The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, March 12, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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    I Shoes of 1
|| Quality j]
I for the entire family at |;
i! prices that cannot be il
II equaled for pood shoes. ;!
j: "At the New Store" jj
|i Baker Boat Shop jj
41 North Front Street, ii
Steelton, Pa.
Standard Theatre Program
Her Husband's Son. Two-reel special.
Song of the Soul. Three-reel special by
George Kline.
A Madcap Adventure by Vitagraph
The Mexican. Selig western drama.
The Rev. Charles A. Huyette, Pastor
Announces Subjects to Be Used by
Him in Series of Evangelistic Serv
ices Next Week—Start Sunday
The Rev. Charles A. Huyette, pastor
of the First Reformed church, will opeu
a series of evangelistic services Sunday
morning at 10 o'clock which will be
continued for one week. The following
subjects have been announced for each
meeting of the series:
Sunday morning, '"Self-Consecration
to Clotl; ijuuday evening, "The Pow
er of the Cross;' Monday evening, "A
.New Beginning;" Tuesday evejiug,
"trod Waiting Man's Answer;" Wed
nesday evening, "The Great Invita
tion;" Thursday evening, "The Last
Step;" Friday evening, "Almost Per
suaded. "
Special music will be rendered at
each service. On Thursday night sev
enty-live men from the men's chorus
of Harrisburg w*ill sing. The services,
with the exception of those on Sunday,
•will begin at 7.4 5 j>. in.
Local Music Lovers Enjoyed Recital
Last Evening
All available space in the First Meth
odist Episcopal church, including the
Sunday school room and gallery, was
tilled witlh an euthusastic audience last
evening to hear and be entertained by
J. Fred Wolle, director and organist of
t%e B;ich choir. Bethlehem, ami director
of the Harrisijurg Choral Society, in
one of the best recitals ever listened to
in Steelton.
Wolle's interpretation of a number
of standard selections from not oniv
Bach, but also of Wagner, Glnck, Guii
man and other classis writers was a
revelation to his hearers and the recitai
•was greatly enjoyed. The entertain
ment was held under the auspices of
,the church choir and a snug sum was
received for the benefit of the church
Her Husband's Son by Mrs. Carpenter
The presentation of this splendid
number at the Standard Theatre to
night promises to be very good, the east
includes Jessie Stevens, Harrv Beau
mont, Gertrude MoCov, Helen" Strick
land and Robert C'onners. This is a
two reel special. This is followed by
one of George Kline's three-reel spe
cials, "Songs of the Soul"—one of
Klines best. "A Madcap Adventure,"
bv Vitagraph Company, featuring Dor
othy Kelly, Betty Grey, Cissv Fitz-1
gerald, James Morrison, Mary Morrison I
»"d S. Rankin Drew, is worth while. !
" l"he Mexican," a good western story, I
ends the program.—Adv.*
Moose Elected Officers
Steelton Lodge. Loyal Order of
Moose, elected the following officers at
its meeting Wednesday evening: EHc
tator, A. E. Sv'hmiek; vice dictator,
John Donnelly; prelate, John Wilson;
treasurer. Erwin Hoffmaster; inner
guard, John Xeser; outer guard. Albert
German! trustee for three vears, Her
man Brandt.
Infant Daughter Buried
Mar.v, aged 6 months, infant daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Stovic, who
died yesterday morning of pneumonia I
at the home of her parents, 6'2l
South Front 6treet, was buried this
morning at 9 o'clock. Interment was
made in Mt. Calvary cemetery, Harris
The New Store at
181 North Front Street
is open for business with a full
line of
Shoes for Men, Women 1
and Children
Also Gents' Furnishings
FOR RENT—Houses with all Inmprov*-
ments, on S. Fourth St.. Steelton. No,
jlfc $12.00; No. 322, $11.00; Nix. 353 and
305. SB.OO per month. Apply 21t a
tourth St.. Steelton.
Twenty-Three Fowls Taken From Pen
of Frank Smcigh Had Heads Wrung
Wednesday Night—Other Thefts
Are Reported
After a lull of several weeks chick
en thieves in the borough are again
becoming active and almost eaoh night
some section of the borough reports
the loss of a number qf fowls.
