The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, March 19, 1915, Page 10, Image 10

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Furred tongue, Bad Colds, Indiges
tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head
aches come from a torpid liver and con
stipated bowels, which cause your stom
ach to become filled with undigested
food, which sours and ferments like
garbage in a swill barrel. That's the
Jirst sten to untold misery—indigestion,
feul gases, bad breath, yellow skin, se
Mr. CHAS. E. LYTER, formerly of the City Auto Garage, has opened
nis Repair Department permanently at the
Odd Masks and Costumes Worn at a St.
Patrick's Masquerade Social Fur
nished Great Merriment—Fun End
ed With Serving of Refreshments
The Embroidery Club, of the bor
ough, was delightfully entertained by
Mrs. Landis Uohrer. who before her j
marriage was Miss Ruth Zimmerman,
at her home. 35 South Second street, \
with a St. Patrick masquerade social
last eveniug. The odd masks aud cos
tumes worn by the guests caused much
merriment until the personality of the
wearers became disclosed.
The color scheme was white and |
green, with many shamrocks in evi
dence. Games and contests in keeping
"with the occasion were enjoyed by all i
A St. Patrick's lunch was served to the
Mrs. Webster Brashears and Mrs. j
Warren Budman, of Hariaburg: Misses!
Bertlm Metsersmitb Mary Meuer
smith, Agnes Clave, Jeanette Clave,
Catherine Brashears, Clara Brashears,
Nellie Black. Alberta Longnecker, Vi
ola Lichtenwaiter, Kmma Smith. Mary
Frye, Edna Frye. Margaret Dorr. Re
becca Miller, Mrs. Tolbert Brown and
Mrs. Landis Roarer, of Steelton.
Knights of Pythias Will Give Annual
Affair, April ti
The annual vaudeville aud entertain
ment by Steelton Lo.lge, 411, Knights
of Pythias, will be held in the High
school auditorium on the evening of
April 6. The proceeds of this affair
will be devoted entirely to the locil
Associated Charities for the benefit of
tire borough's poor. The following per- ,
sons aud organizations of the borough
aud H irrisimrg, have agreed to assist
in rendering the program: steelton |
band orchestra, the Hillcrest quartet, •
the K. of P. male octet, George M. i
Klineline, bass soloist of llarrisburg,
J. Elmer George, Jr., cometist. Chester
Kirk and Miss Eila Sharosky.
Entertained Young Folks With a St.
Patrick's Party
Miss Henrietta Porr entertained a '
number of young folks with a St. Pat- j
rick's ] arty at her home at Front street j
ttud Angle alley last evening. The dec- I
orations were appropriate to the occa- '
sion and cards and dancing were en- :
joyed, by all present. Refreshments!
were served to the following persons: i
Miss Freeda Steese. #.a:ie Toomey, j
Margaret Atticks, Nellie Sellers, Raph
ael Darby and Henrietta Porr, Ben Sel
lers, Carol Shelley # Mr. Creig. of Sun
bury: Raymond McKntee anil Richard i
The Rev. Bertram Shay Will Be at
Methodist Church Sunday
The Rev. Bertram shav, of Philadel-.
pliia. a former resident of the borough, ,
■will occupy the pulpit of the First Meth
odist Episcopal church Sunday morning ;
and evening. This supply was made be- j
cause the Rev. J. H. Rover, pastor, is
attending the conference at Philadel
The Philadelphia pastor will be ac
com; anied by his sister. Miss Minnie,
who will sing several solos in the church
the same day.
Mr. aii<l Mrs. W. A. Keister, Xorth
Front street, are attending the confer
ence of the Methodist church at Phila
delphia this week.
Howard Peters, a student at the
Philadelphia College of Parmacy, i 9
, spending the week-end with his mother,
■Mrs. D. A. Peters. South Front street.
The Rev. J. E. Grauley. of M'iners
ville, is the guest of his daughter. Mrs.
