The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, March 19, 1915, Page 7, Image 7
FINE FOR RHEUMATISM! Musterole Loosens Up Those Stiff Joints—Drives Out Fain You'll know why thousands use MUS TEROLE once you experience the glad Telief it gives. Get a jar at once from the nearest drug store. It is a clean, white oint ment made with the oil of mustard. Better than a mustard plaster and does not blister. Brings ease and comfort while it is being rubbed on! MUSTEROLE is recommended by doctors and nurses. Millions of jars aro used annually for Bronchitis, Croup, Stiff Neck, Asthma, Neuralgia, Conges tion, Pleurisy, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Pains and Aches of the Back or Joints, Sprains, Sore Muscles, Bruises, Chil blains, Frosted Feet, Colds of the Chest (it often prevents Pneumonia). At your druggist's, in 25c and 50c jars, and a special large hospital size for *2.50. Be' sure you get the genuine MUS TEROLE. Refuse imitations—get what you ask for. The Musterole Company, Cleveland, Ohio. WEBB-KENYONJ.IQUOR LAW Its Constitutionality and Interpretation to Be Considered by Supreme Court After Easter Recess By Associated Press. Washington, March 19. —Prepara- tions have been mail* for consideration by the Supreme Court shortly after the Easter recess of litigation involving the constitutionality and interpretation of the Webb-Kenyon liquor law, enact ed by Congress in 1913. The "drvs" contend that the Webb- Kenyon law nas withdrawn from in terstate shipments of liquor consigned to local option territory the protection previously olfcred such shipments by the commerce clause of the federal con stitution. The "wets" declare that the law was merely aimed at "bootleg ging" and does not withdraw the com merce clause protection from interstate shipments designed l lor personal use. Express companies and railroads are as much concerned over the proper construction of the law as over the question of validity. Liquor dealers throughout the country have gone into the courts to compel carriers to accept shipments for "personal use" into "dry" territory. In Kentucky, the courts adopted the "wet" construction and an express company, foreseeing an alleged neces sity for employing a big force of in spectors and detectives to ferret out the purpose of each shipment, appealed to the Supreme Court. It is this case which will be argued after Easter. Somewhat similar cases involving West Virginia and North Carolina liquor laws are also before the court. WAR NO BAR TO } Miss Marsden Marries As Father, Braves Mine Fields New York, March 19.—Miss Tillie j Marsden, daughter of Captain Chris- | toper Marsden, who is now on the high ' seas in command of the sailing veesel ] Georgiana, laden with cotton, bound j for Rotterdam, was quietly married to j George Milroy Marshall at the home of J her parents in Corona Tuesday after- I noon. After the date for the wedding [ had been sent Captain Marsden was called away to take command of the Georgiana, so that he was unable to be present at the ceTemonv, -which was performed bv the Rev. H. B. Belcher. The bride was given away by her mother, Mrs. Mary Marsden, and the groom was attended by Harry Butler Guillan, of Brooklyn. Captain Marsden had retired from the sea and was interested in civic affairs when the war broke out. MOVE TO OUST FILM CENSOR Pennsylvania Exhibitors Deliver an Ultimatum Philadelphia, March 19.—The Penn sylvania Moving Picture Exhibitors Association, which clashed recently ■with State Censor Brietinger over his right to hold up some of their plans and -which charged the censor with grafting and with lax inspection methods, de manded yesterday that Brietinger va cate his headquarters in the city at once. The film men, who pay all the expenses of this office, gave the censor l'orty-eight hours to comply with their request. The exhibitors maintain 1 that Briet inger has failed legally to itemize his inspection charges and they have de cided to carry their light up to Gover nor Brumbaugh. PEACE AGREEMENT REACHED Operators and Miners' Agents Settle West Virginia Differences Cincinnati, March 18.