; T - s The Star-Independent Gives Away 2 Orpheum Tickets Daily The Name of the Person to Whom They Will Be Awarded To-day Is Somewhere Among the Classified Ads On This Page Perhaps you are the lucky person. Look until you Qui oit. If Y)i t'a; ticiits please call for them before 8 o'clock to-morrow evening or they will be forfeited. (These names are drawn from the Directory by a blindfolded girl,) ' Death and Obituary DIED. JENKINS—On Wednesday afternoon. March 17. 1915, Elsie Louisa Jenkins, wife of Raymond C. Jenkins, aged 19 vears, S months and 26 days. Funeral on Saturday afternoon aP 2 o'clock, from the residence of her moth er. Mrs. Louisa Luta. No. 1345 Howard street. Relatives and friends are in vited to attend without further notice. WEAVER—John S. Weaver died Wed nesday. March 17th. 1915, at his home. L'Of Ptne street. Funeral services will be held M Zion Lutheran church. Saturday afternoon, March 20th. 1915. at 2.30 o'clock. *n terment will be made In the Harrisburg cemetery. CARD OF THANKS J. W. Xey and sons wish to extend to their neighbors and friends their thanks and appreciation for the many favors shown them during their recent Illness and bereavement; also for the manv beautiful flora! designs. —J. W. Xey. 1046 N. Fourth St., City. _ Real Estate SEAL ESTATE FOB SALE MY PROPERTY. No. 153 North Cath erine street. Middletown. Pa. Harris burg electric cars pass every twenty minutes. Apply to J. W. FORTNEY, 171 S. Front St., Steelton, Pa. 54 ACRES—3 miles east of river, in Fishing Creek Valley, frame dwelling; 6 rooms, frame sta-ble. large variety of fruit; elegant spring: price $900.00. BR INTON - PACK ER CO.. Second and Walnut Sts. FOR SALE—IS4I Whitehall St., oppo site Reservoir Park. 3-story brick. 9 rooms, bath, steam heat; lot 22x93. 1217 and 1219»Mulborry St. 1217 Is a corner property; lot 30x7 4; will sell sep arate; learn our price and you will buy. BRINTOX-PACKER CO.. Second and Walnut Streets. FOR SALE—In Penbrook; 2 -story frame house; 7 rooms and bath: all modern improvements; combination range: cemented cellar; front, side and back porches; hot air heat; tine lot of fruit and grapes; cement walks; lot 36x 350 feet. Apply 2803 Canby St., Pen brook. IF YOU WANT a place for chickens and a garden. Inspect this -Daaphin property: 8-room house. chfeken houses, fruit trees, lot 95x121 ft.t price >1.200. H. G. PEDLOW. 110 S. Thir teenth St. FOR SALE—A corner plot, on Derry street, close to town, with 20 feet of paving, drive allev in rear; size 20x120 ft. 11. G. PEDLOW. 110 & Thirteenth St >1.500 WILL BUY a frame house on a main street on the hill, within Ave minutes walk of business section. H. P. PEDLOW. 110 Thirteenth St. FOR SALE—City and suburban homes and home sites; first class business propositions. KOUGH. BKIGHTBILL & KLINE, Sixth and Reily Sts. Both phones. REAL ESTATE FOE SALE OE RENT HOUSES FOR RENT and 2H-storv dwelling houses for sale. Elder Real Estate Co.. 24th and Derry Sts. REAL ESTATE WANTED W VXT Er' — house or cottage, in Dauphin county, with 4 to 5 acres of ground, within about four miles of city. Address 3720, care Star-Independ ent. APARTMENTS FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOP. RENT—Third floor, four rooms, bath and kitchenette, bay window front, city steam heat, $30.00 per month. No. IS N. Third St. Apply Commonwealth Trust Co., Market street APARTMENTS for rent 2456 Jefferson street: also a house. 641 Schuylkill St.; possession at once. Apply J. C. MEHRING. -439 Sixth St. FOR RENT—Three modern new apart ments; 7 rooms, bath, electric lights, steam heat, telephone, gas range, laun dry trays; hard wood floors: No. 239 a Thirteenth St Can be seen 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Apply on premises or call Bell 2283U r~ i ■ ' ■ Houses For Rent 12S Ann St, 2 s. f., 5 r $7 1332 Cowden St., 2 s. f„ 6 2011 Moltke Ave., 2 s. b. 6 r >lO 1929 Forster St, 2t» s. b., 6 r. b.. *l2 U0 Linden St, 3 s. f.. S r. sl2 1130 S. Cameron St.. 2 4 s. f. sl3 2141 Atlas St, 3 s. b., 7 r. (13 2116 N. Seventh St., 3 s. b SI3 1512 Allison St., 2% s. b sl4 1501 Allison St. "'is. b., 7 r. b., Sls 1317 Williams St., 2 s. f.. 7 r. b. >l.l 1538 & 13th St.. 3 s. b.. 8 r *1« 1500 S. li'th St. 214 s. b.. Br. b... $lO 651 Schuylkill St, s. f., 7 r.,..518 (160 Emerald St, 3 s. b., S r„ ....sl7 666 Schuylkill St.. 24 s. f. *IIC>O uncannon, . ..S2O North Lemoyne, »94 Market 5t.,..818 Lucknow. 