6 3l|e &tar-3nd*pntdfttt ( Bttabhthfd IN IS7S) PufcMlwd b* THI STAN PRINTING COMPANY. * » ' »Ur-li»d«p»iQt w* «. Mama- \ fa K Nrraaa, Secretary and Treasurer. W*. W. Wtuxnm. W* « Wamnbb. V. Bckmu. Baaoaaoa. 3m.. Builoatl Manager. 4 Editor All communications should bo oddrosserf to STAB Ind*pbkdbnT| Business. Editorial, Job Priotlo( or Circulation l>ep*rtmoot according to the subjtct matter. Catered at tbe Post Office in Harrisburg as secoad-claaa matter. Boojamlu A Kentnor Company. New York and Chicago TTs|iimaaiallie> Bow York O Moo, Bnanswick Building. Zli Fifth Avonoo. Chicago Office, People's Uas Building. Michigan Arena*. Delivered by carriers at * cent* a week. Bailed to subscribe!! tor Three Dollars • /oat in advance THE STAR-IN DEPENDENT ~ Tit* paper with the Urges; Book Circulation ia H atria burg anc «*arbj towns Circulation Exaalneo by THE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN ADVERTISERS. TELEPHONES s Uu" Private Sraneti Eaehana*. •_ No. aaao _ CUMBEMCAND VALLEY Private Branch Eaohango No. I4S-24C Thursday, March 11, 1915. MARCH Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MOON'S PHASES— Full Moon, Ist, 31st; Last Quarter. Bth; New Moon, 15th: First Quarter, USd. >-7-r -C —>. WEATHER FORECASTS tBSjP » \ Harrisburg and vicinity: Fair to ® t night and Friday, not much change in ; Eastern Pennsylvania: Fair to-night and Friday, not much change iu tern- j perature. YESTERDAY S TEMPERATURE IN HARRISBURG Highest, 4;>; lowest, 30; 8 a. m., 33; S p. in., 41. NATIONS NOT EAGER TO FIGHT Although several nations in Southern Europe. ! far from deciding definitely not to enter the war, seem to be deliberately watching for chances to take the plunge when ami where it will be most ' effective, the peaceful countries of the North, — i Denmark. Norway and Sweden.—have yet to give j the slightest evidence that they will turn belliger- > ent at any time during the war. They certainly are ci|A'ontiug many difficulties in preserving their j Their entry into the conflict could j be accomplished if their people were strongly j to tight. Scandinavian countries, whose existence prac tically depends ou their commerce, are iu an un pleasant situation, with the Baltic and North Seas well mined, and the German blockade in operation. Many Norwegian vessels have been interfered with by the blockade, —and lirtle wonder, since they are part of the third largest mercantile marine in Europe and their vessels are numerous ou the seas. Norway, although exposed to the North Sea and in some danger in ease a naval engagement takes place in that vicinity.—a not altogether unlikely event, —is uot. however, so situated as to be threat ened by an immediate neighbor as is Sweden. Al though this latter natiou has no desire for a reunion with Finland, yet it has watched with some misgiv ings the Russitication of the little province, aud. in the fear of Russian advances iu Scandinavia, had even before the outbreak of the war made provisions for army and navy increases for the national de fense. Denmark, it has been pointed out. lias found se curity in royal marriages, but even in Denmark there have been grievances, especially growing out of the endeavors of Germany to Germanize the Danes in northern Schleswig, the territory ceded to Prussia by Denmark in the war with Prussia and Austria in 1864. The people of the Scandinavian countries may have differing sympathies but their fortunate lack of inclinations to enter the war and their wise desire to njute for the preservation of their neutrality combine to keep them at peace and. it is most likely, Kh serve to that end throughout the entire period ff hostilities. MAKING SUPPLIED FROM AIR German scientists evidently working on the as sumption that if all other sources of supplies fail, air at least cannot be denied them, have, according lo an account from Berlin, perfected a process by which they may obtain nitrogenous compounds From the atmosphere. The dispatch goes on to say that this process will make possible cheaper ferti liser than nitrates from Chile. Even if it were not i cheaper process, it would surely be a more desir ible one than that in which the compounds from Chile are employed, in view of the fact that imports to Germany which may be used in the manufac ture of explosives are not frequent these days. It is a eause of wo*der, surely, when scientists san.reach into the air,'as it were and obtain the nitrogenous compounds they want without bother ing Chile or any other foreign country about it. The air is inexhaustible and a more certain source )f supply could hardly be found. What the nature the process is by which the invisible atmosphere s made to yield one of its elements for the produc tion of tangible compounds to be used in fertilizing HARRTRBTTRO STAR-INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 1L 1915. the eartft and perhaps in divers other ways, is not for unscientific persons to sonjecture. The fact that the air is in composition four fifths nitrogen only explains that the element is there and not by any means how it may be ex