The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, March 19, 1915, Page 14, Image 14

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Henrietta D. Grauel
Maple Sugar Time
The sap is running and on the sunn*
open spaces in the maple groves kettle*
hang over open tires or else the sugar
loose is open aud sap is boiling
oxer the improved stoves.
They may have better and easier
ways of making maple syrup now than
tliev used to have but nothing can irn
j»rove the tresli air in tlu- camp or the
sweetness of the first "sugarin* off."
Jt always was perfect.
It doesn't seem as if town boys and
girls van have their full share of fnu
if they uever have a chance to tap the
trees and set the pails. It is fun to
empty them. too. in the evening when
it is just a mite, chilly and the fingers
tingle a little when the wet cold sap
trickles over them. There's the tire
near an A one more excuse to stand by
it waiting for a chance to try out the
loiliug sweet.
We never had enough of the syrup
for maple taffy, though if we stote into
the store room or cellar and boldly
took a pan full from the big pail
Mother never said a word and somehow
Pa was always standiug around t'or his
► hare when it was boiled to the "crack"
mid ready to be poured onto a cake of
ice or into a well of snow to cool and
prow hard.
Sometimes we went hack to the camp
toy way of the old barn an,l then we
•were -.lire to have fresh eggs to go with
the syrup. Not long ago a titled
American lady astonished her foreign
friends by serxing egg* poached in
boiling svrup. There was nothing «ur
)>risir.g about the delectable luxurv to
folks that grew up on a farm. But the
SavP Ymir Hair! VTulfo \ little Damlerine immediately dou
Dave i our nam i\iaKe bu>s tho l>eautv of vour hair No , lif .
Tf C A ff- 'Fluff Tll e- t'erenee how dull, faded, brittle ami
It OUil, I L Uliy, JJUO sraggy, just moisten a cloth with Duu
+ J ;-P,, 1 derine and carefully Uraw it through
trous and beautulll vour hair, taking one small strand at a
time. The effect is immediate and aniaz
ing—your hair will he light, dnffv and
T?v as von will, after an application W * V - V J and have . an m**nnie of
. . , abundance: an incomparable lustre,
ct Danderine. you cannot find a single softness and luxuriance, the beauty and
trace ot' dandruff or tailing hair and shimmer of true hair health,
vour scalp will not itch, but what will a -.Vcent bottle of Knowlton's
i'lease vou most, will be after a few danderine from any drug store or toilet
, . ' . , . . t ounter, and prove that vour hair is as
weeks use. when you see now hair, fine .. rp „ v . uu , , <s an v_ th ., t it lias
and downy at tirst yes but really neglected or injured by careless
new hair—growing all over the scalp. treatment —that's all.—Adv."
Men spend 10c for a cigar because they
want an extra quality smoke.
Many 10c brands are good, but MO J A
quality is better. It's all Havana.
MOJA isn't a hard name to say to the
Made by John C. Herman & Co.'
produced by the Master Brewer at the DOEHNE
Brewery cannot be surpassed for purity, health,
tonic and food qualities.
Order lt--Phones!
Find a purchaser for the article you pos
sess and want to sell.
•j! If it has value—au advertisement in the
Classified columns of
will get you effective results.
Bell Phone 3280 Independent 245 or 246
— wv . u.. - J - .... - » >m n> -
n \ km
'flavor of the fresh air and the smell of
the wood tire and the boiling sap must
have been lacking when the eggs were
cooked in the mansion's kitchen by
foreign »lief. Go back to the woods for
the n -il iuation in its perfection.
Maple sugar and maple syrup offer
suggestions for all sorts of delicious
, desserts that are quickly and easily
concocted. Ore very tine maple sweet
is made by addiug cocoauut. It is ealltvl
maple-cocoa nnt pralines. Mix one <up
of resh grr.ted cocoauut with two cups
of maple sugar or syrup, add one-lialf
cup of cream and two tablespoons of
butter. Boil the mixture until it bub
bles and foams. Beat it well and pour
, onto a buttered platter. When it cools
mark iuto squares.
