The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, March 18, 1915, Page 14, Image 14

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a Busy Day n Xo-7inorrow,Witli Friday Specials
And the Continuation of tke Festival of Spring Fashions
No Friday Specials
Sent C. 0. D., or Mail or
'Phone Orders Filled.
Boys' Russian Suits
Boys' white pique and
white linen wash suits. Rus
sian style, military eollar;
size 4. 5. 6 and 7 years. Reg
ular price $1.50 aud $2.50.
Special Friday only, . . .BSC
Boys' Rain Coats
Boys' rubberized rain
eoats, tan aud grey colors,
sizes 4. ti. S and 10 years.
Regular #1.50 values. Spe
cial Friday only 88c
Boys' Corduroy Oliver
Twist Suits
Boys' blue, grey and brown
corduroy Oliver Twist style
suits, broken sizes. 2 1 ; > to 8
years. Regular $2.50 suits.
Special Friday only.. . SI.SB
tf Rives. Ponieroy & Stewart,
SeconJ floor. Koar —;• Elevators.
Fancy Baskets
98e and >1.25 Japanese
bamboo fancy baskets, ma
hogany and Circassian tinish
es. Special Friday only, 50c
tM Dives, Pomerov i Stewart,
Berry Sets
$1.25 berry and cake sets.
German china and rose deco
rations. 7 pieces. Special
Friday ouly 89c
UTDives, Pomerov £- Stewart
Dinner Sets
100-piece border decora
tion and gold-lined dinner
sei<. Regular *12.00. Special
Friday only $8.85
K Dives. Pomerov & Stewart
Basement Specials
17c can liquid metal pol
ish. Special Fridav onlv.
25e shear steel butcher
knives. Special Friday only,
*I.OO safety razors with *>
extra blades. Special Friday
only. -19 c
WDives, Pomerov 5: Stewart
Tubs and Wash Boilers
#1.25 extra heavy galvan
ized tubs with wood handle
and wringer attachment. Spe
cial Friday only S3c
33c solid brass washboards.
Special Friday only, . . 23c
Granite and Aluminum
*1.20 six-quart Wear-ever
aluminum preserving kettles.
Special Friday only 83c
75e 10-quart granite Ber
lin kettles. Special Friday
only 45c
98c heavy 10-quart alumi
num kettles. Special Friday
only 69c
*S"Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart
Knit Caps and Scarfs
95c kuit caps and hoods.
Special Friday ouly, .. .50c
50c and 59c scarfs in helio
trope, white, cerise and light
blue. Special Friday only.
tr Dives, Pomerov 4 Stewart,
Men'g Store.
Children's Sweaters
Infants' and children's
SI.OO middy sweaters in ma
roon. navy. Sizes 2 to 12
years. Special Fridav only,
tCDives. Pomerov & Stewart
Men's Store.
Men's Pajamas
Men's SI.IXI pajamas in
flannelette and cambric. Spe
cial Friday only 50c
ti Di\ es. Pomeroy £ Stewart.
Men's Store.
Men's Night Shirts
Men's 50c muslin night
shirts: sizes 15 to 20. Special
Friday ouly 42c
M" Dives. Pomeroy <& Stewart.
Men's Store.
Down Comfortables
$5.1*0 6x6 fet down tilled
comforts. Special Fridav only
*B.OO 6x7 feet down tilled
comforts, 9-inch border. Spe
cial Friday only. . .. 86.98
U Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor, Kear.
Outing Cloth
Sc light outing cloth. Spe
cial Friday only. yard. 6' |C
Seamless Sheets
69c 72x(Ht-ineh and 7<*x9o
- bleached sheets, scam
less. Special Fridav only,
tt'Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor, Rear.
Pillow Cases
33 c 45x36-iuch bleached
pillow cases, embroidered and
hemstitched. Special Friday
only 25c
50c 45x36-inch bleached pil
low cases, embroidered and
scalloped edge. Special Fri
day only, 42c
t-j Dives, Pomerov £ Stewart.
Street Floor, Rear.
Specials in the Carpet
Rubber stair treads—
!'xl> inches. 20c value. Spe
cial Friday only, 16c
7xl s inches. 15c vahie. Spe
cial Friday only 12c
6xlß inches, 13c value. Spe
cial Friday only, 10c
75c cocoa mats. Special
Friday only, . .. 59c
Remnants of print linoleum
—ssc aud 60c values. Spe
cial Friday only 39c
35c Japan mattings. Spe
cial Friday only, 25c
30c China mattings. Spe
cial Friday only 23c
40c rubber door mats. Spe
cial Friday only, 25C
50c and 60c Wilton rugs,
18x27 inches. Special Friday
ouly, 39c
t* Dives, Pomeroy A: Stewart
Third Floor —Three Elevators.
