The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, March 18, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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    ' .
Seasonable, Merchandise
Highest in Quality and Lowest I
in Pricing from the
House of the Best Values
——————^ ""x Machine Oil, 4c
Spring and Easter Milhnery
_ T . . - TV , Tape Measure 3c
Untrimmed Hats cotton Tape i c »ndsc
Dutch Tape 4c
In a Variety Unapproached Elsewhere English Tape, oc
* „ , _ Inside Belting, Be
Each day adds some new feature to our great collection of spring Snap Fasteners on tape, tOc
Millinery. To morrow morning we will show an almost endless assort- Feather Boning, . .sc, 10c and 35c
ment of Shapes, Sailors, large and small, Tricornes, Turbans, Pokes, etc.. Girdle Forms, 10c and 25c
made of Milan, Split Lisere, Milan Hemp and other popular straw braids. Collar Flares 5c and 10c
Be sure to see our new Hemp Hats with Lisere Flange in smart be- ghell Q 00( j g) st yUs, . . 10c to 25c
coming Bailor shapes. , Ladies' and Children's Hose Sup
Neta line of Misses' and Children's Hats just received. porters, 10c to 25c
All at Lowest-in-the-City Prices I Hand Mirrors and Hair Brushes, 25c I
IN TRIMMINGS —We are showing a wonderful line of Flowers, Pocket Books and Hand Bags. .. 25c
Wreaths, Fruits, Cherries, Lilacs. Pansies, Boses, Daisies, Poppies, etc., New Spring Buttons, latest novel
in addition to Quills, Wings and other Fancies. ties, all sizes and colors, 5c dozen
- ■* up.
Ladies' New Neckwear for /.y 19c ' Bd .|i£ Ribbons
Spring Ladies' Gowns, ......... .. . 25c A Department Always Complete in
New Guimpes and Vestees with Vic- attached, 31 " .25c Staples and Novelties
toria, military and flare collars, in ladies' Sanitary Supplies, complete All Silk Satin Bibbons, all colors,
fine nets organdie.. and trans- lln , at , ow prices> 10c
parent voiles. white ecru, -5c Drawers. All Silk Taffeta Bibbons, all colors,
Victoria Collars in transparent voiles , 0c la^c> 15c> |l)c 25c 10c
and organdies, also nets, pe children's Gowns and Skirts, . . 25c Taffeta Ribtyns, full line of colors,
front, high back in plaited, flare children's Underbo&es, knitted and 12»ic, 15c, l»c and 25c
and deep cape effects, white and muslin 10c, 15c and 25c Satin Bibbons, full line of colors,
ecru, —>c 15 C |9 C o'ic
Wi s T and' U novelty dC Household Department Moire Bibbons, all colors
shades, plaids, etc , .25c (First Floor< Rear) Faocy Drcsden Ribb onß,
Art Needlework Specials Special Sale, all perfect gray enamel IMc and asc
Stamped Towels, 12Hc and 15c ware in large siie Dish Pans, Ber- Plaid and Shepherd Checks, ...25c
va i„ es , loc Uu Kettles, Preserving Kettles, Wash Bibbons,
Beady-made Stamped Laundry Bags, Water Pails, Tea and Coffee Pots, :{c, 4c, sc, 7c, 8c and 10c
25c value 13c 50c value. Sale price, ... ...«Bc Colored Velvet Bibbons,
Embroidered Cushion Tops, 25c Just received new line blue and IS C ant } «jS C
valu 15c guaranteed acid proof Black velvet Bibbons,
Beady-made Stamped Children's war ® *? B ® r Ket "«s, 10c, 12ij c, 15c, 10c and 25c
Dresses, tan and blue, 25c value, Dlsh Coffee Pots - etc - at
cushion t.,* » JW! J—.» c ;r „ s Good Values m
Stamped Baby Caps. 25c value, wlt * . de (^f is ' ,^ clal ' Ladies', MlSSes' and Chll
12V*c New line Cut Glass, large assort- '
ment 10c drOH'S HosidlV
\Tpnr 'q Complete stock of household neces
flew Men s ± urmsnmgs sities reliaM# goods at low Ladies . Black Uom> 9c; 8 f#r „_ c
At LOW PllCeS prices. Ladies' Black and Colored Hose,
M teros P *iai*siz«u lrtß ' aßßort<Sd HOUSe and Dress Makers' Ladies' Black and Colored Silk 1 Lisle
*3? £? Chan;bray W ° rk TS Supplies in the Ladies-Black and colored silk Boo?