Jerome Whitmoyer, South Harrisburg
Miss Edith Dunner, 421 Swatara
street, is spending a few days in Phila
delphia as the guest of her brother and
Mrs. Harry Demrnv, 34 South Sec- ■
oiid street. returned Monday from
Reading, where she underwent a sur
gical operation.
Died of Complications
Maggie Vokanic, the infant daugh
ter of Mr and Mrs. George Vokanic,
died this morning at 6 o 'clock of a
complication of diseases. Funeral serv
ices will be held to-morrow afternoon
with interment at llarrisburg.
FOR RENT— Houses with all lnmprove
racnts, on S. Fourth St., Steelton. No
lit, (12.00; No. 322. 111.00; Nos. 353 and
Joo, tS.OO per month. Apply 31t K
Fourth SU Steelton.
ivere colds, everything that is horrible
and nauseating. A Cascaret to-night
i will surely straighten you out by morn
ing—a 10-cent box will keep your head
! clear, stomach sweet, liver and bowels
regular and make you feel cheerful and
bully for months.
Don't forget the children—their lit
tle insides need a good, gentle cleansing,
Itoo, occasionally.
Albert Lamke Lost Twenty-four and
Godfrey Bricker Missed Ten Birds
—Police Investigated, but Could
Find No Clues
After remaining quiet nearly one
week, chicken thieves again became ac
tive last uight, when two [tens were
i iaided and 34 chickens were stolen.
| Albert Laiuke experienced the greatest
loss. He resides at 519 Lincoln street,
• and when he went out to feed his
poultry this morning he counted 24
- heads which had been wrung from what
| had formeily constituted his pet flock.
Godfrey Bricker, residing at 525
Bessemer street, lost 10. The loss was
reported to tiie borough police this
I morning, but the robbers left no clue
! and no arrests were reported up to
I noon.
The W. F. Darby cash prises tor etli
c ICHCJ in political geography were
awarded by the donor, who is also the
president of ihe local School Board,
this afternoon.
''Almost Persuaded" will be the
subject to be used by the Rev. Charles
V. Uuvette, pastor of the First Re
formed church, at the special evan-.
gelistic services to be held in that
church this evening.
Class i of St. Mark's Lutheran Sun
day school will hold an entertainment,
consisting of tableaux, music and read
• ings, in the church Thursday evening,
March 2.>. A silver offering will be
lilted for the benelit of the class.
Mrs. George X. Lauffer will speak on
"'Our Alabasters Broken for the Mas
ter at the women's meeting in St.
John's Lutheran church Saturday after
noon at 3 o'clock. Special music will
l»e a feature of the meeting.
I A false alarm was turned in from
I box 51 last night, when some boys dis
covered great volumes of smoke issuing
from a chimney near Main and Tre
; wick streets.
The Public Service Commission yes
terday approved the coutract oetween
the borough of Steelton and the Har
j risburg Light & Power Company. This
; contract was made following a rear
j rangement and other changes in the
! lighting system here passed by Council.
Chief of Police Longnaker yesterday
! arrested William Shaner at tVont and
I'iue streets for disorderly conduct and
i placed him in the lockup pending a
i hearing before Burgess Wigfield to-day.
The Christian Endeavor Society of
j the First Presbyterian church wiN give
i a musicale anil social to-night in ihe
| lecture room of the church, at Second
! and Elm streets.
Funeral of Annie Haidi
Funeral services for Annie Haidi,
j who died yesterday morning at the
1 Shope hospital. Harrisbung, will be
held at St. John's Oernnn Catholic
church to-morrow morning at 9
o'clock. The Kev. William
i rector, will officiate ami interment will
! be made in Mt. Calvary cemetery. She
was 55 years ol' age and died of apop
j lexy.
Funeral of Young Daughter
Funeral services for the young
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I>avid Cas
sel were held at .the home, 272 Myers
street, yesterday afternoon. Burial "was
made in the Baldwin cemetery.
