The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, March 16, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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I was badly ruptured while lifting a
trunk several years ago. Doctors saia
my only hope of cure was an operation.
Trusses did me no good. Finally I got
bold of something that
completely cured nie. Years have pa"
ed and the rupture hsa never returnod,
although I am doing hard *«rK as a
carpenter. There was no operation, no
lost time, no trouble. I have noting
to tell, but will give full '"formation
about how you may tlnd a ion P' et ®
cure without operation, if you write to
me. Eugene M. Pullen. Carpenter. iISA.
Marcellus Avenue. Manasquan. N. J.
Better cut out this notice and snow it
to any others who are
may save a life or at least stop the
misery of rupture and the worrj * na
A Few Suggestions On the Agerfctum.
Nasturtium. Petunia, California
Poppy and Zinnia to the Housewife
Who Is Interested
Washington, March 16. —Many peo
ple at this season of the year are con
sidering what flowering plants the}
shall put in their gardens. The aver
age housewife, who has not much time
to spare OD the matter, the child 'who
it- just becoming interested in growing
plant?, and the teacher who is lading
out a school garden for the benefit of
her pupils will undoubtedly welcome
some simple suggestions alo>>£ th' B ''" e -
The United States Department of
Agriculture's specialist particularly
recommends as satisfactory and easily
grown flowers, the .ngeratum, the nas
turtium.. the petunia, the California
'poppy, and the zinnia. Here are a few
pointers on each of them:
One of the Few Blue Flowers
The ageratunyis one of the few blue
flowers we have. In its form it some
what resembles the heliotrope but has
no odor. Ageratums grow well upon al
most all soi!t< and through a wide range
of climate. For that reason many com
binations with them are possible. The
plants are neat, bushy, and erect. a»d
produce a profusion of brush-like flow
ers throughout the season. The dwarf
blue sorts make tine borders and are
•much used where contrasting color ef
fects are desired. For early "bloom the
aeed should be sown in cold frames or
in boxes in the house early in the sea
son (Marchl, but for summer and fall
bloom the seeds may be sown in April
or early in May iu well-prepared beds
in the open. Seeds sown •»* August will
produce good plaints for winter flower
Planting of Nasturtium
The large seeds of the nasturtium
require to be planted much deeper
than the tine seeds of the petunia. Sow
them in rows where the plants are to
grow, placiiw the seeds about six
inches apart in the row and cover
them atout an inch deep. When all
plants are up, thin so that they staaid
a foot if thev soil is rich; if
rather thin, it will be as well to allow
them to stand at the plainting distance.
The plants should be given clean culti
vation to induce rapid growth. If
plauted in the open at the same time
that beans are planted, verv satisfac
tory results will follow. For earlier
'bloom plant in advaince of this date
in hotbede. cold frames or window
Growing of the Petunia
While the petuuia grows rea iily and
rapidly from seeds sown in the open
about corn planting time, earlier bloom
can be secured by sowing the seed in
window boxes or hotbeds and trams
planting the plants once before placing
them in the open. For localities north
of New York the most satisfactory ;
method of handling these plants will
be to start the seeds in window boxes
about April 1, and to transfer the
voting plants to the open when the :
weather permits—about the middle of
May. The seeds are very small and |
should not be covered with earth in '
I the ordinary way. They sjiould be sown
on the surface and brought in contact j
with the earth by firming it with a
California Poppy
The esi-hscholtzia is an annual of '
; *trikiu>4 character both as regards the -
form and color of its flower*, which '
are bright and rich in their tints of l
yellow and orange. The plants average i
about a foot in height, have attractive
silvery foliage, and produce their large ;
poppv-like flowers quite lavishly from 1
early spring until frost. The seeds of
ewehseholtzia may be sown in window
boxes or in a hotbed in March, or in
the open where the plants are to bloom '
as soon as the soil is in lit condition,
in April or May in the latitude of New ;
York. In latitudes south of Xew York !
the seeds may be sown in the autumn !
for early bloom. The plants enjoy a i
rich loam and should be allowed about
five or six inches of t»pace in the row.
