4 CAPITOL . —• MIFFLIN COUNTY CLAIMS ' NOXIOUS ANIMAL SLAYER f t . i ■ Isaac P. Poight, Candidate for State's Hunting and Trapping Champion ship, Killed 20 Foxes and »« Weas els Last Year Mifflin county's claim for bounties on account of the killing of noxious animals, just filed with Auditor Gen eral Powell, reveals Isaac P. Peigiht as a promising candidate ior the State's , hunting and tripping championship. It ia certified that Mr. l'eiglit turned in proofs of the slaughter of 20 foxes and 9 6 weasels, and that the couuty treas ury is lighter by sl4 6 because of his •kill. M. Z. Byler also killed five foxes, but as a trapper of he is hard ly in the running. The claim dhows that at least eleven Mifflin county women are effective guardians of the hen roost, for bounties ior the killing of weasels were collect ed by Ida C. Henry, Mary ,1. West, Mary A. Brower, Mary Scott, Cora Mundorff, Mary E. Postlethwaite, AV i 1 la fepiglemver, Carrie B. Baker, Mary M. Johns, Anna M. Hamilton and Mrs. E. Quay. The total amount for which the county asks reimbursement of the State is $2,587.50. Many Want New Bridges The Water Supply Commission of Pennsylvania completed its week's ses sion last night, and made announcement of applications to build at least fifteen bridges over minor streams of the State that had received its approval. Among them were the following: Pennsylvania Railroad Company, to build the east half of the south abut ment of bridge over Lycoming creek at Cogan Valley passenger station, in Lycoming county. Pennsylvania Railroad Company, to build a 'bridge over Bottle run, north of Williamsport station. Commissioners of Mifflin county, to cafcstruct a bridge over Lancaster or Dry run, near Schrader, in Armagh township. Commissioners of Mifflin county, to construct a bridge over Long Meadow run, 9 miles from Lewistown, in West Decatur township. "Commissioners of Mifflin county, to -construct a bridge over Treaster Val ley run, near Siglerville, in Armagh township. Pennsylvania Railroad Company, to construct a bridge over Karl run, near Glen Iron, in Hartley township, Union county. Commissioners of Lancaster county, to buijd a bridge over Big Chickies creek, on the Manheim, Sporting Hill and Lancaster Junction road, in Man heim borough. Commissioners of Berks county, to (build a bridge over Hay creek, near -White Bear Station, Robeson township. Bear Gap Water Company, to repair their No. 1 dam on the South branch of Roaring creek, in Coal township, (Northumberland county, and .uocust township, Columbia county. Commissioners of Berks county, to < onstruct a bridge over Willow creek, at Fleetwood. Palmyra Gets the Phone The ordinance of the borough of giving the Bell Telephone Company the right to-construct a tele phone system in that town has been approved by the Public Service Com mission. Mayor Wants to Know A letter has been received by tho j Public Service Commission from Mayor | Blan'kenburg, of Philadelphia, asking to j be advised if the contract between the Philadelphia Electric Company and the I Keystone Telephone Company, by which I • the former secured the right to use the | latter's excess ducts, will have to be, approved by the Commission; and if so, : when the hearing on the contract will j | be held. The Mayor stated that the ! city of Philadelphia may desire to pre-1 ! sent certain facts for consideration. The Mayor has been informed that tho contract lias not been submitted, and 'the Commission will ascertain from the Philadelphia Electric and the Keystone whVther such a contract has been made, and if so, to advise when it is to be {presented for approval in accordance with the provisions of the Public Serv ice Company law. S. Lee Enswiller 111 ; S. Lee Enswiller, who has charge of the metallic furniture at the Capitol, is seriously ill at his home in Marietta. .'A number of prominent men from Bar •j-isburg called to see him yesterday. Automobile Licenses i The rush for automobile licenses ■still continues at the State Highway Department, and the entire force of 'the automobile division, under the ef ificient management of Curator Boyd, is kept very busy. Up to date there have been issued 78,791 pneumatic tire licenses; 5,778 nolid tire; 143 .