Wrenches Back When Ladder Slips
L C. Seigler, 2257 Jefferson str.-ut,
wrenched his back this morning while
I taking down a pipe in the 'basement of
j the new building of the Emerson Brant-
I iagham Implement Co., at Tenth ami
Market streets. The ladder on which he
was working slipped. He was taken to
his home in the police ambulance.
Chemist Suffers Crushed Thumb
Raymond Steitler, 533 South Fif-1
| teenth street, a chemist for the Hairis
, burg Brass and Bronze Foundry, suf
! fered a crushed right thumb when he
I was struck bv a heavy chain while at
I work this morning. He was treated
; at the Harrisburg hospital.
Chased German Squadron 4H.000 Miles
, London, March 19, 2.58 A. M.—
Stokers from the cruiser Australia, says
Reuter's Freanantle correspondent, de
clare that the Australia chased the
German Pacific squadron 48,000 mil«s,
using 6,000 tons of coal and 5,000
tons of oil.
Lebanon Man Charged With Forgery
Lebanon, March 19.—Charged with
forgery and with securing money under
false pretense, Elmer Boeshore, of this
city, has been arrested. The charge is
made by a former companion of the
Printed at this office ic best style, at
loweßt prices and on short notice.
Pressure by Germany
to Induce Her to Give
Up Territory Vigor
ously Opposed
Reported at Geneva That If Other Ne
gotiations Fall, German Chancellor
Will Try to Induce Emperor Fran
cis Joseph to Make Sacrifices
Paris, March 19, 5.20 A. M.—The
j Austrian government is resisting ener
getically pressure exerted by Germany
to induce her to make territorial cou
| cessions to Italy, according to a Geneva
dispatch to the "Petit Parisien."
I Count Andrassy, former Premier of
Hungary, and several other statesmen
representing the dual monarchy are re
| ported to have gone to Berlin to dis
cuss the problem with Chancellor Von
Bethmann-Hollweg and Foreign Min
ister Von Jagow.
it is reported at Geneva that if oth
er negotiations fail the German Chan
cellor contemplates a trip to Vienna in
the hope that he may convince Kmperor
Francis Joseph that it is necessary for
| Austria to consent to the sacrifices
! askc.l.
The Geneva "Tribune" says it is
informed that Pan-Germanists in Au
stria are in violent conflict with Czech
Transylvanian deputies who are clamor
ing for a rupture with Germany and
the conclusion of a separate peace.
Austria's Attitude Defined
Rome, via Paris, March 19, 8.10 A.
M.—What purports to be an outline of
Austria's attitude with relation to the
cession of territory to Italy is contained
in a dispatch to the "Tribuna," dated
Vienna, but telegraphed from the fron
tier. The statement is made that Aus
tria, without reflecting upon Italiau
good faith, contends it is only natural
that the dual monarchy, if she is ready
to grant territorial compensation, should
wish to insure Italian neutrality. For
this reason the dispatch says, Austria
feels she should carry out her part of
the proposed agreement only when an
Italian pledge of neutrality is fulfilled,
especially in view of the fact that the
cession of the province of Trent would
imply a weakening of Austrian military
resources with regard to Italy.
Commenting u;on this report the
"Tribuna" says the condition which
Austria demands is absolutely inae
ceptable and if maintained would make
impossible any friendly agreement. No
ministry would accept as a satisfaction
of national aspirations a simple promise
to l>e carried out at the end of a war,
the results of which no one can foresee,
the newspaper argues.
Should Shun Mess of Pottage
Rome. Via Paris, March 19. 1.25 A.
M.—ln another editorial article dis
cussing the position of Italy with re
lation to the Muropeau war the "Gior
nale D'ltalia" says:
"Italy either can obtain peacefully
immediate and certain satisfaction of
her sa#re.| aspirations together with
the protection of her great and com
plex interests or she can recourse to the
supreme test of arms. It is absurd to
think that Italy, after seven months
of preparation, when she is in an es
pecially advantageous diplomatic posi
tions, will be satisfied with the Biblical
mess of pottage or less—mere promises.