tracted. This odorless, colorless, tasteless, harmless nitrogen is mixed freely with the oxygen and the less important gases in the air of Germany as well as of all other couutries. It has been breathed by the peoples of the whole world every second sipce the world began; yet the Germans, pressed by ne cessity and naturally ingenious, are reported now for the first time to have fouud how to get at it and to put it to a new and very practical use. A queer thing was done with invisible nitrogen when it was liquefied, and many other queer things can be expected to be accomplished not only with this gas but with othere upon which experiment# are constantly being made. The discovery of a new chemical process, strange as that process may seem, is never anything more than the revelation of one more of the many laws of nature which previously had been hidden from inquiring man. For the number of his feminine acquaintances Mayo is i putting,the record of Bluebeard in jeopardy. Representative Jones seems disposed to throw tacta* — j or tax, —in the path of the jitney auto buses. This would be quite a festive session of the legislature if as much fuss were made over the birthday of every ! legislator as was made over that of Senator Craw. It looks as though the members of the legislative party who are going to attend the launching of the battleship "Pennsylvania" next week will have to black their own ! boots or else let the dust of Virginia accumulate ou said ' boots. The "Patriot" objects to our saving a woman swallowed a bottle of bromide, without our explaining "bromide of i whatf" Vet in the same issue the "Patriot" makes the same grievous error when it says "a woman narrowly | escaped bromide poisoning when she drank a bottle of the liquid." "Froth" and the "Patriot's" city desk would Wtter get together. TOLD IN LIGHTER VEIN A DANGER Sympathy is very comforting, but dou't let it induce you to become the under dog.—Chicago Herald. She (fond of ragtime)—" Now that you have looked over my music what would you like to have me playf" He—"Whist or casino." —Boston Transcript. THERE ARE SOME OTHERS Some men believe that all fishermen are liars, but no man will say that all liars are fishermen.—Florida Times-Union. WHAT DID HE MEAN" Redd—"What do you think of his new car!" Greene—"Oh, it's all right as far as it goes."—Yonkers Statesman. N i THE UNEXPECTED HAPPENS We admit we uever expected to see the day when tbe Balkans noli Id be the only peaceful spot in Europe.— : Boston Transcript. TAKING HIM AT HIS WORD "I am done with polities." said Victor Murdock. Where upon they elected him National Chairman of the Progressive Party.—Springfield Union. WITH RENOVATIONS AND REPAIRS "He is a self-made man, is he uotf" "Yes. except for the alterations made by his wife and I her mother."—St. James' Gazette. JOAN'S LOSS WAS GREATER Sarah Bernhardt blames the loss of her leg to the con- i stant kneeling she did while enacting the role of Joan of I Are. But she has nothing on Joan herself, who lost her head.—Cleveland Plain Dealer. IT LETS HIM OUT "I say. Hodge, why do you always put 'dictated' on your ! letters? You don't keep a stenographer." J. "Xo: but to tell the truth, okl chap, my spelling's ex-' ceedinglv rocky."—Washington Post. SOLID BONE Rankin—"lt takes a long time to get anything through i Beanborough's skull, doesn't it?" Phvle—"l should say it does; that man will te dead i and buried before he ever finis out he is sick."—Youngs- j town Telegram. • THE JOHNSONS CELEBRATE Mr. and Mrs. Jude Johnson celebrated their thirtieth wedding anniversary last night by glaring at each other. "I refer to it as the 'Thirty Years' War,'," said Mr. JohnsoN to-day while being interviewed by a society re-; porter.—Atchison Globe. j THE OTHER SIDE OF IT Possible Broader—"l enjoyed my dinner very much, and j if it was a fair sample of your meals I should like to come j to terms." Farmer—"First of all. mister, was that a fair sample of I your appetite!"— Boston Transcript. HIGHEST PRAISE Tomdix—"Whv don't you try Dr. Quackem's elixir of life? A friend of mine who took a bottle of it praises it j to the skies." Hojax—"Yes, and a~"ftend of mine took three bottles' of the stuff, and he's now up there somewhere."—lndianap ! olis Star. STRIKING FROM BEHIND "A gossip is never willing' to repeat unkind remarks to ! your face." "Xo," replied Miss Cayenne. "Gossip is a social attack I conducted on the approved principles of modem warfare. You are not supposed to see the person at whom you are shooting."—Washington Star. INCONSISTENT "Then you don't think I practice what I preach, eh?" queried the minister, in talking with one of the deacons at J a meeting. "Xo, sir, I don't,' replied the deacon. "You've been ; preachin' on the subject of resignation for two years, an' ye haven't resigned yet."