-tractor; 80 trailers; 6.669 motorcy cles; 9.979 drivers; 3,500 dealers' and ".17,000 operators', the license money for which has been turned into the ifritnte Treasury to bo applied to the of State highways. Dope Food Prosecutions l'ure Food Commissioner Foust this 'morning ordered prosecutions of 36 cases of doped and adulterated food [sellers in Allegheny, Philadelphia, 'Washington and Blair counties. The agents are keeping a sharp [eye on Easter candies just now. Get Charters i A charter was issued to-day at the fifate Department to Hhermer k- Co.. of ELa master, to conduct coal and wood operations, with a capital of SIOO,OOO. The "Potts Department Store, Blum kerg & Amram" is the name of a new borporation, with SIO,OOO capital, to 3o business at Ephrata, Lancaster tounty. MOTHER POISONED CHILDREN Coroner's Jury Renders Verdict in Case of Mrs. Ida SnitTen Walters Bp Associated Press. ► New \ork. March 19.—Loretta Rogers, 8 months old, and her brother, John, aged 2 years, children of Lorlys Elton Rogers and Mrs. Ida Hniffen Wal lers, came to their death through poison idmi-nistered by their mother, aceord jig to the formal verdict of a Coroner's, ury to-day. Mrs. Walters is locked up iwaiting trial 011 nn indictment eharg ng her with their murder. The children died a day or so aftei they had been poisoned on Decemoei- J9. Mrs. Walters survived the poison lotion she herself took. TO STAY AT INDUSTRIAL ROME Nursery Children Given Part of In stitution Until New Quarters Are Completed on Cameron Street Announcement was made this morn ing that the Day Nursery children, Who were burned out of their home 011 North Third street, Tuesday evening, will remain at the Children 'a Indus trial Home, Nineteenth and Derry streets, until their new home is com pleted on South Cameron street. Following the fire Tuesday evening, a committee composed of Miss Anne McCormicJt and Mrs. J. D. Hawkins, were appointed to secure temporary headquarters for the children. A num ber of places have been selected and several offers made, but none came quite up to filling the needs of the home. Yesterday the managers of the In dustrial Home turned over a part of the buildiing to the nursery, which Hnswers the purpose quite well. The three infant children who were quar antined with the measles have been placed in the hospital department of the institution. Mie new building on South Camer on street, was not expected to be com pleted until June, but carpenters amd workmen 'said they will hurry the work so it will be ready for occupancy bo fore that date. TO GROUP LEGAL BUSINESS Law Planned to Put All of It In Hands of Attorney General The Attorney General's Department i will have presented in the Legislature ! on Monday night a bill for the' reor ganization of the Attorney General's t Department, establishing a legal sub . department. It will provide that the department shall have charge of all t legal matters in connection with every other department requiring the serv , icee of an attorney, and that there shall be a sufficient force of deputies to take charge of all legal matters. , At present almost every department when in need of the services of an at torney, if the force of the Attorney General's department is not available, , retains private attorneys and their services are paid for by the State. Hardly a department on Capitol Hill but has at some time obtained legal , talent outside of the Attorney Gen eral 'a Department, and some of "the de partments have regular attorneys who are paid annual salaries. It is "propos ed to do away with all of these in the future, amd center the entire legal force in the one department. HUNTERS' LICENSES DELAYED Changes in the Game Laws Will Hold Them Back Until July Dauphin county hunters will not get any hunters' Tfrfnses until some time after the Legislature adjourns. It is the law that a digest of the game lavvs relating to the open seasons for dif ferent kinds of game, shall be printed on the back of the license, but there are so many changes contemplated in the laws by the Legislature that it will not be possible to get them all until they are enacted, and some of them may not be disposed of until efter the Legislature adjourns. This will make it impossible to get the new licenses ready for the hunters before the lat ter part of July at least. TALKS ON CO-OPERATION ! State Assemblyman Urges Stronger Union Among parent-Teacher Body At a meeting of the Parent-Teach ers' Association of the Camp Curtin school yesterday afternoon closer co operation between teachers, parents, children and directors was urged by Miles A. Milliron, a representative in I the State Legislature from Armstrong county. Announcement was made by Super visor J. *J. Brehm that the school gardens would be mapped out in the near future. A committee of patrons will be appointed to secure vacant ground in the vicinity of the school I building. The election of officers of the asso ciation will take place at