- —7—^ The Star-Independent Gives Away 2 Orpheum Tickets Daily The Name of the Person to Whom They Will Be Awarded To-day Is Somewhere Among the Classified Ads On This Page Perhaps you are the lucky person. Look until you find out. If you. the tickets please call for them before 8 o'clock to-morrow evening or they will be forfeited. (These names are drawn from the Directory by a blindfolded girl,) - * i ■ ■ — - - j 1 List and Found FOUND. FOUJfD —The way to end your cleaning and dyeing worries by calling either fhone for Eggert's Steam Dyeing and rench Cleaning Works, 1246 Market gt. We call and deliver. FOUND—A decided Improvement in my appearance since having my clothing cleaned and pressed at Parisian Dye Works, 1409 N. Third. Branch, Hoffman- Kerns, 337 Chestnut Bell phone. Cal!- LOST. LOST —Sunday afternoon, gold bead necklace, on Crescent, Swatara, Hum mel, Berryhlll. Seventeenth. Derry or Mulberry streets. Reward if returned to 347 Crescent St. Bell phone 817 M. i 1 T™*-™— Real Estate < _ REAL ESTATE FOB SALE IK YOU WANT a place for chickens and a garden, inspect this Dauphin property: 8-room house, chicken nouses.-'fruit trees, lot 95x123 ft.; price $1,200. 11. G. PEDLOW, 110 S. Thir teenth St. FOR SALE—A corner plot, on Derry street, close to town, with 20 feet of paving, drivi- alley in rear; sl/.e 20x120 ft. 11. G. PEDLOW, 110 S. Thirteenth M. $1,500 WILL BUY a frame house on a main street on tire hill, within Ave minutes walk of business section. H. P. PEDLOW, 110 S. Thirteenth St. FOR SALE—Several properties at an at tractive price, with little cash needed. Now Is the time to buy. Consider it and get particulars. BELL REALTY CO., Keigner Building. TWO STEELTON HOUSES, at a very 'low price; lot 40x100; corner prop erty; drive alley on rear. Inspect these houses. Nos: 315-327 S. Front street. HELL REALTY CO., Bergner Building. FOR SALE—Five good paying proper ties, at a very low figure; good loca tion; will not be sold separately. Ad dress No. 3489, oare Star-Independent. FOR SALE—City and suburban homes and home sites; first class business propositions. KOUGII, BUIGIITBILL & KLINE, Sixth and Reily Sts. Both phones. _ REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FRASKLIN BUILDING, LOCUST AND COURT STS.—AII outside rooms; city steam heat; elevator and janitor service; reasonable rentals. MILLER BROS, ft CO.. Opp. Postofllce. FOR RENT—Modern Houses, 2113 Derry street, 2131 Derry street. Inquire P. VANDERLOO, 2119 Derry St., or Third and State, Masonic temple. FOR RENT —Cottage, partly furnished. at Paxtonia; also unfurnished rooms at 210 Chestnut street, for light house keeping. Apply JAMES STINER, St. James Hotel. l'\)R RENT—Two reserved seat tickets were to-day awarded to Edith Singer, 324 Kelker street, good for the evening! performance at the Orpheuni, March is, 1915. Call for tickets at Star-Inde pendent office before 8 p. m., March 17, 1915, or they will be forfeited. FOR RENT—Store, room, 430 Market St., with small house in rear; apart ment In Belvldere apartments, Second and Walnut streets; one large room, 33 x 23 feet, second floor, 420 Market St. JACOB TAI'SIGVS SU.NW. 420 Market St. APARTMENTS 1330 Derry. 3rd floor, $35.00 1311 Derry, 2nd floor $35.00 131." Market $30.00 239 S. 13th. ...$30.00, $32.50 and $35.00 1216 Market 122 50 HOUSES 216-228 S. 19th—new $25 00 1214-1443-14 47 Berryhill $22.50 3202 Market $22.50 2336 Ellcrsley »l5!50 2116 Derry SIB.OO 450 Crescent St SIB.OO 1417 Swatara, $17.00 1835 Fulton, all Improvements....sl6iso 530 S. 1914, all improvements,...s 15.00 167 S. Summit, 3 furnished rooms, $15,00 118 Crooked St.. all Imp $14.00 2615 Kensington, improvements,.. $13.50 1547 Derry, 4 large rooms, imp.,. .