The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, March 16, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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QJ|t &%nr-3txbtptnbtnt
( SMabhthed m JS7t)
rwhWaliatl k*
atar-lnd«p*itf*«t •uiMtng.
'!> IP II South Third Strsst, Hsirl«t»a Pfc,
o»ot aunda*
OWmHi Jhnetmn
BpMAW t. torn, J*«x L U Krats.
W*- W- WadLowm, u „...
Vie* President *• *""*
Secretary and Trauutr. Wm. W. ffiiwwia.
Va 4 WanKta, V. Hi-mai Baaaaaca. J« .
BUIIMU Man*t*r Editor
AH communications should be »<dr»«»»d to Stak iKDfcraxDBKT,
Business. Editorial, Job Printing or Circulation Department
according to the subject matter
tlttr«l at the Post Offlce in Harriaburg as aacoad-class matter,
oa*)aa»iu A Kantaor Company.
New York and Chicago Repreaaauttro*.
Wew YoA OAs*. Brunswick Building. -Jo Fifth Ar.nua
Chi' ago Offlca. People'r Oaa Building. Michigan Avenue.
Delivered br carriers at • ccnte a week. Mailed to subscriber!
kr Three Doilara a fear in advance
The paper with the largeav Hunt Circulation ia Harriaborg ana
Merby towns
Circulation E\an)nro b;
hints Sranoh Eaohanae. No. 32>Q
IM»atejr»i»c h K ictia me. No. I4S-J4I
Will ■ r- 1 1 ■ 11 a II
Tuesday, March IS, 1915.
Bon. Mon Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat.
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31
Full Moon, Ist. 31st; Last Quarter. Bth;
New Moon, 15th: First Quarter, 234.
Harrisburg and vicinity: Cloudy to
jPD night. Wednesday partly eloudy. Not
much chan.ce iu temperature.
Eastern Pennsylvania: Cloudy to
- • ' ■ night. Wednesday probably fair.
Highest, ,"«2; lowest, 32: S a m., 31: S p. m., 4t>.
The reception to be given m Philadelphia the
latter par; ol next mouth to almost four thousand
newly admitted citizens will be the tirst affair of
its kind in the I'nited States. Although this eouu
try began with aliens and has ever since been ad
mitting multitude* of foreigners to citizenship, the
idea of welcoming publicly with appropriate cere
monies the newly made Americans has not sug
gested itself until re -eutly. when somebody in Phil
adelphia got hold of it.
That the plan should have found favor is natural,
since it has not only novelty but also the possibility
of making better citizens of the new Americans
he cause they will be properly impressed through
the proposed ceremonies with the importance of the
step they are taking and of the responsibilities in
volved. Tue presence of President Wilgon, who is
scheduled as the principal speaker, will give the
first reception of its kind more than local impor
auce. Not only Philadelphia, but the I'nited
states will be giving a formal welcome to persons
if foreign birth declaring allegiance to the Stars
ind Stripes and entering upon the privileges and
luties of American citizenship.
The conditions on which aliens are granted the
franchise in this country are not only that they
(ave lived here for tivi> consecutive years and are
ible to speak the English language, but also that
hey are of good character and have some knowl
edge of the Constitution and of the methods of gove
rnment. The chances are therefore that they will
•ft en make better citizens than such native Ameri
ans as may be entitled to citizenship simply be
ause of birth in the country, and not by reason of
dual fitness to cast votes and iu consequence of
etive endeavors on their part to have the precious
irivileges bestowed upon them.
Immigrants to the United States who after some
ears decide to take up their residence permanently
i the republic, and, losing sight of the virtues of
heir native lands while considering the vaster ad
antages of their adopted country apply for natur
lization. deserve more than passing notice from
lieir new fellow citizens. When men transfer their
llegianee from one flag to another it seems fitting
iiat they should be made welcome under the new
anner with ceremonies more inspiring than the
lere filling out of the necessary papers.
