Striking Spring Styles It would seem that in fashioning men's wear for Spring, the style creators have outdone all their pre vious efforts in beauty of model and fabric. In fabrics the Glen Urquhart Plaids Dominate They may be had in pro nounced or subdued pat terns in grays, browns, blues, tans and other shades, while the range of models is wider than ever before. A selection from our stock insures the maximum in style and value. sls and S2O each backed by our guar- ! antee of absolute satisfac- j tion. WATSON 8. ffeOOPER OHTMY (| LOTHES I 14 North Third Street Next door to Gorgas' Drug Store. > PLAN $3,000,000 MINE DRAIN Lehigh Valley Company Orders Prelim- j inary Surveys Made Hazleton, March 18.—Preliminary; purveys are to be ordered by the Le- i high Valley Coal Company at Hazleton lor a $3,000,000 tunnel, which will drain the Hazleton coal basin iujo But ler Valley. Pumps now hoist the water out of I ti'o Hazle mines. Laurel Hill No. 3, | fSugarloaf, Shaft and No. 6 mines at | Hazleton, and tbe cost grows greater annually, as gangways are robbed out 1 aud new workings driven. It is now i {'j'anned to run a tunnel at a grade of I one inch per 100 feet, a distance of live I and a half miles, putting down a shaft J from the surface every mile to cheek upon driving and also to afford ventila- 1 tion to the workmen. The tunnel will ; drain the Buck mountain eighth lift. ! which is the lowest portion of the Ha zleton basiif. CONVICT READING- BREWER Foimer President of Lauer Co. Found < Guilty on Charge of False Pretenses ! Reading, Pa., March IS.—George F. Lauer, formerly a wealthy brewer of i this city, was found guilty in criminal j court here yesterday on the charge of I false pretense, preferred by the whole- | nale firm of Acker, Nerrill '& Condit, of i New York who alleged that he pur chased from them cigars, wines, etc., j to the amount of $lB7, representing! himself as president of the Lauer Brewing Company, of Reading. He lias been succeeded in this capacity by his brother, Frank P. Lauer. Lauer'g defense was that he had made no false pretense in buying the goods, and that he had merely said that he was Lauer, the brewer, from Read ing. This—and Five Cents! DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this! slip, enclose five cents to Foley & Co., ■ Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive in re- j turn a trial package containing Foley's Honey ami. Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, for pain in sides and back, rheumatism, backache, kidney and bladder ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a whole some and thoroughly cleansing cathartic, especially comforting to stout persons. Geo. A. Gorgas, 16 North Third street.—Adv. GOES 10,000 MILES TO WED Srranton Young Woman Will Marry' Supervisor of Schools in Manila Scranton, p a „ March 18.—Culminat- j ii'fi a romance that had its inception at college. Miss Helen Hodges, daughter of; Mr. and Mrs .J. A. Hodges, of this citv, ' will on Saturday, March 27, start on | a 10,000-mile trip alone to wed her fiance, tiilbert S. I'erez, who is division i industrial supervisor of schools at Ma- I nila. P. I. Miss Hodges, after graduating from I the local high scnools, entered the Bos- j ton School of Domestic Science and j then went south to teach. There she I niet Mr. Perez. f'.ho later became « j member of the faculty of Darlington ! Seminary, at West Chester, Pa. S>hej resigned a short time ago to preparo lor the trip. I, \ ■ , . * , • -f - , v • t ■. - 7 • , . '"* r . ' HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 18. 1915. NO MUSTACHE ; NO WEDDING Bridegroom-elect's Shave Came Near Causing Tragedy—Fiancee Relents Chester, Pa., March 18. —Stephen Melikizey and Mary Luskovisky, a young couple, are sweethearts and their wedding day was fixed. Stephen wore a mustache of which Mary was proud. Tuesday Stephen had the hirsute adornment shaved off. When Mary discovered this she de i elared that she would not wed Stephen until the mustache was regrown. Yesterday morning Stephen, distract i ed, declared that life had no 'bright- ! 11 ness for him without Mary, and he I made a dash for a nearby water-filled ! 