Men-smack TwiU Work Shirts, « Notion Department c^,B Black and Tan Hose.'foc
Men's Silk Neckwear in fancy and ,2?™*?' spoo1 ' •" 4c Children's Black, White and Tan
plain colors, 50c value 25c Hose J n heavy ' medium and V? ht
Men's Suspenders, guaranteed. r Trinff ", c 8 Y
19c and 25c g 500-yd. Cotton, spool, Children's Black Hose. Special, iftc
4.r>iv Linen Collars ific Cliildren s Black, Tan and White
Men s Firemen's Caps, 10c fid 25c Aunt f jydia Llnen Finlsll Thread, Silk Lisle Hose, 25c
Hose. blue. tan. grey and Sn Kstener, ". !!!! ic," 7c and
Men's Lisle Hose, all colors, ' c *££ EyCS ' W ®£ and J l 9 c Hants' Cashmere Hose
Men's Colored Hose, special, Oc; Safety Pins ' 8c ' 5c - 40 3114 8(5 and 25c
3 for 25c —________________
Men's Cotton Hose 5c
I c to 25c Department Store
OPP.0 PP . Court House
"Have you any rare coinst" asked
the old fogy.
" STes," replied the grouch. "I have
a five dollar gold piece in my pocket
right now.—Cincinnati Enquirer.
—— |,
Friday Specials !
Girls' Button Shoes
Girls' $1.75 patent leather
button shoes with black cloth
tops, stitched soles and low
heels, sizes 2!/2 to 5. Special
Friday only, $1.35
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Street Floor, Rear. 1
Children's Hose
Children's fast * black fine
ribbed silk lisle hose, seam
less. Special Friday only, *
fcS" Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Street Floor.
Black Dress Goods
$1.25 black granite cloth:
54 inches wide. Special Fri
day only, yard, .. 89<
Ssc black scrgo, 48 inches
wide; all wool. Special Fri
day only, yard, .. .. ..69*
$1.25 black serge, 54 inches
wide. Special Friday only,
yard ...95*
$1.50 black broadcloth; 54
inches wide. Special Friday
only, yard $1.19
t2T Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Street Floor, Front.
One pound of Arlington
paper and two packages en
velopes to match. Special Fri
day only 25*
ETDives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor, Rear.
if .
I Miss Kitty—Before you were mar.
ried, Airs. Blunt, did your husband <
i bring you many flowers? 'Mrs. Blunt
—I didn't have any husband before I
was married, dear. j
————————— | ]
Colored Dress Goods ; j
25c half wool challis, blue
and pink grounds. Special
Friday only, yard, ... 12'/ '
75e Shepherd checks in 11
three styles. Special Friday
only, yard, .... 48* I \\ 1
59c beech cloth, 36 inches i
wide. Special Friday only,
yard, 48* ; i
SI.OO pebble granite cloth, 1
44 inches wide; all wool. Spe
cial Friday only, yard,. .69*
> $1.25 serge, 54 inches wide; J i
all new shades. Special Fri
day only, yard 98*
$1.50 silk and wool crepe; '«
40 inches wide; shades of
navy and dark brown. Spe- j
cial Friday only, yard,. .95*
$1.25 navy poplin; 54
inches wide. Special Friday j
only, yard 98*
$1.69 silk poplin, 44 inches
wide; best shades. Special |
Friday only, yard, ... $1.45 e
CDives, Pomeroy & Stewart S
Street Floor. j
——————— 3
" \
Women's Hosiery d
"Women's fast black cotton
out size hose, seamless, dou
ble soles. Special Friday only, - v
' 12>/m<
Women's 37y 2 c black lisle »
out size hose; seamless. Spe- P
cial Friday only, 25* =
tr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Street Floor.
Additional Friday Bar
gains on Page 14.
Covers I" Car Loads of Autos and Is
sued By Aetna Offices Here
The largest indemnity policy, cover
ing seventeen car loads of autos, ever
written, was lately issued from the
Aetna offices in the Union Trust Com
pany building in this city. William B.
Essick, general agent and also adjust
er, has display exhibits at both auto
mobile shows this week. The growth of
the insurance business with Mr. Es
sick has "been constant and has reach
ed a stage which compels him to add
another room to his suite of offices.
