The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, March 11, 1915, Page 9, Image 9

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CwitlßUcd From First Pas*.
e#*l principle*, ami he sent for the Sen
ate anil House attaches aiui asked for
figures jn the cost. The Governor him
self suggested that the cost of the en
tire trip should not be over sls a man,
but this was shown to be entirely too
small, ami when the details were gone
over it was found that the expenses,
covering everything, including trans
portation and boarding, would be not
less than $1,700. ami that is about the
amount that wilt HP ex-pernled. That is
an average of $48.57.
Siae of Party Kept Down
The Pennsylvania will have
entire charge' from the time the party
leaves Harrisburg on next Momlav
niglrt until it returns on Wednesday
morning. The party will go by way of
Washington and Richmond to Newport
News. entirely by rail, occupying Pull
man cars—parlor, sleepers and dinei—
ami only those invited by the legisla
tive committee, of which Senator
Beidleman. of Dauphin, is the chair
man, will be allowed on the tram. '
They will arrive at Newport News
411 Toesdav morning and will attend
the launching at noon, in which cere
monv Governor Brumbaugh will tai**
part, and then go to Old Point Comfort
for the afternoon, leaving there in time
to get back to Harrisimrg on the fol
low ing morning.
Much disappointment has been ex
pressed among those Senators and Rep
resentatives who will not be of the
party, but the Governor is determined
that there shall be no junket and uo
scandal such as has Heretofore charac
terized some legislative expeditions to
participate in ceremonies.
It was expected that by hocus
pocus the Pennsylvania delegation
could be enlarged to at least a hundred
•in order that a big showing might be
made for a big State, but the money
was not there to pay the expenses, and
the chief clerk - the Senate and House
who will have to pay the bills out of
their contingent funds are not going to
sanction anything more than what is
desired by the Governor, aud expenses
will be pared to the bone.
Had Appealed Damage Suit But at Last
Moment Decided Not to
Press It
Failure on tiie part of the Ceutral
Pennsylvania Traction Company, now
the Harrisburg Railways Company, to
press its appeal in the damage suit
against it by daren.e A. Cornman,l(so4
Deny street, this city, resulted in the
Superior Court, now in session in this
city, non-prossiug the suit.
Cornman, who is a grocer, brought
suit against the trolley company fol
lowing an accident on April 27, 1910.
in which his delivery wagon, ladened
with eggs, was struck by a trolley. A
Dauphin county court jury awarded him
$950 and the traction company appeal
ed. Cornman 's claim now must t>e paid.
Grant Liquor License
The Oourt mis morning made an or
der allowing the transfer of the llquoi
license held 'by John E. I'mholtz. pro
prietor of the Erdman hotel. Lykeus
township, to Oscar Kessler.
Building Permits
Samuel Gardner has obtained a
building permit for the erection of three
three-story brick houses on Susquehanna
street, near Savford avenue, costing
$7,500. Kopenhaver & Gamtt got pa
pers to build two rwo-story bricks at
2213-15 North Fourth street, costing
$3,000. and the Rev. O. H. Bridgman
•will build a three-story brick residence
at 229 North Fifteenth street, costing
Argue Before House Committee in
In Favor of 2 Days' Best a Month
The railroad committee of the
House, of which Representative H. I.
Wilson is chairman, gave a hearing to
the telegrapher* yesterday -afternoon
on House bill 297, which requires all
Vailroads operated in this State, to give
not less than two days' rest in each
calendar month to all telegraphers who
handle train orders or messages for the
movement of trains.
A. L. Rex, legislative representative ■
in Pennsylvania for the telegraphers, j
aud J. F. Miller, of
the telegraphers on Pennsylvania lines \
east of Pittsburgh, spoke in favor of |
the bill. The railroad committee de
cided to give a hearing to those who I
oppose the bill at some future date.
