W.
YOUNG WHITE MAN wishes a position
sawing, cutting and splitting wqod
by day or by hour. Write or call to the
address 1529 Fulton St.. City.
like wildfire. We need more men
and women to help distribute. Full
time or spare time. Wholesale Supply
House. 25 North Third St.. top floor.
WANTED—Fitter for women's coats
and suits: also alteration hands. Ex
perience is necessary. Call in person,
Tuesday morning after 9.30. BOWMAN
& CO.
WANTED—Mary E. Farner, 1201U
Bailey street, to whom two reserved
tickets were awarded to-day, good for
the evening performance at Orpheum,
March 24, 1915. Call for tickets at Star-
Independent office before 8 p. m., March
23, 1915, or they will be forfeited.
WANTED Girls over 16
years of age to learn cigar
making. Paid while learn
ing. Apply at Harrisburg
Cigar Company} 500 Race
_ .
WANTED—'Young lady wants work by
the day or week, in private family.
Apply 1005 N. Third.
COLXSRED WOMAN wants days work or
washing and ironing; will do office
cleaning; can furnish reference. Ad
dress 1417 Marion St.
WANTED —Washing and ironing to do
at home. Call or write to 647 Wood
bine street.
WANTED—Young lady wishes a posi
tion as assistant matron or as attend
ant in an institution; experienced. Apply
2026 Green street.
MIDDL#E-AGED colored woman would
like to have day's work "or cooking.
Apply at 28 Linden street.
WANTED—A young woman would like
general housework or day's work.
Call or address BESSIE BROWN, 1005
N. Third St.
WHITE QIIiL would like position to do
general housework, 519 Briggs. Can
furnish city reference.
Death and Obituary
WlLSON—George Wilson died March
21, 1915, in his 77th year, at th» home
of his daughter, Mis, J. C. Mitchell,
113 Verbeke street.
Funeral services will be held Tuesday
night at 7 o'clock, at the above address.
Interment Wednesday at Newport.
JULIUS—On Sunday morning, March
21, 1915, Daniel Julius, aged 89 years,
1 month and 9 days.
Funeral service Tuesday evening at
7.30 o'clock, at the residence of his son.
George H. Julius, No. 106 Hoerner street.
Relatives and friends are Invited to at
tend without further notice. Further
service and burial at Elliottsburg, Perry
county, Pa.. Wednesday, lea.ving\P. K.
R. station at 7,55 a. m. Perry' county
papers pic aa a copy.
ALL kinds of hauling; large two-ton
truck; furniture, pianos, freight. In
the city and suburbs. Prices reason
able. Picnic and pleasure trips, day or
evening. WM. H. DARE, 1463 Vernon
gt I __Bell_phon« IEI7J.
WANTED—Guinea pigs, rabbits and
, white rats bought at highest prices.
Write for lists and let me know what
you have? CLARENCE IHKEN, 1242
Derry street
Annual Beport of Commission Shows
That Communities Are Well Sup
plied—lnstall Twenty Steam Gaug
ing Stations During the Year
The actions of the State Water Sup
iply Commission in 1914 arc shown in
its report for that year, briefly classi
fied: Four water companies were in
corporated, one . merger was approved,
and no water power charters were
granted. The Commission thinks that
the small number of water companies
is due to the fact that communities arc
well supplied. Permits were issued for
the construction of 4 8 dams and the
modification of 22 others. There are
approximately 400 important dams in
this State, of which 293 were exam
ined during the year and 57 were found
deficient in some detail.
More applications for encroachments
on streams were received during the
year than for seven years previous, Dfil
permits being issued, all of which cov
ered work sanctioned by law, and the
Commission invites protests from those
who have reason to believe that the en
croachments are not being carried out
according to law.
During the year twenty stream gaug
ing stations were established, making
107 in all. The flood warning service
has proved its value by timely and
accurate warnings and will be contin
In the work of the constriction of
the Pyatuming reservoir 2SI properties
necessary to acquire have been sur
It is suggested that the O'onmiasion
be directed to determine and lay out,
on plans.and on the ground, lines along
river and stream banks t'hrongh con
gested districts beyond which no en
croachments wiJUiC permitted. A law
should also be passt -1 for :lie removal
of such existing encroachments that
extend beyond the danger line, as they
are a menace to life and property in
time of floods.
