The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, March 19, 1915, Page 16, Image 16

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(CV, rv n I Tho Moth Ridding Season is at hand and the Basement is
I Voxxumft %\wnx\
—J I an( j o^er mo th preventive agencies are on sale at very low prices.
tThe Subject of Spring Suits Is «
On Many Men's Minds Jft
Naturally Great Interest Should Be Shown, • JMW njj
To-morrow, In Our Assemblage /it! A tv/|
of New Clothes ' ' jW )M
ror weeks past, we have boon planning- our Spring stocks of Men's aiul \oung /' f l| I 1 & \\
Men's Suits and Top Coats, inspecting the latest products of America's foremost Jj ! 1 u /I Ma) ;j \
clothes makers, and choosing our Hues with 4 care and with the single thought of jj |
making it the most notable showing of Spring suits in the store's history. //f L l\i//fji I 1 tj
How well we have svjceeeded we leave to your judgment—for we are confi- Ljl J -4.1 1
dent that you will find it up to your expectations from the different viewpoints of 7(v
latest styles, richest fabrics, smartest patterns and cleverest tailoring. \
Spring Suits show cleverly designed sacks with new lapels and new athletic * *
vests—models are form-fitting with natural shoulders and patch pockets:— Quifc f A A 4. L 4.U
. itt Fancy overplaid cassimeres Carlton and Tartan plaids OUIFS 11181 /\r6 vJUI OI tllo
Trimmm r—lnto Rich Scotch mixtures and tweeds Black and white checks /"* 1 A 1x r
I W II llllllltJU 1 ldlO Pin and chalk stripes worsteds Finest quality blue serges And Yet
Received Since the $12.50 $15.00 SIB.OO Within the Means of I
Opening Spring Weight Chesterfield Top Coats Every Woman
j / o 1 » 01 • r ' ''V t'hestcrfield is a conservative, dressy garment, for general as well as dress wear. We show j Every Woman wants to wear clothes that express
| Keady tor Saturday S ohOWing or ,lie,u in ox f° r, l- light grey and black, beautifully tailored and silk lined $15.00 to $25.00 something of her own individuality, that mark her
$4.95, $5.95 and $6.50 Styles Boys' Spring Suits Extra Pair Trousers j X* ETfE
Larger hats are being shown by the leading Now York de- k $5.00 $6.50 $7.50 their 11CW apparel,
signers, and the special lot of hats just opened are of this type. Grey and tan Tartan checks ' win. «•»•» /\ v i.i • • i i? x • ~
Pokes and sailors are two of the most popular shapes. A repre- Grey overpiaids Blue shadow stripes One ot tile principal I actors in the growth of our
sentative display of these late modes will be found in our Scotch mixtures Grey and green mixtures OiltcnjarUient section is Olll' adherence to a standard
assemblage of popular priced millinery to-morrow. Grey thadow stripes . Black *"< l white check worsteds 0 f fail* dealing—it. was oil this standard that tile Store
At s4.9s—large fine straw braid hats with transparent brims rfol f t'n siz *' s f !T J J 8 K*.*™' , wit , h e * ,ra pair lr0 " 80rs - , j was founded' thirty-six vears ago—
trimmed with laro-e daisies chnwm in «anH hlno KI<,„V • * "S"' weight Spung coats in blue serge, black and white check cassinierc and worsted, I
s shown in sand, blue and black. grey mixtures in sixes 2 1 Wo 8 years; also grey and tan Balniacaaus. f No garment carries an elastic price; the price quoted
Other large shapes of the sailor type trimmed with wreaths, Prices, $3.50 to $6.50. j to you is the price to any other prospective buyer.
