10 / ) The Glorious New Easter Suitings ARE IN FULL FORCE Suits 91 st ™ HBLn ORDER « New H 5~0 II Spring UP - HP Patterns I All DAHBMM Harrisburg's Pro- LUU DAIS |?1, gressive Tailor, 13 N. FOURTH ST. AMUSEMENTS I AMUSEMENTS TRIXIE ORPHEUM " ELE * FRIGAHZA GRAYCE THIS WEEK Watson's Farm Yard for Kiddies miS WEEK One Week Special, Beginning Monday, March 15 Vaudeville's Most Extravagant Offering A Musical Comedy Girl Act Surpassing All Others "Safety First" WITH LOU ANGER AND SOPHYE BARNARD SIX OTHER PRINCIPALS AND A BEAUTY CHORUS OF 8 16—A Company of 16 People—l 6 2 elaborate special sets of scenery and $20,000 worth of costumes Seats now selling. Free List Absolutely Suspended * x —" ~ ~ !■■■■ HMHB& ■ MAJESTIC Jl Sat., Matlnrf nnd >l*tht. IS n SEATS NOW SKI.I.IMi 3 The Swlrty K\ent of the »raMi ,fl BOSTON E.MiI.ISH OPERA JH (UMI'VW 9 In the World's Favorite Opera I llTrovatore" W With tin- most remarkable cast V of Mar* rvrr heard In KnKllsh Lfl *2.00 Phstapiay To-day. Hro«ii>\ny-Mnr S-Pfrl Fcnturr "A Daughter's ' Strange Inheritance" Featuring NOH>I \ TALM \IMiK. V AN DYKE BHOt)KE and DON ALD II ALL Hrcular Frjtta? Railroad Story •THE OPEN l)K\\\ HHIIMiI-V Hlth FEARLESS HEI.EN HOLMES ' PEGENT Hours. 12 Noon to II I'. M. TO-DAY—-A H % I OUTER OF THE PEOPI-E." n *hnhert-llrnd> prudue tloß In .-> reel*, tilth I .aura Sanier, Frederick DeH. llet Ille and Robert Bruderiek—V l>> reda Art Pilau. Feature nkoua at 12..M1. 2.34. 4.12, R. 50. 7.24, >.4*. 10.14 With Our 1 1.1111 1 Hallv Change: **The lluule Call." Scllr. -Put Me Off at Wa>\llle" imniHi i. Knlrm TO-MORROW—Another of our Bl|s Features Will he Vnnounied Adßilsslon. 10c. t hildrea. 5c ——-——— IYICTORIA SPECIAL TO-DAY "SPECTRO" or lithe Hour of Midnight in 5 Parts The Greatest Detective Drama Ever Shown Read the Star-Independent . - . .. \ <.. < • "fff «<> ' • • - • ■ ' • ' HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 12. 1915. MAJESTIC THEATRE German War Motion Pictures OF RKAI. BATTI.E SCENES, ETC, ' I nder the Auapleea of the \K\V YORKER STA ATS-ZEITI NU i MARCH 11 and 13 Authorized h> the l.ermai lieneral staff. for the llr*t (hue in thin conn tr>. Flint* ot GK.NF.IIAI, Hl\l>K\- B1 RG nt the Runitian Front. Four preneatatioaa earh day, 2.30. 4.00, 7..10, 9.00. PRICES) 15 and 35 rent* COLONIAL 1 SIG-FRANZ rRSUPE The Funniest Act in Vaudeville * :{ OTHER GOOD ACTS AND THE I BEST PICTURES Prices: Mat., 5c and 10c; Eve., 10c and 15c. COMING MONDAY KOMICAL KOPS v _ — —.. ILUCY MARSH SOPRANO Tech High School MARCH 18th Benefit Bethlehem Luth. Church SEATS ON SALE at the J. H. Troup Music House ; 15 S. Market Sq. Prices SI.OO and $1.50 Chickering Piano Used ' NEWS OF THE SPO WELSH STILL HOLDS ON TO LIGHTWEIGHT CROWN Willie Kite hie. Former Champion. Forces the Fighting, but His Wild ness Costs Him a Vicu>o—Haulers Fought to Standstill New York, March 12. —Willie Ritchie, from whom Freddie Welsh snatched the world's lightweight crown in London eight months ugo, foug'.it the champion to u standstill in their 10- round battle in Madison Sq.iare Garden last night. The former titlehokler forced the fighting throughout, hut he was erratic, his wild swings bvmg eas ily avoided by the elusive Englishman. Ritchie was t : i e tirst to enter the ring'. He was given a tremendous ova tion from hi> dressing room up to tue time he climbed into the ring. Ritchie was preceded by a large American ung. A minute later Welsh followed, a Un ion Jack being carried over his head. Ritchie's seconds were Dr. Jeffrey, l>r. Hicks. Hilly Orupp and Hob McAllis ter. Welsh was attended by Harry Pollock, his manager; orift" Jones and Jim Donovan. Announcer Joe Humphreys iu intro ducing the boxers declared the contest to be for the lightweight championship of the world. Ritchie was presented tirst, and the crowd cheered as he rose from his seat. The American was ap parently the popular favorite. Welsu, however, was also given a warm greet ing. According to stipulations, both weighed iu at 135 at 3 o'clock yester day afternoon The ringside weight of both was announced as Ritchie 13ov a , Welsh 135%, The men were called to the center of the riug by Referee Roche and given final instructions end 30 seconds later were on tlieii way The tight by rounds: Round One—Both men r.'