1 quarry hole. Mary followed, attended ; |by a great crowd. At the edge of the quarry hole Mary caught her fiance by ' the coat tails. Stephen slipped out 01 the coat. Mary again seized him and 1 two men assisted her. Then she prom ised she would become his bride, mus tache or no mustache. The dive into ' ' the watery depths was postponed in j ] definitely. PUN A NEW THAW APPEAL J Counsel FUe Notice in Case Their Habeas Corpus Falls New York, March 18. —Counsel for' Harry K. Thaw yesterday filed in the ' office of the County Clerk notice of an I appeal from the decision of Supreme j Court Justice Page, refusing to grant a i motion to return him to New Hamp ! shire, whence he was extradited to 1 stand trial for conspiring to escape! from Matteawan. This notice of ap- : peal, it is believed by Thaw's counsel ! will automatically prevent their client j | being returned to Matteawan until the : Appellate Division has reviewed the j motion. The notice, it was said', was a pre ; cautionary mensure designed to keep i Thaw out of Matteawan in the event of the habeas corpus proceedings ; brought in his behalf being dismissed, i Upon this writ Thaw will be produced] on Friday before the Supreme Court i Justice who signed it. It was this writ ! which prevented the slayer of Stanford 1 White from being removed to the in- ' satie hospital after the motion to re- ' j turn him to New Hampshire had been i denied. BOSTON TABOOS BARE FEET "Spirit of Greece Must Go Shod," Dancer's Lament Boston, Mass., March 18.—And now ' it is bare feet that have been placed j on the tabooed list in this puritanical ! city. Mayor Curley did it yesterday,! when he decreed that feet when ex- ! posed are shocking to public morals. This latest edict hits young society \ women who were to do barefoot dancing ' at the 1915 dance carnival for the! woman suffrage fund. It has never been I customary to wear stockings in Greek"! interpretative dances, they protested: | i but Mayor Curley replied that he is go- j j ing to smash custom. All feet must be hidden in hosiery,! | says the Mayor. Unless his order is I obeyed the show cannot be given. "Bare feet are as innocent as bare! hands or bare faces," said Lalla V. \\ vman, society dance introducer.! "The Mayor interferes with a work of I i art and says nothing about suggestive j j jokes that are used in musical come- I dies in some of our most respectable) ; theatres. In Boston the spiiit of Greece j must go shod." ! FITZSIMMONS TO WED AGAIN Former Pugilistic Champion Will Marry ; Portland (Ore.) Divorcee Newark, N. J., March 18.—Robert I Fitzsimmons, former heavyweight j champion, came to the City Hall here Tuesday and applied for a marriage li cense, but as he lacked the proper oer-1 ■ liticate of his divorce, Clerk Frank! Crissey was unable to comply with the j ! request. Fitzsimmons said he would re- 1 | turn with the evidence. The ex-pugilist announced that on I j Saturday he would take for his fourth | j wife, Mrs. Temo Simonin, the divorced I j wife of Henry Simonin, a wealthy res: dent of Portland, Ore. Fitzsimmon | lives in Dunellen, N. J. He is 53 years! old and his bride-to-be is 28. " j Fitzsimmons' first wife divorced him ; and married Martin Julian, a wrestler. \ who was the fighter's trainer. Fitzsim ; tnons then married Rose Julian, a sis- j ter of Martin Julian. Upon the death! of his second wife he married Julia j Gifforif, the actress, who recently ob | tained a divorce from him. TYPHUS CURE BY ACCIDENT Scientist Discovers Specific Through Error of Assistant ! Vienna, March 18.—Through a mis ' ! take of a laboratory worker in filling | a bottle with anisol, instead of anise! | "j l -. Professor Sigmund Fraenkel. of the I University of Vienna, has discovered ;< preparation which kills the louse that ; transmits the infection of sipotted tv j phus. Anisol is one of the derivatives of anise oil. Professor Fraenkel says that the' mixture is absolutely effective within i 10 minutes. Pneumonia Fatal to Student Williamstown, Mass., Mareh 18 ' Harry E. Funk, of Bloomsburg, Pa., a I member of the Sophomore class, died of i pneumonia at the college infirmary 1 j here yesterday afternoon after a nine I j days' illness.' His father was unable | |to arrive until after his death. He | j was a son of Mr and Mrs. Nevin U.' Funk, of Bloomsburg. Mr. Funk is a 1 graduate of Princeton of the class of 1874. His son entered Williams with : the class of 1917. Last year he was a ' member of his class football team and i represented his class in the annual un derclass debate. Chinaman to Wed White Woman Lancaster, Pa., March 18.