SOCIAL AND PERSONAL NEWS PORTRAITS DONE WHILE YOU WAIT AT BENEFIT CONCERT Miss Edith i>eason, of Richmond, Va., to Assist at Concert to Be Qiven for the Benefit of the Red Cross Fund Miss Edith l J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE, JII >Tp mm *ll 15 8o - Market ' Sq., Harrisburg. .H. I roup Music House (Troup Building) Name 15 SO. MARKET SQUARE Addregß / HARRIED EIGHTEEN YEARS Mr. and Mrs. Champion Entertain ' Friends in Celebration of An niversary Mr. and Mrs. Robert Champion en-1 | tertained a number of friends at their j | home, 27 South Summit street, last evening in celebratiou of their eight eenth wedding anniversary. The rooms were prettily decorated in a color scheme of green and the guests ; spent a pleasant evening with music j ' and games after which supper was; ' served*. I Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Wil | liam Bergst resser, Mr. and Mrs. \\ il-1 ; liam Fitzpatriek, Mr. and Mrs. John j Hennings, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weist.j Mr. and Mrs. Alviu Herr. Mr. and I Mrs. Albert Harrow. Mrs. George Ndb-1 inger, Mrs. Anna Bbersole, Mi«s j Florence Duncan, Miss Josephine Kber sole. Miss Lenora Fitzpatriek, Miss | Katherine Fitzpatriek, Miss Vioiot : Champion, Joseph Minnah, Merle Fil sen, Alviu Herr, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Champion. CinsfORjpTLECT Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Lewis Arrange Shower in Honor of Miss Roxie Lewis Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Lewis gave a mis cellaneous shower at their home, 73 North Seventeenth street, last evening for Miss Roxie L Lewis, whose en gagement to A. D. Buffington was re ! cently announced. The bride-elect was the recipient of mauv beautiful gifts. Late in the even i iug supper was served to the following guest*: j Miss Roxie Lewis, Miss Alice Coop , er, Mis* Lulu Cooper, Miss Mossie Mil l ler. Miss Carrie Miller, Miss Kathryn ; Buffington. Miss Bertha Armour, Miss i Maggie Milheini, Miss Mavme G.nt -1 slider, Miss Claire Heibsman, Miss Alice Lewis, Miss Bessie Miss Ague > Samlerson. Miss Marv Thlam, Mrs. K. J. Lewis. Mrs. C. F. Crane. Miss Pearl Oornitz, Miss Mildred Stober. Miss Jennie Wcsthaven, Miss Blanche Ennis, Miss Delia Slopp. Miss Rose Xiekcii i and Miss Carolyn Lewis. ENTERTAINS FOR MRS. I REV Guest From Pasadena, Cal., Met Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Williams Mr. and Mrs. George E. Williams en ■ tertained at thfeii ns-ue last 'evening in compliment to the former's sister, Mrs. Klwood M. Frey, or Pasa ; dena, Cal., who is spending several j months in the East, j The rooms were prettily decorated 1 in a color scheme of pink and white. Music and cards were enjoyed, after which refreshments were served. Lecture on Siberia and Russia ! Invitations have been issued bv the members of the Authors' Club for a lecture on "Stories of Russia and Si beria ' which will be given in Technical 1 High school Tuesday evening, March >l6, by Mrs. John Clarence Lee, of j Philadelphia. Mrs. traveled extensively | through Siberia and Russia last year and has written a book on her experi ences, entitle! "Across Siberia Alone.'' The lecture will be free and I everyone interested is cordiallv invited to attend. HARBISBUBG STAR-INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY EVENING. MARCH 11, 1915. ENTERTAINED S. S. CUSS The Misses Margaret and Catherine Geiger Hostesses to Members at Their Riverside Homo Misses Margaret and Catherine Gei ger entertained the members at their Sunday school class at their home. 3218 Green street. Riverside, last evening. The gut's):) enjoyed music and games, after which, refreshments were served. Those present were: Misses Dorothy Troup, Theresa Mil ler. Catherine Herr, eatriee Albright. Catherine Conrad, Beatrice Bogar. Catherine Geiger, Kthel Garnian, Mar-! garet Geiger, Catherine