The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, March 11, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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The Doctors Say "Use Mnsterole"
So many sufferers have found relief
in MCSTKROLE that you ought to buy
a small jar and try it.
Just spread it on with the fingers.
Rub it in. First you feel a gentle glow,
then a delicious, cooling comfort. MI'S
TEROLK routs the twinges, loosens up
stiffened joints and muscles.
MI'STEROLE is a clean, white oint
ment. made with oil of mustard. It pen
etrates to the seat of pain and drives it
imr, but does uot blister the tenderest
It takes the place of the rnussy, old
fashioned mustard plaster.
MI'STEROLE is recommended for
Bronchitis. Croup, Asthma, Pleurisy,
Lumbago. Neuralgia, Sprains, Bruises.
Stiff Nevk, Headache and Colds of the
Chest (it often prevents Pneumonia).
At your druggist's, in 25c and 50c
jars, and a special large hospital size
for $2.50.
Be sure you get the genuine MI'S
TEROLE. Refuse imitations—get
you ask for. The Musterole Company.
Cleveland, Ohio.
G V. A
Grand Rush Made for Seats for Per
formance to Be Given by Elks—
Was Somewhat Like Bun for World
Series Tickets
Carlisle. March 11. —Rivalling the
World's Series reservation rush, for
unique features, the chart for tne * ar
lisle Elks' Annual Frolic opened yes
terday morning with the largest ad
vance sale for tie Elks' productions
on m ori.
Unwilling to take any chance of
being less than one, two, three in the
line of ticket-seekers, several young
men sat in line all night in the base
ment of the Elks' home waiting for
the little pasteboards that were place I
on sale at 10 o'clock yesterday morn
This little group of all-nighters be
gan to grow at about 5.30 yesterday
morning when others, with visions or
being first on the scene, began to ar
rive to take their places in the long
line. From that time tie gathering
was gradual, until about 9.30 o'clock
people began to pour in to await their
turn at obtaining seats for the big pro
Tells of Berlin's Horrors
Gettysburg. March 11. — Mrs. Fran
ces H. Walter, of this place, who with
her daughter. Miss Cornelia Walter, is
in Beriin. Germany, has written in
terestingly to her friends in this place
of conditions in that city. In one of
her letters she says:
••We are bnsy as can be. trying to
help all we can in this said time. There
are between thirty and forty Ameri
can ladies who sew every morning
from ten to one for the sol'liers —
making shirts, drawers, chest and back
protectors, and some knitting stock
ings. scarfs, stomach bands, pulse
warmers and caps. I go to the hotel
(where we have our meetings'! three
mornings a week and give another day
to sewing for the poor."
To Observe Arbor Day
Chambersburg. Mar«-h 11.—A move
ment for a general observance of spring
arbor day in Chambersi>urg was set
aioot at the regular meeting of the
King street branch of the Parent-
Teacher Association, held in the King
street school building last evening. The
association decided upon a celebration
of the day at that buiKHng. with the
planting of shrubs and vines by the
-••holars and a committee was author
ized to arrange with the school board
for permission to plant, on school prop
erty. and with tne County Obmmissisn
crs for permission to plant vines against
the jail wall.
Rescues Child From Burning Bed
Gettysburg, March 11. —Asleep in a
burning bed in a Frederick boarding
house four-year-old Frances Kane,
daughter of Herman Kane, and grand
daughter of John D. Kane, both of 119
West Middle street, Gettysburg, was
saved from death or serious injury by
her mother. Mrs. Agnes Kane, who, uii
heedful of harm to herself, dashed into
the room and carried the child to
safety. The fire is beiieved to have
been caused by matches left on the bed
by Frances when she fell asieep. How
she obtained possession of them is a
To Inspect Statues
Gettysburg, March 11.—Statues to
the Pennsylvania division commanders,
Hays, Humphreys and Geary, have
been completed and will be inspected by-
General H. 3. Huidekoper, chairman of
cf the State Monument .Commission,
this week. They will be dedicated in
John Troutman and Family Move to
Their Recently Purchased Farm
Sp. • ... i 'or: es-pon-lence
Milierstown, March 11. —«Mrs. Wil
liam Jones, of Altoona. is seriously ill
at the home of her son, George Shots
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Clsh were recent
visitors in Harrirourg.