$12.00 1440 Vernon, $ll.OO 1320 N. Front, for colored $ll.OO 1830 Berryhlll St., 3 rooms, $8 00 "4m HVKi T ' SMITH - 2U4 S ' 13th. Bell CAMERON EXTENSION COTTAGES Several very desirable seven and eight room brick houses with furnace, bath, front porch and lawn, sl4, sls and sl6. MILLER BROS, & CO. FOR RENT—Houses with all Improve ments, at moderate rentals. J. EL GIPPLE. 1251 Market St. __ | FURNISHED ROOMS WANTED WANTED—Two or three fully furnish ed rooms for light housekeeping Ad dress or phone R. BUNKER, St. James hotel. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT and 2 *i-story dwelling houses for sale. Elder Real Estate Co., 24th and Derry Sts. Bellevue Park's Artistic Homes Twenty-Second and Market Sts. 21st St. and Hillside Road Hillside and Vineyard Roads North Field and Briar Cliff Roads Builders Co Miller Brothers & Co. Sales Agents * \ Rial Estate REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE WILIi EXCHANGE desirable building lota for touring car, reliable mako, 19H or 1915 model. Address 8., No. 3706. care Star-Independent. APABTMENTS FOB RENT APARTMENT KOR RENT—Second floor, six large rooms, four bay windows, all facing street and Capitol; tiled bath; pantry ;clty steam and electric lights. Inquire 400 North St. APARTMENT'S for rent, 2456 Jefferson street; also a house, 64L Schuylkill St.; possession at once. Apply J. C. MEIIRINO. Sixth St. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENT of five room*, in£ludlng bath and gas kitch en. Light, airy and conveniently lo cated. Inquire 37 N. Second St. FOR RENT—Three modern new apart ments; 7 rooms, bath, electric lights, steam heat, telephone, gas range, laun dry trays; hard wood noora; No. 239 S. Thirteenth St. Can be seen 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Apply on premises or call Bell 1288U FURNISHED BOOMS FOB BENT. . * r~ FOR RENT—New furnished froht rooms facing Capitol Park; stationary wash stands, hot and cold running water; electric light in each room; also use of phone and large bath. Apply 410 Vortk street. BOOMS FOB BENT A YOUNG LADY, employed during the day can have room in exchange for her company; or will let married couple have unfurnished rooms in a private family, with all conveniences. £l7O Brookwood street. FOR RENT—Second floor front room; electric light and use of bath; cen trally located, on South street near Third 233 South St. Sale and Exchange FOR SALE FOR SALE—'Match team road horses, rubber tired Jenny bind, rubber tired surrey, both good as new; market wag on and six sets harness, il4 Lincoln street, Steelton, Pa. Bell phone 6X or 6 Y. A SECOND-HANDED Eclipse gas range, at 1313 Green St. Bell 278SJ. FOR SALE—Rabbit hound pups, black and tan, fine Kentucky stock. H. H. DANNER, Second street and Third Ave., Wormleysburg, Pa. FOR SALE—One 112.00 adjustable dress form; will sell for 17.0U; never been used. Call 14Q? N. Sixth St. FOR SALE—One 8-foot floor case. Ap ply Batty's Pool Room, 114 S. Second street. FOR SALE—Eggs for hatching, from thoroughbred White Leghorns, five cents apiece. O. M. NEUMYER, 45 Chestnut St., Penbrook. FOR SALE—Mathewson 6-cyl, 50 H. P. Speedster. Demountable rims; good running condition. Will <Vemonstr&te. Rex Garage. C. W. H. LANGLETZ, Lumber—We ars overstocked with all kinds and grades of lumber and we can offer you ig bargains. It will pay you to see us. Office Cameron and Mulberry Sts. BlCYCLES—Bicycles, *6, |S. $lO. sl2. See these bargains at once if you want to save money. Try Keystone Repair Service. Will save you money and give you the quickest service In the city. 814 N. Third St. United phone 19W. FOR SALE—White reed Pullman baby coacht in line condition, will sell cheap to a quick buyer. Apply 540 Peffer street. "M. I.» AMERICA" Motorcycle; cost