The Star=lndependent Gives Away 2 Orpheum Tickets Daily The Name of the Person to Whom They Will Be Awarded To-day Is Somewhere Among the Classified Ads On This Page Perhaps you are the lucky person. Look until you fiul out. If via r ; ; l is tic'csU please call for them before S o'clock to-morrow eveninc or they will be icrleited. (These names are drawn from the Directory by a blindfolded girl.) Real Estate _ REAL ESTATE TOE SALE VACANT house at Washington Heights for sale, corner properly. S rooms: bath; gas. electric light. furnace; large porch: lot 555140. Little cash needed. BELL REALTY PP.. IWrsnor Building- FOR SALE—Several properties at tractive price, with little cash needed. Now is the time i buy. Consider it ar.d get particulars. BELL REALTY CO.. Rergner Building. _ FOR SALK—'Look at 1315 North St.. of fered for sale at an attractive price. S rooms, hath, g«s. furnace, porch**, both streets paved. HMLL. REALTY CO.. Bergner Building. TWO STEELTOX HOUSES. at a very low price lot 50x110. corner prop erty; drive alley on rear. Inspect these houses. Nos. 3.*,">-3-7 S. Front street. BELL REALTY CO.. Building MY PROPERTY. No. North Cath erine street. Mtddletow:i. Pa. Harris burs electric ears pass every twenty minut s Apply to .'. W. PORTNEY. 171 S. Front St.. Steeltor.. Pa. 5 l » ACRES—3 miles east of river, in Fishing Creek Valley, frame dwelling; $ rooms, frame stable, large variety of fruit, sipring. p.-.ce 1900.00. BR INTON- PACK KR CO.. Second and Walnut Sts. FOR SALE—! <4l Whitehall St.. oppo site Reservoir Park. 3-story brick. 9 rooms, bath, steam eat: lot 1217 and 121S Mulberry St. 1217 is a corner property; lot Sox7 4: will sell sep arate learn o.:" price and vou wi'.l buy. BR INTON-P AC KE R vV>.. Second and Walnut Streets. FOR SALE—In renbrook: IH-story frame house. 7 rooms and bath: all modern Improvements. combination raise: cemented cellar: front, side and back porches ho: air heat: fine lot of fruit and grapes: cement walks, lot 3•"> x 150 feet. Apply :SO3 Canby St.. Pen brook. FOR SALE—City and suburban homes and home s:tes; first class business propositions. KOUGH. BKIGHTBILL A K_UNii Sixth ' and Reily Sts. Both phones. REAL ESTATEJFOB KENT FOR RENT—To young couple, small brick house, near Fifteenth and Boas, with improvements: low rent: good lo cation: pleasant surroundings. Imme diate possession. Apply H'7 Rous St. Bell phor.e 773 M. FOR RENT—A three-story crick dwell ing; S rooms and bath; all improve ments. Apply at 2153 Jefferson S:. FOR RENT—Private rooms for house hold goods, in new tireproof building. Cleen and safe. Inspection invited. 437- 445 S. Second St. HARRISBURG STOR AOE COMPANY. APARTMENTS 1350 Perry, 3rd floor ,s?s.'}o 1317 Perrv. 2nd floor. ST.OO 1313 Market *30.-0 :s» S. ISth. ...130.00. J-;.50 and J. ..JO 1216 Market $22.50 HOUSES S. l»th—new $25.00 1214-1447 Berryhill $22.50 liOi Market 133 S. Fourteenth St tili Derry JIS.OO 450 Crescent SL, lIS.OO 1417 Swatara. $17.00 >3O S. 134. a'J improvements,.. .SlS.'.'o US Crooked St.. all imp $'.4.00 1015 Kensington. Improvements,. .113.50 1547 Perrv. 4 large rooms, imp..,. $12.00 1440 Vernon r $ll.OO 1320 N. Front, for colored. sll. 0 IfZO Berryhill St.. 3 rooms. $.<..00 , HARVEY T. SMITH. 204 S. 13th. Bell mM. FOR RENT—I9II Market street: mod ern three-story brick dwelling, all im provements; hard wood floors, furnish ed throughout with window shades and screens. Apply 1909 Market street. Bell phone 2SOSK. FOR RENT—IS 33 N Fourth St.: three- : story mansard roof: nine rooms; im provements; wi-ie paved street: trolley passes the door; house in good condi- j tion: possession April Ist. Apply to A. I C. YOUNG, 26 N. Third St. Open even- > mgs. FRANKLIN BUILDING. LOCUST AND ' COURT STS.