Bixler, Jessie Beistline and Helen Stroll", Paul Miller, James Thomas, Russell Hummel, Thorn- i as Thomas, John Bogar, Frederick I Stroh, James Geiger, Leon Reed, Mr. I ami Mrs. Churls Stroh, Mr. and Mrs. ! Fred Stroh. As. Sebold, Miss Berthi Geiger and Mrs. Oeiger. MISS BURKIS HOS!K>S Entertained Friends at Her Home Last Evening Miss Helen Burris entertained the members of the I. N. A. Club at her home, 1720 1-2 North Fifth stre«t, last evening. The guests enjoyed mu sic, games and dancing after which re freshments were served. Those present were Misses Mildrel Veater, Lenore Smith, Irnia Bjrris. Beatrice Welsh. Kthel Manuel, Minerva Burris, Catherine Jamison, Martha Brunner, Aw.lda Burris, Miry Coss, Catherine Burris, Mildred Bonigar nor, Margaret Zimmerman, Miss Adaliue Burris, Helen Burris and Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Burris. DAHR-BATEs WEDDING Ceremony Performed at Hagers:own. Md., Last Friday Mr. and Mrs. C. K. B 'tes announce | the marriage of their dau,ht.»r, Mary Frances Bates, to James E. Dahr, of this city, which took pace in Ha.gers town, Md., Friday, March 5. The ceremony was performed at the parsonage of the First Baptis; church, the Rev. E. K. Thomas, pattor, of ficiating. Guests of the Mr. and Mr*, Robert R. Ehrif nan en tertained at their home, 71 North Six teenth street, last evening. The yrests included Mrs. Charles Snyder, i Miss Hetty Wallink. Misses Vio'et 1 Champion, Fanny Khlan, Elizabeth Horstick, Stella Bu'sbaugh, Letty I Grass. Florence Duncan, Emma Ment ,:er. Minnie Genslider, Anna Huffman. Ella Hoke, Mary lloke, John Sweeney, John By reins, V N. Hall and Merle Filson. Birth Aunounc.ments Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc.Mulbn, of Cowden street, announce the birth cf a daughter. Genevieve Alice, yest?rl*iv. Mrs. McMullen was Miss Alice Ra.»p prior to Iter marriage, j Mr. and Mrs. George Bennett, 2313 : Jefferson street, announce the 1 irt'a of | a daughter, Ruth ElizabeUi, Friday, i 5. People Say To Us "I cannot eat this or that food, it tu not agree with me." Out advice all of them is to take a D £P e ,' , ? ; fry —i rcfcJCi before and after eacL c 1 George A. Gorgas COMB SAGE TEA INTO GRAY HAIR Ladies! Try This! Darkens Beauti fully and Nobody Can Tell—Brings Back Its Gloss and Thickness Common garden sage brewed into a heavy tea, with sulphur and alcohol added, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beautifully dark and luxuri ant; remove every bit of dandruff, stop scalp itching and falling liair. Mixing the Sage Tea and Sulphur recipe at home, though, is troublesome. An easier way is to get the ready-to-use tonic, costing about 50 cents n large bottle, at drug stores, known as "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound," thus avoiding a lot of muss. While wispy, gray, faded hair is not sinful, we all desire to retain our youth ful nppearnpee and attractiveness. By darkening your hair with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur, no one can tell, because it does it so naturally, so evenly. You just dampen n sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning all gray hairs have disap peared. After another application or two your hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft and luxuriant, and you ap pear years younger.