4th & Forge Lane .$25 Newport Marshal! property SOO Hamlin (near Colonial Country Club)—o s. f.. 20 r. & 4 b $75 FROM APRIL IST 133 X. 13th St., 3 sb 1425 Walnut St., 3 s. b„ 8 r $25 23 N. 18th St.. 3 s. b Derry .St. (Paxtang). s. f s3u 612 N. 16th St.. 3 s. b & f. *3O 2220 X. Third St.. 3 s. b $32.50 I 122 Chestnut SL, 3 s. b $4.-; ! Twenty-first and Chestnut 5t5....555 1838 X. Second St.. 3 s. b. (single), | 12 rooms—-steam heat—garage, SOO MILLER BkOIUERS&Cu. REAL. ESTATE Klre laturaace Sirclr Uoada Locust and Court Street* , | "N I Real Estate REAL ESTATE FOE RENT _ FOR RENT—A two-story brick dwell ing; 8 rooms and hath; all improve ments. Apply at 21SS Jefferson St. APARTMENTS 1330 Perry. 3rd floor 133.00 1317 Derry, 2nd floor $35.00 1315 Market 130.00 239 S. 13th. ...J30.00, *32.50 and >35.00 1216 Market. >22.50 HOUSES 225*228 & 19th—new $25.00 1214-1443-1447 Berryhill. >22.50 1202 Market >22.50 133 S. Fourteenth St $20.00 2116 Derry >IB.OO 450 Crescent St, SIB.OO 1417 Swatara, >17.00 530 S. 19 l s, all Improvements, >15.00 11S Crooked St.. all Imp $14.00 2015 Kensington. improvements,..sl3.so 1847 Derrr. 4 large rooms, imp., ..$12.00 1440 Vernon $ll.OO 1320 X. Front, for colored. >ll.OO IS3O Berryhill St., 3 rooms, SB.OO HARVEY T. SMITH. 204 & 13th. Bell, 24SM. ' TOR RENT—Modern Houses. 2113 Derry | street, 2131 Derry street. Inquire P. VAXDERLOO. 2119 Derry St.. or Third and State, Masonic temple. I FOR RENT—I9II Market street; mod- ' ern three-story brick dwelling, all ini- ! provements; hard wood floors; furnish- ' ed throughout with window shades and j screens. Apply 1909' Market street. Bel! phone 2SO3R. FOR RENT—Two reserved tickets were | awarded to-day to Samuel Cohen, 521 1 Brown street, g-ood for the evening per- ) forma nee at the Orpheum, March 22. 1915. Call for tickets at Star-lnde- j pendent office, before 8 p. m., March I 19, 1915, or they will be forfeited. FOR RENT— ir.35 X. Fourth St.; three story mansard roof; nine rooms; im provements; wide paved street; trolley passes the door; house in good condi tion 1 ; possession April Ist. Apply to A. C. YOUNG. 26 X. Third St. Open even ings. i FRANK I.IN HUII-DINXi. LOCUST AND COURT STS.—AII outside rooms; city steam heat; elevator and janitor service; reasonable rentals. MIL.UEK BROS. & CO.. Opp. Postoffice. I FOR RENT —Store room. 430 Market I St., with small house in rear; apart j ment in Belvidere apartments, Second and Walnut streets; one rooai, 33 ; \23 feet, second floor, 420 Market St. JACOU TAUSIGS SONS, 420 Market St. CAMERON EXTENSION COTTAGES— Several very desirable seven and eight! room brick houses with furnace, bath, ' front porch and lawn, sl4, sls and sl6. ' MILiLaER BROS. & 00. | FOR RENT—Houses with all improve ments, at moderate rentals. J. E. AIPPL.E. 1251 Market St. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. FOR RENT —New furnished front rooms facing Capitol Park; stationary wash stands, hot and cold running water; electric light in each room; also use of phone and large bath. Apply 410 North street. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT—Second floor front room; electric light and use of bath: cen j tr&ll.v located, on South street near I Third South St. \ Sale and Exchange ■— | FOR SALE TWO light delivery wagons, one with top and other without. Phone 751J1, | or apply LOSER. Paxtang. C. W. H. LU'GLGTZ, I.umber—We are overstocked with all kinds and grades of lumber and we can offer you ! big bargains. It will pay you to see i us. Otfice Cameron and Mulberry Sts. ! FOR SALE—Lot of steam radiators; I pipe, expansion tank, furnace, boiler, j gas water heater. All good as new. I Address 3715. care Star-Independent. j j FIVE-PASSENGER two-cylinder tour- i | ing car, in good mechanical condi tion; equipped with top, curtains, wind- i shield. Splitdorf magneto, rear view | mirror, shock absorbers, good tires, ' spare tire, three spare tubes. Pregtolitc I tank, tools, etc. Cheap for quick sale. ; . Address P. O. Box 392, Harrisburg. Pa. : I FOR SALE—'Match team road horses, ! rubber tired Jenny Eind, rubber tired surrey, both good as new; market wag :on and six sets harness, ;14 Lincoln street, Steelton. Pa. Bell phone 6X or , \VL ; ! j FOR SALE—Rabbit hound pups, black and tan, line Kentucky stock. H. H. DANXER, Second street and Third Ave., ; Wormleysburg, Pa. FOR SALE—One >12.00 adjustable dress ' form; will sell for s7.ou; never been j used. Call 1407 N. Sixth St. FOR SALE—One 8-foot floor case. Ap- : ply Batly's Pool Room, 114 S. Second street. FOR SALE—Eggs for patching, from I thoroughbred White Leghorns, live j cents apiece. O. M. NEUMYER, 45 Chestnut St.. Penbrook. FOR SALE—Mathewson 6-cyl. 50 H. P. ! Speedster. Demountable rims; good running condition. Will demonstrate. 1 Rex Garage. TOR SALE—High grade upright piano, j used four months, for sale at a sac- i ritice. Easy payments, if desired. Also , small Victrola with records. Address 1708, care Star-Independent. FOR SALE!—Toledo scales; computing, 1 30 pounds capacity, drum shape (blue); selling price 5 to 65 cents. Used but a short time. Cost $l4O. Will sac- j ritice. inquire J. M. SHATZER, 529 S. J Sixteenth St. Bell 2293 J. j i FOR SALE—AT GABLE S, 113, 115 an«T 117 South Second street, 5.000 gallons | ; New Era Ready Mixed Paint. Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme 1 make. I FOR SALE—At GABLE'S, 11J-117 South Second Bt, 5,000 sets new Sash, Bxlo I xl 2 L.. primed and glased, at >LIS per set. Also other sisea j ' =B! * Workmen's Bill Hearing March 3» A public hearing on Governor Brum- ' I baugh '8 workmen's compensation bill , will be held in the hall of the House of Representatives next Tuesday after i noon, March 23, at 2 o'clock. The J Judiciary General Committee of the 1 1 House and Corporation's Committee of . ■, \ v • ' ~ " \' •, x^F' N «V ~• * HARRfSgtJRG THURSDAY ETENING, MARCH 18, 1915. * / I Waits HELP WANTED—MALE WANTED—Ten thoroughly experienced operators on our machines. Apply JENNINGS MFG. CO.. 414-416 State St. >9.00 P«ER WEEK will be paid to com petent male or female agents to sell a necessary and useful 10c kitchen utensil. Permanent employment. Ad dress E. 11. CONDON. Box 3718. care Star-Independent. WANTED—A drug clerk, Q. A. Address 3719. care Star-Independent. Wanted-Local Manager A large mfg. concern, whose goods are now on sale at retail stores in all leading, cities, desiies a live, wide awake. hnstling local representative in the Harrisburg territory. Requirements; I Ability as a salesman to call on the I retail trade as well as handle other salesmen, a man whose past experi ence will make his ability and efforts worth SSO per week to begin on. Cap ital of $350 necessary to carry the in- Itial stock. Bring references. If you can meet with these requirements see Mr. ■lack Blakley. representing the com ; pany, who will be at the Plaza Hotel. In Harrisburg, on Monday, March 22nd j ONLY. i ARMY OF UNITED STATES. MEN ] WANTED: Ablebodied unmarried j men between age of 18 and 35; citizens of United States, cf good character and i temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For I information apply to Recruiting Officer, I Bergner Building, 3d & Market sts., •H . r slmrg. 4> .V Queen St., Lancaster. 353 Pine St., Williamsport. 37 W* Mar ket St.. York, or 113 Independence St_ MtamoKin, Pa. WANTED—Good appearing men to work in Lancaster, Reading. Sunbury, Harrisburg and nearby towns; good i money to hustler. Call betwettfi 8 and .