the uext meeting, April 15, which will be the last meeting of this year. MUCH SMOKE BUT NO FIRE Suffragists Do Not Take Advantage When Crowd Collects at Headquarters The suffragists lost an opportunity yesterday afternoon when they did not have a reserve speaker on hand to ad dress the crowd that collected when the Friendship motor clamored to the front fit the Arcade 'building, Walnut and Court streets, in response to a call from the store of William P. Cunning ham. The smoke pipe leading from the range in which a fresh lire was lnliit flooded the 'basement and store with smoke. >Jo damage was done. The Stat suffrage headquarters are directly over the store. HERSHEY PICNIC PLANNED Committee On Arrangements Will Re port at Green Street Church The Sunday school of the Green Street Church of God will go to Her shey Park for its picnic, this summer. A committee on arrangements will re port in the next few weeks. ' The Ladies' Aid Society of the church, "will hold an oyster supper on Saturday of next week at Third and Boas streets. ance rates for Harrisburg. DR. BATT TO SPEAK "Bio-Metric Findings" Will Be Topic At Academy of Medicine At a meeting of the Harrisburg Academy of Medicine to be held next Friday evening at the Academy build ing. 319 North Second street, an ad dress will be given bv Dr. Wilmer 1!. Batt, of this city, on "Bio-Metric Fipdings." Underwriters' Inspector Finishes Work C. W. Wheeler, of Philadelphia, an engineer for the Fire Underwriters' Association of the middle district, finished his Harrisburg inspection yes terday. Equipment of the fire and water departments Were carefully look ed over. His report will foe taken in to consideration when the underwriters decide on a readjustment of fire insur- Saturday Only We are offering a hand-painted Jap* nncsc Toa Pot and one 3-pound box Gloss Starch, 25 cents. Grand Union Tea Co., 208 N. Second street.—Adv. * HARRISBTTRG STAR-INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 19, 1915. USSIAN FORCES AGAIN IN EAST PRUSSIA, AT MEMEL Petrograd, March 19, 12 Noon, via London, 2.30 P. M. — The campaign io tho east has assumed a new aspect with the penetration of the northernmost point of Ej>st Prussia by Russian forces. This invasion in the north in many ways parallels the advance into East Prussia of two -*ionths ago when the Russian Tenth army, which it was thought might flank the German po sitions near the Mazurian lakes, was de feated and driven out. On this occa sion, howeve?r, Russian military authori ties say unanimously that the invasion docs not possess a like strategic signifi cance. The Russian force has genetrat ed East Prussia to within twelve miles of the important sea port of Memel. (Tho official rerort from Berlin to day, evidently 'based on Inter informa tion, says that tho Russians have en tered Memel). LATE WAR NEWS SUMMARY Continued From firm Pago. Turkish Armenia is said to have won another victory, capturing a Turkish base on the Black Sea near the Rus sian bbrder. Petrograd asserts that the Turks retreated In disorder. Two more British steamers have been destroyed by Germany's submarine raiders. They were torpedoed in the English Channel. The Turkish War Department an nounced to-day that the French battle ship Bouvel had been sunk during the bombardment of the Dardanelles. No confirmation has been received from Paris or London. The Constantinople statement indi cates that the Turkish fleet, whose lo cation has been unknown for some time, again is engaged actively in tho Black Sea. It is said to have attacked a Russian naval base on the Crimean coast, inflicting considerable damage. Unofficial dispatches of recent date have described the former German cruisers Goeben and Breslau, now among the principal units of the Turkish fleet, as has been put out of commission and j have stated that the Russian fleet was J on tho way to attack the Bosphorus. What is said to be a presentation of j Austria's attitude toward Italy, as set forth in a Vienna dispatch to Rome, | contains the statement that Austria, if 1 she agrees to make territorial conces ! sions sufficient to satisfy Italy, will de fer formal transfer of the territory un til after the war. Austria, it is said, desires to assure herself that Italy will adhere to her promise of neutrality in return for the grant. This attitude is described in Rome as unsatisfactory to Italy. ( A Paris dispatch states that Austria is resisting German pressure and that several representatives of the 1 dual monarchy will go to Berlin to pre sent their reasons for desiring to resist Italy's wishes. Information from Bucharest is that the Austrian forces in Bukowina have been reinforced and are undertaking a strong offensive movement. It has been reported recently that the Austrians were being hard pressed and might be forced to evacuate Czernowitz. REPORT GEH3I AN TROOPS LEFT EASTERN FOR WESTERN FRONT London, March 19, 3.55 A. M.