MOTHER! GIVE CROSS SICK CHILD ONLY "CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF FIGS" If Peevish. Feverish,| Tongue Coated. Give "Fruit Laxative" at Once Xo matter what ail# your child a laxativA should l>e the first treatment given Look, at the jongoe. mother! It' coated, it is a sure «igu your "little one's" stomach, liver aud bowels need a gentle, thorough cleansing at once. When cross, peevish, listless. pale.; doesn't sleep, cat or act naturally; if ; breath is bail, stomach sour, system full l of cold, throat sore, or if feverish, give HOUSEHOLD TALKS Henrietta D. Grauel Timely Foods Rhubarb pie anil rhubarb stewed have appeared on most tables by now and the first keen enjoyment of them i* somewhat dulled. But there are other pood ways of using the vegetable (or do you just call it a "plant" I. It fan be /ooked with oranges into a splendid Marmalade. Or it can be made into a sauce to serve with the meat course by adding bits of crystallized ginger to it. « Rhubarb jelly is beautiful to look at tind an excellent spread for all hot breads. Stew the rhubarb in a little ■water ami when it is cooked fy shreds ft rani off tlie liquid and add equal |>arts of cane sugar to it. Boil until it is jellied and turn . into molds, ffwentv minutes should be sufficient time for this boiling but the strength of the rhubarb and the amount of pectin f>resont may make the time needed somewhat shorter. Spiced rhubarb is another way of preparing it for serving with the meat cotir-e. Cut two pounds of the plant In dice and mix it with two pounds of sugar, one cup of \ inegar. one table- Spoon of cloves and one teasooon of einnamon. Add the juice of one lemon and a little ginger. Cook twenty-five minutes with just enough water to keep it from burning at first. Seal in little (rlasses. For Dandruff, we recommend "93"HalrTonic George A. Gorgas BUSINESS COLLEGES f > Begin Preparation Now Day and Night Sessions SCHOOL of COMMERCE 13 S. Market Sq., Harrisburg, Pa. > _ __ i,' f HBG. BUSINESS COLLEGE :W9 Market Street | Fall Tenn September First DAY AND NIGHT Cumberland Valley Railroad In Effect May 24. 1»1«. Trtlti Leave llarrlabura— For Winchester llartlnsbur*. at (.03. *7.50 a. m. '3.40 p. m. For Hagerstown. CUambersbur* and Intermediate stations, at *5.03. •J.SJL •JI.SS a. OK. 'J. it). a.Ji • i.40, U.o# p. m. Additional trslns for Carlisle and Mechanicsburg at S.4S a. m,, 3.27 6.30. 5.30 p. m. For Dillsburg at 5.03, *7.5u and •11.43 SL. m., 2.18. *3.40. 5.32. 6.30 p. m. * [felly. All othar trains dally exeat* Sunday. j u. TONOB. E A. RIDDLE. O. P. A SuDt. THE ALE AND BEER produced by the Master Brewer at the DOEHNE Brewery cannot be surpassed for purity, health, tonic and food qualities. DOEHNE BREWERY Order It-Phones . -\\ CASH FO Find a purchaser for the article you pos sess and want to sell. If it has value —an advertisement in the Classified columns of THE STAR-INDEPENDENT will get you effective results. ACT WITHOUT DELAY Bell Phone 3280 Independent 245 or 246 k 1 " J HAKMSDURO STAR-INDEPKM Ui N'T, TIILUiSUAY EVENING. MARCH 18. 1915. a teaspooutul of "California Syrup of Figs," and in just a few hours all the clogged-up, constipated waste, sour bile aud undigested too.l will gently move one of the bowels and you have a well, playful child again. Sick children needn't be coaxed to take this harmless fruit laxative. Mil lions of mothers keep it haudy because they know it# action on the stomach, Irver and bowels is prompt aud sure. They also know a little given to-day saves a sick child to-morrow. Ask your druggist for a 30-cent bot tle of "California Syrup of i'igs." which contains directions for babies, children of ail ages and tor grown-ups plainly on the bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold here. liet,fhe genuine, made by "California Fig Syrup Company. Re fuse auv other kind with contempt.— Adv. Rhubarb is rich in oxalic acid and when eaten freely does much to purify the blood and put the system in order 1 for summer. It is low priced, it is ! healthful and. ladies, it is good for whitening the complexion! Have it often front early spring to fall and j can much of it for it is one of the cheapest garden plauts to preserve. Wheu making rhubarb pies trv the English way of not using a lower crust. Have little granite or crockery cups and lay half inch long pieces of the 'pieplant in until almost full and sprinkle very generously with sugar. Put a crisp pastry over this and bake slowly. Made this way there will be no soggy under crust and the little pies ' i can be used hot or cold. • j , Rhubarb wine has valuable medicinal i properties and the old time way of I making it was to add one gallon of water to every gallon of juice and fo : every two gallons of this mixture seven - pounds of lightest brown sugar, | this stand, covered with muslin, two ! weeks then cover tightly two weeks, I and then bottle it. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS i Question.—"Please tell me how to i > make cheese?" i Reply.—The process of cheese mak • ing is very long but interesting and you can secure reliable directions by writ , ing to Agricultural Department, Wash- , ington, I>. C„ for bulletin number 11?t>, called Cheese Making at Home. ♦ * * Question. —"Please tell me where I | can secure a book called The Complete j Waitress, by Miss Springseed?"—| Reply.—A careful search of pub- j jlishers' lists has failed to show this I , book. Perhaps some reader of this de- I partment can tell when and where it | ; was published. Question. —"Please explain how okraj is grown. It does not seem to grow well from seeds. Is it used in any dishes except Gumbo and other soups?" Reply.—Okra does grow from seeds but you must secure the seed from some I reliable dealer as they must be fer j tilized by special method. Seed you | pick from your otVu plants might grow-; but it is doubtful. Okra salad is made 1 , from tender green pods, and okra pods ; boiled are served with meats. Xever 1 j cook okra in brass or in tin but in agate jor porcelain utensils. The dwarf va rieties are best for kitchen gardens. Question. —"To what ela*s of food ! ; do tisli belong? Are tish as wholesome ' j as meat? Are fish ever fat?" I Reply.—lst: Fish belong to the ' class of nitrogenous foods. 2nd: Fish ! j are as wholesome as meat but not quite Iso nourishing. 3rd: Dark and pink j | fleshed fish have fat distributed through ! j them; all fish have some fat in their! composition. Harrisburg Hospital | The Harrisburg Hospital i* open 1 i daily except Sunday, between 1 and J j 2 o'clock p. m. for dispensing medical ! j advice and prescriptions to those unable to pay for them. PAMXJT&G3. MACCtD MtGPATfI( m J i The Place etc COPYRIGHT 0/ Tfff BCB&J-nfflULL COff/HNY §¥ CONTINUED | sne returned nasiuy to ner room, threw over her shoulder a kimono, anil went back to the floor, hesitating there for a breath or two. She stepped out ; upon the gallery, walked as far as Warrington's door, and paused there. The gallery floor was trelllsed with momlight and shadow. She saw some , thln t ; lying in the center of a patch of , light, and she stooped. The light was ' too dim for her to read; JO she re entered her own >oom and turned on the light. It was Warrington's letter of credit. She gave a low laugh, per- , i haps a bit hysterical. There was no doubt of it. Someone had entered his room. There had been a struggle in which he had been the stronger, and the thief had dropped his plunder. (As a matter of fact, the Chinaman, find ing himself closed in upon, had thrown the letter of credit toward the railing, in hope that it would fall over te the ground below, where. Inter, he could recover it.) Elsa pressed it to her heart as another woman might have pressed a rose, and laughed again. Something of his: something to give | her the excuse to see and to speak to him again Tomorrow she would Came With Startling Distinctness, the Shriek of a Parrot. know; and he would tell her the truth, even as her heart knew it now. For what other reason had he turned away from her that first day out of Ran goon, hurt and broken? Paul Ellison; and she had told him that she was go- 1 in* home to marry his brother! CHAPTER XVII. The Battle. Next morning, when it became known among the bankers and foreign agencies that a letter of credit for ten thousand pounds had been lost or stolen, there was more than a ripple of excitement. They searched records, but no loss as heavy as this came to light. Even the managing director of the Bank of Burma came in for his share of annoyance. He was obliged to send out a dozen cables of notiflca tion of the loss, all of which had to be paid out of accrued dividends. Thus Warrington had blocked up the ave nues. The marvelous rapidity with which such affairs may be spread broadcast these days is the first won der In a new epoch of wonders. From Irkutsk to Auckland, from St. John's' to Los Angeles, wherever a newspa per was published, the news flew, j Within twenty-four hours it would be dlflicult to draw against that letter as It would be to transmute baser metals into gold. At half past ten Warrington, appar •ntly none the worse for a sleepless night, entered the private office of the consul general who. gravely and with ■tudled politeness, handed to him an j unopened cablegram. "I rather preferred to let you open it, Mr. Warrington." he said. Warrington noted the lack of cor diality. but with passive regret. The consul general recovered his pen and pretended to become absorbed in the litter of papers on his desk. But in truth he could see nothing save the young man's face; calm, unmoved, ex pressing negligent interest in what would be the most vital thing in his existence, next to life. A fine speci men of a man. incredibly wholesome despite his ten years' knocking