—Representa tives of the United Mine Workers of America and operators of the New Riv er and Winding Gulf coal fields of West Virginia reached a working agreement yesterday for a term of four years. A slight increase in wages is offered to the day men. Fifteen thousand min ers are involved. The open shop agree ment will be in effect. Nine hours will constitute a day's work. There will be semi-monthly payments. The general opinion prevails that the miners will j vote "yes" to a man. Wilson and Taft to Speak Washington, D. C., March 19.—The; cornerstone of the new American Red! Cross building, erected as a memorial to the women of the Civil war, will be laid Saturday, March 27, with exer cises in which President Wilson an>il former President Taft will participate. Meyersdale Theatre Burns MeversdaU, Pa., March 19.—The Donges theatre building and another adjoining, occupied by George Dongas for meat market and residence purposes, were destroyed by fire yesterday. The flames started on the first floor of the theatre 'building of unknown origin. The loss was estimated at 175,000.* Civil War Veteran Killed Titusville, Pa., March 19. —Ritner Clark, an aged, member of Chase I*ost, G. A. R.. and living at Hydetown, was run down by a street car yesterday aft ernoon and died on the way to the hos pital. "" 1 11 ' ■ I TTARIftSBTTRG STAR-INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY EVENING. MARCH 19, 1915. C. V. H HALL PLAYER HANGS SELF Clay Hennlnger's Lifeless Body Founi by His Young Wife Chambersburg, iMareh 19.—Clav Hen ninger, Jr., employed in the offiees o the T. 18. Woods Sons Company, hange i himself in the attic of his home on Nel ; son street yesterday afternoon, lllnes is blamed. 'He had been a local 'ballplayer fo i years. Last Saturday he was granted , "month's vacation toy his employers. Shortly after noon he tola his wit he was going upstairs and wouldn't b , gone long. Ten minutes later she foun ■ him dead, lie had used a clothes lin< fastening one end to a nail and th other around his neck, jumping dow • a stairway. His widow, who is a leai ! ing singer of town, is prostrated wit grief. For Better Trolley Service , Carlisle, March 19.—1n reply to th letter of James W. Kckels, solicitor fo Mount Holly Springs, who sent a lette to S. M. Kitzmiller, a director of th Holly line, asking eo-operation in lixin up tfie road and providing better trave ing facilities, a communication froi IMr. Kitzmiller, declaring that he wi use his efforts to see to it that "th 'best possible service and attention b given to the customers of the railwa company and the condition of the con pany's property," has been sent in re ply. Drowned Self in Rain Barrel Gettysburg, IMareh 19. —Jum-pjn i headforemost into a rain barrel at he home in Mt. Pleasant township, Mri Edward Heltzel drowned herself Wed nesday morning shortly before uooi: Mrs. Heltzel's mental condition ha' been impaired for some time. Paralysis Causes Stroke Uettys'burg, March 19.—'Mrs. Hour Patterson died at 2.30 o'clock yestoi day morning at htjr home in Mt. Jo, township, aged 65 years, 1 month an' 28 days. Mie had not been in robust healt for several years and on Wednesda, suffered a stroke of paralysis. She gre\ rapidly worse until her death occurrei Mrs. Patterson's maiden name wa ! Lovina Kissel. She was born in Mt. Jo, i towmhip, a daughter of Mr. and 'Mri Kissel, and spent her entir j life in that part of the county. | Want Taft to Lay Stone Waynesboro, March 19.—Presiden | l>. M. Wert/., of the V. M. C. A. boar I of directors, has ap; ointed Charles \V . < remer and \\. J. ( Jacobs a commit I tee to make arrangements for the lay I ing of the cornerstone of the Y. M. C | A. building and to procure a speake ; for the occasion, Mr. Wert7. making ; the third member of tiie committee. It was decided to ask ex-Presineu ' William 11. Taft to deliver the principa j address and to lay the cornerstone. | COP OFF POST TO SPOON Object of Attention Was Anothc Man's Wife, Is Charge New York, March 19. —'Off post' j as a police charge is not at all uncom ' mon, but there was novelty and mori . to the oil post charge that confrontei Policeman Kldridge L. Warner, of tin i Richmond Hill precinct. He was