The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, March 19, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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\ 211 Market Street
Read What a Few Wonder Customers From Our Minneapolis Branch Say:
t _____— : :
Sherwood, N. D., Closkfield, Minn.,
Wonder Store: January 10, 1915. The Wonder: December 13, 1914.
I bought four suits at your store. They were all I have had two suits. They have given me tfie
you claimed to be, they held their shape, the ma- best of satisfaction. They hold their shape, they
terial wore fine. Wonder Clothes is a saving propo- wear well, and at $lO they are a sure money saving
sition, similar garments would cost me at least $lB. proposition, similar suits would have cost me else-
You can depend upon my future business and I where from sls to $lB. You can depend upon my
shall also recommend my friends to your store. trade in the future.
Frank C. Baska. Everett Bergin.
Authenticity and diversity may be said to be the keynote of the hundreds of garments now in our
store. ' i
From our Factory to you is the cause of this extreme low price. All the newest styles and fabrics
are now for your inspection.
Buy a suit, take it home, show it to the women folks and if it does not please bring it back and get
your money, which means give us a chance to show you what fairness is.
211 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa.
#■— ">
To-night and to-morrow afternoon
and might, Carlisle Elks' Min
Friday, March 26, evening only,
Maude Adams in "Quality
Efery afternoon and evening, high
clui* vaudeville.
Every afternoon and evening, vanda
viile and pictures.
Motion Pictures.
. Motion Pictures.
Motion Pictures.
> i /
Maude Adams
Maude Adams who is to be seen in
Jarrie's comedy, "Quality Street," at
h# Majestic next Friday evening, was
nvited to appear before the .faculty
ind student body of the University of
ndiana last fall. Great preparations
rere made by the University people to
lake the visit of the actress a notable
vent. It was decided to add a stage
o the igymnasium building and elabo
ate plains were dra'wn for it. As a
recautionary measure and to insure
avinlg things as Miss Adams would
«ke them the management of the
ompany was asked if there were any
hings in particular that were to be
istalled on the new stage. The word
hat came in reply was that a certain
eight for the hanging scenery would
e mecessary and that so many lines
'ould have to be in position when the
ompany reached the city. This could
ot be understood so'a telegram fol
ded asking if there was not some
jenery and properties required.
"No," came 'back word, "we carry
nr own footlights and strip lights and
ave everything necessary. Give us a
are stage." And that is all that Miss
dams' company requires of any the
tre. The organization is ' without
jubt the best equipped one that is or
»ur and is even prepared to put in a
G. R. Kinney & Go.
Shoe novelties for early Spring wear, here in a complete
variety. Popular price, $1.98 for regular $3.00 values.
Ladies' gray anil fawn-colored cloth-top shoes in button and
lace, both patent and dull leather; Goodyear welts and worth
$3.00. Our price, $1.98
Men's Rubber Sole Shoes, more popular than ever. We have
them; every pair a Goodyear welt; tans and blacks; good $3.00
grade for $1.98
Men's tan vici shoes, blueher cut. A special at $1.25
Ladies' $1.75 patent and gun metal button shoes, low and high
heets. Special for $1.25
Misses' and children's patent leather button shoes, cloth and
kid tops; regular $1.25 and $1.50 value, for 98^
Best wearing work shoes for men in the city at $1.98 a pair.
Infants' shoes in patent leather; a 75c value for 49^
Ask to see Kinney's Special for Men.
G. R. Kinney & Co.
19 and 21 N. Fourth Street
curtain if o&e is needed. The perfection
if—every little detail will be observed
when Miss Adams comes forward in
"Quality Street." The settings, the
furniture and everything used in the
play is in keeping with the period in
which the sentimental story of Phoebe
Throssell's love affair is laid. The visit
of the actress in this, play is being
awaited with considerable pleasure.
At the Orpheum
Two of the cleverest girlies that
have been seen at the Orpheum for a
long time, even recalling the Courtney
Sisters and the Farber Girls, are Irene
and Bobbie Smith, appearing on the
curreut show at the Orpheum. In fai't
it is only fair to say that the Smith
Sisters win a more solid hit than did
either of these other two clever girl
teams. One of the ISmith sisters is of
the dainty typo and aside from look
ing very winsome is a clever pianist
and the possessor of an unusual voice.
