CHARMIW6 HEW WUHIERV Received Today Will Give Added Zest to the Last Two Days Of OUR SPRING OPENING. Just in time for Friday and Saturday visitors to our Spring Opening in all departments, comes this shipment of smart new millinery the type that has scored a triumph for this store. All colors are here in the newest shapes for ladies, misses and children, on which our usual low prices will prevail. Icto 25c Department Store parent model —the daintiest con- WHERE EVERY DAY IS BAHRAIN OAT 1 in Spring millinery. 215 Mgfket §t Qpp S OCIA L and INTERPRETATIONS OF BACH WAGNERMUSIC TO-NICRT •T. Fred Wolle, Organist and Director of Bach Choir. Bethlehem. Will Oiv« Classis Recital in First M. E. Church This Evening Music lovers of the boro.igh. who appreciate the professional work of a talented musician, will be highly en tertained this evening by J. Fro.l Wol le in the First Methodic Episcopal church where he will render one of his famous organ recitals. As an interpre ter ot' the classic music of Joton Se bastian Bach, Wolle has an interna tionai reputation, second to none, hav ing made an enviable record in the l mu ileal circles of Germany and England. He has also been active in concert work in this country and is known in many of the larger cities of the United States. He i< a resident of Bethlehem, where he is organist and director of the Bib-h Choir of that city. On the death of Professor Gilchrist. Wolle was elect ed director of the Ilarrisiburg Society which koids a musical festival each spring. » This recital is being held under the auspices of the choir of the church. There will be no admission charged but an offering will be taken for the cinirch fund. BASKETBALL CONTEST High School Alumni Five and Regular Team to Play March 19 Announcement was made this morn ing of a basketball contest between; the iocai High school live an.i a quin tet composed of former basketball stars i from the Higti school alumni to be; played in Feiton Hall ou tlie evening! of March If. This will be a continuation of the an - nual event between the regular team and the ex-players and usually attracts a iarge crowd to the contest room. The High school team will play the Lancas ter live iu Fekon Hall to-morrow even ing. CLASS « WAS ENTERTAINED Miss Alma Couffer entertained the members of Class 6 of the First Metli odist~-Kpisvopal Sunday school at her home. North Front street, Tuesday j evening. After spending an enjoyable social evening. refreshments wero served to the following per-n>ns: Miss Zora Roof. Miss Florence In- i gram. Miss Myra Weaver. Miss Anna! Kenney, Miss Stabler, Miss [Felice Marks, Miss Alma Couffer, Miss, -Mildred Lord, Miss Mary Atticks and Miss Anna Bannan. IN JAIL FOB NON-SUPPORT Peter Birnstei was arrested vesterday bv Constable Peter Day on a charge of | non-support preferred by his wife, Liz zie. who alleged at tho hearing before Squire Dickinson last evening that the money she earned since last October kept the family from want, and that when she gave her husband cash to pay the house rent, he would spend it for drink. Unable to furnish bail. Birn stei was committed to jail for court. PERSONAL Simon Martin, of Connecticut, was the guest of his father. J. B. Martin. Lincoln street, yesterday. Albert Reiseh, who was injured in a motorcycle accident recently, has been removed from tlie Harrisburg hos pital to his home in the borough. George Burley. of Chambersburg. was the guest of friends in the bor ough yesterday. Standard Theatre's Offerings The show at the Standard to-night is par excellent. "Her Martyrdom,"'in three reels, featuring Miss Lottie Brisco, Eleanor lllanehard and Arthur Johnson, is very good. In "The First Law" we have a fine western drama. "Three Men and a Woman" is sure tp please, featuring Miss Anna Luther and Earl Metcalf. For the finish, a good comedy, "A Substitute for Pants." —Adv.* Miss Marie Wiseman, the visiting nurse employed by the Steelton Civie Club, will be in her offices from S a. m to 9 a. m., from 12.30 p. m. to 1.31 p. m. Standard Theatre To-night Her Martyrdom. Featuring Lottie Brisco and Arthur Johnson. Three reels, extra special. The First Law. One reel western drama. Three Men and a Woman. Featuring Anna Luther and Earl Metcalf. Two reels. A Substitute for Pants. A good comedy. REAL ESTATE FOB RENT. FOR RENT—Houses with all Inmprove "J 5 " Fourth St_ Steelton. No. *1;-®®: No. 321. SI 1.00; Noi 353 and 155. 