in an | other man's parlor ou the night o: I February 12, it the papers befori I Deputy Commissioner Godlev of Brook i lyn, are correct, and the other man 'i I wife was Hitting on his knee. The papers point out that he hat I ''failed to obtain permission," bu ' this is taken to refer to the depart [ nient, not the woman. At any rate thi i woman s husband, Herman Sorensou | <>ls Gherardi avenue, objected strenu ously, so he says, and yesterday pro duced three witnesses to prove it. "This is an outrage," Warner tolc the deputy commissioner. The case wa: adjourned for a month. CAYANIDE PUT IN WHISKEY "Doctored" the Stuff to Catch Thieve! Enough to Kill Whole Town Oxford, 0., March 19.—(Donald Lo gue, 20, hae been committed to the county jail in default of STO'O' bail charged with placimg two aud a halt ounces of cyanide of potassium in f quart of whiskey for the purpose ol catching a thief." Logue recently bought out a poo room patronized by negroes and open ed a "speak easy." In a raid on th( place the police found thirteen quarts of whiskey hidden under the floor. H( was fined SIOO and costs. One of the bottles seemed to contain a foreign sfubstance and when question ed Logue told of "doctoring" th( stuff. Dr. W. H. Whitcomlb, professoi of chemistry in Miami University analyzed the liquor and reported "that it contained enough cyanide of potas sium to kill everybody in town. Joy Hiding in Senate Machines Albany, March 19.—Assemblyman John Knight, of Wyoming, a membei of the Public Service Investigating com mittee, introduced a bill making it i misdemeanor for Any pulblic official who has the custody or control of pub lic property to use or ijermit the use of it for other than a public purpose. The measure is aimed at the use of State automobiles foT private purposes. $70,000 Connellsvllle Fire Connellsville, Pa.. March 19.—Fin in the Cotton building here last nighl caused estimated damage of $70,0 0 0 most of which was suffered iby tenants Four persons were rescued by firemen Jesse Cyphers, a fireman, "fracturec three ribs when he fell 40 feet fron the foot. E^OPEMTIOH every cell and fibre of the body demands pure blood, but drugs, extracts and alco holic mixtures are useless. Nourishment and fnuukiae an nature's blood oaken and the rich medicinal oil-food in Soott'u Cmufslon enlivens the blood to fjr" arrest the deeline. It aids the L: appetite, strengthens the and fortiries the longs and entire system. /» % Free (ram Alcofcol or Opiate. Refaw Sdntitotet for SCOTT'S _ A CROUPSCARE Foley'* Honey aid Tar CoapoaaJ Quickly Muter* It ! CROUP SCARES TOU. That load. lto«ne icrotipj coach, that chokinff and gasping for bfeaih, that labored breathing, have only too often foretold fatal resn lta. Luckythe parents I who hero Foley's Hohet amd Tab Comfooud i in the house, for yon can he sure that the vary ; iirat doaes will master the croup. *IH get a bottle of Fdkty'a Honey inj Tar aad Stop being icared oi croup" Foley's ITonet and Tar Compound cots j the thick mucua and clears away the phlegsi. It opens np and ea-es the air passages, stops I the strangling cough, and gives quiet easy I I breathing, and peaceful Eloep. | No wonder • man in Texas walked 15 milea j I to a drug store to get Foley's Hokky ado ; Tab Compound. P. H. GINN, Middleton,Ga.,aays: "lalwaya , give my children Foley's Uonkt ano tar for ! croup and in every instance they got quick , relief and are soon sleeping soundly." Every good druggist is glad to sell Folmt's Hone* and Tab Compound for all coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, bronchial and la grippe coughs, and other throat and Inng trouble. Itsatisflesevery user, it helps infants, children and grown persons, and it nevor con tains opiates. In 25c, 50c, SI.OO sices. It it * EVERY USER 18 A FRIEND. Geo. A. Uorgas. 16 North Third street and P. R. R. Station. TROTTING OR SHELLING PEAS? Which Is More Unhealthful For Giris As ?. Nightly Pastime? Albany, March 19.