T wvwvwv f»*■ f ▼ T 'T'T *r y» w ¥TT»■«r » T T«i JSjocvmanZ SKr JSo&m&nZ ► Call 1991—Any Phone Founded 1871 ' ; Eoerg Woman Can En jog a shorter Dag's i | Bowman's Annual March Embroidery : I Wor£ By Purchasing a Hastings' ► Sell© StdftS T0~U10n"0W ' Kitchen Cabinet Through Our ' i ' And there ' s evidence aplenty that it will surpass even our own hopes, if price- ■ ► 6 ' values, extensive assortments, and the very newness of patterns count for • : HASTINGS* KITCHEN: anything : V-# XX vXXLii V < ► You've no doubt been waiting for this event to step forth, especially if you have attended previous 4 A T\T r TTT r> < ► Embroidery Sales, and right here let us promise an even greater 1915 Sale than any before. ' ► 1„/\fj f/ V JTj I ty/y iy / J < ► There's no need to quote details of how months of preparations have been spent, but the following J „ w values will interest every woman, and we advise purchasing enough for one or two season's use. ' There is no need to worry along in a kitchen that § JL | It's a temptation to boast, when calling your attention to the beautiful patterns in blind and openwork J : all in a jumble, because there is not enough room, or : : stitches ' an,i youasked 10 look over * Read: ~ ► because things are scattered about. < ► 239 yards 15e Corset Cover 2 539 vapdg Embroidered 1 39c and 50c match sets of Swiss "D„ _ AA dM AA TT7 11 ► Embroidery, at, yd., |Q C Swiss, Cambric and Longcloth Embroidery,at, vd.. 25c & 29c ► ray SI.OO Down ana SI.OO weekly ; ; Edges, 3to 5 inches wide; ev ► And secure a Hastings' Cabinet—the cabinet that surpasses all others in hand- « > i° **■ JL* S ™ sFl °™; ► iness, materials, construction and finish. e «»d S9e Swiss Flouncings, A f ►lt was not made complete in a day, or in a year, but it grew year after year, <; ►27 inches wide—;just the thing Jj'4 l 45-iueh Embroidered Voile [ feature by feature. Each new device grew out of some need of the housewife, " ► for children's dresses or com- Flouncings, in neat patterns, at, |L and no feature was added till it was tested and proved a saver. The Hastings ' ► hinnti.m mnvns- hpantifnl Haintv vd. CI OH L is the result of years of study of kitchen work and tests to find out the molt < - ""J**" *»*"»• Ixautihil I »1.00 L efficient labor saving devices. 4 ► patterns., at, jard, 59c ll * *•/ Final proof of the Hastings superiority is that its features have been < * i S2.IX) 45-inch Embroidery widely copied; pracffically everything on any other cabinet can be traced back ]i ' 200 yards 75c and SI.OO All- 'AjSST Flouncings —blind work em to the Hastings. But the imitations have always been poor makeshifts, and a 1 K over Embroidery, 22 inches ' broidered on batiste note J year or so late, when the Hastings was devising still newer features. More- " ' wide; extra special, at. width, at, yd CI f)f) over, many of the best features have been protected by patents, and to-day are * vd v^ on the Hastines alone. " " " ZOL 1 . j ► . x " i'** y d - —value cambric, sott finish; r~r y —go on sale to-morrow at ridiculously little prices. ' X a Bl , 10l A remarkable brand that wears and washes 'j > Jjl l\ / / \\ The shoes are in every way p>rt'ect and ot' excellent quality; the i.