19.00 per month. Apply lit a Fourth St. Steelton. | BIBLE CLASS COMMITTEES Will Supervise Activities of Highspire Organization The following commit tees were ap j pointed at a business meeting of the I Organized Bible Class of the Highspire I'nited 'Brethren Sunday school Sunday afternoon: Devotional committee. H. Schwalm, j Harry Manning, S. B. Souders; so.'ial committee, H. R. Durborrow. Lewis i Grunden, William Xitereaur, Oilen Rob- I insou. Rolin Mathias; membership com mittee. Edward Heberlig, Ed-ward Sprow, Elmer Wattemyer. Clmer Dun can. Walter Alleman; missionary com mittee, H. P. Moser. Paul Zellers. Wil liam Wright: temperance committee. K, F. Mathias. William Hastings. M. S. Straw. WILL CONFER FIRST DEGREE Steelton Ixidge 184. I. O. O. F. will confer the first degree of the order upon a class of candidates to-morrow night. SINKING OF FRYE SIS OFFICIALS Continued From Firnt l*nfce. derstood the I'nited States probably would seek the usual honorable amends, as well as rtparation for tne owuers. Since the warship ami her officers are under Wie jurisdiction of the Wnited States, owners of the Frve and her car go can institute libel proceedings to recover for loss of their property. Germany in a Dilemma? Whether tie action of the captain of the Prinz Eitel has not placed his gov ernment in a dilemma by sinking the American grain ship William P. Frye. was much discussed in official quarters to-day. Assuming that the Frye's car go was not consigned to the" British government, one view is that the Ger man government either must repudiate the action of Captain Thienchsen and pay for the Frye and her cargo, or withdraw its protest to the State De partment against the British assump tion to the right to seize food cargoes bound from a neutral country like the I'nited States to the civilian papula-1 tion of Germany. It was believed possible mat Ger many might seek a middle course by adopting the British view thu, goods shipped "to order" are not entitled to j the same exemption from seizure or de- ! tention as those consigned to some in- i dividual or firm. That, however, is di rectly opposed to the American conten tion, strongly set out in a number of notes exchanged with the British girt-- ernment early in the war in relation to copper shipments and still maintained.! May Have to Release Prisoners Though the Prinz Eitel Friedrich is now a German national vessel and on the same footing as a full fledged man of-war. it is held by some State De partment officials that being in Amer ican territorial waters, her commander cannot legally hold a single prisoner, not a member of his own crew. There fore. if he has detained aboard ship four British cr French prisoners be cause they refused to promise not to bear arms against Germany, port au thorities at Newport News may de- i maud their release as soon as their at tention is directed to the facts, prob ably by one of the embassies here, or by consular officers at Norfolk. German Commander to Explain Newport News. Va.. March 11.— Collector of Customs Hamilton to-day under instructions from Washington, to proceed again to-day to the German auxiliary cruiser Prinz Eitel Friedrich which put in here yes terday to get a formal statement from Commander Thierichsen as to whv he sank the American sailing ship "Wil liam P Frye off the South American •oast with 5,500 tons of wheat for England. Commander Thierichsen was awaiting instructions from the German embassy at Waehingt-on and was ex pecting Captain Boyd, naval attache of tie embassy to be on hand to aid him. IAISO Captain H. H. Kiehne. mas ter of the sunken American ship Wil liam P. Frye, who slept last night on, the German warship was preparing to give a supplemental statement regard ing the fate of his ill-fated craft. Glad to Be On American Soil The commander erf the ships sunk bv the auxiliary cruiser and who were brought here on the ship spent the night at