The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, March 15, 1915, Image 1

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ottaM a«»wt> r«* I
VOL. 77—NO. 86.
nrr. «. »«?«
111 Ml
111 SOli
Dealers Showing Cars
For Every Purpose
and for Most Every
Harrisburg Motor Dealers' Association
at Arena. Third and Delaware, and
Capital City Automobile Dealers'
Association in Kelker Street Hall
If you do not go to the automobile
shows in progress in Harrisburg this
week, yon will Se left far behind
when youi neighbor picking out
the various machines as thev lush past
his house and starts to elaborate on
their mechanical perfection or superb
finish. You will positively not be in
the swim if you miss it. A saunter
through t!u halts, whether you have a
gasoline smell about you or not. will
give you ;i thousand dollars' worth of
returns u> reading matter and conversa
The sport of automobiling is not
confined to the corpulent, as a score of
agents will show you. Any number of
cars, fully equipped. ?wiH be set ilown
in front o" your door for less th-»n
SI,OOO and tie expensive body design
and propelling mechanism are there to
give touring satisfaction. These cars
at the reduced prices are not far above
the average-salaried man and they are
certainly assets to the business man and
the professional man One gets this
from a walk ovei he crowded halls of
the two shows while listening to the
salesmen elaborate on the excellence of
tiv . :^cs.
Expounding Machines' Points
If it isn't worth while to hear the
eight-cylinder man talk about the
'even tongue. ' the less wear on the
driving shaft, the light six man tell
bis economy story, the four dealer
speak of the light "first cost" and
other numerous things, then the auto
mobile shows will not do vou anv good.
If you are not talking gas engine
mechanism this week, you are a back
number. One does it just because every
body else does it
The greatest satisfaction a poor
man hit- is standing by a troubled me-
ing suggestions for the oper
ation of the machine when he had
forgotten to fill the gasoline tank. The
auto show fortified you for this part
in life, which unfortunately is the
bigger part. The great majority who
get into automobiles once in a while
irant to show a little intelligence
about machiues and the shows are the
places to get enough superficial edu
cation to last until the designers
switch the machines and then eoaies
aioiv another show. »
The Arena Show
The sixth annual show of the liar
risburg Automobile Dealers' Associa
tion opened successfully in the Arena
at Third and Delaware streets. Satur
day evening and the exhibitors are
-.'onfldent that the present week will
lie a strong oj-ening wedge to the auto
season which is just about on.
The size of the crow-! was gratify
ing and the officers expect great things
during the wees. Novelty dealers took
up the remaining exhibits spa.-e Sat-
Conttiinrd od Klchth Pace.
rrip to Lancaster Tabernacle Will Be
Made To-morrow
•Final plans for the trip of the Har
ri«*»urg chorus and others to Lancaster
to-morrow night will be complete I at a
aieeting of the chorus to-night in Hidge
Avenue Methodist church, S-.xth and
Kerr streets. The >ongs to be sung at
:ho Lancaster tabernacle will be thor
jughly rehearse!.
Mr. (lippinger announced this morn
ing that u<. arrangements have been
a.ade to sell identification checks good
the "Stough Special" train at the
Pennsy station. These checks must be
bought in the following stations:
Fountain grocery store. \Mulberry
*nd Derrv streets: Central book store,
i-'stterel book store. Schell's seed sure.
Thirteenth arivi Market street; grocery
itores of G. K. Runkle. State and Lynn
rtreets; S. R. Harris. 192" North Sixth
street; S. T. Kinsioger, Fourth and
Woodbine streets, and the MeCurdy
drug store. Steelton.
Charged With Being Father of His
Former Clerk's Child
Bu Astociatcd Prefs.
New York, March 15.—Virginius
J. Mayo, president of the Mayo Rid
iator Company, employer of Lillian
May Cook, who committed suicide re
cently, was made the defendant to-day
in an action brought by Susie Wahler,
a former clerk, who alleges that Mayo
is the father of her 2-year-old girl.
TJ. S. Launches Submarine
By Attocialcd Prrtt.