* a. m., 4 and 6 p. in. 409 Partiot BUlg. To Join our Pressing Club —Your Suits steamed and pressed and kept in shape for une dollar a month (four suits a month). This Special Price is for six months only. See us now and save money. Drop us a card and we will ! call. The 20th Century Cleaning and Dyeing Works. 225 Market street, above Palace Confectionery, SAM ADEL- I STEIN, Manager, WANTED—Machinist, shaper and plan er hands. Apply MIDDLETOWN CAR j CO.. Middletown, Pa. • THOUSANDS of chauffeurs will be needed within three or four months, in the city of Harrisburg. for public taxicab service. PrepVre yourself at | once. Make application for training to I Auto transportation and Machine Shop, 5 and 7 North Cameron St.. Harrisburg. Pa. Full, unlimited course, $35. Both phones. WANTED—Men prepare as firemen, brakemen, motormen. colored porters Pennsylvania railroads. Experience not ; necessary. SSo to »100 month. \s"rite Inter Railway Dept. 101. Indianapolis, lnd. AUTO transportation school wants men to become practical chauffeurs and earn $75 to |iuu per month. We give a thorough course in crude and practical work tor $35.00. No. i S. Cameron, Bell phone 1710. » SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE WOULD like position as janitor or ele vatorman; well experienced; can fur nish best of reference. Call or address 907 Sarah St., City. MACHINIST and draughtsman wants situation; if not in own line, willing to take anything; can furnish best of reference. Address 3716, care Star-in dependent. BOOKKEEPER (.lis) desires position with well-established firm, tight years experienA", single and double entry, excellent penman, A 1 references, i capable of taking full charge of office, moderate salary. Audress r». B. Engel, ■ caie of Askin 4: Marine Company, 36 .V. Second St., Bell pnone 356 J. I MAN wishes work of any kind in store I or restaurant; gooti education and i steady. Can give good reference. Au dress "N," 1820 Briggs St., city. Phone j 2955 W. , YOUNG WHITE MAN wishes a position ! sawing, cutting and splitting wood j by day or by {lour. U rite or call to the address 1529 rulton St., City. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS make big money selling "New 1 Heatless trouser press." t'reaser, ! stretcher and hanger. Whirlwind sell , er. Send 50c for sample press and agents' proposition. WALTER SEIT£, 1616 W. Walnut St., Shamokin, Pa. AGENTS Handle something people need. They need our Egg Substitute. Fix Manufacturing Co.. Bunalo, X. Y. IIELr WANTED—FEMALE. ; WANTED—Experienced child's nurse, at once., Apply to the Superintendent, | H«rripburg Club, Market and Fiorn streets. WANTED—Ladies to solicit for large Arm on big commission; easy and pleasant work. Address H. S., 3712, care Star-Independent. WANTED Girls over 16 years of age to learn cigar making. Paid while learn ing. Apply at Harrisburg Cigar Company, 500 Race street. Lost and Found FOUND. FOUND—The way to end XPUr cleaning and dyeing worries by calling either phone for Eggert's Steam Dyelns and French Cleaning Works, 1245 Market St. We call and deliver. FOUND—A decided Improvement In my appearance since having my clothing cleaned and pressed at Parisian Dye Works, 1409 X. Third. Branch, Hoffman- Kerns, 337 Chestnut Bell phone. Call ing and delivering. the Senate will jointly conduct tie hear ing. Wants l^ l Hi HELP WAH TED. 3 WASTED —$20 to 135 per month extra IT money to any employed person wlth . out interfering with regular work. No selling. No canvassing. I'osltlvely no - investment. Unemployed need not ap -1 ply. Address The Sliver Mirror Co., Inc., » 123 \V. Madison St., Chicago, 111. 1 HELP WANTED—MALE AND FE MALE s : BILLY SUNDAY'S MESSAGE—SeIIing like wildtire. We need more men ! and women to help distribute. Full > lime or spare time. Wholesale Supply [ House. 25 North Third St.. top floor. j ¥ituati6ns~ WANTED-^ENLALE. 