—Adv. | News of Persons Who Come and Go Mrs. Mary Sunday anil Miss Eliza beth Sunday, 1713 Retina street, left on it visit to Mr. and Mrs. Prank Siegfried, at Wordsworth, Ohio, and other western eities. Miss Hazel M. Sowers, 230 Mueneh street. and Miss Lulu Johnson, 430 | Kelker street, have returned from ■ Rowland, Md., where they attended a ! dance. I Mrs. L. R. Zimmerman, 2116 Xorth | Fourth stre«t, is visiting Mrs. E. M. I Schlosser at Kaston. Mrs. George Welch, 2210 North | Fifth street, lias returned from a visit ' to Tyrone. Mrs. (ieonge Welch, 310 Cumber i 'and i 'rret, was i: recent visitor to i New York. Mr. and Mrs. George Ranker, 42S Crescent street, are visiting at | AYVightsville. ! Miss Violet Curry, :i nurse at St. ■ Luke's hospital, Philadelphia, is the | fittest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ] John 1L Curry, 2 210 North Fifth ; street. Mr«. \Y. K. Gcfa, 132 l.JvL'st street, j has returned from a recent visit to I Buffalo. j Miss Margaret Brehm. of Carlisle, | is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robert , Bratten, 230 Emerald street. Morris X. Ilays, of Newberry town, | speut yesterday at tiie home of the Misses Brnttcu, oOS North street. Mrs. A. V.'eist, 213 Kelker street, | is spending several days in Philadel ; phia. Miss Hilda Voting has returned to I her home !\t York, after several days' | visit with Miss Vera Van Horn, 603 | Ror.ri Vtreet. | Edward Fester, 603 Seneca street, has returne l from York i Miss Margaret Chaneev, 256 South ! Cameron street, is visiting friends in j Buffalo, X. Y. Nelson Finley, 22 South Hsrri.-jburg ' street, Steelton, is spending several ; days in Xew York. Mrs. William Graham and daugh -1 ter, Ethel, 923 Xorth Thiid i>treet, are spending several days in New York, j Mrs. E. Meals, 339 Peffer street, is f lending several days with friends at Boiling Springs. Mi«s Mr.bel 0,1 wards, 1348 State street, h;is returned from .several days' ■ visit to Xew York .md Philadelphia. Mrs. Thomas Bell, 1524 Penn street, is spending several days at Xewville. Miss Marie Hoffman and Miss Lois Hoffman have returned to their home at Millersburg. after several days' visit with relatives in this city. Mr. and Mrs. P. Huber, of Mechan ic ' ara, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Hioer, 37 Linden street. Miss Emily Dock, of Greason. will stay for a week at Mrs. Levi Alricks, 7 North Front street. Ros Harris, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Salsieh, of the Riverside apartments, has re turned to New York. GiYiert Darlington, of New York, is the g.ic-t of his parents, Bishop and Mrs. J. H. Darlington, 321 North Front street. Miss Minnie A. Renwer, of I'axtang, will leave Saturday for Lebanon. John H.-zen, 1905 Green street, has returned freni Jonestown, where he was called by the serious illness of h!s father. , Emanuel Wagner, of Elizabethtown, is the j> icst of his son, Samuel Wag- I ner, 1929 Xorth Fifth street. Mis. Anna Klinepeters, 217 Kelker ' street, has returned from a visit-, to Mifflin. Miss Addie Bowers, 1001 Xorth Sixth street, has returned from a six I weeks' visit to Tampa, Jacksonville I and Fruitland I'aik, Fla. S. S. CI,ASS ENTERTAINED Members Were Quests of Mrs. C. E. Miller at Her Home Last Evening Mrs. C. E .Miller entertained the members of her Sunday school class of Ihe Otterbein U. B. church at her home, 327 Hamilton street, last even ing. The rooms were prettily decorated in green and the guests enjoyed games and music, after which refreshments were served. Those present were Mrs. J. Frank Slike, Mrs. Florence Updegraff, Mrs. Mary Hunsicker, Mrs. Sara Boyd, Mrs. Marie Green, Mrs. Gertrude Gre-in, Mrs. Alice Miller, Mrs. Shirk, Mrs. Minnie Warfel, Mrs. Ella Miller, Mrs. Mary Mille r ) Mrs. Jennie Brownawell, Miss Vesta Hall and Miss Ruth Miller. NOTICE A special meeting will be held this evening, Thursday, March 11th, by Octarora Tribe, No. 91, I. O. R. M., at 7.30 at the wigwam, 303-305 Broad street. J.' G. BECKWITH, Sachem. 