Quincy, Mass.. March 15.—Subma
rine L-3, built for the United States
navy by the Pore Biver Shipbuilding
Corporation, was launched to-day. Mrs.
Charlotte S. Atkins, wife of Lew M.
Atkins, assistant naval constructor,
christened the craft.
r MS • .* v . . K iP'. ''.; ■ > * Kl%v ?• . T* - .- - .
- JB /
®he Star- j|Rs& Inkpcttknl
President Wilson Appoints Former
Pennsylvania Congressman to Suc
ceed Judge Charles B. Howey, Who
Resigned to Take Effect April 1
By JftiK'inlnl Pr*«,
Washington. March 15. —Former
Representative A. Mitchell Palmer, of
Pennsylvania, has been selected by
President Wilson for Chief Justice of
BBS-" ; fIH
President Picks Him For Chief Justice
U. S. Court of Claims
the United state* Court of Claims to!
succeed Judge t iwries R. Howey, whose
resignation is to take effect April I.
Inspect the Forty Homes That Are to
Be R&zed on the River Front Pre
paratory to Assessing the Damages
and Benefits
' • Hardserabble," the forty or more
houses on the west side of Front street
that are to be ra»ed to straighten the
! line* p" v the river front highway, be
tween Herr and Calder streets, was of
ficially "viewed" for the first time to
day by the three viewers who are to lis
the damages and benefits incident to
the improvements. The viewers are'
Paul G. Smith, Karl Steward and James |
P. Saltsman.
On the inspection trip the viewers
were accompanied by Harry J. Berrier, j
"•Mayor" of "Hardscrabble," and also
by John Yiugst, both property owners
in the district. To-morrow the viewers
•will hoM a meeting in the hall of the
Citv Commissioners and begin the ac
tuai work of determining the property
values, the damages to be sustained by
the owners and the benefits, if any, to
be reaped by the property owners on i
the Side of the street, immediately
opposite the point of the improvement.;
Attorneys representing property
owners may appear at to-morrow's |
meeting and a time then will be fixe 1 ,
for taking testimony. That will not be
for a week or ten days from now, due j
to the fact that present session of
criminal court will require the atten-j
tion of the interested lawyers. Prank
E. Ziegler will be official stenographer!
of the board.
On We>lnesday this same board will
view thai section of the river front be-'
tween Kelker and Maclay streets which
the city plans also to acquire for street)
opening and park purposes.
Police Chief Hutchison Tells the Court
That Hamsburg Is Now Without
Disorderly Houses
Chief of Police Hutchison, in his '
quarterly report submitted to the quar
ter sessions court to-day, said that the
city is practically free from disorderly
houses. He says there are a few houses
of this kind but they are so careful to
avoid detection that it has been im
possible for the police to obtain evi
dence against them sufficient to war
rant raids
Wnen Hutchison was asked about
those houses that he reported in exist
ence three months ago aud the pro
prietors of which he threatened to ex
pose at this tension of the court, he
declared that all have gone out of busi
ness since that time.
Aged Mechanlcsburg Woman Dies
Mrs. Elizabeth Cromleigh, one of
the oldest residents of Mechaniesburg,
died at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Wilson, on South High street, this
morning. Funeral services will be held
at St. Mark's church, of which Mrs.
Cromieigh was a member, on Wednes
day morning. The services will be in
charge of the jiastor, the Rev. Dr. H.
N. Fegley. Interment will be made in
the Trindle Spring cemetery.
Fall on Ice Proves Fatal
Chesrnu* Hill, March 15. —'Blood
poisoning caused by a fall sustained a
week ago on the ice caused the death
yesterday of John Haerter, in the hos
pital. He was about 40 years of ag>e,
and leaves his mother and a number of
brothers and sisters. He had been em
ployed in Philadelphia eighteen years,
where he me>t with the accident.
Auto Company Seeks a Charter
Application for a charter of incor
poration forithe Harrisburg Automobile
Company, which has been doing busi
ness here for atiout ten years, will be
made to Governor Brumbaugh on April
5. The applicants are W. R. Blongh,
B. F. Blough and George G. McFarland.
Charles C. Stroh is counsel.
