Easter Is Just Around the Corner—Prepare Now -. ~Z Timely Specials jP*\ V JSJDUWICMIQ ■ in silks iK/tFv X- i Am, Call 1991—Any Phone Founded 1871 Checked Taffetas, 98< yd-value nr-owtk Saturday Hours 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. white - L Silk Crepe de Chines, $1.09 yard \Wr\rc\sf/ 7tT ' ' I * * —lO inches wide; in black, putty, I m UT f\\ V\ * AM Belgian blue and navy; extra valufc. / I '/ I ywW \ \\ s TTii Tr*\ f T~\ p T nrAf"C Crepe de Chines, $1.98 yard | ij\ Ww/ \ I X U.I Xl IIIC JL/lt tlv X Ulb value $2.50; 40 inches wide; white jL.«„,il( \ \ I t T^/"v/~vT' , o Crepe de Chine, $1.59 yard—val- vmwwl \ If I \mfortable cart s2^f e w e SSs*widf; y st r i^ V V iJ * jSBi x aijflji'Warm jia< . evening shades. I■■ •• - 11 1 * Our display of Baby Carriages is complete with the new models Silk Marquisettes SI 25 yard— of £l llmans au< J Roadsters, with revereible gears, at $15.00 40 inches widc Harlequin and coin 7 1 TAT Of TAT 1 J* 1 " eW 8 ' " Francaiw, 9l.s9 yard val- I O-mOtTOW We CL Collapsible Go-carts in green, black and maroon with solid or soft ue $2.00; 36 inches wide; black only; A i /* Ti 7" 9 # sides, at $4.95, $5.95, $6.98 and up to $12.98. satin finish. /\ f~iT 14//) TYI f~* TI Q See the .many novelties in sulkies of wood, metal and reed, at Main Floor —BOWMAN'S. * M Vm a §>%£ f (v i • * 'v' * $1.98, $2.50, $2.98, $3.50 and up to $9.98. - /Ti-f AA f /ftA A AA t ... . At $15.00 and $20.00 We believe it to be the largest showing in Harrisburg—we KNOW it is the largest ever mMmmmr&mm&tM mPmmmM P*P«- shewn here. 01 —BaHement. The suits are unusual —unusual from a standpoint of quality—unusual cannot begin to illus trate the style and beauty. TJ J A surprise awaits you in the materials. American Woolen Co.'s fine poplins; fine gaberdines; m XiCUdCrSOII men's wear serges, and shepherd checks. I / Every wanted shade —black, navy, putty, sand, Belgian blue, the new greens, battleship ilsrH \W ■ i x V \ Corsets ArG grey, and others. \ Jr Xv/c^ 1 — 7 vvivjt/io Last but not least, is the splendid tailoring, and you'll wonder at such workmanship in mod rwH Recognized erat feSt%S nt a ß nd 5 2 0.00. 4 ffiSl WW Hw Style Creators Coats to Satisfy YOUR Taste 1 Jx-Your figure—every figure, is a | No matter it' it's a low priced coat, or a coat, of lii.u'h quality and price—it's here for you. • | jp£j > model for some Ilendersou corset, j Tlie newest in style, in material, ill color. Our coats come from famous makers—tailors known The makers of these high grade Materials are coverts, armv coverts; India coverts; poplins in silk or wool; gaberdines, serges —_ — _ __ _ j corsets have spent years in perfect- ! j novelties f) (A f #/o /A f I\/i Ofl is '°in f h fi t'''Tilnfoli '''i Prices are f?7.50 to sso.oo;—the assortment covers the entire style field. jOl J.VJ.6TI ! service, and to-day they are nncondi- White Chinchillas — better kind, at popular prices—slo, $12.50, sls and $18.50. m y—\ * /» i tionally guaranteed. * Are Examples of i Crex Rugs Bowman Styles Are the Smart Dress I | specially Monarchs of Millinery u . . 14 I Priced at $1.09 to $3.00. u J 1 Such a tempting array - they're so prettv -so dis- The showing is more complete now and awaits your ap- second Floor—bowman-b. PrifPd tinctive so becoming. proval sure of pleasing you from the ground up. —————. Stylish as they are—high grade as they may be—or as Popular patterns include grey overplaids, brown over- Soap SpCCi&IS s'L^'mx !'Hl'i!rat' 1 .57 , i0 low priced as you may desire, plaids, blue flannels, homespun mixtures, shepherd checks 10 cakes swift's Pride soap, ~2!>c y ize g x] (,. Sl)ec i a i a t $5.98 1 THgTG Is Q Hdt and "black striped" worsteds. . .. = % J I? Wide, long and distinct lapels dominate in one, two and jlO cakes Fcls Najitlin son|i, ...IlSc I ~ Of JLjJjGTy three-button models. 2 cans oi.i Dutch cieansor 15c Continuing— \ No phone orders sent ('. 