new $250. Will sell forsslso. Apply to STEVE ERGOVIC, 63 Conestoga St., Steelton, Pa. FOR SALE —High grade upright piano, used four months, for sale at a sac rifice. Easy payments, if desired. Also small Vlctrola with records. Address J7OB, care Star-Independent. FOR SALE—Bed room and miscellan eous household furniture. Also flat top desk. Must be sold before April 1. Apply 234 Locust St.. Steelton, Pa. FOR SALE—Toledo scales; computing, 30 pounds capacity, drum shape (blue); selling price E to 65 cents. Used but a short time. Cost $l4O. Will sac rifice. Inquire J. M. SHATTER, 523 S. Sixteenth St. Bell 2293 J. FOR SALE—AT GABLE'S, 113, 115 and 117 South Second street, 5,000 gallons New Era Ready Mixed Paint, Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme make. FOR SALE—At GABLE'S, 111-117 South Second St., 5,000 sets new Sash. Bxlo Xl 2 L, primed and glazed, at tLIS par set. Also other al»»a IT PAYS TO USE STAR INDEPENDENT WANT ADS. HARRISBURG STAEMNDEPEXDENT, TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 16, 1915. Waits HELP WANTED—MALE WANTED—Two or three young men, must be neat and over 11, to distrib ute gum; salary sls week and chanoc to travel. Send stamp for a return re ply. Address 3711, care of Star-Inde pendent. WANTED—Good appearing men to work In Lancaster, Reading, Sunbury, city and nearby towns; Kood money to hustler. Call between 8 and 9 a. m„ 4 and 6 p. m. 409 Patriot Building. ;WANTKD —Machinist, shuper and plan er hands. Apply MIDDLETOWN CAR CO., Middletown, Pa. ABLE-BODIED MEN; good eye-sight, for firemen and brakemen; SIIO.OO monthly. Experience unnecessary. Railway, care Star-Independent. ARMY OF UNITED STATES. MEN WANTED: Ablebodled unmarried men between age of IS and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For information apply to Recruiting Officer, Bergner Building, 3d & Market its.. Harrisbnrg, 48 N. Queen St., Lancaster, 353 Pine St., Wllliamsport, 37 W. Mar ket St.. York, or 113 Independence St. ShamoKin, Pa. WANTED—Experienced farm hand for place near Harrisburg. Man must do own housekeeping and be capable of looking after things in general. Only those with recent farm experience, sober, reliable and willing to work farm hours need apply. Please state full particulars, with reference. Address 3707, care Star-Independent. PAPBRHANGERS WANTED—AppIy to J. E. WILSON, 326 Relly St. THOUSANDS of chauffeurs will be needed within three or four months, in the city of Harrlsburg, for public taxicab service. Prepare yourself at once. Hake application for training to Auto Transportation and Machine Shop, 5 and 7 North Cameron St., Harrisburg, Pa. Full,* unlimited course, $35. Both phones. w WANTED— Men prepare as firemen, brakemen, motormen, colored porters. Pennsylvania railroads. Experience not necessary. SBO to SIOO month. Write Inter Railway Dept. 101, Indianapolis, Ind. AUTO transportation school wants men to become practical chauffeurs and earn $75 to SIOO per month. We give a , thorough course in crude and practical work for $35.00. No. 6 N. Cameron; Bell phone 1710. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE BOOKKEEPER (28) desires position with well-established Arm, eight years' experience, single and double entry, excellent penman, A 1 references, capable of taking full charge of office, moderate salary. Address n. li. Engui, care of Askln & Marine Company, 3B N. Second St., Bell phone 356 J. YOUNG MAN wants position as col lector; can furnish best reference. I. L. W„ 1636 Fifth St., City. WANTED-—Experienced motion picture operator desires position. Can oper ate any type of mmchine. Address No. 3703, care Star-Independent. BOY, 13 years of age, born and raised on a farm wants place in country. Inquire at 1328 