Newport News hotels. In ad dition to these were a group of first ■ iass passengers of the French passen ger ship Floride sunk by the German ship, who were permitted to remain ashore under guard of immigration of ficials Among the passengers was Raoul Massar. a Belgian citizen, taken from the Floride bound for the Argentine republic. Massar was glad to be on American soil and last night was planning through negotiations with Washington to,Jeave for New York where he might embark for Paris to rejoin his family. Terrible Tension of Voyage "Oh, the terrible tension of a voy age on a converted cruiser," said M. Massar last night at his hotel. "Un less oqe has experienced it he cannot « HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY EVENING. MARCH 11. 1915. understand. And tho women, how they might have suffered hail t-hev suspect ed that at any moment they might have heen sent to the bottom of the sea by a torpedo, perhaps eveu from s ship which dew the llag they loved." i {The sudden arrival of the German cruiser in Hatnpton Roads and in the James later at Newport News, demor alized shipping from these ports, but two British ships latfr in the lay. their commanders believimj' the Eitel Friedrich would be interued. ventur ing to sea. One was the Angler-Mexi can bound for Avonmouth with homes for England and the other was the British steamer Boltam Hall with wheat for Italy. It was stated here early to-day that a number of Englishmen held ou board the German warship had refused to agree not to bear arms against tier mcuy and her allies. Eitel Commander's Birthday Early to-day the band ou the Eitel Friedrich was playing German nation al aires in eeleiiration of the birthday lof Commander Thierichen, her cap : tain. All but port officials were still imrred from her decks. Captain Kiehne. of the Frye, came ashore to make a further statement, i He said the crew of the Frye would be brought ashore iater to be question ed. j At 9 o'clock thi£ morning the Eitel ' Friedrich had been iii Hampton Road? thirty-six hours aud no signs of any tn -1 tention to move were apparent. British ! cruisers were indefinitely reported lurk ing off the Virginia t'aies and a ooar man who delivered papers to officers of , the German cruiser declared members of her crew had told him the Eitel ac tually had been chased inro American waters by British cruisers. Most of the survivors of the British. French and Kussian sunken merchantmen, ex cept some of the first dass passengers of the French steamship Eloride, still remained aboard the Eitel and a few on shore are in charge of immigration officials. Cruiser May Be Interned '•When I returned to the Eitel last night,'' said Captain Kiehne, "the German officers all seemed assured that ! the ship would be interned but talked little. They were most concerned last night in celebrating a birthday of one 1 of the officers and anticipating tne" captain's birthday to-day." Collector Hamilton received written instructions from Washington to govern his course with the Eitel Friedrich and j he at once gave Commander Thierich- j sen formal notice to leave within twen ty-four hours, unless reason for longei i stay in a neutral jiort could be aJ- j vanced. ••Tne Herman commander told me," said Collector Hamilton, "that he had come nt for repairs to his ship. That reason was sufficient to prevent any summary orders from this government. To day I shall ask the commander for a sworn statement as to his reasons for sinking the American ship +*rye. When this has been received. 1 will take uj. with him the nature of repairs neces sary to make his shi > sea worthy. Upon' this will l>e determined how long this government will permit the Eitel to remain in American waters without in ternment. AsKs for the Frye's Papers "I have asked the German com i mander for the Frye's papers. He thus ■ far has maintained that the papers must ! go to a prize court, but has agreed to submit to me later to-day a uopy ot ; them. When the captain of the Erye asked for his j apers, Couiiaauder i Thierichsen told him, as he afterward , informed me, that he hail not conceded [ to the American master the right to the papers and stated his contention tna; they should be sent to Germany. ;su; he cheerfully agreed to have copies.