—Kancas City Star. SELF PRESERVATION "Prohibition has become pretty well established in Crim son Gulch f" "Yes, > ' replied Bronco Bob. "Me an' Three-Finger Sam was pyime movers." "You surprise me." "Well, there aint no doubt that alcohol dulls a man's judgment an' reduces his efficiency. We got tired of bavin* one or two parties sittin' into a poker game an' stavin' cold sober to the disadvantage of the rest of the performer*." Washington Star. * DO reu SUFFER FROM BACKACHE? Whan y*nr kidney* are weak and torpid they do not properly perforin their function*; your back ache* and yon do not feel like doing much of anything. Yon are likely to be despoad ent and to borrow trouble, jtist as if you hadn't enough already. Don't be a victim any longer. The old reliable medicine. Hood's i Saraaparilla, give* strength and tone to the kidneys and builds up tbe whole system. Get it to-day. / Adv, Tongue-End Topics | In 1913 She Foretold the War The New Bloomfiehl, Pa., "Times," on November 27, 1913, printed an ar ticle headed *' Troublous Times For seeii for 1914, —Pessimistic Predictions of Mme. Tliebe, French Prophet, I>o Not Affect U. S." In view of the sit uation in Europe since tlio war started it is interesting to repeat the "Times" comment to show how clo.-« the pre dictions have come to being aiccurate: "If all or even a part of Mine. The be's predictions for the year 1914 come true, United States, aud Philadel phia especially, will be tht> only safe place for any one to live in. The fa mous woman who has forseeu most of the recent great catastrophies of the ■world says it is net true, as some of the astrologers hold, that the world is coming to au end iu 1914, but the French woman iJocs say that next year is to be one of the most unlucky the world has ever known. ' The planet Mars will predominate through all of next year. Mars indi cate?, she says, that war will be threat ened if it does not actually occur. This is taken by some to apply to the pres ent Mexican crisis but war is but one of the few predictions of trouble. Lon don is to be threatened by floods; * terrible cat as trophy .taking place, as a result of the inundations, that will grouse the pity of the whole civilized world. "If the woman's predictions come true next year, as they have a great manv years in the past, the world might just as well come to an en'd. "The prophet also says Portugal is to see a restoration of the Monarchy; Austria will be sorely tried with riot | ings; there is to be bloodshed and tire ! in the streets of Yieuna, even worse ! than the Austria-Hungarian troubles which startled the entire world. "Germany is to witness a severe up ! heaval, which will make many changes jin her national life. France is proni -1 ised riots, bloodshed and industrial , troubles; but America is to have a peaceful year, the woman vouchsafes. 1 and she warns all people to seek refuge j in this country if they want to be free | from trouble next year." • • * An Interrupted Chat A pleasant-faced little girl left Sun- Uiay school early recently and not see ling her mamma about started for a 1 short walk alone. She walked into j the arms of a bluecoat in Market i Square and was escorted to Police I Headquarters where she entertained | half a dozen coppers with her bright 'chatter about the "movie*'' and other ' interesting topics. She did not mind j telling family secrets an\l' for the edi-j fication of the policemen she said her papa lived in a nearby town and that whenever she went to see him her ■ mamma spunked her. Policemen gave her pennies and enjoyed the call im i mensely. Then suddenly her mother { appeared. ,' "Didn't I tell you never to leave Sunday school without me?" the moth-1 ler asked severely, and with a threat ' of a spauking when she got home sht?, ;draggei out the little girl. It broke' | up the pleasant visit and the policemen 1 were so disappointed that none of them .-poke for what seemed five minutes. ♦ • • To Beport "Occupational" Diseases Representative Maurer, of Reading,! i the Socialist member of the House, has' I introduced a bill requiring ail phy sicians to r*port to the Sfate Health t Department certain "occupational" diseases. The bill provides that every • physician called in to visit a patient I whom he believes to be suffering from ; any disease as a result of the nature lof the patient's employment, shall, j within forty-eight hours, send a report • to the State Health Department giving | the name, address and occupation of , the patieut; the name, address and busi : necs of the employer; the nature of the j disease and such other information as ' may be required by the o 1 Cheviots—Blue Serges and Cordurovs. All size? • t0 17 >' ears - ' Men's SI.OO Ribbed Cotton Union Suits 79^ Boys' Overcoats, values to $Q Men's $3.50 Shaker-knit Sweaters, $7.50, at .....< at $2.29 Chinchillas—Meltons—Scotch Mixtures—all late V. ..,.,1 Oid season styles. A few high-class Maekinaws in Meil S «?■) and tf»b.oO oIIJUvCI \\ Ol'Sted t,,e lot - Sweaters, at $3.95 Boys' $2.00 Shaker Worsted Sweat -75c Knee Pants are 39tf ers, at $1.29 15c Black Stockings are — SI.OO Velvet and Corduroy Hats, 79< SI.OO Emery Shirts are 79<* ' A Sale of Boys' Blouse Waists at 29c A fortunate purchase brings you these Tapeless Blouse Waists at al most half. Plain Chambrav and Striped Madras—all sizes from 9to 15 vrs. THE GLOBE " The Friendly Store" MECHANICSBURG County Sunday School Convention Be gins Sessions This Afternoon 'Mechanicsburg, March 11.