Miss Florence Baughman. of Werners
ville, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. John
John Troutman and family moved pn
Tuesday to Nekoia on their farm
wuich they recently purchased.
Mrs. J. J. Lindner, of Bloomfield, N.
J.. is visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles
Mrs. J. I. Crane has returned from
a visit with her daughter, Mrs. George
Lent in Parkersbu.-g. W. Vg.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Fry and children
spent Sunday in Mifflin.
Harrisburg Hospital
The Harrisburg Hospital is oj»en
daily except Sunday, between 1 and
" o'clock p. -in. for dispensing medical
advice and prescriptions to those unable
to pay for them.
Trinity U. B. Otterbein Guild Will Give
jprcml Correspondence.
Xew Cumberland, Maroh 11. —An'
entertainment will be given at Trinity |
1". B. church on Sunday evening,
Maroh 14. at 7 o'clock under the aiij
pices of the Otterbein Guild. The pro
gram will consist of the touowing ex
ercises: Special music, choir; vocal
solo, Clare Snell; recitation, Mrs.
Kroiua Souders; vocal duet. Misses
Mary and . Kuth Williams; address,
Mrs. J. R, Hutchison: vocal sftlo.
: Prank Entry; missionary exeraise.
■•The Voices of the Women," giveu by
twelve young ladies, who will l>e j
dressed to represent different foreign
countries; recitation. Mrs. Schenck: se
lection. n-en s chorus. A special offer
ing will be lifted at this service for
the missionary cause. Everybody wel- .
The New Cumberland brick plant
will resume operations on Monday. The
, plant has not been in operation for the
past six weeks
•Many tickets have been sold for the
I Grammar school entertainment for this
evening and to-morrow evening.
Miss Irene Wolf, a stenographer at
1 the New Cumberland knitting mill, had
lan operation for chronic appendicitis
j performed at the West Side sanatorium
in York on Monday.
| Miss Mabel Wood, of near Lisburn.
who has i-een spending the past two
| weeks wiph her sister. Mrs. Samuel
| Sipe. Reno street, has returned home,
i H. R. Rabn. of Steeltan, visited h'.s
aunt. Mrs. Margaret R. Prowell. Tues
day evening.
A meeting of the adjourned quarter- j
ly conference of the Mern enlist church '
i will be held on Mondav evening, March |
Thomas Jacks, Jr., Goes to Philadel :
phia Hospital for Treatment ,
j Spec- .1 Correspondence.
Hummelstown. March 11. —Thomas,
•lacks. .1 r.. who was injured while at ,
work in the Rutherford yards several j
weeks ago. has gone to a Philadelphia |
hospital for treatment.
Mrs. Harry Seibert and sons. Russell j
and Harry, -pent yesterday with the j
former's daughter. Mrs. Charles Leibv, .
a; Horrisburo.
The Rev. .1. Lewis Pluck. P. P.. pas ;
tor of the Myerstown Reformed church
preached the sermon at the Leuten ,
services in the Reformed church la«I j
evening. The services were well attend
Miss Lorene Br nser visited her sis
ter, Mrs. Guy Krause, at Enola, yester- i
i <l a . v -
John H. Greenawalt was a visitor in j
Harrisburj yesterday.
Mrs. John Thomas, of Wormleys
burg, spent yesterday with her [>areiits„
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Keller.
Mrs. Klohr, of Myerstown, is spend
l mg several days with her parents. Mr.
and Mrs. John L. Kilmer.
John T. Remsburg spent yesterday
.in Harrisburg.
Woman's Missionary Society of the U.
B. Church Ejects OScers
Middletown. March 11.—The Wom
an's Missionary Society of the United
Brethren church met at the home of
Mrs. Charles Orth. Catherine street,
Tuesday evening and elected the follow
ing officers: PresMent, Mrs. Jennie
Petweiler: vice president. Mrs. M. G.
Bossier; secretary. Mrs. C. A. Parthe
more: treasnrer. Mrs. A. C, Martin; j
organist, Mrs. D. W. Gingtieh: col
let-tors. Mrs. W. P. Rose. Mrs. W. Wag-j
ner and Mrs. I. H. Albright; auditors.!