Maple sauce is liked wherever a sweet
dressing is needed; beat yolks of two
eggs until thick, add one-half cup of
maple sugar, one half cup of cream.
Stir until the sugar dissolves and place
over hot water until very hot through.
This may be used hot or cold.
Maple frosting, tilling and maple
cakes are other ways of using the sweet
and beside these maple ice cream, maple
parfait and candy add sweetness to the
joys of life.
Coru Chowder. Crisp Finger Rolls
Planked White Fish. Lemon and Cress
Mashed Potatoes Served with Fish
Steamed Spinach New Beets
Creamed Cheese
Apple and Nut Salad
Orange Water Ice. Angel Cake, Coffee
Maple Taffy
The Carpet
The Place °f Honeymoons, ere. m*
At four o'clSck his inquiries ipct him
Into the billiard annex. His throat
tightened a little as he discovered the
two men engaged in a game of Ameri
can billiards He approached the table
quietly. Their interest in the game
was deep, possibly due to the waeer
laid upon the result; so they did not
observe him. He let Mallow finish
Ills run. Liquor had no effect upon
the man's nerves, evidently, for his
eyes and stroke were excellent. A
miscue brought au oath from his lips,
and he banged his cue \ipou the floor.
"Rotten luck," said Warrington sym
; pathetically, with the devil's banter in
his voice.
Mallow spun around, stared for a
i moment, thei grinned evilly. "Here's
! our crow at last. Craig."
I "Sspeaktug of birds of ill-repute, the
crow passes his admiration to the kite
' and tlie vulture" Warrington spoite
I coolly.
j Mallow looked at Craig, who
| scowled back. He was beginning to
1 grow weary at the sight of Warring
I ton. bobbing up here, bobbing up
there, always with a subtle menace
| He chalked his cue. got the balls into
a corner and finished his string.
I "That'll be five pounds," he said.
"And fifty quid for me." added War
) rington. smiling, though his eyes were
as blue and hard as arctic ice.
"I'll see you comfortably broiled
first," replied Mallow, as he tossed five
sovereigns to Craig. "Now, what else
i is on your mind?" >
j Warrington took out the cigar band
I and exhibited it. "1 found that in my
room last night. -You're one of the
few. Mallow, who smoke them out
here. He was a husky Chinese, but
I not husky enough. Makes you turn
a bit yellow; eh. Craig, you white-liv
ered cheat? You almost got my money
belt, but almost is never quite. The
letter of credit is being reissued. It
might have been robbery; it might
have been just deviltry; just for the
sport of breaking a man. Anyhow, you
didn't succeed. Suppose we take a lit
tle jaunt out to where they're build
ing the new German Lloyd dock?
There'll be no one working at this
time of day. Plenty of shade."
For a moment the click of the balls
on the other tables was the only sound.
Craig broke the tableau by reaching
for his glass of whisky, which he
emptied. He tried to assume a non
chalant air. but his hand shook as he
replaced the glass on the tabouret. It
rolled off to the floor and tinkled into
"Nerves a bit rocky, ch?" Warring
ton laughed sardonically.
"You're screeching in the wrong
Jungle, Parrot, old top," said Mallow,
who. as he did not believe in ghosts,
was physically nor morally afraid of
anything. "Though, you have my word
for it that I'd like to see you lose every
cent of your oil fluke."
"Don't doubt it."
"But." Mallow went on. "If you're
wanting a little argument that doesn't
require-pencils or voices, why. you're
on. You don't object to my friend
Craig coming along?"
"On the contrary, he'll make a good
witness of what happens."
"The chit, boy!" Mallow paid the
reckoning. "Now. then, come on. Three
rickshaws!'' he called.