>vT; - M>lue I- -o: si/cs especially well; excellent for sheets, pillow i i > // / \ '\ \Vx \ styles are desirable and the various lots contain all sizes. j n 1 -.0, slips and bolster eases. < j 1/j \ Vv _ There are low shoes, pumps aid Colonials, and high shoes ill both : J- wdted amlin " lafk - ta " im " w " ite I ! H3£:;i?S : ! j> SI.OO for the $2.50 Grades I '■■■■ ; : : *JnmV l - 29 for the SS.OO Grades j $1.49 for the $3.50 Grades ! ► No shoes will be exchanged, s lit (A O. 1).. or on approval during I ! ► ~ this sale. ! | y Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S. u Embroidered ; and Scalloped !; Pillow Cases, a | : 33c each Regular Prices j y "N lien folks are preparing to beautify the home, or make certain '► Very Special rooms distinctive, this offering will find a welcome. ( L Each rug was selected for its own particular beauty, and besides ' ! ► Made from seamless tubing; those mentioned, are other choice designs and qualities at proportion ; > sizes 42x36 and 45x36. Sheets ate I k Serapi at 9213.30—va1ue $319.96; Mossoul, at value $33.00; I to match at $1.95 each. size 13.2x9.5. size 5.1 iy 2 x3.4. 11 Main Floor BOWM \N'S Mohal, at $133.34 —value $200.00; Mossoul, at $16.00 —value $24.00; size 10.8x8.6. size 5.11x3.10. ► ———————— Serapi, at sl97.7o—value $296.56; Mossoul, at s2o.oo—value $30.00; , m v\ 9 size 12.2x9.9. size •).7^>x3.B. . Tempting Prices on B^S8 a i* 156 - 14 - v ""' jfsss&s *»», y Iran, at s3o.67—value $46.00; size Mossoul, at sl9.42—value $29.40; ► Spring W2II Papers MOMOUI, at s23.34— value $35.00; M Mossoul, <- at s2o.oo— value $30.00; ► size 3.41/0x6.8. . s i Z o 2.10i/ 2 x5.10y 2 . ' Wall Papers suitable for all rooms; Gabistau, at $20.00 —value $30.00; Mossouf, at $18.95 —value $27.00; cut out borders ami matched combina- s i ze 3.4x2.10. size 5.3x3.2. i k tions: pood selection of our newest ar- . Ca Q ra 7 d J a ' at $44.00-value $66.00; Mossoul, at $22.00-value $33.00; r 11 .0- „* „ iiu size 9 -' x2 - 8 - size 6.21/0x3.3V 2 . . rivals; values up to 2oc roll. Roll, 10r „ .. 1 ► v Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. y Wall Papers—for chambers —satin : : :;^i^r^ , sr de!igns!va '- a Small Lot of Imported Noveltg i ; Paper hanging and contract work , ( onsistin ß, - i ! *■ , * .. 'ass« i» excellent weight for spring and summer skirts. Jf bought in the regular , y given prompt attention. wa y would sell for $2.00 and $2.50 yard. y Fourth Floor —BOWMAN'S. Mnin FIoor—BOWMAN'S. DUNCANNON Charles Griffith and Miss Emma Diet ter Wore Married Wednesday ait . il <'or: ondence. Dun. aunoa. March 16—Orville O. Reed, formerly oi this plae, now of E.izab :h. N. ,1.. was the guest of re!- ■.<: • - ■' Sunday. t narlts W. Griffith, of Penu town « . :n M;s> Emma Dietter. of West c berg, Germany, were united in mar .age at Hagerstown, Md., by the Rev. - anger Kieffer. Mr. and Mrs. George liinkel and V, lliaai E. Miller, of Hershev. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward M 'iii • r over Sunday. A- er Miehenur, of Marysville, s . 'lit > ii lav with friends. M ». -lenn'.e McCoy has returned ::ttcr an extended visit with friends ii Harrisburg. Miss Mac Sm.;h entertained the school teachers of Penn township on Saturday evening. Mrs. • arrie Jeffers. of Xewport, vis ited friends here last week. Mr. anil Mrs. Alfred Collins, of West Virginia, are spending a few weeks with friends here. , Mr. and Mrs. Wilhelm Walter, of Xew York City, and Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Kettering, of Amnville, motored to OUCHIPAIN PAIN. RUB RHEUMATIC, ACHING JOINTS Rub Pain Right Out WithSmallTrial Bot tle of Old "St. Jacob's Oil" Rheumatism is '.'pain only." Not one case i.