Mrs. I. H. Albright and Mrs. George'
Bowman; secretary of literature. Mrs. i
William Rose; choristers. Mrs. M. G. i
Bossier and Mrs. S. S. Hean: delegates.
to convention, Mr*. Fannie Sherriek and :
Mrs. Jennie Detweiier. After the bjsi-j
ness had been transacted a social hour,
wa- spent.
The Woman's Club was entertained
at the home of Mrs. A. L Efter this
afternoon. The following program was
rendered: Responses. "My Favorite
Psalm." paper; "The Reign of David,'"
Miss Mary Evans; referred question.
"What Musical Instruments Are Men
tions! in the Bible!" Mrs. H. F.
Hoover; vocal duet, '"The Lord Is Mr
Shepherd.'' Miss Rachel MeCarrell and
Mrs. A. H. Luekenbill; "The Song of
the Syrian Guest,"' Mrs. Ira Springer;
poem. "The Chamber Over the Gate.' -
Longfellow. Mrs. Puller Bergstresser;
music, the club.
The Social Circle of town was enter
tained by Mrs. Sherman Hawthorne al
her home at Harriaburg this afterno n.
Valentine Baumbach is ill at hi;
home on Ann street.
Mrs. J. H. Snyder, Wilson street. i>:
ill with grip.
Daniel Bbersole received word on
Tuesday that his mother, Mrs. Mary
Ebersoie, aged 80 years, died at the
home of her son. Samuel Ebersoie, who
resides near Mt. Joy. She is survived
by the following chiMren: Daniel
Fliersile and Mrs. George Zeigler. of
town; Jacob. David and Samuel Eber
soie, of Rapho township. The funeral
wiil be held to-morrow morning at &
o'clock from the home of her son, Sam
uel, with whom she resided, with sen
ices at 10 o'clock in the Risser church.
Interment will be in the cemetery ad
joining the church. Mrs. Ebersoie was
well known in this place, having re
sided on the Frey farm, where her hus
band died about fifteen year® ago.
Mrs. Fred Haesler spent yesterdav
at Elizabethtown.
Charles Imler has accepted the posi
tion as film operator in the Reaity
Mrs. William Shuev, of Harrisburg.
spent yesterday in town as the guest
of Mrs. Frank Condran, Emaus street.
The Missionary Society of St. Pe
ter's Lutheran church met at the home
of Mrs. Bowman 's, East Water street,
yesterday afternoon.
Miss El Vina Welsh, of Hamburg,
is visiting her brother, Fred Welsh, and
family. Spring street.
Mrs. J. J. Fellenbaum, of Hummels
town, spent Tuesday in town as the
guest of friends.
Mrs. John Mattheut and daughter,
of 'Lancaster, spent yesterday in town
fflp® I Tile Kosine Treat
a ment relieves all (ear
HKI ■ the dreadful at
tacks which are so
■ ■ ■ frequent to the suf
■ ■ ■ w ferers of Epilepsy.
Kosine has been used
with remarkable suc-
I cess for fifteen years. Buy a bottle of
1 Kosine for 11.30. If, after using, you
are not entirely gatisfle<t your money
will be refunded. Ask us for booklet.
Geo. A. Gorgas, 16 N. Third street, and
Penna. Railroad Station.