It is. the largest agency outside of
Philadelphia and Pittsburgh in Penn
sylvania. The work of adjustment and
payment of claims, which have been
many and for large amounts, is a
strong indication of the popularity and
strength of the company of which Mr.
Essick is general agent. The manage
ment has recently added to the office
force one more clerk and also a dicta
phone. Another clerk will also be en
gaged as soon as the new and addition
al office room is reidv for oceupancy.
Arrested in Connection With Burning
of Christian Baptist Church
By Associated Press,
Newark, X. J., March IS. —The
Rev. Louis R. Patmont, whose home
here was 'burned on July 2, 1912, and
whose church, the Christian Baptist
church, was destroyed by lire on April
10, 1913, and who was subsequently
indicted for arson, was arrested here
last night. Later he was released under
$ 1,5i00 bail.
Spme time ago Prosecutor Guild re
ceived a letter from the minister who
was then in the west, to the effect that
he would return to Newark and clear
himself of the charges agarast him.
Pennsy Engineers "Will Be Guests at
Dinner Dance After Bowling
'Members of the engineering depart
ment of the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company left in a private car this aft
ernoon for Altoona to bowl a match
game with the Altoona Cricket Club.
The team is as follows: B. M. Africa,
J. N. iHo'bart, J. M. Fleteher, E. >F.
McClintock, H. D. Ogelsoy, J. J. Mc-
Cutcheon, <F. H. Lewis, L. Schuetz and
W. K. Ross, manager.
Following the game there will be a
dinner at the cricket clrfb
in their honor.
The Lawyer—** Madam, what is
your agef"
The Opposition (interrupting)
"Your honor, I submit that my honor
able opponent is inciting th» witness to
perjury.''—Cleveland Leader.
When People Ask Us
what is good for nerves and lost weight,
we always recommend
s**a£lL ««"«•
iASSmS Emulsion
containing pkiiu
a food tonic and tissue fcuildei.
George A. Gorgas
Be IMn Looking—Take
OUT# Tablet*
If your skin is yellow—comptajion
pallid—-to ague coated—appetite poor
—you have a bad taste in your mouth—
a lazy, no-good feeling—you shotild
take Olive Tablets. <
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets —a sub
stitute foj- 'calomel —were prepared by
Dr. Edwards after 17 years of study
with his patients.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a
purely vegetable compound mixed with
olive oil. You will know them by their
olive color.
If you want a clear, pink skin, bright
' eyes, uo pimples, a feeling of buoyaicy
like childhood days, you must get at
the cause. -
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act on
the liver and bowels like calomel—yet
have no dangerous after effects.
They start the bile and overcome con
stipation. Thnt's why millions of boxos
are sold annually at 10c aud 25c per
box. All druggists.
Take one or two nightly and note the
pleasiug results.
The Olive Tablet Company, Colum
bus, O. —Adv.
Philadelphia Division—lo3 crew to
go first after 10.20 a. m.: 110, 102,
111, 130, 112, 134, 131, 113, 121,
Engineers for 103, 110, 131.
Firemen for 112, 105.
Conductors for 110, 114.
Flagmen for 102, 113, 131.
Brakemen for 102, 114, 121.
Engineers up: Seitz, Smeltzer, Speas,
Snow, Dennison, Supplee, Brubaker,
Watvbaugh, McCauley, Streeper, G. W.
'Smith, Burg, Layman, IMadenfort, Pow
ell, Teniiant, Kennedy, Hurler, Sellers,
Buck, Welsh.
Firemen up: 1. L. Wagner, Brenner,
< hronister, McCurdy, Mc-Neal, Which
ello, Everhart, Gilberg, Rhoads, Cope
land, Bushey, Miller, Bleich, iHorstiek,
Mulliolm, Pennell, Lautz, Shaffer, Lib
hart. Packer, Myers, Balsbaugh, Yentz
er, Cover, Weaver.
Conductors up: Mehaffie, I Miller,
Flagmen up: Harvey, First, Clark,
Witmycr, Donahoe.
•Brakemen up: Wiland. Stehman,
Knupp, Riley, Ferguson, Busser, Bal
tosser, Coleman. Mumma, Bogner, Swei
gart, Collins, Moore, Malseed, File.
Middle Division—-238 crew to go
first after 1.30 p. in.: 224, 251, 230,
225. 22. 19, 17. 26. 16.