Hold Reception for Nurse
A reception in honor of the birthday j
anniversary of Miss Violet Malev, bead
nurse at the Polyclinic Hospital, Front
and Harris streets, was held at the:
hospital last night. At 10 o'clock a
luncheon wtis served to the following'
guests: Miss Pebeco Blessing, Miss
Edith Miss Ruth Rosher, Miss
Catherine Page, Miss Florence Oarpen-1
ter. Miss Blanche Carothers. Miss El
sie Dinger, Mrs. Malich, Mrs. Boser,
Pr .and Mrs. C. W. Batdorf, Dr. aud j
Mrs. H. R. Douglas, Dr. and Mrs. H.;
F. Gross. Dr. and Mrs. S. Z. Shoop, Ira j
Arthurs, Forrest Alcorn, Fred Myers,
Robert Stilee, Clinton White and Ralph
Mrs. Mary Kassen
Mrs. Mary Kassen. aged 38 years,
wife of George W. Kassen, died this
morning at her home 1116 Wallace
street. She is survived by five children,
Mrs. \ ictor Shoop a::d four residii\g at j
home. Funeral services will te held at
her late home Saturday afternoon at |
2 o Clock, the Rev. John M. Warden, i
pastor #f Bethany Presbyterian chapel," j
officiating. Interment will be in the
East Harrisburg cemetery.
Services at Enola
Th c Rev. Floyd Appleton, rector of
St. Paul's church, will conduct services
to-morrow at 8 p. m. at the residence
of Edward Knawbe, Beal avenue,
Enola, and on -Sunday at 4 p. m. at
the Reformed church near the School
House. Enola.
W. C. T. U Meeting
The East Harrisburg W. C. T. U. will I
meet to-inorror,- evening at 7.30 o'clock
at the Fourth Reformed church. Six- ■
teentih and Market streets. The topic
will be "Clara Barton'' ana tne lead-1
er Mrs. A. W. Swengel.
Swab. Who Wu Attachea co the
Northumberland County Treasury,
Must Stand Sentence—J usticsa Ad
journ, to Meet in Pittsburgh
The Superior Court this morning held
its final meeting of its present session
and. after hearing argument in the last
case, handed down a number of opin
ions and adjourned, to meet in Pitts
burgh in April. One of the decisions
made by Justice Kephart was iu a
Northumberland county case, wherein
Swab, who wa« connected with the
Northumberland county treasury and
was convicted y>f embezzling county
funds, made an appeal for a new trial.
It was denied and he was ordered to
appear for sentence. Justice Kephart
went over the facts in the case at
length ami found that there was noth
ing in the appeal to justify a reversal
of the court below, and he decided
against Swab. Justice Kephart also
affirmed the Delaware county court in
the appeal of Evans, and in the case
of Floyd vs. the l.ehigh Valley Rail
road Company reversed the court below
and ordered a new trial.
Other opinions handed down were as
By Justice Trexler —Harry t.ueiaon's
appeal, Lancaster, affirmed; estave of
Gideon Wagner, appeal. No. 1, Leba
non, affirmed; same. No. 2. appeal dis
missed: Joseph W. Bain vs. Ben's
Creek Coal and Coke Co.. Blair, appeal
dismissed; Margaret A. Wilson estate,
Lancaster, appeal dismissed; Wm, W.
Elzea vs. Herbert H. Brown, Phila
delphia, affirmed.
Bv Justici Orladv —Estate of I.
Newton Snivelv, Philadelphia, affirmed;
Herbert DeLong vs. Lehigh Valley
Transit Co.. Lehigh, affirmed.
Per Curiam —Kobinson vs. Harshaw,
et hi., Philadelphia, rule to advance
discharged and petition dismissed; Fin
frock vs. Northern Central Railway
Co., York, petition denied; Mary P.
Loy vs. International Mercantile Man
ufacturing Co.. Philadelphia, reargu
ment allowed; petition of Frank Kuss,
Luzerne, petition refused; Leon Holz
ami Alexander Rosenblitm vs. Charles
A. Smyth, appellant, petition for rear
gument refused.