fl.w m and daisies in whiu asd pink alao at 84.95 We want you to join our large circle of satisfied
AchicMerpnMwnof the hM poke bon»,l h I I o y °!'. 'I
faced tnth cretonne over croirtiand brim and trimmed pi'ic('s \\"ith tllosc of <>t 11or 'stoves ° IU arme 8 a
An extensive showing of attractive hats at $4.95, $5.95 ]HHMH jauiltv models with patch pockets and circular
and $6.50 emphasize the style leadership of these famous lines JriffrllfoPffl skirt $16.50 and $18.50
iterate, i rue nuiuun. umgJ jMM Misses' and Women's Suits in the finest grades of
INeW—oU Dozen of the Latest KTSSlvli 48MB. IB poplin, gabardine and serge; in good looking severely
]_i pl Qo VH tailored models and in the braid trimmed Prince
!l ' 1 "fißffir-' H|H| S Chap styles. Prices are very interestingly moderate
jWjm si** shapes in poke effect brims, brims with J and range from .$15.00 to $55.00
grey, putty and sulphur. A brand new lot of late hat shapes |§f X. Charming Styles of DreSSeS for Girls
in fine hemp received since the opening. i I Ifr aim S' • It
Many Lovely Hats for Girls I 11 If fffl The style showing of white and colored dresses of the better
Hundreds of trimmed hats for girls of all aires and misses M El I M " T"' c ® m P pehen S vp ' many styles of pique
in their - teens." Fine qualities of leghorn, hemps, rough / M l | | |I and repp trocks for confirmation and party occasions,
straws, split Milans and Panamas, in mushrooms, military tur- / SS F| |jj| The colored gingham styles, in sizes ti to 14 years, are full
bans, tam effects, octagon creased crowns, trieornes and many -J" - jjfS |{jß ot ' Rood style at $2.98
no\elt% shapes. The greatest shoeing of the kind we have ever |r| % Fancy plaid gingham dresses with embroidered collar and
, r, » o ~ . . . Bra cuffs anil ribbon girdle, $2.50
W Dives, Pomeray & Stewart, Millinerv, Second Floor—Three Elevator" 1 omeroy A: Stewart. Meu s Clothing, Second Hoor, hear. . u , u . T „
j Three Kl< ro Dives, Pomerov & Stewart, Second Floor —Three Elevators.
Black Pumps Lead In Spring Footwear L " t Diy of I Spring Neckwear, Shirts, Sweaters & Boys'
The smartest styles in Spring pumps are those in black—all black or black adorned with buckle the March China D 1 \\ T *i. HT
or with grey sand on fawn tops. Quite the most distinctive styles in pumps we have ever seen DIOUS6 W aiSISI 1 OmOITOW
are shown in this haster assemblage. Pnees are moderate, too. for such smart and dressv effects. Sals To-mori'OW
Patent Colt Instep Strap Pumps. • Patent Colt Military Lace Shoes Gun Metal C?lf Co'dual Pumps .. ' Bl,owil, B is comprehensive and covers fully every kind of furnishings that appeal to men of
with black and white silk corded with sand cloth tops and patent t>l .,'l he succfss of • the March good taste. On the mezzanine floor in the men's store is to be found the most complete assemblage
ba.-ks. light weight soles with I renih 1 leather lace stays, new plain toe last . , K 1,1 vl china sale was so pronounced of women's silk sweaters that we have ever shown.
bcels **-30 with light weight welted sole* and bucsle of dull finish metal, that we recret inrushiiiß Surinir .i> .
two-inch French heels $4.00 1 narrow plaiu toe last with French , r t .... . *♦ "♦ oroaueud tour-m-hand ties tor men arc in plaid. Roman stripes t— — ■■
! / A ; i Patent Colt Button Shoes with lice,s !M.">o men 1.1L1.1H no |>tiiin i s aui j fjg uret j designs as well as solid colors. Exceptional at ...50^
: 111 I 1 I I i ' / jrr \, ■ ! frev fawn and hiack cloth to!'" continuance through next week. , 1
y made on narrow plain toe lasts with Educator Shoes for Three late arrivals, in open _ Knitted and crochet four-in-hand ties m plain colors and fancy ~
\ Goodyear welted oak leather soles Children stock dinner sets go on sale to- J " R i cross stripes and SI.OO ~ =*o 111
Patent roi! t? «h " S4 ' <M> ... morrow One hundred pieces in Wide-end four-in-hands in stripes, plaids and solid colors. .. ,25r
Asyj ki i ? Buttod Shoes, with c >hov. these sloes t anions for French border decoration. Ihe Hovs'white blouse waists at tn S1 I
JC black clo,h t0 !' ? made on a medium i their foot form lasts in four differ- ... in i... sii OO nioilsc waisls at JU V t0 $A.Otl , ,
a wXT tO /, i aß i ;,h T; t ' ,at r, nt s«» Kls V 9 ' New arrivals in blouse waists, in sizes to 16 vears, 25* to SI.OO ]
n welted soles, and 1 -meh ( üban metal call, tan willow calf and white JM-J.-x*. » t f
Jn ©nil' X " b r k '. . Another set usually S 10.01. Will Boys' neckwear in straight and wide four-in-hand styles,.. ,25c € i V '
| Colonial Pumps "with gun metal <i>° Sizes J t.. s. to $2.00 be «».««—and still another is re- Boys' Scout shirts with attached military collar and two flap ~ 1 *
I | ished buckles, long vamp lasts with
Sizes S4 to 11. 82.00 to #2.30 duce.l from $7.50 to $">.73. pockets 50f
tf Pives'! Pomeroy 7StVwan. Rear.' <# * u ' Wiu t> Bo . VB ' "egligee shirts, sizes 12 and 14 years 50r ii
— asement. iff Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store.