Engineer for 19.
Conductors for 2'2, 19, 17.
Brakeman for 22.
Engineers up: llart/.ler, Havens,
Mumma, Wissler, Smith, Weibster.
Firemen up: Sheesl*y, Seagrist, Ross,
Zeiders, Leiban.
Conductors up: Paul, Huber, Patrick.
Flagmen up: Jacobs, Frank.
Brakemen up: Martin, Werner,
Reese, Rissinger, Stalil, Henderson,
Philadelphia Division—224 crew to
go first after 11.45 a. m.: 229, 211,
2>06, 2*23. 2>17, 201, i 2:13, 222, 230,
205, 234, 219, 15, 210.
Engineers for 210, 216, 219, 222.
Fireman for 216.
Conductors for 205, 213. 217.
Flagmen for 206, 214, 217.
Brakemen for 206, 216, 234.
Conductor up: Flickinger.
Flagman up: Camp.
Brakemen up: Deetz, Boyd, Wrlight,
! Tayior, Wolfe, Wertz, Muisser, Stime
! berg-
Middle Division—2l4 crew to go
J after 2.30 p. m.: 232, 235, 103, 110,
102, 113, 08, 104.
Engineer for 104.
Fireman for 110.
Conductors for 10(2, 110.
Flagman for 103.
Brakemen for 110, 113.
Yard Crews—Engineers up: Harvey,
| Saltsnian, Kuhn, Snyder, Pelton,
I Shaver, Lanilis, IHovler, Beck, Biever,
j Blosser, Meals, Stall), Swaib, Crist.
I Firemen up: Eyde, Shipley, Crow,
j Pish, Bostdorf, Ranch, Weigle, Lackey,
I Cookerlv, Maever, Snell, Bartolet, Gettv,
Bair, Sheets. '
Engineer for 130.
Firemen for 1816, 130, 1556, 1820,
I 1368, 1556.
P., H. and I?.—After 1.15 p. m.: 14,
I 17. 2. 9, 7, 8, 4, 24, 22, 11, 16.
East bound—After 12.30 p. m.: 59,
62. 68. 51, 65. 61. 52.
Conductors up: Hilton, Germain.
Engineers up: Pletz, Massimore,
Martin, Barnhart, Wyre, Morne, Craw
ford, Wood, Fortney, Riehwine, Bona
witk, Tipton, Wireman.
Firemen up: Anders, Fulton, Rum
haugh, Nye, Zukoswiski, Anspach,
Bowers, Boyer.
Brakemen up: Duncan, Carlirn,
Stephens, Elby, Kapp, Page, Machmer,
' Methodists of City Hear Dr. Brununitt
Speak at Grace Church
Members of Methodist churches of
: Harrisburg and vicinity, including
many young persons, rallied at Grace
Methodist church last evening in large
numbers. There was a song service,
: in which books of the Stough campaign
were used. Ross K. Berg'stresser direct
jed chorus singing. Vocal selections
| were given and remarks made by Ep
worth League officers.
The speaker of the evening, Dr. Dan
B. Brummitt, of Chicago, who is on his
way to attend the Methodist confer
ence at Shamokin, spoke on the ac
complishments of Epworth Leagues
throughout the coumtry. As editor of
the ''Epworth Herald." he is in closer
touch with the work of the Methodist
young people's organizations perhaps
than any other man. f
Before the meeting, members of the
Epworth League cabinets of the city
met Dr. Brummitt in the Sunday school
room of Grace church.
Made It Fit
<l4tdy Teacher—Who can make a
sentence with the word "gruesome" in
itt Little Willie—l can! "The man
stopped shaving and 'gruesome' whisk
ers."—London Tit-'Bits.
Benton Hall Was Gaily Decorated in
Color Scheme of White and Green
for the Occasion—Ladies' Auxiliary
Served Banquet
The annual celeibration in honor of
St. Patrick's Day was held in Benton'
hall, North Front street, last evening
and was largely attended. The affair
was held fey the two divisions of tjie
Dauphin county organization of Hi
bernians, assisted toy the ladies' aux
iliary of the local division.
The decoration scheme consisted of
green and white, artistically arranged,
and was illuminated with many electric
lights. Shamrocks, Irish and American
flags wero everywhere in evidence.