Aviator Beachey Had
Premonition of Acci
dent That Cost His
Life at 'J? risco
50.000 PERSONS
Merry Airman Heads Monoplane Oat
to Sea to Ayoid Falling Among
Exposition Gaxers as Hs Loses Con
tret of the Machine
By .Imit iiifftl P'rss.
San Francisco, March 15 —Structur
al defects in his new monoplane, not
inability to control the craft, are be
lieved by local aviator* to have beeu
responsible for toe death of Lincoln
Beachey, who, while flying over the
Panama-Pacific Exposition grounds yes
terday. fell into the San Francisco bay
and was drowned. The wings of tho
aeroplane had crumpled under the pres
sure of "banking" after an almost per
pendicnlar glide of 2,000 feet.
Yesterday was the first time Beachey
had made a public flig l in the mono
plane his previous flights having been
in a biplane, over which he had perfect
control. The aviator was extremely
grave as he took his seat in the ma
chiue and. according to mechanicians,
he s emed to hav» >» premonition of
trouble, but was determined to please
the crowd of 50,000 people
Death Due to Drowning
Examination of Beachey's body to
day showed that death was due to
drowning. His right leg was broken
above the knee and he suffered a num
ber of minor cuts and bruises.
Beachey lived with his mother, sooth
of Golden Gate Park. Each day when
he was to flv. the mother would post
herself at a nearbv corner and await
his return. She was waiting yesterday,
two hours after the tragedy, before a
friend arrived to break the news.
Beachey made the statement several
days ago that if he Should find himself
infiinjt he would head his machine out
to sea. so as to not fall on the exposi
tion crowd. He kept his word, his fall
into the bay being about 50 yards from
Miss Kthel Snoemaker, Boncbey's
fiancee, was not tolii of his death until
to-day. She believed him to have been
only injured.
He met his death, which had been
predicted for four years, or since he
began his dare devil exhibitions, be
fore the gaze of 50.000 horrified spec
tators. who had witnessed his isccnt'
from in front of the Palace of Mines.
He was making his second, hav-
ConHnnnl on Tnrlfih I'ajcr
Alleged Revolver Wlelder Held Under
SSOO Bail for Court
Charles Mollere, charged with >e ani
ons Assault growing out of his alleged
discharging of a revolver in his apart
ments at 903 North Third street. Sat
urday night, when Harry Warner, an
other roomer, brcke into a roJm when
sounds of fighting were beard outside,
was held under SSOO bail by Mayor
Royal in police court this at.ernoon.
Mollere "s wife would not testify
against her husban>), but Policemen
Schelhas and Ilylan, who recovered h?
revolver, which had t,ne exp.oded cham
ber. both testified that they saw him
with it. Mollere claimed that be shot
merely to frighten Warner.
William McManus Falls Through Tres
tle and Alike Is Sprained
While walking on duty through the'
railroad trestle of the J. B. Montgomery 1
coal wharf at Tenth and Mulberry
streets shortly after 1 o'clock this
morning, William McManus, a detec
tive. fell from the running elevation
at a height of twenty-five feet to the
planking and escaped with nothing more
serious than a sprained ankle.
He refused to go to the city hospital
and was treated at home by a phy
Violent Cannonading Heard
Paris, March 15, 10.45 A. M.—Vio
lent cannonading is going on at a point
to the northeast of Dunkirk, according
to a dispatch from that seaport to the
Havas News Agency. The belief in
Dunkirk is that a British squadron is
bombarding the sand dunes around
Akron's Oldest Resident Dies
Akron, March 15.—IMTS. John Huf
ford, 90 years old, the oldest resident,
died yesterday from infirmities of age.
She wa« twice married and her father
was a soldier in the Revolutionary
war. Her second hus*band, two children
and five grandchildren survive.
Decision in Thaw Cane To-morrow
By Associated Ft CSS,
New York, March 15.—Justice Page
announced to-day that he would reserve
decision until to-morrow on the appli
cation of Harry K. Thaw, that he
should be returned to New Hampshire.