.saeu out of their corners Ritchie was tirst to lead, a straight left. Welsh ducked. For a full minute thev were in a clinch, neither landing a blow. Welsh was the tirst to land a long left to the nose- More wrestling followed, and as they broke out of a clincih Ritchie shot a left to the jaw with a little steam be hind it. Each man seemed to be con tent in sizing up the other's attack and there was little righting. it was an even round. Round Two —They rushed out of their cornets and went into a clinch. Ritchie worked his right n*nd to the body at close quarters. Welsh jabbed twice with his left, and missed a hard right to the jaw. They did a lot ot fiddling, but neither >\ns able to land. In a long clinch Ritchie used his fore arm to Freddie's jaw. Willie stabbed a left to the face and received a right uppercut in tarn. Welsh tore in with head low and took i hard hook on the jaw. He followed with another right to the face a few seconds later. At the bell Willie pl.inted another right to the body. It was Ritchie's round. • Round Three—They came out of their corners fast iu the third, and | Ritchie SWUIK: many wild blows that ; found no mark, save Welsh's arm, but he was not to be denied, and finally planted a right in the stomach. He kept swinging for the bo.ly. but Welsh picked oft' all the blows with his el bows. Freddie utepped back and j o;>- ped his left to the face. 1 tried ! Willie on the old one-two i .iueh and ; landed high on the he..t. -l ist as the ! bell rang, Willie hooked i; left to the ! face. Ritehie did all the forcing in this i round and deserved the honors. I Round Ko.ir —They rushed from tlieii 'corners and Ritchie sent a* light left : to the hea l. Welsh then ripped two | lefts to the head and shot a right to the body. Welsh swung a left high to | the head, jabbed twice with the "ame hand to the face and blocked a vicious I right that Ritchie attempted to return. ; Ritchie hooked a left to the head and ! thev went into a clinch. At the bell ; they were at close quarters with neith er doing any damage. It was Welsh's j round. • Round Five —Ritchie led with a left and rkiit in the fifth, but was far short with both. Freddie stepped inside I another left and right and went into j a clinch. Welsh hooked a left to the I ear. They ex.'hinged straight lefts to j the face and Ritchie missed a hard i right to tlie jaw. A lot of infighting | followed, but no damage was done. Ritchie missed a right and Welsh jab ' bed with his left. Ritchie did all the i forcing, but wa.< wild and had no idea of timing his punches. Welsh shot a i [eft to tlie face and picked off a wild rrght'swing for his own head. They were in a hot mix-ep as the bell sound ed and Ritchie worked a right to the | wind. It was Welsh's round. 