—During a dis cussion of the Thompson bills permit ting minors and women to work nights in canning factories during the can ning season Senator George P. Thomp ! son, of Niagara, who introduced the bills, suggested that the city Senators take care of the city girls and let up- State men handle the up-St.ite labor situation. "You are going back to the days of barbarity," Democratic Lender Wag ner declared, opposing the bills. "This is a humane question and not one of dollars and cents." "'The people on the up-State farms understand thin matter better than the Senators from New York." said Sen ator Thompson. "They think it is more unhealthful tor the girls in your city ' to turkey trot all night than to shell peas." $500,000 IN TIE-MAKING Carnegie Company to Make Big Ex-1 tension Outlay, Pittsburgh, March- 19. —An ont'av I ol $.>00,000 will soon be made by the I Carnegie Steel Company to buiid a steel tie plant in Homestead. A. C.! Dinkey, president, says so. It will i manufacture steel tie's and tie special-! ties, including sleepers, used by Euro- 1 pean lines. A plant to manufacture benzol also 1 has been planned and will be built at I New Castle. Benzol is valuable in the, making of high velocity powder and in I the hardening of rubber, an.|. shutting oil the supply, formerly procured in Germany, has given impetus to its 1 manufacture in this country. Ihe McC'lintiek-Marshall Construc tion Company yesterday received an or- j der for 16,000 tons of structural steel | from the Chesapeake & Ohio railroad. fl FEET, 2, SHE WOULD BE A COP Passaic Woman, Mo'hor of Three, j Seeks Place on Force Pnssiac, X. J., March 19.—Mrs*. Martha Kooch, 10 veartf old, who ! stands 6 feet 2 inches in her stoekin-l i feet and who is the mother of three i children, is the first woman to apply | for a position 011 the police force in this city. She handed in her appliea- | tion to Deputy Director of Public Safe- j ty John if. Kchoe. She is twentv-first I on the list for appointment, provided I . she is able to pass the required exam- ' . ination. ( Mrs. Kooch says she believes the 1 ■ city needs a policewoman to look after j 1 young girls and she hopes she will i > soon be appointed. She says she is will- | 1 ing to take any and all examinations I I | that may be necessary. Her husband is ! 1 in poor health and' unable to work ! , I much of the time, she says. " | RESENTS POLICE ACTIVITY $lO 000 Alleged Wire Tapping Loss Revealed New York, March 19.—When' Ed- I I ward Cameron, HI. living it the Hotel Martinque, was held in SIO,OOO bail i ! by Magistrate Appletoii in the Tombs | police court for examination to-.;ay, j I charged with attempted grand lorcen'v, a clerk lind difficulty irf g-tting Otto ;A. Hillgemau, a retired brewer of Rhinelander, Wis., who i* said to have ; lost $1 , 0.0'0 | 0 through Cameron bv a I J wire tapping game :a 'Havana, to j | the complaint agnins; him. From what llilljenian said to the 1 clerk he considered Cameron a ven j good friend and the police interfering | busybodies, who had deprived him o: 1 j $4(4000, his snare of winnings | amounting to $6 5,0('0, which Cameron J was alleged to have said would be paid I in this city. A LAND OF EXTREMES ! Peru's Violent Contrasts in Ciimate, Altitude and Scenery Were I to be exiled and confined for the rest of my life to one countrv I should choose Peru. Here is every altitude, every cli- - ! mate, every scene. Coastal Peru is an j Egypt, central Peru a Tibet, eastern 1 Peru a Kongo country. The lifeless 1 desert and the teeming jungle, the hot j test lowlands and the bleakest high | lands, heaven piercing peaks and riv- j ; ers racing through canyons—all are of 1 I Peru. Here one meets with the highest til- t ! Inge, the highest miucs, the highest | steamboat navigation. The crassest 1 ! heathenism flourishes two days in the 1 ! saddle from noble cathedlralsj and the | bustling ports aro counterpoised by se cluded inland towns where the "past j lies miraculously preserved, like the ! mummy of the saint in a crypt. 1 In the year 2,000, when the Tyrol i | and the Abruzzi, Dalmatia and Ca'rin- , thia, have lost their old world charac- 1 | ter, travelers may be seeking the towns j hidden away in the Andes—Cajamarca, < IHuancavelica, Andtahuaylas and Aya 1 cucbo—for rare bits of lustrous medi- 1 , oval life untarnished by the breath of t modernism.