The latest victim heard of is Frank
Smeigh, whoee hen house, located at
the rear of his home, 470 North Front
street, was raised Wednesday nispht,
and twenty-three fowls removed, after
the heads had been wrung off. Charlos
Couffer, 454 North Front street, also
lost some poultry Tuesday evening
and several nights previous to the
Couffer raid the hen house of John
Bitting. residing on North Third
street, was brokeu open, but Bitting
frightened oft' the robbers with a shot
gun which was discharged in the direc
tion of the men.
Entertained Young Folks and Friends
Wednesday Evening
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Etter enter
tained twelve real young folks and sev
eral friends from 5 to 8 o'clock at thrir
home, Second and Lunnber streets, High
spire, Wednesday evening, in honor of
lae tifth birthday anniversary of their
son, tieorge W. The dining room was
handsomely decorated with vari-coloreu
electric lights and the table center
piece consisted of a laroe baske' of
sweet peas, carnations and Easter flow
ers, tastefully arranged. The favors
to the girl guests were ornamental
boxes of fine candy while each boj
guest was presented'with a figure of a
baseball player placed on a retainer,
also filled with candy.
Near the floral basket was placed a
handsomely decorated layer birthday
cake containing five candles. The
menu consisted of chicken sandwiches,
ice cream, cake, candy, nuts and fruit
which was partaken of by the follow
ing persons: Eleanor Varnacle, Anna
Etter, Letha Etter, lona Leidig,
Miriam Brown, Ellwood George Ruth,
Edgar Etter, Harry Schumau, George
VV. Etter, Highspire; Benjamin and
John Brandt, Mrs. Abraham Brandt,
Mrs. Ed. McCoy and son, Edgar, Har
ris burg.
Mass Meeting for Men
A mass meeting for men will be held
in the First iMerhodist Episcopal church
Sunday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock
Which will be addressed by the Rev. R'.
W. Runyan, pastor of St. Paul's Meth.
odist Episcopal church. Harrisburg, who
will use for his theme. "Self Culture
and Self-tSacrifice." The meeting is
not sectarian and all men of Hie bor
ough will be welcome.
Lecture by Mrs. Ueorge N. Lauffer
My Influence" will be the stfbjeol
of an address to be delivered bv Mrs.
ueorge N. Lauffer at the meeting fo
.yonien in St. John's Lutheran church
Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Spe
•lal music w-il be a feature of the meet
Miss Marie Wiseman, the visiting
nurse employed by the Steelton Civic
Club, will be in her offices from 8 a. m.
to 9 a. m., from 12.30 p. m. to 1.30
p. m.
The Rev. E. D. Keen, of United Evan
gelical, Bids Farewell to His Con
gregation—Church Gets 100 Ac
cessions During His Pastorate
Lemoyne, March 12. —A change of
pulipits, not for one Sunday but for
many, will take place when the Rev.
E. 1). Keen, pastor of Lemoyne United
Evangelical church, and the "Rev. H. T.
Searl, jpastor of the Wrightsville church,
will exchange pulpits within the near
future. The change was made by the
United Evangelical Conference, recently
held at Carlisle.
A farewell reception was tendered
the Rev. and Mrs. E. D. Keen by the
congregation of the Lemoyne church
last night.
Not knowing what was coming, the
Rev. Mr. Keen and son, Paul, were
lured into the church, where more than
400 members of the congregation await
ed them. Mrs. Keen, who was at a
meeting of tihe Women's Missionary So
ciety, was taken into the church "some
time later in the evening. After the
arrival of the guests the following pro
gram was carried out:
Music, Sunday school orchestra, un
der the direction of Ravmond \V. Saw
yer; song, "Blest Be "the Tie That
Binds;" prayer, C. ,L. Eby, superin
tendent of the Sunday school; reading
of Scripture lesson, Miles Rice; !H. S.
Winger, president of the church trus
tee board, gave a short talk in behalf
Induced Dr. Howard Co. to Make
Special Prices
After a great deal of effort and cor
respondence, H. C. Kennedy, the popu
lar druggist, has succeeded in getting
the Dr. Howard Co. to make a special
half-price introductory offer on the reg*
ular fifty-cent size of their celebrated
specific for the cure of constipation and
Dr. Howard's specific has been so re
markably successful in curing consti
pation, dyspepsia and all liver troubles
that H. C. Kennedy is willing to return
the price paid in every case where it
does not give relief.