—,MI outside rooms; i c!y steam heat; elevator and janitor service; reasonable rentals. MILLER BROS. & CO.. Opp. Postoffice. | FOR RENT—Store room. 430 Market' St.. with small house in rear: apart ment in Belvidere apartments, Second ' and Walnut streets: one larg- room, 33 x 23 fee:, s ond floor. 420 Market St. JACOB TAUSIGS SONS. 420 Market St. CAMERON EXTENSION COTTAC.ES—S Several very desirable seven and eight 1 room brick h.vases with furnace, bath, front porch and lawn. sl4, sls and sls MILLER BROS. & CO. FOR RENT—Houses *lth all improve ments. at moderate rentals. J. E. GIPPLE, 1-51 Market SC r bargains in HeaFEsiaira \. Front St. I.otii I I 1 vxl7o ft between Woodbine and Emerald streets. , i ft., northeast corner r ront &nd Hamilton streets. ! S.">o« A sate St. : wo-story bri- k with five rooms— J>at and furnace—front and back porches Lot I.UxSI. Price SI.HM: and on easy terms. KM I Fulton St. 14*10® ft., impro ed with a 3- story frame h-use—i rbomso— fur nace— front and back porches. A very special price un'il April la*.. 1544 >. Third St. Thr»e-story brick—rr;e rooms bath and steam heat. Lot ISXS»6. This would make a good business I or professional location. I**oll S. Twenty-fcecoad St. I 4"x115 ft. tcorner) improved with a 2-story frame house—« rooms eiectric light—granolithic walks, ape ial at 52.C00. (AMP HI 1.1, I'nrk lirnw— Plot 10x150 ft., im proved with a double 2 « a -story brick ar.d frame house—each side has seven rooms bath furnace ce mented cellar—front an J beck porches—bay windows on second floor. This property is rented at $15.00 a month, a side. At the price, $4,200 you will realize a safe 6 per cent.' on your money. [MILLER BROTHERSSCC. PEAL INSTATE I Fire lniaraare Surety i' ontl . l.oenM and roiiri Street » ' ' ' ■ - - I- i Real Estate SEAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT 9 HOUSES FOB RENT and 24-story dwelling houses tor sale. Elder Real 1 Fstate Co.. 24th and Perry,Sts. ) ; . ~ . j FURNSHED ROOMS FOR RENT, i 1 L 1 ' i .l FOK RENT—New furnished front roomi facing Capitol Park; stationary wash v stands, he: and cold running: "water; n - electric light in each room; also ust o( o . phone ana large ba:h. Apply *lO North • f L : ROOMS FOE RENT * SX>R RKXT—Second floor front ro, :n; E e electric liffhc and use of b -:h: cen trally locate.:, on South street near X , t'n S.. o - FAKMS FOR SALE ~ TO I -1". ASK for tru kins: rich I soil near city; rare op i »ortun:tv % Farmers. know«hcws, gret bus\ . pull t e . n stuff, attend market, make montv. !:i-- ; MKK ZIMM HIM N r Walnut, Har- c ■ APARTMENTS FOR RENT I ? ATARTMENTS FOR RKXT—Third floor. * four rooms, bath and kitchenette, •~v A 1 window front, c.'.y steam heat. s;■ \/o . - • per month. No. N. Third S;. A;n>'v 1 • Commonwealth Trust Co., Market j street. t I 1 APARTMENTS for rent, Jefferson 11 i street: also a house, 641 P.'.iuylklll f • S:. possession at me Apply J. c. \ JjMEHRINO. .4.9 St. * f O :i| yl Lost and Found • L » FOUND. • : F — j ri FOrXD—The way to and your cleaning 1 • and dyeing worries by calling either phone for Sggert's Steam Dyeing ar.d - French Cleaning Works. 1240 Market St. We call and deliver. J FOUND—A decided improvement in my i i appearance since having my clothing cleaned and pressed a: Parisian L>ve K Work a 140? N. Third. Branch. HotTma:;- : Kerns. 337 ChestnuL Bell phone. Cal.« .ri . j ing and delivering. ;) * ~ O ; \ $ Legal j t> ! bl LEGAL j NOTICE To the Holder* of thr Rnndu of the UlrittanD sod Hlne >lountain Street v nnihvaT 4'ompany. * NOTICE :s hereby triven to the hold- Jj, ers of all the outstanding bonds of t v .e Lanslestown & Blue Mountain Street ir< Railway Company secure', by mortt.nre dated April Ist. 1905, to the Harrisbufg Tru?