ipsn JSjowmaftii
I M 9 Sv I 1
Chamois finish; 10- Call 1891—Any Phone Founded 1871 Iflen S OtlttS <
► . three dozen suits in
; consist• <oI jll* srs. vises'. 8-ineh Boys' Clothing * Furniture £?• Were SIO.OO and j
' bowls, two-handled 8-iwh 77) P Boys' Norfolk Suits one 3 P iece Library Set, sl-s°. Special to- <
► dishes, sugar and cream sets, KJTi i /ft? S3 85—formerly $4 95- i„' $36.25 formerly $50.00; morrow $6.00 <
► mayonnaise sets, celery trays p . "J"**. oheviot RHLFW fumed oak; set consists of Third FIoor— BOWMAN'S. <
y and footed comports. Limit, CCirpet settee, rocker and chair : with <
► one piece to a lustomer. patch pockets and sewed-on genuine leather automo. , Mah'c
69*—regularly 98c; deeorat- Bovs' Balmacaajis <*2 4.1 Two Fumed Oak Settees, I?nriiicVkirin>c ' „
ed; pitcher and six tumblers. Rubber Stair Pads —full formerly $3 98 to $5*45- $5.95 formerly $12.00; J? UTlllSlllll^S
' Fire-proof Cooking Bowls, standard thickness, deep chinchillas and cheviots in upholstered seats of brown Men's Pad Garters, 10< '
► 25c set—regularly 45c; set corrugation. grev, tan and brown- sizes Spanish leatherette. pr.—regularly 25c. <
► consists of three bowls. inches, lO* — 3to 9 years. ® ne ®ariy English Settee, Men's Handkerchiefs, *
► Brass Umbrella Jars,sl.39 r egularly 12'. 2 c. Boys' Oliver Twist Suits,—formerly $7.00; slat each, 4 for 25* —regularly <
y —formerly $1.98; extra "xlB inches, 1265* —formerly 98c; blue and back ana solid oo<l seat. _ 10c; white hemstitched, eith- *
y heavy brass; weighted hot- —regularly 15c. white striped waist with I Jacobean Fireside Chairs er plain or initial. 4
. torn. Size 9xlß inches, 16* — plain blue pants; also white and Rodtws, $11.50 « ac h Boys' Blouse Waists, 19<
Be semen t—BO wM A N 'B. regularly 18c. i waist with plain blue pants, i formerly $lo.00 ; high backs; —regularly 25c; plain blue,
Rubber Stair Pads—fan
-Bta.2Ml .nd 8 j«™. | I and net stripe. ; mili- 1
Kitchenwares ! "j^
Size 6xlß inches. 12*- _ , . , slightly marked from being Boys Coat Sweaters, 79<
Floor Shine Polishing Mop, regularly 15c. WOUICII S AllU used as sample. formerly $1.00; in navy, ox- <
► 69*—formerly $1.00; in- Size 7xlß inches, 14*— , , Fifth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. foi'd and maroon; with or i
y eluding pint of oil of cedar regularly 18c. VllllClrCH S without collar.
► P° lisb - Size 9xlß inches, 17*- Shoes Maiu Floor-BOWMAN'S. ,
► Adjusto Household Rack, regularly 20c. „ 7* V w Women's Shoes, 98*—val- T
290 -formerly oOe ; with six Fiber Matting, 23* yd. Sr™°(* ®ll ues 2do to^so '• button and W OHieil S i
, anns - -carpet in tan. ®!° Ve , B ', ff:"X ' shoes; mostly all sizes;
Wear-Ever Aluminum green hih! blue; 36 inches ' iur«'ljare > "ic k t short lots, discontinued lines HOSlCfy ® J
' Sauce Pan, 49^ —formerly ( wide. , Menders, 50c pr.-lb-but- and odds and ends of styles. TTn?
' 90c; 2Va quart capacity; with Fourth Floor— BOWMAVS. ?" a Boys' Sample Shoes, $1.49 UllG 1 6 tW6fIX <
► cover. ch^ 8 ' , fll{ ! values $2.50 to $3.50 7 made Women's Hose, 25* pair <
► Swissalu Aluminum Berlin tx , . 19* nr reirnlarly 25e°not bv Endicott, Johnson & Co.; ~-regularly ; >oc; plain and i
► Kettle. 69c—formerly 98e; DomeStlCS 19* pr.-iegul.ul> 2;H ; not large only. silk lisle; wide garter tops;
. l-qt. ; ta : with B .U handle oanton PUnnel , yd ._ "" m TF,O„-BOVVM A N- S . 3 " <
* ~ ,T , re|f " larl - v l0c! shoes bf button Women's Dnd«, 25< «
► Perfection Udder Stool, cut from full pieces; good, TiflAtlC ad laSstyleT alsoback -regularly 50c; vests, pants <
S9r—formerly $1.10; rigid- nap. LrineilS and lace stales also Diauc b . .1k
; !>• constructed; especially Unbleached Muslin, 7* yd. Mercerized Table Damask, and brown, double sole work- hght unA
adapted tor kitchen use. regularly 9c; •% inches wide; 39* yd.—regularly 50c; 64 Third%loor—BOWMAN'S. Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
O-Cedar Polish Mcp, 59r will bleach easily. inches wide; snowy white, «
► .regularly 75c; triangular Dundee Pillow Tubimr with mustard border. XkT f TAT • . A 1 i
► shape; limited quantity to 16* yd.-regularlv 21cV45 Absorbent Toweling, TVfe* WOUien S Wearing /±PpCLrel <
► sell at this price. inehps wiVl». ..»t f„n yd-—regularly 10c ; 18 inches O / 1 .