0. 1). li 11 LI I llg CfJ. i Three-button, double breasted vests, resembling the mode Basement—bowman's. m i t\ a. •Mx Jh*' ") of 1830, are featured. The Pre-Easter f /MJ|£ .asttflsft Note this oft-repeated fact, that men of all "dimensions" Stylish Gloves Sale of Women's I copies of imported models, and Bow can be fitted here—properly. J 'iM . man creations. 4-/> "fllip ijllTlS 511O0S \\ V\\ )~" All together, it is a most wonder- Extraordinary Showing of to compete xne Prlces Are Less Than . \ WTjH " Suits at $9.90 S P rUI S C ° 3tume H* -Pitt iUI Fownes'Olovec-real kid. in white and ! «1.49 for the $3.50 Grades. Here are sure styles for Spring—soft and derbies, in'six /WC lA# 111 I Ift IISK IT black, 1 C-button length, pair, s{."»!> and I No shoes will be exchanged, sent C. O. DOPlllai* shades. $1.50 aild $2.00. W J A/ vliai 94.00. D„ or on approval during this sale. v . xt.c „ • , ! • Third Floor —BOW MANS. J fH-, n .... r , .. Kayser's Gloves—l6-button length Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S. I Q«»Hl|ir I fIW chamoisotte gloves, in self and contrast- | , —————■—————————————— ing embroidery, pair, 75c and sl.2^. rpi, „, r v ■ i ,1 . , . Kayser's Gloves 2-clasp chamoisette | TO" 1110 TTO W VriC Offer A Qn 1 a /\4- TTT /\«m am rj 1 he\ re neA\ aiii\als that came in a couple days ago, and gloves in aii the new shades, pair, 50c. ... C 3+ t% XjL WAIv OX W Olllvll ||S a "right smart 1 value at Made of mercerized madras in Eayser's aioves —B-buttou length chain- Vr aVY . t*/\ m •«« p 0/\ novelty stripes. French cuffs. "• m """ v $1.50 SllK MOSe 101 o9C Main Floor BOWMAN'S. Main p| oor —BOWMAN'S. Very special at this price. '26 'Phis was a manufacturer's clean-up lot of "varies," which means inches long, of splendid quality; there are different kinds. Some are all silk, others have lisle soles; all ' ———. mounted on three short stems; all have high spliced heels and wide garter tops. Slight mends may be found, O TT A a • • ¥ i T*ll shades. or perhaps the color is a little uneven in some places. opring nousc Activity W ill se ° mi Fi °° r - BowMAN s noor-BowM A Ns Remind Housewives of Our March The Annual March Embroidery Sale Sale of House Furnishings and China | ?T 8 ™ °"' e * Tear „ B , , „ O —And just this one time in every year can the Embroidery De- This event which continues until March 26th, is of timely interest to every house- ! /fcvv partment offer such striking economies. im wS tt with ° ~tl 7 ^t i,em: "« a im ° st tl u " t bciiev t i< '" beautifui say nothing of cooking needs. Following are just an inkling of the special items: patterns ' and te extrem ely low prices that are ottered. Ezy Slip-on Mop—gets in the OUmax Pood Chopper, value bracket; toilet paper holder; eom- Every item is a winner. Read corners. One 75c dust mop, one 98c; lias three steel cutters and bination tumbler and soap holder; jL IVI,OOO yards 15c to 20c Convent Edges, 10c Embroidered Edges—Swiss, cam -75c polish mop, one !?5e can cedar one double cutter, combination tooth brush and turn- i / blind and eyelet embroidery, 2to 4 brie and longcloth. Yiard, s^. oil polish—total $1.75 valuer for Aluminum Coffee Percolator holder; tub and wall soap ®j?i 1 £:;&'• / inches wide; extra heavy embroidered $'2.00 45-inch Batiste Flouncing, blind 9S<. valM *1.98; new octagon shape! J.few n.. r.™ £ V'*7 scallop. Yard, 12y 2 <. , patterns. Yard, ?1.00. full 2-qt. capacity 51.25. cystone Safety Gas Iron, \ cine \ fiij!*] - A , . . „ $1.25 and $1.50 27-inch Organdie Aluminum Percolator value _ ~ $2.70; guaranteed to be positively \ 1 vW'l , oOc and o9c 2(-inch Swiss Flouncing, Flouncing. Yard 89^. $2.98; French design; made of ex- Fixtures value 75c; odorless and perfectly safe. It \ yard, tra heaw mefal with black ebon- tnh n , u , he . ats f e ven and uniformly in four U - ooc and 59c 18-inch Swiss Flouncing; Yard, 25