Brazil Arranging to Float Loan
Rio Janeiro, March 15.—The Bra
zilian government newspaper, report*
declare, is arranging to float in New
York a loan of 115,000,000 offering
a guarantee custom house returns on
Americas importation.
Mill SIM
Few Contractors Re
sume Operations on
City Work on This,
the Day Selected
Work Is Begun on a Few Other Scat
tered Jobs, bat Chief Municipal
Operations Will Be Held Up Until
April—Still Many Men Idle
Although this was the day recently
set for the taking up agaiu of munici
pal improvement work which had been
suspended in the fall, there was noth
ing like a general resumption of activi
ties this morning. It was aunouueed to
day that work ou such big improve
ments as the river dam. the river wall
and the Paxton creek job will not be
begun for several weeks, due to river
conditions. The bulk of the work to
gether with the work on the new street
paving and grading will not be begun
until the first week in April, although
contractors ami city officials are now
preparing for the start.
Actual work under his live-year
street repair contract, which the City
contends remains in force until April 1,
was beigun by Contractor Charles P.
Walter, under protest, this morrfng.
Walter had a small gang of men work
ing north on Third street, from Forster,
concreting sections of streets that had
been opened by contractors for laying
sewer, gas and water pipes. This work
will require two or three days aud
actual repairs to asphalt will uot be be
gun until later in tho week.
Scattered Paving Work
The Central Construction A- Supply
Company, which has tin? street paving
contractor, has resumed "get
ready'' notice and to-iuorrow it will be
gin laying the asphalt surface on three
of the four bridges over Paxton creek,
at Mulberry, Walnut and Cumberland
streets. New paving work, however,
will not start till April. These contrac
tors also will do some street repair
work to paved gectious which they have
The Harrisburg Railways Company,
which a fortnight ago was instructed to
prepare for the paving of Derry street
from Twenty-third to Uelroee, it was
anuounccd to-day, will not be able, in
view of delays caused by bad weather
conditions, to begin work before the
first week in April.
Highway Commissioner Lynch this
morning said weather conditions at
present are uncertain and that he is iu
clined to agree with the contractors
that it is not wise to begin work too
Means Work for One Hundred
In the paving o i' Derry street the
Railways Company is oblige*! to rebuild
practically the entire mi e section of its
traik and this will mean employment
for a hundred men. The Central" Con
struction A: S ppiy Company likely will
start 011 the Derry street improvement
immediately after the trolley company
begins to do its share of the work and
that will mean employment for many
additional men.
\\ iliiam H. Opperman, who lias a
pan; of men working on u sewer sec
tion in Twentieth street, expects to
complete the job by Wednesday of this
week. He now is preparing to open
work on sewer sections at Third auJ
Gciger streets, and may begin to-mor
row or Wednesday.
The Home and War Relief Associ
ation reports there still are many men
oat of work in the citv.
Morton Co of This 0 ty. Low Bidders
on Chenical Wagons and Tractors
Contracts for two new motor combi
nation chemical and hose wagons and
three tractors for the fire department
will likely be awarded by the City
Commissioners to-morrow. The Morton
Truck & Tractor Company, of this city,
is likely to get the combination wag
ons and is low bidder on the tractors.
A fou wheel tractor on which the
Morton firm is mounting a steam fire
engine was inspected by the City Com
missioners this afternoon and one of
the Commission said the question of
who will get the contracts for the
tractors will not be decided until to
Tell Legislature Representatives Not
to Repeal Full Crew Law of five hundred members of
the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen
and Order of Bailwav Conductors held
a joint meeting for the purpose of cre
ating sentiment against the repeal of
the full crew bill, in the Board of Trade
building this afternoon at 3.30 o'clock.
The meeting was presided over by C. 8.
Fisher of the Trainmen's lodge.
A number of Representatives and
Benators of the State Legislature were
also in attendance for whose interest
the meeting was especially called. Sev
eral representatives of both lodges as
well ag a few grand lodge officials made
addresses, presenting the trainmer 's
side of the case.