—Frank lin Hall was filled with a very appre ciative audience last evening to hear the play, "The Merry Travelers." whi'h was given by the High school. It was under the immediate supervision of Miss Ethel Gates, of the Home Talent Bureau, of Randolph, N. Y. She was assisted by Miss Feglev, of the j English department of the school, and by Miss Bush, teacher of music in the schools. The opening chorus wa3 sung by little folks from the lower grades. Editor Thomas, of the "Daily Jour i nal," is receiving congratulations ou | his election to the presidency o l ' the | state Editorial Association. I At a recent meeting of our School ! Board the following announcements I were made: .Sermon to the graduating (lass on Sundry evening, May 30; class j i.ight. Tuesday evening, June 1. Com mencement. Wednesdav evening, June I i Many people of town are visiting the motcreyele and bicycle show in 'Harrisburg. The Rev. B. L. Moore, of Enola, was i a visitor here yesterday. Mrs. Samuel Plough spent yesterday with relatives in Xew Kingston. Mrs. F. B. Sellers, of Carlisle, was a guest in the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. Elder Williams, South Market street. Next Monday evening a reception will be given to the new members of GAS. HEARTBURN, INDIGESTION OR A SICK STOMACH "Pape's Diapepsin' En d s All Stomach Distress in Five Minutes Time it! Pape's Diapepsin will di gest anything you eat and overcome a sour, gassy or out-of-order stomach surely within five minutes. If your meals don't fit comfortably, or what you eat lies like a lump of lead in your stomach, or if you have heartburn, that is a sign of indiges tion. Get from your pharmacist a fifty cent case of Pape's Diapepsin and take a dose just as soon as you can. There will be no sour risings, no belching of undigested food mixed with acid, no stomach gas or heartburn, fullness or heavy feeling in the stomach, nau sea, debilitating headaches, dizziness' or intestinal griping. This will all go, and, besides, there will be no sour food left over in the stomach to poison your breath with nauseous odors. Pape's Diapepsin is a certain cure for out-of-door stomachs, because it takes hold of your food' and digests it just the same as if your stomach wasn't there. Relief in five minutes from all stom ach misery is waiting for von at any drug store. Theae large fifty-cent cases contain •oough "Pape's Diapepsin" to keep the entire family free from stomach disorders and indigestion for many months. It belongs in your home.—Adv. the Methodist church. It will be held' 111 the lecture room of the church. \ esterdav Edward Bauin celebrated i his 87th birthday. The day was pleas- ! antly s.}»eut at the home of his niece, Airs. Key nolds, South Washington sticci, where he has his home. The Epworth League of the Meth- ! odist church will hold a social on Tues-1 day evening- of next week at the homo! ot Mr. and Mrs. Guy Guinevan. East' -Main street. Mrs. Long, of Harrisburg, spevt ves- I terday with htr father, Edward Baum,! South Washington street, and helped celebrate his Jsith birthday. Beginning this afternooji the Coitn tv Sunday school convention wil> be held here, closing with a mass meet'ng ' to morrow evening. One of the special I features during the convention wili be a ,'t'eet parade to-morrow eveniu" by | the Men 's Bible classes. Delegate" be-1 gan ai'iving this morning. A cerv { large number are expected. A good i program has been prepared with good i speakers. DUNNE FIGHTS DEATH PENALTY THinois Governor Urges Legislature to Abolish Law Springfield, 111., March 11.—Charac-1 teriung capital punishment us "brutal ami abhorrent," Governor Dunne yes terday sent a special message to the Legislature advocating the abolition of that form of puuishment in Illinois. i The Governor would have life iin prison men t the most severe penalty pos- 1 sible and presented statistics showing i that in States not having the capital i punishment penalty fewer homicides were committed than in States where tnere is such a law. Whom Shall I Appoint As My Executor? From whatever standpoint the matter may be viewed there can be no doubt as to the advisability of appointing a thoroughly established trust company—an institution especially organized and equipped to handle estates —as your Executor. The appointment of this company as your Executor will insure the faithful carrying out of the provisions of your Will and the safe and efficient administration of your estate. Consult us. i ARTISTIC PRINTING AT STAR - INDEPENDENT. \ Lath to Lath to Timbers Lumber for repairs or lumber for new buildings. Slll all orders or large orders supplied on very short notice. Tt makes no differ ence to us if von want one board or one car load we will give your business prompt and careful attention. This is the one thing we are particular about—to get lumber on the job when it is wanted. I United Ice & Coal Co. Forster and Cowden Street* v *