—A special to the "Times" from Petrograd says the Russian military authorities arc convinced that some of the §3 Ger man army corps mussed in the eastern war theatre already have gone to Bel gium or France, or presumably to re inforce troops facing the British. The dispatch also says that the Ger mans probably are sending reinforce ments to the Galician theatre, where the "Russians have gained a complete mastery of the situation. Everything goes to show that owing to these causes i a serious German offensive in East Prus sia must be abandoned." GERMAN SUBMARINES CHASE STEAMERS GOING TO ENGLAND! London, March 19, 4.30 \ M.—Sev eral incoming steamers report having been chased by German submarines. The Glencunny, from Calcutta, reports having escaped from one of these craft, which the officers of tho steamer say, succeeded in sinking another steamer that they were unable to iden tify off Benehy Head. The steamer Colchester, which plies ' between Rotterdam and Harwich, was pursued yesterday for tho second fimei in two days by the U-28, but escaped. British Rules on Shipping to Holland Washington, March lo.—The follow ing special ruling governing commerce with Holland was made public at the British Embassy here: "All shipments of petroleum, cop[>er, wheat or wheat flour should 'be consigned to the Nether lands government when destined for consumption in Holland nnd all other articles 011 the contraband list destined j for consumption in Holland should be' consigned to the Overseas Trust." > Servian on Diplomatic Mission? Rome, March 19. —M. Menadovitch, a member of the reigning family of Servia and at one time Servian Min ister to Turkey, arrived in Rome yester day. rt is presumed that ho comes 011 a diplomatic mission. Austrians Reinforced in Bukowina London, March 19, 7.30 A. M.—The Austrians have received reinforcements and have resumed a strong offensive in Bukowina, says a Bucharest dispatch to the 'Times." Kerbaugh Hearing Postponed The hearing of W. D. Kerbaugh, which was scheduled to take place be fore Alderman Landis this morning, lias been postponed until Monday even ing at 7 o'clock. Kerbaugh is charged with arson by Mrs. Catherine Breach, who said he tried to set fire to her honie, Sayford and James streets, Sun day morning, March 7. Daily Milk Tests at Hospital In an effort to get the best milk obtainable for the patients at the Har risJbung hospital, a daily bacteriologic al examination will be made at the in stitution to determine if .it conies up to the requirements 0' the hospital. Milkmen are invited>'to offer bids to supply milk to the hospital. SUCCESSFUL AUTOMOBILE SHOW ON Ml STRETCH Cntligtd From First Ptfft bas attracted hundreds to the Kelker street hall, Fourth and Kelker streets. The closing days of the show are ex pected to bring out hundreds of out-of town people interested in autos. The development of farming with the auto mbile has been one of the rosults of the excellent cars of to-day, and the farmers attending Kelker street mar ket, immediately under fht snow, will bo given an opportunity to go through the exhibit. The Reese concert orchestra vrtll give the following pr(jaram at to-night's show: Part I—.March, "Thurston," A'. J. Stasney; overture, "Morning, Night nnd Noon," Suppe; waltz, "Naiad," I'. De Zulueta; "The Wall Street I Girl," Karl Hoschua; '"M^rcella," in- I termezzu, Noel Johnson; hesitation, "La Boston," J. M. Shaw. Part, ll—"My Raggyadore," Jean Schwartz; "The Golden Butterfly," R. DeKoven; "I'ass the Pickles," Grace Le Boy; "The Enchantress," Victor Herbert; "Waltz With Me," H. V. Lu zerno; "Tickle Toes," W. 11. Penn. At the Arena The sixth annual show of the Har ri&burg Automobile Dealers' Associa tion at the Arena, Third and Delaware streets, is on the last legs of the best show the association has ever held. There is almost as much an auto show on the outside as 011 t'ho inside, for a large sprinkling of the visitors are prospects to such an extent that they require demonstrations, and the Arena show is a busy place with little excur sions starting out at intervals. The experience of the dealers that the public was awaiting the easy com parison of machines by seeing them side by side before making a decision was a plpasing one and sales have eeen better