One of her best hits is her rendition of
"Virginia Lee," which she sings in
exquisite voice and fetching Colonial
costume. But the other sister is a dy
namo of personality. She just radiates
vim and good cheer, and with it all she
is indeed comical. The interesting fea
ture about her eomedv ability is that
she at no time becomes coarse or vul
gar, but her fun seems to be only an
outburst of youth and mischief. The
gowns worn by the girls are indeed in
teresting and at each performance they
are walking away with tumultous ap
plause. The Smith sisters offer one of
the very interesting Keith hits sup
porting Lou Anger and Sophye Barn
ard and company in their gigantic
musical comedy called "Safety First."
The Orpheum bill is brim full of gen
uine talent and is pleasing the most
At the Colonial
If you would cure the "blues," you
must consult "The Sonig Doctors," the
rolicking and very clever musical
comedy of that title that is enjoying
prosperity at the Busy Corner. Pretty
girls, clever comedians dance and
frolic through twenty minutes of en
tertainment that hasn't been surpassed
at the Colonial. Another very clever
feature of this bill is served up by
Silver and Duval, who present a clever
comedy and singing turn. Mosconi
Brothers, excellent dancers, aihl Jack
Polk, the popular monologist, complete
a very entertaining bill. Interesting
motion pictures are also included in
the performamce.—Adv.*
/ At the Regent
To-day the Regent theatre will have
one of the film plays which is tihe talk
of the United States. Wilton Lackaye
will appear in Israel Zangwill's master-
piece, "Children of the Ghetto." The
story is woven about the life of Rabbi
Samuel Jacobs, a sternly religious old
patriarch, who insists that the customs
of his forefathers shall be observed by
his son and daughter. The llrst blow
falls when his sou becomes an actor.
His daughter then marries a man for
bidden to her, according to rabbinical
law. Then his wife dies and he is left
alone. But lift*, cannot be all bitter
ness. His daughter, now a widow,
with her two children, returns to his
home and he finds peace and happiness.
To-morrow, Saturday, Low Pields, in j
"Old Butch," an interesting and de- [
lightful comedy. Mr. Pields is sup- |
ported by one of the finest casts ever j
picked for a feature film. In this rol
licking comedy you will got all the!
pleasure you would from a Broadway
comedy success. Adv.*
Carlisle Elks
Fresh from new victories in their
home town, where for three successive
nights they packed the C arlisle
house, the Carlisle Klks' Theatrical As-1
sociation will come to Hanisburg and '
'begin an engagement this evening at j
the Majestic theatre in their new mu-1
sical comedy, "They're At It Again."
The sale at the Majestic theatre is very i
encouraging, although there are still
plenty of seats to be had. Many Bar- '
risfourgers who saw the show in Car- j
lisle arc enthusiastic over it' and de- j
clare that it is the 'best thing the t.'ar- 1 1
lisle (boys ever done. In point of j'
music, dances and costumes, it far out 1
classes last year's production. Adv.* j
Alice Joyce at the Photoplay To-. 1
Alice Joyce, the clever Kalem star, : '
appears in her first three-reel dramatic I''
production at the Photoplay to-morow. i'
"The White Oodess," a three-act of I
the Orient, is one in which the most : 1
(beautiful actress in filmdom plays the,'
strongest role of her career, as Elsie I
Farnin, the girl whose life is shrouded:
in mystery. Miss Joyce does wonder-1'
ful work. To-day we present Naomi J
Childers, of the Vitagraph Company, in | !
a two-act drama, " Roselyn," and fear-!!
less Helcm Holmes in our regular Fri- ! [
day railroad story, "The Death Train." !
Helen, as usual, again faces death and I
railroaders all over the couiitjy statu
she is the most fearless railroad girl
they have ever seen. Adv.'