Orchard Demonstrations
The fifth week of the orchard demon
strations under the auspices of the
State Agricultural Department will be
gin on March 29 throughout the State.
In Northumberland county G. 'B. Stitch
er will 'be the demonstrator and the
following meetings will be held:
Monday, March 29, Guy Rodney Rug
gles, Sun'bury, B. D.; Wednesday, March
31, O. G. Earner, Pitman, R. No. 8.
Governor Returns
Governor 'Brumbaugh yesterday spent
the day with his aged father, who has
been very ill at his old home near Hunt
ingdon, but is now improving. The
Governor returned last evening.
Mr. Frees ton Elected.
Harry F. Freeston, of Philadelphia,
who for twenty years has been one of
the recording clerks at the State De
partment, coming here under the Hast
ings administration, was on Thurdsay
last elected Journal and Index Clerk to
the Common Council of Philadelphia.
Mr. 'Freeston's friends have been con
gratulating him on his promotion, and
at the same time regretting his de
parture. for he has made a host of
friends an Hanrisiburg, and all wish him
Moving Pictures To-night.
In the House of Representatives to
night the State Health Department
will give an exhibition of moving pic
tures, showing the State Tuberculo
sis Sanitorium and Dispensaries. This
set of pictures was taken expressly to
be exhibited at the Panama-Pacific ex
position at (San Francisco as showing
the tuberculosis campaign in this State
and will be exhibited for the first time
to-night and will be in charge of I>r.
William C. Miller, lecturer and man
ager of tuberculosis exhiibits.
• The Legislative committee appointed
to confer with Governor Brumbaugh on
legislation to carry out the pledges in
the Governor's personal program will
meet with him to-night at the Kxecu
tive Mansion. The Governor said to
day that workmen's compensation and
child labor ibills will 'be discussed and
•possibly local option.
Services for Prominent Charity Worker
Held This Afternoon
The funeral of Mrs. Alice M. Lescure,
wife of William J. Xiescurc, who died a*
her ihome, 803 'North Second street, Fri
day morning, was held this afternoon at
- o'clock from her late 'hoflu?.
• The services were in charge of the
Rev. Stewart Winfield Herman, pastor
of Zion Lutheran church, assisted by
the 'Rev. l)r. Ellis <N. Kremer, pastor of
Reformed Salem church. Interment was
in the Harrisburg cemetery.
George Wilson
• George Wilßon, aged 77 years, died
yesterday at the home of his daugh
ter, Mrs. J. C. Mitchell, 113 Verheke
str#et. Besides his daughter, ho is sur
vived by his widow, a son, Charles, of
North Carolina; one brothor and one
sister. Funeral services will be held
at the homo of his daughter to-mor
row evening at 7 o'clock, the Rev. Dr.
J. P. Markward officiating. Interment
will be made Wednesday at Newport
Mrs. John Hosie Sent Home
Mtb. John iHosie, 1624 North Sixth
street, who was sihot in the cheek by
Stephenson W. Keys, who afterwards
committed suicide at Baain amd Wyeth
streets, March 10, was seat to her home
from the Harridburg hospital Saturday
We Are Glad
V vnH
Xj! I If you want to borrow money on good
I JL security or open an account with us we
treat our visitors with courtesy and
help them in ever y Wll y that is in our
1 ' Pi pOWOr when thp y deal with the officers
rst National Bank
if v
Legal |
11 r
In thf Mnllrr of the Application of the
Jitney Transportation I'ompnny for »
Certificate of Public Convenience.—
Before the Public Service Commission
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia—No. 83. Application Docket.