N. Front St., City. WANTED—A young married man wants work of any kind; can fire boilers. Call or address No. 612 Granite Ave. MAN wishes work of any kind In store or restaurant; good education and steady. Can give good reference. Ad dress "N," 1826 Briggs St., City. Phone 2955 W. YOUNG WHITh MAN wishes a position sawing, cutting and splitting wood by day or by hour. Write or call to the address 152 a Fulton St., City. HELP WANTED. WANTED—S2O to $35 per mouth extra money to any employed person with out interfering with regular work. No selling. No canvassing. Positively no investment. Unemployed need not ap ply. Address The Silver Mirror Co., Inc., 123 W. Madison St.. Chicago, 111, HELP WANTED—MALE AND FE MALE BILLY SUNDAY'S MESSAGE—SeIIing , like wildfire. We need men and women to help distribute. i-'ull time or spare time. Wholesale Supply liouse. North Third St.. top floor. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS—Something new; good selling article and repeaters; for city and county. Call or write to J. GOLDEN, 307 S. Fifteenth St., Harrisburg, Pa, SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE. WANTED—PIain sewing to do at home. Apply 1120 Montgomery St. WANTED—A young woman would like general housework or day's work. Call or address BESSIE BROWN, 1005 N. Third St. ~ WANTED—To keep house for widower and small fajnily; good home. Address MISS ELLA, care Samuel Hesß, Me chanicsburg, Pa. WANTED —Colored girl wants general housework. Address 1426 Marlon St. WHITE GIRL would like position to do general housework. 319 Brings. Can furnish city reference. GIRL 14 years of age, would like to get Work on a farm; religious family § referred. Apply MABEL CULP, 1215 'ulton St. FOURTEEN-YEAR-OLD GIRL wants work of any kind. Call or address 1215 Fulton St., City. WANTED—Young lady wishes general housework; can give references. Ap ply 1022 Market St., room 2. WANTED—'Employment as housekeep er In small family of adults. Capable and experienced. American. Address MISS E. CLARK, General Delivery. MIDDLE-AGED lady woufd like day's work or offices to clean. Can give best of references. Call or address 1735 Fulton St.. Harrlsbyrg, Pa. YOUNG WOMAN wantsl dayV work of any kind; can give reference. Ad dreas or call 22 Aberdeen St. The Harrisburg Hospital ia open daily except Sunday, Tbetween 1 and 2 o'clock p. m. for dispensing medical advice and to those unable to pay fox tiiom. ' I APARTMENTS Suites of 2 Rooms and Bath IN THE Reynard, 208 N. Third Street Large, light, airy, and comfortable rooms. Steam heat and constant hot and cold water sup plied. Hardwood floors; electric light; wired for tele phone service. TILED BATHROOMS. APPLY TO Commonwealth Trust Company, 2223 Market Street Harrisburg, Pa. j i ii . i j Wants HELP WANTED—FEMALE. WANTED—Ladies to solicit for large firm 011 big commission; easy and pleasant work. Address 11. S.. 3712, care Star-Independent. $2.50 PER DAY paid one lady in each town to distribute free circulars for concentrated flavoring in tU'bes. Per manent position. F. E. Barr Co., Chi cago. A LADY wanted to do general house work; private family. Apply at 1430 Market street. WANTED—Settled white woman to do cooking and general housework in hous" locuted Just outside of city, along trollty line; no washing; reference re tiulreu. Audreaj isiiu, care Star-Inde pendent. A YOUNG, experienced woman to cook. Wait on table and do the general cleahlng in a small family; no wash ing or ironing. Must go home at night. Wages JJ.UU per week. Carfare paid. Reference required. Address 3709, care Star-Independent. t WANTED Girls over 16 years of age to learn cigar making. Paid while learn ing. Apply at Harrisburg Cigar Company, 500 Race street. > ! Miscellaneous - FURNITURE