Although steamship companies have within the
ia* few days been refusing to accept merchandise
>r transportation from this country to Switzerland,
y way of Italy, it is not likely that the refusals
ill continue any great length of time. Indications
re that the condition is temporary and that as soon
i certain complications can be overcome, the usual
lipment of goods to the small republic will be re
The government of Switzerland has been unable
satisfy the British authorities that Swiss mer
tants are not acting as agents for the Germans and
1 not sliding supplies across the border to the bel
jerents. As a consequence it seems that the Brit
ti have held up at Gibraltar ships bearing mer
tandise which was desfined avowedly for Switzer
nd but which the British thought might possibly
id its way farther north if they permitted it to
it by them.
The steamship companies of course do not care
r too many interferences with the progress of the
ipa on their lines and prefer not to handle goods
when such handling is likely to meet with British
disapproval. They may be forced to bar exports to
Scandinavian countries as well as to Switzerland,
it appears, unless these countries assure the Allies
in some satisfactory way that shipments which they
receive from the United States do not find their
ultimate abiding place in Germany. The precau
tions may be necessary, but no doubt, only for the
time being It ean reasonably be expected that ad
justments will be made without great delay.
This balmy weather should bring out a good crop of
Shamrocks to-morrow.
It would hardly be safe to search the members of
Pennsylvania party at Newport News for flaaks on the hip.
We do not believe that even the Antis object very
seriously to submitting' the suffrage proposition to the
The fine quality of Harrisburg'g streets ought to appeal
to the visiting autoists as a reason why they should come
There will be fewer headaches to-morrow anioug the
members of the launching party than if Governor Brum
baugh had cot been along.
Tnder a horseless-chestnut tree
The town garage now stands.
Bill Smith, who runs the business, he
Hath large and sinewy hands;
And the muscles of his brawny arms
Are strong enough—my lands!
His hair is crisp and black and short.
His face is caked with oil;
His brow is wet with grease —and yet
I do not think he'll spoil:
He looks a fellow in the face
And chargetb for bis toil.
A coughing automo machine.
It limpeth to the door.
There's something wrong about its spleen —
Else why that sort or snore
That issueth from in between
Its hinder wheels or foref
Big Bill, the kindly autosmith.
He takes the thing apart.
0 And tenderly he monkeys with
That automobile's heart
I'ntil —O man of skillsome pith!—
He makes its pulses start.
The children coming home from school
Look in at the open door.
They like to see the autosinith
Recline upon the floor
Beneath the car and grunt. "By gar!
This carburetor's sore."
Thanks, thanks to thee, my worthy friend,
Por the lesson thou hast taught!
Next time I drive this old bee-hive
I'll try to not be caught
Teii miles from town with the tires run down
And the axle steel unwrought.
—Robert Love, in St. Louis Republic.
Many a man's will power becomes weak from lack of
exercise.—Chicago Herald.
Bluefield. W. Va., has a 9-vear-old moonshiner. A study
in still life.—Baltimore Sun.
Many a bad case of pessimism has been cured by giving
the patient a political oftice.—Toledo Blade.
He—"How old are you?"
She —"I've just turned 23."
He —"Oh. I see—32." —Boston Transcript.
"I always call a spade a spade," said the emphatic man.
"That's right," replied Broncho Bob. "A fonr-flusker
once lost bis life in Crimson Galeh by e&lliu' a spade a
elub."—Washington Star.
Corpulent Individual —"But you can't give mt any reason
why I should not enlist."
Spouse—"Well, I should tniss you, dear, but the Ger
mans couldn't." —London Mail.
Tenderfoot—"Whaddye diggiu' the big hole fort"
Tenderfoot —"By gravy. I've often beard of wildcat
mines, but this is the first time I ever saw one!"— Judge.
"Any new developments in the war?"