- made." As soon as Commander Thierichsen submit the nature of the repairs, neces sary to the Eitel, a report will be ror warded to Washington. Upon that will be determined the question of intern ment. The ship's papers of all the Eitel Eriedrich's prizes, also have been likewise confiscated by the German com mander. British Warships Chased the Eitel Officers of the Eitel FTiedrich re main silent as to the operations of the ship in Pacific waters, except to deny that she took part in any naval"engage ments. It was reported", however, that she also sank the British steamer Schargost, in the Pacific, and that snc * TEETH Do Your Tooth Need Attention ? TVe will be glad to have you visit our office and our honest advice will save you money and save your teeth. No charge for examination. We make teeth that must fit and look natural and give satisfaction. Painless extraction Included when plates are ordered. Your old plates made over or repaired. Oold or por oelain crowns, bridge work and all kinds of fillings. Large, comfortable offices, sanitary throughout. Lady attendant fftll Pantos Dentists 10 ISortfc Market Square, Harrlabarg Hours: 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. Sundays: 10 a. m. to X p. m. Charles J. Moe L. . Watson Cooper It's Choosing Timo For Spring Suits Q Spring's arrival is about due this cold snap cannot last for < long. You will do well to ; follow the plan of far sighted men who appre ciate this fact, and ; i choose your spring suit now. <8 There is a double ad vantage in present day selection. Now the range of styles and fabrics is widest. There is ample time to get the garment ready. And remember this— it is our first season in business. Every garment in our stock typifies the newest in fashion's j realm. At the three prices sls-520—525 we offer you the widest selection of clothing to be found in Harrisburg —and back of the gar ment you select stands a positive guarantee of satisfaction the kind of satisfaction that will bring you here again. WATSON &pQOPER ORTHY (j CLOTHES 14 North Third St Next door to Gorgas' Drug Store | took coal from the French ship Jeau, i sunk oft Valparaiso, Chile. That at icast three British warships j were in pursuit of the Eitel when she | reached American waters early yester ; day morning has been established. To ! the officer of one of the sunken Brlt ' isli ships ou board the commander ot the Eitel stated that judging from wireless*'- interchanges of the British ' ships, one was within ten miles, the other within thirty or forty anint will be removed. There had been j talk that the grounds would be opened to the public and that thus the High schools would be deprived of the right to charge fo. their games. It is un derstood a Harrtsburg club in the Cen tral Pennsylvania League will sub-lease j the Island Park grounds for half of : the Saturdays during the season. That the old league was doomed to j death had been known by those on the ; "inside" for some time, but the an nouncement was held up until places could be obtained for the players on - the various teams. This is going to be 1 a hard baseball season for minor ! leagues and the club owners were de -1 sirous of placing the players to the best advantage before the blow up. Harrisburg Won Three Pennants Of the original clubs in the Tri- State. Harrisburg was the only one to remaiu in the league throughout. With the Harrisburg team, York, Lebanon, AVilmington, Altoona and Camden made up the original league. In the year 1905 Shamokin took the Lebanon fran chise and Williamsport and Johnstown entered. Trenton and Reading were admitted to the league in 190 7, the latter taking over the York franchise. Shamokin dropped out the year before in favor of Wilmington. For the next four years York took WAmington's franchise. Coatesville aiso was in the league at one time. Allentowc entered in 1912 in place of Reading. Six clubs started the 1913 campaign, the circuit being Har risburg. York, Atlantic City, Wilming ton, Allentown and York. Harrisburg won the pennant in 1904, in 1912 