PACKING PACKING—A. H. SHRENK, 1306 North Sixth street, first class packer of fur niture, china and bricabiac. Bell phuns »K»W. W. J. WENRICH, 339 Hamilton street- Furniture, china and piano packing. Shipments looked alter at both ends. Also all Kinds 01 hauling. Bell phone 3237 W. STORAGE. FIREPROOF STORAGE WAREHOUSE, divided into private rooms for stor age of household goods; low insurance. Inspection l.ivneu, Ueneral merchan ui»e warehouse and household goods warehouse are located on tracks of Penna. it. R., South Second Si. HAKitISuUKG STORAGE COAiPAiNX. STOKAGK in i-story brick building, rear 4u» Market au HoustsnoTu guou* lu clean, private rooms. Ueasouable rates. Appiy to f. U. Jeweler, «us Jiarket St. FREIGHT DIIAYAGE, storage, shippers and distributors oi merchandise of all kiiius; pLompi anu eniciem service. Warenouses on t\ It. it, auu I'. ,v it. tracKs. lUON'iGOMbKY & tu., Peipher L.lne, a'eiun beiow Market St. PIANO MOVING PIANO moving by experts. WINTER PiANO CO.. 23 N. Fourth St. Call 11 u. ueii phone. MONEY TO LOAN LOANS—SS to S2OO for honest working people keeping house. Kates less than legal, i'ay meats weekly or monthly. No noti fication of employer or friends. CO-OPERATIVE L. & 1. CO. 204 Chestnut St. Authorized Capital, fIOO.OOO MOST MONEY LOANED—On Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Firearms, Musical instruments. Highest cash prices for old gold and silver. Repairing a spe cialty. CIIY I.UAN OFFICE, ill Mar ket street. WE LEND MONEY IN ANY AMOUNTS Payments to suit borrower. Small loans a specialty. Positively lowest rates in the city.' Up-to-date methods. Licensed, bonded and incorporated. PENNA. INVESTMENT 00. 132 Walnut Street ANY person needing money 1» amounts from $5 to SSO holding a salaried po sition, would be benefited by calling on us. Employes' Discount Co., 18 North Tfclrd 8U ' mm HI ALL KINDS Of HAtTUNQ ALL kinds of hauling; large two-ton truck; furniture-, pianos, freight, in the city and suburbs. Prices i eason able. Picnic and pleasure trips, day or evening. WM. H. DARE, 1403 Vernon St. Bell phone 3617 J. WANTED BICYCLES wanted for cash. Bring us your bicycles, frames, coaster brakes, or any parts of bicycle for highest cash price. See us at once. KEYSTONE CYCLE CO., 814 N. Third St Business Opportunities BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. I HAVE excellent proposition for large or small investors. If in terested write for particulars or personal interview. Address 3705, care .Star-Independent. EARNINGS 80% 1914 DIVIDENDS 62%% H LISTED STOCK H SURE MONtr MAKER Write for Letter 30 CLARENCELjCONE & CO., 45 Broadnny, New York IFOR SALE Look here! Do yon want to buy a new home? Go to 626 to 630 Geary St. I am just finishing four three story brick, mansard roof houses, With/Wide front and back porches and balcony. Bay windows, grano lithic pavement and steps; cemented cellar, hot and cold water In cellar. Parlor and dining room, large kitch en, five bed rooms and bath, six large closets, vestibule and open stairways. Gas and electric lights. Parlor and i dining room fßiished floors. No houses In the city for the price ask ed. Buy now and you can select paper to suit. Go to see them at once, before too late. The price will surprise you, F. H. Hantzman ORIoc OWI Krif(gN St. PUBLIC SALE Wednesday, March 17,1915 40 Head of Horses Weighing: from 1,000 to 1,500 pounds anil ranging in age from 3 to 9 years. This lot includes some lino driver and general purpose hdrses, mated teams. Blacks and greys, somo good farm chunks, saddle and Cart Horses. There will also be sold at this sale a number of Carts and Dump Wagons and Harness. At these stables will always be found 25 to 30 head of horses of a variety to suit every need at private sale. Hale will commence at 12.30 o'clock, When tortus will be made known by SIMON COOPER <177 Briggs Ct., City. H. D. Koons, Auctioneer. Don't forget the date, Wednesday, March 17th, 1915. _ _ - For Rent Desirable offices in the Union Trust Building. Apply Union Trust Co. i .