* Company as trustee, that in ac- L" , oordance with the provisions of the said mortgage, the said bonds have been , called for payment on or before April Ist. 1915, at par. a premium of 5 per cent, and interest to said date. After ' the said date interest will cease upon all bonds not presented for pavnient be : by that time. Holders of the said bonds may present them at the office of the ca undersigned at any time after March st. Ist. and receive payment therefor in accordance with the terms above stated *'• HARRIS BURG TRUST COMPANY, | Trustee. Notice of Application for n Charter. it Notice s hereby given that an appli- ' v,:. j cation Will be made to the Governor! •of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania' Ibv P. G PoIL J. F. Householder and wi F. K. Bailey, on the sth day of April, j 5515. under the provisions of an Ac: n( | Assembly, entitled "An Act to provide i for the incorporation and regulation of to certain _eorporations," approved April ha -£tr.. 1574. and the several supplements . thereto, for a charter for an intended j corporation, to oe called "The Independ ent Heater Company." the character'and no object of which is to manufacture, sell i and install Hot Water Heaters, and for ~ these purposes to have, possess and en- ( -*° joy all the rights, benefits and privi leges by said act of Assembly and the 4 Ini supplements thereto conferred. ," OSCAR G. WICKERSHAM. Solicitor. Pit | .... __ Beautiful AlNYear Bellevus Pa k r i i 3 ;• . I Twenty-first Street and Hillside Goad This beautiful home is now ready for inspection. In design, arrangement and workmanship it is an architectural gem. and will be completed, even to grading and seeding the ✓ lawn; everything spic and span. Surrounded as it is by other beautiful homes, this is one of the very choicest locations in the city. MILLER BROTHERS & CO. opp.PXL v ITARRTSBUFO STAR-INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 19, 1915, Sale and Exchange FOS SALE THROI'OH purchasirs auto have for s.ile all aroun.l work horse, brown. 1100. T years old; Market wagon, trap; two sets harness. 310 Lincoln St.. Steel ton. Pa. FOR SAI.R Late model 5-.passenger car. in tirst class condition: equipped with mohair top. curtains, windshield, new tires, extra tire, three tu 'es, speed ometer. clock, full kit of tools, a bar >l.l.ll fer |l.. k sale. L'.'ol X. Sixth St. ONE Chickering upright piano, rose wood case, ilniost new. ,-ost s."'oo. now $-. Terms s'..> 00 down. SI.OO per week. WIXTKR PIANO (\v. .J N. Fourth St. Blr. BARGAIN'S In unreJermed Pla mcMtds, Watches, Jewelry. i ;:tarms. Musical Instruments, etc. L'ash pai*i tor olil gold a:iu stiver. i;e;',arins a spe ciaity. C'.VV LOAN OFUCIi 4il Mar ket street. TWO delivery wn:;oi.s, one with top and other v.;.,out. Phone To 1J i. or apply Paxtang. ON'K St>ry . CO.. .'3 S. Fourth St. I\>R—U>; of steam radiators; ;-ipe. expansion tank, furnace, Ooiiei. »;;i* walt-r heater. All go*».l .is now. AU.iress -71 ca: c Stai-Independent. 1- IVK-PA.SSKNi! i.'it two-cylinder tour lug .ar, i:: good nie li..n:cal condi* lion, equipped with top. curtains, wind shield. Splitdorf magneto, rear view mirror. s::i ck absorcers. good tires, spare tire, tnree spare tubes, P estolite ;ank, too.s, etc. Cheap for quick sale. Address 1". O. Box J. Harrisburg. Pa. ->NK Bradbur) upright piano, ebonised case; just overaauied; cost s3.