, Embroideries
Swiss embroidered ruffled
baby flouncing. 27 inches
wide, neat patterns. Special
Friday only, yard 25c
Swiss embroidery inser
tions. 1 to 3 inches wide,
slightly mussed; values up
to 25c. Special Friday only.
yard 5C
Cambric corset cover em
broidery. 17 inches wide.
Good patterns. Special Fri
day only, yard 15c
fcFDives. Pomeroy jc Stewart
Street Floor.
Ribbon Specials
Lot of ribbons in printed
warps and taffeta in plain
and fancy edges, 5 inches
wide; values up to 25c. Spe
cial Friday only, yard, 15C
Satin taffeta ribbon, 1 to
1 1 2 inches wide; values up to
10c. Special Friday only.
yard, 5£
Ct'Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor.
Lace Collars
Imported lace collars in
white and ecru, values to 50c.
Special Friday only, . . 25c
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Street' Floor.
i The Most Successful
fci '
I Opening of Spring
1 Fashions j
In the Store's History \
IWj -
Women Are Charmed !
With the New Hats
The Formal Showing of Spring
I , Millinery . \
I Continued I
V Friday and j \
j 1 Saturday
\r±-..:' . h~r - —agg
Towel Specials
10v red border huck towels,
size 18x86 inches. hemmed
ready for use. Special Fri
day only 5c
50c fancy Turkish batii
towels, pink and yellow col
orings. large size. Speeial
Friday only 25C
19c hemmed bleached Turk
ish bath towels, large size
and gooil quality. Special
Friday only ll£
ti" Dives. Pomerov & Stewart
Street Floor.
Scalloped Doilies
1.3 c round scalloped doilies.
10 inches in diameter, gooil
quality. Special Friday only,
3 for * 25c
Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor.
Bed Spreads
$2.50 satin Marseilles sum
mer bed spreads, hemmed,
light weight. Special Friday
only $1.39
*<£ Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor.
White Goods
75c English longcloth, 10
yards to a piece; 30 inches
wide, only one piece to a cus
tomer. Special Friday only,
.piece 43>
25c plain white voile, 40
inches wide; extra fine qual
ity for dresses and waists.
Special Friday onlv, vard,
i 2y 2 *
25c fancy stripe crepe; 92
inches wide; extra good value
for waists and dresses. Spe
cial Friday only, yard,
12 Vfe#
I*Dives, Pomeroy 4 Stewart
Street Floor, Bear.
10c brown part linen tow
eling, 16 inches wide, blue
borders. Special Friday only,
yard 7<?
TOe imitation white linen
finish toweling, all cotton in
fancy colored borders. Spe
cial Friday only, yard,. . 5<
Cf Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Street Floor—Rear.
Linen Napkins
50c all linen damask nap
kins. 24x24 iuches, round pat
terns and fine double dam
ask quality. Special Friday
only, each 25<J
tj/m Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Street Floor, Hear.
Shams and Covers
50c imitation Cluny lace
trimmed shams and table cov
ers. 27x27 inches, good qual
ity. Special Friday only,
L* Dives, Pomerov & Stewart,
Street Floor, Rear.
Remnants of Wash
Remnants of ginghams,
poplins, crepes, silk muslins,
voiles and percales in lengths
from 2 to 5 yards for waists
and children's dresses. Spe
cial Friday only. Half Price.
Boys' Indian Suits
Boys' SI.OO Indian suits,
shirt, pants, holster, belt and
pistol and feather head dress,
sizes 10 to 14. Special Fri
day only, ;. 69f
ts~ Dives, Pomeroy k Stewart.
Men's Store.
Book Racks
Book racks. Special Friday
*S"Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor, "Hear.
Men's Silk Neckwear
18c and 25c silk and knit
ted four-in-hand tics. Spe
cial Friday onlv,
*®"Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Men's Store.
Watch Fobs
25c Touch Wood watch
fobs, scarf pins and tie clasps.
Special Friday only, .. . 10<?
W Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Men's Store.
Boys' Negligee Shirts
Boys' and youths' SI.OO
negligee shirts, broken lines.
Special Friday 0n1y,...69<*
ti'Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Men's Store.
Torchon Lace
Cotton Torchon laces. 1 to
li/ 2 inches wide. Special Fri
day only, yard, ..» 1^
tar Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Street Floor.
Women's Vests
Women's 39c white cotton
ribbed vests, sleeveless; none
exchanged. Special Friday
only 12' 2^
Women's 10c and 12
white cotton ribbed vests, (
sleeveless. Special Friday'
only 9^
»"Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor.
Wash Lace Veils
Washable lace veils in
beautiful patterns. SI.OO to
$1.50 values. Special Friday
only, 25^
WDives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor.