and 1914. In recent years the league had ceased to be an "outlaw," having en tered the nationa l agreement. » mm REPLY 10 MOTES! He Denies the Respon sibility for Constitu tionalists in the Pending Crisis TIMELY ADVICE TO FOREIGNERS Says They Should Lose No Time In Quitting Mexico Until Tranquility Shall Be Restored in the Disturbed Republic Bj/ Associated Press, Vera Cruz, March 11. —General Ven ustiauo Carranza, iu answer to the pro test addressed to him by Secretary of State Bryan, through United States Consul Stllimnu regarding conditions in the city of Mexico, last uight ad dressed a reply to Presiifent Wilson personally. He denies the responsibil ity of the Constitutionalists for a sit uation which is considered alarmiug for foreigners„but expresses the hope that Americans and citizens of other countries will lose 110 time in depart ing from Mexico until tranquillity shall be restored. The Constitutional ist chief pledges himself to provide every facility for the exodus which he recommends. He suggests that if for eign residents do not desire to leave the country they should seek safer places in the republic. The following is the text of General Carranza's replyk His I)iity to Answer Note "Although the terms in which this note is worded would afford ma cause for not answering, it .is my wish, not withstanding, that my silence be not construed as a justification of charges contained in the same. 1 have tried to put aside for the moment references which are made to my personal respon sibility and looking only for the good of my country and for the benefit of the cause which the Mexican people have entrusted to me, I thought it my duty to answer,at once. "On the other hand, iu view of the importance of the subject discussed in the aforesaid note. I have thought my self authorized not to follow this time *?U9tomarv channels to address you (President Wilson) personally concern ing a matter which may involve the success of the Mexican revolution. In the note I am answering, it is taken for granted that the imputation made against General Obregon by an inter national committee' of foreigu resi dents in the City of Mexico, the sub stance of which also has been com municated to me by Mr. Silliinan in his note of the first instant, are true and this assumption has been indulged in when the answer to those imputa tions was being prepared. His Defense of General Obregon "Reserving the privilege of ap- I ajvering more fully and in detail I through the customary diplomatic ! channels the note referred to lately, 1 | take this opportunity to state in au j earnest and emphatic way that Gen j eral Obregon never has intended to in j cite the hungry populace of the City ■ of Mexico to commit outrages of any I character. He has not prevented in | any way the entrance of food supplies i into Mexico City but on the contrary I has facilitated such importations. He ! has not created wilfully the distressing conditions which prevail at present in Mexico City but has done everything in his power to alleviate them. "Such a situation is the consequence of a painful but unavoidable state of "Cure Your Rupture Like I Cured Mine" Old Sea Captain Core# Hit Own Rupture After Doctors Said " Operate or Death." Bis Remedy and Book Sent Free. Captain Colllngs sailed the seas for many years; then he sustained a bad double rupture that soon forced him to not only remain ashore, but kept him bedridden for years. He tried doctor after doctor and truss after truss. No results! Finally, he was assured that he must either submit to- a dangerous and abhorrent operation or die. He did ttithtrl He cured himself Instead. "Fellow Men and Women. Yon Don't Hm To Bo Cut Up, and You Don't Htn To Bo Tortured By Trueeeo." Captain Colllngs made a study of 1 himself, of his condition—and at last he was rewarded by the finding of the i method that so quickly made him a well, strong, vigorous and happy man. Anyone can use the sa m e method I It's simple, easy, safe and inexpensive. Every ruptured person in the world should have the Captain Colllngs book. 1 telling all about how he cured himself, I and how anyone may follow, the same treatment in their