—From 'Si'outh of Pana ■ nia,'' by Edward Elswortk Ross, in J Century Magazine. t Proofs Show Wo Are The Leaders In Qualities and Low Prices. Our Window Display ■ Impresses You With the Real New Spring Styles JSI j jj|fcjW 100 Ladies' Dresses || Boys' Suits ? Mwm and Coats In Blue Serge and Fancy WJ | jfjf ill f I Mixtures. I J-j » \ In Many Fabrics and Dif- A lif 418 ferentStylCS ChoiCß^ t , This Sale, Price. ss> Ladies' Sample Men's Suits A Ajenng II n Fancy < lIsF I IVINGSTON'S Ijjijjif $ If You Have It 9 SOUTH MARKET SQUARE j lf Y " Wa l d UNCLE SAM 10 EAT mm TOMORROW "Orange Day" All Over Country—Deal ers in Fruit Making Special Offer of California's Best Fruit at Low Prices —Orrnjes Among the Most Health ful of Natural Foods According to Physicians and Diet Specialists— "One Bis, Juicy California Orange Should Be Purchased To-day for Every Member of the Family," Says Official of Big Distributing Organ ization Oranges will be featured to-morrow in markets and stores, 011 hotel, restaurant and dining car menus, at the soda foun tains and 011 the tables of American homes. California's big, brilliant coat ed, juicy fruit will have its innings to morrow, for growers, merchants, news papers and other agencies are co-operat ing in a big effort to get people better acquainted with oranges —to make "Orange Day" a big success education ally. "Orange Day" is not designed to be a day of big profits iu the orange business. Its purpose is to attract in terest to the subject of oranges as a health food —to reach the ears of the people with the truth about orange juice as a nutritious and blood-purifying food, as well as a delightful anil refresh ing one. Special low prices will be in effect at all fruit stands and stores. The orange is a l'ruit that should plav a most important role in the daily af fairs of everyone, because it carries tucked away inside its golden coat a most desirable treasure—health. The great food and diet specialists have con sistently emphasized the benefits of fruits and nuts, and special value has always been given to oranges. Orange juice, for instance, because of its mild ness and nutritive value, is universally prescribed for breaking lasts, in cases v\ here fasts have been necessitated for curative purposes. There use 1 to be a saying, "An applo j a day keeps the away." Tnis helps to emphasize the value of the j natural foods; but apoles have no cor ner 011 healthfulness. 111 fact, it is very robablc that the orange offers, of all fruits, the most certain health insur- j nice. Doctors found out years ago that ! irange juice should form a part of the ! liet of every baby to prevent any pos ! iibility of scurvy. And where scurvy ! las already ret in, orange juice is one ' >f the most important elements in its j 'lire. Citric acid and fruit sugar are j found in their most delightful combina- 1 tion in the orange, and the blood-puri fving properties, as well as its digesti bility, have made it a common prescrip tion for sick people and invalids. Or ange juice has been found of special calue, also, as a cooling drink for fever patients. Of the healthfulness of orange juice ; the Encyclopedia Britanniea says: "Be- j sides the widespread use of the fruit as | tin agreeable and wholesome article of j diet, that of the sweet orange, abound ing in citric acid, possesses in a high | degree the anti-scorbutic properties that i render the lemon and lime so valuable j in medicine, and the free conpuinption j of this fruit in the large towns of Eng-J land during the winter months has had a very beneficial effect on the health of the people." Growth of the Industry Nn industry can really prosper until the marketing end has been systema tized. Six years ago in California, which was coming to be the most im portant orange-producing territory in the world, competition, high shipping rates and other factors were beginning to take the profit out of orange grow ing. This fact fostered the advertising idea among orange growers. Co-opera tive societies that existed had been con solidated into one big Exchange, and advertising was begun. The result was an increased demand, protection of the growers and the opening up of