\">; now Terms down. SI.OO per week. AINTKU PIANO CO.. .3 N. Fourth St. •'c l :SALi^ —Maich team road horses. racier tired Jenny Land, ruober tired surrey, both good as new; market w:ig r. and six sits harness, .14 Lincoln ■treat. Steel ton. Pa. Bell phone OX or FOR SALK —Mathewson S-cyl. 50 H. P. Spec-vister. rims; good running ,ondition. Will demonstrate, ite.x Garage. JNE Arioa upright piano, mahogany case. condition; fll ;•."•<•. iVrras J .cc down. SI.OO per inek. \\ INT Kit PIATvO CO.. N. i-out til St. ■"'OR SALK—High grade uprigiit piano, used tour months, for sale at a sac i::ce. Easy payments, if desired. Also iiuall VU'tiola \>:ih recorus. Address '.e>, care Sttr , 4iuMoindttiL )NE Wet.sell piano, mahogany case: good eonu.iton. cost $»-.•; now 1139.50. Ternu js.t>o down. SI.OO per Ve-ek WINTER i. A.No CO., .'3 .N "ourth St. •OR SALE—Toledo scales: computing, 30 pounds capacity, drum shape blue*, selling price 5 to 65 cents. Csed >ut a short tia.e. v'ost $l4O. Will sac itice. Inquire J. M. SIIATZER, oZv S. ■ixteenth St. Eell .^ivsj. SALI.—AT G lli South Second str*tt. 5,000 gallons iew Era Kuuf Mixed Paint, Acme luality. All the faii line oi the Acme sake. r OU SALE—At GABLE'S, 111-UT South second St., s,tcc sets new Sash, >xlo 12 L., primed and glazed, at 11.15 per et. Also other sizes Hardly an Improvement Duncan's v.-.fe ha 1 the reputation of oiug a tir- • e!r.:=s Whan Dun an died his neighbors put a tonili lone over his yrave, with the epitaph, Asleep in I'cace.'' Widow Duncan was wild. It was leant as a slant at her, and sue knew was. It meant that she (lid no: let im sleep in peace when alive. The neighbors assured her that it ; as not meant that way. •"Then it ought to say so." To please her they jjjt a stonecutter i aid. "Wo all believe that he did ave peace here —when lie slept." Bill Burglar—"l ain't gonna rob o poor lone woman, I ain't." Mike Thief—'"What's de matter? ettin' softf" Bill Burglar—"Soft, nothin'. Them me, helpless women's de kind dat half ills ye and then sends you to jail."— hiladelphia Ledger. Wants I I J HELP* WANTED—MALE , r W ANTE I l —-T, n thoroughly experienced ~ operators on power machines. ApplJ JENNINGS XIKU. CO.. 414-U6 State St. W AXT!"; 1 A druc clerk, Q. A. Addreei eare Star-Injependen:. ,1 To Join our Pressing CUib —Your Suiti I steamed and pressed ami kept ill shap« i." for. one dollar a month (four suits a .. ■ month). This Special Price is for six t months only. See us now and save money. Drop us a card and we will | call. The :oth Century Cleaning and Oyelng Works. 225 Market street, above , Palace Confectionery, SAM AOEL . s'l'EIN. Manager. THOUSANDS of chauffeurs will ba £ needed within three or four months, [1 in the city of Harrisburg. for public , laxicab service. Prepare yourself at _ once Make application for training to • Auto Transportation and Machine Shop, 5 and 7 North Cameron S;„ fiarrisburg, h Pa. Full, unlimited course. $35. Both , ; phones. WANTED—Men prepare as firemen, j, brakemeiu njotormen. colored porters. Pennsylvania iaiiroaas. Experience not ' necessary. $»o lo sluo month. Write • Inter Railway Dept. 101, Indianapolis, ' lnd. Al'TO transportation school wants men .' lo becoms practical chauffeurs and earn sls to sluu per month. We give a '• .uotough course in crude and practical work tor $.!5.c0. No. » N. Cameron; ;h . . ; ,".,e : I lq. ; SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. YOI'NO MAN, IX years of age, wants woik of any kind; not afraid of hard , YOI'NO MAN. 21 years old. wishes to v learn barber trade, or to work in store. DALLAS MOW REV, P. O. Box .I)Newville, Pa. WOI'LD like pv>sition as janitor or ele vatorman; well experienced; can fur . nlsh best of reference. Call or address x #o'.' Sarah St., City. MACHINIST and draughtsman wants situation, if not