about in this ungodly part of the world. It was a pity. Thev had evidently re fused to compromise. "Bad news?" Warrington stood up with sudden and surprising animation in his face. "Read it," he said. "If Elliaon will make restitution in person, >«. ANDES." The consul general Jumped to his feet and held out his hand. "I am glad, very glad. Everything will tarn out all right now. If you wish, I'll tell Miss Chetwood the news." "I was going to ask you to do that," responded Warrington. The mention of Elsa took the brightness out of his face. "Tell her that Parrot * Co. will always remember her kindness, and ask her to forgive a lonely chap for having caused her any embarrassment through her goodness to him. I have decided not to see Miss Chetwood again.'' "You are a strong man, Mr. War rington." "WarrinatonT Aly name Is out son | i'*ul Warrington Ellison. After all, ; I'm so used to Warrington, that I may as well let well enouph alone. There Is one more favor; do not tell Miss Chetwood that my name Is Ellison." "1 should t:se my own name, if I were you. Why, man, you can return to the States as if you had departed but yesterday. The world forgets quickly. People will be asking each other what it was that you did. Then 1 shall bid Miss Chetwood good-by for you ?" "Yes. I am gckig to jog it home. I want to travel flrst class, here, there, wherever fancy takes me it's so lone since I've known absolute ease and ! comfort. I wish to have time to re adjust myself to the old ways. I was once a luxury-loving chap. I sail at I dawn for Saigon. I may knock around in Siam for a few weeks. After that, 1 don't know where I'll go. Of course I shall keep the Andes advised of my whereabouts, from time to time." j "Another man would be in a hurry." | It was on the tip of his tougue to tell Warrington what he knew of the An- | des Construction company, but some thing held back the words, a fear that Warrington might change his mind about seeing Elsa. "Well, wherever you go and whatever you do. good luck go with you." "There are good men in this world, sir. and I shall always remember you as one of them." "By the way, that man Mallow; i fcave you met him yet?" j The quizzical expression in his eyes made Warrlrgton laugh. "No." "I was in hopes . . ." The con- j sill general parsed, but Warrington ignored the invitation to make known 1 his intentions. He shunted further inquiry by say ing: "A letter of credit of mine was stolen last night. 1 had a tussle in the room, and was rather getting the best I of it. The thug slipped suddenly j away. Probably hid the letter in his | loin cloth." "That's unfortunate." "I have sent out a general stop-or der. No one will be able to draw against it. The sum will create sua- j picion anywhere." "Have you any idea who was back \ of the thief? Is there aiiy way I can j be of service to you?" "I really suspect Mallow and a gambler named Craig, but no court would hold them upon the evidence I have. It's my belief that it's a prac tical joke which measures up to the man who pernetrated it. He must certainly realize that a letter so large will be eagerly watched for." "I shall gladly take charge of the matter here for you. I suppose that j »you will eventually meet Mallow?" "Eventually suggests a long time," grimly. "Ah ... Is there ... Do you think there will be any need of a watch holder?" "I honestly believe you would like to see me have it out with him!" "I honestly would. But unfortunate ly the dignity of my office forbids. He has gone up and down the settlements, bragging and domineering and fight ing. I have been given to understand that he has never met his match." , "It's a long lane that has no turn- ! ing. After all," Warrington added, let- i ting go his reserve; "you're the only friend I have. Why shouldn't I tell y£>u that immediately 1 am going out in search of him, and that when I find him I am going to give him the worst walloping he ever heard tell of." "I ought not to want to see you at it, but, hang it, I do!" "Human nature. It's a pleasurable sensation to back up right by might. Four years ago I vowed that some day I'd mset him on equal terms. I may "I Found That In My Room Last Night." not see you again. If the letter of credit turns up. you know what to do with it. I'm keen to set started. Good by, and thank you." A handclasp, and he was gone. "1 wish," thought the consul gen eral, "I could have told him about the way the scoundrel spoke of Elsa." And Warrington, as he sought the cafe veranda, wished he could hav« told the basic truth of his fighting mood; the look Mallow had given Elsa that day In Penang. Diligently he be- ] gan th« search. Mallow and Craig i were still in their rooms, doubtless sleeping off the debauch of the pre- ' ceding night He saw that he must I waU. Luncheon he had in town x'O B£ CONiXNUtUs QERMAN CRUISER WHICH WASSUNK OFF CHILEAN COAST T" c. 0. :j ;, v V i *- . + : ." 