"I don't know. I understand the Germans gained ten
yards around the left wing, but were penalized for hold
ing, and on the nest day the allies made six yards through
center." —Detroit Free Press.
"I made Mias Oldgirl mad the other day."
"How so?"
"'She said she would give me a few wrinkles, and I said
T didn't care to take them, although I knew she had plenty
to spare."—Baltimore American.
The Teacher—"So Delilah cut Samson's hair and all his
strength went out of him. Now when did Samson's strength
go out of him? You may answer, Willie."
Willie —"I guess it wot when he seen hisself in th'
glass."—Cleveland Plain Droler.
Benevolent Individual"Yes, air; I hold that when a man
makes a little extra money hit first duty is to make his wife
a present of a handsome dress."
Stranger—"You are a social philosopher, I presume?"
"No, I'm a dry-goods merchant."—Kansas Citv Star.
"I met Biffer's wife yesterday. Talks all the time,
doesn't she?"
"I never heard Biffers complain about it."
"He'd better not. She supports him by lecturing."
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
"My employers played me a rather heartless trick," re
marked the man who is always kicking.
"Why, I thought they had increased your compensation."
"Yes. But they increased it just enough to compel me
to keep books and employ an expert accountant to figure
out mv income tax."—Washington Star.
Humors in the blood cause Internal
derangements that affect the whole sys
tosn, as well as pimples, bolls and other
eruptions, and are responsible for the
readiness with which many people con
tract disease.
For forty years Hood's Saraaparilla
has been more successful than any
other medicine in expelling humors aad
removing their inward and outward
effects. Get Hood's. No other medicine
nets like it. Adv.
[Tongue-End Top icsj
Prayer Offered at Launching
At the suggestion of the Society of
Sponsors off the I'nited States Navy,
composed of ladies who have acted as
sponsors of vessels of the United States
Navy, prayer was offered at the launch
ing of the U. S. S. Pennsylvania at
Norfolk to-day. Between the years'
1843 and 1914. there were no religious
ceremonies incident to the launching of
vessels of Navy. The custom was
revived when the Oklahoma was launch
ed on March 21, last. Jnst a short
while before the launching was to occur
it was suggested that prayer be in
cluded in the exercises. The Governor
of Oklahoma and his party desired that
prayer should be offered by an Okla
homa clergyman, preferably Bishop
Hoss, and it was supposed that he was !
then in Oklahoma. At the suggestion ,
of some friends, a relative of his iu I
Baltimore was telephoned and it was
ascertained that through strange coinei-1
deuce he was then in Philadelphia. As I
the vessel was to be launched only'
across the river at Camden, it was a j
small matter to complete the arrange-1
ments ind Bishop Hoss offered the pray
er. This plan was continued to-day i
when the Pennsylvania was launched.
• . *
Text of the Prayer To-day
Governor Brumbaugh nominated
Bishop Joseph F. Berry to deliver the I
prayer to-day. It was as follows:
i- 0 Eternal God. Creator of the Uni
verse and Governor of Nations: Most j
heartily we beseech Thee with Thy Fa- j
vor to behold and bless Thy servant,
the President oi the United States,
all the officers of our Government, and j
so replenish them with the grace of
Thy Holy Spirit that they may always I
incline to Thy will and walk iu Thy :
way. Bless the Governors of the sev- i
eral States, an t all who are in authority |
over us: give them grace to execute
| justice and maintain truth that peace]
and happiness, religion and piety, may ]
be established among us for all geu
-1 erations.
'"May the vessels of our Xavy be
guarded by Thy gracious Pravidenee
huJ care. May they not bear the sword
in vain, but as the minister of God, be
a terror to those v.ho do evil aud a de
fense to those who do well.
"Graciously bless the officers ani
men of our Navy. May love ot' country
be engraven on their hearts and may
their adventurous spirits and severe
toils be duly appreciated by a grateful
nation: may their lives be precious in
Thy sight, aiut if ever our ships of war j
should be engaged in battle, grant that j
their struggles may be only under an
enforced necessity tor the defense of
what is right.