Notice Is hereby given that applica
tion will be made to The Public Serv
ice Commission of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania for a certlllcate of pub
lic convenience, evidencing the commis
sion's approval of the incorporation of
the Jitney Transportation Company,
the purpose of which is the transporta
tion of passengers, baggage and freight
'by motor driven vehicles upon and over
the streets and public highways in the
City of Harrlsburg, Dauphin County,
Pennsylvania, and In the territory ad
jacent thereto. The public hearing on
which will be held in the rooms of the
Commission at Harrlsburg, on the sev
enth day of April, 1915, at 11 o'clock
in the fqrenoon, when and where all
persons in interest may appear and be
heard, if they so desire.
NOTlCE—Letters of administration tes
tamentary on the estate of James G.
M. Bay, late of the city of Harrisburg,
Dauphin county, Pa., deceased, having
been granted to the undersigned, re
siding in York, Penna., all persons In
debted to said estate are requested to
make Immediate payment, and thtfte
having claims will present them for
Attorneys, York. Pa.
To the Holders of the Honda of the I,la-
Klentown and Blue Mountain Street
Railway Company.
NOTICE Is hereby given to the hold
ers of all the outstanding bonds of the
Llnglestown & Blue Mountain Street
Railway Company secured by mortgage
dated April Ist, 1905, to the Harrlsburg
Trust Company as trustee, that in ac
cordance with the provisions of the
said mortgage, the said bonds have been
called for payment on or before April
Ist, 1915, at par, a premium of 5 per
cent., and interest to said date. After
the said date Interest will cease upon
all bonds not presented for payment
by that time. Holders of the said bonds
may present them at the office of the
undersigned at any time after March
Ist, and receive payment therefor In
accordance with the terms above stated,
Philadelphia, March 22.—Receipts for
the week ending Saturday evening,
March 20;
Oattle —W. Philadelphia yards, 1,636;
Grays Ferry Union yards, 914; total for
week, 2,450; previous week, 1,897.
Sheep and Ijambs—West Philadelphia
yards, 4,259; Grays Ferry Union yards,
•185; total for week, 4744; previous week,
Hogs—Wesit Philadelphia yard*, 3,360;
Grays Ferry Union yards, 1,941; total
for week, 5,301; previous week, 4,859.
Calves—-W. Philadelphia yards, 938;
Grays Ferry Union yards, 199; total for
week, 1,132; previous week, 1,071.
Beef Cattle—The market was in act
ive and unsatisfactory, closing easier on
top grades. Pennsylvania and Ohio cat
tle in limited numbers were offered for
prompt slaughtering. Cows ruled dull,
While calves closed lower. Quotations:
Steers—Extras higher; average best,
#8.15 (g) 8.25; choice, $8.00@8.10; good.
$7.8007.90; medium, $7.50@T«70; com
mon, $7.00@7.2'5; bulls, $5.00@56.50; fat
cows, $4.7506.25; thin cows, $3.25®
4.50: milch cows, common to choice, $45
@75; extra. SBS; veal calves, excep
tional lots, $10.00@10.50; good to choice,
$9.50@10.00; medium, $8.00®8,50; com
mon, $6.00@7.00; southerns and barn
yards, $5.00 @7.00.
Sheep and L&m>bs—There was no ma
terial change in values, the light sup
plies alone keeping the market about
steady. Desirable stock was under sea
sonable disposal. A few hothouse laimbs
arrived, but not enough to 'base prices
on. Quotations;
Wethers, extra, $8.60@9.00
Choice $8.0008.50
Medium, $7.00 @7.50
Common, $5.00 ©6.00
Ewes, heavy, fat ;. . $7.50®7.75
Lambs —
Extra, $11.00011.25
Good to choice $10.25010.50
Medium, $9.00010.00
Common, $7.00® 8.00
Hogs—Quarantine regulations keep
this market in a rather unsettled state.
Quotations; $9.75 010.00.
City Dressed Stock—All varieties of
choice and prime meats were steadily
held, but trade was lacking. Quota
Steers, 10@13; heifers, 10®12t4; cows,
8012; veal calves, 15016; extra calves,
17; southern and barnyards, 10012;
country dressed 13014; extra, 15; sheep,
13014; extra wethers, 15; lambs, 16@
17; extra lambs, 18; hogs, 10Vi@10V4.