The last case argued was the liquor
license case appeal of Beardslev from
the decision of the Bradford county
court. Beardslev was ane of the appli
cants for a license at the last court
and his license, ai were all others, was
opposed on the ground that the appli
cations had not beeu properly adver
tised. On this ground the court re
fused all of the applications. Rodney
A. Mereur appeared for the appellant
and argued that the Brooks high licensj
law did not intend drastic action such
as was taken by the court when a mis
take had been made in the advertising
of an application. Former Congress
man Horace B. Packer, for the appellee,
held that the court had simply carried
out the mandate of the law and was
justified in refusing the license, and
quoted numerous authorities in support
of his position. The court took the pa
pers and will hand down an opinion at
the session in Pittsburgh.
No decisions were handed down in
the Dauphin county cases angued this
week, and they may be expected to be
I heard from when the court sits in
Pittsburgh two weeks from now. These
. include the case of Athens George,
; proprietor of a Market street motion
i picture theatre, who took an appeal
from the Dauphin county court's deci
sion regarding the segregation of ne-
I gro patrons of his house.
Encouraging Reports Were Received
From Bureaus and Committees—
New Members Admitted
The monthly meeting of the direc*
I tors of the Harrisburg Chamber of Com
merce was heM yesterday afternoon in
the rooms of the Chamber. President
I Henderson Gilbert, First Vice Presi
dent David Kaufman, Second Vice
j President Warwick M. Ogelsby, Treas
urer DonaJd McOormick, W, B. Mc-
Caleb, George A. Shreiner, George F.
Watt, Edward, S. Herman, George W.
Bogar, J. William Bowman and Secre
tary E. L McOolgiu were present.
reports of officers and com
mittees showing much successful ac
tivity on the party of every interest in
the Chamber were submitted. Detailed
reports upon the recent sucjoesful tra.le
exvursion to Sunbury, WilSes-Barre and
Rending; upon the Raymond lectures.
It was announced that the Credit
Rating Bureau recently established by
the Chamber would be open for business
sometime in March, voluminous data on
thousands of people being tabulated' for
the records of the Bureau.
Five new members were elected: L.
M. Bricker, of the West Shore Bakery;
Burns & Co.. furniture; Ezra F. Her
shev, of Hershey, Pa.; Lalance & Gros
jean Manufacturing Company, fqr John
Grey, their new local manager, and E.
S. Marks, proprietor of H. Marks &
The directors gave much time ami
attention to the consideration of several
important items of % new business, the!
progress and result* of which will
announced later. It was stated that
the Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce
through bringing Magnus W. Alexander
here and other means had done more in
telligent work in regard to Workmen's
Compensation than any other Chamber
in the State.
Will Speak at Pine Street Church
Meeting To-night '
Dr. Charles B. Fager. Jr., principal
of the Technical High school, will talk
on his recent travels in Eurpoe to the
members of the MeCormick and Rein
hard Bible Classes this evening at 8
o'clock in the lecture room of the Pine
Street Presbyterian church.
The State Department of Education
has furnished colored slides from pho
tographs taken by Dr. Fager during his!
travels which will be used to illustrate
the lecture. ,
Wants Bids on Water Supplies
Harry F. Bowman, Commissioner of
Public Safety, who is in charge of the
water department, this afternoon pre
pared estimates for the water meters,
water pipe, valves, fire hydrants and
alum that will be required in the de
partment during the coming year, and
ho 'tfill begin to-morrow to advertise
for bids. The bids will be opened on
March 2'2, at 3 p'clock, and the con
tracts probably will be awarded by
the City Commissioners at the meeting
on the following day.