Kronprim Willi elm Sank is Vessels
Rio Janeiro, March 15.—The Ger
man auxiliary cruiser Kronprinz Wil
helm, which has aboard 500 German
sailors, has sunk 13 vessels eince she
began her raid on commerce, accord
ing to the paaaengers and erew of the
Freach steamer Guadeloupe, who were
taken to Pernambuco by tlie British
steamer ChurckilL
Thanks Latter for As
surances Given for
Protection of Lives
of Foreigners
General Oarranxa Abandons Blockade
on Urgent Representations of Unit
ed States When Latter Threatens to
Use the Cruiser Des Moines
By Associated Press.
Washington, March 15.—President
Wilson's reply to Oeneral Oar ran za'a
note ot QSfcreh 8 which WHS in response I
to the urgent representations of the
United States for better treatment of
foreigners in Mexican waters was as
'"I thank you for your message of
the fttih of March for the reassurance it
conveys, and for your kind personal
words. I beg that you will understand
that if our messages occasionally are
couched in terms of strong emphasis, it
is only because they contain some mat
ters which touch the very safety of
Mexico itself and the whole possible
course of its future history.
"We seek always to act as frieuds 1
of the Mexican people and as their 1
friends it is our duty to speak very
plainly about the grave danger which 1
threatens them from without, what, ver
happens within their borders which is j
calculated to arouse the hostile senti- ;
ment of the whole world.
Mexico's Greatest Danger
"Nothing will eftir that sentiment i
moro promptly or more hotly or create i
greater danger for Mexico than any
veven temporary) disregard for lives, i
the safety or the rights of the citizens j
of other countries resident within its j
territory or any apparent contempt rot ;
the rights and safety of tlioac who rep
resent religion.
"Any attempt to justify or explain
those things will not eradicate this
Coatlaord on «*vntk Pax*
Session Opens To-day at First Church, j
Shamokiu, Pa., March 15. —The ac- !
tivities of the forty-seventh session of !
the Central Pennsylvania conference ot j
the Methodist Episcopal Church beg*in ;
in the First Metthodist church here to- j
day. A local reception committee head-1
ed by the Rev. J. S. Souser, received
the visitors who will be here until next
week wheu Bishop William Burt, who i
arrives to-morrow, will announce ap
pointments of ministers for the ensuing i
Wives of ttoe clergymen and lnv del- i
egatee were tendered a reception at the j
[ church to-day.
It is not known whether any local |
Methodist ministers will be transferred i
The Rev. B. H. Hart, pastor of,
the Fifth Street church, has been in '
this city the longest time, a period of
fourteen years.
Nissley Measure on the Schedule for
Final Action Before Senate
The Nissley bill, providing for a
third Judge in Dauphin county, will
ccme up for final passage in the Senate
to-night, but nobody pretended this
afternoon to predict its fate. The in
dications, however, are that if it seems
likely to be defeated it will be laid over
for the present. The bill already has
| passed the House.
The 'House bill making mountain
laurel the State flower will also come
up for final passage in the Senate.
The House for to-night has a large
calendar of bills on second reading,
none of them of State-wide importance.
Duponte to Advance Wages
By Associated Press.
Wilmington, Del., March 15.—No
tices have been posted at all ot t/he Du
pont explosive plants throughout the
country announcing that beginning
April 1, each payroll employe will re
ceive an advance of twenty per cent,
in his wages. The advances continue
until the end of the current year and
possiibly longer.
No Bee In Boot's Bonnet
By Associated Press.
Albany, N. Y., March 15.—Under no
circumstances wHI former United States
Senator Elihu Root be a candidate for
President in 1916. He made this state
ment here to-day. "All talk of my
Iheing a candidate is absolute non
sense," said he. "Such a thing is im
possible. ''
British Retaliatory Decree Published
London, March 15, 1.30 P. M.—The
British onier in council decreeing re
taliatory measures on the part of the
government to meet the declaration of
the Germans that the waters surround
ing the United Kingdom are a military
are* was made" public to-day.