\^ S I er T^ _^h oc^ ate Eggs High Grade Enamel Ware at ew Styles In Women's Undermuslins for Spring
t! L,e^ r JS- -Z Savings Of a Third to a Half Dainty Conceptions In Crepe With Dresden Flowers
ment and the delicious chocolate and cream confections will To-morrow you mav choose from "jfoodlv" of finest Four styles of crepe gowns in white with pink or blue hemstitching: pink or blue stripe or
ginger up your appetite. There are scores of chocolate novelties quality enamel ware, embracing Berlin kettles coffee nots and e ground with pink and blue Dresden flowers SI.OO
suggestive of the Easter season and their prices range all the way buckets, and pay only 25c. Crepe combination drawers and Marcella skirt drawers, with lace edge SI.OO
from a penny to a dollar and a half. Instance: Messaline jersey or taffeta petticoats in circular, tailored or plaited flounce styles, in the sea-
Marshmallow eggs are lOf a dozen. 42, Berlin Kettles, i-quart capacity Each l son's most desirable shades, including Tippcrarv and Persian blue, $2.95 to $7.50
Assorted chocolate covered animals, lc to 50c. . Kettle., e-quart capacity. Each,' ! ! ! '! I Q Cotton petticoats in tailored, plaited or circular flounce styles, at SI.OO to $2.50
Cocoauut cream eggs are lOr a dozen - and many others are toffee Pots, 2-quart capacity. Each )
2 wh,®M a «ea'ra „., ed e ggs . do,. 10 c. IS::: i;;;;; Io c The Best Voile Waists of the Season for $1.95
also 2 for s<* and up to IOC each. 40<> 10 ( '" art eapacity Kacb Voile waists with embroidered military style, trimmed with I All-over embroidered vestee
Sebrofft "s lb 35c Z 1 f™« bac-k. ami organdie .rochet bottooa $1.95 w „ isls of voi|e „ ith s ,
Orange, lemon and mint paste, lb 20c bm-h attach . ♦*"' •» 0Illljinatlo » Vacuum Cleaners, with »ollnr and cuffs <RI ft 6 * Voile waists with embroidered
Assorted chocolates, in pound boxes, 29c Basement. to'morroTr'lt the unu"allv n ]ot e |,rice S of are ' . • front of filet lace insertion, lace insertion on back and shoul-
— I " • All over embroidery waists in $1.95 ders and organdie collar, $1.95
A Combination Brass Bed Outfit A Season of Pure White Gloves and " DivC8 ' P ° meroy & stewart ; F '° or " Three £ ' evat ° rs; m0rr0w,522.50 ! ext m Popularity Will Be Black Grocery News That Will Interest Many A Home
A value that you will appreciate at first glance-and one that I ">l r tn°bl«k 2 'Sh P &TUHe b emb?o?dsry and J** With ea, ' h * hQO P urchase of groceries to-morrow we will sell 10 lbs. granulated sugar for 59d
will be eagerlv boutrllt to-morrow white sewing. Pair, $2"« W Fancy June peas. 3 cans, | "Klagr" cut refugee beans. Fancy white Norway| Record coffee, a mild,
Trefou-.«e San* Parcil ".,.| nu .. ~i„,.„l 'r ' . ss< ' tender and sweet. Can. ,3c mackerel, small, firm and sweet drinking 'blend, lb.,