1 ■ BOOK KEEPER and stenographer, ex ' perienced in general office work, de . sires position. Kindly state nature of • ; work and salary. Address H. D. S., P. ® , O. Box 25. Hill Station. " i WANTED—Young white woman would s ; like washing, office cleaning or work " by the day. Apply 2017 Wallace St. 1 COLORED I«ADY wants work by the '• i week or by the day; can furnish ' j good reference. Apply 1130 N. Front j i street. ; MIDDLE-AGED LADY wants to keep house for widower; no objections to j j children. Address 318 Briggs St. | WANTED—Position as housekeeper for ! I widower by young woman who would I j like to take child with her. Address ' | or call 7 Hoffer St.. Steelton, Pa. ' i WANTED—Young lady wishes a posl ; ! tion as assistant matron or as attend ant in an institution; experienced. Apply ' i 2026 Green street. , ' MIDDLE-AGED colored woman would 1 like to have day's work or cooking, j , Apply at 28 Linden street. 1 1 WANTED—PIain sewing to do at home. Apply 111.0 Montgomery St. ! | WANTED—A young woman would like ! general housework or day's work. Call or address BESSIE BKOWN, 1003 > 1 X ' Tfrlrd St. [ WHITE GIRL would like position to do general housework. 31!* Briggs. Can ; furnish city reference. FOURTEEN-YEAR-OLD GIRL wants work of any kind. Call or address . | 1215 Fulton St., City. WANTED—Young lady wishes general ,! housework;'can give references. Ap ply 1022 Market St.. room 2. MIDDLE-AGED lady would like day's j : work or offices to clean. Can give best of references Call or address 1 735 Fulton St.. Harrisburg. Pa. YOUNG WOMAN wants day's work of any kind; Can give reference. Ad dress or call 22 Aberdeen St. Miscellaneous mi as m rURNiIURtI PAG-UXNO PACKING—A. H. SHRENK. 1804 North Sixth street, rtrst class packer of fur ' miuie, mina and orltabtac. Bell phone T iaaw. » W. J. WENKICh, 339 Hamilton street — r urniture, cilia a and piano packing, shipments -looked alter at both ends . Also all kinds of hauling, bell phon* i m ' w - MISCELLANEOUS WANTS I LOAN WANTED—I3,OOO on first mort gage ai 6 per cent., good investment. iiAuuiess 3713, care Star-Independent. STORAGE. ' | STORAGE in 1-story brick building, ' rear Iu a Market St. Housenoiu goous m ciean, private rooms. Keasonable I rates. Apply to P. G. uiu.St.tt, Jeweler, _ ! tus Market St. ' FIREPROOF STORAGE WAREHOUSE. I ui video into private rooms loi stor* 1 age ox nousenou goo us; low insurance. • inspection i.oiieu, Vjcnerai merchan uioe warehouse and nousc-noia goods J i warehouse aie located on tracks ot 1 Penna. iU boutn second Su M tiAittilSiilJKU STUliAur: COMPANY. j FR i£IGHT DHAYAGE, storage, shippers j ana aistributors ui merchandise ot all I kinus; piompi ana efficient service. . j Uai t-nouatrs on K ti, ic. anu P. & K. j tracas. & lu, I'eipher : | Lane, lentii oeiow Market s>u i j RAZOR BLADES " ALL KINDS of razor blades resharpen . | eti; mane better than new; safety, 25c ■ per uozen; star, 15c; oiu style, 2ic; leave . orders Wenry olioert ac Sons' Hardware, | 21J .uai Ket street. PIANO MOVING i PIANO moving by experts. WINTER ! PIANO CO.. 23 N. Fourth St. CkU ' ' H». LleU phjne. ! MONET TO LOAN . WE LEND MONEY IITANY AMOUNTS Payments to suit borrower. Small loans a specialty. , Positively lowest rates iu the city. 1 Up-to-date methods. Licensed, ' | bonded aud incorporated. PiINNA. INVESTMENT CO. IS3 Walsot Street I j MOST MONEY LOANED—On Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Firearms, Musical Instruments. Highest cash prices for old gold aud silver. Repairing a spe cialty. CITY UJA.M OFFICE. 