John S. Weaver Unimproved
The condition of John 8. Weaver,
confectioner, who has been confined
to his home, .205 Pine street, with
pneumonia, was unimproved late this
State Supreme Court Reverses Superior
Tribunal In Allegheny County Case
—Decision of Jurists Adds 1,800
Acres to Area of Beading
By .4j«oi-ioti»d Pre**,
Philadelphia March 15.—The State
Supreme Court to-day reversed the Su
perior Court aud declared unconstitu
tional the money lenders' act passed by
the Legislature in 1913. The case de
cided was that of the Commonwealth
vs. Young and originated in Allegheny
Other decisions handed down were
Miller vs. Reading Hotel Company,
C. P. Berks; affirfnod.
Neusner vs. Rnughcr and Kopler, C.
P. York; appeal dismissed.
Commonwealth, ex rel District At
torney, vs. Marks, C. P. Berks; judg
ment affirmed.
Commonwealth, ex rel District At
torney, vs. Jackson, et a)., C. P. Lucka
wanna; ordered reversed, judgment en
tered in favor of the Commonwealth,
i08t«to bo paid by appellees.
The money lenders' act empowered
; persons, partnerships, associations aud
j corporations to lonn money m interest
and charge and collect for the loan
j thereof brokerage and examination fee,
in addition to interest at the rate of
six per cent, per anuum.
Reading, Pa„ March 15. —The af
firmation of the case of the msirtct At
torney of Beiks against City Clerk
Marks, of Rending, by tho State Su
preme Court to-day means that about
1,200 acres will be added to the area
of this city. After an agitation for
annexation of some of the outlying sub
urbs for years, a district lying south
of the present city limits whs finally
selected and added to the municipality
by Councils. This was affirmed by the
local court, where the case was linrd
fought. The Supreme Court now agreed
with this decision and annexation is an
accomplished fact.
The area of the city before this an
nexation was liut 4,400 acres.
Friends of Votes for Women Measure
Say That More Than Enough Sen
ators Aro Pledged to Support It—
May Be Speeches Against It
The calendars of both the Senate
and HoflSe are filled for consideration
at to-night's sessions. The Senate will
meet at 9.30 and the House at 9
o'clock. In the Senate the most im
portant matter to-night will be consid
eration of the woman suffrage constitu
tional amendni"nt, which will come up
on third reading and for final passage.
This measure has already passed the
House, where it was introduced bv Mr.
Wilson, of Philadelphia, and was 011
third reading in the Senate last Wed
nesday, when consideration was post
poned until this evening owing to the
absence of some Senators who desire
to be placed on record when tihe final
vote is taken It is expected that a
large crowd of women will be present
iu the Senate.
Senator Vare, who has charge of the
suffrage amendment, says that lie has at
least thirty-five votes pledged for it in j
the Senate, and as only twenty-six are
required it is not expected that any j
serious opposition to its passage will
prevail. It is not known now whether
tihere will be any speeches on the final '
passage, but there are several Senators !
who are opposed to the bill, and it is
possible that thty may desire to explain I
their positions.
Fire in New York Tube Drives Hun
dreds From Hotels Situated
About Times Square
By Associated Press.
Now York, March 15.—Fire early
to-day in the new subway under con
struction on Seventh avenue, between
Forty-second and Forty-fifth streets,
filled the streets with smoke, tied up
traffic on a portion of the old Broad
way subway and some of the adjacent
surfare lines and drove hundreds of
guesrta from the hotels clustering about
Times Square. The fire was discovered
at 3.10 a. m., and two hours elapsed
before it was brought under control
ami service was resumed on the various
transportation lines.
The fire was attribute*! to a short
circuit said to have ben caused Dy
a workman who drove his drill into a
iarge power caible at the corner of
Forty-third street and Seventh avenue.
A network of power, lighting and tele
phone wires underlies the streets tn
this part of the city and burning in
sulation on these cables sent up a cloud
of dense smoke. At the 4ame time the
wooden planking used in the construc
tion of tie new subway burned briskly.
The firemen tore up the timbers over
the sulbway and attacked the smolder
ing wires with sand. The police re
serves were called out to quiet panic
stricken guests who rushed from the
Crude Oil Prices Reduced
By Associated Press.