Women's Handker
Women's pure linen hand
kerchiefs, inch hem, 18c
value. Speeial Friday only,
Children's hemstitched cot
ton handkerchiefs. Special
Friday only, 4 for . ....25*
Women's initial cotton
handkerchiefs, Vi inch hem,
full range of initials. Special
Friday only, 6 for .25*
M'Dives, Poinerov & Stowart
Street Floor.
Cotton Dress Goods
59c plain crepe de chine, 36
inches wide; half silk, blue
and other shaded. Special Fri
day only, yard, . . 29*
15c linen finish suiting,
solid shades. Special Friday
only, yard 8' -;^
12' •>(• voiles, 36 inches wide
—in plain stripes. Special
Friday only, yard, 8*
20c poplin, all choice
shades. Special Friday only,
yard 12*
12V£c Bates' gingham, in a
large line of styles. Special
Friday only, yard, 9*
25c crepe gingham, im
ported fancy plaid and stripe.
Special Friday only, yard,
*®"Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor.
Bungalow Aprons
Bungalow aprons, blue
checked gingham or percale,
light or dark color. Special
Friday only, . .. 29*
Pomeroy & Stewart
Second Floor —Three Elevators.
Cambric Brassieres
Brassieres made of heavy
cambric, reinforced under
arms, lace or embroidery
edge trimmed. Special Fri
day only, 25*
*S"Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Second Floor —Three Elevators.
Corsets at Half Price
Coutil, batiste, treco and
suede corsets: low, medium
and high busts— corsets. Special Fri
day only, SIO.OO
$15.00 corsets. Special Fri
day only, $7.50
SIO.OO corsets. Special Fri
day only, . ... $5.00
$8.50 corsets. Special Fri
day-only, $4.25
$7.50 corsets. Special Fri
day only, $3.75
$6.50 corsets. Special Fri
day only $3.25
$5.00 corsets. Special Fri
day only $2.50
$4.00 corsets. Special Fri
day only, $2.00
$3.00 corsets. Special Fri
day only, .. $1.50
$2.50 corsets. Special Fri
day only, $1.25
$2.00 corsets. Special Fri
day only SI.OO
**" Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Second Floor —Three Elevators.
Waist Specials
Linen, voile, Persian lawn
and soisette, tailored or semi
tailored waists. Small sizes,
none exchanged, SI.OO value.
Special Friday only, . .. 25*
W Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Becond Floor—Three Elevators.
Crepe Gowns
Crepe gowns, low neck,
kimono sleeves, lace edge
trims neck. Regular price,
50c. Special Fridav only,
tar Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Second Floor—Three Elevators.
Brassieres, hook front, or
cross over back straps, era
broidery triuimed, sizes 34
and 46, 50c value. Special
Friday only, 25f
<*"Dives, Pomeroy £ Stewart
Second Floor, Rear—3 Elevators.
Fancy Chintz
19c fancy chintz for box
coverings and drapery, 32
inches wide. Special Friday
only, ya,rd, 15*
W Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Third Floor—Three Elevators.
Couch Covers
$1.50 extra heavy couch
covers in Roman stripes, red
or green, fringed all around.
Special Friday only, $1.30
/fcfi'Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Third* Floor—Throe Elevators.
Art Needlework
39c pillow cases, hemstitch
ed and scalloped edge, stamp
ed ready for embroidering.
Special Friday onlv, pair,
Linen Cushion Tops
25c natural color linen
cushion tops, stamped for em
broidering. Special Friday
only, 9*
fc-r Dives, Pomorov & Stewart,
Third Floor—Three Elevators.
Misses' Button Shoes
Misses' $1.75 tan calf but
ton shoes, high cut, heavy
stitched soles, with low heels,
sizes 1114 to 2. Special Fri
day only, SI.OO
*=B"Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor, Rear.
Women's Button Shoes
Women's $2.00 gun metal
calf button shoes, with black
cloth tops or dull kid tops,
made 011 full toe lasts with
stitched soles and Cuban
heels. Special Friday onlv,
tr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Street Floor, Rear.
Tabouret Specials
Fumed oak
finish tabou
irets, like cut,
top 11 xll
inches; 17
inches high,
bent legs.
Only 2 to
a customer;
none delivered. Special Fri
day only 25*
i-»" Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Third Floor —Three Elevators.
Men's Underwear
Men's 50c tan cotton rib
bed shirts and drawers, none
exchanged. Special Friday
only, each, . ... 25*
Men's 39c Jaeger fleece
lined shirts; none exchanged.
Special Friday only, . . .25*
tir Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Street Floor.
Boys' Lace Shoes
Bovs' $2.00 tan elk skin
lace shoes, made on broad toe
lasts with Goodyear welted
oil treated soles, sizes 9 to
Special Friday onlv,
' $1.65
ti" Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Street Floor, Rear.
Specials in Fiction
Two hundred books of fic
tion, vainest to $1.50. Spe
cial Friday only, 15*
UTDives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Street Floor, Rear.
Additional Friday Bar
gains on Page 7.