The celebration "began with a iban
quet, which was served 'bv the aux
iliary, to the guests seated around
tables arranged in the shape of the
letter "iH." Henry M. Hare, of Har
risburg, acted as toastmaster, and a
number of good speeches were made.
The guests were addressed by the Rev.
Joseph Riordan, of 'Mt. Carmel; the
•Rev. J. C. Thompson, of St. James'
church; (P. IM. CDonnell, of Allegheny
county, and James J. Coleman, presi
dent of the local division.
A program of high class vocal and
instrumental selections was rendered
aud a dance followed. The dance pro
gram was made up partly of the old
style dance figures with Oharles Lynch
calling the figures.
Seventy-flve Members of Former
Stough Choir Will Load Song Serv
ice and Bender a Number of Selec
tions This Evening
To-night will be am epoch maker in
the history of the First Reformed
church which is holding a series of
special evangelistic services that
started last Sunday. The attraction to
night will be the presence of seventy
five members of the Harrisburg evan
gelistic chorus which rendered great
aid to the Stough campaign last vear.
This large chorus of trained and
superb voices will lead in a special
song service at the opening of the
meeting, which will begin at 7.45
o'clock, Dnd it also will render a num
ber of selections unassisted by the
congregation. The Rev. Charies A.
Huyette, pastor, will officiate, and will
deliver a spirited address on the sub
ject "The Last Step." The song book
"Make Christ King," will be used
and all persons owning copies are re
quested to bring them to the service.
John M. Miller Was Eighty-three Years
John M. Miller, an old and well
Mortified By
Pimply Face
Stuart's Calcium Wafers Will Quickly
Restore Good Looks and a Clear
Complexion to Your Face
Let Us Send You a Free Trial Package
to Prove It
There is no humiliation so intense
as the knowledge that people are con
stantly noticing the pimply condition
of your face. Women, # especially,
realizing the attraction of personal
beauty and lodging, as every woman
does, for admiration and love, find
them the source of the greatest un
happiness and misery. They know that
even to their own families their pim
ples are annoying, and they imagine
they are the laughing stock of every
Don't Be Ashamed to Show Your Face.
Stuart's Calcium Wafers Will
Drive Away All Pimples and
Skin Eruptions.
We have a message of hope for
every sufferer from these annoying
eruptions—to-day—at once—you may
see the beginning of the en<i of this
humiliating experience. To-morrow
when you look in the glass, you will
begin to see a difference and before
a week has gone by, every pimple will
know its master.
Naturp intended that every woman
should have a fine, soft .skin with a
beautiful, glowing complexion. Some
how your bb.od has becom-i \ Hinted
and full of impurities and vour face
has suffered for it. 1 But with Stuart's
Calcium Wafers you can cleanse your
blood and restore your faccto its nat
ural beauty. Get a 50c box of your
druggist to-day or send coupon below
for a trial package and bo one of the
vast army of people who than 1 : Stuart's
Calcium Wafers daily for a beautiful
A small sample paekag:> will be
mailed free to anyone who will send
coupon below.
Free Trial Coupon
F. A. Stuart Co., 175 Stuart Bldg.,
Marshall, Mich., send me at oncfc by
return mail, a free trial package of
Stuart's Calcium Wafers.
City State
Think what it means
not to need boiling water,
and only to require half the '
usual time when
It keeps the clothes nicer.
It saves the wear and tear.
Fels-Naptha Soap cuts your work in half.
F«Sa-Soa]p Powder
will cut it still more. It's new. Trv it
To Discontinue Business
Everything remaining of the Fixtures and Stock of
Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Clocks and Silverware
will positively be sold to the highest bidder.
SALES DAILY AT 2 P. M. AND 7 P. iff.
Fourth and Chestnut Streets
Sale in charge of David Brill, Auctioneer, of New York City.
knowu resident of the borough, d!ied
yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock in his
home, 38 South Second street. He was
83 years old and had been suffering
since last October with a paralytic
stroke, which caused his death.
John M. Miller came here from Car
lisle in 1895 ami for ten years was
employed by the Steeltou Store Com
panv. Since leaving the local store
until about a year ago he was employed
iu several department stores at Harris
burg. He is survived by his wife.
Funeral services will be held in his
home Friday night uud will be in
charge of the Rev. G. N. Lauffer, of
St. John's Lutheran church, and the
Rev. D.-. M. I'. Hocker, of Middletown,
a former pastor here. Burial will take
place in Carlisle Saturday morning.