Headaches, coated tongue, dizziness,
gas on stomach, specks before the eyes,
constipation and all forms of liver and
stomach trouble are soon cured by this
scientific medicine.
So great is the demand for this spe
cific that H. C. Kennedy has been able
to secure only a limited supply, and
everyone who is troubled with dyspep
sia, constipation or liver-trouble should
call upon him at once, or send 25 cents
and get sixty doses of the best medi
cine ever made, on this special half
price offer with his personal guarantee
to refund the money if it docs uot cure.
l t
Which will be found of rather more than passing interest
to any and every man who has the proper idea of economy as it relates to
his personal appearance and who knows what the real buying power of a
* dollar is when put to work in the right way. -The announcement is this
—that in addition to the many other leading lines of Good Clothes sold
by'this Live Store, we have added the
First of all, you will have to rec- see all there are to see, test all there are to
ognize the tremendous selling power of test and then we place an order that prac-
DOUTRICH'S, a selling power * which gets no! itr ir h-% hub awtfit ntiTcKixc
its strength from a tremendous, steady pa- pOUTRICH S GUARANTEED sls SUITS
tronage, you must realize that here and . riAiTTnmiT^
here alone we double and in some lines 1 hat S the Way DOUTRICHS get
triple the business of any other big store in greater value into DOUTRICH'S GUAR-
Harrisburg with the result that we buy in ANTEED sls.
greater .volume. Then we pay cash for _ _
every article of merchandise, taking our DOUTRICH S GUARANTEED
discounts and cutting that item of expense sls are designed to meet the requirements
off the price to you. . of those men who would pay $lB and S2O
XkT . 1 ii. i ' for their clothes, and too meet them in a
We go into tne clothing markets a better, more satisfactory way than they
of the world for fifteen dollar suits, we have ever been met before.
We do not claim that DOUTRICH S GUARANTEED sls
suits are the best clothes made, but we believe that they are the best that fl
can be produced to sell at sls, and fully equal in style, fit, fabric and \ I
workmanship to much of the unnamed, unlabeled clothing that many
. stores ask you to pay as high as S2O for.
f i J
See the DOUTRICH'S GUARANTEED sls section in our
window. Come in the store and see how a DOUTRICH Suit looks on
your manly forrp. The SAME DOURTICH'S GUARANTEE of com- | ®
plete and lasting satisfaction goes with DOUTRICH'S GUARANTEED j
sls Suit as with every line of merchandise carried in this Live Store.
' r * i —gi—n ' s
A New One for A New One for
the Suit That | R Ijf J | the Suit That
Goes Wrong Gocs |
304 Market Street Harrisburg, Pa. I
of the members of the church body; •
selection, '' When We All Get There, j
mothers' class chorus; talk, James L. j
Pryor, representing the men r s Bible I
class of the Sunday school; singing, |
"God Will Take Care of You" moth
ers' cthorus; music, orchestra.
The -principal address of the evening
was made by U S. Beam, foimcr super
intendent Oif the Sunday school, who
spoke on '' The Cash Register and Sales
Slip Tell Their Story." He said that]
the Rev. Mr. Keen had made 1,600
visits during his four years at the local
church, preached 500 sermons, $2,000
in missionary money was raised and j
100 accessions made to the church. Fol-1
lowing, a short address was made by j
the retiring pastor and his son, I'aul, |
who is a student at Princeton Theo- j
logical Seminary.
At the close of the program refresh- 1
ments Were served by the E. Pluribus :
Unum class of the Sunday school, who '
were attired in white dresses and caps.,
Want Charter Surrendered
The court has fixed March 22 for
hearing any answer the Olinton Ce
ment Company may have in opposition
to request of the Attorney General for
the surrender of its charter of incor
poration granted January 25", 189 7. It
is claimeti that the company suspended
business on February 27, 1906, and
has no creditors.
Philadelphia Division—l2o crew »o
jro first after 3.30 p. m.: 114, 125, 124,
121, 120, 122, 123, 115, 107, 106.
12S, 108.
Engineer for 128.
Firemen for 106, 107, 114, 120,
121, 124.
Conductors for 114, 123, 12 4.
Flagmen for 102, 106, 114, 131.
Brakemen for 102, 104, 106, 114,
115, 120, 128.