When used in beds they may be sown
Zinnia Easily Grown
The zinnia is easily grown from seed
sown in the open ground. When sown !
in April {he plants will bloom abund- j
antly and continuously through the en
tire season. During the month of '
August zinnias are at their best. To
secure large flowers and a profusion of
bloom the plants must be given ample
room and a full development, as well
»s an abundant supply of food. Strong,
rich soils suit the zinnia. If the seeds
ire sown in a dwelling house or in a
lotbed in March.aind the young plants
ire pricked out once or twice before
icing placed in their permanent situa
ions, more satisfactory results will be
•cured than from outdoor-sown seeds I
inless equal care in thinning or trans- j
Wanting is given. lin addition to their
ise in the school garden, zinnias can
>e used for groups, beds, borders, gar
len lines, and summer hediges. Their
average height is 1 1-2 feet. The zin- \
lia is a rather large, formal flower
rhose colors range through the shades
if red and yellow. Their season of i
doom is through the late summer and I
utumn and the individual bloom lasts
or a long time both on the plant and
s cost flowers.
Got Bid of Lingering Colds, Coughs
and La Grippe
Spring fin-ds many afflicted with I
ngering, hacking coughs that weaken
le system. Slush and wet cause more I
rids than zero weather. Croup, bron
litis, and pneumonia are prevalent, j
very family should have a safe and
iliable cough medicine ready for use. i
bley's Honey and Tar Compound con-1
kins no harmful ingredients. It eases
eough, checks a colli and relieves in
uned and congests membranes. It
ears the air passages and soothes in
animation. Geo. A. Gorgas, 16 North
bird street. —Adv.
Senate Approves Plan
to Submit Question
to the Voter, By 37
Yeas to 11 Nays
They Pin Roses or Jonquils on the Coats
of the Salons and Applaud Fre
quently as the Roll Is Being (felled
—Beidleman With the Antis
The strenuous suffrage war which
has been waged for the last four years
came to an end, so far as the legisla
ture is concerned, last night in the Sen
ate when that body passed the resolu
tion to submit to the people nt the
polls iu November the question of
whether women shall vote. The mat
ter will come before the people in the
form of a constitutional amendment.
The bill to submit it to the people was
passed by both branches of the legisla
ture two years ago, but the constitution
requires that it pass two successive
Legislatures before it can be voted on
at the polls* This year it was intro
duced in the House by Mr. Wilson, of
Philadelphia, and passed that body iby
130 to 70. and last night in the Senate
it passed bv 37 yeas to 11 nays, a
greater majority than its friends ex
The Senate chamber was crowded
with visitors last night. It was gen
erally agreed that the suffrage women
would win and they were present in
great numbers, occupying the space on
the floor of the Senate to the left of
the presiding officer. All wore yellow
jonquils and they Cjjrriei hundreds of
the flowers with them with which they
decorated Senators and others favoring
their cause.
The advocates of suffrage were head
ed by Mrs. Frank Roessing, of Pitts
burgh, State president; Miss Hannah
Patterson; president of the Woman Suf
frage League, and Mrs. Mabel Cronise
Jones, of Harrisburg, presideut of the
Central Pennsylvania Woman's Suffrage
Association. With them were delega
tions from Philadelphia, Pittsburgh,
Harrisburg, Ijanvaster, Wilkes-Barre.
Lewisburg, Selinsgrove, Williamsport
and York.
The Antis Largely Represented
The anti-suffragists were led by Mrs.
Horace Brock, of Lebanon, president of
the State Association of Antis; Mrs. J.
Gardner Cassatt, vice president; Mrs.
John B. Heron, Pittsburgh, and Mrs.
Eliza D. Armstrong, Pittsburgh. With
them were delegations from Philadel
phia, Pittsburgh, Harrisburg, West
Chester, Bryn Mawr and Mechanics
burg. The antis wore pink roses and
pinned similar flowers on their friends,
and Lieutenant Governor McClain, who
was a neutral and wore both rose and
The suffrage amendment measure was
near the head of the calendar, and was
soon reached iu the regular order of
business. When the Lieutenant Gover
nor has put the question: "Will the
Senate agree to the bill on final pas
sage!'' Senator Crow, of Fayette,
chairman of the Republican State Com
mittee, arose and urged the passage of
the measure as a means of keeping the
pledges of the party platform. The Re
publican party had embodied the pledge
in its platform, and legislators had
been elected on that platform, and ho
called upon them to support it.
I ''They are not, however," he said,
••obligated to support this measure at
I the polls, but at present it is a question
whether a party platform deliberately
made shall be deliberately kept." Loud
applause greeted the Fayette Senator's
i declaration.
Beidleman Against Measure
Senator E. E. Beidleman, of Harris
burg, who two years ago made a speech
against the measure, was the principal
speaker against it last night. He nie
clared that he voiced the sentiments of
his constituents who are almost unani
mously opposed to woman suffrage, and
this, he said, he found to be the case
wherever he had made inquiry. He de
nied that Senators elected last fall are
obligated to stand by the party plat
form because that platform had not
been adopted until long after they were
nominated. This question, he held, was
When Constipated or
Bilious Give "Cali
fornia Syrup of
Look at the tongue, mother! If coat
ed, it is a sure sign that your little one's
stomach, liver and bowels need a gentle,
thorough cleansing at once.