3 - J THE. DRESDEN . After a five minute battle off the Chilian coast the Ueruian cruiser Dresden was sunk by a small British sijuad rou. composed of the Glasgow, the Kent and the auxiliary cruiser Orama. RECTOR ENDS TWO LIVES Kills Woman Member of His Flock and Then Commits Suicide Miami, Fla., March 18.—The Rev. William Alfred Tucker, rector of St. Aijnew s Episcopal church here, late ; yesterday shot aud killed Miss H irriet I Delamev, a member of his church, and j then committed suicide. Tuesday he 1 was bound over to the federal court j under $2,000 bond on a charge ot' . sending obscene literature through the j mails. When arraigned on the charge of j violating the postal laws Rector Tuck- ; er waived preliminary examination! and was released on bail furnished by j members of his congregation. It Tvas charged he sent letters containing o<> jecti nable matter to Miss Delaney. f - ! Directory of Leading Hotels of Harrisburg THE PLAZA iv!3-4'J5 Market St.. Harrisburg. P.v At the Entrance to the P. R. l{. Static EUROPEAN PI»AJt T. B. ALDINGER. Proprietor The Metropolitan Strictly European For something good to eat. Every thing in season. Service the best. : Prices the lowest. HOTEL VICTOR No. '«!"> 3outh Fourth Street Directly oppoaile Lnloa Stntlna. ■ quipped tilth all Modern Improve- I running mler la every rouaii Hue hath! perfectly aanltaryi nicely lurnlahed tbruuKbout. F.ntra uiodvratr. European I'laa. JOSEPH QIUSTI, Proprietor. Sc. E. AUGHINBAUGH! I THE UP-TO-DATE PRINTING PUNT 8 J. L. L. KUHN, Secretary-Treasurer PRINTING AND BINDING f jfj Now Located in Our New Modern Building jf i 46 and 48 N. Cameron Street. Nsar Market Street 1? j 1 1 . 4 BELL TELEPHONE 3019 f I Commerical Printing Book Binding |j f\ with the necessary equipment our bindery can and does handle large edition I) iff to take ca*e of aar work you may want—cards, work . Job Book Binding of all kinds receives 'X| 1 stationery, bill heads, letter heads, programs, eur careful attention. SPECIAL INDEXING »|| l _-"V...■- n r>et f- fol T ng kIDdS - and PUNCHING ON SHORT NOTICE. W» J * LINOTYPE COMPOSITION FOB THE TRACE. make BLANK BOOlff THAT LAY FLAT AJiD f V BTAY FLAT WHEN OPEN jfc I Book Printing 1 X With our equipment of ITS linotypes, working PreSS WOfk Ruling any description, see us before placing your order. FT t. —. .... , , ... We believe it will be to our MUTUAL beneftt tte S£t""SUSSS m? ' No trouble to give estimates or answer questions, g chlnery. No blank is too intrlcste. Our work II In this line is unexcelled, desn and distinct lines, PamAmhAr ' I ! no blots or bad line*—that Is the kind of ruling ivcmomuoi . i that business men of to-day demand Ruling for We give you what you want, the way you want *» ' the tta&a. It, when you want it. E. AUGHINBAUGH j 46 and 48 N. Cameron Street 1 J1 Near Market Street HARRISBUTtG, PA. | i A Bell Telephone call will bring one of our solicitors. ff DISEASE IN THREE HERDS Foot and Mouth Disorder Attacks Ches ter County Cattle Phocnixville. I'a., March 18.—The! worst outbreak of the hoof anil mouth disease yet reported in this part of | Pennsylvania has caused the State I 1 Live Stock Sanitary Commission to l ; take unusual precaution in the vicinity I I of Kimberton, and the entire neighbor- | | hood within 10 miles has been quaran- ! tined. Forty-eight cows, thoroujjhlbred Hoi | steins, the property of Furmun Gyger, i were ordered killed. Twenty-eight cattle and ten pigs / Wide Lumber Narrow Lumber Long lengths. . Short lengths. Any kind of lumber you want is here in our vard. i And if we don't have the exact size we can easily cut it to suit. / It makes no differ ence how small your order is. you will get it promptly. United Ice & Coal Co. j MAIN OFFICE Forster and Cowden Streets J owned by Ctarence Funk, of Kintber- I ton, wore slaughtered yesterday. Aphtli | oils fever was also found among the I herd of William H. Hoffman and this i lino herd will be killed to-day. HOTEL IROQUOIS j South Carolina Avenue <£ Beach ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. | Pleasantly situated, a few steps I from Boardwalk, tdeul fumllv hotel, i Every modern appointment. ' Many rooms equipped with running water; 100 private baths. Table ami service ; most excellent. Hates SIO.OO, SU'.OO. I $15.00 weekly. American plan. Book let and calendar sent free on request. D«vl(l I*. Itahter Milan Wright Chief Clerk Mnnaurr Calendars of above hotel can also be obtained by applying at Star-In dependent office. Good Goal Proves Its Quality | Some coal is richer in carbon than others. The thing is to find the veins that supply it. The eoal that's rich in carbon is i going to burn satisfactorily and ! throw out plenty of lasting heat. For the intensity of heat de pends upon the amount of carbon. Kelley's Coal proved its richness in carbon years ago. H. M. KELLEY 1 N. Third Street j Tenth and State Streets