Philadelphia Bntars Protest to the
Commission on Fares Charged by'
the Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany to Suburban Stations
Fred N. Bradley, secretary of the
Belmont Improvement Association, re
siding at 4133 Mantua avenile, Phila-
I delphia, has filed a complaint with the
Public Service Commission m relation
to the fares charged by the Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company at me For
tieth street station. It is alleged that,
notwithstanding that the Fortietn street
station has been a regular station for
more thnu five vbars, the railroad com
pany has declined to sell a single trip
ticket or any other kind or a ncket
between Brond street and Fortieth
street and only sells a ticket entitling
transportation between the Fifiv-sec
ond street station and Broad street,
charging fc.r that distance. The com
plainant, as an evidence of discrimina
tion and uufairness, points out thaOthe
railroad company makes provisiou for
the sale of tickets between Pittsburgh
and Slfady Side and East Liberty ami
contends that tickets should tie placed
oil sale marked or printed on the faco
thereof '"Fortieth Street Station/'
The White Oak Light, Heat & Pow
j er Company netitions the Commission
j to restrain the Boiough of Benson, Soui-
I erset county, from constructing an elec
| trie light plant for the purpose of
| lighting the streets of the municipality
! and furnishing current for the lighting
ot' residences and business places with
ing the borough.
Since 1906 the complainant has
"been rendering this service, hut the
borough is now about to have us own
! plant and intends to cut down the com
plainant 's poles and remove its fixtures
i from the streets. This proposed action,
| the complainant says, is interfering
I with its vested rights and is illegal.
Evangelistic Singers to Make xinal
Plans for Trip to the Stough
Final piaus for the big excursion ot
! Harrisburgers to Lancaster Tuesday
i evening. March lfi, to hear Dr. Henry
j W. Stough, the evangelist who, during
I November aud December, conducted the
| revival in this city, will be completed
at a rehearsal of the Harrisburg evan
gelistic chorus Monday night in ttie
Ridge Avenue Methodist episcopal
church, Sixth and Herr streets,
j At this meeting the special buttons
i made for members of the chorus will be
! distributed. Fully 2,000 are expected
I to go on the Lancaster trip, and ah
j will be permitted to wear the buttons.
Charles F. Clipptnger, director of
the big chorus, has announced tjiat sev
] eral interesting surprises are being
j planned for the Mon iav night meeting
i in addition to regular routine. The
songs which will be sung at the Lan
caster tabernacle under the direction
lof Professor Spooner, Dr. Stough's di
! rector, will be rehearsed Monday.
At Lancaster members of the Lan
| caster tabernacle chorus will meet the
llarrirfburgers and will conduct them to
. the meeting house with its familiar
scenes. Hundreds of the local people
[ who are planning to go on the trip nit
j the "saw dust trail" during the cam
paign here.
] Owing to the hiring of a special train
i a special rate of $1.50 for adults and
75 cents for children lias teen procured
for the excursion by the officials of the
Harrisburg Evangelistic Chorus. Pasj
privileges will be good on the special
excursion train.
! Two Attorneys Each Claim to Be High
est Bidder When Property Is
Knocked Down
Sheriff Wells this afternoon conduct
ed one of the liveliest property saies
| probably since he took office three
; years ago. In one case two lawyers,
bidding on the same property, each
I claimed to have filed the highest bid
and the Sheriff was obliged to reopen
; the sale.
Five pieces of Millersburg property
formerly owned by J. M. Johnson hail
been bid up to $1,730 and the auc
tioneer "knocked it down" to James
G. Hatz. H. L. Lark, the other bid
der, claimed title and had the sale re
opened. On second consideration Hatz
abandoned the fight. Speedy bidding
attended the sales of the remaining
These saleg were recorded:
Three-story brick property at 1709
Green street, owned by William H. My
ers, to E. M. Hershev for $3,355; 3-
storv brick house at 213 Harris street,
owned by Levi G. Martin, to S. S. Lei
bv for $3,725; property of Adam
Fleck. Rudy street, to I. P. Bowman,
$741.31; property on North street
owned by William O. Miller to John
for $6,210; Lena G. Cohen
house at 114 Short street to Robert
Rosenberg, $257.92; Fannie Epstein
house at 705 South street to W. Justin
Carter, $137.77.
Some of these bids covered only the
amount of the Sheriff's costs and not
thc encumbrance thereon.