1 Round Six—Ritchie led with his ' left,*but it fell short and iu return he j received a left to the head that jarred i him. Freddie followed with another straight left to the head, but in the ensuing infighting, no damage was doue. Willie chased Freddie around the ring, but could not land. Ritehie duek ;ed two hard lefte to the hea l, but i Welsh blocked what he had to offer in | return. After a long clinch Ritchie hooked a hard right to the wind. They were tied up in a clinch at the bell. It was an extremely poor round, but the : margin belonged to Welsh. Round Seven—Ritehie swung a hard i left to the body, but Welsh easily I blocked it. A lot of fiddlina followed, with neither doing any The boxi&j was so tame that the enormous . crowd hooted it at this stage. Ritehie worked himself into close quarters and «t no elunn blows were landed. Welsh finally straighten e.l up and shot two left to the face. They got to close quarters and Willie brought a tight up to the •wind. It was Walsh's round. wound Ten—They »hook hands and stepped buck, exchanged lefts and rights and then clinched. Welsh duck ed a hard right a,nd left to head and went to close quarters, with no light ing being done. They stepped back and fell into another clinch and the crowd hooted. We'.sh shot two hard lefts to the face and blocked everything Wil lie sent in turn. Welsh stabbed two lefts and then went into a clinch. Ritchie banned awav with both hands to the body, but Welsh blocked him. They got to close quarters and Ritchie shot a right to the body. At the bell they were in a clinch. It was Welsh's round. BOWLIM; results CASINO LEAGUE Orpheums defeat Monarchs — MONARCHY Ber.tz .... 149 127 165 441 Senior .... 140 174 202 510 Pnukle .. . ISO 170 127 — 453 Ford 104 ls2 106— 512 Atticks ... 215 ISI 223 619 Totals . . 854 BS4 8S3 —2571 ORPREUMjS Ross 215 245 145 605 Botts .... 168 17< 136 482 W. A. Miller 177 201 192 570 Reck 179 217 208— 604 Wil.-on ... 199 175 244 618 Totals .. 938 1016 2879 P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. LEAGUE Etigles win two games, but* lose match— GIANTS Martin ... 137 178 153 468 E. C. Smith 144 155 1 19— 418 C. Saul ... 131 17 1 103 — 465 Fagan .... 151 162 160 — 473 Myers .... 192 186 215 593 Totals .. 755 852 810—24 17 EAGLES Fitner .... 161 135 1 i .> — 4t 6 Jlart:.ell . . 156 206 123 4So I'aull 164 147 162 473 Askin 14 1 152 157 450 i>iller .... 205 189 192 556 Totals . 827 829 809 —2555 AT THE CASINO Plunders top Bricklayer; oy 115 I pins— PLI'IMBKRS 1 K'.itch .... 186 155 191— 532 ' Fetrow ... 147 160 13.> — 442 T. Shellhamer 89 121 102— 312 j li. Shellhainei 164 124 lav — 447 l'lank .... 116 183 144 443 Totals ... 702 743 731—2176 BRICKLAYERS ; Miller .... 150 135 182 — 467 Chubb .... 140 13 o 121— 39b : Dinger 97 142 129 36S jKuntz .... 141 128 138 — 407 Keel 161 130 132 — 423 Totals .. 689 670 702 —2061 Big Spuds overwhelm Little Spuds— i LITTLE SPCDS < arter .... 133 155 113— 401 ' Behm ...» 136 116 16 4—— 410 , Devi ue .... 108 124 168— 400 Miller 116 87 125 328 Schmink . . 164 156 169 489 Totals . . 657 638 739—2034 BIG SPFDS Vanetta .. 131 177 134 442 | Ely 126 163 17S— 464 Bennett ... 121 153 15S— 432 Peters .... 136 176 109— 421 Speraw ... 143 171 139 — 453 Totals .. 657 840 715—2212 CENTRAL GAMES CANCELLED Death of Professor Steele Causes Post ponement of Basketball Faculty Athletic Director B rtram : \V. Saul last evening called off the basketball games of the t'eutral High ' school fives scheduled to be played this evening) in the Chestnut street hall I when the news of the death of Profes i >or William Sherman SteeJe, principal ! of the school, which occurred in a sani ' tarium in Lakcwood, N. J., yesterday, reached this city last evening, j The boys' team was to engage the j Altoona High school five while the girls 'were to have played the Sunbury High school girls' five. These games will be played some time in April, the '.late not having been selected yet. DR.KLUGH, Specialist Phyilrlaa aad SorßeM offices: 200 Walnut st- Flarrlahnr*. Pa ntseaaes of noari a art meat apeetal, private, aped lie. aerroaa and ekrtali dfaeaaea. Geaeral office work, Coa• al ia tloa free aad confidential. ile«!lc!a« faralahed. Work gaaraateed. Chanel moderate. 