When peevish, cross, listless, pale,
doesn't sleep, doesn't eat or act nat
urally, or is feverish, stomach sour,
breath bad; has stomach-ache, sore
throat, • diarrheoa, full of cold, give a
teaspoonful of "California Syrup of
Figs," and in a few hours all the foul,
constipated waste, undigested food and
sour bile gently moves out of its little
bowels without griping, and you have a
well, playful child again.
You needn't coax sick children to
take this harmless "fruit laxative;"
they love its delicious taste, and it al
ways makes them feel splendid.
Ask vour druggist for a 50-cent bot
tle of "California Syrup of Figs," which
has directions for babies, children of all
ages and for grown-ups plainly on the
bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold
here. To be sure you get the genuine,
ask to see that it is made by "California
Fig Syrup Company." Refuse any other
kind with contempt.—Adv.
French Remedy for
Stomach Troubles
The leading doctors of France have
for years used a prescription of vege
table oils for chromic stomach trouble
and constipation that -acts like a charm.
One dose will convince. Severe* cases
of rears' standing are often greatly
benefited within 24 hours. So many
people are getting surprising results
that we feel all persons suffering from
constipation, lower bowel, liver and
stomach troubles should try Mayr's
Wonderful Remedy. It is sold by lead
iug druggists everywhere with the posi
tive understanding that your money
will be refunded without question or
quibble if ONE bottle fails to give you
absolute satisfaction. J'
being submitted to a people who would
oppose and defeat it.
Senator Martiu, of Cumberland, held
that it was not only a party obligation
to support this measure, but it is a
right due to the women of the State.
Senator Thompson, of Beaver, ou be
half of the mothers, wives and sisters
of the State, opposed the bill, and said
he had "examined his conscience" on
this matter.
The roll was called, the only inter
ruption being an outburst of laughter
whea "Sunny Jim" McNichol voted
"No" in a loud voice. The resolution
passed by 37 yeas to 11 nays.
Great applause greeted the announce
ment of the vote, and some of the suf
"antis*' seemed inihignant and charged
"antis" semed indignant and charged
that some of the Senators who wore
their pink roses voted against them.
Others of the "antis," however, are
satisfied that the voters of the State as
a whole are to dectd* the question.
The vote was as follows:
For Suffrage—Clark, vrott, Crow.
Daix, Kndsley, Farley, draff. Gyger,
Hilton, Hindman. Hoke. Homsher, Jen
kins. Kurtz, Lynch Magee, Martin, Me-
Connell, McKee, Miller, Moore, Patton,
Phippe, Salus, Schantz. Semmens, Sen
senich, B. E. Smith, W. W. Smith, O. A.
Snyder, P. W. Snyder, Sproal, Stewart,
Tompkins, Vare, Warner and Wasbers.
Total, 37.
Against Suffrage—Beidleman, Buck
man, Burke, Catlin, PeWitt, Genberich,
Hackett, Kline. McNichol, Sones,
Thompson. Total, 11.
The measure now goes before the
peuple at the general election in No
vember for their adoption or rejection.
Both friends and foes in the Senate last
night said they intend to carry the
tight into every county in the State and
even into every township, and the indi
cations are that the most picturesque
political contest ever waged in Penn
sylvania is about to start at once.
Measure Prepared by President of the
Law and Order Society of Philadel
phia Is Introduced in House—
Williams Bill Is Attacked
The Gibbony local option bill, em
bodying the compensation plan, was in
troduced in the House last night by
Assemblyman W. W. Jones, of Lacka
wanna. Tiic bi'l was drown by D.
Clarence Gibbony, president of the Law
and Order Society of Philadelphia.
Under his bill, elections by eounties
on the three-year limit plan are provid
ed. When a county goes "dry," how
ever, no existing license can be re
voked without the licensee being com
pensated by the county. The funds
for compensation are to come out of
the liquor license money. Gibbony
gave out a statement defining the provi
sions of his bill, in whi«h he said:
"This bill is a local option measure
for the solution of the liquor problem
in Pennsylvania by county units. It is
a far more equitable and effective pro
posal than that contained in the Wil
liams local option bill, and it is the
only self-cxtingaishing plan for the
abolition of the liquor traffic that has
been placed before the Legislature of
" What this act proposes is to provide
a method by which the liquor business
can be abolished by counties on a ma
jority vote of the electorate, and under
which methotl the men who engaged in
the legalized liquor business shall he re
imbursed for losses sustained in being
forced out of that business.
Attacks Williams Bill
"That is the principal difference
between this iiill and the Williams lo
cal option bill. The latter makes no
provisions whatever for compensation,
anil the pian of abolition it proposes is
nothing less than confiscation of prap
erty legally acquired and iegallv held
by men engaged in a legalized business.
"This bill provides that no new or
additional licenses shall be granted iu
any county that has voted to abolish
the liquor business, and, on the other
hand, that no licenses that were in
force at the time such election was celd
shall be revoked or their renewal re
fused. except for malfeasance of the
licensees, until such lienses have been
compensated for on a basis provided iu
the measure. In the absence of auy
such election directing prohibition, this
bill makes it illegal for any court of
quarter sessions to revoke or refuse to
renew any existing license, except for
proven violation of the law, and when
a license is revoked or terminated for
such cause the court shall file or re
cord its reasons for such action.
"This bill also provides that after
its passage the number of liquor li
censes in cities of the first and second
class shall not be more than one for
each 1,000 inhabitants, and in cities of
the third class shall not exceed one for
each 500 inhabitants. The courts shall
make the necessary reduction in number
of licenses upon the payment of com
pensation, as provided for."
In Law and Order Committee
The 'bill was sent to the House Law
and Order Committee. This committee
stood by Governor Brumbaugh by vot
ing 13 to 11 to withhold the report of
the administration local option bill po
til some of the other legislation Vas
disposed of.
Falls to Amend Advertising BUI
The iHabgood bill for the payment
to publishers of the bills for advertis
ing the constitutional amendments
from 1912 to 1914 was up in the Sen
ate last night and Senator Hilton
sought to amend it by increasing the
appropriation so as to* pay for the ad
vertising in 190'8-9-10-11, the bills to
be submitted to a commission of five
publishers appointed by the Governor,
and the State Treasurer, Auditor Gen
eral and Secretary of the Common
wealth. The Senate rejected the amend
ment and the bill passed &cond read-
I ing.
Petrograd, Via London, March IS,
8.13 A. M.—The following official dis
patch has been received from Oiaoweti:
"The enemy has brought some of his
batteries closer to the fortress because
of their obvious inffeetiveness at the
longer range. The earl of the fortress
effectively shelled a column of the ene
my, consisting of motors draiHng artil
lery, provisions and ammunition.
'' Fighting at moderate distances con
tinued throughout Sunday and Monday,
with the advantage constantly with the
defenders. Two German companies en
deavored to approach the frozen river
Bobr, but retired after being Ahelled
from a' distance of a mile. Close te
Ossewetz our scouts carried some of the
enemy's positions and at nightfall tent
prisoners back into the fortress."
Official raports from other fronts fol
German Attacks at Prcaanyu
"Przasnysz: The Hermans con
tinue a violent artillery fy-e. but their
infantry is unable to resist our attacks.
We are holding the enemy on almost
the entire front, with particular suc
cess in the wooded sectors bordering on
the river Orzyo.
"Bzura region: The enemy is ac
tive at night, possibly reinforced- in
his artillery.
"The Carpathians: Conditions are
extremely difficult for au offensive.
Owing to the deep snow, troops can
be moved only slowly. The men u.srd
beaten paths, moving in Indian file,
which involves heavy losses. Troops
oo both sides are using skiis. In spite
of the conditions which exist, the Aus
trians continue their vain attempts to
relieve Przemyal, where our heavy
batteries sre active."
Paris, March 16, 12.30 A. M.—The
text of the decree defining the meas
uies decided upon by the British and
French governments as reprisals against
German commerce, already announced
from London, is published in the "Of
ficial Gazette." The text is preceded
by n report to President Poincare
signed by Foreign Minister Delcasso,
Minister of Finance Kibot, .Minister of
War Millerand and Minister of Marine
\This supplementary statement de
clares that since Germany lias pro
claimed the seas around England and
France a war zone the alli?s have a
right to reply by stopping all merchan
dise to or from Germany. "Neverthe
less," the re-port says, the allied gov
ernments have no intention of follow
ing their enemy in his cruel and bar
barous met'hods and the measures to
which they have 'been obliged to have
recourse do not involve i\uy risk for
neutral ships or for the lives of no.u
trals or non-eonrbntants. They will be
applied in strict conformance with the
dictates of humanity."