"Bless all nations and kindreds on
the face of the earth and hasten the
time when the principles of holy religion
shall so prevail that none shall wage
war any more for the purpose off ag
gression. and none shall need it as a
means of defense.
"All of which blessings we ask
through the merits of Jesus Christ our
Lord. Amen.''
• * *
New York Editor Visits Old Home
Bobert E. MaeAlarney, city editor of
the New York "Tribune" and head of
the school for rejwrters in the Colum
bia University, was in Harrisburg yes
terday looking over the scenes of his
boyhood days. Mr. MaeAlarney took a
walk all over the old town and thinks
it has grojvn rigOit smart since he left
it some years ago to take up his resi
dence in the big village on the Hudson.
Mr. MaeAlarney was here to accompany
Take a Glass of Salts If Tour Back
Hurts or Bladder Bothers—Meat
Forma Uric Add
If you must have vonr meat every
day, eat it. but flush your kidneys with
salts occasionally, says a noted author
ity who tells us that meat forms uric
acid which almost paralyzes the kid
neys in their efforts to expel it from
the blood. They become sluggish and
weaken, then you suffer with a dull
misery in the kidney region, sharp pains
in the back or sick headache, dizziness,
your stomach sours, tongue ia coated
and when the weather is bad you have
rheumatic twinges. The urine gats
cloudy, full of sediment, the channels
often get sore and irritated, obliging
you to seek relief two or three times
during the night.
To neutralize these irritating acids,
to cleanse the kidneys and flush off the
body's urinous waste get four ounces of
Jad Salts from any pharmacy here;
take a tablespoonful in a glaas of
water before breakfast for a few days
and your kidneys will then act fine.
This famous salts is made from the acid
of grapes and lemon juice, combined
with lithia, and has been used for gen
erations to flash and stimulate sluggish
kidneys, also w neutralize the acids in
urine, so it no longer irritates, thus
ending bladder weakness.
Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot in
jure, and makes a delightful efferves
cent lithia-water drink.—Adv.
Nailing a Lie— 1 You Should "Catch
To Our Friends > . ■ ■'
The Railroad Men:- HPI | f n
JL ria c r, 8 « uir & Ihe ulobe Fitteen
Globe by the cireulatiou of ■ ; < u = ~ , 1 »
a false report that we had , »•« » .
signed the petition for the If you do you 11 be going some. The
repeai of the F\iU Crew Bin styles, models, fabrics and tailoring
We brand this statement .1 ' • . . , 0 £ TiP
as a scurrilous and malicious that goes into each and every
falsehood. (( _ f # /pWs!\
Every man in our store * ' Qnif
signed a petition eireulated VJIv/Uv» I 11 ltd I O 1411 AM
by your railroad committee 1,1 - " ' """ ~ VJw
AGAINST the repeal of the j s so f ar a h ea d 0 f tIIOSO shown bv other / \
We 'have' endeavored m stores - that th(, - v k «'P »P I AQf
I the past to show our interest We've outdistanced them all. V VVJ
J in. and friendship for, all the ll
j Railroad Men of this seotion,- Every day brings new models—new de- \
and have assisted finanoially signs. ll
j and otherwise every move- T \ I
i ment in which you were in- Every day we feature new styles in our I
terested, and we are positive windows stvles that attract the widest 1
that you Railroad Men who attpntion " 11
know 11s and know what The ' U
Globe has stood for in the j "Globe Fifteens" have the earmarks of m
past will assist us in "Nail- j usual S2O suits shown elsewhere,
ing the Lie.
