The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, March 18, 1915, Image 1

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Detailed Report. Pagr •
SIT A ? L "" ED VOL. 77—NO. 89.
Part of Freight Train
Hurled Down River
Bank NearNewCum
berland To-day
Runs Along Track and Gives Danger
Signal by Waving Lantern—Eight
Touring Cars of Pullman Type and
Farming Machines Demolished
(Special to *he Star-Independent.)
New Cumberland, March 18.—A
freight wreck, in which six box cars
were hurled from the track and eight
Hew automobiles were demolished along
Iwith other merchandise, occurred early
this morning on the Northern Central
railway within fifty feet of the Yellow
Breeches creek, in the lower end of
New Cumberland. A passenger train,
north, from Baltimore, arriving a few
minutes after the wreckage of the
freight train half covered the tracks,
was saved from a plunge into the pile
of broken cars through the presence of
mind of the flagman of the freight
crew, R. McLaren, of Baltimore, who
ran back several hundred feet with his
The passenger train, No. 33, sched
uled to arrive in Harrisburg shortly
•before 2 o'clock, was held, up below
New Cumberland for several hours, the
•wreck having damaged both freight
tracks and the north bound passenger
track. Later an extra section of the
train was made up in Harrisburg and
Bent to carry the passengers, who were
(transfered around the wreck, to points
tfurther north.
In two of the smashed freight cars
were eight new four-seated passenger
touring automobiles, consigned to a
firm in Toledo, Ohio. Each of the cars
contained four autos, shipped by the
York branch of the Pullman Auto Com
pany. These cars were hurled down
the river bank and barely escaped roll
ing into the river. The autos all were
BO badly damaged that no parts of them
tan be used again.
Harrisburg representatives of the
Pullman automobiles said to-day that
« standard Pullman touring car sells
for $2,350, so that the loss of eight
»uch cars totals SIB,BOO.
Three Other Cars Wrecked
Another of the freight cars which
was tossed over the embankment was
loaded with farming implements con
signed to a Chicago firm from a York
company. This car also was badly
■mashed and the goods damaged to such
an extent that they are beyond repair.
The three other wrecked cars were
loaded with merchandise from Balti
more, one of them being consigned to
Columbus, Ohio, and the other two to
Pittsburgh. These were thrown across
the tracks and much of the stuff thrown
out, but the wrecking crews were able
Continued oil Eleventh Page.
Ford Auto Sales Company to Put SB,-
000 Structure on Site of Plant
Recently Destroyed By Fire
A three-story brick building to cost
SS,OOO is to replace the wreckage of
the Ford Auto Sales Company garage
on South Cameron street, just above
Mulberry, which wan destroyed by fire
on February 4, last. Patrick Driscoll,
for the company, this morning obtain
ed a permit to erect the structure work
on which will be started at once. Dris
coll said the building is to be as near
lire proof as possible.
This permit was one of several is
sued to-day by Building Inspector
James H. Grove for new buildings and
improvements to cost $22,750. Fred C.
Miller will erect two 2 1-2-story brick
houses on the east side of Fifth street,
4 0 feet couth of Curtin, costing $6.-
000. William A. Mcllhennv will build
two 2 1-2-story brick dwellings at
1544-4B Market street, costing $7,-
Kay windows and other changes
costing SSOO are proposed for the
dwelling at 13-21-23 Wallace street,
owned by William Bishop. George Det
weiler plans to spend SSOO making im
provements to the 3 1-2-Htorv dwelling
at 1212 Market street, and G. W.
Orth got a permit to put bav windows
in 'the property at 1831 North Sixth
street, to cost $l5O.
Assailant of Farmer's Wife Fugitive
By Associated Press,
Hagerntown, Md„ March 15.
Charged with 'criminally assaulting
Mrs. William Lamp, wife of a well
known farmer residing four miles
south of Glengary, near here, James
Dick, for a number of years a resident
of the same neighborhood, is a fugitive
from the ofliceta. It is believed Dick
made his escape into the mountains.
