The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, March 13, 1915, Page 9, Image 9

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P" " ' ■■ r■ ■ ■' ..II , . ~ „
/ *■ 7 ft
W» Will Exhibit it tha Anna, Third and Dataware Avanua \
! SIH£SSS^SS? GCAB ftfld From the
RUNABOUT New York Snow v®Sjigy —m JB^HTI /
L«wi«town Men Complete 8,000-Mile
Drive From New York to
Frisco, Via Seattle
K. C. McNitt and J. J. Patterson, of
Lewistown, Pa., who recently completed
an 8.000-mile drive from New York to
Seattle, Wash., and to San Francisco,
followed the Lincoln Highway for much
of the way as far as Denver and, ac
cording to a recent statement, were par
ticularly impressed with the condition
of the roads in lowa. Patterson said,
"lowa is certainly to be congratulated
on her good roads, and the best part of
it is that no great amount of money has
been spent on them. Their good roads
are mostly due to co-operation and to
intelligent work. After every rain the
roads are gone over with a drag and
it is certainly remarkable the good that
Ten military automobiles are in the
process of construction by the students
of the Northwestern Military and Naval
Academy at Lake Geneva, Wis., and
some time in June or July these cars,
driven by students and accompanied by
officers of the United States Army, wiil
follow the Lincoln Highway from Chi
cago to the Pacific coast. The tour is
a most important one as its purpose is
to demonstrate to the government the
utility of this type of gasoline vehicle.
The cars include two wireless, one
field kitchen, one ambulance and field
hospital combined, one officers' recon
noissanee car, one car for the trans
portation of light field artillery, one
armored car. two balloon destroyers,
and one engineers' car.
lowest prices and on short notice.
/ N.
Auto Show Wook Is
"CM Hand'' Wook
At the City Auto Supply Company
Headquarters, 118-120 Market, St.
We want every one of our friends to come and see a display of accessories unsur
passed in this section of the State. We want every visitor the show—DEALER AND
CAR OWNER—to see the complete accessory store where everything for the motorist
is stocked in great variety.
You will find this a pleasant place to visit. YOU WILL .NOT BE PRESSER TO
BUY ANYTHING. We want you merely to see what we have, so that when the need
arises you will know where to come.
We are the exclusive distributors in this section of some of the most important
accessories on the market. The latest improvements in motor equipments are sure to
be found here first of all. .
TO C*l?01 at our store or at the curb is unsur-
Mm. iSE/lt. w IXyJ-J passed. We are the pioneers of service
in this section—and are constantly im
proving this feature. You will always find some one at the curb to inflate your tires,
fill your radiator or assist you in any way, FREE OF CHARGE.
See Us At Both Shews
. • /
* , * 1 >
I- " I
This evening, the Boston
Opera Company in "II Trova
Wednesday, matinee and evening, I
March 17, "Under Cover.''
Thursday, March 18, matinee and
evening, " When Dreams Come ]
Friday and Saturday, with Saturday i
matinee, March 19-20, Carlisle
Elks will present the new musical
revue, "They're At It Again."
Every afternoon aud evening, high
elan* vaudeville.
Every afternoon and evening, vauda
ville and picture*.
Motion Pictures.
Motion Pictures.
Motion Pictures.
■ |
"II Trova tore"
The Boston English Opera Company,,
which comes to the Majestic to-day.
matinee and night, is followowing a)
new method in the presentation of op- ■
era. Instead of doing live or six dif
ferent operas in an indifferent manner,
jimp-.' L t n iuuj . .. i MI .ill* -i •in . ,
. some fairly good and some very bad, I
it has confined all its enorgy to one
opera, making a production of rare
beauty and what is more important,
every member of the company has been
I selected for his special ability in this
| one opera.
It does not require a great deal of
i thought to realize that such a course j
jean have only one result, namely, to!
i make a performance teu times better,;
more finished and in every way su-j
: perior than would be possible when n
j half dozen operas are i!«ne. —Adv. *
"Under Cover "
The United States Secret Service is
the latest theme for a play, and Roi[
Cooper Megrue has taken the opera- j
tions of the detective bureau as the ba j
! sis for "Under Cover," the dramatic i
sensation of the year in New York and
I Chicago. "Under Cover" deals with
! the smuggling of a $200,000 pearl |
, necklace and the effort of the secret!
'service to trace the smugglers. "Under
J Cover"' is a play of thrills: primarily,!
iit is melodrama, and yet it does not
; over emphasize some phases of the se
j cret service work. So emphatic lias j
: been the success of the play that it has,
; alre& IV passed its two hundredth per-;
j formance in New York and Chicago,
j Selwvn & Co., who gave "Within the
!Law" to the stage, will present their
j latest stu'eess, "Under Cover," at the:
; Majestic Wednesday matinee and night;
j and they have taken particular care in '
I the selection <Vf the cast for tlw per-1
i formance in this city. Each player has J
i been selected with particular regard !
i for the rale to be played and in thii j
]>sase it is the ensemble playing rather,
1 than individual work which counts, for j
i the story itself is the entertaining fea
i ture at the attraction. —Adv. *
"When Dreams Come True"
From time to time during the past '
j theatrical season, stories have come to |
the newspapers regarding the success- j
jful engagement played by "When!