own home without . any trouble. The book and medicine are FREE. They will be sent prepaid to any rupture sufferer who will All out the below coupon. But send It right ■' away —now—before you put down this ! paper. , j FREE RUPTURE BOOK AMD REMEDY OOUPOM. Capt. W. A. Colllngs (Inc.) Box 805 . Watertown. N. Y. Please send me yonr FREE Rupture Remedy and Book without any obli gation on my part whatever. Name ; Address If you don't like hard work, do your washing and cleaning everything in or lukewarm water, takes out most spots and stains. Not rough—not crude. Feels-Soap Powdl®r. Refined, sweet, and does the work. war in which we are and which foi the'first time really lias reached Mex ico Oitv but it has been aggravated by the eonataet of tho merchants who were openly defiant and with concert of ac tion closed their commercial establish ments in moments of greatest public distress as a protest against the hu manitarian relief tax which General Obregon imposed.\ No Murder or Pillage "In face of the charges expressed by the International committee in their complaint to the State Department, I point you to the faftt that General Obregon has been in t»e possession of the city of -Mexico since January 26 until to-day without mobs, assassina tions, lootiugs or any otheV of'the out rages which are apt to occuV and which frequently do occur in time* of war. "During all this time larg*' amounts of food supplies have been taken into '.Mexico City and large quantities of supplies have been distributed the distressed people. Other important measures also have been taken looking to the further relief which I will men tion in detail at the proper time. Eight to Evacuate City , "While it is proper to state to Yotor Excellency that the right to occupy (A to evacuate Mexico City or any other' place in the republic must at ail times be reserved and is to be exercised when deemed bysihe responsible military au thorities to be in furtherance of the cause of the revolution, the obligation on the constitutionalist army to safe guard the lives of foreigners is never theless fully understood and realized. \ou will, therefore, permit me to as sure you that at the time of the evaeu-! ation_ of Mexico City every facility j within my power wil be afforded to ail foreign residents in that city to de part the country or to go to other and safer places in the republic. A aiwavs nave tried to give and have pi veti the largest protection that lias bj.»n possible to the lives and in terests of Americans and other foreign ers even -during tiie most difficult period of our struggle. 1 have purpose of con tinuing the same line of conduct ano have decided to take all measures pos sible to avoid all damage to foreign residents. With this purpose solely in view, I addressed a note to the diplo matic corps in Mexico City which I have repeated twice, inviting them in case of evacuation to come either to this port or to any of the cities, for in stance, Puebla, .la la pa or Orizaba, which are under the control of the con stitutionalist forces, where they can be assured perfe,t protection. Advises Foreigners to Leave "It was only three days ago that the State Department at Washington directed the attention of American res idents in Mexico City to your former advice that they should retire from the country until conditions should be set tled. It ic my most earnest wish that the other foreign residents follow a line of conduct similar to the one suggested by you to the American residents, for the adoption of such a course would be the wisest measure that can be taken to avoid consequence* so much to be feared. "I wish I could adequately convey to Your Excellency the political and economic conditions in the city of Mex ico and their c-auses as they are under stood and known here to be, concern ing which representations by an inter national committee have been made to the State Department. Hopes of the Mexican People "Perhaps a last effort is now being made by reactionaries to bring about complications which may cause the fail ure of the Mexican revolution. After having encountered and disposed of other and much more difficult and em barrassing