Gets Contract for Tons of Rails
Announcement was made at the
executive department of the Steelton
plant of the Pennsylvania Steel Com
i pany to-day that it had obtained "a con
tract for 8,500 tons of steel rails from
ihe Maine Central railroad. The rails
will be rolled nt the plant at Spar
row's Point, Md.
" mi i
' •'jf
This Is one of the bis 14-Inch guns that will be mounted on board the new Onited States battle ship Pennsylvania, launched at Newport News. The Pennsylvania win carry twelve
of these big guns. Ships of the New York class carry ten of them They can hart a 1,400 pound projectile for 22,500 yards and penetrate armor at 15,000 yards. The charge of powder
alone weighs 360 pounds, and each projectile fired costa, with its charge of powder, aboat (000. The guns are 52V4 feet long.
Single Days at Two Shows Now in
Progress in Harrisburg Is Eclip
ping Whole Shows of Other Years
—Yesterday the Climax
Single d&vs at the automobile shows
now in progress at the two automobiln
shows in Harrisburg are growing •bet
ter than whole weeks in former shows
in point of business and attendance of
persons who are interested in the auto
mobile business to the extent of pur
chasing cars.
Both exhibits, at the Arena, Third
and Delaware streets, and at Kelker
street hall, Fourth and Kelker streets,
are crowded nightly with persons
thirsting for gas engine knowledge.
Out-of-town representatives are taking
prospects in and the contracting parties
to the sale of an automobile are satis
fied all around.
St. Patrick's Day at the shows was
a splendid mid-week climax and when
the shows closed last night Harrisburg
found they had done more business
than the entire show before hand. The
most popular shows of recent years
have been bettered.
At the Arena
The show of the Harrisburg Auto
mobile Dealers' Association continued
to prove to its exhibitors that it is well
worth while. There was plenty of
business for everybody. The unusual
experience of a purchaser with a check
for the purchase price of a car ready
for payment on a machine when she en
countered the proper salesman hap
pened to one of the exhibitors. After
wards he had to argue to take the own
er of the car out for a "'dlemonstra
The side attractions at the Arena
continue to attract the rank and file
Continued on Eleventh Page.
For the First Time in History of Penn
sylvania Legislature One Is Organ
ized To-day by Legislators Who
Can't Get Home for Sundays
The members of the House <>f Repre
sentatives who stay over in Harrisburg
at the week-ends because they live too
far from Harrisburg to get hom* con
veniently organized the House of Rep
resentatives Biible class at a meeting in
committee room 324 this afternoon.
Such action is absolutely without prece
dent in the Pennsylvania Legislature.
A notice calling the meeting was pre
sented to the clerk this morning by
Representative McKay, of Conneaut
Lake, Crawford county, and was read
by the clerk at the close of this morn
ing's session. The notice says that
the Bible class will meet each Sunday
afternoon until May 2 at 2 o'clock in
the House of Representatives caucus
The notice took the House by sur
prise. yriie Bible class will have in
the neighborhood of fifty members, for
it is estimated that many Assemblymen
remain in Harrisburg over Sundays.
Hospital Doctors Perform an Operation
on Edward G. Smith, of Meadvilie
Edward G. Smith, 359 Center street,
Meadvilie, a stenographer in the oflice
of the State Fire Marshal, at the Capi
tol, underwent an operation in the Har
risburg Hospital yesterday in the hope
of saving his right leg which has be
come infected below the knee. He has
been suffering from rheumatism since
1912 but his condition was not consid
ere.l alarming until recently.
Mr. iSmith's condition was such yes
terday that physicians thought at first
that the leg would have to be ampu
tated. An operation was afterward per
formed in the hope of saving the leg.
W. D. Kerbaugh Held Under SI,OOO
Bail For Hearing To-morrow
Charged with arson, W. D. Ker
baugh, of Pottstown, was held under
SI,OOO bail to await a hearing before
Alderman Landis, at 9 o'clock to-mor
row morning. The charge was brought
against him by Mrs. Catharine Breach,
who said that Kerbaugh attempted to
set her house on fire Sunday morning,
March 7, at 1 o'clock.
Mrs. Breach resides at Sayford a/nd
James streets. Two witnesses testified
that they saw a man trying to net fire
to the house at this time.