411 Mar ket street. LOANS—SS to S2OO for honest working people keeping II house. Kates less than legal. Pay I; nients weekly or monthly. No noti fication of employer or friends. CO-OPEK ATIV E L. & 1. CO. 204 Chestnut St. Authorized Capital, 1100,000 I ANY person needing money In amounts from |5 to 150 holding a salaried po sition. would be beneiiled by calling ' on us. Employes' Discount Co., 38 North Third St. ALL BLINDS Of HAULING ALL kinds of hauling; large two-ton truck; furniture, pianos, freight. IB the city and suburbs. Prices reason able. Picnic and pleasure trips, day or evening. WM. H. DARE, 14il Vernon St. Bell nhone 3617 J. FINANCE READING MOST ACTIVE OF LEADERS INEARLY TRADING Weakness of the Stock Attributed to Fact That Interstate Commerce Com mission Has Affairs of the Anthra cite Roads Under Review New Vork, March 18.—Wall Street —The feature of to-day's early market was a one point decline in Reading, de spite tho maintenance of the regular dividend. The stock was the most ac tive of the leaders in the initial trading and offerings suggested short selling rather than liquidation. Other promi nent issues were affected in lesser de gree, the Pacifies ami United State* I steel falling under yesterday's close. ! Coppers. American smelting and motor I shares and .Mexican petroleum were j fractionally higher. Reading continued to be the over- I shadowing feature of the morning ses j sion, supplying over 30 per cent, of the I first hour's business and declining to 142% or 1% points. Jhc fact that the Interstate Commerce Commission now I has the affairs of the anthracite roads under review was . the chief argument advanced in connection with Reading's j weakness. Lehigh Valley, however, j was dull and scarcely affected. Other j leaders held within ftwv range of their ; opening prices, while coppers made sub j stantial gains. Pressed steel scored a j new high price at 58' 1 4, 'but U. S. steel I was under pressure. Minor bond issues 1 were weak. Philadelphia Produce Market ! Philadelphia, March 18. —Wheat firm; No. 2 rod spot, export. 157H if 162H; 1 No. I northern, Duluth export, 16T>H" ( i i , 170ti. t'orn firm; No. 2 spot, exi>ort. 76H® 77 H. ] Oats steady; No. 2 white. 65®6, r >H. j Bran firm; winter, per ton. $26.50® I 29.50; spring, per ton, $26.00#26.50. Itertned sugars tirm; powdered, 6.00; tine granulated. 5.90; confectioners' A. I 5.50. I Butter weak: western creamery, ex | tra. l'SJj.29; nearby prints, fancy, 32. I Eggs firmer; nearby firsts, free case, 6.15; current receipts, free case. 6.00; ; western extra tirsts, free case, 6.15; firsts, free case, 6.00. i Live poultry weaker; fowls, 16&17H; roosters. 11'1 fy 12; chickens, 14® 17; tur keys, 15@17; ducks, 15®16; geese, 12 , ®l6. Dressed poultry Arm; fowls, fancy. 19® 20; average, unattract ive. 14@15; old roosters, 14; broiling chickens, nearby. 18®23; western, 14® 22; roasting'chickens, 17}i20: turkevs. fancy, 21®22; fair to good. 18®20; ducks. 12@18; geese, 10®14. Potatoes steady; Pennsvlvanla. per bushel. 50®55; Maine. 45®50; New York 38® 43. Flour weak; winter straights, 7.00® 17.25; spring straight, 7.25® 7.50; do., p:\t -1 ent. 7.50®8.25. Hay weak; timothy. No. 1 larlfe baits, 18.00; No. 1 medium bales. 17.50® 1S.00; I No. 2 do., 15.50® 16.50; No. 3 do., 14.00® 15.00. Clover mixed light, 17.00@17.50; No. 1 do., 16.00& 10.50; No. 2, do., 14.50 4* 15,50. Chicago Live Stock Market Chicago. March 18.—Hogs—-Receipts. 23,000; strong; 5c above yesterday's av erage. Bulk. 6.80®6.55; light, 6.65® 6.90; mixed, 6.65(3 6.92^4; heavy. 6.35® 6.90; rough, 6.35®6.D5; pigs, 5.'50@5.75. Cattle—Receipts. 3,000; Arm. Native. 5.90®8.75; western. 5.35@7.55; cows and heifers. 3.15® 7.90: calves, 6.50® 10.25. Siiee—Receipts, 9,000; slow. Sheep, 7.00®5.00; yearlings. 7.75®9.10; lambs, 7.40 @9.75. , ! YOUNG MAN DIES AT LEMOYNE Charles S. Hall, 20, Will Be Burled at Duncannon To-morrow j Duncannon, March 18.