2(i yeara' experleaca l»lt. KI.DGH, the aelUkaona Specialist relief H without InconrmlfflK*, ■ ■ CATARRH EASTERN LEADERS TO FLAY The Conquarers of Raiding Will Meet Independents To-morrow Night at Chestnut Street Camden having defeated Reading on Tuesday night the present leaders of the Eastern Basketball League will be the attraction at the Chestnut street an- Aitorium to-morrow nigiht. llarrisburg having derisively defeated the Tronton five the locals expect to take the lead ers into camp. It will tie a t'ast game. The same lineup which represented the New Jersey city in the pennant climb will be in Harrisiburg to engage the Harrisburg Independent five. Cap tain MVCord has had his team out for practice this week and hcbd' the last one this afternoon. The gume will be calted at 8 o'clock; and will be fallowed by the usual dance, j Anorttivr exhibition of modem dances i including some which have never been : seen in Harrisburg will lie given by It, P. Dickey and Miss Marie Boileau. Jasper, of the Eastern League, will play their tirst exhibition game in Har risJburg againsit the Independents ou Tuesday night. March 16. While this' team is last in the Eastern League the team is made up of several iuvUividuaJ stars anil will give an interesting exlii- j bition of basketball. PRIZES FOR M. E. ATHLETICS Oerrnantown Club Disqualified—Local Runners to Get Medals I The Germantown Boys' Club having! | been disqualified, one of their runners! in the Foresters' Day meet in Point Breeze Park in Philadelphia August 15 last year being declared ineligible, th-> Methodist Club, of HarrisJburg, running from scratch and finishing fourth Will be advanced to third l place and receive I bronze medals. On the local team were L. Hall, K. 1 Barnliart, A. Winn and E. Flickinger. WILLARD OFF FOR HAVANA White Heavyweight Starts for New Fight Grounds El Paso. Tej.. March 12.—.less Wil lard accompanied by his manager, Tom j ; .tones, left yesterday for Havana. : j where the big heavyweight is scheduled ; to meet Jack Johnson in a fight for | the championship on Easter Sunday, j Only Wednesday Williard said the fi nancial arrangement had not beou com-1 pleted, but his t/ip to Havana is taken i | to indicate that the money end of the I matter has been satisfactorily arranged. Sophs Lick Freshies The Freshmen lost to the Sophomores yesterday in the Tech interchips league, (score 25 to 11. Davies and McFarland j played best for the Sophs while Frock and Kauffman did the Freshmen's best j work. The linonp: Sophs. Freshmen. j McGann F Kauffman 'Stark F Huston ' McFarland C Weibly j Pollock G Frock , Wolf G Baker ! Substitutions, JSophs, Davies for Me |Gann; Challenger for Hfark, Fohl for Wolf. Field goals. Frock, 1; McGann, 1; Davies, ti; McFarlanvl, 3: Pollock. 1. I Foul goals. Kauffman, 9: Pollock, 3. Keferee, Killinger; scorer, Melville; j Murray; time. 20-minute halves. Hummelstown Reos Winners 'Hummelatown, 'March 12.—The I'Hummelstown Reos turned tables on the I Reserves here yesterday, winning by ja score of 40 to 3G. The line-up: Reserves. Reos. ' Landis F Rupert livens F D. Patrick Musser C Stoudt Cortv G Smith A. Patrick G Cassel Field goals, Landis, 7; Levens, 4; Corty, 3; Musser. 1; Smith, 10; Stoudt, 6; Rupert, 4. Foul goals. Landis, 3 of 3; Levens, 3 of 3. Referee, G. Lud wiek. Time. 20-minute halves. "Fed" League Meeting Postponed Chicago, March 12.