Found Dead Near His
Telegraph Key With
Five Bullets in His
Highwaymen Operating Along West
Shore Railroad Enter Station and
Slay Telegrapher, Whose Cou3in
Met Similar Tate Three Years Ago
B\t Associated Press.
Highland Falls, N. Y., March 18.—
Higihwaymen operating during the night
along the West Shore railroad held up
one man, robbed him and cut his throat
and latei entered the railroad station
here, shot and killed the night tel
graph operator und escaped with a
small sum..
George Grifliu, whose throat wus cut,
is in a serious condition. The body of
the murdered operator, Omar Hotaling,
was found neat his telegraph key with
five bullets in bis body. Apparently
his assailants had fired from inside the
station. An unfinished report on his
desk indicated that the shooting oc
curred between 1 and 2 o'clock in the
Hotaling was 24 years old. Three
years ago his cousin, of the same name,
was murdered under similar circum
stances in the railroad station at Tap
pan. At the hospital where he was
taken Griffin said he had been attacked
by three men on the railroad tracks.
They robbed him of $3 and cut his
i throat. Two arrests have been made by
detectives who are engnged in a search
for Hotaling's murderers.
With This Assurance Several Property
Owners Agree to Bear Expense In
cident to Condemnation Proceed
ing North of Harris Street
In return for the assurance that no
buildings will be erected on the west
side of Front street, between Harris
and iMaclay, and that the present
beautiful view is to be perpetually en
joyed, some of the property owners on
the east side of the street, among them
Edward S. Herman, president of the
Harrisburg City Planning Commission,
this morning before a board of viewers
expressed a willingness to reciprocate
by bearing the expense incident to the
citv'e condemnation of the river front
ground there. This attitude on the
part of the property owners was not
unanimous, however.
The city is taking the ground from
the west curb of the street to the Jow
water mark of the river, under an or
dinance providing for the formal open
img of Front street. The proceedings
are similar to those which are being
followed in the " Hardscrabble" case.
The viewers are Paul G. Smith, James
D. Saltsman and Karl Steward.
Among the property owners who ap
peared as witnesses in addition to Mr.
Herman, were Dr. R. H. Moffitt, Jo
4'ontlnued on Eleventh Pone.
Reading Firemen to Be Entertained
A delegation of a dozen or mo'ro
members of the Union Fire Company,
of Reading, will be entertained bv the
Mt. Vernon Hook and Ladder Com
pany of • this city, on Saturday night
and Sunday. The Reading company
was the guest of the Mt. Vernon here
during the firemen's convention last
U. S. Shoe Corporation No Trust
Boston, Mass., March 18.—The suit
of the federal government to dissolve
the United Shoe Machinery Corpora
tion on the ground that it was an il
legal monopoly in restraint of trade,
was dismissed bv the United States
district court to-day. '
Former Governor Tener Makes Histor
ical Address as He Turns Structure
Over to the Panama-Pacific Expo
By Associated Press.
San Francisco, March B.—Pennsyl
vanians gathered at the Panama-Paci
fic exposition to-day for the dedication
of the State's building, whieh is a re
production of pjrt of Independence
Hall in Philadelphia. John K. Tener,
former Governor of Pennsylvania, and
representatives of the nation, State,
city aud exposition were on the pro
gram for the dedicatory exercises. Tho
buildintg is equipped for the demonstra
tion of Pennsylvania's industrial ac
tivities by means of motion pictures,
lectures and exhibits.
Following a welcome address to the
people of all countries to visit the
building, delivered by James L. Ad
ams, of Pittsburgh, former Governor
John K. Tener, of Pennsylvania, dedi
cated the handsome structure. He
spoke as follows:
"On the third day of July, in the
year 1912, it was my privilege to vis
it this great City of San Francisco in
company with my fellow members on
the Pennsylvania-Panama-Pacific Ex
position Commission. We came, repre
senting the people of our/Common
wealth under tho law, to select within
these fair grounds, a suitable site upou,
which to erect a structure to be known
as the Pennsylvania building. We
promised you then that Pennsylvania
would heartily co-operate in your great
undertaking, by representation here in
C'ontlnuril on Sixth PnKe.