Philadelphia Produce Market
Philadelphia, March 22. —Wheat lower;
No. 2 red spot, export. 154'/4® 162; No.
1 northern, Duluth export, 163 @l6B.
Corn weak; No. 2 spot, export, 77®
78; No. 2 yellow, local, 80% @Bl ft.
Oats lower; No. 2 white, Gs@6sVi.
Bran firm; winter, per ton. $26.50®
29.00; spring, per ton, $26.00@26.50.
Refined sugars firm; powdered, 6.00;
fine granulated. 5.90; confectioners' A,
Butter firmer; western creamery, ex
tra, 29; nearby prints, fancy, 32.
Eggs higher; nearby firsts, tree case,
$6.15; current receipts, free case, $6.00;
western extra firsts, -free case, $6.15;
firsts, free case, $6.00.
Live poultry steady; fowls, 16017;
old rooßters lift® 12; chickens, 14® 17;
turkeys, 15017; ducks, 16@16; geese, 12
Dressed poultry firm; fowls, fancy,
19® 20; averag, 16018; unattract
ive, 14015; old roosters, 14; roasting
chickens, 17020; turkeys, fancy, 210
22; fair to good, 18020; ducks, 12@1S;
geese, 10 @l4.
Potatoes weak; Pennsylvania, per
oushel, 50055; Maine, 45050; New York,
Flour weak; winter straights, 7.00®
7.25; spring straight, 7.250 7.50; do., pat
ent, 7.5008.25.
Hay weak; timothy, No. 1 large baits,
18.00; No. 1 medium bales, 17.5U@18.00;
No. 2 do., 15.50® 16.50; No. 3 do,, 14.00®
Miami Copper
Sand For Our Special Letter "56?"
/New York Stock Exchange.
Mem'bera ) New York Cotton Exchange.
\ Now York Coffee Exchange.
( Chicago Board of Trade.
33 New St. d®gS D ) New York
/ \
and hold a salaried posi
tion, we can supply in
amounts from
$5 to SSO
Will take your plain
note. All transactions
36 N. Third St.
Licensed Boom 2 Bonded
[For Rent
Desirable offices in the
CJnion Trust Building.
Apply. *
Union Trust Co.
15.00. Clover mixed light, IT.OO® 17.50:
No. 1 do., 16.00@16.50; No. 2, do.. 14.(0
® 15,50.
Chicago Live Stock Market
Chicago, March 22.—Hogs—Receipt*,
33,000; slow. Hulk. 6.75®6.85; light, 6.60
@6.90; mixed, 6.60®6.95; heavv, 6.85®
rough, 6.35@6,50; pig*, 5.50®
Cattle—Receipts, 15,000; Na
tlye Steers, 5.80(g) 8.65; western, 5.35®)
7.40; cows and heffers, 3.25® 7.75;
calves, 7.00® 10.50.
Sheep Receipts, 14,000; steady.
Sheep, 7.10®8.16; yearlings, 7.86®9.15;
lambs, 7.50®9.90,
Miami Copper Circular
Itenskorf, Lyon & Co., of New York
City, have issued a circular for free
distribution on Miami copper in which
it is stated that the company has re
duced the cost of production to 8 1-4
cents and will probably cut it eventual
ly to 8. Ita production possibilities are
given at 52,000,0'00 tons. It refers to
the possibility of a dividend of 50
cents a share in April.—Adv.*
A Rhineland Legend
There is a Khineland legend of three
German robbers, who, having acquired
toy various atrocities what amounted to
a very valuable booty, agreed to divide
the spoil and to retire from so danger
ous a vocation. When the day ap
pointed for this purpose arrived one of
them was dispatched to a neighboring
town to purchase provisions for their
last carousal. The other two secretly
agreed to murder him on his return,
that they might divide his share be
tween them. They did so. But the"
murdered man was a closer caloulator
even than his assassins, for he had
previously poisoned a part of fihe pro
visions, that he might appropriate to
himself the whole of the vpoil. Tbie
precious triumvirate were found dead
Printed at this office in best style, ai
lowest prices and on short notice. ,