-| *
De Koven's Company at Majestic In-,
eludes Pleasing Voices
Robin Hood and his merry men, to
gether with the rest of de Koven's 6x
cellenc company, delighted yesterday's
audiences at the Majestic wi*n music
that was really music. The company,
organized two seasons ago for the pur
pose "of restoring the glories of Eng
lish light opera and giving a jaded pub
lic more and better music than is af
forded in tfee modern musical comedy,"
is now on its third tour of the country,
and in its stop at Harrisburg, at least,
it did much to realize its purpose.
The gorgeous costumes added 'at
tractiveness to the production, and the
electrical effects aided in pleasing the
eye. The voices, of course, provided
the real entertainment, including most
notably Cora Tracy's contralto, Bessie
Abbott's soprano, Harold Blake's tenor
and James Stevens' baritone.
Fifty Machlna«\Will Haul Soma 200
Ridars Orar a Long Rout* Through
Principal City Btr«ta 11 Society
Night" at Big Exhibit
To lead the Hurrisburgers who find
time hanging heavy on their hands to
the motorcycle show in Chestnut street
hall this evening the Keystone Motor
cycle Club will have a parade of motor
cycles over the principal streets ol' the
eitv starting at 7.30 o'clock from the
cluibhcuse at Thirteenth and Walnut
Fifty machines are expected in the
lineup aud 200 people will be crowded
on the two-wheeilers. It has beeu dem
onstrated that seven person can "ride"
a motorcycle and such a spectacle is
promised. The route to be followed is:
To Market, to Second, to Walnut, to
Third, to Market, to Fourth, to Sixth,
to Mac lay, to Second, to Reiiv, to
Third, to Market, circle Market square,
to the Chestnut street hall, where tho
show is in progress.
To-night will be society night and if
it proves ns successful as ladies' night
laft night all will be well and good.
More thau 600 attended the show, 387
being paid admissions. The sale* of
the exhibitors were boosted slightly
George W. Bogar opened a booth
yesterday, displaying Old Town caiio.M
and an Evenrude board motor. A dis
play of four cups offered by Frank
Hemminger, Charles I'hler, Ray Heagy
and Joe Adelstine for most consistent
ri.liing during the year was made in the
booth of the Keystone Motorcyclists
yesterday. They are handsome tro) hies
and will be hotly contested for.
Caatluurd from First r>(ft
made another of the swift and unex
pected strokes whi.'h have marked his
campaign against the Russians. Gath
ering a large force along the Prussian
bordor in Northern Poland, he has be
gun a new movement outward, appar
ently intending to strike again at
Przasnysz where the Germans recently
met the defeat which preceded their
general retirement in the north. An
I important battle has developed as a
result of this movement, the result of
which, it is said in Petrograd, has not
yet been indicated.
With the. diminution of activity in
Champagne, the western battle front
has grown quieter. The German mili
tary authorities assert that the allies
have suffered a complete defeat in
Champagne after undertaking an of
fensive movement believed in Berlin
to have been designed to relieve pres
sure on the Russians. Desultory fight
ing continues in Belgium, but along
the eastern end of the line where there
have been active and almost contiuous
battles, weather conditions have en
forced a temporary lull.
Piriß reports tell of resumption of
the Dardanelles" bombardment. It is
said that the fire of some Turk
ish batteries under attack slack
i ened perceptibly during the engage
Dispatches from both Newport
News and Washington Indicate that
the German auxiliary cruiser Prinz
Eitel Friedrich, which took refuge yes
terday in Hampton Roads, will be in
Furnished by H W. Suavely, Broker.
Arcade Building, Walnut and Court
New York. Mar.<li 11.
Opca. Close.