Light Company Will Begin Work On
Island Structure Next Week
Actual work on the construction of
the coal wharf, which the liarrisburg
Light and Power Company will erect
on Hargest Island under city lease, will
probably be begun next week, so a rep
resentative of the light company said
to-day. The preliminary work will con
sist of buildiinj the retaining wall and,
making the dirt till back of tho wall
for the wharf site.
The company now is negotiating
with contractors, the official said, with
a view to letting contracts for buildi<ng
the plant; rebuilding the roadway
from 'the proposed wharf to the Wal
nut street 'bridge, and also for hauling
the coal from the wharf to the com
pany's power plants, in this city.
The company is planning to resur
face the entire road leading to the
bridge, and may use either concrete,
asphalt or wood block.
Unable to Accept Invitation to Address
Democrats in This City
W. 11. Jones, president of the Central
Democratic Club, said to-day that he
has received a letter from former Con
gressman Palmer, who had been charged
with inviting President Wilson, Senator
Ollie Jamrs, of Kentucky, and Senator
elect Oscar W. Underwood, of Alabama,
to attend the Jefferson Day banquet of
the clt»b. The latter said that Palmer
had seen Mr. Underwood and t'he latter
was obliged to decline the invitation,
ns lie is about to take a two months'
trip to California. As yet Mr. Palmer
has not seen President. Wilson nor Sen
ator .lames, but. expects to do so in a
couple of days and learn their inten
Should both decline it is the inten
tion of the invitation committee to go
to Washington next week and invite
some of the Cabinet officers to be guests
of honor at the banquet.
Application of Local Concern Goes to
State Department To-day
The application for a charter for
the Jitney Transportation Company, of
Harrisburg, was filed in the State De
partment this morning, the incorpor
ators being Augustus Wildman, Ross
Oenslager and Owen M. Copelin, all of
this city. The object is to establish
a line of auto-cars for the purpose of
carrying passengers in this city and
Steelton. The capital is )25,000.
The application was at once Bent to
the Public Service Commission and,
after advertising,—which will take at
least two weeks, —the Commission will
pass upon it. If approved the appli
cation will be sent then to the Gover
nor who will have the final say as to
the charter being issued.
Lawyer Declares Zare
ovic Took Raw Alco
hol Followed by Beer
and Porter
Wife-Slayer Topped Off the Whole Com
bination With Elderberry Wine
and It Is Held Now He Was Unac
countable for the Crime
At 3.1.» o'clock this afternoon the
Pardons Board announced it de
cided not to grant a pardon to Zareovic,
the Dauphin county murderer.
The case of liuka Zareovic, the for
eigner who was convicted in the Dau
phin county court in January, 1909, of
murder in the second degree anil sen
tenced by Judge MeCarrefl to twenty
years in the Penitentiary, was before
the Board of Pardons- here to-day on
an application for Zareovic.'s release.
Philip 8. Moyer, an attorney, of Steel
ton, presented the application.
Moyer said that Zareovic, in June,
1909, was in the vicinity of Paxtou
furnace anil' early in the morning
drank raw alcohol, beer, porter and at
least two other drinks, and then, with
a companion, went to Steelton where
he drank elderberry wine. On the
evening of that day, crazed with liq
uor, he went, to the residence of a man
named Jacob Hose, in Steelton, to see
j his (Zareovic's) wife, and after a few
words with her shot and kilted her. He
then turned his gun on himself aud
shot himself, but was only wounded
and eventually recovered.
Reads Letters From Jurors
, Zareovic was convicted of murder in
the second degree. In sentencing him,
lit is alleged, Judge McCarrell intimat
jed that the crime was murder in the
! first degree and for that reason gave
| him tho maximum sentence. When the
Conllnufil on Eleventh I'ntcc.
! Representative Whitaker Presents
Measure Giving the Street Railways
of the State Permission to Operate
Lines of Autos in Their Territory
Traction companies in the State can
operate jitney 'bus lines in connection
with their other lines if a bill intro
duced in the House this morning by
Representative Samuel R. Whitaker, of
Chester, becomes a law.