The barren plot of ground back of
the dock was deserted. Warrington
jumped from his rickshaw and divest
ed himself of his coat and flung his
hat beside it Gleefully as a boy Mal
low did likewise. Warrinpton then
bade the coolies to move back to the
"Rounds?" inquired Mallow.
"You filthy scoundrel, you know
very well there won't be any rules to
this game. Don't you think I know
you?" Warrington rolled up his
sleeves end was pleased to note the
dull color of Mallow's face. He want
ed to rouso the brute in the man, then
he would have him at his mercy. "I
swore four years ago that I'd make
you pay for that night."
"You scum!" roared Mallow, "you'll
never be a whole man when they
carry you away from here."
"Wait and see.'"
On the way to the dock Warrington
had mapped out his campaign. Fair
play from either of these-men was not
to be entertained for a moment One
was naturally a brute and the other
was a coward. They would not hesi
tate at any means to defeat him. And
he knew what defeat would mean at
their hands —disfigurement, probably.
"Will you take a shillinrr for your
fifty quid?" jeered Craig. lie was go
ing to enjoy this, for he had not the
least doubt as to the outcome. Mai
low was without superior in a rough
and tumble fight.
Warrington did not reply. He
walked cautiously toward Mallow.
This maneuver brought Craig within
reach. It was not a fair blow, but
Warrington delivered it without the
least compunction. It struck Craig
squarely on the jaw. Lightly as a cat
Warrington jumped back. Craig's
knees doubled . under him and he
toppled forward on his face.
"Now, Mallow, you and I alone, with
no one to jump on my back when I'm
looking elsewhere!"
Mallow, appreciating the trick,
swore foully, and rushed. Warrington
Jabbed with his left and sidestepped.
One thing he must do and that was to
keep Mallow from getting into close
quarters. The copra grower was more
than his match in the knowledge of
those oriental devices that usually
cripple a man for life. He must wear
him down scientifically; be must de-
Dend anon his rinc generalship. In
! his youtfr Warrington naa oeen a sum
ful boxer. He could now back this
skill with rugged health and a blow
that had a hundred and eighty pounds
behind it.
From ordinary rage Mallow fell Into
a frenzjr; and frenzy never won a ring
battle. Time after time he endeav
ored to grapple, but always that left
stopped him. Warrington played for
his face, and to each jab he added n
.aunt. "That for the little Slngalese!"
"Count that one for Wlieedon's broken
knees!" "And wouldn't San admire
that? RemetiiJ>er her? The little Jap
anese girl whose thumbs you broke?"
"Here's one for me!" It was not dig
nified, but Warrington stubbornly re
fused to look back upon this day
either with shame or regret. Jab-jab,
cut and slash! went the left. There
was no more mercy in the mind back
of It than might be found in flie sleek
felines who stalked the Jungles north.
Doggedly Mallow fought on. hoping
for his chance. He tried every trick
he knew, but he could only get so
"".or. The ring was as wide as the
'world; there were no corners to make
a possibility.
Some of his desperate blows got
through. The bezel of his ring laid
open Warrington's forehead. He was
brave enough, but he began to realise
that this was not the same man he
had turned out into the night four
years ago. And the pain and igno
miny he had forced upon others was
now being returned to him. Warring
ton would have prolonged the battle
had he not seen Craig getting dizzily
to his feet. It wan time to end it. He
feinted swiftly. Mallow, expecting a
body blow, dropped his guard. War
rington, as he strutk, felt the bones
In his hand crack. Mallow went over
upon his back, fairly lifted off his feet.
He was tough; an ordinary man would
have died.
"I believe that squares accounts,"
said Warrington, speaking to Craig.
"If you hear of me in America, in Eu
rope, anywhere, keep away from the
places where I'm likely to go. Tell
He Remained Dumb.
him." with an in&ifferent jerk of his
head toward the insensible Mallow,
'tell him that 1 give him that fifty
pounds v.iih the greatest good pleas
ure. Sorry I can't wait."