—: -r-A BTRICKLEB NEW POSTMASTER Wins Hummelstown Office in Contest With Grover C. Buaer Washington, Mipeh 16.—The result of the contest between J. Landis Stricklcr and Grover C. Buser fof ap pointment as postmaster of Hummels town has resulted in success for the for mer, who has been named by the Presi dent. LAWYERS' PAPER BOOKS Printed at this office iu best style, at lowest prices and on short notice. FINANCE SPECIALTIES PROrtItNENT IN MARKET TRANSACTIONS Reading Becomes Acutely Weak To ward Midday, Declining Two Points —Balance of List Sympathetically Affected—Declines in U. S. Steel By Associated Press. New York, March 16. —Wall Street. —Specialties were aguin more promi nent than the active or seasoned issues at the outset of to-day's market opera tions. The minor coppers, Alaska Oold, Central Leather and Motor Shares made j jreneral gains, while leaders were slight ly lower or unchanged. Later Bctlile [ hem Steel and Texas Company were i added to the list of higher prices, the j former advancing two points. Read* |ing's uncertain course .reflected current I gossip connected with its future divi dend prosperts. Some very substan tial recessions were recorded by Ameri can stocks in London, notably" Canadi an Pacific, Reading and Union Pacific. Reading became acutely weak to ward midday, declining 2 points to 142 3-8 on steady selling, much of which was ascribed to out of town sources. The balance of the list was sympathetically affected, Canadian Pa cific yielding 1 5-8 with substantial . declines in U. S. Steel and Amalgamat ed Copper. Bethlehem Steel, however, held much of its rise. Specialties fell back easily and the activities of the ; short, interest became more pronounced. Bonds were lower. Philadelphia Produce Market Philadelphia, March 16.—Wheat high er; No. 2 red spot, export, 1600185; No. 1 northern. Duluth export, IS!)@U74. Corn lower; No. 2 spot, export, 77 Vi© No. 2 yellow, local, 80(081, Oats unchanged; No. 2 white, «s«j)6r>U. Bran Arm; winter, per ton, $21i.50® 29.50; spring, per ton, $26.00@26.50. Refined sugars firm; powdered, 6.00; : line granulated, 5.90; donfec-tioners' A, 5.50. Butter steady; western creamery, ex [ tra, 29; nearby prints, fancy. 32. Eggs higher; nearby firsts, free case, fi.oo; current receipts, free case, 5.85', western, extra firsts, free case, 6.0 V; firsts, free case, 5.85. Live poultry steady; fowls, 16@18; old roosters, 11 H@l2; chickens. 145/>l7; tur keys, 15@17; ducks, 15® 16; geese. 12 @l6. Dressed poultry firm; fowls, fancy, Death and Obituary mmmimm—* DIED. BUSER—On Monday, March 15, 1915, at 11.15 ..p. m., George .1. Ituser, 1946 N. Sixth street, aged 71 vears, 2 months and 27 days. Funeral on Thursday afternoon at 1.30 o'clock, from Ills late residence. Relatives and friends are invited to at tend without further notice. Interment at Hummelstown, Pa. IIALLMAN—On Monday morning. March 15, 1915, Elizabeth Hallnian. wife of Levi llallman, aged 67 years, 10 mpnths and 23 days. Funeral on Thursday afternoon at 2 1 o'clock, from her late residence. No. 165 N. Fifteenth street. Relatives and I friends are invited to attend without further notice. | MAHON—Mrs. Margaret Malion, widow of Patrick Million, died on Monday morning, March 15. 