,! Dreams Come Tme" In New lork, Chi
i cago and Boston.
11 Our local theatregoers who have no
, doubt read these stories, will now have
an opportunity of seeing this widely
11 discussed musical comedy when it
\ comes to the Majestic Thursday after
noon and night.
| The scenic investiture of the play is
! elaborate to the last degree. One
i scene especially the ballroom in the last
| act representing the highest- degree of
'the scene painters' art. This scene is
! painted on silk aud the woodwork is of
I Circassian walnut. There are nearly a
j score of dancing numbers most oif them
invented by Mr. Santlev and iu nearly
, all of which he participates. A chorus
1 composed largely m pretty girls who
I can sing, dance and wear gowns is a
■ feature of the performance.
The costumes shown in "When
Dreams Come True" are exceptionally
brilliant and represent the last word iu
| the fall fashions. —Adv. *
Smart Gowns for Carlisle Elks
A great deal of local interest is be
i iug taken in the forth-coming produc
tion at the Majestic Theatre otf a plav
' written, staged an 1 presented by mem
! bers of the Carlisle Elks' Theatrical
[ Association. Following the presentation '
i of their new play iu their home Opera
i House, Monday, Tuesday and Wednes
day of next weik. the Carlisle Elks
| will come to Harrisburg and give their
' show at the Majestic Theatre. Friday
' and Saturday with a Saturday matinee.
! Hundreds of tickets have already been
! sold by the local Elks, whose Social
j Committee is responsible for bringing
. this Carlisle aggregation to Harris
Persons who saw the show giveu by
j the Carlisle Elks at the Majestic last
I year, can vouch that these amateur
| players leave nothing undone that
' might make for success in their the
] atrical undertaking. No professional
i companies ever display more startling
i gowns than those worn by the female
! impersonators in this company, ami
Ralph Harris, the official eostumer for
the Association, has outdone all pre
vious efforts in this year's creations.
Smart dressers among the ladies of
Hnrrisburg will do well to look at this
display at' Hnery, as it will contain
many hints for their new apparel.—
Adv. •
At the Orpheum
"Safety First" is the of
vaudeville's finest one-act musical com
edy, that is expected to establish new
attendance records at the Orpheum next,
week. This is an elaborntS musical
comedy, tuneful and clever, anil elab
orately staged in three scenes. liou
Anger and Sophie Barnard are its glit j
tering stars. "Safety First" is play-1
ing its first engagement at Seranton !•
this week and according to the reports !
that emanate from that city it is ex- 1
peeled to set a new stundlard for one-1
act productions in vaudeville. The i
success of the piece reached the Keith ;
Booking Offices in New York City aft !
er its initial perfwmanees and inimedi- [
atelv Wilmer & Vincent wireil Manager
Hopkins to prapare for a sensational
week's business during the engagement
of "Safety First" at the Orpheum.
The opening performances were also
witnessed by a number of the most im
portant vaudeville managers and there
are reasons to believe from the glowing
reports they carried back to New York
City with them, that it will rank with ,
the biggest anil best in the way of a
musical that was ever produced, i
Another instance of its popularity is !
proved in the fact that the vaudeville 1
magnates immediately negotiated for
New York engagements of the act. It
I will go from Harrisburg direct to the j
j Palaee Theatre in New York City, the
largest and most important of' the:
i Metropolitan vaudeville theatres. After i
; its engagement at the Palace it is slat
led to appear at all of New York's lead- j
ing vaudeville theatres. "Safety First"
will be supported bv a splendid bill of j
KeiUi hits.—Adv. J
At the Colonial
Amusement seekers are indeed hard
[to please if they can't find very pleas
j ing entertainment in the array of
I Keith acts that plav their closing en
gagements at the "Busy Corner" to
! day. There are the Sig Franz Troupe,
I for instance, who keep their audi
■ ences in tumultous laughter every min
ute. They inject all sorts of comedy
and ride all varieties of crazy wheels.
A clever comedy sketch, good char
acter comedians and singers, anil two
novelty entertainers help make the bill
a_ very pleasing one. Five Kotnical
: Kops, a great comedy novelty with ape
vial scenery, will be the extra feature
j of the bill that will be inaugurated at
the Colonial during the first half of
next week, while "The Song Doctors,"
a miniature musical comedy, will hold
forth during the last half.—Adv. *
At the Photoplay
That funny guy, Charlie Chaplin, re
turns to-day to' the Photoplay in a two
reel Essanay feature, "The Cham
pion," and it is the greatest knockout
since joining the Essanay forces.