-i fifty requires internal treatment. Stop dragging. Rub sooth ing. penetrating "St. Jacob's Oil" right into your sore, stiff, aching joints and muscles, ami relief comes instantly. "St. Jacob's Oil" is a harmless rheu matism cure which never disappoints and cannot burn the skin. Limber up! complaining! Get a small' trial bottle of old. honest '*St. Jacob's Oil" at any drug store, and in just a moment you'll be free from rheumatie pain, soreness, stiffness and swelling. Don't suffer! Relief awaits you. "St. Jacob's Oil" has cured mil lions of rheumatism sufferers in the last half century, and is just as good for scintica, neuralgia, lumbago, back ache, sprains.—Adv. I r ——- ■ ■ this place on Sunday and were the gU'-ts o! J. W. Mader and family. Mrs. T. Cummings, of Harrisburg, was a recent visitor at the home of Mrs. Martin Cotnp, on Ann street. The 6-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bender, is ill of pneu monia. Mrs. Prink K'ine. of Philadelphia, has returned from a visit among I frimsds here. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Mutzebaugh were guests of friends at Xewport on Sunday. A. O. Zcrting purchased a two pas senger auto at Lancaster Saturday. AN. L. Both well was sur prised on Monday evening when a number of friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bothwell to , celebrate the former's birthday. MILLERSTOWN Special Services in the Presbyterian Church During the Week 1 Correspondence. Milierstown. March 16.—The "Rev. i H. W. Wannshins, of Port Royal, will | preach four evenings this week at the ' special services in the Presbyterian ■ church. •lames Rouni' Mrs. H. F. Darr. Mr. an«l Mrs. E. P. Shamp, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lenker, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Houser, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Durburrow. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Houser and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Darr. A social and supper was held by the following young people at the home of Melvin Holmes on Saturday evening: Misses Florence Bretz, Dorothy Shaffer and Jennie Boley; Milton tiroes, Charles HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDEN r r, TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 16, 1915. j Glessner, Irid Givier and Henrv Wal ters. Mrs. C. P. Xebinger, of Shiremans town, an-i Mrs. Rudolph Kaley, of Me chanicsburg, wore guests of the United Brethren parsonage Sunday. C. C. Killheffer. Mr. and Mrs. 0. K. Eshenauer Mrs. Edward Kutz, Mis< Ruth Shettel, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Gladfelter and Mr. and Mrs. S. 11. Xeid ig attended the Sunday school conven tion at Mechanh sburg. Mrs. F. l>. Luse tramped upon a nail so as to run it through the shoe into the foot causing an ugiy wound. Dr. 11. B. Basehore was called and administered anti-toxinc. Twenty-nine persons attended the prayer meeting at George Rhiver's on Saturday evening. Mrs. L. B. Cranford and Mrs. N'oah Hippie visited .1. Forrest Cranford at Penbrook Sunday. I). W . Shettei was at Camden 011 Saturviay. LEMOYNE The Rev. E. D. Keen Preached His Pare well Sermon Sunday Special Correspondence. Lenioyne, Marrii 16.—Mrs. , Robert I'rive and two children, Katharine and Payton, have left for Winchester, Va., where they have been called through the illness of Mrs. Price's father. An infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Elder died at their home, East Hummel avenue, on Sunday afternoon. The Rev. E. D. Keen preached his last sermon in the Evangelical church on Sunday evening preparatory to tak ing up his new pastorate at Wrights ville, York county. Calvin Strayer has returned from a ihree weeks' visit in York countv near Bernmndian. Mrs. Roy Hoffmau and mother. MTS. Deardorff, of near Barren s ('hutch. York county, have returned from a brief visit to Spring Grove, York coun ty, called there