*12.50 Brass He'd, satin finish \ COMIM.KTE FOR IM -Hasp glo\es of real jm Co!d packed tomatoes: :t ! Scans TBc tender. Special. 3 for 10c! 2Sc
I embroidery and white sewing, :ans j juicy Messina lem- Tuna fish, delicious white "Banquet" coffee, a dellc
¥ 12.50 Box Spring > f /™\ $1! 00 Fine cut Shoe Peg corn, pins: dozen l!»c meat for salads; large can, lous after dinner coffee, lb.,
1 Ti / / I Sand mocha aloves in li«ht weiuht with h!«ci- S 11 3 cans 2.'« c j Little picnic hams, aver- 24c 3Cc
*O.OU mattress * *4} \J \J embroiderv ' ~1, j \ Xew asparagus, tall tins. \ age 5 pounds each, lb.. l»c Kippered herring, large Purity coffee, the finest
B1 , • ' " ■■■■■•■■ . Wl.<.> Cwrrv \. 2 for 25«• Sugar-cured bacon, sliced, oval can. 3 for ........ 2.1 cto be had: 1 lb. cans,, ~4oc
3-niwe I ihrarv Snit»» in •» Hoow mnnl.l , I f. om . „r „ „ niacK. white and colored kid cloves, . .$1.50 4T\ \ (iolden wax beans. 3 cans, ,lb 2Kc "Apex" imported sar- "Senate" tea, the favorite
' , ; ' Ul ; e 111 a nca\\ moulded trame Ot genuine Washable cham X. 23c Boiled ham, sliced, lb., 3I»C dines in pure olive oil, 3 blend of Belfaat for after
mahogany, upholstered 111 genuine leather 839 OO i oisette aloves in IG- V "Waldorf pork and bologna, lb., 2.1 c :ans 2Sc noon tea, lb «3c
•J I v.,:. • i n - \ •/,' *. l„, ,_ _ , ' . . W beans, 3 cans 250 Frankfurters, lb Il»c ."Gold Label" sardines. In Hershey's pure cocoa, 2
•J-piece \ Olllte in mahogany nmsh with leather spring "" t ton length; Af/nTMIIi "Flag" whole red toon- Country cured dried beef, mayonnaise. extra large lbs.. 33c; 5 lbs N3e
seat Sit®; Aft i white, natural and #ll ff I 111! toes, extra large cans, 15c lb„ 10c eans loc Santa Clara meaty prunes pongee. 59c to 111 OO aJ} " i, ft (MPf ffl 11 I>ozen $1.70 Minced ham, lb 20c Chinook salmon steak, —2 lbs 25c
»» ing Chairs ailu rockers, in mahogany finished frame nnhol- Wg.hol.u "\>/| 111 II 111 "Flag" creamy Maine Fancy Longhorn cheese, large tlat cans 2Mc New choice peaches, 3
in aiO KA asnable ciiam- ■■■M ■1» corn, the finest packed. Can, lb 23c Rosedale baking choco- lbs. 23c
»i < cu idpt_.ll.>, 91b,0U oisette gloves at Vj -</ 7v% ftl Tl ■lll Isct dozen. SI.TO Pimento cheese, lb., ..27c late, V 4 lb. cake 13c Purity apricots, packed in
Reed chairs and rockers, in brown and ivorv finish • with snrinir 25c to 59c Juicy Florida or- Roquefort cheese. the Pure vanilla extract, hot- large packages. ... 18c
r „ II ('hililron'a n-i.i. u i,i» / t . WM Bilges, dozen —»«' very finest imported, lb., 33c tie 10c California prunes, new
seat and comfortable cushions. A special value at 57,90 I . _ ' \ KSf Golden thin-skinned Flor- l-'ancy white shore fish, 1 Macaroni, 3 long packs, crop: 3 lbs 23c
gloves, -5c and 50c <- •> » Ida grape fruit, 3c| 6 for 23c I lb. bricks 13c 23c Sultana raisins, pkg„ ..8c
t- >i\is, omeroN A: Stewart, Third Hoor liirec Elevators. ! tV Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement.