The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, March 16, 1915, Page 12, Image 12
12 ■ BUILDING BOOM AT HERSHEY One of the Largest Prlnteries In the State to Be Erected in the Spring Hershey, March 16. —A large force of men is employed on the northwest corner of Chocolate and Park avenues, for the erection of a massive printing office. Work on this buihling had been commenced last year, birt on account of the European war, operations were sus pended. The new building which in size will be the second largest erected in the famous chocolate town will extend from Chocolate avenue to the railroad. It will have a frontage of 331 feet along Park avenue and a depth of 90 feet ou Chocolate avenue. The building will be in two parts, one of which will be four stories high and tho other three stories. It will be of modern achievement in eteel, concrete, brick and glass with ever >detail of its construction of first i quality. When completed it will be one of the finest and most lqodern equipped print eries in the country. General Manager James B. Leithiser reports that the demand for houses is eo large that in consequence a num'ber of additional dwellings will be erected during the summer. Pour of these will be erected at once on Bast Areba street. A large force of men is engaged in rushing the work on the tabernacle which structure musrt be completed by June 1. CHARLES A. (jRADY OBSEQUIES Many People Attend Funeral of Well known Marietta Citizen Marietta, March 16.—The funeral this afternoon of Charles A. Grady from his late home was the largest ever held in Marietta and one of the largest ever held in the county. There were hundreds of people present from all sec tions of the State, many coming in au tomobiles and by special trains. There were present large delegations from Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Harris burg, including Senators, Representa tives and business men who were affili ated with Mr. Grady in business and social circles. 1 The Bev. Herbert B. Pulsifer, rec tor of St. John's Episcopal church, read the simple impressive burial serv ice and She Rev. Ralph W. Illingwortb, a former minister of the Marietta Pres byterian church, but now with head quarters at Bedford, delivered the eu logy. The floral tributes were numer ous and beautiful. Ashara Lodge No. 398, Free and Accepted Masons, had charge of the burial and were present in a body. Their service was performed in the Marietta cemetery, where the body was placed in a vault. Mr. Gradv was perthaps one of the best-known men in the State, and it is estimated that fully 3,000 people viewed the body. VENANGO IS "DRY" AGAIN Judge Criswell Refuses All of the Sev enteen License Applications Franklin, Pa., March IC.—Vennngo ro#itv will remain dry another year. Judge Criswell yesterday refusing all of the 17 applications for liquor license. When court convened in the forenoon the attorneys for the petitioners au nounced that they did not desire hear • ings. In the nfternoon he marked all ap plications '' Refused.' No opinion was filed. Temperance workers said they found it much less difficult to obtain signatures to remonstrances than ever before, and the number of the signers was much larger than last year. LETS HIS SON GO TO JAIL Spendthrift Who Forged Drafts Gets 2 Year Term After Carouse Kansas City, Mo., March 16. — Claud"L. Graybill, i2'B years old, son of M. E- Grayfbill, owner of oil wells and head of a big contracting firm at Bert leville, Okla., pdeaded guilty to draw ing worthless drafts on his father amd was sentenced to serve two years in the penitentiary. The drawing of the drafts yesterday ■was not young Graybill's first offense. Heretofore his father had always come to his rescue. This time he refused, so the son, who is reported to have spent SIOO,OOO of his father's money in riotous living, faces a prison term. TRY HUSBAND FOR MURDER Baltimore Railroad Conductor Faces Jury at Elkton Elkton, Md., March 16.—1n the Ce cil county court Walter P. Cadogan, a Baltimore and Ohio railroad conductor, was placed on trial yesterday, charged with having murdered his wife at their borne in Baltimore on the evening of July 13. last. Sheriff Morgan was sent to Baltimore for the prisoner, arriving here at 3 o'clock. It is said that Cadogan's defense will be that in a struggle to obtain a revolver it was accidentally discharged and his wife was shot. GIRL FATALLY INJURED Runs in Front of Auto Driven by Man Alleged to Have Been Intoxicated Lancaster, Fa, March 16. —While at play last evening near her home, Ade line, the 8-year-old daughter of Henry L. Gross, ran in front of an automobile driven by George Tole and was run over and f&tally injured. When arrested and taken from the car, Tole is said to have been found to be very much intoxicated. He was locked up and tlhe police authorities will prosecute him for manslaughter after the victim dies. ' WORK FOR 1,000 MEN Eastern Steel Company, of Pottsville, Now Running to Capacity Pottsvile, Pa., March 16.—The East ern Steel Company's plant resumed work yesterday morning full-handed for tho first time in six months. The plant has been working with d reduced force, but improvement in the steel market made it possible to employ vir tually all the hands formerly on the payroll, 1,000 in number. Jitney Popular in Atlantic City Atlantic City, March 16.—Mechanics going to and returning from work al most fought yesterday for the privilege of riding in the first jitney bus in At lantic City. The single machine ran to capacity morning and night. Electric Light Manager Dies Suddenly Elizabeth town, March 16. W. E. Guthrie, 40 years old, manager of the electric light company, died yesterday of heart disease. Several sons survive. He was a former resident of Philadel phia. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart I\ Festival of Spring Fashions / \\ • jjt W/ Opening Exposition of Millinery, Suits a// svi Gowns, Dress Fabrics, Gloves and y jjj (£ the New Dress Accessories v 7w Formal Style Show Continued 7f[T * / 5 Thursday, Friday and Saturday * U g 1) *, Spring Millinery C<™rts Your Favor I mportant Style Eyent 3 l odels Will Display the [sThls Presentat f on of the fl V a ™t ,?A m 1 JL atS New Suits, Coats &_,Gowns (sj mm, Our opening- is always the premier fashion event of the new season This assembla & e of s P rin S outergarments for women is of great interest to all JkJV r which hundreds of women wait, knowing that they will be rewarded who would know the new styles. This opening is the most style-informing, the most <3\ with a rare style treat. .. .. .. , r 1 , authoritative and the most practical event of Spring in this city, serving at once as a feJk J Creations from such famous designers as Rawak, Jardine, Earl, Bur- guide to and a guarantee of style satisfaction at the most moderate of prices. jJ *Vi gesser, Phipps and others will be worn by models in a promenade on the _ _ *A/( .Jr second floor in the morning and afternoon during the hours announced Women's Soring SllltS GoWnS and DfeSSeS Vfri above. ~ & Jrijjl The latest smart short jacket styles In belted Evening gowns In pompadour silks, crepe A. (A Much could be said in telling of the new hat styles, but on an Occasion !?d C the r ™, eteor> not tafteta : e !* bor * te fl ly trl ™ med [ R I SO imoortant as a Snrinp- oneninn- women nrpfpr to cpp fnr tliemcelvec Jackets in semi-belted or plain tailored styles. sliver or gold lace and shirred flounelngs, the I | Opening, women preter to see tor tnemselves These are fashioned of the finest qualities of newest empire styles in all evening shades, Ica I rather than read about them, especially there will be so many beautiful and S 0 £ lln - s ab ? rd i n e and serge in aii the modish * to $37.50 \fjf 1 .• , 1 . * J spring; snaues 916.50 to $42.50 I^^ exclusive creations to admire. # Beautiful silk dresses in crepe, pongree, crepe A BHU \\lAtriPfl'C Snrinrf C'rifl'f'Q de ch,ne * ch lrt°n taffeta and crepe meteor; the ■ The Spring opening presents styles that are entirely new since the tt uiiicij, a ojjiing colors are rose, tan, sand, putty, navy and Bei \ earlier preliminary showings—notablv the manv new sailor and other The showing of new coats embodies an Blum blues an(l bla e k : style include empire, M \ , ' , i " 6 nuiauiy me many new bauur dim Oilier the about effects in covert, shep- eton and Russian effects with the new wide 1 Shapes that Show the tendency to larger hats. herd checks and the smart black and white skirts $15.00 to $39.50 1 I plaids. The coats are plain tailored, full ripple I Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Second Floor, Front. back or belted ...» $15.00 to $25.00 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor. I jfc Showing of the New Queen Taffetas &>Other Highly Favored Iw* 1 • __ of\ U' Quality Pumps for Spring Spring Silks in the Opening /ft Smart pumps with distinctive lines and exclusive style touches are T ' lC ' m P ortancc s ' lks tlie development of the very beautiful | shown in these fashionable Queen Quality spring pumps. dress designs of the season is unmistakable. A Excellence of materials, and perfection of fit are the other essentials ThC vo!uminous c ' rcular skirts for afternoon and evening gowns JJJ \» fir,* ii«i- nMti! 4. „ i r\ i- . are at their pinnacle of charm when carried out in silk of the right color, v fcV that link with style accuracy to make Queen Quality so popular among nv&cn j • , JL" „ , . Br pattern, texture and weight. \ well-dressed women. / % I *> ~ « i» « i. ' ■». .... • Taffetas perhaps lead in favor, but to ensure the proper lines it must .I I Dull Calf Gaiter Pumps with grey suede in- Dull Kid and Patent Colt Thrre-hiitton Ox- i,„ .„rr„ 4 . • .• ~ , \ r• , . .• , r '. , f ~ ... wZt I J lay top, plain toe last, French hels, light fiexi- fo-K. chnrt •r " n™ e Sii„?o. be ta iL eta hav,l ?g a slight body finish to give a slight measure of weight to the silk. I fl | soles ...... ••••,•• • 5 0n soles and two-inch leather heels $4.25 The exposition of taffetas, crepes, foulards, and other of the silk fashions for Spring *4 I hjr buckle, new pointed plain turn "<j "lack" "ufi buckifTight to be held to - morrow will be to those with dressmaking ahead, the most helpful we have 4§M soles with French _ heels ........... $5.00 weight welted soles with French heels . $3.75 ever held. VI /fa °°! 0 v! a ' Pu ', nps ' nar r°w Bln< k VIH Kid Colonial Pumps, new plain . m/i IIF I „,°,u v, K U , W Goodyear weired too last with light weight welted soles and IV4- Pnsey Willow—softest of Spring silks, water- Satin Stripe Taffeta, in black, 36 Inches wide 11 I soles with I-rench>heels SI.OO Inch military heels $4.00 proof face. yard .V. $1.50 and $2.00 idW (WA Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—St. Floor, Rear. Street Shades, yard, $2.00 Black Chiffon Taffeta, 36, 40 and 44-Inch (n ' Fancy weaves, yard, $3.00 "widths, yard $1.50 to $3.00 I 1 . T J "a l ™ Chiffon Taffeta, 36 Inches wide, street • Check Taffeta Suiting:, 27 Inches wide, yard, ltoV 4> and evening shades, yard $1.25 and $1.50 7Ro «j 0( J 11'-T n .' r 1 1 • • AT 4 «t .n^ fr « t t l H i l U,tlnßS ' 27 Evening Moral Taffeta, beautiful quality, V* is Beautiful Qualities of Imported S Crepe Meteor in many Spring shades, 40 VQ *. Chiffons to match any color, 40 inches, x 7" • A inches, yard $1.85 5 *I.OO I 4 J f J silk Voile, will not pull or stretch, 40 inches. Dice Clwk Chiffon, 40 inches, yard .. .$1.25 W\ I |\in f 1 Tnr AOriflrf y ard $1.50 White Chiffon with cluster stripes of black _JI \ 4 V V_/O 1 vl K-/X Faille Silk in street shades, 36 Inches wide, satin, yard $3.00 1 M f 1 D yard, $2.00; 42 inches wide, yard $3.00 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—St. Floor, Front. w\ The newest . and , b^ st grades of gloves from the world's leading makers have been Jk?j gathered for this Spring showing. Women will find our stocks "complete with every ZStA /A desirable new style from the popular two-clasp to the dressy 16-button length. Ma- T 4-U C J. tenals include kid, chamoisette, lisle and silk Vjp6nillg IJlSplay Ol th 6 OlTLarteSt Ikx One of the smartest two-clasp gloves is the Trefousse "Sans Pareil"—of softest /(l ur kid in black with wide Paris point, white embroidery and white sewing $2.00 Qfx rt \ n nrf P Q C Ii« \m Trefoiisse two-clasp Kid Gloves, black with I Two-clasp Kid Gloves in black, white and L/ICOO 1 ClUl 11/O IXv* wide white embroidery and white sewing, $2.25 I colors $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 —I Dlveß, Pomer « j y & Stewart—St. Floor, Front. Th e WO olen dress fabrics for which fashion has evinced a preference are shown mb M , in this important opening assemblage. Z5 V This is our most complete display of black and colored dress fabrics. 1 'I U s-\-v\ fV» Tl * 4- A. s,Ut Poplins—This season's favored fabrics, BLACK DRESS GOODS V \ j i fie oeiecnon or tii6 Kignt o r .Areßae ß..^u> - SPr ing S h™ inK an the ne w J\ w4 I Shepherd Checks—for the nobby Spring suit weaves, in all-wool and silk and wool fabrics I ViU ost exacting in demand is the modiste and dressmaker. They as a rule know —featured by fashion's best modistes yard of deepest black—Silk Poplins, silk Crepes, Jf I ' when a corset is correctly or incorrectly designed. Covert Cloth—for suits and separate coats, Gabardine, Poplin, Santoy and Serge. gyLA ■/. & yard 50c to $2.50 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. ~ JJn The best dressmakers recognize the merit of the Frolaset front lacing corset. ' —; gf I idr They often require that their customers be fitted in, a Frolaset before they do any O* TVTI T7l* f WT "7A \9g work. Isn't this a thing worth considering? Dpnilg iNCCKWC&r l fl-SillOriS lOf W Olll6ll [ V s We want every woman to know that we believe the Frolaset is as perfect a corset The neckwear section is ready to show scores of the new ideas in Spring neck- U& as human skill can design. The lines are correct, the comfort it affords is absolute; wear. JL" the material is of a high quality; the workmanship is careful. In fact, every detail is The new flared collar styles, turnovers of net with embroidery, vestees, Medici jl^l m * perfect. If you decide to try a new make—the Frolaset should interest you and fic V l su gg estions > styles in net, voile and lingerie, and collar and cuff sets in lace, mm Beautiful, perfect-fitting models at $3.50, $5.00, #6.50, $8.50 and 910.00. lawns organdies are the new modes. Special attention given fittings. prominently represented in the opening neckwear display to % Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Second Floor. morrow. ( mveß . Pomeroy & gtewart, Street Floor. ' Jfk] HARRISBTTRq HTAR-TNPF,PENDENT, TUESDAY FVFVTVq 16 Iflls