1 W. A. WALTON, C. of E. LECTURE OF BALKAN STATES Dr. Charles B. Pager Will Give an Il lustrated Travel Talk to Men of S. S. Classes Dr. Charles B. Pager, Jr., principal of the Technical High school, will give IWI illustrated lecture 011 his travels through the (Balkan States to the men and their friends of the James McOor mick and Rein hard Bible classes of the Pine Street Preebyterian Sunday school this evening in the lecture room of-the church. Dr. Pager will use many col ored slides which have been prepared by the State Department .of Education from his own original photographs. His experiences are of peculiar iuterest in view of the present war in TCurppe. The lecture is free to men and will be given at 8 o'clock. FINK DOMINO DANCE Children of Ohev Sholem Congregation Spent Merry Evening The ''pink domino" dance which was given last evening in uintardale hall for the children of the Ohev Sholem congregat ioi*. to celebrate the Peast of Purim, was a very pretty af fair. The children under the direction of Miss Eleanor Vv alter danced fancy and modern dances, with the Updegrove orchestra playing for the dancers. Those present included: 'Misses Adele Claster, Hortense As trich, Evelyn Kaprier, Ruth Kapner, Elizabeth Siegmund, Bessie Dell I'las ter. Mildred Claster, Mildred Gutman, 'Rosalind Preund, Mary Leone Preund, Clara Sneidinan, Annette Priedmnn, iMareaner Simnis, Jeanette Aronson, 'Marv Tausig, Minna Mayers, Ed warn Astrich, Herbert Kaufman, Joseph Kaufman, Edward Schleisner. Richard Bturbaum, Leonard Kapner, Harry Sieg mund, Herman Goldstein, William Goldstein, Harold Claster and Charles Seligman. Rowe-Wolf Wedding Marietta, March 11.—Miss Lena A. Wolf, of Eden township, and Karl P. Howe, of Paradise, were married vester day at the parsonage of St. Stephen's church, Lancaster, the Rev. Dr. R. Meister officiating, with the ring cere mony. The bride s father, Henry Wolf, was present. A reception followed. Makes Nerves Tingle With New Vitality Kellogg's Sanitone Wafers Fill Your Mind With Joy and Cheerfulness and Vitalize Now Vim and Vigor Into Your Body. 50 CENT BOX FREE. Get nerves like steel; bo clear-brained ! strong nnc value. Special for Friday at, for Friday at each Lndies' new Spring Waists—a tOc Sweeping Caps made of wonderfully varied line of new up- pritty neat figured lawns in Tan, to-date styles—usually sold else- Blue, Pink and Lavender lace where at #1.25 to $1.50. Special trimmed. Special for Friday at, for Friday at qq each, rj^ 25 Men's Tan Rubberized Rain T Madras in Blue, Pink and and Auto Coats—good for rain or ljav f uder Azures and stripes—for dust—light weight and comfortable me " s shirts or ladies' dresses and —goad values at #.>.00. Special for wa ~ tSl Special for Friday .it. per Prlday at $1.98 yard 9y a * EXTRAORDINARY—SIO.OOTor- Z®,' 00 Feather PiUows, guaranteed rington Adjustable Vacuum Sweeper °« or less and dustless, thoroughly —one of the best 011 the market sanitary—splendidly covered with the sweeper that really gets the dirt 8 ?° a ' t tickln K- Special for Friday —very special for Friday at ' each ' ••••/ $1.47 $6.50 _ —■ ~— Ladies Crepe Night Gowns, with oxl2 Body Brussels Rugs of the s ? w an ?, short sleeves—good newest dosigns and colorings—all ? ?'. wel made —all torchon perfect—only (t of these, excep- ®, , mmetl — four Good styles— tional values at #2O. Special for L e J^ arly t an valuo. Special for Friday at ' $13.95 Frtday at : each - 59* I New and up-to date patterns in a „ :IMc Lon «cloth Drawers, embroid high-grade satsen—all desirable f y primmed, al sizos —open and designs, for comforts, screen fillings, J? K !' y Special for Friday at, etc.—regularly 25c. Special for Fri- P p ' 29* day at, per yard IQa Small lot of s»c Brassieres, trim- Tapestry Couch Covers in the Sn^ci^ I 'f o r° newest verdure patterns—2 3 4 yds. ' y ' ' 29* j long and SO inches wide—worth _ i #B.OO. Special for Friday at Lot of Children's Leather Hand e-g £»q Bags, were 25c each. Special for jpj-.OCF Friday at, each 12^.* 15c Turkish Bath Towels, good . ... .. . weight and good size—full bleached necU ' ™ I° w rod hemmed for use. Special for ■ 1 reg l' lar V* Friday at, each, . . 