Alaska Gold Mines... 30'-.. i 30%
Anal Copper 54 % 55%
Amer Beet Sugar .... 39% 39%
j American Can ....... 2N" 8 d 7%
| do pfd 95 95
'Am lee Securities .... 28% 29
; Amy Smelting 64% 64%
American Sugar 103% 103%
Amer Tel aud Tel .... 120% 120%
Anaconda 26% v 26%
Atchison . . 95% 95%
Baltimore and Ohio ... 67 67%
Bethleihem Steel 55% 55%
Brooklyn R T 8 < 87%
California Petroleum . . 17% 17%
Canadian Pacific .. . 4 160% 159%
Central Leather ..... 33% 33%
t besivpeake and Ohio . . 42% 42
Chi, Mil and St. Paul. 87% 87%
Chino Con Copper .... 36 36%
Consol Gas .. .' 115 115%
Corn Products 11% 11%,
•isiilling Securities .. . 8% B%'
Erie ... 22% 22%
Krie, Ist pfd 36% 37'
■ eiieral hieetrie Co • - 140 140%
Goodrich B F 31% 31%
'■real Northern pfd. . . 115% 1116
• roat Nor Ore SUJS ... 31 3'1%
llinois Central 10<2% 10>2%
tntejfcioro Met ....... 59% 58%
Lehigh Valley .» 135% 135%
Mex Petroleum 67 66%
Missouri Pacific 11% lls^
Rational Lead 54% 55
Nev Consol Coppet .. . 12% 12%
New York Cen 83% 83%
NY, N $ and H 51% 52
Xorfolk and Western . 102 102
Northern Pac 10 2% 103%!
Penna R R (. 105% 105%
Pittsburgh Coal 20% 20%
do pfd 91 93
Press Car 26% 26%
Ray Con. Copper 17% 17%
Reading H4% 145%
Southern Pacific 84 84%
Southern Ry 16% 16%
do pfd 50% 50%
Tennessee Copper 27% 28%
Texas Company 135 135% i
Union Pacific 120 120%
U. S. Steel 44% 45%
do pfd 105% 105%
Utah Copper . . .«. .. . ,53 USy:,
Western Marylanvl .... 22% 23 ~
W. IT. Telegraph ...., 63% 64%
Westinghouse ilfg .... 68% 69
American Car and Fo'ulidry Com
pany ex-div. 1%.
Forrer Has Guests
George R. Fleming, su|>ervisor of the
Williamsport playgrounds, and George
P. Hepborn, national representative of
the Spalding CompanyXyeaterday were
guests of V. Grant ForrVj, formerly su
perintendent of l/arrirfburg Parks and
6 — a —: i
Messenger Boy Fractures Wrist
Joseph Btair', 109 Evergreen street,
a messenger boy for the Post Tele
graph Company, fell from his bicycle
yesterday and fractured his left wrist.
An X-ray examination was made at the
'Harrisburg hospital this afternoon.
CMtliid From Ffra* Pl(*i
'Mr. Cromer, of Allegheny, who intro
duced a resolution to tix March 17 a»
the last day for the introduction of
bills to' be acted oa at this session,
pleaded \for the passage of the Baldwin
resolution in the, following terms:
"Let us adjourn before we pass too
much fool legislation."
Mr. Walter, of Franklin, asked for
a postponement until Monday evening,
saying that the resolution was unfair
to the chairmen of the Judiciary Gen
eral and 1 Jl w and Order Committees
who have worked hard on important
legislation and necessarily would have
to be hurried on more important meas
ures. v
A "Kindergarten Legislature?"
Mr. l«auius, of York, the blind mem
ber of the House, said that at this time
in the session of 1913, 1,500 bills had
4>een introduced into the House and
that only 900 have been presented up
to this time in the present sesiion. He
said he was ashamed to go home on
Wednesdays, .when recesses were taken
on thait day, because his constituents
thought he had run awuy from Harris
Mr. Soues, of Schuylkill, declared
he had the same experience and persons
iu Pottsville wouM say:
"Back, already 1"
Mr. Milliron, of Armstrong, appealed
'to the 140 new members of the House,
saying that the people o>f the State
; would blame them for delays.
" lj©t us show them we are not a
' kindergarten Legislature' aiul advance
to the front rank before the close of
the session," he said.