This is the tthird bill for the govern
ment of this class of vehicle which has
been presented in this session of the
General Assembly. It provides that
street railway companies incorporated
under the laws of the Commonwealth
or lawfully operating lines shall have
the power and authority to own. lease
and operate lines of self-propelled em
nibuses in connection with the present
Jines, providing they first obtain the
authority of the municipal governments.
The sponsor of the bill said it was
drawn to meet a local condition.
The House passed twenty-eight bills
on second reading, among whioh are:
Allowing un increase in the number
of tipstaves in counties of from 90,000
to 150,000 population; repealing the
act of 1911 imposing a tax on traction
engines; allowing the Department of
Forestry to grow and distribute young
trees; providing for the appointment of
a board of examiners'for operators of
steam 'boilers in third class cities; pro
viding for the education of blind chil
dren more than, 8 years old.
A bill permitting George S. Smith,
of 'Huntingdon, who was crippled while
employed on a State highway, 'o bring
suit against the Common wealth was
passed finally. The military code bill,
on third reading in the House, was re
committed to the Committee on Mili
tary Affairs for the purpose of minor
amendments. The House adjourned at
11.30 o'clock, to meet Mond.iy night
at 9 o 'clock.
Washington, Marcih 18.—The Ger
man embassy to-day protested to the
State Department against the warrant
of arrest served on the German consul,
William Mueller, and his assistant. B.
M. Schultz, at Seattle, Wash. Th em
bassy contends that the arrest was in
violation of the consular treaty be
'tv/een Germany and the United States.
The department, was asked to investi
gate the case and the embassy was as
sured that would be done immediately.
The charge was made in the em
bassy's note that the Seattle authori
ties had exceeded their powers in enter
ing the consulate to make search and
also in serving the warrants of arrest
on Mueller ana his assistant. The con
sul in his report to the embassy, which
was transmitted to the State Depart
ment, did njt say that an actual search
of the consulate had been made, 'but de
clared that officers "had entered in
order to make a search."
The charge on which the consul's ar
rest was based was that of conspiracy,
in that he had been unlawfully trying
to gain secrets of the Seattle Construc
tion and Drydoek Company. It had
been said tho company was building
submarines for Great Britain and seud
ing them to British Columbia in parts.
TCmbassy officials expressed their be
lief in Mueller's innocence of any con
spiracy to obtain secrets to which he
had no rigiht. Recently the German em
bassy charged that submarines were be
ing built in the United States in sec
tions and shipped to Canada, where
they were completed. Seattle was
named as one of the places where the
submarines were being built. The De
partment of Justice probably will make
an investigation for the State Depart
Washington, March 18.—It was
stated officially at the White House to
day that representations by the Unit
ed States to Japan concerning the lat
ter's demands on China had been en
tirely independent of any action by
Great Britain or other Powers.
Further than this statement, officials
in all quarters preserved the strictest
silence, regarding the situation as one
of delicacy. State Department officials,
however, have adniitted that since the
beiginnning of the negotiations be
tween Japan and Clyna over the
former demands for commercial and
other concessions, the United States
has been endeavoring to influence
Japan to ameliorate her demands and
to prevent any infringement of the
rights of the United States. None of
the steps in the representations, which
have bean made to the Japanese am
bassador here, as well as to Tokio and
Pekin, have been made public.
Geneva, via Paris, March 17, 11.35
P. M. —The "Tribune" says to-night
that according to information from
Vienna the negotiations between Ber
lin and Vienna and Prince Von Bue
low, the German Ambassador to Italy,
have come to an abrupt end.
"The Austrian Emperor," the news
paper continues, "irritated by the con
stant demands for the cession of the
portions of the Adriatic coast to Italy
as compensation for Italy's neutrality,
informed the German Ambassador at
Vienha to seek other bases for an un
derstanding with Italy.
"Perhaps the negotiations will be
resu.ned in order to gain time, but Em
peror Francis Joseph is obdurate.
Prince Von Buelow's bait to Italy has
failed. If Italy wants Trieste and
Trent while the Emperor lives, she will
have to fight for them."