► Perfection and Nesco Oil pieces. wide; bleached; very good 1 $2.50 and $3.00 Waists, $1.98 crepe de chine, chiffon, lace j
„ Heaters, at $3.50, from Cambric Muslin 10«* vri for P eneral use: makes a flowered taffeta and net waists. The smartest waists of the
► from $5.98, ss!!>o and U i the water readily! -and all sizes up to 46.
► Basement BOWMAN S. " Turkish Towels, 19*—1-eg- SI.OO Waists, 59^—pretty, new styles, but they have been 4
► Outing Flannel, 5' 4 * yd. ularly 29c; bleached, hem- slightly soiled by counter showing. And we say "SI.OO Waists" «
► . —regularly 10c and 12 l/ oc; j med; double thread; size 23x because they afe marked SI.OO now. Many of them were $1.50, i
K Draperies ~' ant * inches Wide; short 45 inches. $2.00 and even higher. Just a Friday clean-up of stock.
Silkoline 8r aid Ift#» vrf 'ou''* • Turkish Face cloths, 2 for Five Suits and Four Dresses, at $5.00 ach—the suits are • 1
iL li m Sheets at 69*-regularly ; s#—regularly sc; pink and fine noplin and broadcloth-splendidly tailored. The dresses "
* nlain and fiiriired ' -^c; size .K-x9O ; made of Mo- j blue borders. are ff ne serge, serge and satin, and velvet and satin. They i
► P ' !' . hawk muslin; slightly null ' Main Floor-BOWMAN'S. ranged in price up to $25.00.
k $2 75 and S2 98 Dr for Txiw' ri '' Ve tn _ « The nine women who get these bargains will be lucky, be- <
* !,riv 4 t I K e! „',^,. e T. " : Dress Goods eanse they .re not old nor undedr.ble style.. They are gar- .
► yards long; trimmed with 4 .-, fin " h bleat-bid Figured Lawns, 6>.* yd.- ments very late in the winter and can be worn right up ,
► fancy braid, 2-inch hem and Pillow- 17> o nY, value int 'bes wide; into t,ie summer
, edge: also ?-inch hem and ' , : 500 yards in the lot. Second Floor BOWMAN S.
. Cluny edge; white only. , embroldeml : Cotton Poplins, 9\ttf yd.- T ng% H
Colored Border Scrims, Main Kinor— HOWM VX'S 1 value , lsc g°°D of shades , NotIOHS LaCCS dlld ■
15c yd.—formerly 22c to to select trom. jj eaV y sew-on hose sup- RifohrtTKl il
J 35c; IV 2 to 7K. yard lengths; ~P laid, D " ss porters, pair 8< HIDDOHo
■ fine quality. ixllXO 4 3 -4* yd.—ooo yards in the g_ vart j ]j nen eorset laces, Oriental Lace Flouncing,
" Cushion Cords, 2c yd.— A rrpccnripc K>t <i* - o•« a*,* 7 * 25 * yd-—value 39c; 18
► formerly 15c; mixed. ACCcSSOxIcS Striped Smtings, 4- 10( . an( j 12^c dressing inches wide.