Enthusiastic Audience at the Victoria
•Never before this week have the
pecple of Harrisburg and—vicinity had
an opportunity to enjoy" sucih high-class
music rendered during the presentation
of moving pictures by Professors Mal
lott and Johnson, of the Victoria the
atre, 011 their new $25,000 iHope-Jones
unit piipe organ orchestra. To see mo
tion pictures in n theatre wherein ev
ery action of the picture is given its
proper tone expression is one of tho
modern wonders. For example, if an
automobile is seen approaching one
hears the honk, honk of the ihoru, when
one sees birds just that same instant
one hears their twittering correctly
duplicated by this wonderful musical
instrument, or if horses are shown one
instantly hears their tap, tap, as though
they were directly in front of tihe thea
re; thus does this $25,000 pipe organ,
which in appropriately termed the pipe
organ with tho human voice, add to tlie
life and realism of the silent plays as
presented at the Victoria only. Adv.*
Mrs. Huhn Gets Divorce From New
York Mineralogist
Cincinnati, March 19. —Mrs. Caro
line iHulin got a divorce here from
Edgar Huhn, mineralogist of New
York' City and Chicatgo. She will be al
lowed to use her maiden name of
iMrs. Huhn testified that her honey
moon was unhappy and that while they
lived in New York her husband locked
her in a bath room. Hie conduct at a
dinner party humiliated her, she said,
and he put her out of their apartments
at HI o'clock at night. She also alleged
that he kept a painting of her dead
daughter 'by a former marriage for the
purpose of wounding her heart, 'know
ing she treasured it above all things.
"How colud two sflcih silent people
ver do their courtingt"
"Well, she has such a speaking coun
tenance." I
"But what about him?''
"Oh, his money talks."—Baltimore
4,700,000 NICKEL COINS
U. S. Mint Ships Big Consignment to
San Salvador
By Associated Press,
Philadelphia, March 19.—There was
shipped from the United States mint
to-day a package containing 4,700,00<>
nickel coins made for the government
of San Salvador. The coins are of the
denomiantions of one centavo and three
The mint will now begin work upon
a contract to manufacture $12,000,000
I in coin for the government of Chiba.
; This coinage will lie in thirtecn-denom
j inations of gold, silver and nickel, the
Igold coins being of S2O, $lO, $5, $4,
; $2 and $1 denomination. Those of si?-
j ver will be ten, twenty aud forty pesos,
t The nickel coins will be one, two and
.five pesos.
i This is one of the largest contracts
ever undertaken by tiie local mint for
a foreign nation and will require from
six to tight months to complete. A rep
resentative of the Cuban government
will ie stationed in tho mint and will
supervise the making "fcf the coins.
An Impression of Gorky
"Once when I was singing in Nijni
early in the "morning," said Chaliapine,
Russia's greatest singer, "1 looked out
and saw Gorky standing at a window
in tile same hotel, and gazing silently
over the city. The sun was shining on
the towers of the churches, over the
silver river an ! turning the roofs red.
'You are up early,' I said. 'Yes,' he
answered, 'Come in ray rooms for a
moment.' When 1 reached his window
1 saw that he had tears in his eyes,
and 1 did not understand. "Look,' he
said to me, 'how beautiful it is. Just
the world and not a human being any
where. The humanity-which has majde
its gods and its. laws, built its houses
and its churches, nil asleep and help
less as children, powerless to change
or adjust all this that it has made.'
"He spoke very softly and very
sweetly, and, for the moment, he seem
ed to me the most perfect human be
ing in tho world. Truly one of Rus
sia's "flowers of genius. —Craftsmen.
The Daily Fasfiion Hint
Roman striped gray taffeta combined
with gray chiffon. Gray net collar In
new ruche style.
Or®atest Naval Rifle Ever Used Prom
ise Much in Tests
Washington, March 19.—The two
battleships provided for in the current
naval bill may be armed with 16-inch
riflee, the heaviest naval guns over
While tentative plans for the new
ships contemplate vessels similar in
general design to the 32,G00-ton vessels
of the California class now building,
details of armament and engine equip
ment are being given 'unusual atten
tion by navy designer and the results
obtained from the 10-inch main bat
teries of the newest British and Ger
man battleships are being closelv
Already the new 16-inch nq\»v gun
has been subjected to tests at the In
dian Head proving and while
details of its construction and perform
ance are elosely guarded, -*t is known
that the gigantic weapon has given
proof of its efficiency which delighted
navy ordnance experts. The gun was
built at the American naval tiun fac
Some idea of the probable size of
the new American gun may be gather
ed from the fact that each of the
eight I's-ineh guns of the British bat
tleship Queen Elizabeth weighs 90
tons, while similar rifles, designed in
the Krupp works for German battle
ships, each weigh more than Bi2 tons.
The 14-inch rifles of the battleships
New York and Texas weigh 63.3 tons
each, and it is certain that the new
16-inch weapon weighs more than 100
tons, without its mounting.