He trotted back to his rickshaw,
wiped the blood from his face, put on
his hat and coat, and ordered the re
spectful coolie to hurry back to town.
He never saw Mallow or Craig again.
The battle itself became a hazy inci
dent. In life affairs of this order gen
erajly have abrupt endiugs.
Two Letters.
And all that day Elsa had been !
waiting patiently to hear sounds of
Warrington in the next room. Never
could she recall such long, weary
hoi»rs Time and again she changed
a piece of ribbon, a bit of lace, and
twice she changed her dress, all for
the purpose of making the hours pass
more quickly. Whenever Martha ap
proached Elsa told her that she
wanted nothing, that she was head
achy. and wanted to be left alone.
Discreetly Martha vanished.
To prevent the possibility of miss
ing him, Elsa had engaged the room
boy to loiter about downstairs and to
report to her the moment Warrington
arrived. The boy came pattering up
at a quarter to six.
"He come. He downside. I go,
come topside?"
"No. That will bs all."
The following ten minutes tested
her patience to the utmost. Presently
she heard the banging of a trunk lid.
He was there. What was she going
to.say to him? The trembling that
struck at her knees was wholly a new
sensation. Presently the tremor died
away, but it left her weak She stepped !
toward his door and knocked gently
on the jamb.
She heard something click as It
struck the floor. (It was Warring- I
ton's cutty, which he had carried for i
seven years, now in smithereens.)
She saw a hand, raw knuckled and
bleeding slightly, catch at the curtain j
and swing it back upon its rings.
"Miss Chetwood?" he said.
"Yes . . . Oh, you've been hurt!" ,
she exclaimed, noting the gash upon
his forehead. A strip of tissue paper
(in lieu of court plaster) lay soakinz j
upon tnat wound —a trie* learnea m
the old days when rasors grew dull
"Hurt? Oh. I ran against something
when I wasn't looking," he explained
lamely. Then he added eagerly: "I
did not know that you wera on this
gallery. First time I've put up at a
hotel In years." It did uot serve.
"You have been fighting! Your
Ha looked at the hand dumbly. How
keen her eyes were.
"Was It . . . Mallow? Did you
„ , . whip him?"
If You Are Losing Weight
and TOUT nema ara in bad condition,
we recommend
IWK. ptivooii
UVMBM Emulsion
ceaiotmnt H
a food and nerve tome presenptooo.
George A. Qorgas
Why Have
Two Coal Yards?
First—because we are able to give our customers
better and quicker service. Tile one yard is located
on Allison Hill, at Fifteenth and Chestnut streets.
The second yard is in town, at Forster and Cowden
streets. This makes shorter hauls.
Second—and this is the main reason we can
handle more varieties of coal. The "Hill" yard is on
the Heading Railroad and the "in town" yard is on
the Pennsylvania Railroad. Furnace conditions are
not all the same. "Reading Coal" will give the very
best results in some houses while in others "Penn
sylvania Coal" is what is required.
If you have had any trouble with your coal let us
send the kind that is required.
United Ice & Coal Co.
Forster and Cowden Third and Boaa
Fifteenth and Chestnut Hummel and Mulberry
Also Steelton, Pa.
New Appliances For Poultry Keepers
You will always find the very latest and best of everything in Poultry House Equipment here—
as well as the best quality Feeds for Baby Chicks, Broilers, Breeders and Layers.
35* 30* 25* Ko-Z« Brooder
Simple and practical. It protects the feed against _ BJ.UU
Soiling, prevents all waste, gives every chick an capacity, .>0 chick*.
equal chance. Use It for grain feed, mash, sour Built of heavy galvanized Iron with sanitarv vermin-proof
milk or as a drinking fountain, lu cents extra if I lining and a Felt "Mother," adjustable for any size of chicks
sent by mall. I as they grow. Just till the tank with hot water twice a day.