Senate Holds TTp Adjournment Bill
The House resolution for liu il ad
journment on May *ti. was messaged
to the Senate last night, and after be
ing read was. on motion of Sonator
McNichol, referred to the committee
on executive nominations, whi(h con
sists of Senator Crow,
Sproul, Catlin, Snyder anil Kline. Sen
ator <*TOW said that the resolution will
be reported out jusit as soon as it is
apparent that the Legislature can fin
ish its work by the time set.
Three Bills of Interest to Farm
Three bills introduced in the Senate
last night bv Senator Martin related
I to the farm. One is designed to prevent
I fraud in the grading, marketing ami
j shifipiwg of apples; a second is to pre
! vent fraud in the matter of the saJe
of domestic anim-ale so far as misrep
resentation of their breed is concerned,
and a third is to prevent fraud in the
matter of rare fowls and their eggs.
Compensation Acts Offered
Senator Crow last night introduced
the Brumbaugh workmen's compensa
tion lets, prepared by Attorney Gener
al Brown and recently introduced in
the House by Mr. Wilson, of Philadel
phia. The bills are seven in number
and were referred to the Committee
| on Judiciary General.
Action Delayed on Third Judge
The Nissley bill providing for a
I third judge for Dauphin county was
reached for final pass-age in the Sen-
I ate last niilvt, and at the suggestion
iof Senator Sproul, its consideration
| was postponed for the present. It holds
| its regular place on the calendar and
j may come up at any time.
For Control of Jitney Lines
Sciaator Patton would place all jit
| nev bus lines iu cities under control
of councils, and offered a bill in the
I Senate last night to that effect. The
| bill requires such lines to be licensed
, and permits councils -to fix the rsrtes
J of fare.
For Nervous People
The great nerve tonic—the famous
Wendell's Ambition Pills—that will put
vigor, vim and vitality into nervous
tired out, all in, dcapondent people in a
few days.
Anyone fan buy a box for only 50
cents, and H. C. Kennedy is authorized
by the maker to refund the purchase
price if anyone is dissatisfied with the
first box purchased.
Thousands praise them for general
debility, nervous prostration, mental
depression and unstrung nerves caused
by over-indulgence in alcohol, tobacco,
or overwork of any kind.
As a brain food or for any affliction
of the nervous system Wendell's Ambi
tion Pills are unsurpassed, while for
hysteria, trembling and neuralgia they
are simply splendid. Fifty cents at
H. C. Kennedy's and dealers every
where. Mail orders filled, charge* pre
paid, by Wendell Pharmacal Co. Inc.,
Syracuse, N. Y.—Adv.
No Mora Piles
Mania Huh BuudjrluOy Applied
flirt Qui ok Btlief-XtiltdFne.
■ ample fatkan
Jb V sf the Famoua
Pyramid Pile
Beaedy Now
■T ~t Offered Free to
Fists What It
Will So fer Tom.
Pyramid File
Remedy (Ives
quick relief,stops
itohint. bleeding
. or protrud>
tat Biles. hemorrhoids and-atl rectal
troubles, tn the privacy of your own
home, too a bo* at all druggists. A jingle
box often cures. Fr*. ..■»!. hurt* with
booklet mailed free tn plain wrapper. It
yon send as coupon below,
6* Pyramid Bids., Marshall. Mich.
«* ,n ?Vt.. M a d m ? a Free (ample of
PyveatM File Remedy, In plain wrapper.
City State
z ■ i ————^
To-morrow afternoon and evening,
'Under Cover."
Thursday afternoon and evening,
"When Dreams Come True."
Friday and Saturday, with Satur
day matinee, the Klks' Miustrels
in the new musical revue,
"They're at it Again."
Friday, March 26, evening only,
Maud Adams in "Quality
Every afternoon and eveulug, high
class vaudeville.
Every afternoon anil evening, vnude
vilio and pictures.
Motion Pictures.
Motion Pictures.
Motion Pictures.
"Under Cover"
"Under Cover," Boi Cooper Me
grue's modern mystery melodrama of
the smart set, the secret serivce p.nd
transatlantic, smuggling, whijh broke
all records for long runs in Boston last
season and is now hailed us the su
premely triumphant dramatic sensation
of tlhe year in New York and Chicago,
in 'both of which cities it lias bctn
delighting large audiences for months
past, will be 'presented by S?lwyn &,
Company, the firm that also sponsjred
"Within the Law," at the Majestic
to-marrow, matinee sud night.
"Under Cover" is a melodrama of
the newer fashion and follows the turns
and twists of a shrewdly fought duel
between certain smugglers and the se
cret st 1 vice men who are on their
track. To smugglers, moreover, Imp
»on to l,y high-plß'v-d socially, while 1o
:ave cue of them a you a? tjirl of geu
tie breeding pits aerself against the
pursuing detectives. The thrills pro
diced by tlie compliiiati >:is vre said to
arise so rapidly as to almost trip ov( r
each other, while the denouement *hich
is arrived at just before the tinal cer
tain is said to be startling in its unexv
Selwyn & Company are sending lure
intact the same excellent cast that made
so favorable an impression upon met
ropolitan playgoers during the final
weeks of the eight months' engagement
at the Plvmouth theatre, Boston.
"When Dreams Come True"
The first act of "When Dreams
Come True," which comes to the Ma
jestic Thursday, afternoon and evon
ingv shows tlie forward <ICI"K of a
transatlantic The model from
which this scene was built was fur
nished by the Cramp Ship Building Co.,
of Chester, Fa. Several of rhe gowns
shown were purchased at the Apprais
er's Stores at the New York Custom
House. These are European models
that were being smuggled into this
country and they represent the very
latest creations of the famous French
dressmakers. The music for "When
i Dreams Come True" was composed by
Silvio Hein, who has many musical
comedy successes to his credit. The
principal numbers are: "When Dreams
Come True," "Come Along to the Mov
ies," "You Dear You," "America"
and "Love Is Such a Funny Little
Thing." Adv.*
Carlisle Elks at Majestic
Indications are that the Majestic
theatre will be filled on Friday end
Saturday evenings and Satur-lav after
noon, when the Carlisle Elks Theatrical
Association presents its annual musical
revue, which is now being given in the
Opera HdUse at Carlisle. This is an
annual event with the fcarltjie Elks
and last year the social committee of
the local lodge tried the experiment of
bringing the show to Harrisourg for its
own benefit.
The Harrisburg engagement was such
a big success, and everybody enjoyed
the performances so much, that immedi
ately it was decided to rorvnt *he un
dertaking this year. Thoae who have
seen the rehearsals given In Carlisle
declare that those who buy tickets for
the Harrisburg engagement will 'be well
repaid. The show is staged as extrava
gantly as the average $2 sh JW that
comes to town and every minute of
the three act* is thoroughly enjoyable.
The reserved seat sale for tho Harris
burg engagement opened at the Ma
jestic box office this morning. Adv.*
At the Orpheum
"Safety First" will be well applied
•by Harrisburg theatregoers if they
make an early call on the Orpheum
.box office for good seats to see the great
big musical comedy of that title, backed
up by the best vaudeville show of the
season. \ Lou Anger and Sophye Bar
nard, assisted by several other clever
principals and a chorus of ravishing
beauties, presented their elaborate mu
sical comedy in three scenes to two
capacity audiences yesterday, and it
proved to 'be all that it «u claimed to
fee. "Safety First" is a whole show
i* itself. It is tuneful, nlever, gor
geously costumed and admirably pre
sented. When it comes to the support
ing Keith attractions It must trutafully
be said that all are decidedly clever
and the race is neck and neck for prom
Bert Levy, the popular cartoonist,
was back iu his old favor and, to the
delight of everybody, he drew comedy
cartoons, as well as important person
ages in the Kuropcan conflict, mean
while having his audiences whistle with
him. Then the Burns and Fulton duo
of wondefrul dancers present the pret
tiest and neatest clever dancing turn
Orpheum audiences have seen. Irene
and Bobbie Smith appear In a nifty
sister act of songs, dances and clever
comedy; Al l<ee and FTddie Cantor, sing
ing comedians, have a bright act of
fun and song, and Ford and Truly, man
and dog, present a very interesting act
in its line. It is a matter of taste
just which of the supporting acts is
best. Adv.*
At the Colonial
The Five Komical Kops are at the
Colonial and a merry and laughable
(much of "coppers" they are. They
offer a twenty-minute langhfest of
songs and pranks in clever fashion and
have a quite fetching stage scene in
which to present it. Lesley and LLpsin,
the beauty and the comedian, have a
novel comedy skit with songs called
"The Prima Donna and the Count;"
Wopnian and Horton hand out rich
comedy and good songs, and Haxol
Moran offers something novel with her
lariats. A special comedy feature of
the Country Store Wednesday night
will be the presentation of a chubby
pair of twins to some luefcy person.
At the Regent Theatre
"The Country Mouse," a comedy
writtein and produced by Hobart Bos
worth, will be shown at the Regent
theatre to-day. It is a brilliant play
of political and social life.