Pittsburgh, Pa., March 15.—Five
cents a barrel was out from the price
of the principal grades of crude oil
when the market opened to-day, the
following schedule being announced by
the South Penn Oil Company: Penn-'
svlvania crude, $1.45; Mercer black,
$1.05; New Cestle, $1.02; Cabell,
$1.05; Corning, 90 cents; Somerset,
85 cents; Ragland, 65 cents.
British Admiralty An
nounces To-day the
Loss of More Vessels
in Submarine Raids
The Austrian Forces. Supported by a
Largs German Contingent, Are
Making Another Determined Effort
to Relievo the Fortress
London, March 15, 12.50 P. M.—
Tlu> British steamers Flora/.an, Head
lands and 11 art dale, torpedoed liv Uer
mun submarines, all have been sunk,
according to at. announcement made by
tlhe British Admiralty 'o-day.
Kurlier reports held out the hope
that these vessels, attacked within the
lust few days by Herman raiders, hud
not been destroyed aud might be
brought into po't.
Seeking to Relieve Przemysl
Petrogrud, March 15, 12.55 P. M.,
Ain London, 115 P. M.-—Austrian
forces, supported bv a large German
contingent, again are making a deter
mined effort to relieve the Przemysl
: fortress _in Galiciu, besieged by the
I Russians during the early months of
| the war, having failed in the east of
Galicia when they hoped to strike in
1 the direction of Przemysl and trans
■ ferred the center of their operations
i farther to the west, are now attempting
| to take a direct route from Ujok Pass
|to thp north. In the vicinity of Stnben,
| almost half way between Ujok and
. Przemysl, they encountered serious Rus
j sian resistance and the success of their
| movements depends on the outcomo of
their concehtrated efforts to break
j through the Russian lines at this point.
Situation Very Interesting
The simultaneous closing in of the 1
1 Russian besieging forces upon Prze
mysl and the occupation of Malkovitza,
within three miles of the fortress, make
I the situation at Przemysl more inter
esting than any other just now in Ga
licia. Recent operations in the Rus
, sian forests in occupying positions
have taken large numbers of men and
| guns and revealed that Przemysl is
much stronger in artillery and infantry
thau had been believed. It is evident
that the fortress has kept in constant
' communication with Austrian points
j outside by means of wireless telegraphy
I and the flights of aeroplanes.
Russian military authorities to-day
expressed confidence in their owir secur
-1 ity in Galicia Ir view of the reported ,
success of their troops in checking Aus
trian attacks at important places on the
Carpathian front, they are confident
that the present advance toward Prze
mysl will result in failure.
The British government's plan, In
co-operation with its allies, of cutting
• off trade to and from Germany was an
nounced to-day in London. It contains
drastic provisions, not only for hold
ing up ships to and from German porta
but for confiscation of goods of Ger
man origin or destination which are
shipped from neutral ports. Under this
decree the civilian population of Ger
many, as well as the army, will be cut
off from any form of over seas traffic
so far as it lies within the pale of the
allies to bring this about.
Authoritative denial was given in
j Rome to-day of a report that Emperor
: Francis Joseph of Austria, had refus
ed to consider making territorial con
{ cessions to Italy. At the same time it
was said that the concessions Austria
was willing to make were so small by
comparison with Italy's desires that
I "an understanding seems hopeless."
To-day's official war reports show
! that fighting of increasing violence is
j in progress in the west. The Germans
j yesterday made attacks In force
against the British near the Franco-
Belgium border and against the French
in Champagne and the Argonne. Ac
cording to the French version, all these
assaults were repulsed, although it was
admitted that the Germans tempor
arily gained ground from the British.
The German report says that the Ger-
Coßtlnueil on Eighth Page.
By Aaaocinted Prctt,
New York, March 15.—Bonds were'
relatively more active than stocks ill
the late dealings, transactions in the
usual leaders being few and far be
tween. The closing was firm. Steadi
ness in leading stocks and irregularity
in the specialties constituted the main
features of to-day's dull market.