—Charles S. I Hall, aged 29 years, died at his home jiu Lemoyne Sunday evening. His death was due to an abscess in the •brain. The deceased is survived by ! his widow, father and mother, Mr. and j Mrs. John Hall, of Wheatfield town ship; one sister, Mrs. Ijewis Smith, Jr., of Cove Allen; three brothers, George I B. Hall, of Brooklyn; William J. Hall, of Millerstown, and James L. Hall, of Madison, Ohio. The funeral services will be held in the Methodist Episcopal church here to morrow morning at 11 o'clock and will be conducted by the Kev. Mr. Musselman. of Tjemoyne. Interment ! will be in Evergreen cemetery. Legal I * — - BXKCI TORS' NOTICE Letters testamentary have been granted upon the estate of Margaret Duncan, late ol Oberlin, Swatara town ship, Dauphin county. Pennsylvania, de ceased, to Ed. C. Duncan and Harry C., Duncan, to whom all persons who are Indebted to said estate are requested to make payment and all persons hav ing legal claim against or demand upon said estate shall make the same known without delay. ED. C. DUNCAN, 131 Old Crescent St., Harrisburg, Pa. HARRY C. DUNCAN, , Middletown, R. F. D. 3, Penna. Executors. I. B. SWARTZ, Attorney, 108 ,N. Second St. Harrisburg, Pa. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Eotate at \V. E. Eatrlkrn, I.ate of the City of Harrisburg, Pa., Drrenaell. Nottcs is hereby given that letters testamentary upon the estate of said decedent have been granted to the un dersigned. residing at No. 1644 North Third street. In said city. All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known without delay to SARAH 12. ENTRIKEN, Executrix. N The Harrisburg Hospital Requires a daily delivery of twelve gallons of the very best milk obtain able. Must stand the scrutiny of a daily bacteriological examination. What have you to offer? Address the Superintendent. V. MI.I—» ——^ Having Decided upon the advisability of immediately making a Will, the next step of importance is the selection of an Executor. An individual Executor may prove unfaithful to the trust committed to hiin: he may make unwise invest ments for the estate and he may die. When this company is named as your Executor there is no one man upon whom ftlone rests the responsibility of administering your estate and it is in a position to give constant attention to your affairs at all times. Consult us. FFRPBTI'ITiytfTfRHTyTWTWW I 5 OF CREW OF EVELYN, SUNK BY MINE. REACH NEW YORK Xow York, March 18.—Five mem bers of the cr»>w of the American steamer Evelyn, sunk February 19, by a mine in the North Sea while on her way from this port to Bremen with cotton, reached New York to-day aboard the steamship Matanms from Bremenhaven. According to these survivors all the Evelyn's crew were rescued. It had been variously reported heretofore that one, eight and thirteen men were«Jost. The five men who reached here to-day said the vessel struck a mine at 4 o'clock in the morning and remained afloat for seven hours thereafter. The crew took to the boats. One boat was rescued by a German patrol boat, an reported, and survivors aboard the others, they said, were picked up and landed in Holland. TURKS REPAIRING FORTS AS ALLIED FLEET TAKES REST Paris, March 18, 3 A. M. —The cor respondent at Athens of the Havas Agency in a dispatch dated March 17, ssys the naval operations of the allies at Smyrna, Asiatic Turkey, have been temporarily suspended, and the Turks are profiting by this respite to repair the damage to their batteries and forts. They are pursuing the same course also at the Dardanelles and on either shore of the sea of Marmora. There are about 180,000 Turkish troopH west of Constantinople, accord ing to the litest information reaching Athens, the correspondent continues. Forty thousand men are on the Galli poli peninsula; 30,000 are in European Turkey and the rest are ou the Asiatic side of the Dardanelles. It is reported here that the Turks are placing guns 011 the principal heights surrounding Constantinople, on both the European and Asiatic s|des of the Bosphorus. 12STEAMERSBEINC LOADED WITH SUPPLIES FOR ALLIES Now York, March 18.