Several members suggested working
Thursdays and Fridays to complete the
work. One member even went so far
as to propose "seven days a week" to
get through. Mr. Kitts, of Erie, said
it is unfair to the men who can not got
home on the week-envlß to adjourn early
each week.
Mr. Porster's suggestion for post
ponement met with a chorus of "noes"
and it was evident that a vote was to
be forced on the resolution. The de
bate closed when Mr. Dunn, of Phila
delphia, said: \
"Look at the Democratic side of
the House! They are in their seats. And
look at the Republican side! It should
be filled, too."
A roll call on referriug the measure
to the Rules Committee fell by a vote
of 138 "noes" to 20 "ayes." Wit
taker 's motion for a postponement was
I overwhelmingly voted down ami the
roll call on the passage of the resolu
tion was 137 "for" and 19 "against."
Representatives Wild man and Swartz,
of Harrisburg, and Nissley and Young,
of the Second district of D&uphin
county, voted against referring the reso
lution to committee and voted for tho
passage of the resolution to tlx the date
, for adjournment.
Tries to luduce Legislators of That
Parly to Support Brumbaugh in
the Local Option Fight
At the request of A. Mitchell Pal
mer, Democratic National Conunittee
\ man from Pennsylvania, who has been
asked by Governor Brumbaugh to aid
the local option cause, Democratic State
Chairman Morris came to Hnrrinburg
yesterday to see what he could do with
the Democratic legislators. Before
leaving for home last evening Chair
man Morris issued the following state
"I came to Harrisburg primarily to
consult with the Demos'rati,' members
of the Legislature on the attitude of
the Democratic members toward Gov
ernor Brumbaugh's local option bill.
1 find that a majority l of Democratic
members will stand loyally by their
i party pledge and vote for local option,
j "There are a number of Democratic
• members opposed to local option. Sev
j oral of those are members who also ran
jon the Personal Liberal party ticket
with Governor Brumbaugh and who,
therefore, feel obligated to support tho
liquor interests. I pointed out to such
members as I talked with that the
Democratic State organization is prac
| tieally a unit for local option, that the
■ party platform demands it, that a large
\ majority of Democratic voters have ex
j pressed themselves in favor of it, and
I that, to vote against the local option
bill is simply to give aid ami comfort to
the Penrose machine which, in order to
keep faith with the liquor interests,
must defeat the Brumbaugh bill.
"I realize that in the face of grow
ing popular feeling the Penrose ma
chine would be only too glad to fulfill
its contract with the liquor interests
by delivering a few Democrats in lieu
of its own Representatives. I am hope
ful, however, that it will find very
few Democrats foolish enough to offer
themselves as victims to the liquor ring,
which used every effort to defeat tho
Democratic State ticket; last fall."
Reduction of the number of record
ing jobs to three in counties the size
of Dauphin is the purpose of a bill in
troduced in the House this morning by
IMr. Phillips, of Clearfield. It pro
vides for the election of a Prothono
tsry to act as clerk of the quarter ses
sion, oyer and terminer ami uipnans'
court, and a Register of Wills and a
Recorder of Deeds.
The act must be accepted by the
county before its provisions can be ta
ken advantage of. A petition of 23
per cent, of the voters at the last elec
tion shall caufe an election to be certi
fied to the county commissioners, who
shall have charge of the election. The
petition mu«t be tiled not more than
forty and not less than thirty days be
fore the date of the next general or
municipal election, the general election
laws to govern the election. If the
measure is defeated it may be brought
up aigain in three years. The officials
named in the measure are elected for
four years and shall serve from Janu
ary 1 next succeeding their election.
A bill to rednce the remuneration
of Phe receiver of school taxes in all
school districts in the State outside of
the first class —Harrisburg is second
class —was introduced by Mr. Hnbler,
Luzerne. It provides that "if 75 per
cent or more of Wie school taxes paid
prior t« the time when a penalty of 5
per cent, is imposed shall be paid by
ten or less taxables, the compensation
of the tax receiver shall be not more
than one per cent, paid before the time
of imposing the penalty and five per
cent, upon all taxes collected after
that time."