Very sincerely yours, Every garment is hand-tailored and bears our guar
i| autee, which is your protection.
| March 16, 1915. || JL Vj
We're Proud of These Your Spring Hat
Dollar Shirts— Should Be a Stetson—
Our collection of woven madras, mercerized High ideals have made Stetson famous —
pongee and crinkly erepe negligee shirts in he expresses them in his hats. The new •
new striped effects, including the latest black Spring models are going fast. Get yours
and white stripes, are the most beautiful now, ao j-fl
we've ever seen—and worth $1.60 easily.
THE GLOBE " The Frita, " r store "
back to her home in New York his sis
ter, Miss Emma Irfnoir MacAlarnev.
of the Horace Mann school, who has
been working in the cause of women's
suffrage in Pennsylvania lor the lust
four months.
• . *
Takes Place of Wine In Russia
The banishment of table wines by
government- edict in Russia has brought
to the fore a beverage which seldom has
been used outside the peasant's cottage.
It is '"kvass.Though it closely re
sembles lager beer in color, it is more
like American root beer in taste, and
is also non-intoxicating. The favorite
brand is prepared by a special treat
ment of Russian black bread. It is now
served in all the restaurants. Another
incidental curiosity about Russian fare
is the fact that the American griddle
cake makes its appearance in Russia
for one week only iu the whole year.
That week is the one preceding Lent.
The griddle cake is disguised as a spe
cial luxury under the name of "blinl.'
It is eaten plentifully at any or all
meals during the week. It is served with
Going Out of HAT Businoss
■ ■ - ■ ' ■ 7 ..... - =
In order to make room for our growing
Furnishing and Clothing business we intend
to discontinue selling HATS.
To close out this stock quickly we will
give you an excellent opportunity to obtain
the very best and newest styles at a ridicu
lously low figure.
Here Is Our Proposition
For $3.50
Any $3.00 HAT in Our Stock, . . $3.00
Any Other HAT in Onr Stock, . . .50
When you consider that in your choice of
second HAT you have for selection HATS
that sell from $3.00 to SB.OO (made by Knox
and best foreign makes) you can readily see
what this offer means. The majority of these
hats have not been in our stock two weeks.
a garnish of caviar, thick sour Cream
and melted butter. The ordinary com
plement per person is a dozen or fifteen
"Mini," but a stranger is told that
the rule is that a person should keep
the plate up to the height of his chin
as he sits at table. After the "blini,"
which are served as part of the hors d
oevrep, comes the usual luncli or din
ner courses.
To reduce to a minimum the great
number of individual bills requesting
appropriations for State institutions by
requiring that the needs of suc'h insti
tutions 4>e sent to the Speaker pro tem.
of the Senate and the Speaker of the
House as petitions whicli can be re
ferred to the Committee on Appropria
tions which shall prepare bills for all
classes of State aid embodying requests
of such institutions, is the purpose oi
a bill introduced in the House last
nigh-t by Representative Baldwin, ot
Delaware county.
Representative Gi'bson, I/rcoming, in
troduced a bill providing that the own
er -of a farm may have the name there
of recorded with a description by metes
and bounds in ft "register of farm
names" to be kept iu the office of the
Recorder of Deeds. The act gives right
to exclusive use of a name so recorded.
The names to be registered must be
twice advertised.
Other bills presented were:
Mr. Harper, Jjawrence Authoriz
ing boroughs to collect annual sewer
rents from properties abutting on sew
ers constructed at public expense.
Mr. Maurer, Berks—Directing De
partment of Labor and Industry to in
vestigate the working conditions of
women and minors with special refer
ence to minimum wages before Septem
ber 1, 1916, and report to the Gov
ernor sixty days later.
Mr. Adams, Luzerne—Providing that
anthracite coal tax, if held unconsti
tutional, shall be paid o school boards
in townships where foads are made and
repaired by taxpayers under contract.
Mr. Walsh, Philadelphia—A code
governing fishing, classifying ga-me fish
and regulating wardens.
"So you told Brown that you'd heard
stories to my discredit f"
"I did not. What T told him was
that I'd never heard any stories to your
credit.'' —Exchange.