in own line, willing . to ttike anything, can furnish best of j reference. Address 3716. care Star-In dependent. - MAN wishes work of any kind in store y or restaurant; good education and ;. steady. Can give good reference. Ad _ dress "N," IS2o Briggs St., City. Phone ' gj>sS W. IOUNO WHITE MAN wishes a position sawing, cutting and splitting wood • by day or by hour. Writo or call to the j | address 152 a Fulton St., City. HELP WANTED. >' WANTED —$20 to $35 per month extra money to any employed person wlth • I out interfering with regular work. No ! selling. No canvassing. Positively no investment. Unemployed need not ap . ply. Address The Silver Mirror Co.. Inc., J 123 W. Madison St., Chicago, 111. HELP WANTED—MALE AND FE MALE 1 ; BILLY SUNDAY'S M ESS At; E—Selling ; like wildfire. We need more men ! and women to help distribute. Full . I time or spare time. W hoiei.u;e Supply t House. 25 North Third St.. top tloor. IIELr WANTED—FEMALE. WANTED—Experienced child's nurse, at once. Apply to tile Superintendent, i Harrisburg Club, Market and Front streets. WANTED—'I.eah Barry. 221 Yerbeke, to whom two reserved tickets were; awarded to-day. good for the evening performance at Orpheum, March ... ; lt'ls. Call for tickets at Siar-iituepend- ' ent office before S p. m., .March .'v, ISIS, or they will be forfeited. WANTED Girls over 16, years of age to learn cigar j making. Paid while learn- : ing. Apply at Harrisburg J Cigar Company, 500 Race street. j i SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE, j WANTED—W.ishing and ironing to do' at home. Call cr write to 647 Wood bine strtet. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, ex perienced in general office work, i PACKING—A. H. 3HHKXK. j. u .\ url(l y Sixth street, rtrst cla:.s puck. ; iCi- U 1 fljvf* * Wa oricu " - WENKICII. ,;. D iiiuuiton street - j rurniture, cUiu.i jua piuuo parkin*. g looked AlarKet street. s _____ PIANO MOVING , PIANO moving by experts. WINTER ? PIANO CO., 23 N. i'ourtb St. Uali \ u °- " e " f^one. . j MONEY 10 LOAN i; LOANS—ijio to S2OO j for honest working people keeping house. Kates less than legal. Pay 1 j ments weekly or monthly. No noti ! lieation of employer or friends. , CO-OPEEATiVK L. oi 1. CO. 204 Chestnut St. Authorized Capital, SIOO,OOO "I ANT person needing money in amounts 1 from i 5 to |ao uoulliij; a salaried vo lition, would be benetited by ' i on us. Employes' Discount Co..3ti Noi iu > Third St. ALL KINDS OF HAULJNG ALL kinds of hauling: large two-ton truck; furniture, pianos, freight, in i the city and suburbs. Prices reason able Picnic and pleasure trips, day or . I evening. WM. H. DARE. 1453 Vernon I St. Bell phone 351TJ. 'I l Death and Obituary DIED. LLSCI UK—On Friday morninjr. March 1!». 1915. Alice Mot tor Lescure, wife | *»l William J. Lescure. Funeral on Monday afternoon at 2 ; o'clock, from her late residence, N. : Second street. Relatives and friends are j invited to attend without further no i tice. Interment private. JENKIX^—On Wednesday afternooi., March 17. 1915. Elsie Louisa Jenkins, wife of Raymond C. Jenkins, at?ed li> years, S months and 26 days. Funeral on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, from the residence of her moth , er, Mrs. Louisa Lutz. No. 1343 Howard ' street. Relatives and friends are in vited to attend without further notice. | WEAVER—John S. Weaver died Wed f nesday, March 17th, 1915, at his home. I 205 Pine street. Funeral services will be held at Zion Lutheran church, Saturdav afternoon. ; March 20th. 1915, at 2.30 o'clock. In j terment will be made in the Harrisburg cemetery. j CARD OF THANKS i Mrs. W. S. Steele, 1622 State street, desires to