Grand Fraternity Order Instituted
With 23 New Members
■Sji' 'lal Correspondent-*
Halifax, March 19.—The Grand
Fraternity was instituted in this place
Wednesday evening with about twenty
five members. There were a number oi
out-of-town members present. Sand
wiches, coffee and i«e cream were
The Halifax Grange will render the
following program to-morrow evening:
Song, by grange; dialogue, by members;
song, iby grange; recitation, Miss Ruth
Cook; reading, Joseph Miller; song,
Mrs. John F. Poffeniberger and son,
Kussell, have been summoned to Plant
City, Florida, on account of the se
rious illness of Mrs. Poffenberger's
brother, Frank M. Loomis.
The Halifax Fire Company was called
out Wednesday to put out a blaze in
a frame building at the rear of the
home of Mrs. D. K. Smith on Market
street, caused by a spark from a pass
ing engine. It was extinguished be
fore much damage was done.
Tho Critic
"How do you like the meter of my
poem?" asked tho poet when the mag
azine editor had finished reading it.
"There is plenty of gas in tihe
thing, but I'm hanged if I can see any
meter!" replied the heartless editor.—
Cincinnati Enquirer.
His System
Wife—"John, there must be a lot
of iron in your System." ,
Husband—"Why do you think so I"
Wife—"Because you invariably lose
your temper when you get hot."
Try This If You
Have Dandruff j
There is one sure way that never fails
to remove dandruff completely and that
is to dissolve it. This destroys it en
tirely. To do this, just get about four
ounces of plain, ordinary liquid arvon;
apply it at night when retiring; use
enough to moisten the seal]) and rub it
in gently with the finger tips.
By morning most, if not all, of your
dandruff will be gone, and three or
four more applications will completely
dissolve and entirely destroy every
single sign and trace of it, no matter
how much dandruff you may havfe.
You will find, too, thqft" all itching
and digging of the scalp will stop in
stantly and your hair will be fluffy,
lustrous, glossy, silky and soft and look
and feel a hundred times better.
You can get liquid arvon at any drug
store. It is inexpensive, and' four
ounces is all you will need. This simple
remedy has never been known to fail.
South Carolina Avenue <£■ Beach
Pleasantly situated, a few steps
from Boardwalk. Ideal family hotel.
Every modern appointment. Many
rooms equipped with running water;
100 private baths. Table and service
most excellent. Rates SIO.OO, $12.00,
$15.00 weekly, American plan. Book
let and calendar sent free on request.
David P. Hahter Silas H rlnUl
Chief Clerk Muitnuer
Calendars of above hotel can also be
obtained by applying at Star-In
dependent ofllce.
jl §
K Stations, points of Interest.
| In the Center of Everything j
K Re-inodeled — Re-decorated —Re- X |
K furnished. European plan. Every N
K convenience. s '
v. Roams, without bath N J
K Rtoni. with bath $2.00 S !
Hot and cold running
water 111 all rooms. v
S We are especially equipped for
8 Conventions. Write for full details. J.
Laail Luktl, PreiWeat-Manager
The Pipe Organ With the Human Voice
Is a Term Appropriately Applied to the New
During the presentation of only the highest type motion pictures Professors Mallat and Johnson will give
each action of the picture it 3 proper tone expression, thus making the Victoria program doubly attractive.
besn t eemod!LED victoria THE A TT?
■■ , I
MAUD POWELL, Violinist
Reserved Seat Sale starts •I^^.
Music House, 15 So. Market
Prices, $1.50, SI.OO and 75c
orders filled.
Can Be Carried In Hand Satchel and
Operated From Auto
Hi) Associated Press.
New York, .March 19. —A wireless
telegraph instrument weighing eight
pounds that can toe carried in a hand
satchel and operated from an automo
bile, was tested by officer* of the Unit
ed States signal corps on Bedloes Is
land yesterday. The instrument was
connected with the antennae of the
wireless station on the island and seut
a message which was received at Fort
'Hancock on Sandy Hook, 21 miles
ft is claimed that the instrument
can send messages I,OO'O feet or more
witlioOt antennae and that it would bfi
valuable in trench warfare. The ex
treme radius of the operation is said
to be 300 miles. M. B. Dilley, master
signal electrician who observed ,the
test, said that the wireless machine
could be operated with the electricity
from an automobile battery.
Organ Recital at St. Stephen's
The fifth in the scries of Lenten
orjan recitals in St. Stephen's church,
will be given to-morrow afternoon at
5 o 'clock bv Frank A. McCarrell, or
gunist at Pine Street Presbyterian
chftjrch, assisted by George Sutton,
baritone. Following is the program:
Fugue in G minor, (lesser), J. 8.