"The Country Mouse," fcaturiog
Mies Adele Farrington, the well known
actress of the legitimate stage. Hobart
Bosworth plays the role of her husband
and the others in the cast include
Myrtle Svtedman, Marshall Stedman,
Rhea Haines and J. Charles Huyden.
The Bosworth players miUic a busi
ness of acting beautifully and bo ef
fectively do they achieve their purpose
that one is constrained to believe that
they are being rather than playing.
Particularly does Mr. Bosworth so im
press the observer. In this instance, as
the wholesome, genial farmer man
turned Senator, he presents the most
delightfully naive, open-hearted imper
sonation of the kind of a man that is
refreshing to know. Adele Farrington,
the "Country Mouse," quaint and
prim and industrious, intensely femi
nine, and shackled by a lifetime of
self-sacrificing service, finds the new
situation of life at the Capital a prob
lem to be wrestled with.
To-morrow and Thursday, May Ir
win, the famous stage star in her
greatest comedy success, '"Mrs. Black
Is Back," by George V. Hobart. May
1 Irwin the celebrated comedienne, has
at last joined the long list of distin
iguished stars in motion pictures.
Jared Fairfax's Millions
.Tared Fairfax was eccentric—there
was no doubt about that. Possessed of
an immense fortune, he kept every dol
lar of it in the steel vaults built "under
his mansion. It was be expected
that thought of the fortune would oc
cupy the mind of every crook in the
land. Three of the most daring crim
inals 'banded together and planned to
get it. They would have succeeded
but for the efforts of the Girl Detec
tive in "Jared Fairfax's Millions,"
the latest episode of Kalom's Girl De
tective series. This wiill be seen at the
Photoplay to-day.—Adv.*
Cigar Industry Brightening and Sales
Increase in Lancaster
Lancaster, March 16.—Two very
encouraging features developed in the
local tobacco market during the past
week. The first was a brightening up
of trade in the cigar industry and the
second was the increased sales of the
1914 crop of Lancaster county. The
cigar manufacturing industry wemt to
pieces fully three months and
since then many of the factories, es
pecially fTfiT smaller ones, which can
not afford to have a force of salesmen
scouring the country for orders, have
barely been able to keep going. That
not a few of them were operated at
all was due to the desire of the manu
facturers to keep their force of work
men together in order that the factor
ies might be in a. position to take ad
vantage of the (boom which spring was
expected to bring. As a result of keep
ing factories running during a long
period of depression, a good many es
tablishments have large stacks of ci
gars on hand. One of the worst fea
tures of the trade at present is the
difficulty of makiing collections. /
The activity that prevails among the
1914 crop is a matter of considerable
surprise, ai* it was believed that this
tobacco would hang longer on the
growers' hands than did that of 1913.
Dullness in the general leaf tobacco
market was not supposed to be con
ducive to a renewal of buying of new
tobacco, yet during the last week the
representatives of a number of out
side concerns, mostly Western and
New York, have been quite active in
picking up desirable crops. There has,
however, been a notalbJe drop in the
prices paid, and instead of 9 Ih2 and
10 cents a pound paid for wrapper
goods earlier in the season, the prices
are now from 7 to 9 cents, with 8
cents as the prevailing price. With
more than 60 per ceint. of the crop
taken up, it will not be many weeks
before the last holdings have been
taken out of th egrowers' hands, leav
ing them free to go to their regular
i spring work on the farm. It is because
of their desire to be relieved of the
cars of their tobacco that they are
now selling it at what they consider
sacrifice prices.
Many Officials, Including W. B. Mc-
Caleb, to Attend
A number of officials of the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company will wit
ness the turning on of the electric cur
rent between Bryn Mawr and Philadel
phia Thursday. Among the Harrisburg
officials to attend will be William if
McCaleb, superintendent of the Phila
delphia -division.
The wires will carry 44,000 volts,
wthile the trolley wires will carry 10,-
000 volts.
Printed at this office in best style, at
lowest prices and on short notice.
Telling I
The Truth !
| About It |
I uy William Allison Gray ♦
} "I see by the papers," said the *
+ Big Follow, "that wine is stronger *
J than beer, and whiskey is stronger i
J than either. Which may be all +
* right, so far as it goes, but it £
T doesn't go far enough, nor in the S
£ right direction." +
♦ *>
» "Meaning whichf" inquired the *
J Little Pal. t V
4, "Meaning that the chap who <g>
t wrote that don't know what he's ❖
T saying—if he's referring to the jt
I drinks of To-day." +
♦ i
♦ I suppose," ventured the Lit- *
J tie Pal, "that, according to your
•> views, whiskey is the mildest of •>
♦ the three!" •>
♦ *
T "Most assuredly." declared the % -
J Big Fellow, as oae speaking with
* authority. <•
J "You wouldn't mind explain-
X ing. would youf" requested Little +
J Pal, "and, at the same time, if j
:* not too much trouble, giving mo
your valuable views on why black «!»