than ever before. If business kee>ps up as it has during the first part of the week, there will be estat> lished a high water mark that will be hard to heat in succeeding exhibits. The veteran dealers are more than pleased with the outpouring of buyers.' Louis Cortese and Arthur "Rubin will render the following program ou the harp and violin to-night: Part I—March, "Made in U. S. A.," Santos; selection, "Bohemian Girl," Balfe; "Salut d'Amour," E. Elgar; 'Waltz of Peace," Cr. Harris; "Melody in F," A. Ru'benstein; "In a Rose Gar den," B. Gaston; "Humoreske," A. Dvorak. Part ll—"Levende," Moskowski; waltz, "Cecile," F. McKee; "Spring Song," Mendelssohn; "Love's Melo dy," L. Daniedriff; "Adele Selection," Jean Briquet; "Caveliera Rustieana." intermezzo, Petro Mascagni; "World Peace," S. Zamcnick. ARMENIAN HORRORS APPALL i Whole Plain of Alashgerd Literally Cov ered With the Bodies of Men, Women and Children By Associated Press. London, March 19, 2,10 P. M.—'Ap palling accounts of conditions in Ar menia have reached the officials in Lon don of the Armenian Rod Cross fund. The latest recital is from an Ar menian doctor named Derderian, who says that the whole plain of Alashgerd is virtually covered with the bodies of men, women and children. When the Russian foreeß retreated from this dis trict the Kurds fell upon the helpless people and shut them up in mosques. The men were killed anil the women were carried away to the mountains. The organizers of the Red Cross fund say there are 120,000 destitute Ar menior.s now in the Caucasus. TO ENLARGE BOYVMAN STORE | Management Has Decided to Start Improvements Next Month Bowman & Company have arranged | with M. I. Kast, architect, for the ! plans for the building of a six-story brick and stoue structure on the eite J of the old Grand Hotel, adjoining the present main building of that com pany's store, at Market and Dew berry streets. This building has been I a part of the store for some time, the rear having already been built to con form with the main building. Operations will start in the middle of April and the structure will be com pleted in four months. There \»ill be ■new furnishings and fittings .through out the store.'The addition will be 28 ;by 10-5 feet. Across the front of the i unified structure will be an ornamental glass awning. The first floor will in ! elude an arcade. The new addition will j add thirty per cent, floor spice to the utore. PICTURE OF FIRST MAYOR IS UP Collection Soon to Adorn Walls at Po ) lice Headquarters The collection of photographs of all the Mayors of Harrisburg since the city 's incorporation will soon be adorn ing the walls of the oflicc of Clarence O. Backenstoss, secretary to Mayor Royal. The first picture, that of Wil liam H. Kepner, the first Mayor who held office from IS6O to 1563, was fin ished and hung in place to-day. The others will follow as soon as completed by the photographer. It took almost a year to get a collection of photographs of all of the Mayors of Ilarrigburg. Below Freezing Temperature The temperature dropped to 28 de grees last night and the partly cloudy condition was responsible for a moder ately heavy frost. It did no damage as the crops are not sufficiently far ad vanced. There will be only slight changes in tho weather conditions to night and occasional rains may result. Denver Bank Wants Saving Fund , A Denver, Col., bank has written the illarrittourg Chamber of Commerce albout the Christmas savings clubs being TUB in this city. The desired information was mailed and it is likely that the Harrisburg, plan will be operated nowin Denver. Flremtn to Discuss Police Interference No formal complaint of the Harris burg Firemen's IThion that the police interfered with firemen on duty at fires lia.s been presented as yet* to either the head of the fire or police departments. This question will be taken up further at the nert meeting of the union to be held April 13, in the Mt. Vernon house. COURT HOUSE MANY MERCANTILE LICENSES Appraiser Has Some 3,800 Claims to r File With County Treasurer Upwards of 2,800 license taxes will 'be chargeable aigainut county mer chants for 1914, accordintg to a re e port just compiled by Joseph A. Mil ler, the Mercantile Appraiser. Miller f will make his report to the County Treasurer early next week and bills e for the claims at once will be sent out j" over the county. '* Tho mercantile tax will be due crn and alter May 1, and if not paid on or before July 1, an alderman usually e succeeds the County Treasurer as col -8 lector. r - Engineer Is 111 , Clinton M. Hershey, county engin eer, to-day