1915, at 110 Magic I street, from a stroke of paralysis, | aged 70 years. Funeral on Thursday forenoon at 9 o'clock, from Sacked Heart church. Relatives and friends are invited to at tend without further notice. Legal in 1,11- NOTlCE—Letters of administration, c. t. a., on the estate of Barton D. Evans, late of Harrisburg, Dauphin pounty, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in said city, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make imme diate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement. Commonwealth Trust Co., Administrator c. t. a. Proposal for School Supplies find Printing Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals for the furnishing of school supplies consisting of stationery, Jan itors' Implements, etc., drawing sup plies for the grade schools and for printing blanks and blank books for the pul/llc schools of the Clty'of Harrls burg, will be received by the Board of School Directors of the School District of the City of Harrisburg, Pa„ until Friday, April 2, 1915, at 12 o'clock, noon. Copies of schedules will be furnlshetF on application to the undersigned. D. D. HAMMELBAUGH, Secretary. No. 121-123 Chestnut street, Harrlsburg. Pa. NOTlCE—'letters of administration tes tamentary on the estate of James G. M. Bay, late of the city of Harrisburg, Dauphin county, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, re siding in York, Penna., all persons In debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement. W. F. BAY STEWART. Executor. STEWART & GERfiKR, Attorneys, York, Pa. NOTlCE—Letters of administration tes tamentary on the estate of William J. Mehrlng, late of the city of Harrls burg, Dauphin county, Pa., deceased, havlng*been granted to the undersigned, residing in City of Harrlsburg, all per i sons indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement. WILHELM J. MEHHING, JR., Administrator, 1901-11*03 N. Sixth St JAMES A. STRANAJLVN, Attorney. 11 184@19V4; average, 16@18; unattract ive, 14® la; old roosters, 14; broiling chickens, nearby, 1823; western. U>3 22; roasting chickens, 17@20; turkeys, fancy, 21; fair to good, 18@i0; ducks, 12f(/18; geese, 10®14. Potatoes steady; Pennsylvania, per bushel, 50@55: Maine, 45#50; New York. 40 fii 50. Flour higher; winter straights, 7.00® 7.25; spring straight, 7.25®7.50; do., pat ent, 7.50(?i)8.2r». ,*jayweak; timothy, No. 1 large bal** 18.00; No. 1 medium bales. 17.50@18.60; No. 2 do., 15.50© 16.50; No. 3 do., 14.00® 16.00. Clover mixed light, 17.00ff1i17.50: No. 1 do., 18.00® 10.50; No. 2, do., 14,50 @15.50. Chicago Live Stock Market March 16-—Hogs—Receipts, -ii.ooo; slow. Shade under vesterday's average. Hulk. 8.xn#«.90; light, 6.70® 6.95; mixed, 6.05®!.95; iveavy, 6.40® 6.92',i; rough, 6.40&6.55; pigs, 5.60® Cattle—Receipts, 3,000; weak. Native steers, 5.80ffj>)j.75; western, 5.2.">®7.45; cows and heifers, '3.3<)@7.70; calves, 6.50 @ 10.00. Sheep—Receipts. 15,000; ateady. Sheep, 7.1007.15; yearlings, 7.85 @9.20; lambi, 7.60@10.10. ALTOONA WANTS CONFERENCE Delegates Canvassing at Sharooldit for Next Methodist Meeting fI.V Associated Press, Shamokin, PH., March 16. —Bishop William Burt arrived from Buffalo to day and took charge of tilt forty-sev enth annual meeting of fiio Central Pennsylvania Conference, in session at the First Methodist Kpise.opal church. The continuation of examination of candidates fot the ministry occupied most of to-day's proceedings. Representatives of the Kjghth Ave nue church, Altoona, started canvass ing for next year's conference and the probabilities are tihey will be success ful. Dr. H. L. Jacobs, of that church, was offered the position of Held secre tary for the conference annuity fund. He declined the position, preferring the pastorate. HOLD AUTOIST FOR MURDER Lancaster Tobacco Dealer Held Re sponsible for Fatally Injuring Girl By Associated fleas, Lancaster, Pa., March 16.