Will Be Delivered in Enhaut Church
of God To-morrow
The Rev. G. W. Get/., pastor of the
Main Street Church of God, will de
liver an address at a meeting of the
Women's Christian Temperance I'uion
of Knhaut, to-morrow afternoon in the
Knhaut l.'hurch of Ood. The subject of
tho discourse is announced to be "A
Saloonless Nation," ami the meet
ing will be o|)eneil at 7.30 o'clock when
tho following program will be observed:
Singing, "Stand Up for Temperance;
Scripture reading, Mrs. John drone; in
vocation, Mrs. C. 11. Jleiges; singing,
"A Saloonless Nation;" reading, "A
Letter From the Penitentiary;" read
ing, "If Yon Know What Would You
Dof" Mrs. Pearl Keenev; reading, se
lected, IMrS. Frank Holmes.
John Edwards and Old Steelworker Suc
cumbs to Pneumonia
John Kdwards, formerly a resident
of the borough andi an employe of
the Pennsylvania Steel Company "in
th>e rail mill, died yesterday in New
Castle, of pleura pneumonia. He is sur
vived by four sisters and two brothers,
all of whom reside in the borough and
/Harrisburg. Funeral services will be
held in New Castle Saturday morning.
At a special evangelistic meeting
held in Centenary United Brethren
church last evening there were three
conversions and for this reason tire
Rev. A. K. Wier, pastor, will continue
the services this evening.
The seventh united council of the
Knight Princes of the Order of Red
Cross and Sepulchre will be held in
the rooms of Baldwin Comma ndery,
Knights of Malta. April 26. The coun
cil is composed of six commanderieg in
Steelton ami Harrisburg.
One of the biggest crowds ever seen
in Orpheum hall attended last night's
St. Patrick day dance of the Young
Men's Social Club. Many out-of-town
guests were present.
Steelton Lodge, No. 411, Knights of
Pythias, will confer the third rank on
a class of candidates at its meeting this
Standard Theatre's Offerings
Merit unexcelled is applicable to the
program announced by the Standard
Theatre in this issue, which contains
two reels of mystery, in "Cast Up by
the Sea," and plenty of real drama in
"Stars Their Courses Change," while
"Just a Bit of Life" and "The German
Band" will supply enough comedy to
give every one attending the perform
ance a first rate laugh.—Adv.*
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lau, of Colum
bus, Ohio, are spending several days
I its guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Lau,
Trewick street.
Died at Shops Hospital
Annie Haiti, of 676 Mohn street,
died at the Nhope hospital this morn
ing: at 3 o'clock. Funeral .urangementa
were not announced.
Steelton Light Contract Approved
The Public Service Commission to
day approved" the contract between the
borough of Steelton and the Harris
burg Light & Power Company, giving
the company the right to light the
streets of Steelton.
A Full Feature Show at the
Standard Theatre To-night
Oast Up by the Sea. Featuring Alice
Joyce. Two reels. Kalem.
Stars Their Courses Change. Featuring
Francis X. Bushman and Miss Edna
Mays. Three reels.
Just a Bit of Life. One reel. A B
The German Band. One reel.
FOR RENT—Houses with all InmproTe
,,? ie .1 t A n on J*- *,°!i rth St.. Steelton. No.
No ' 522, *11.00; Nos. 353 and
380, |9.00 per month. Apply 311 A
fourth St.. Steelton. "-J • m
j iw]
Red, Rough, Swollen
Take pride in your hands.
Protect them while working
about the house. Wear a pair
of our guaranteed Rubber
They are comfortable, per
mit free use of hands and
fingers and can be worn stead
ily-for a long time. Get a pair
to-day and keep your hands in
good condition.
GORGA3 Drug Starts
10 North Third Street
Pennsylvania Station
1 _
Oo Your Teeth Need Attention?
We will be glarl to have you visit
our office and our honest advice will
save you money and s«ve your teeth.
No charge for examination.
We make tee-th that must fit and
look natural and gUe satisfaction.
palnlesß extraction Included when
plates are ordered. Your old platea
made over or repaired. Gold or por
celain crowns, bridge work and all
kinds of fillings.
Large, comfortable offices, sanitary
throughout. Lady attendant.
Bell Painless Dentists
10 North Market Square. Harrlabnrg
Hours: i a. m. to 9 p. m.
Sundays: 10 a. m. tu 1 p. m.