Must Protect National Interests
"However negotiations go, the
great national interests must be pro
tected at any cost. This is the firm will
of the country and the duty of the gov
ernment. For fifty years Italy made
great sacrifices to be an element of
pea e in Europe. The equilibrium and
peace of the continent were broken
through the fault of other? against
Italy's desire and without consulting
her. Others have the responsibility for
the present terrible crisis, but Italy
would be unworthy if she did not issue
with honor and advantage from the
"Greece. Rumania and Bulgaria are
awaiting Italy's move anj will follow
suit. Thus Italian influence is great at
this moment, which must be seized as
it is in her power to contribute to the
formation of a new international ar
rangement ''
In the day of your prosperity be joy
ful. but in the day of adversity con
You Need This
Great Nerve Tonic
For Over-Eating, Drinking,
Smoking or Overwork of
Any Kind Causing
H. C. Kennedy is having a lively
sale of Wendell's Ambition Pills these
days because the people of Harrisburg
who have tried them know that they
tone up the entire system and impart
vigor and energy into run down people
in a few days and because they are
guaranteed to do exactly as advertised,
and 11. C. Kennedy is authorized by
the maker to refund the purchase price
if anyone is dissatisfied with the first
box purchased.
If you feel blue, have lost confidence
in yourself, are despondent, weak and
tired out. a 50-cent box of Wendell's
Ambition Pills is all you need.
Finest prescription for headaches,
nervous troubles, poor blood, kidney
and liver complaints, malaria, neu
ralgia, trembling and loss of appetite.
They never fail to end constipation.
Get them at H. C. Kennedy's and
dealers everywhere for 50 cents. Mail
orders filled, charges prepaid, by the
Wendell Pharmacal Co., Syracuse,
N. Y.—Adv. i
Need Attention In February and
March or Face May Stay
Now is the time to take special care
of the complexion if you wish it to
look well the rest of "the year. The
February and March winds have a
strong tendency to bring out freckles
that may stay all Summer unless re
moved. Now is the time to use othine
—double strength.
This prescription for the removal of
freckles was written by n prominent
physician and is usually so successful
that it is sold by druggists under guar
antee to refund the money if it tails.
Oet an ounce of othine double
strength, and even a few applications
should show a wonderful improvement,
some of the smaller freckles even van
ishing entirely.—Adv.
Report of Harrisburg District At Con
ference Shows Total of Three
Thousand Conversions, More Than
Ever Before
(Special to the Star-Independent.)
Shaniokln, March 19.—At yester
, day's session of the Central Pennsyl
vania Conference of the Methodist
church, the report of the Harrisburg
district showed the churches in this
city to be in a flourishing condition.
In the election of trustees on the dea
coness board of the church, the vote
resulted in the selection of the Bev.
B. H. Hart, Harrisiburg, and the Bev.
E. R. Heckman, Bloouisburg.
At the conference Sunday school
, anniversary, held Wednesday evening
at 7.30, Ur. John I). Fox, pastor of
i Grace Methodist Episcopal church,
presided. The Bev. Robert W. Runyan,
pastor of St. Paul's church, offered
prayer. The first speaker of the even
ing was Dr. C. A. Smucker, pastor of
the Stevens Memorial Methodist
church, who addressed the large audi
ence on "The Recruiting Department
of the Church." He was followed by
the Rev. Dr. William S. Bovard, sec
retary of the Methodist Brotherhood
of the Methodist Episcopal church,
who gave an address 011 the progress
I of the Sunday school work, and the
great evangelistic field it offers.
The conference yesterday morning
was addressed by Bishop Burt on the
theme of "Seeing the Uml." The Rev.
B. Hart, pastor of the Fifth street
church, presented to the conference the
report of the 'board of trustees for the
annuity fund of the Central Pennsyl
vania conference. Dr. Fasick, superin
tendent of the Harrisibnrg district, pre;
seated his report; which showed the
; finest development of the district.