► Curtain Str n- ioi $1.20 and $1.50 tire cases, yd-—value loc; 3- inches combs, 7£ Shadow Lace Flouncing, <
each; formerly 25c ; 2V« and ...... 89c Cotton Lace Voiles
3 yards loner $3.00 socket wrench set, oouon L.ace voues, 11 & car j s
* „ 1 Cord and Tassels, $1.69 cold chisel sets SI 19 wide; neat tloral designs. 1 pae j {g 1* —regularly 25c; 5 inches
►3* pr.—regularly 10c; white " ' "« I "qq . En ch a ntress Cotton Suit- - e an(l 10c was h a ble net wide; good line of shades to
► „ -t .. tool boxes $1.39 pg, 14* yd.-value 2dc ;32 collar foundations, black select from; stiff ribbons, and <
Leoe Curtains, 75c pr.— jacks $1.19 inches wide; linen finish. and white 4t fine for hair bows. i
formerly $2.00 and $2.50; KI:)OR —BOWMAN'S. Main Floor-BOWMAN'S. ( Main j-| 00 ' r - B owMAN'S. Venise and Oriental Lace <
white and ecru ; and 3 ' ■ Collars, 10* —regularly 25c.
► yarns long; one pair of a Friday Only=== Xoys Main Floor-BOWMAN'S.
; Duntley and Torrington i Leather Goods :
* Bedwear Fiction Books, 17* —value Hand Bags, 69*—value <
Wool Nap Blankets, | Vacuum Cleaners at $4.49 Toy Pianos, $1.49 —value wi h satin and fitted with J
$1.95 pr.—value $2.50; full . ~, $2.98. purse and mirror.
► bed size; grey with pink and .vs we tohl you before, the Duntlev "1910 Special Double Friction Automo- Children's Hand Bags,
► blue borders. and Torrington " Model Iv have standard prices of $9.00 bile and Water Tower, 69C 19*-value 25c; all colors. <
► White Crocheted Spreads, and s<. CO. Dealers have sold them for less, but only —value SI.OO. Odd Lot of Belts, 10f> \
► 59* —regularly 75cT full Horan s could sell them for* the very special price of Teddy Wagon, $2.69- each-value 50c; colored
► Wed size; hemmed ready for * ' lorr<nv only, the price will be $4.49 value $3.25; guaranteed to suede with black patent 1
use. Fourth Door—BOWMAN'S. hold 1,000 pounds. leather bands and bow. *
Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. - | Th i r j FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Main Floor-BOWMAN'S. <
~~~"———— —_____ mm—mmmm —— <
)VontiHo/i». Just opened up a sample line of women's collars, collar and cuff sets, and vestees to sell for -
► 1 fiLnWdar *Dp6CtQI and 25<?» that in regular stock would bring 25c tosl.oo each. Main FIoor— BOWMAN S. <
- 4
as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Christ
Ober, Emaus street.
Mrs. Oeorye Larr!is and daughter
sj>eut yesterday at Harri : :b.irg.
The Bev. B. A. Barnes to Deliver Fare
well Sermon Sunday
">1 r *orre«i>or ■<■■■■
Williamstown. March 11.—Squire G..
R. Wren was a visitor t-o the county I
seat Tuesday.
Allen Saumian. of Harrisourg, rfpent ;
Sunday with his mother.
Mrs. Ulsh, of Lvkens, visited her!
daughter, Mrs. Roy Blauning, vester- ;
The Lyric quartet, which was to :
have been the attraction at the Acade
my of Music under the auppicet of
the Hose Company Tuesday evening,
was unable to appear, as one of its
members was taken suddenly ill. A
quartet of equal ability was substituted
and enjoyed by the large audience. 1
This is the first of a series of attrac-,
tions to be held under the auspices of |
the Hose Company.
The Rev. B. A. Barnes, partor of the
Methodist Episcopal church, will
preach his farewell sermon Sunday j
night before attending the forty-sev- j
enth annual session of the Central
Pennsylvania Conference at Shaniokin i
next week.
Although the collierv at this pla -e.
is working but a few days a week, this)
town is considered the most fortunate
in the anthracite coal tields, as other
places have"been working part time
f-inee long before the holidays, while
the part tune began heie about six
weeks ago. The slackened demand for
anthracite is said to be the cause. The
colliery worked two days here this
week I bus far.
Mrs. Wilson Rettinger, of Lykens,
called on Mrs. James Welsh Tuesday
p. B. Church Received Number of New
Members Last Sunday
Fn»<*inl < ori eironnileni M
Shiremanstown, March 11.—Mrs. H.