situations in the past, when there were a large nuimber of foreign residents scattered all over the terri tory of Mexico, it will prove to\ be mos# unfortunate if now, when Mexico City alone is involved, a situation shall arise which will destroy tl* hopes and pur poses of the Mexieawpeople. "Because of this consideration per mit me to repeat the hope elsewhere expressed that foreign residents may be induced to save your government ai)d the repifblic of Mexico from embarrass-. | ments, by temporarily leaving the city |of Mexico. Allow me to avail myself ! of this opportunity to reiterate to you I the assurances of my highest considera tion and personal regards." RAILROADS CREWJARD HARRISBURG SIDE Philadelphia Division—l' 32 crew to go first after 3.30 p. m.: 129, 109, 111, 110, 113, 130, 103, 134, 131, 117, 133, 1.23. Engineer for 134. Firemen for 132, 112. Conductor for 110. Flagmen for 102, 114, 137, 132, 133, 134. Brakemen for 111. Engineers up: Speas, Earhart, Hub ler. Buck, Ciiliums, Tennan, Manley, Keisinger, Gibbons, Sellers. Davis, Smith, Dennison, Sober, Biseinaer, j Welsh, Geisev, First, llindman, Cris ! well. Downs, Statler. Firemen up: Ventxer, Manning, Du vail, Huston, Myers, Herman, Geluiug- I er, Wagner, Kreider, Mott'att, Kobin i son, Weaver. Miller, Wagner, McCur d>v, Hrennor, Chronister, Mmienfon!, McNeal. Whichello « ondnctors up: Kraelich. Houdeiiie!. Flagmen up: Hruehl, First. Urakemen up: Mc In tyre, Felker, Kn Li pp. Haltozer, Coleman, Wilauil, ! Riley, Bojjner, Collins, Muninia, Ar- I nient, Jackson, McXaughtou, Swcigurt. Middle Division—2 5 crew to go first after 1.45 p. in.: 20, 24, IS, 2<2. ! Engineer# for 25, 20, IS. | Fireman for 25. Conductors for 25, 24. Brakeman for 2i2. Kngineeix up: Slmonton, Knisley, Munima, llertzler, Wissler, Garman. Firemen up: Kuntz, Fritz, Gross, | Arnold, Sheesley, Cox, Seayrist, Fletch er, Ross, Karstetter. j Conductors/ up: Byrnes, Patrick, j Fralicik, Baskins. ! -Fagmen up: .Smith, Mumnin. | Brakemen up: Kipp, Frank, Baker, : Myers, Kissinger, Stroußer, 8011, Wen >| rick, Spahr, Trov. Yard Crews—Kngineers up: Snyder, Peiton, Shaver, hsndis, lloyler, Beck, Hftrter, Biever, Blosser, Meals, Swab, Crfst. Harvey, Kulin. Foremen up: Weijle, l.ackey* Cook erly, Maever, Sholter, Snell, Bartolet, GettvV liarkey, Sheets, Bair, ,'yde, i Boy le, yShiplev, Crow, He vie, I'lsh, ! Bostdonf, Schiefer, Ranch. Enginver for 306. ! FiremeYi for 1816, 1 S3l, IS2O, | 1368. ENOLA SIDE } PtiladelpliiV Division—2l > crew to Igo first after 3.45 p. m.: 222, 204, 205. 203, 241, 233, 210, 237, 231, 212. Engineer for 215. f Firemen for v 204. 231. 242. Conductors i'»r 305, 210, 237, 243. Brakemen for 203, 219, 233. Conductors up: Penuell, Gundle, Fliekinger, Keller, Pewees. • Brakemen up: Suinmy, Bovd, Deets, Wolfe. Middle Division —ll9 crew to go after 2.50 p. m.: 106. 109, 116, 452. Kngineers for 109, 116. Conductor for 119.. THE READING P., H. and P.—After 11 a. m.: 12, 7, 9, 3. 16, 21, 8, 2, 14, 10, 19, IS. Eastbauud—After 11 a. m.: 57, 63, 67. 60, 70, 69, 54, 65, 56, 64, 52. Conductor inp: Orris. Engineers u' : Fortney, Lape. Sass man, Morne, Kettner, Bonawitz,Fetrow, Pletr. Wireman, Sweeley, Middaugh, j Morrison, Massimore, Crawford, Gla'as, Woland. i _ Firemen up: Dowhower, Chronister, Nye, Zukoswiski, Anders, Brown, Sul livan, Kelly, Biugaman, Carl, Longe necker, Snader. ■Brakemen up: Page, 'Miller, Hoover, IHolbert, Maxton, Shearer, Eplev, Tgv lor, Miles, Slentz, Grimes, Ware, Dun can. Shader, Haines, Hart*. What We Say It Is, It~ls. Take Care of Your Jewelry A careful examination of your jewelry by an expert repair man is real economy. He will be able to detect a weak ness in a mounting or fastening which, if neglected, is almost cer tain to cause the loss of a jewel or the ornament. Diener's Repair Depart ment will examine your jewelry jvithout charge. A report of its condition will be given you. If there is something which needs attention, it will be the part of wis dom and economy to have thfe repairs made at once. Charges for jewelry re pairing are always rea sonable, and the work is done with all possible dispatch. Diener J^ e i er 408 Market Street 7