—Adeline, the 7-year-old daughter of Henry L. > Gross, died at an early hour this morn ing at iil hospital in this city from in juries sustained when she was run over on Monday evening bv an automobile driven by George K. Tole, a tobacco dealer of this city. The machine ran over the child both her arms were broken and her bodv badly crushed. She was dragged a distance of 200 feet. The police al lege that Tole was operating tiie car in a reckless manner and he has been held on a charge of murder. DISCUSS FULL CREW LAW Railror.d Men Lay Matter Before Leg islative Bodies At the joint meeting of the Brother hood of Railroad Trainmen and Order of Railway Conductors in the Board of Trade building late yesterday after noon the principal speakers were C. H. Zarker, A. J. Mhure, R. Freeze, K. E. Edwards, J. T. Bret/, and G. W. Speik man. The mooting was called for the pur pose of placing before the members of the State legislature the trainmen's side of the full crew bill, against whiuh railroads are HOW urging a strong campaign to have it repealed. Among the representatives who at terded were Henry A. Lanius, of York, who on entering the hall vtas greeted with loud applause by the railroad men. LETTISH LIST Ladles' List—Mrs. Fanny Backenstoe, Miss Emma Hashore, Miss Clco Brenlng, Mrs. Elizabeth Brown, Mrs. Mary Brown, Miss Ktta M. Butts, Mrs. K. E. Cavenaugli, Miss Blanch Dennis, Miss Mary Uenion, Mrs. Martha E. Frances, Mrs. J. C. Frank, Mrs. Minnie Qanon, Mary F. Gintzer, Mrs. Maggie Goodall, Miss Arlean Haas, Miss Emma Hazen. Mrs. Bessie KraJiier, Mrs. N. P. Ix>ng. Miss Mary Grace Kuhn, Miss Carrie Miller. Mrs. J. A. Miller. Mrs. Lizzie Mi>rescn, Mrs. Elizabeth L. Nissley, Mrs. C. C. Norrls, Mrs. George Ogllvie, Miss Margaret Schultz, Miss Main] Sellers, Mrs. Lillie Wanser, Mrs. fliarles Yingst. Gentlemen's List—Casslus Alexander, 11. F. Arnold, 11. L Baker, C. .(. Beck, Lee R. Brenner, W. F. Blair, Ross Bles sing. C. N. Bl"utschflcl<l, Hon. Ft. .1. But ler, lion. Patrick Campbell, James Coch ran, B. S. Daugherty, M. B. Edwards, lion. J. S. Emerick, .1. M. Engle, John B. Farr, J. H. Farra, Albert Faust, Her bert Fry, F. A. Harris. Joe Milton, W. N. IH-off, G. M. Houchins, A. I'. Houck, Oscar Hunter, A. ltankin Johnson, J. Kaiser, F. T. Keim, Russell Kell. Albert E. Kinn, Harry Jvunsman, J. A. Kohr, Oliver Ijentz, Daniel Libby, llarry Low er, Valentine Lupert, Edward F. Lynch, R. M. Uyter, James F. Mai'key, John McClintock, N. A. Myers, Wm. Minor, 11. J. Mitchell (DL), S. Morgan, Titos. Morris, C. W. Morrison, William Moyer (DL>, A. H. Oaks, Hon. Garfield Pan coast, C. P. Parker, Hon. J. J. PennaK'r, Hon. Theo. Pennock, C. J. Phillips, G. Plceller, V. A. Pyles. E. C. Range, A. D. Keesc, Harry Scliaeffer, H. W. Schmlnky, Merman Schwartz. George Shoemaker, O. Sparagana, G. I* Stunner, Sam Stew art, A. W. Swartz, D. A. Sweger, J. A. Talley, Henry Trebbran (DL), George S. Webster, John West, W. F. Wheeler, George F. Wolfe, Noah M. Yocum, A. W, Yost. Firms ltem. President Colonial Dames, President Philosophical Society, The Rookery, Secretary The Artisans. Foreign—Dr. R. P. Williams, T. Ar sanky, Steve Parsons, Harle Klsln, Fra heisco Jounnarco, Borrelll Vincenzo, Mrs. Walter Stott. Bernhardt'* Condition Satisfactory By Associated Prett. Bordeaux, via Paris, March 16, 1.24 A. 'M.—A bulletin issued by Drs. De nuce and Arnozau, after visiting Sarah Bernhardt, who recently left the hos pital where her right leg was ampu tated, states that her condition is en tirely satisfactory. German Scribes Expelled From Italy Paris, March 16, 5.0>5 A. M.—A special dispatch from Rome says the government has issued an order expell ing from Italy the correspondents of the Vienna ''Tageblatt" and the | Frankfurter "Zeihing."
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