0. Dodge, of Harrisburg. was the guest
of her sunt, Mrs. 11. M. Rupp, Tues
Miss Grace Liggett and Miss Lois
Hagerman spent Sunday with friends
Mrs. Mary Weigel an<l daughter,
Miss Edith were visitors at this place
Miss Clara Markle. of New York
C : ty; Mrs. W. E. Ross and daughter,
Mildred, of New Cumberland, were
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
F. E. Wallace Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Eshleman and
children, Vivian and David, Lemovne,
were entertained at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Reuben Eshleman recently:*
I. C. Geiling and family, of Harris
burg, moved to the house owned by R.
A. Bberiy.
Those that visited with the U. B.
church Sunday morning were Mrs. Tol
bert Stoner, Miss Belva Chronister,
Emily Strong, Ina and Clyde Ainsworth.
Mrs. Monroe Vogelsong and daughter,
Klmira. of Harrisiburg, were visitors
with relatives in this place Sunday.
Mrs. Monroe ogelsong and daughter.
Pearl, and Miss Carrie Sheaffer, of
near Spangler's Mills, visited Mr. and
Mrs. P. P. Feister and family Sunday.
Dr. Ainsworth, of near this place,
has his farm up for f>ale next Satur
J. D. M. Reed Elected to Fill Unexpired
Council Term
Special Correspondence. /
Dauphin, March 11. —A supper will
be held in Odd Fellows' hall on Satur
day afternoon and evening under the
auspices of the Mite Society of the
Presbyterian church.
The Ladies' Mite Society of the
Methodist Episcopal tihurch met at the
home of Mrs. Edith Eby on HighntTeet
on Tuesday evening. After the regular
business was transacted, refreshments
were served.
The Borough Council held its regular
monthly meeting on Tuesday evening.
J. D. M. Reed was elected to fill out
; the unexpired teim of Daniel Tobias.
I Miss Anna Hoffman has returned
from a visit to Mrs. Frank Sanford at
Washington, D. C.
Miss Agnes Whiteman, of Girard Col
lege, Philadelphia, is visiting her
! mother, Mrs. Jessie Whiteman, Stony
! Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Malin Fishpaugh and
daughter. Miss Grace, of York, were
the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Ege.
Mr. and Mrs. Efoersole and daughter,
i Miss Xaomi, of Roaring Branch, spent
j several days with Mrs. J. E. Williams.
Mrs. George Taylor entertained at
her home on Erie street on Tuesday
evening in honor of Mrs Edward White
and Miss Bertha Cofrode, of Johnstown.
After spending a social evening, re
freshments were served to Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Welker, Mr. and Mrs. be Roy
I McKissick, Mr. and Mrs. George Tav
i lor, Mrs. Edward White, Miss Bertha
I Cofrode, of Johnstown; Miss Viola
: McKißsick, Bion, Roy and Paul Welker.
A St. Patrick's supper will be held
in Odd Fellows' hall on Saturday aft
ernoon and evening under the auspices
of the Mite Society of the
Services Being Held Daily at Big
Spring Presbyterian Church
Special Correspondent
Xewville, March 11.—A number of
invited gues;s gathered at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ocker, Ohestuut
street, Tuesday evening to help cele
brate Mr. Ocker's birthday. The affair
was arranged as a surprise in his honor
by Mrs. Ocker.
Each evening of this week except
Saturday services are being held in the
Big Spring Prerfbvterian church at 7.30
o'clock. Day services will also be held
at 2.30 p. m. to-morrow and Saturday.
The Rev. 1. P. Hays, of New Bloom
field, is assisting the pastor during the
week. The Sacrament of the Lord'l
Supper will be administered next Sun
day morning.
Mr. and iMrs. ilarrv Landis recently
moved from West Parsonage street io
their newly-erected residence on Fair*
field street.
Mrs. Anna McCoy attended the fu
neral of her grandson, Raymond, which
was held at Bendersville last week.'
The deceased was the only sou of
Charles McCoy, of Philadelphia. The
lad, who was 16 years of age, died in
that city on Tuesday, 'March 2.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Elliott and son,
Robert, of Hagerstown, were entertain
ed at the home of Mr. RHiott's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Elliott, Chestnut
street. Sunday.
Miss Annie Greaver is home from a
visit with Philadelphia relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Kerr, of Buffalo!
X. Y„ are spending a sherit time in
this place.
Printed at this office in best style, £i
lowest prices and on short notice.