oppor tunity. During its brief life the Cali fornia Fruit Growers Exchange has marketed over $1 15,000,000 worth of citrus fruits, mainly oranges, and its present annual sales of oranges approx imate more than $15,000,000. The advertising campaign has dwelt on the healthfulness of oranges, and the wonderful growth of the business amounts to a tribute of the American people to this delicious California fruit, which to-day has become a household necessity. Only a few years ago or anges were a Sunday fruit. To-dav they are a daily food, and the modern house wife knows many ways of preparing them for the table. Orange salad, or ange cake, orange punch, are 110 longer unknown to us. ' The campaign also has decreased the cost of oranges, size and quality con sidered, by decreasing the cost of mar keting. This has put the orange in the reach of the rich and poor alike. And, best of all, it has guaranteed the quality and healthfulness of the orange. - In the old days transportation was so slow and there was so little sys tem in the business that oranges had to be picked green in order to be salable when they reached the retail dealer. The result was oranges that were too sour, sometimes even bitter. On the other hand, when an orange can be al lowed to ripen 011 the tree it attains its miximum possibilities as regards fruit sugar, jticiness and flavor. The superb selling system which mar kets the great majority of California oranges to-day makes it possible to pick the oranges from the trees after liuen ing and have them in the fruit markets of the eastern cities within a few days, after a rapid transcontinental trip in specially designed refrigerator cars. When yon buy 0 Kunkist Orange in your city now it is just as if you had picked it yourself from its cradle of dark green foliage in a sunny orange grove of Cali fornia and had sped by fast train across the continent with it in your pocket. One great doctrine everywhere in culcatod among men is this —the ncces si ty of cheerful perseverance.—Car Ivle. Quinine Pills 100 25^ Don't ask for Quinine Pills sc, or 10c worth at a time, but buy N them by the hundred and save the difference. We supply our customers with Quinine Pills 100 in the bottle at the extremely low price of Usc. Readily soluble, thereby giv ing you just as immediate result as though you took raw quinine. Forney's Drug Store 426 MARKET STREET 20 YEARS IN COMEDY TEAM Montgomery and Stone Have Been To gether Since 1805 New York, -March 19. —Fred Stoue ' and David Montgomery, the comedians, celebrated yesterday the twentieth an-| niversary of the team of Montgomery j and Stone. They got together 011 March j IS, 1895, and formed a partnership! which has never been interrupted. j 'Montgomery and Stone met in Gal- ! veston, Texas. They played there with 11 minstrel troupe and later in New Or leans and Western towns. Gus Hill brought them to New York, where they played at the old Miner theatre and at Hammevstein's. Then followed "The 1 Wizard of Oz," and the Dillingham pro- j ■ ductions of "The Red Mill," "The Old ! Town," "The Lady of the Slipper" and now "Chin Chin." "We started together twenty years ago in vaudeville," said Fred Stone yesterday. " We were making only S4O I 1 ONE OF STARS IN MAJESTIC FRIDAY AND SATURDA jj sss V lL y - f< i % | \ j y% | J /,/ ? : . ; >:i? ■ " » ' ' 4 H Kw hV n Egff n * ';£§ M B • a week 'between us. When we wi from New Orleans to Chicago we had 'borrow money for the trip. We pla; j there eleven weeks and made such hit that I was a'ble to buy a new I | and overcoat. 1 hope we shall be I jjether for another twenty years." Killed as He Ends Night's Worl Chester, Pa., March 19.—Caught a high-power belt connecting n dvna with a "beating" machine at the pi ol the Scott Paper Company, Mid: Bailey, who was about to go home ai midnight, was hurled headfirst agai a brick wall and instantly killed. Industry II argues, indeed, no small stren of mind to persevere in the habits industry without the pleasure of j ceiying those advantages which, 1 thr hands of a flock, while they mi hourly approaches to their point, proceed so slowly as to escape obser tion.— Sir .loslma Kevjiolds. 7