was reported indisposed. D. Frank Ldbo, chief clerk to the County l " Commissioners, who has been ill for '> several days, it was said to-day is no better. Lebo is suffering from rheuma- J 1 tism. e Damage Suit r A damage suit to-day was brought by Nikola, Josif and ' Maria Laus against the Pennsylvania Steel Com pany. John A. Herman, the attorney, has not yet filed a statement of the I cause of action, although it is said to ® be the result of an accident in which ! the father of the Laus children was Hilled. r Bounty Claims Settled ® Bounty Claims satisfied to-day by the County Commissioners amounted to a $169. Marriage Licenses Charles W. Mitchell, Davenport, lowa, and Bess V. Johns, city. George F. Lehman, Gainesburg, and Jennie V. ' Longenecker, Eiizabeth- II town. s : GUILTY OF PIMFFRAUD 1. n 1; Madden and Cook, Accomplices of Steg ' ler, Will Be Called for Sen tence Late To-day By Associated Press, y New York,' March lb.—Sentence was to be imposed late to-day upon Richard .. Madden and Gustave Cook, who were found guilty by a federal jury yester ; day of conspiracy against the United * States in helping Richard P. Stegler, a ' German naval reservist, to obtain a ' false American passport. The maximum i penalty for the offense is two years in prison, or SIO,OOO fine, or both, but in fixing their punishment Judge Cushman will have before him the jury 's recom mendation for mercy. 1 The caso of Stegler, who became the government witness against the two men and confessed to his own part in the conspiracy, was to be called imme diately afterward. Stegler, according to the annoimyement of his counsel, will plead guilty. It Ivas intimated that in pleading for a light sentence, his coun sel would make reference to Stegler's story that ho was led to obtain the pass port by a representative in this country of the German government. That the suspiefbhs of a young girl led to Stegler's arrest were disclosed to-dav at the United States District At torney 's oflice. The girl, whose name I is withheld, was an employe of a photog rapher who took Stegler's picture. Stcg -3 ler told tho photographer that his name 8 was Madden and that he wanted the - photograph for use on a passport. The s girl assistant became convinced from . Stegler's teutonic features that, in spite 1 of the name Madden, he was a German. She notified the Department of Justice 1 here of her suspicions and department - agents took up the case. PIANO AT TRAINING SCHOOL It Is No Wonder the Coming Teachers Didn't Work This Morning There was little work done at the I teachers' training school, in tho Stev -1 ens building, 121 Chestnut street, this morning. The reason is obvious. Re -1 cently the members of the school ga.'e ' an entertainment to raise money for a • ipiano. The entertainment was suc cessful. The girls selected two pianos and as many music stores in the city and this morning the question was put by Miss Wert, and one in the store of C. M. Sigler was selected. The store was telephoned and in a short time the pi ano was moved into its new quarters. Norman Kurzenknabe gave a short con cert for the school and then a further question arose. A gaiuly silk cover was deemed necessary, and a committee was named to select the cover. Piano accompaniment for the morning devo tional exercises is now the program. No , wonder the coming teachers did little work this morniag. COMPLAINS OF TROLLEY ROAD ! Mt. Holly Constable Says Cumberland Line Has Poor Road. s Complaint was made to-day to the " Public Service Commission against the ■ Cumberland Valley Railroad Company, > by J. A. McGonegal, constable Of Mt. ■ Holly, declaring that the roadbed of the company is not well maintained, is 1 not kept in good condition; the cars ■ are in need of repairs and are not san itary aud that the fare is less botween ■ Carlisle and Newvillo than it is from Carlisle to Mt. Holly, a shorter dis tance. Tho complaint was listed and will be heard by the Commission during the wee>k of March 29, at the regular meeting. LACK OF DRUG KILLS WOMAN Her 10-year-old Daughter, Also Victim of Habit, -Expected to Die By Associated Press. Williamsport, Pa., March 19.—Mrs. 1 Louis Frankel, 38 years old, died in the Emergency hospital here to-day be cause, under the Harrison anti-nnrcotic law, she was unable to obtain a drug to which she was addicted. Her 10-year-old daughter, also a drug victim, is expected to die. i Woman Dope User Dies at Hagerstown liagerstown, Mil., March 19.