Pennsy Train Goes to Bryn Mawr, but
Stalls on Return Trip
By Associated Press,
•Philadelphia, March 18.—Eugineers
and electricians and representatives of
the Pennsylvania railroad were present
to-day when' a test run was made over
the newly electrified main line road,
which the railroad has been engaged
for some time in constructing and
which, it is expected, will be opened
ia the latter part of May.
Aner successfully making a trip to
Bryu Mawr, 10 miles from Philadel
phia, the train was stalled near Over
brook while making the return jour
Unofficial News inLon
don States Outer De
fenses of Besieged
City Succumb
Austro-German Forces Making Progress
Between Stanislau and Kolomea,
Pushing Forward in An Attempt to
Turn the Russian Left Flank
Tendon, MarcH 18. 12.45 P. M.—The
outer forts of Przemysl toward which
a part of the Austrian army has been
struggling in an effort to bring about
tlic relief of the besieged garrison, have
at last fallen beforo the Russians ac
cording to unofficial reports reaching
Although confirmation is quite lack
ing, British newspapers this morning
apparently are eager to regard the re
port as not improbable. They refer to
the fact That news dispatches received
from Pctrograd yesterday said the sur
render of this stronghold was but a
matter of a few days.
Weak Russian Attacks Reported
True or untrue, this is about the only
overnight news from the eastern front,
although there has been much specula
tion concerning the engagement report
ed on the northern frontier of East
Prussia and referred to in wireless mes
sages from Berlin as "weak Russian
attacks on Taurrogan and Langszar
gen." Laugszargen is just within tha
borders of East Prussia, not far from
the important German fortress of
Tilsit, and the presence of Russian
troops at this point may mean a new
invasion of German territory.
Nowhere in the eastern arena of the
fighting, according to tho opinion of
British observers, do the Austro-Ger
man forces appear to be making prog
ress except between Sfanislau and
Kolomea, to the north of Bukowina,
where they are pushing forward in an
attempt to turn the Russian left flauk.
Opinion of British Experts
British military experts think that
the position of the German armies in
the east precludes the transfer at thia
time of any troops to the western arena,
and that the German plan of dealing
Russia a crushing blow before attempt
ing the much discussed spring advance
in the west has failed. Five out of six
of the new German army corps are said
to be engaged on and beyond the fron
tier of East Prussia, a fact which Brit
ish observers think will make it diffi
cult for Germany to meet the demands
likely to be imposed on her in the west,
British Victory at Neuve Chapeile
The full import of the British vic
tory at >ieuve Chapeile is only now be
ginning to be g-asped by the public. It.
has greatly cheered both troops and
civilians as confirming the belief that
the German line can be broken if the
allies care to pay the price. Several
thousand wounded men from this'battle
field already have arrived in England,
five train loads having reached Brigh
ton during the twenty-four hours enrtea
last evening.
The press to-day again cautions the
people that the taking of the Darda
nelles is likely to be a slow affair, to
accomplish which the allies must pay
the price just as they have done ae
Neuve Chaipelle.
The renewal of heavy fighting on
both the western and eastern fronts
during the last fortnight apparently
is being followed by another lull. To
day's official reports speak of no im
portant engagements. Russian forces
continue their eftorts to throw back the
Germans in Northern Poland, hut the
German war office announces that all
these attacks have been repulsed. The
statement shows, however, that the
Russians succeeded in penetrating Ger
man soil once more, striking in at the
northern end of East Prussia. The Rus
sians are accused of burning and pillag
ing villages. The German government
announces its intention of retaliating
by destroying three Russian villages
for every German village burned.
Although fighting is still under way
in Belgium, Champagne and the
Argonne, the French and German state
ments indicate that the activity yester
day was limited principally to the ar
tillery. The Belgians are said to have
made further progress along the Yser.
A London newspaper publishes a
Copenhagen dispatch stating that Em
peror William has arrived at the Ger-
Continued on Klrvcnth I'affe.
By Associated Press,
New York, March IS.—High-grade'
issues like Northwestern and American
Tobacco were sold in the late dealings,
while leaders made substantial recov
ery. The closing was Irregular. Per
sistent selling of Reading and pressure
on United States Steel contributed
largely toward to-day's uneven price