Bach; Fugue in G major, J. S. Bach;
Lamentation, Grand Chorus in E flat,
Guiluiaint; solo, "O God, Have
Mercy," Mendelssohn; "In Spring
time," Kinder; Fantasia in C, Tours.
Two Days, Comin6ncins To
Matinee To-morrow ~ ? * Aum <H,,D "
A I • a r*n P I* Our lliillroixl Serle*—"THE DEATH
Carlisle Elks Frolic
e<l "The Fearle«n Railroad C«lrl.**
"They're At It Again" Special To-morrow
\uNi>ieeM HarriNbarK Eik» sot-iai 3-Reel Kalem Drama, "THE
„,, Iwr WHITE GODDESS,'' with
PRICES) 25e. r.oc, 7Bc, SI.OO ALlt-i JUYOi
®————————— — i J
safety first The Song Doctors
With Lou Anger and Sophye Bar- **
nard and a Big Company With Pretty Girls Who Will Cure
IRENE and'BOBBY SMITH T °" "» »■«
Big Surrounding Show
Lel 3 Other Excellent Keith Acts
NEXT WEEK and City ' s Best Plctur « B
EIGHT ROYAL DRAGOONS Mat., 3 and 10c; Eve., 10 and 15c
* ™ dpot " A
JJ £i (3 X Huuri, U Noon to 11 P. M.
a ■■MA n ■■ n ir. TO-DAY AND TO-MOHHOW
nil |l| |M| •>> Inraol /.IIUKWIII, IVaturliiK llnH
MU I U IJBIII II fiimoiiH llroadtvny Mar. WII.TOV
■■WWW WBBWWW j tACKAYE. A -lory K rl|>|.lnu "Itli
heart Intert'Ht; will ai»;jeiil to every
If CI If CD CT II ill l A --->HHOwI" n EW O, K,E,.D S .
Rilnr H\l Hill I "OLD DITCII," ln«R reel*, In which
|1 B 11111 1111 |l| || H 11|| MAHIB KMI'HKSN, r fanioun KngllMh
IILI 1111 Ull UI • UIIIJII mum* hall Mtar ami a noted beauty,
pla>M the part of (he ariveaturcMM.
Open 11 A. M. to 11 P. M. T "T
* I Ksclunlve Theatre with HxcluNlve
- Film I'l ay* for HxcluNlve I'atronM.
1915 FORD CAR OIVEN - - - -
——— AWAY | Lebanon D. A. R. Holds Meeting
t? .. 11 « » « , » j I Lebanon, March 19.—The March
Vanity mags to Each JLady ! meeting of the Lebanon Chapter,
' Daughters of the American Revolution,
Orchestra and Dancing Miss Florence Richards, Berwyn Park.
—— Mrs. John If. lteiiil read an interesting
Decorations and Electric Display the paper on " The Palace of the Governor
Greatest Ever Seen in This City °f Sante Fe," and Miss Nora Suavely,
_____ daughter of former Assemblyman H. C.
Hnavely, of Westmont, also read a well-
Admission. 25<* I prepared paper on "The Boston :nd
> Other Tea Parties."
National Prohibition Defeated in the
Voting Last December
I*n Associated Ptess,
Wellington, New Zealand, March 10.
—National prohibition was dfeated In
the voting on the liquor question last
| December, according to complete re
! turns which have been announced by
j the government. 'Supporters of local no
j license also lost their fight. The vote
| on both questions, which wfts close, fol
For national prohibition, 247,217;
[ for continuance, 257,442.
For local no-license, 229,47 4; con
continuance, 274,405.
Since 1911 the percentage of no-li
cense votes lias fallen, from nearly fifty
to about forty-five and one-half.
Workmen's Bill Passes N. Y. House
Albany, N. Y„ March 19.—The pro
[Kised amendment to the workmen s
| compensation law to permit direct set-
I tlement of injury claims between em
! plovers and employes passed the Assem
j >bly to-day toy a vote of X 2 to 54.
The bill will go to the Senate for pass
age under an emergency mcssasfe and
pro'batoly will reach the Governor to-
There Is No Question
but that indigestion and the distressed
feeling which always goes with it can
be promptly relieved by taking a
before and after each meal. 25c a box.
George A. Gorgas