—0n0 of the four women victims of tiie "dope" habit who have been under going treatment at Montevue hospital, died yesterday morning. The other throe are expected to be released within a woek, sufficiently cured of the dreaded habit to easily combat the desiro for -it-ugs without the aid of stimulants. SCREAMS OF A DEFENDANT STARTLE THE COURT HOUSE Cwtlnri From First Page. a charge of selling liquor to minors but was ordered to (.ay the costs. Jerry Bird was convicted of keeping a phonograph which a friend had giv en to liim in security for a bill, and he got two months. David Kairn and James Ssroim were convicted, "but have not been sentenced, on aggravated as sault and battery oharges growing out of a fight between Italians and Mace donians. Morris Muff was acquitted of that charge. Annie Major was acquit ted on a larceny charge and Albert Hayes, the prosecutor, was ordered to pay the costs. Verdicts of guilty were returned by juries in the case of Charles Dorsey, felonious entry, and Ilarrv Perkey, lar ceny. Bills ignored by the Grand Jury in cluded' a false pretense count against Joseph C. Baer and another against Jeremiah 11. Barte. JOHN S. WEAVER FUNERAL Many Prominent Citizens to Act as Honorary Pallboarers at Obse quies To-morrow Short funeral services for John S. Weaver, a prominent confectioner, who died at his home, 205 Pine street, Wed nesday morning, will 'be lield at his home to-morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. The services will be conducted by the Rev. Stewart Winfield Herman, pastor of the Zion "Lutheran church, and will 'be for the immediate family and hon onary pallbearers, who are: Dr. J. Ross Swartz, Joseph L. Shear er, Sr., Homer Black, Charles A. Kun kel, Samuel Ivunkel, William H. Metz ger, Benjamin >M. Ncad, John E. Patter son, 'Martin Buefiler, Samuel W. Flem ing, Warren A. /Collitiger, Harry C. Boss, William H. Knisely, Martin W. Pager, Mercer B. Tate, bane S. Hart, Charles 10. Covert, John Henvperly, J. (Miley Jones, George E. Etter, Edward S. Her man, Charles A. (MSller, Prank A. Smith, Samuel W. McCulloch. Public funeral services will be held at Zion Lutheran church at 2.30 o'clock to 'be conducted by the Hev. Mr. Her man. Interment will be in the llarris burg cemetery. The active pallbearers will be Prof. E. E. Campbell, George Poerster, Jr., John P. Keller, C. Wayne '.Singer, Percy I. Beltz and Mervln B. Thomas. ROBEET RENO KAPP Assistant Manager of Gately & Fitz gerald Store Died This Morning Robert Reno Kapp, assistant man ager of the Gately & Fitzgerald store, South Second street, died at the home of his brother, S. B. Kapp, of Worm levsburg, at 1 o'clock this morning fol lowing a short illness. He was 42 years of age. Surviving him are his wife, one son, Vernon; his mother, two sisters and three brothers. Friends desiring to view the body can do so at his'brother's home on Front near Ferry street, WormleysDurg, Sun day. Funeral arrangements have not 'been completed. OPTION BILLOUT TUESDAY Planned to Report the Measure Favor ably and to Have an Open Hearing in House In legislative circles it was an nounced to-day that the local option bill, now in the hands of the Law and Order Committee of the iHouse, will be reported out with a favorable recom mendation when the committee meets next Tuesday, and that afterward there may be hearings on the measure in open house before the committee and the friends and opponents of the meas ure. It is also said that Governor Brumbaugh will bo at the open meet ing. It was at Governor Brumbaugh's suggestion that the committee has held the bill back in order fliat he might see those members opposed to it and reason with them, as well as have their constituents wiho favor the bill have an opportunity to talk with them, es pecially if they were known to oppose the bill. AGAINST CONSERVATION Opposition to the Game, Fish. Forestry and Water "Ripper" So much opposition has developed to the 'proposed conservation bill to con dense a number of departments that it is doubtful whether it will be intro duced in the Legislature. The bill pro poses to place the Game, Fish and For estry Departments and the State Water Supply Commission in charge of one man, each to be a sub-division of the department with a separate head, all to be subject to the one head. The bill has not yet been introduced, but will be held back for some time until it is ascertained whether its passage is cer tain. Hundreds of letters have been written the Governor in protest against the ripping out of departments that arc now considered perfect and which it has taken years to build up to a high grade of proficiency. GOVERNOR ZAYAS SLAIN News of His Assassination Brought From San Domingo Now York, March 19.