—The schedule meeting if the Federal League, which was set for Pittsburgh next Saturday, has been postpoued until Monday and will be helil in Chicago, it was an nounced yesterday. The postponement was caused by the suit filed by the | Kansas City Federal League Club, j which seeks to restrain the league from 1 transferring its franchise to Newark, ,X. J. The hearing was continued by Circuit Judge Baldwin Wednesday until 'Monday when the contending counsel ' will be given tw 0 and one-half hours for argument. GET RID OF THE DANDRUFF! KEEP YOUR SCALP CLEAN I Make jour Hair soft and fluffv with BESKORES'"* DANDRUFF \our druggist sells it at 23c., 50c. audJl. Ask your barber to give you a Beshore's Rub for lOcts. to keep your hair from turning gray. E. S. Beshore Company 400 N. 3rd Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ASK FOR-* Lancaster's Favorite Brew RIEKER'S BEER JNO. G. WALL, Agt. Harrisburg, Pa. Frank J. Rieker, Mgr. THE HUB CLEAN-lIP SALE ENDS TO-MORROW, SATURDAY This will be your last opportunity to get these suits and overcoats at ABOUT HALF PRICE. MEN'S and YOUNG MEN'S foA £k pA SUITS AND OVERCOATS %| II h||| that formerly sold up to $20.00 yliVlVv MEN'S and YOUNO MEN'S /||J| A ba SUITS AND OVERCOATS %| (M f%|| that sold up to $25.00 JL JL# V MEN'S and YOUNG MEN'S J * p/\ SUITS AND OVERCOATS % | P%|l that sold up to $27.50 JL v • V V MEN'S and YOUNG MEN'S A va SUITS AND OVERCOATS %| K f%|| that sold up to $30.00 MEN'S and YOUNG MEN'S fa* pr/\ SUITS AND OVERCOATS \IV f%l| that sold up to $35.00 fj/ J. U# \J BOYS' SUITS AND OVER- ' COATS that sold up to $7.50, .. THEKHUB 320 Market Street B 1 1,756,7(53 CATHOLICS IX PA. I priesthood. There arc 284 Catholic or phan asvlums, with 4 5,7 4 2 orphans Church Has 16,S00.:il0 Members in U. thoroiu; 5,488 parishes with parochial _ ~ . _ schools ami 1,456,206 children en - S., According to New Directory rolled New York, March 12.—There are 16,309,310 Catholics in the United Colonel Bcitler Here 'States according to the advance sheet* ; 1 oloncl Lewis h. Bcitler. secretary of the Official Catholic directory, pub-i of tlie fiftieth Anniversary of the lished and copyrighted by P. J. Ken Battle of Gettysburg Commission, edv a Suua. The increase in the mini- called on Governor Brumtbaugh yester •be'r of Catholics in 1914 was 241,325. day to explain demand for the repub- Penns.vlvania Catholics number 1,- lication of the commission's report and 756,763 and Xew Jersey 555.000, New request that the bill for such ropivbli- Jersey having passed Michigan and cation receive executive sanction. It Wisconsin, reaching seventh pface in j is proposed to print 25,000 copies, the list of States. Pennsylvania is sec-1 ond only to New York. j There are 18,994 Catholic clergymen . • _ . _ in the United States. Of these, 14,008 Many People In ThlS Town are secular clergymen and 4.986 priests ; never enjoyed a meal until of religious orders. The increase in the ] we advised them to take a number of priests was 426. add 310, Ducnencia Catholic churches were established. Uv + J. There are 14.961 Catholic edifices in' Tablet this country. 9 883 churches with resi i before aud after each meal. Sold only | dent priests and 6,0 . 8 mission churches. . u8 _ 2 50 a box. hightyhve ecclesiastical seminaries | i have 6,770 young men studving for the George A. Gorgas I Another New Model Added To the International Motor Truck Line This new Model "E" has a simple, powerful and compact heavy-dutv motor and incorporates many features that protect the purchasers against possible delays. This type of motor, the simple control, effective clutch, de pendable system of ignition, and accessibility of all parts, elim inates delays so common to various other designs. From the International Motor Truck Department, free trans portation will be furnished to both automobile shows, March 13 to 20, inclusive. Remember the name—The International Motor Trucks. Remember the location —At till) Walnut Street. Remember the slogan—"He profits most who serves best." COME AND LOOK US OVER International Harvester Co. of America (Incorporated) MOTOR TRUCK DEPARTMENT. «1» WALNUT STREET Other Branch Houses at Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Elmira and Parkersburg j ——J