—Work is be ing rushed to-day in the loading of more than a dozen stejyners here with food supplies, ammunition, guns, motor trucks and other material for the i'se of the allies in the war. Several steam ship companies have been compelled to charter additional vessels to carry to Europe heavy cargoes waiting on Now York piers. The steamer Malte was at the French Line pier to-day taking on board a 12,000-tou cargo, said to be chiefly of war supplies, while anotiher French vessel, La Gaseogne, was being prepared to take horses to the allied armies on the continent. The steamer, which was formerly in the passenger service, was equipped with (tails for that purpose. The Philadelphia was to leave for Liverpool to-day with a large cargo and the St. Louis and Orduna were loading to sail Saturday. The Kuropa and other Italian steamships sailing this week had their decks crowded with horses and their holds well filled with army supplies. Agree to Exchange Interned Women Nish, Servia* March 18, via London, 1.17 P. 'M.—After prolonged negotia tions through the medium of the Span ish legation at Bucharest the govern ments of Servift and Austria havo agreed to exchange interned women ir respective of their age, and men under 18 years and over 50. Heavily Fined for Violating Order Brussels, via Berlin and London, March 18, 10,25 A. M.—The firm of Henri Leten has been fined 20,000 marks ($5,000) for violating the order 13 FOR SALE look here! Do yon want to buy a new homo? Go to 626 to 630 Geary St. I am Just finishing four three story brick, mansard roof huuses, with wide front and back porches and balcony. Hay windows, grano lithic pavement and' steps; cemented ! cellar, hot and cold water In cellar. Parlor and dining room, large kitch en, live bed rooms and bath, six large | closets, vestibule and open stairways, I Gas and electric lights. Parlor and 1 dining room finished floors. No houses In the city for the price ask- I ed. Buy now and you can select I paper to suit, Uo to see them at once, before too late. The price will surprise you. F. H. Hantzman Office 4)60 Rrlggi St. |For Rent Desirable offices in the Union Trust Building. Apply Union Trust Co. V——.— —j of Governor 'General Von Biasing pro hibiting payments to creditors in England. SHIP GOODS Bfl TRANSPORTS Will Use U. S. Army Vessels to Carry Commodities From Philippines to America Washington, March 18.—Because of the lack of shipping facilities betweeil the Philippine Islands and the United States, army transports will be utilized for carrying goods from the islands which could not be transported in any other way. Secretary Harrison to-day called President Wilson's attention to< the report from Governor General Har rison of the "unfortunate condition" in the Philippines because of lack of ships for exports to the United States. At first it was suggested that naval colliers returning from tho islands be used but Secretary Daniels was ad vited, that was not authorized by law. Secretary Garrison found, howover, that there has been no objection to us ing returning army transports provided their freight is first made over to the island government. The quartermaster general of the army has found that about 3,000 tons space will be available on each ship. Secretary Garrison will instruct Gover nor General Harrison to invite pro posals from shipping companies to car ry all exports offered to the govern ment transports so that nothing will be carHed by the government which cquld be handled by private shipping. Presi dent Wilson has approved Secretary Garrison's plan and it will shortly be put in effect. TREASURER YOUNG INVITED Prior Engagement Kept Him From Pennsylvania Launching WellKboro, Pa. ? March 18. —State Treasurer Young, in explaining his ab sence from the launching of £he battle ship Pennsylvania, yesterday said at hia home here: "The statement to the effect that I was not invited by Governor Brum baugh to attend' the launching of tho Pennsylvania at Newport News is not true. As a matter of fact, I did re ceive a cordial invitation to attend the ceremonies from Governor Brumbaugh and regretted deeply that prior business engagements of importance prevented my attendance."