—For the first time in Lancaster county a mar riage license was issued yesterday to a Chinaman and a white woman. They are Yip aged 48, who conducts "a restaurant, and Mrs. ISllic Whittle, 32 years old, a widow of two years. Sweaty and Sore Feet These annoying and embarrass- '! Ing troubles can easily be over- '> come. Here is the quickest and !' surest known: "Two ta blespoonfuls of Calocide compound in a warm foot bath" gives in stant relief. Don't endure foot torture of any kind. By this treat- ! ment corns and callouses can be peeled rigiit off and sore bunions ' reduced. It acts through the pores, removing the cause. Large box of ' faloclde twenty-live cents at anv drug or general store. Prepared at Medical Formula Laboratories, Dayton. Ohio. ! Wanted: Several Experienced Salesladies. Apply to Superinten dent For Boys Boys' Norfolk Suits at $3.75 — form er 1 y $4.95; some with two pair of knick ers; sizes 6 to 16 years. Boys' Oliver Twist Suits at 590 —formerly 98c; blue and white; sizes 2 J /a and 3 years. Boys' Fireman Suits, 980 —formerly $1.69. Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Draperies Swiss Curtains, 750 pair value 95c; white; Colonial patterns with 2-inch hems; 37 inches wide. Velour, at 55* yard— value 65c; light olive, 27 inches wide. Bed Rolls at sl.l0 —value sl.2>; collapsible; in yellow, pink, blue and white; space for pillows. Ecru Curtain Lace. 5* and 8* yard—values 12y 2 c and 18c; 12 to 17 inches wide; finished edges: slightly soiled. Cushion Cords, 3 yards, 1* —formerly >c yard; can also be used on furniture; red only. Lace Curtains, 50* pair— formerly SI.OO and $1.2.); 2 , <> and 3 yards long; only one pair of a kind; samples. Curtain Samples, 12Vfc* piece—value 2.3 c; to" 3 yards long. Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. 39c to 75c fancy Rib bons, 5 to 7 inches wide. Friday, yd. Hosiery and Underwear Women's Hose, 23* pair— regularly 39c; silk lisle, in tan only; wide garter tops; double soles. Women's Hose, 9* pair; 3 pairs, 25* —plain black cot ton ; double heels and toes. Women's Vests, 12Vo*— regularly 17c; bleached, "tape neck and sleeves: fancy lace yokes. Chil dre n's Underwear, 12 1 o* —regular 1 y 25c; spring weight vests and pants; long and short sleeves; knee and ankle length pants; bleached. Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Leather Goods Leather Hand Bags at 590 —value $1.00; satin lined; tit ted with purse and mirror. Hand Bags, at 39*—value 50c; real leather; fitted with purse and mirror. Leather Belts at 5* —val- ues 23c and 50c. Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Men's Furnishings Men's Working Shirt 3, 35*, cr 3 for $l.O0 —plain blue chambray; military col lar. Men's Neckwear at 10*, or 3 for 25*— value 25c: cut silk and knitted four-in hands. Men's Hose, 10* pair— values 12V-jc and 15c; plain black and colors; double soles. Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. On the Carpet Floor Cocoa Matting, 69* yd.— regularly ,98c; fancy stripes; 1 V% yards wide. Cork Carpet, 59* sq. yd.— extra heavy quality. This is less than half price. Ingrain Stair Carpet, 25* yard regularly 45c; 22 inches wide. Cocoa Fiber Door Mats, 17* —regularly 25c; 13 r /L>x 23 inches* Ingrain Carpet Samples, 9* —18x36 inches; wool and cotton mixed. Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Marietta Burgess Celebrates Birthday Marietta, March 18.—Isaac Kauff man, burgess of Marietta, yesterday celebrated his 72<1 birthday anniver sary at his home. He is enjoying good health. Mr. Kauflfman was for many years employed on the Pennsylvania railroad, as a Mason of high standing and a member of the Knighto of JS/KtmanUi Call 1991—Any Phone Founded 1871 Dollar Day In the Shoe Dept. —Friday Women's High Shoes, Women 's J,ow Shoes, Women's Pumps, Women's Colonials, Women's Slippers, Boys' Tan Shoes, Boys' Black Shoes. Values $2.50- to $3.50, SI.OO pair Not exchangeable or sent C. 0. D. Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Handkerchiefs Cross bar and plain hem-, stitched handkerchiefs, 4 for s<. Plain all linen hemstitched and initial handkerchiefs, at 5?. Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Women's Gloves Lambskin Gloves, 750 pr. —regularly $1.00; 2-clasp; in white and grey, also a few tans. Chamoisette and Cashmere Gloves, 190 pair—values 25c and 50c; in black, chamois and brown. Children's Gclf Gloves, 150 pair—value 25c; small sizes. Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Art Linens Crash Cushion Tops, 170 —value 25c; with back; stamped for embroidery. Stamped Package Goods, i 100 —va lues 2oc to 35c; baby bibs; button bags and hair receivers. Pillow Shams, at 350 — value 59c; trimmed with wide cotton Clnny insertion and lace. Pillow Shams, at 450 — value 75c; trimmed with rows of drawn work and hemstitching; wide lace at edge. Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Odd neckwear, ves tees, collars, collar and cuff sets; values 25c to 50c. Friday at ea. Notions 4c, 6c and He white wash braid, yard l£ 5c piece white and colored finishing braid, 3 for 25c jet barrettes, 10? 50c fancy jet hair pins, 190. 20c and 2t5- amber hair pins: dozen, 50 • Odds and ends of bone and silk buttons, values to 25c dozen; dozen, 10. Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Hair Goods Natural Wavy Hair Switches, $3.25 —formerly $6.00; 3 separate stems; 26 and 28 | inches long. Hair Switches, $1.65 — value s''.o(); 24 inches long; all shades. Grey Hair Switches, $1.25 —value $2.00. Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S Two Important Nouf in P —The Annual March Sale of Em broideries. —The Great March Sale of House- Furnishings and China. Pythias. He is a veteran of the Civil 1 war, having been a member of the company raised for service by the late I Colonel K. D. Hoath, of Marietta. He is the father of twelve children. Mason Home Orchard Demonstration Klizabethtown, March 18. —The or chard demonstration yesterday at the To-morrow We Petticoats of $5.00 Quality at $2.98 You will know as soon as you see them—but we are not per mitted to advertise them by name. They are sold at $5.00 in every city in the country—and every good store sells them. To morrow only, they will be $2.98. $2.50 Pure Silk Messalir.e Petticoats, sl.49— this is petticoat bargain number two. A good one for the woman who does not want to invest much money in a petticoat. A Table Pull of Skirts, at $1.98 —tine poplins, soft serges, novelties, cords; black, navy, brown and mixtures. Skirts among them that were $5.00, st>.oo and $7.50. Just cleaning up odds and ends. Second Floor —BOWMAN'S. Another Shipment of Duntley Vacuum Sweepsrs To Sell, Friday Only, at $4.49 This is the same "1915 Special" model that we've been advertising right along. The same model that housewives have been paying anywhere up to $9.50 for. The "Duntley" is a combination brush and vacuum to operate, being "light Muslin Under wear and Children's Wear Princess Slips at $l.O0 — formerly $1.50 to $2.00; made of nainsook; trimmed at top with lace insertion and rib bon run bending; flounces of wide embroidery, lace and in sertion at bottom of skirt. Corset Covers at made of nainsook; trimmed with neat patterns of em broidery. Children's Bloomers, 19£ —regularly 25c; made of black sateen ; sizes 4 to 14 years. Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. —— Domestics Ticking, 150 yard—regu larly 20c ; in blue and white, or fancy stripes; will make good mattresses. Unbleached Pillow Cases, 90 each—regularly 15c; marked Dreamland; 45x36 inches. Sheets at 690 —formerly 85c; 81x99 inches; made of good muslin; 3-inch hems; laundered ready for use; marked Garza. Unbleached Muslin, 80 yd. —regularly 12V^c ; 40 inches wide; smooth even thread; cut from the full pieces; bleaches easily. Simpson's Silver Grey Cal ico, 4v 2 0 yard—regularly 6 x /4c; 30 different patterns to select from. Bleached India Head, Muslin, 12140 yard—regu larly 20c; 45 inches wide; good lengths. Feather Pillows, 91.37 1 /;, pair—value $2.00; filled with sanitary feathers; fancy art ticking; odorless and moth proof. Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Masonic Home was attended by a large pumber of people from ail sections, E. C. Bowers, who had charge of explain ing the work, wan listened too very attentively and many asked questions. i ; Ordained to the Ministry Brownstown, March 18. —The Bev. 5 1 Alvin Wenger, principal of the Browns- Chinaware Imported Cream Pitchers, —formerly 10c; blue hand and black line decorations. German China Salad Bowls, 29^—formerly 49c; assorted decorations. Jardinieres, — value 98e; made of American pot tery. German China Cups and Saucers, dozen; value $1.30; coffee size ; gold band and floral decorations. German China Cups and Saucers, 2 for —value sc; small size for the little folks. Basement—BOWMAN'S. On the Furniture Floor Fumed Oak Settees, $5.00 —formerly $12.00; two only; Spanish leatherette seats. Living Room Rockers, $3.75 formerly $5.75; leatherette seats and back. Large Arm Rocker, $6.75 formerly $12.00; genuine leather seat and back. Fireside Rocker, SIB.OO —formerly $24.50; genuine leather; over stuffed. Chase Leather Couch, $12.95 —formerly $18.00; plain top. Filth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. 95c Utica Sheets at es; slightly mill soiled; marked "0." Pillow Cases to match in 42x 36-inch, at 14£, and 45x36-inch, at 15tf. Laces and Embroideries Val. Laces and Insertions, 39£ bolt—formerly 50c and tiOe; all match sets. Odd Insertions, at 2< yd. —values 5c to 10c yd.—lot consists of Vals., Point de Paris and Torchons. Embroidered Voile Floun cing, yd.—formerly 75c; 45 inches wide. Embroidered Ruffled Floun cing, yd.—formerly 59c and 75c; mostly short ends; 27 inches wide. Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. town Hiigh school, was yesterday or dained to the ministry of the Church of the Brethren by the Rev. I. W. Brown, of the Neffsville charge, assist ed by a number of others. Claytou Heck man, of this place, was chosen deacon. A large congregation was present. 5 Combination Lot of Wall Paper, 98c Including 10 rolls side wall, $1.25; and 20 yards cut-out border, $1.00; total $2.2",. Friday at 98^ For Men 20 Suits for men and young men, in worsteds and cassi rneres ;■ formerly SIO.OO. Spe- . cial for Friday $5.00 $12.50 medium weight Bal macaans, in tan, brown and green, mixtures. Special for Friday, $6.50 Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Kitchenwares 75c 0-oedar Polish Mop and 25c bottle O-Cedar Pol ish, 59£ —cleans, dusts and polishes all at one time; can be washed and renewed. Aluminum Rice Boiler, 89£ —formerly $1.69; 2-qt. inset. Aluminum Omelet Pan, 89£ —formerly $1.69. Aluminum Tea Kettles, $1.98 formerly $2.98, $.'125 and $3.98; assorted sizes. Aluminum Tube Cake Pans —s9<, formerly 90c; Wear ever quality. Aluminum Berlin Kettle, 08<* —formerly $1.49; 6-qt. capacity. Basement—BOWMAN'S. White Goods and Linens Fancy weaves in Crepe and Shadow Voiles, at 7'/o<* yd.— .regularly 12V a c and'lGc; 36 inches wide. Linen Sheeting, yard —regularly 79c; 90 inches'* wide. Absorbent Crash, yard —regularly 10c ; mill stains. • Huck Towels, $1.15 doz. —regularly $1.50; linen fin. ish; extra large size; 19x40 inches. Guest Size Huck Towels, 29? doz.—regularly 50c; limit 5 dozen to a customer. Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Superior Lbngcloth, Friday at o pieces; perfect goods; value 75c. Steamer Rugs and Indian Blankets Just one of a kind. At $6.98 —value SIO.OO. At $6.98 —value SIO.OO. At $6.50 —value $9.50. At $5.00 —value $7.50. At $4.00 —value $6.00. Wool Plaid Blankets, $2.69 —pink and blue; just a smalt lot for the first few who want them; 10-4 and 11-4 sizes; formerly $4.00. Crib Blankets, 10f* —white with blue and pink borders. Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Dress Materials Poplar Cloth, yard —value 25c; 36 inches wide; in navy and black. Dress Goods Remnants, 25< yard —values 50c and 75c. Dress Silk Remnants, yard—values 75c to $1.50. Kimona Crepes, 11 1 yd. —value 18c. Silk Finish Poplins, O 1 yd.—value 15c. Printed Cotton Voiles, yd.—value 12i/ 2 c. Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Toys Mission roll top Desk and Chair, $3.39 formerly $4.50. College and high school Pennants, 200 formerly 50c. Children's play Swords, 15£—formerly 25c. Unbreakable Dolls, 19£ — value 69c; dressed in romp ers; slightly damaged. Children 's Shoofly, $1.29 —formerly $1.98; with reed back rest ; painted in pretty colors. Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Aged Widow of Physician Dies ' Straaburg, March 18.—Mrs. Mar A. Withers, widow of I)r. George Witl crs, died yesterday from a compile! tion of disease* after a long illnes She was 79 years of a.