! The uunvber of conversions is 3,000,
j which is SOO more than have ever been
i reported from the district. There are
j now 17,305 members and 1,500 pro
! bationers in this district. The churches
jof the district gave $10,036 for for
eign missionary work and $7,972 for
( home missions and church extension.
I The total amount contributed for all
] benevolent purposes was $29,822. On
| improvements $21,824 have been paid
land $8,242 on old indebtedness. The
whole district has been aflame with
evangelism. Not a large percentage of
| the 3,000 converts came from profes
: sioual evangelism, the work being done
chiefly by pastors.
Curtiu Heights is reported as ready
' for a new Fifth street has the
j largest Sunday school enrollment in the
j district, with Stevens Memorial as a
close second. Spe.'ial mention was made
|of the new manse recently completed
| and furnished by tiie Grace Methodist
' Episcopal church, representing a cost of
! $35,600. Dickinson College has had
marked success under the leadership ot
i Dr. J. H. Morgan, acting president.
One of the high joints in the con
ference was reached in the morning scs
: sion when Dr. Chalt'aut, formerly of
Harrisburg, addressed the conference in
the interest of the Anti-Saloon League,
followed by Dr. Clarence T. Wilson,
who came from the "firing line" ot
: temperance activity and said nineteen
I States have gone dry. To the temper-
I ance society of thj M E. church is given
| credit for five of the seven States
which have recently gone dry. (treat
; nciplause followed the announcement
| that Governor Brumbaugh is expected
at the seat of conference on Saturday.
The appreciation of the conference for
Governor Brumbaugh is running at high
< tide.
I Dr. Silas C. Swallow, of Camp Hill,
| delivered a lecture in the First Baptist
i church Thursday evening at 7.30
j o'clock.
Beport of Danville District
Following prayer bv the Rev. Thom
rs S. Wilcox, Mt. Union, this morning,
the annual report of the Danville dis
trict was read by Superintendent J. B.
Stein. The report showed 3,709 con
versions, the local First Church lead
j iug by 333. Church repairs amounted
to $35,000; church and parsonage
| debt was reduced $14,500; foreign
missions contributions totalled $6,542,
i and home mission, $5,76'2.
j In the Juniata district, the church
; debt was reduced $7,714; foreign con
tributions amounted to $6,750 and
home missions, $6,567. The reports
1 roin the Juniata district showed that
the Italian mission, Altoona, had 300
j children.
j The Rev. A. S. Williams, Curtin
] Heights, a member of the conference
j home mission society, had a resolution
i adopted that "the basis of the distri
bution of mission funds for married
| men, members of the conference should
be $800."
President B. A. Conner, of Dickin-
I AO n Seminary, reported a successful
i year at that institution.
Philadelphia M. E. Conference
Norristown, Pa.. March 19. —The
1916 sessions of the Philadelphia Con
ference of the Methodist Episcopal
church will be held 1 in St. .Tames church,
Olney, in the northern part of Philadel
phia. St. Luke's church, South Phila
delphia, made a spirited contest for the
honor but lost bv a vote of 118 to 105,
at to-day's session of the conference.
A vast amount of work was tran
sacted by the conference. Bishop Wil
liam T. McDowell, of Chicago, again
presided and was assisted by Bishop
Joseph I F. Berry and Bishop Thomas B.
Neely, both of Philadelphia.
The conference gave a vote of
thanks to Dr. T. T. Mutchlet-, of the
Philadelphia Sn'bbath Association, for
his twenty years of effort to keep tbe
Sabbath from being djesecrated.
Veteran Preachers Fund
Dr. William D. Bennett, superinten-
—-——. ( Make The J
Terms to Suit Yourself #
\yyy\ —When you buy your clothing at this t
/ifflNni I m °dcrn store, YOU make the terms. V
' J Every person knows just how much he or 4
kP Hjsffrfl M she wants to pay, and by OUR plan you
- f
r — ~ roents as YOU desire.