Providing a board of examiners for
German War Pictures
Taken under the supervision of the General Staff
——————— i
Presented under the auspices of the
New Yorker Staats Zeitung
Direct From the Metropolitan Opera House, Philadelphia
First Time in History of Real Battles Photographed •
Graphic, Thrilling, Vivid,
Startling, Realistic
Two Days—Thursday, March 11, Friday, March 12
Matinees—2.3o and 4.00 P. M. Evenings—7.3o and 9 P..M.
PRICES—IS and 25 Cants
Sat.. Mntinrf nnd Muht. March 13
The Society 10* cut of the Seaaon
In the World's Favorite (M»ern
With the moot remarkable cant #
of Ntar* ever lieurd in Knilllih
(■raud Opera, IncludinK JOSKPH
PRICESi Mat., 2.V* to st.oo| j
Kve.. 2Me to $2.00
Seat it To-morrow.
yip 1
Hour*. 12 Noon to 11 I'. M.
To-day Jesse L. Lasky presents
3IRCUS MAN." in 5 reels. Feature
shown at 12.50, 2.84, 4.13, 8.50,
7.24, 8.-18, 10.14. With our usual
iaily change, "Wipe Yer Feet"
(Comedy), Selig, and another reel of
good comedy.
Friday: J. Searle Dawley produc
tion in 5 reels, "A DAUGHTER OF
THE PEOPLE.' with Laura Sawyer,
Frederick Deßelieville and Robert
\ilmlHNlon. 10,'. I'hlldrrn, "r
. r » s T „°v TB
Lou Auger and Sophye Barnard Prices: Mat., 5c aud Klc; Eve., 10c
With a company of to people and 15c.
presenting COMING MONDAY
Pretty GiritSTu/Senery-Lots 5 KOMICAL KOPS
v f j
1915 Ford Car Given Away
Music And Dancing
Harrisburg's Biggest And Best
MARCH 13 TO 20
OPEN 11 A. M. TO 11 P. M. /
Admission Cents
operators of steam engines In third
class cities in Pennsylvania is the pur
pose of a bill introduced by Mr. Ram
sey, of Delaware. He would have the
Commissioner of Public Safety and two
•comipetent engineers compose the
board, they to receive $5 a day when
actually employed on this work.
Claiming that he was anxious to get
back to his native fountry, where he
had an aged father to support, .lohn
Alimary, a Russian, was arrested Inst
night 011 a charge of fraud.
Alimary applied to the Associated
Charities yestervltay for help, stating
that he came to Harriaburg from Phila-
I f I ■ 11,
Photoplay To-day
guy with the little mustache, in a
2-reel S. & A. comedy, ,
A MAYO, new leading lady for S. & A.
company, featuring in a :t-act dra
matic TeatureT
-1 COLN,'-' 2-reel Edison.
TO-MORROW—A Broadway-Star
feature, "A DAUGHTER'S
: fmm —. mmmt
Free Moving Pictures
every evening 7 to 11 p. m.,
Palace Confectionery, 225
Market street.
Will Hold Sauerkraut Dinner
! The Warrior Eagle and Pocohontfl
degree teams of the Improve,l Order <i
Keil Men will hold a sauerkraut diune
I j and supper in Red Men's Hall, Broat
jand Fulton streets, March 23.
Mcfphia, where he spent two months,
| and previous to this worked in a shoo
j factory in Massachussef.s, although he
could not tell the name of the firm
where he was employed. He said ho
; his native country at the time of t'iio
war, due to the impoverished condition
of his family and country in general.
Later in the day he went about the
city begging for money to feet bark
| home and was picked up by city po
! lice as an impostor.
Arrested for Larceny
j .lames Butler was arrested here last.
• night by Policemen Hippie and Gib-:
bons on a warrant from Cbambersburg
charging him with larceny. He was
committed to jail and taken to Cliam
berstburg to-day.