£ A 'tr
_1 Leg Bands Fied , r / 1
Easy to put on. can't come /
off—-light as a feather; birds • |
It holds 12 qts., enough for a pen for don't mind them. Made in red,
a week. You can adjust It to allow just white green, yellow, etc All Savcs vour fPCrtinß troubles, keeps
.is much feed as you want them to have -sizes, including chicks and pig- . . ,i,„ m i™
each day. The birds work the feeder eons. Mark your birds, the your birds aeWve, makes them lay pic
them'selves. It keeps them busy all day layers, the agre, etc. vents waste,
and the feed is always there—you need j ' . OK .
not bother—fill the feeder once a week, j 25£ per uOZCll; Ne*v Automatic* Grnin Feeder,
The *>» P cr IQQ : os? f or so. * q t. size, 92.50
Lad This |
H New
■I Norwich
HH Mash ™mKBB*
mm Feeder Pralrle state
Works automatically Portable Hover
—Fill it up Monday and . , , , .
your feeding for the „ A » other °* th ° high standard productions of
... the Prairie State Incubator Co. use it in any
week is done no waste, building, piano box, brood house, etc. Price,
no dirt. Price, $2.00 $8.50
Feed Eaton's Life Saver Little Chick Feed
it is positively the best Chick Feed made—it is used by prominent breeders all about here,
because they have found it develops better chicks. Price, 10 lbs., 35£; 25 lbs.,
$1.38; 100 lbs., $2.75; 5-bag lots at $2.50 per 100 lbs. We deliver anywhere.
1307-1309 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa.
BOTH PHONES Open Saturday Evenings
Quick Relief for Coughs, Colds ana
Hoarseness. Clear the Voice—Fine for
Speakers and Singers. U.">c.
16 N. Third St. Penna. Station
Tkea* Churmlac Ulnniln An Nam
•1 Tkalr Beat
bold* th* record—4o hours—la the
newest and only twln-acraw staam
■hlp sailing to Bermuda. and tha
only OIIP Undine ;>asaensera at th*
dock at Hamilton without iraoatar
by tender.
Hound Trip with meala (ic md
anil »tateroom berth w *** up
For lull particulars apply to A. K.
OUTKHUKIOt.K « CO., Airila lis*,
hcc S. S. C«., Mat., Uti llrnudua), New
Yarki I.IIMNK HVMMKL. 103 Uar.
krt St., Hairiatars, «r umy l'l«k>
• t Airal.
J. Harry Stroup
Insurance Agent
1617 North Second St.
Begin Preparation Now
Day and Sessions
15 S. Market Sq., Harrisburg, PA.
320 Market Street J
1 1 Fall Term September First i
Cumberland Valley Railroad
In ERact May 24. 1»14.
Trains l.ravr llnrrlabura—
For Winchester Murtlnabura. at
1.1)3, *7.60 a. in., *3.40 p. m,
I'or Hagsrstown, Chambersburg ami
' intermediate atr.Uona. at *i>.o3. •7.6 a
|• . 1 .."»s u. m„ •1,41). &.3i!. *7.4(1, H.oJ
I p. m.
Additional tralna (or Carllila and
Meclianlcaburg at v.48 a. ni., 2.1 V, 1.57,
■. Jll, a.30 u. m.
For DlllsburK at fi.o3, *7.Su and *ll.ll
a. m., 2.18. *3.40. i.,32, 6.31) p. m.
•Dally. All other train* dally axcep#
Sunday. J H. TUN QIC,
H A. RIDDLJC. Q. P. A. Sunt.
Good Goal Proves
Its Quality
! Some coal is richer in carbon
; tlinn others. The thing is to iiud
: the veins that supply it.
The coal that 's rich in carbon is
going )o burn satisfactorily and
throw* out plenty of lasting heat.
i For the intensity of heat de
! pends upon the amount of carbon.
Kelley's Coal proved its richness
in carbon years ago.
1 N. Third Street
Tenth and State Streets