Engineers up: Reisinger, GiWbona
Seller?, Davis, Smith, Dennison,'So(ber
Bissinger, Welsh, Geesey, First, Hin'd
man, Downs, Stateler, Grass, Allbright
Kennedy, Seitz, Brunner, Young, Hen
necke, Foster, Kautz.
Firemen up: Myers, Hermau, Gel
singer, Wagner, Kreider, Moflfatt, Ro>b
inson, Weaver, Collier, Wagner, Mc
Curdy, Brenner, Chronister, Madenford
McNeal, Whichello, Gilberg, Copelaud
Dunlevy, Bushey, Kearney, Khoads.
Conductors up: Looker,"Mehatlie, Mil
Flagmen up: Witmyer, Clark, Dono
BraJkemen up: Coleman, Wiland,
Riley, Bogner, Collier, Mummw, Ar
ment, Jackson, McNaughton, Burk, Mc
•Ginnis, Sweigart, Gouse, File, Albright,
Moore, Malseed, ShVltZberger, Dengler, j
Allen, Brown, Cox, Kochenouer, Fur
| gueson, Busser, Hivner.
Middle Division—229 crew to go!
first afer 1.30 p. m.: 226, 237.
Preference: 2, 3.
Engineer for 2.
Engineers up: Wissier, Garman, Web
ster, Bennett, Moore.
Firemen up: Arnold, Sheesly, Cox,
ISeagrist, Fletcher, Ross, Karstetter,
Stouffer, Zeiders, Liebau, i'ofcteigcr,
Flagmen up: Jacobs, Dill.
Brakemen up: Stronger, Bell, Wen
rick, Troy, Roller, Fritz, Salil, Kane,
Werner, Marlin.
Philadelphia Division—24o crew to
go first after 3.45 p. ui.: 239, 235,
226, 227, 225, 214.
Engineers wanted for 225, 225,
Firemen for 228.
Conductors for 214, 235, 238, 239.
Flagman toi 239.
Brakemeu for 201, 206, 21 4, 225, j
Conductors up: Logan, Shirk, For-1
ney, Steinouer.
Flagmen up: Reitzel, Flora.
Brukemen up: Wolfe, Rice, Stinie
,Jing, i»haffncr, Taylor, Wcrta. Campbell,
Vandling, Twigg, Knigiit, fair, Walt
| man.
Middle Division—2ls crew to go
j tirst after 1.35 p. m.: 217, 234, 244.
Yard Crews—Engineers up: Beck,!
Haror, Biever, Blosser, Meals, iiwab,
[•'list, Harvey, Kubn, Snyder, Pelton, j
i Shaver, Ijuidie. Hoyler.
Firemen up: Shipley, Crow, Revie, j
j Ulsh. Bostdorf, Schiefer, Rauch, Weigle, j
| Lackey, 000-kerly, Maeyer, Stoolter, |
j Snell, Bartolet, Oetty, Barkey, Sheets,
| Bair, Eyde, Boyle.
Engineer for 130.
Firemen for 1869, 1816, 1831, 130,
1820, 1368.
P., H. & P.—After 4 p. m.: 22, '
24, 1.
Eastbound—After 8.45 a. m.: 52,
62. 58, 61, 71, 68. 51.
Conductor up: Orris.
Engineers up: f'letz, Wireman,
iyweeley, Middaugn, Morrison, Mass!-
j more, Crawford, Glass, Woland, Barn
I hait, Wood, Tipton, Lape.
| firemen up: Kelly, Bingamau, Carl,
Longenecker Snader, Kumbaugh, Kiii
ton, Beecher, Miller, Anspaeh, Boyer,
Dowhower, (Jtyonister, Dobbins
Brakemen up: Gnmes, Ware. Dun
can, Shader, Hartz, Keffer, Carlin,
Maehmer, Painter, Maxton, Mumrna,
Guests of Mrs. David Watts
Mrs. liewis Motter, of Frederick,
1 Md., is visiting her mother, Mrs. David
Watts, 112 State atreet.
, ■:
!> Gold Crowns & Sets ;>
|! Bridge Work Teeth I
jj $3, $4, $5 $5 Vi|
11 >Ve altvnya make teeth (hat at. 1
<| Come In the mol-nlns, get your i
], teeth same (lay. Plates repaired 1
: , j on short notice.
Mack's Painiess Dentists j
5 310 Market SI.
* Open Kvrnlni[a.