* is always so much whiter than *
* white." X
❖ "That touch oj sarcasm shows
* you belong to tfie large and mis- *£
taken clasa who think wines and *
<• beers are a lighter and more <s»
• wholesome stimulant than whis- ♦
jj. key, though there is a larger and
* constantly growing class who ❖
♦ know to the contrary." ♦-
t *
5 "I listen with interest," said 5,
4> Little Pal. <>
* "In the first place," explained j
J tho Big Fellow, "when a man or *
♦ ders whiskey he modifies its «•
♦ strength to suit, his taste; if he *
takes a highball, charged water
♦ reduces the strength of his whis
-4 key to below the relative alco- *
.j, holic strength of an average glass
♦ of beer. <«
X ?
T "And, furthermore," continued *
+ the Big Fellow, "you realise that
♦ neither wine nor beer, does he <•
* modify to suit his taste, but con- *
sumes as served to him. .j,
+ *
One ounce of whiskey is the
* usual drink, three ounces of wine J
is the usual drink and 12 ounces £
♦ of beer is the usual drink. Let's
* do a little 'sum' in arithmetic and £
J sec which is actually the strong
j estf" and, taking a fountain pen *
* the Big Fellow sketched this dia |
« gram on the back of an envelope: •*«
And then wrote:
Whiskey: 45-100 per cent, to the
onnce, 1x45 45
Wine: 20-100 per cent, to the
ounce, 3x20 6ft
Beer: 5-100 per cent, to the
ounce, 10x5 50
♦ "Thus, you see, the average ?
J drink of whiskey really is milder
« than the average drink of beer, <•
♦ which is not particularly import- *;*
* ant in itself, for it is not the
4. minute differences in the strength <*
• of a beverage, but the greatest |
degree of wholesomeness that 4<
should influence the consumer." *
♦ "You have proved your first £
J contention that a drink of whis
* key is milder than a drink of the
<* others, which I acknowledge is a J'
J surprise to me. But do you really <t
+ think whiskey is the most whole- *
j some also!" *
T "No, said the Big Fellow, "I
* don't think so—l know so!" *
♦ *
♦ "I await your valued diag- *
J nosis," declared "Little Pal, with 4»
♦ what might be termed a shade of *
♦ skeptictism. "Will you favor me !£
$ with a few illuminating re- <♦
♦ marks!" +
♦ J
♦ "I will. Wine is a wholesome
stimulant, yet wine is liable to •>
♦ sour on the stomach. Beer is
£ also a wholesome stimulant, yet, !£
J, according to the authority of
♦ brewery advertisements them
♦ selves, beer is constantly subject,
4, even though carefully handled *
+ and hermetically sealed, to the |
♦ deterioration that causes bilious- <♦
.j, ness to many systems. Whiskey, •>
the other hand, is not only
_ germless itself and germ-proot', *
♦ but is the active aid in destroy- *
£ ing germs. Whiskey can't turn
tsour, whiskey can't ferment, <•
whiskey can't germinate. Wine *
J and beer are the result of one or 4,
.j. another form of fermentation, <•
♦ which is Nature's lesser method $
% of providing one of her most val- 4,
liable properties alcohol; while
♦ whiskey is .the result of distilla- *
♦ tion, which' is Nature's highest $
♦ and absolutely germ-proof method *
♦ of doing the same thing. Thus *
% while Nature is liable to play <f!
pranks with her fermented alco- <s>
♦ holies, she is ever ths stern guar- J
dian of the purity of her distilled <g>
<» product—Whiskey." ♦
♦ t
♦ "I tfciink I see the light," said T
Little Pal. "And propose, there- <g>
4 fore, that we precede lunch with *
♦ the pleasant, thirst-quenching ap- J
4 petite-stimulating, food-assimilat- 4>
♦ ing whiskey highball." *
J And they did. *
|** * *
•> i*
♦ The foregoing is in substance J
X the actual conversation of two J
4 particularly bright men, and as it <fr
♦ touches with remarkable truth a +
X subject on whieh I feel myself *
f peculiarly well qualified to speak *
I have considered it worth using +
as a predecessor to an article %
•> which I had already prepared on *
+ tho same theme, and whieh I shall *
publish shortly.
X *