-T T7 L 7k. YTjkr —Our low prices will appeal to you; our #
L■ y \/Vi»Wul up-to-date styles will be just what you
mm jj W jMr want. Come in this week and start your
W j if WM convenient charge account.
I —We're ready to clothe the entire family— #
jlj / \ men, women and children.
Mr "■ — —co-— —:
V ' 36 North Second Street, Cor. Walnut, 5
dent of the anthracite mission in the
Schuylkill coal regions, read an en
couraging report. According to I)r.
Bennett the foreigners in the Schuyl
kill Valley are anxious to join church
es, providing they can have pastors
who understand their dialects. Dr.
Bennett advised that deacons I>e sent
among the women.
Plans were founded to-dlay to raiso
$500,000 for the conference claimants
fund for veteran preachy rs. Bishop
Berry said no weak man 0 wanted or
will get the appointment as the fund
campaign manager.
The following pastors were con
tinued as supernumeraries:
J"he Rev. William J. Bawden, the
Rev. Frank Mack, the Rev. T. S. Miu
ker, the Rev. J. S. McKinley and the
Rev. A. D. Shields.
The conference passed a resolution
commending Dr. George 11. Bickley, ol'
Philadelphia, and .1. Baker Tuttle,
retiring president of the Laymen s As
sociation, for their labors in the "Bil
ly" Suudav campaign.
Laymen's Association Elects Officers
The Laymen's Association to-day
elected these officers:
President, W. 11. Maxwell, Potts
town: vice president. North District,
.lohn L Carson, Philadelphia: South
District, E. M. Richmond, Eddystone;
Northwest District, F. W. Lock wood,
Roxborough; West District, Albert K.
Turner, Philadelphia; Central District,
C. C. Cline. Pottstown; secretary, John
McFarland', Glenside; assistant secre
tary, H. B. Antrim, Frankford; treas
urer, Samuel Shaw, Philadelphia.
J. Baker Tuttle, the retiring presi
dent of the Association, gave "Billy"
Sunday full credit for the work he has
done in Philadelphia and nearby towns.
Additional Personal
and Social News
Members of Memorial Lutheran Sun
day School Spent Evening With
L. K. Brininger
Class No. 1 of the Memorial Luth
eran Sunday school was entertained by
the teacher, L. K. Brininger, at hits
home", 146 Sylvain Terrace, last even
ing. The rooms were prettily decorated
in green and white and the guests
spent a pleasant evening with music
and games. Dainty refreshments were
served to the following:
Mrs. J. W. MaeMullen, Mrs. Harry
Whitmoyer, Mrs. Fred Yeaiger, Mrs.
Harry Martin, Mrs. Harry Zug, Mrs.
T. Shull Patterson. Miss Bushey, Mrs.
J. L. Rodgers, Mrs. F. W. Steckley,
Harold Steckley, Miss Sara E. Davis,
Mrs. A. W. -Yoder, Miss Bessie Lenox,
Miss Lydia Gilchrist, Mrs. W. G. Hoov
er, Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Brinimiger and
sons, Gilchrist and Ellsworth.
Mr. and Mrs. Bitter Gave a Pleasant
Affair In Honor of Their Guest
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Ruler enter
tained at their home, 526 Camp street,
last evening, in compliment to Miss
Mildred Cook, of Duncannon.
Those present were Misses Mildred
Cook, Blanche Donnely, Kathryn Foulk,
Jennie Donnely, Heien Schreckengust,
Marie Richter, Daisy Fink, Edna Owen,
Ethel Hamilton, Helen Bush, Hazel
Snyder, Rebecca Whichella, Mabel
Hamber, Lura Wilt, Elsie Strickler,
Sadie Smith ami George Spotts, Orbia
Muinma, Henry Shumaker, William
Foulk, Goodell Stroup, Bruce Williams,
Ray Smith, Clarence Richter, Arthur
Higgins, William Roth, Earl Martin,
Paul Rewer, J. C. Halbleib, Paul
Spotts, Jess McCann.