express h*r grateful aj*pre- I elation to the friends and neighbors, I who so ably and kindly assisted her in her recent bereavement. ; IF YOU NEED MONEY and hold a salaried posi tion, we can supply in amounts from $5 to SSO Will take your plain note. All transactions confidential. EMPLOYEES DISCOUNT GO. 36 N. Third St. Licensed Soom 2 Bonded LAWYERS' PAPER BOOKS Printed at this office- in best style, at lowest prices and on short notice. I—————^ For f Sale on Terms to Suit Located on Derry street, between 21st and 22nd streets, built for comfort and convenience; wide paved street, excellent ear service. Home buyers should not purchase before taking a look at this well loonted property. It would take a whole pane to describe the reason why YOl should inves e tifrate this proposition. All the information will be cheerfully given to you, '» | when you come to inspect this extrordlnary opportunity. - I Oprn for Inspection at all time*. ineliidluir Sunday. liALI. AT I*. VAX- I DI'KI.OO, lliiilder, -119 DERHY STUHKT, or Third and State Street*, ! Mnsonie Temple lluildiiig. V ■ I > ' SPOTS ■ 1 Spots arc blemishes on the beauty of the fabric in your garment. Our I business is to remove them and restore the garment to its original new-like , I appearance. Bring your clothing to us and have ail soiled spots REMOVED Gentlemen, now is your chance to join our Special Pressing Club. Your Suits Steamed and Pressed and kept in shape for One Dollar a Month j (four suits a month). This special price is for six months only. Think of it. only 25e a week to keep your suits in perfect shape. You save a dollar by buying ticket. Prop us a card and we will call for and - ' deliver free. All work guaranteed. • 77? e 20fh Century Cleaning and Dyeing Works [ 225 MARKET ST. (.above Palace confectionery) SAM. ADI.KSTEIN, Mgr. | i —————n————————^—A— f j > For Rent i Desirable offices in the Union Trust Building. Apply Onion Trust Co. ;; V ' '/ 1 n The Harrisburg Hospital Requires a daily delivery of twelve , gallons of the very best milk obtain able. Must stand the scrutiny of a i daily bacteriological examination. What have you to offer? Address the Superintendent. * SHOW THE AVIATION WAITZ Miss Lundeen and Mr. Stantloy Do a Rare Bit of Dancing in "When Dreams Come True" There was an "aviation waltz" given in the Majestic last evening by Miss Peggy Lundeen and Frederick Stanttey that was so decidedly dis tinctivelv as to stand out conspicuous- I * 1 lv as the most delightful feature of the j dainty musical comedy," Whtfn Dreams Come True." -n j Often dances which are supposed to j | lend the poetry of motion to something ' ! that ordinary h'as motion without the < ; poetry, require a footnote on the pro | i grain to tell just what they are meant ; | to represent. Not so in the case of the j ! dance of Miss Lundeen and Mr. fcitant- j j ley last night. Anybody could have j j told, without a glaince at the printed ! woTds. that their dance was the | i " waltz aviation." With arms extended full length anil I j with each other's finger tips touching, ! j the graceful jwiir literally soared about | the stage, making their feet go in a i way unmistakably suggesting the i operations of the airship's engine. ! Their extended arms fell on one side i as they rose on the other, indicating 1 the tilting of the aeroplane on round ! ing a sharp curve, and then shot • straight up as the airship struck a di- I rect course protected from squally i winds. It was a very clever bit of interpre i tation, given in connection with a j sprightly musical show with all the ! | familiar accompaniments of pretty j j girls, catchy music and other clever ! dances. Ban on Bulgarian Language Sofia, Bulgarjui, March 19, by Way of Berlin and London, 12.23 P. M.