Charlie 's newest assistant in "a Bulldog
and he's some dog, too. Along with
this feature is a three-reel Edisou "In
Spite of All," adapted Jfom- Mrs.
Fiske's greatest success. "A Child ftf
the Prairie," two-reel Selig drama of
western life. Coming Monday, "The
Silent Plea," a Broadly-Star feature ;
in thTee reels, featuring Edit'h Storey,
Harry Morey and Donald Hall.—Adv.*
Marie Dressier In "Tlllie's Punctured
This production, which has been the i
talk of every moving picture theatre all !
over the United States, is the first
moving picture that Marie Dressier has '
appeared in a comedy romance. She!
does not neeel any introduction to the j
theatregoers in the eity of Harrisburg'
because she jams the'theatres at all
times that she appears. An opportunity
is here for you to see Marie Dressier
at our regular admission price.
This film play was made at a cost
of $25,000, entitled "Tillie's Punc
tured Romance," in six reels, a comedy
which is supported by of the .most
expensive moving picture stars in
America, Charges Ohaplin, with his
partner, Mabel Normand, another ex
pensive lady, of the moving picture per
This moving picture is a comedy
from the start to the finish and has
run in other cities from one to two
weeks continuously. It will be shown j
here for one day only, Saturday.
Monday and Tuesday another of the
famous Paramount Photo Plays, entitled
"The Country Mouse," a comedy writ
ten and produced by Hobart Bosworth,
will appear. It is a brilliant play of
political and social life, featured by
Myrtle Stedman, Marshall Stedmaii,
Rhea Haines and J. Chas. Haydon.
Democrats Discuss Ship Purchase Bill
The government ship purchase bill
was the subject of a debate at , the
meeting of the Central Democratic
Club last night, in which the partici
pants were Charles S. Prifer, of Mid
■diletown ,and H. B. Saussaman, but no
decision jvas arrived at. Later a busi
ness session was held and a luncheon
. America's Greatest Light Six
The Monarch of the Road
Will Be Exhibited At the
March 13 to 20
* 334 Chestnut St. Harrisburg I
Guaranteed 5000 Miles
Guaranteed One Year Against Punctures I
Selected by J. Howard Wert
Troops from India form an import*
struggling for mastery of the battlefield
more than a generation has passed sine
which seriously threatened the English ru
of the British Empire in its suppression.
One of the most thrilling incidents
British garrison and colony in Lucknow,
masses of the insurgents, until famine
hand; aud the relief that came to the bes
flown forever. As the poem is a long 01
Brown have been omitted from Lowell's
O! that last day in Lucknow fort; |'
We knew that it was the last,
That the enemy's mines had crept surely
And the end was coming fast.
To yield to that foe meant worse than
And the men and we all worked on;
It was one day of smoke aud roar, !
And then it would all be done.
There was one of us, a corporal's wife, j
A fair young gontle thing,
Wasted with fever in the -*icge,
And her mind was wandering.
[The woman who is supposed to He
giving this description had fallen
asleep, when she is suddenly startled
by a scream from ;Jessie Brown, the
fever-stricken -wife of the corporal, who
cries out;]
"The Highlanders! O! diuna ye hear
The slogan far awa?
The McGregor's} Ah! I ken it weel;
It is the grandest of them a'.
"God bless the bonny Highlanders;
We're saved! we're saved!" she cried; \'
And fell on her knees, and thanks to
1 Poured forth, like a full flood tide.
Along the battery line her cry
Had fallen among the men;
they started; for they were there
to die,
Was life so near them then?
They listened, for life, and the rattling i
Par off, and the far off roar
Were all, —and the colonel shook his .
Aud they turned to their guns once
s more.
ant element in the English forces now
Is of continental Europe, yet not much
ce India was convulsed by a rebellion
ule in that fnnd nnd taxed the resources
s of the rebellion was the siege of the
, when the city was belengured by vast
and death were in evidence on every
sieged .just when hope appeared to hnve
ine, a few stanzas descriptive of Jessie
production here given.
Then Jessie said, "The slogan's dune,
But can ye no hear them, noof
The Campbells are eomin! It's nae a
Our succors hae broken through!".
We heard the roar and the rattle afar.
But the pipers we could not hear;
•So the men plied their work of hopeless
And knew'that the end was near.
It was not. long ere it must be heard,
A shrilling, ceaseless sound:
It was no noise of the strife afar,
Or the snappers under ground.
It was the pipe of the Highlanders,
And now they played "Auld Lanff
It came to our men like the voice of
v God;
And they shouted along the line/
And they wept and shook each other's
. hands,
And the wonieu sobbed in a crowd;
And every one knelt down where we
And we all thanked God aloud.
That happy day, when we welcomed
them in,
Our men put Jessie first;
And the General took her hand; and
From the men like a volley buret.
And the pipers' ribbons and tartan
Marching round and round our line;
And our joyful cheers were broken
with tears,
And the pipers plaved "Auld Lanj;