11 vaiue " Special for Frltla y at - each . J 11* 59* 50c Embroidered Voiles, 40 in. , au ftt fTrmVT.; ssar s-r-*- Per yard 35* I"* 25c English Nainsook, soft fin- woftT °ca\e Wl Sifft('^l 00 for S °F P " isli, 40 inches wide, splendid cloth day, ' ;{ cakes for S fkL fcr fine undergarments and chil- s for 10* dreu's wear. Special for Friday at, T "7 ~ per yard, "1/I*4 Jergens transparent Violet Glycer i'*? ine Soap, regular price 10c per cake. 50c Mercerized Table Damask, 04 oilcakes Frl ' lay 3t 20* per box in. wide, full bleached—beautiful ' patterns. Special for Friday at, per Kewpie Post Cards, regularly 5c yard * Special for Friday at ... for L. W.COOK KAUMCK TO DISCUSS HOUSING | City Health Officer Is Gone to Attend i Conference in Pittsburgh Dr. John M. J. Ruuniek, City Health j Officer, went to Pittsburgh ia»e nifjht, j where to-day and to-morrow he is at tending the annual meeting of the J Housing and Town Planning Society, which was organized in Harrisiburg a year ago. Dr. Raunick is a director of the society and. although not slated among the thirt'en or more who will read papers dealing with housing con ditions, he expects to discuss local con ditions when the debate formally is staged, f The conference is being held in the Fort Pitt hotel. The Health Officer, before leaving the city last evening, said: "It must be admitted that housing conditions are bad here, but I think they are no worse than in other cities of Harrisburg's size." It is expected that a bill to relieve housing conditions in the cities will be drafted at the conference and submitted to tlip State Legislature. MTV .MAItsII RECITAL $ Seat Sale Predicts Large Crowd —In- teresting Program to Be Announced fl '' w Lucy Marsn, who comes to this city in song recital Thursday evening, j March IS, needs no introduction to Harritiburg music-lovers. Her career has long been an inspiration to both music pupil ami teacher, and to the great mass of Victrola owners her rec ords are easily the most popular. Miss Marsh is one of the most sat isfactory artists of the American Con cert Stage. Space will not permit of a list of her many concert engage-1 ments during the pass few years, but we venture to predict, however, thati those who ii«ar her lovely voice will be| unanimous in their declaration for a re turn engagement. Miss Marsh's contract with the Vic-1 tor Company prevents her reappearance in any city during a single season. So this one opportunity to her is made doubly attractive. Seats now on sale at the J. H. Troup Music House, 15 South Markert Square.—Adv. LAWYERS' PAPER BOOKS j Printed at this office in best style, at lowest prices and on short notice. Mrs/ Hannah Hopple The funeral of Mrs. Hannah who dieil yesterday morning at 1997 i North Seventh street, will be held fron* her late home Saturday afternoon at' 1.30 o'clock. The services will be io 1 charge of the Rev. Harvey Klaer, pas tor of Covenant Presbyterian church. Further services will be held at Cove nant church at 2.30 o'clock. Inter ment will be in the blast Harrisburg{ cemetery. This—and Five Cents! DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out thi* sjip, enclose tive cents to Foley & Co.* Chicago, 111., writing your namo and; Address clearly. You will receive in re turn a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills', for pain iu sides and back, rheumatism, backache, kidney and bladder ailments; and Foley Cpthnrtic Tnblets, a whole some and thbroughly cleansing ; cathartic, especially comforting to I stout persons. Geo. A. Gorgas, IS j North Third street.—Adv. ' Wolfe Corset Shop 404 North Second Street Corsets g. Made to Vw $5.00 wff and Upwards H IV \u j' Corsets I J 4 Ready to h J Wear TKIPI.k WIRE J STAYS $1.50 ""X""" UP 4R 0 j Our goods are J ' universally ad- j J mltted to be of superior style,, fit, finish and work- "(f manshlp. II j F Our Guarantee— jI jl If a new corset if a 1I u fl stay rusts or breaks within a .11! W year. ' y !| fl Fittings at your ■l[ J'| home by appoint- WITTY LI, inent. '