— The Bulgarian news agency that the Servian Minister of Kducation has forbidden the use of the Bulgarian language in private schools in an effort to destroy every trace of Bulgarian cul ture in the eountry. FINANCE LIVE STOCK PRICES Philadelphia, March 13.—Conditions for three days, ending Wednesday even ing:, March 17: Beef Cattle—The current arrivals of stock, which were very moderate, but entirely ample, were principally the Ohio. Kentucky and Pennsylvania brands. Prices were keeping fairly steady, but trade was dull and disap pointing. Cows ruled easy and calves were a fraction lower. Quotations: Steers—Extras higher; average best. sS.4of ( i 8.50; choice, $5.20®8.30; good. Js.OOJi S.tO: medium, $7.50©7.75; com mon, $7.00®7.2.">; bulls, $5.50®7.00; fat cows, $4.75® 6.40; thin coivs, $3.25® i 4.50: milch cows, common to choice, $45 I ©75; extra. SBS; veal calves, excep tional lots, $11.00(811.50; good to choice, $10.59® 10.75; medium. $8.00®9.00; roni ! mon, 56.00® 7.00; southerns and barn , yards, 55.00®7.00. Sheep and I.a nibs—TTnder light re ceipts both sheep and lambs were priced a shade stronger, demand being suffic ient to work a clearance on all deslr | able offering's. Should shipments in crease, however, to any extent, values would probably decline. Quotations: I Sheep— ' I Wethers, extra $8.50(89.00 j Choice $8.00®8.50 1 . Medium $7Q0®7.50 Common $5,00®6.0fl ] Ewes, heavy, fat, $7.r>0®7.75 Lambs— Extra sll.oo® 11.25 Oood to choice slo.oo® 11.00 Medium $9.00® Common $7.00® 8.00 ITogs—Risid quarantining was affect ing local trade considerably. Quotations: $9.80® 10.00. Steers, 10®13; heifers. cows. Still; veal calves, 15®16; extra calves, 17: southerns and barnyards, 10012; Jountry dressed. 13®14; extra, 16; sheep, i 10011; extra wethers. 12; lambs. 15,i (j: Hi;! u;; No. 1 northern, Duluth export, 166 Vi® 171 U. ] Corn higher; No. 2 spot, export, 77® i 78; No. 2 yellow, local. SOV.'u SIV,. ! Oats higher; No. 2 white, 85%®66. j Bran firm; winter, per ton,«? ' 29.50: spring, per ton, $26.00® 26.50. I Refined sugars firm; powdered, 6.00; I Ine granulated, 5.90; confectioners' A. 5.80. Butter weak: western creamery, ex j tra. 284/29; nearby prints, fancy, 32. ! Eggs weaker; nearby Hists, free case, i $6.00; current receipts, free ease, r..B fj; j western extra firsts, free case, $6.00; (lists, free ease, $5.85. • Live poultry weaker; fowls. 16®17%; ; roosters, 11 % ® 12; chickens, 14017; tur keys, 15017; ducks, 15016; geese, 12 @ 16. Dressed poultry firm; fowls, fancy, 190 i 0; average, 16018%; unattract ive, 14®15; old roosters, 14; broiling chickens, nearby, 18(6)23; western, 14® 22; roasting chickens, 17020; turkeys, fancy, 21(8 22; fair to good, 180 20; ducks, 12018; geese. 10©14. Potatoes steady; Pennsylvania, per bushel, 50®5D; Maine, 45050: New York, 38(f< 43. Flour weak; winter straights. 7.00® 7.25; spring straight, 7.2507.60; do., pat ent, 7.5008.25. Ilay weak; timothy, No. 1 large halts, 18^00; No. 1 medium bales, 17.50® 18.00; ! No. 2 do., 15.50® 16.50; No. u do., 14.U0W , 15.00. Clover mixed light, 17.00017.50; I No. 1 do,, 16.00016.50; No. 2, do., 14.50 015.50. Chicago Live Stock Market Chicago, March 19.—Hogs—Receipts, 17,000; firm. Shade above yesterday's average. Bulk, 6.75®6.85; light, 6.60® 6.85; mixed. 6.6006.95; heavy, 6.:i5®6 85; rough. 6.35®6.50; pigs, 5.506*6.70.' Cattle—Receipts, 2,000; slow. Native steers, 5.808 i 8.65; western, 5.35@7 40; cows and heifers, 3.2507.75; calves, 7.00 ® 10.50. Sheep—Receipts, 5,000; firm. Sheep, 7.10(88.15; yearlings, 7.850 9.15; lambs, 7.6009.90. 15