—The' steamer Iroquois brought to this port to-day news of the assassination of Governor Zayas, of San Domingo, and two of his children to Atzua, a small town about 55 in'.les soutnwest of Santo Do mingo. Governor Zayas, it was said, went from Santo Domingo to Azua as a passenger aboard the Iroquois to begin his duties' as Governor of the province. He was in office two days,,when adhe rents of a rival political party shot and killed him and his two children. Zayas was formerly in command of the forces which bombarded Azua dur ing the recent uprising. Boys Injured in Auto Wreck Hagerstown, Md., March 19. —In an effort to avoid colliding with a buggy on the Stato road near Bolivar, Glenn C. Voung and Louis Stockslager, two Hagerstown boys, were seriously in jured last evening and the auto in which they were riding was completely wrecked. The machine struck a stont> pile, turned on its side and rolled down the mountainside for a distance of fifty feet. FINANCE UPWARD TENDENCY SHOWN IN MARKET TRANSACTIONS London Decision to Meet Minimum Prices Fixed by N. Y. Exchange Has Stimulating Effect at Outset of To-day's Trading By Associated Prc.it. New York, March ID.—Wall Street. London's long dolayed decision to meet the minimum prices fix®! by the New York Stock Exchange seemed to exercise a stimulating effect at the oul set of to-day's local trading. Heading and Lehigh Valley advanced a point with substantial gains in other active shares. U. S. Steel was heavily trade.! in at a moderate gain, and' the copper group as a whole was at a higher lev el, while Bethlehem Steel made anoth er high record. Specialties also shared in the upward tendency, which was attended by a fair degree of activity. More gold imports from Canada wero announced. The London markets price revision of the international list not only fail ed to provoke liquidation from for eign sources but seemed actually to bring about a moderate demand from across the water. Trading fell awav in marked manner toward midday, "hut gains wore fully maintained in some instances, notably Bethlehem Steel and the metal shares, higher level belli tr registered. Leading railway issues also showed improvement, although shares of the western roads were rela tively backward. Heavy sales of New York Central debentures 6s at new low prices was the main feature of an otherwise dull and irregular bonds market. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE QUOTATIONS Furnished by H. W. Snavely, Broker. Arcade Building, Walnut and Court Streets New York, March 19. ~ , „ Open. Close. Alaska Gold Mines ... 32% 32- Amal Copper ........ 53% Amcr Beet Sugar .... 4 n/, 4o J/ American Can ~ , 27% 28V 7' !! U. 8, Steel 44% 44^.' do pfd . 104% 104% Utah Copper 52% 52*/ xW. U. Telegraph .... 64 64% Westinghouse 'Mfg . .., 68% 68»/ a xEx-div. 1. Chicago Board of Trade Closing Chicago, March 19. —Close: Wheat—.May, 156; July, 123%. Corn—(May. 74%; July, 76%. Oats—May, 60%; July, 55. ~ Pork—(May, 17.60; July, 18.02. Lard-r-May, 10.42; July, 10.70. Riibs—May, 10.05; July, 10.37. BRYAN 55 YEARS OLD TO-DAY Celebrates by Exchanging Ratifications of Peace Treaty With Italy By Associated Press. Washington, March 19. —Secretary Bryan celebrated his 55th birthday an niversary to-day ~y exchanging ratifica tions of the peace treaty with Italy, with the Italian Ambassador Count Di Cellere. Later at his home Secretary Bryan entertained all the employes of his department at his birthday party. He also entertained the cabinet at luncheon. 011 his way to the cabinet meeting, wearing a cluster of lilies of the valley in his coat lapel, Secretary Bryan smtf ingly announced: "I have just cele brated my birthday by ratifying the peace treaty with Italy." On Monday, ratifications of the treaty with Russia will be exchanged and fifteen of those conventions will ac tually bo in effect. Thirty have been negotiated and twenty have been rati fied by the Senate. U. S. WARSHIP DESERTIONS Only Ninety Three American Navy Fleets in One Month By Associated Press. Washington, March 19.—Desertions from the threo battleship fleets of the American navy during a period of two months totaled but ninety, according to announcement by the Navy Depart ment. In Docenvber, 1914, there were only 74 desertions from the Atlantic fleet and three from the Asiatic fleet, two of whom later surrendered of their own volition. 111 January, this year, 13 men deserted from the Pacific fleet. The average number of monthly de sertions during the last fiscal year was 164, forty-six less than the "monthly average for the preceding yoar.