Ceremony Was Performed By the Bev.
Homer S. May
Miss Bessie Johns, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Calvin B. Johns, 1812 North
street, and Charles W.* Mitchell, of
Davenport, lowa, wore married last
evening at 8 o'cloak at the home of
the bride's pareuts. The ceremony was
performed by the Rev. Homer S. May,
pastor of the Fourth Reformed church,
in the presence of the immediate mem
bers of the family and a few friends.
The bride wore a gown of soft white
tulle over pink silk and carried a
shower of bride roues. There were no
attendants. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell will
reside in Davenport, lowa.
"The Old Maids' Club
Au entertainment entitled "The Old
Maids' Chub 1 ' will be given in Tech
nical Hiiih school next Tuesday even
ing for the benefit of the Nagle Street
Church of God. The cast includes:
Mrs. John Brady and the Misses
Mary Deisroth, Ethel Hoover, Katlie
ri<ne Wolf, Harriet Bashore, Irene let
ter, Elizabeth Jlolohan, Margaret
Glass, Helen Fry, Margaret Banford,
Lillie McLain, Virginia M&Lain and
Miriam Fry.
Reception to Pastor
Mem'bers and friends of the Park
Street Evangelical church gave a re
ception last evening in compliment to
the new pastor, the Rev. A. E. Hangen,
and his family. The Kev. Mr. Hangen
was appointed pastor of this congrega
tion by the East Pennsylvania Con
Will Celebrate 85th Anniversary
j Mrs. Elizabeth Craddick, of 931
Rose street, will celebrate her eighty
fifth birthday anniversary, to-morrow,
and friends of the aged woman, who
has been a resident of the city for six
ty years, will give her a postcard show
er, in- celebration of the e ve nt.
Tea For Members of Aid Society
Mrs. fc». K. Boyd, Mrs. F. A. Elliott
and Mrs. Bovsen entertained the
Ladies' Aid Society of Immanuel Pres
byterian church at tea, yesterday aft
Meade W. C. T. U Meeting
The members of the Meade W. C. T.
U. will meet this evening at the home
of Mrs. John Feeman, 1315 State
street. Mrs. Harriet Kennedy will
speak on "Evangelism."
Philadelphia Division—l 22 crew to
go first after 11a. M.i 108, 115, 106,
128, 118, 101, 107, 116, 216, 1 ID,
129, 132, 127.
Engineers for 106, 116. 126.
Firemen for 107, 108, 127.
Conductor for 128.
Flag.nen for 106. 126, 129.
Brakemen for 101, 107, 115, 126,
129, Edg. No. 1.
Engineers up: Madenford, Powell,
Tennant, Earhart, Kennedy, Hubler,
Sellers, Buck, Welsh, Newcomer, Reis
inger, ibong, Wolfe, Grass, Smith, Mail
ley, Sober, Bissinger, Davis, Kautz,
ll'indman, Crisswell, Spcas, First, Brun
ner, Stat tier.
Firemen uip: Rhoads, Copeland,
Btishey, Miller, Bleich, Horstick, Mul
holm, Penwell, Lautz, Shaffer, Libhnrt,
Packer, Myers, Baltfbaugih, Yentzer,
Cover, Grove. Shive, Weaver, Watson,
Farmer, Arnslberger, Behinan, Huston,
Kreider, L. E. Wagner, Duval!, I. L.
Wagner, Herman, Gelsinger.
Flagman up: Bruehl.
Brakemen up: • Bogner, Sweikert,
Collins, Moore, Albright, Jackson, Mai
seed, Arment, File, Gouse, Dengler,
Bryson, Shultzerberger, Allen, Brown,
[ Cox, Desch, Kochenour, Mcuinnis,
Middle Division —18 crew to go first
after 1.30 p. m.
Twenty eight Altoona crews to come
Preference: 5, 2.
Laid off: 15.
Engineer wanted for 2.
Conductor for 5.
Engineers up: Garman, Kugler,
Knisley, Clouser, Bennett, Free.
Firemen up: Liebau, Kuntz, Wright,
Potteiger, Cox, Fletcher, Fritz, Gross,
Conductors up: Fralick, Keys, Bas
kins, Gant.
1 Flagman up: Munima.
Brakemen up: Strouser, Frank, My
ers, 8011, Troy, Wenrick, Kane.
Philadelphia Division—2 0!) crew to
go first after 12.45 p. m.: 230, 21S
226, 212, 202, 2 10, 235, 220, 225.
Engineers tor 220, 236.
Firemen for 202, 226.
Conductors for 235, 238.
Brakeman for 225.
Conductors up: Gundel, Keller.
Flagmen up: Reitzel, Flora.
Brakemen up: Stimeling, Twigg,
j Umg, Campbell, Vandling, Fair, Wal
keman, Knight, Goudlv, Kone.
Middle Division—lo9 crew to go
first after 1.15 p. m.: 115, 117, 112
107, 120, 114, 242, 223, 246.
Laid off at Altoona: 247, 216, 237
219, 238, 235, 225.
I ..aid off: 101.
Engineer for 120.
Fireman for 120.
Conductor for 114.
Flagman for 114.
Brakeman for 112.
Yard Crews—Engineers up: Polton
Shaver, Landis, Hovler, Beck. Bievcr!
iMeals, Stall], Swab, Crist, llarw,
iSaltsman, Kulin, Snyder.
Firemen up: Ba'rkey, Sheets. Bnir
Eyde, Sihipley, Kevie, Ulsh, Bost.loif'
Schiefer, Baueh, Weigle, Laekev. Cook
erly, Maeyer, Sholter, Snell, Bartob-t,
Engineer for 130.
Firemen for 1816, 130. 1820 1368
P., H. & P.—After 1.30 p. m.s 19
1, 12, 18, 20, 23, 21, 16, 10.
Eastbound— After 1.30 p. m.: 58
71, 57, 63, 64, 53, 59.
Conductors up: Kline, Si pes, Phila
baum, Hilton.
Engineers up: Morrison, Tipton,
Wireman, Sweeley, Glass, Fetrow, Mar
tin, Woland, Barnliart.
Firemen up: Corl, Dobbins, Lex,
Kelly, Zimmerman, Sullivan, Dowliow
er, Fulton, Nye, Bingaman.
Brakemen up: Machainer, Shearer,
C!rimes, Taylor, Gardener, Miles, Troy,
Slentz, Painter, Holbert, Miller, Page,
Saturday Special
\ our choice of Aluminnm Pudding
Pan, Food Chopper or a White Enamel
Mirror and one pound of Baking Pow
der, 50 cents. Grand Union Tea Co.,
208 N. Second street.—Adv.
Death of Ralph M. Grass
Ralph M. Grass, a former resident of
Harrisburg, died yesterday at his home
in Lewlstown after a lingering illness.
Mr. Grass was well known here. He
was a plasterer by trade, and a son of
the late John F. and Margaret E.
Grass. Besides his widow, lie left five
sisters and one brother, as follows:
Mrs. Andy McLaughin, Mrs. James
Winters and Mrs. Samuel Oslen, of
Harrisburg; Mrs. Harry Morrison, of
Penbrook; Miss Dora Grass, of New
Haven, Conn., and William Grass, of
Sick headache, biliousness, piles and
bad breath are usually caused by inac
tive bowels. Get a box of Rexall
Orderlies. They act gently and effec
tively. Sold only by us at 10 cents.
George A. Gorgas
;! Gold Crowns & Sets i
:! Bridge Work Teeth I
|| $a $4, $5 $5 *J? I
J [ We always make teeth that tit. t
i> Come In the morning, net your J
teeth same day. Plates repaired J
, > on short notice. $
i| Mack's Painless Dentists f
;; 310 Market St.
J Open Evenings.